HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-4-16, Page 1w fi VOL • IV. The Molsoris Bank. (Chartered by Parliament, 1855.) Paid up Capital...... .... $2,000,000, Rest Fund .. 1,000,000, Head office Montreal. F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Esq., GENERAL MANAGER, Twenty:Branch offices in the Dominion Agencies in the Dolninion, U. S. and Europe J)en ever, lawful day from 10 a: m, to 3 p. m., Saturdays i.0 a, m. to 1 p. m Aenoral banking business transacted Four u r per cont. or annum allowed for money on Deposit Receipts. N. DYER HURDON Exeter, Jan 28, '88. Sub Manager THE Ozteter bu.OI.tat-e, Is published every Thursday Morning, at the Office, MAIN -STREET, - EXETER. By the SANDERS' PUBLISHING COMPANY. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Ono Dollar per annum, if paid in Advance:` Sl,ar) if not so paid, .Figtazxo5.ti zz.e-. =ate::: ors .A.ppl.tco.- tiers. No paper discontinudnni1 arrearages • paid.. Advertisements lout directions will be published till forbid and charged accordingly. Liberal discount made for transcient`'advertisements inserted for long periods. Every description of .1013 PRINTING turned out in tho finest es and at moderate rates. sbscrio tions; eto. ord- ers, &o, for advertising, P to be made payable to Sanders & Sweet PROPRIETORS Church Directory. .TRiVrTT MEMORIAL0r1TJRCH,-Rev, S. 2 Robinson; Rector, Sunday Services, 11 a. m and 7 p. m. Sabbath School, 2.30 p. m. METIIon1ST Cuumin--James-st, Rev. A. L. Russel., Pastor. Sunday Services,10.30 a, m. and 6.30 p.m. Sabbath School, 2 p. m. MAIN STREET -Rey. J. Wilson,630 . Pasm. tor. to Sun day Services, l0. 30 a.m. School 2.30 p, m. PRESBYTERIAN CIIURCH.-Rev. W. Martin, 6.30 Pastor. Sunday Services, 11 a.m. andp. m. Sabbath School, 9.15 a.m. Professional Cards. H.KINSMAN, L.D,S,Panson's Block ;two doors north of Carling Store, MAIN STREET, Ex1:T ER,extraC s teeth withont paint Away at Hensall o lt' "Frid'tip;Ailsa 3raigou.2ndano tli'Tsamodal.; d Zurich on last Thursday (C�•i 11.. INGRAM, DENTIST,Member Royal kJ. College Dental Surgeons, successor to R. L. Billings. Office over O'Nei1's Bank, Exeter, Ont. A safe anaesthetic given forthe painless extraction of teeth.Pl 'se se- cured firmly in the mouth by Yementent Valve o Lucan every Friday - B WRITELY, M. D.1 C. M., PHYSICIAN J• and Surgeon. Office and residence- Corner Victoria and Elgin streets, Goderich, Ontario. ▪ ..T. A. ROLLINS. OFFICE -MAIN ST. All Residence -Corner Andrew and North Streets, Exeter, Ontario. R• CROSRERY, Member Royal College r eons England; Licentiate Royal • Surgeons, . fiber College of Physicians, Edinburgh; bleu College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. Ofce, ditchell's old,stand, Crediton, Ont. . �. H. MOLBLLAN, EYE & EAR S RiiORa Graduate New York Eye and Ear HosOffice corta . y• es tested and glasseelbut lied. Mapla LONDON, - ONTARIO • DR. T.A.AMOS, M. D., C. M,Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons, rgen , Ontario; licentiate of the Royal College Physicians and Sturgeons Edinburgh; licen- tiate of the Faculty f Ph sicians Tri itya d ur- r- geons, Glasgow; rel College, Toronto. Office -Dr. Cowen's old stand. R. DAVID M. ST..EBLER, (US =� oIbtS o c ,of .Toronto,) Physician, Raving spent the winter of 1886-'87 in New York, and the winter of i887-'88 in Vienna Austria. OFFICE,' C1IE»ITON, ONT. H. COLLINS, BARRISTER, SOLICIT - R• OIL, Conveyancer, Notary Public. Office- Over Post. Office, Exeter, Ontario. Money to Loan. Ia DICKSON, BARRISTER,, SOLICITOR of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con- 7 yancer, Commissioner. &c. Money to loan �7, gee --1 anson's Block, Exeter. ▪ LLIOT & ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, • itors, Conveyancers, &c. ,Money to loan at 6 per cont. J, ELLIOT B. V.ELLIOT, • BROWN,Wincholsea. Licensed Auct- ioneer fortheCounties of Perth incl Middlesex, also for the township�, ofUsborne Sales aleSatlyattendeedottan.termscholsa ab1e.Sales arranged J. ROLL 'NS, late of Manitoba, Licens- ,A,yed Auctioneer, for the counties of Enr- on and Middlesex. Residence: 1 mile south of Exeter, Ont. Salo Orders by mail or other- wise promptly attended to at 'reasonable' prices. WHOLT, Rltiva,Ontario• Licensedauet- E ' • s of Middlesex . ioneer for the Coiintib and Lam bton, and tho.townships of Stephen and HayAll sales promptly attended to, BOSS N DRRI,1lonsall Ontario, Lie- -G ensed Auctioneer for the Countys of Huron and Perth. Charges moderato and satisfaction guaranteed. rRED. W. PARN0OM.B, Provincial Land Slrrvevor- and Civil. Engineer, Office, . Main sirbot P:toter Oris.' Over Past Office, bla x1 , L . HARDY, Licensocl Auctioneer' for the • Cailnty of Baron. � Sales _ . ('ib ndnetect on reasonable terms. Farrvl and Farm Steak n Specialty, Full. arrangements can bo Platte at this office. .111VttluoW 1l(; n nt cure for Ingrow- ing; ,�-.A 11±±tystivo rindrindperma 1e Nails• No pain. Sent post paid for t5e. taps or silver, Address, Mika, srser C Cd., Orirm k,,,osx, 13t ttli EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY APRIL 16, 1891. We have, and keep .constantly, one of the cleanest and best assoited stocks. of Drugs Patent Medicine , es *; ve shift,C rs' m ee�� Brushes, d,ll�9 �rushesy etca, illtown, which we sell at prices below any. Our stock of drugs is ,Uresil and \ire sell them � t them at fair prices as we are not niembers of any Druggist's Association. We clo not use the scheduled price of the Huron & Bruce Druggist's Association, 1 O,8 , reason- able �,ncl can therefore oiler drugs ��t fail a�lcl reason- able prices, We solicit W. E. COMM OUR Proprietor, Corner Drug Store. For Sale. .A. desirable residence in Exeter North, new frame house, one -fifths acre of land. The house was erected in 1888, Good terms to purchaser. Apply at this office. 145-t 1 1'TENSSALL MARKETS,. GRAIN. Fal] Wheat 95 to 66; Barley 44 to 48 Spring. " 95 to 96; Peas 64 to 65 Clover Seed -4.00 to 4.40; Oats 43 to 44 Timothy '6 1,35 to 1.40 FLoun, Strong Baker's 2.75;Straight Roller 2.20 Family 2.50; I Low Grade 1.50 Dran, shorts & chop. Butter and lard. Bran 80ets per cwt. Butter tubs - 13c. a lb Shorts 90c do " Rolls 14c. a lb Chop 1.00 do Lard 10c a lb Apples 1.00 to 1.25 per bag, Cabbage 50 to 60c. per dozen Onions 75 to 1.00 per bush. Pork 5,50 to 5.75 Bides 3.50 to 5.00 Tallow 60. per. lb I ,Sheep -skins 50 to 1.25 Salt 1.25 a barrel Wood 250 to 3.00 London Huron & BruceRailway Passenger Time Table. GOING NORTH. a m . p.m. London,dep't 8.05 4.25. LucaeCros'g 8.47 5.20, Clandeboye 8.2 528. Centralia 905 5.45, EXETER 9.16 5.57. 1Tensall 9.28 6.09 Kippen 9 34 8.17. Bruccfielcl 9.42 6.20. Clinton 10.00 6.45. Londesboro' 10.19-7X3. Blyth 10.28 7.12, Belgrave 10.12 7.27. Wingham . 11.00 7.45. GOING SOUTH. a.m. p.m. Win gham 7.05 240. Belgrave 7.24 4.00. Blyth_,7.38 4.15. Londesoro' 7,47 4.25. Clinton ' 8.07, 4.45. Drucefield 8.26 5,04. ICippen 8.34 5.12. TTensall 8.41 5,19. EXETER 8.51 5.33. Centralia 9,09 5.45. Clandeboye 9.18 5.56. Lucan Cros'g9.24 6.02. London a,rr 10 1.5 845. EXETER MARKETS. Wheat per bushel. • $1.00 to 1.03 Barley..,.,, . 5 to 48 Oats .. 55 to 55 Peas .-,. ,,, 70 to 7k Ducks per pair 50 to 65 Geese , • 5 to 50 Turkeys , 7 to 9 Butter ...... 10 to 14 Eggs •,•, 20 to 21 Potatoes per bus .. 50 to 70 Hay per ton , . , 5.00 to 6.00 Pork per 100 • 5.15 to 5.25 Clover Seed 4.00 to 4.25 Timothy Seed 1.00 to 1.35 .A SPRAIN or BRUISE Should be wrapped with a linen cloth wet with Clark's Lightning Liniment. The pain will leave instantly, and the swelling rapidly subside. Nothing. known to medical science will afford such speedy relief and cure, and there is uo other remedy that gives the suf- ferer such quick satisfaction. Where once used -always used. Order from your druggists, There is only one Clark's Lightning Liniment: price fifty cents. Clark Chemical Co., Toronto, Ne v York. Betheseda. Mr. John Blatchford sold a fine three year old mare to Mr. T. Berry, of Hen-, sail: week. -1111•. Peter Moir is the first toastart ploughing this season. - Mr, McDougal has had to pack up and leave his house, the owner having turned him out, We sympathize with Mr. McDougal for the way he was used; -The rumor is going around that a young gentleman has been paying his attentions of late to a young lady of Exeter, and it is begin- ning to get serious as the tenant liv- ing in his house had to leave on two days warning. The people are hurry ing to get in a good cargo of soap be fore the wedding. We wish them much pleasure and great success in their undertaking. Greenway. Rev J. A. Ferguson and wife, of OilSprings, with W. H. Taylor and 'wife, of McGillivray, yisited a number of their friends here last week, -Mr. Chas Holm sold a valuable young horse last Friday, --Mrs, Jane Aitkenhas rented a house anti lot of Jas. T. Wilson in this village, She expects to move in this week. --Our roads have dried up so that they are passable. --A number l of our farmers have cornneneed plow. ing T? • in, -'Y7re fall wheat hags wintered much better than a ntnnber of our farmers eep to . Itis looking quite green, --Mr:, Robt, .English visited 'Lon- don last week, --A number of our cid- :ions are talking, of attending the High School commencement next Friday, 17th' inst.- •Messrs, Geiger and Wing,, Geiger Wing, of 71111011, have commenced heurtng wells. They are drilling another for 'i0,T, J. Wilson this, yeelt Brewster. Sucker fishing is the order of the nigh% now. Mr. Hartman had a broad smile on his face` 011 Sunday last, 110 wonder, its a boy, . The Patrons of Industry held a liter- ary entertainment on Tuesday even- ing last. Mr. C. Cnrts, of Parkhill, was visit ing his brother Mr. J. Curts during part of last wee.:. Wonder what happened to the AD,vo OATH last week, it never put iu an ap- pearance at Brewster. jl6We are pleased to see Mrs. A. Arm- strong is able to be around again after her late severe illness, Crediton. Mrs. W. Baines is at present very low. Mrs. Bing is at present yisiting her daughter at Brussls. Mr. John Salter, who has been ill for the past week, is again recovering. 'Miss Lizzie Lamport, of Detroit, is at present visiting at her fathers, Mr. Janes Lamport. • Mr. Samuel Essery and Mr. 'Levi, Stahls have lately been purchasing some thorough bred stock. A very hem -Yr thunder stop ni',passed over this vicinity on Friday'last, mak- ing everything look fresh and green, and calling the buds and flowers from out of their winter tied. Whalen. Sugar Making has been all . the go for some time•but the season is about closed. -We are sorry to learn that the school teacher of S. S. No. 12, is con- fined to the house and not able to at- tend to his duties owing to a severe sore throat. We hope to soon hear of his recovery. -4 large white owl has yisited this neighborhood and a num- ber: of the feathered creatures have be-, eome his prey. No less than six chick- ens taken from one person. -Mr. Thom- as Morkin, of this place, will leave shortly for the North-West territory. - The farmers have commenced plowing and are busily engaged making , prop arations for seeding,-Jermlalr Hawk- ins was the guest of Mr. Iehoes a cou- ple of days last week. Biddulph Council, The Council met pursuant to adjourn- ment. The Reeve and all the members' present. Orders to the amount of $14 was paid. By-law No. 4, of 1891 ap- pointing Pathtnasters, Fence -viewers and Pound keepers was duly ` passed, The Rev, John Campbell was heard be- fore the Council -with regard to a ditch on the highway opposite Frazer Church eon. 3. Referred to Commisioner, A. H. Hodgins with power. Mr• John ,Little complained that his cellar was flooded in consequence of a defective ditch on the highway, referred to Councillor Beatson with power. The sum of $2,- 000 was appropriated for the ordinary repairs to roads for the present year. The council adjourned to meet, in the. Township Council Chamber and Town Hall, Lucan, Monday, May the 4th,1891 at J a, m W. D. STANLEY, Clerk. biddulph, Mr. Beverly, Dia inity Student of Huron College, will (1). V.) conduct Divine Service and preach in St, Pat- rick's church (Episcopal) on Sunday afternoon at 2.30 p. nt -Mr. Chas At- kinson, of Palmerston, who has been the guest of Mr. Jas. Atkinson, of this line, returned home on Tucsdaylast.- Miss Lizzie McF{{'ills who has been on the sick list for the past week is slowly recovering;-- Mr. ,1±,d. Prout who has been visiting his sister for the past few weeks went to the States otl 'I`ttesday is } 1<•tst,- `til i L ,,s Hamilton OILS school teacher has returned home from attending her sister's wedding, --Mr. ?4101 -shall Atkin- son and ladypaid Brinsley 5m„ a flying 3 visit one day last `peek, -On Thursday night last € r ry interesting g t c s party took place at the residence of Mi•. Chas Hed- ging of this concession, Music Wished by Mr..Ilodgins and Corbett and ars the wee gout Hours wetit b Y all r0- tuinr,clhomc, well satisfied with the eVolung•'satnusnrnents. NO. 202 Usborno. The fall wheat is looking well all over the township, Mr, Geo. Armstrong has the cellar dug preparatory to erecting a' new house. Farquhar merchants report business brisk notwithstanding the competition of several pediers• Mr. Robt. Gibson, who has been con- fined to his bed fur the greater part of the winter, is able to be around again. All of the harmers of this'. vicinity marketed their grain in ,Exeter this year, who formerly took it to St. Marys. Mr. Geo. Monteith has sold his fat cat - Ile to a buyer of St. Marys, having re- alized five auFa.half cents per pound alloi;'ing no shrinkage. ` Mr. Thos. RRsseii, of the Riverside Farm, purcha',aed a bull from a gentle man in the neighborhood of Port Perry, It is the beset that has ever been brought into the township. Oeutralia .lir, Robt. Lutcel is still on the side list. -We have a few so called men in our town noted for their aptness to do almost anything to carry out a joke on others, aria the meaus they will resort to, and untruthful articles they will manufacture entirely without' founda-. tion in order to :,omplete their slander on their t ictim •is considerable out of place and not called for. Their great est delight'seems to be to bring some person before: the eyes of the peop'e through the medium of the press, and there declare the guilt resting upon him though not in truth Whether it is to show their aptness in composing such articles -or not we do not know; but we can assure this, that the guilty parties had better not be quite so fa• miliar in publishing names as they have been the past two weeks, or their noted abilities will come before the public for something more than re- porting the Centralia news:. Their names are familiar to us all, and we expect more from men of their stand ing-at least wee'"expect more truth. -- John deserve; credit for stopping the runaway heQ�Se: -Business is looking ttp in 'tliisptac . ' " `` Brucefield. M1. D.' J. Tomlinson and Mr. Cook, of Varna, visited Exeter on Thursday last. Remember the Lime Light views of "Paris" in Royal Templars Hall, Thurs- day night. Mr. Jno. Rose, son of the late Thos. Rose, has been appointed G. T. R., sta- tion agent here. Mr. Wm. Kaiser leaves for Brandon, Man., Tuesday, April 15. He takes a car of stock. Mr. A. Davidson and A• Dinuey were engaged in taking census at Khiva and Zurich last week. Mr. Joe Attwood, Relief Agent G. T. R., wdo has been here for a few weeks left for Dublin Thursday, Mr. Moses Dixon leaves for Port Hur• on. Wednesday,: taking with him the celebrated young horse Ginn. Gourley The Spring Shew held here Tuesday April•l4ch, was largely attended, but owing; to the rain which fell in the af- ternoon the crowd was not as large as usual. The horse show was • the best held here for many years. Hay Council Meeting. The council met pursuant to adjourn- ment on Saturday, April 11, 1891. All the members present. The following changes were made in the Pathmasters' list: Div. 85, Samuel Hurneston; Div 51, J. Swatzentreuber; 49A, G. Grabiel. In reference to change of school boundaries. owing to a counter petition being received to take lots 11 to 15 in• elusive in the I, 'II, III, and IV conces- sions from S. S•. No. 2, and'coinbine them with Lots 16 to 18 in the first con; and lots 16 to 20 inclusive in the III, IV and V cons. from S. S. No. 10, to form a new section, it was decided to Ieave the mat- ter over until thb next meeting of the Council. All parties cone. reed will therefore govern themselves according, ly. The public will please bear in mind that the damage done owing to ob- structions on the public highway shall be recovered from the owners of such obstructions. Contracts for -gravelling the Centre', Road were awarded as follows: - Div, 1, Robert ,l• Carlisle G 55c, per yd. �9 n 3 Div. 2, James Green O J5 cts per yrs. Div. 3, John Sheutiler d, 58 as per yd. The followin gaccounts were ordered obi,etad,T. t i t'J3artuibfor g • I,gat*el and b damage to fiield 87,45; Chas, Greb,.tar boring indigent, Theta; J. White and b indigent, Son, advertising $1; Geiger and Klopp 91 loads of gravel, $6,87; J. A. Williams and Co., flour for indigent, $8.25. Il. Randall, one mouths' care of Mr. Curs ray, $15; John Leslie goods for indig- ent, $4; John Baker, covering bridge on XII con, $1.50; The council ad- journed to tneet again on Saturday, April the 25th, SAM 3. L&T'rA, Clerk, Misunderstand. ,il$a l)raig, "W calton's News Budget." Rev, W. Birks spent Sunday in St. Marys. Miss Heath, of Brantford, is in town on a visit. "Fancy" Dan. Stewart,of Londen,was in town Monday Will Shipley was in Hamilton on business trip, 1 riday last, ,Will McKay has been been appointed to preach during the summer at Day Mills. Jack •Tibeando, of Wiarton, blow into town en Monday to pay its his annual visit. Billy Shipley, cattle buyer,from Lon .don, is here nn a visit among his ' old friends. • Miss Mary Stevenson of Shipka Was the guest of her brother, Sir. IJ. Steyen- son,on Sunday last. Rev. Mr. Hendricks, of Lucan, oc- cupied the pulpit at the Methodist Church on Sunday last. Mrs.: W Barclay intends leaving here this week for 'Vancouver, B. C., to join her husbitnda who has gone into business in that Western city. Jno. Anderson, carriage builder, who has been in Mitchell, for the past - two months returned on Saturday last to accept a position with Alexander Bios, Messrs. Robinson & Stewart,butchers, have removed their business to Rossers old Hardware store thereby making it more central and convenient for the people in the west end, Ronald Currie, of the Royal Hotel, Parkhill, was in town on Friday last, and while here he entertained the boys by playing a few selections of Seotlands finest music on the bagpipes. Quite a number of our citizens were in Lucan attending the spring show, on Monday last. • Four lines the com- ing smasher secured first prize, and Amber F. secured a red ticket in his class. The rapid rise in the price of wheat on the Ailsa Craig. market this past week is bringing the farmers in from all directions with their surplus gain and consequently making the mer chants feel as if a sodden boom had `struck our town, at time of writing wheat is 1.12 and still going up_. The Sugar Refinery Co., will hold a meeting at thra Presidents office on Thursday evening (to night) to make arrangements about the issuing of bonds, securing a site for the proposed building and appointing directors - for the coming year. For further particu- lars apply to Messrs Reid, Walker, Atkinson, Hutchinson, Morgan or Ma- yor Rosser. Rev. P. P. Carey preached an elo- quent and powerful sermon on "amuse- ments" last Sunday morning at the Baptist church. He expressed his views on dancing, gambling, theatre going, and checker playing in a clear and for- cible style, showing that by following these amusements to excess that our minds gradually drifted from. spiritual things to worldly desires and finally tc everlasting ruin and peridittou,' On April 26tH he purposes speaking on, Temperance from a bible stand point, Mr D. W. Campbell, late of the Mc- Gill University Montreal gave a Lime Light exhibition, of that wonderful city Paris, with its . magnificient and historic palaces, museums, cathedrals, churches, pictures, sculpture, curiosi- ties, streets, avenues, boulevardslparks squares, monuments, columns and ruins, in short, all the great sights of a city that has no equal in the world, were shown in the. most realistic man- ner by means of fine artistically col- oured views at the Methodist church on Tuesday evening, April 14th, the, church was crowded to its fullest capa- city.and every body appeared to be well pleased with the exhibition, it was undoubtfully the best:of its kind ever shown here. Our news agent is on the lookout for some member of the codfish aristocracy which resides in the east end of our prosperous village at present. It ap. pears that some one of that class, who for the want of something more profit- able and interesting to engross their precious moments have lately been in the habit of watching every moyement he made while on his rounds in that section of the town, but not being sat - laded with doing a little sentinZ work they had the audacity and effrontery to keep a record of the number of times he halted at a certain corner and the amount ;of valuable time he expended each time ho stopped, this kind of busi- ness might appear clever to an infer mer or to that species of the human family which invest every small vill- age or town, and whose cx.ista,tice is to determent to any place, namely the local gossiper°. But we would venture to say that the lowest, basest, and most sordid detective in America would scorn to be guilty of such v contempt- ible ontemptible and mean a tricic,ancl ftirther we would advise+this party to open ' tip their bible and dissect. Galatians VI•I, and if they fail to gigs . the meaning 5 e, P r of this beautiful verse as the Apostle Paul intended it should be understood, why collar the news agent and he will explainpit to oft itr matinee that it y' a na r at 1 would be impossible for a heathen 10 The Ribbert Spring Show, The Spring Show of the Hibbert A.gs ricultural Society was held at Stain'. on, Wednesday. The weather was • very pleasant, and the roads fair; but there. was not a very large attendance of spectators. The fotlowixfg is a list of the successful conlpetitors:' HORSES. --imported Heavy Draught --1st Thos. Colquhoun's ';Pskcrtield ," 2nd, Geo, Martin's "Pride of Glasnic•,". 3rd, ,los, Brooks' "His Lordship, Oa • riadian Heavy Draught, three years' and 07) er-7.st, Lenard 13111tsou's "Far- mers Friend;" 2nd, Roderick Kennedy's "young Glyns." Canadian Draught, two cat's,-lst, \Vm, Vipond ;s "Rock;"` 2nd, Thos. Mahaffy's "Young McMas- ter." Blood, aged, -1st, James Berry's "Edinburg ;"-2nd, Armstrong & Ten- ant's "Beek Maker," Two years old,-- ist, Robt. Barbour's "Gold Bird;" 2nd, Jas. Berry's "Proctor Nott. Bueos -Aged Dut•ha:nl,-John Me- Connell's "Fashion Duk." Two years. old, -F. 11 Halnliltoe'5 "Lord Statf'ord. Yearlings,•--1st John McConnell's "Western Hero;" 2nd Alex. 'Ro-y's- 1 hing of the ileetim " JUDciEs•-Leonard Hunter and Don- ald McInnes, Usborne, Dashwood, The weather for the past few days has been very disagreeable: -Delegat- es of the Patrons of Industry were ne-• gotiating with the merchants in town,, for the establishment of a store,. en Saturday last but met with the' same results as they did on previous: Occasions. After the usual 'congratu- lations of our merchants the two lead- ers proceeded to Exeter to consult the merchants of that village. How they fared we are not prepared to say at present. -Mrs. Freed visited friends in• Zurich on Saturday last. -Mr. Brown,. of Crediton, preached a very interess- ing sermon to the congregation of the Methodist church on. Sunday morning - last. -Chas. Liudenfield has taken the responsibility upon himself of looking• after that part of the dress makers shop,,. occupied by Miss Bennie. We viish him every success in his new underta�k ing.-A' number of our young men were out•.the other evening spearing. suckers: Their success was riot overly. -good.-The correspondent in +last week's contribution endeavoured, to sit on your correspondent for mak- ing use of the word "Sow cop", which. is too shocking for the grammatical ideas of this euphuistic critic. Probab- ly our friend never heard of allusions or phrases of this kind used, therefore, it is excusable for hint giving vent to, his view of the use of such words. Em- inent writers have so used such allus- ions without being eritized by such, "literary talented men". In trying to. expose your correspondent' he inserts the name °"Charlie' but in this at- tempt he is wide ori the mark. Better , enquire into the matter more thor oughly before making - such wild ' as• sertious. But we are all pretty well. aware who the Times correspondent bi,_ at least we would judge that -he is a man, when in 'his infancy must have been crackled in the arms of a christ- ian mother, and we would judge that the benediction of a pious father has rested upon him through life; and we would further suppose that the advant- ages and privileges of education has been his to enjoy through; life and that he is today holding a very high, 11011-- orable and responsible position in train- ing the youth of our land in seatular• knowledge as well as that pertaining to a higher nature.; We hope, how- ever, that his better nature, if such . he has will retain I1im from further r:e- sponces in the writings of one so ignor• ant and illiterate as he has insinuated the ADVOCATE correspondent is, B1111`,T11S. KYDD,-In Hay, on the 9th inst., the - wife - of Jonathan Kydd, of , a;, daughter. JEAT1Y'8•1. PARSONS. -In Exeter, on the 12th inst., William Parsons, aged. '77 years and C, months. GIDLEY.-In Woodstocir,on the 14 inst.., Frank Gidle3'! aged y :ed 28 years and 8 months, Between census takers 'tssessols, the 'handy mucilage' agents, and a corn doctor•,our village has been thor- oughly canvassed this week. Mr. Jas. 1'lti n 1 c V C lad. a raising one day last week. Mr, Win, Oke was the. framer, and the timber IVelt,� t0„ Cth;r splendid, There wits no racing and consegttently no one was injured, I General f Booth, I3 of of. the t te. Salva�, r , tkff7l. Army, who is very ill, should now be called to his reward, he would ha VC: thtlrob ss i, p d at sfactiori of knowing, leo- shelter proposition would get a fair trial. At lastest acconnts the fund amounted to 5.50,000. Wlren the Gen- eral a eral started :the movement he asked tor a fund of $500,000.