HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-3-29, Page 8.+t) 1!EAU i.RA RER'S
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[llit`PilIl'. T PARTING
Tb 15.
School Supplies
Do you want a good silk dress? Try
the Big Banxrupt store,
The \Iain. Street Methodist Church is
holding revival services at present.
Look for the change of"ad" of John
Grigg and James Grieve in this issue.
Mens' and Boys' Felt and Fur Hats
rare value at the Big Bankrupt store,
The local option by •law was defeat-
ed in Tilsonbury on Friday last by a'
majority of 41.
Thelargest, cheapest and best stock.
of carpets and curtains in town at the
Big Bankrupt store.
Insure in the Temperance and Gen-
eral Insurance Co., of Toronto. ED
BISSETT, local agent.—May 29-90.
An Inactive or Torpid Liver must
be aroused and all bad bile remoyed.
Burdock Pills are best for old or
Mn J. II. Landes, of Pennsylvania,
-shipped eighteen fine:general purpose
horses for the American markets, on
Tuesday last.
Remember that the Big Bankrupt
•sure is the Greatest Dress Goods House
in Western Ontario.
There is danger in impure blood.
There is safety in taking Hood's Sar-
saparilla, the a reat blood purifier. 100
doses one dollar.
Services will be conducted in the
Trivitt ivlemorial Church, on Good Fri-
day morning at 11 o'clock,. a. in. and
in the evening at 7 p. m.
Some Symptoms of Worms are:—
Fever, colic. variable appetite, restless-
ness, weakness and convulsions. The
unfailing remedy is Dr. Low's Worm
Commencing on the lst prom., the
rate on parcels passing both ways be-
tween all parts of Canada and New-
foundland will be reduced to 15 ets. per
We notice that our agents are very
busily engaged in getting their ma•
chines in working order, and before
'long the farmers may expect to have a
call from them.
Mr. Alex Colquhon, of Douglas, Man.
formerly of this place purchased in this
vicinity a carload of choice horses, 16
in number, which he shipped for the
above named point on Thursday last.
The world consists principally of two
classes—those who deceive and those
who are deceived. It is more advent
ageous to belong to the former but
much more decent to belong the latter.
ra'The Spring Millinery opening at
Miss Horne's will take place on Friday
and Saturday, April 3rd and 4th.
Everybody invited to inspect my: large
Stock. Stand, one door north of my old
A social and musical entertainment
under the auspices of the T. P. C. E.
Society of Janes Street Meth. Church,
will be given to -morrow evening (Good
Friday). Doors ,;opened 6.30. All in-
The Biggest STOCK of
Ready -Made Clothing and
Boots & Shoes in the County
is at E. J Spackman & Co,
There is a great deal of sickness
throughout the village at present, A
large number are suffering from in-
fluenza and La Grippe, while a few
cases of scarlet fever are reported,
Nothing serious has happened, but if
it continues no doubt our quiet bur;
will be in a great uproar.
Mr. Thomas Bissett and James West-
cott, who have been spending the win.
to here, left on Monday morning, last
for their respective farms m Manitoba
The former for Clearwater and the lat-
ter for TSougia.s. Mr, \Vestcott took
with him a number of household ute,n
sits. Ilan family will follow about the
2nd of next month
John Turner, t;, St, Louis, has postal
a forfeit of $200' -with the, Poston Giobe
for a challenge race with Edward Hell-
ion, of Toronto, Ile chailanges Ned for
a, settling race for $1,000 a side, the
race to be rowed on May 30th" at the
Point of Pines, near Boston, or any
other course Hanlon may select, dist
fence, to be three miles and a turn, the
challenge to remain open ten da,ys,,a d
if Hanlon does not accept, the s<inle is
open to Ga,wdattr ot• O'Connor,
Do you want a,suit far yolk boy? Go
a, B.
to the 13a�, Bankrupt score. They have
some grand values
The Exeter Milling. Company, ow
ing to the large increase in business,
itltend having their mill running both
day and night for soiuu tilne.
Mrs. Spicer will have her spring mil -
finery opening on Friday andSatur-
day the 3 •c and 4 h April. .
i t c t of A. Airs
Spicer has a lar„e assortment of all the
newest designs in i\lilliuerc,•, Ladies
dont forget to call.
The Amoral sermon of the late Eliza-
beth Latnbrook was preached in the
Triyitt Memorial Church on Sunday
last by the Rev. S. F. Robinsou, IIS;
took fpr his text, "Childhood and youth
are vanity;"—Ecclesiastes, latter part
of x Terse, XI chip
Mrs. Geo. Bissett wits'the recipient of
a beautiful butter dish yesterday,
which was awarded her by the pub
Ushers of the Toronto Truth. She hav-
ing taken part in the contest of find -
hid where the words "Frost" and
.Snow" first appear in the.Bible,
Our Fire engine is again in working
corder, which is more than could have
been said a few weeks ago It has
passed through the hands of a mechan-
ic, who we think, is second to none in
Ontario, and which assertion is easily
proved by taping into .consideration
the mechanical skill and ability dis-
played in the repairing of this once
useless engine, a,td for which heshould
be highly remunerated. The engine is
now fit for any future emergency, and
as good as ever.,
The fortyeighth of the famous boat
races between the crews of Axford and
Cambridge Universities, London, Eng.,
was decided on Saturday morning
March 21st. It was won by a quarter
of a length by Oxford.. The Oxford
and -Cambridge crews made their first
appearance upon the Thames this year
on March 3rd. Of the 47 races rowed
previous to the one decided to -day, Ox-
ford has won 24 and Cambridge 23.
The English record for. the Putney
course is 19 minutes 35 seconds, made
by Cambridge in 1873.
Mr. Wm Sweet returned here again
on Friday morning last. During his
absence he visited Detroit, where he
was stricken with a severe attack of
"la grippe; but not thinking it in any
way serious he continued his journey
as far as Iowa, and was there confined
to the residence of Mr. Joshua Miller,
formerly a resident of this place. He
did not feel satisfied with his medical
adviser and returned as above stated.
From all appearances he is progressing.
favorably, but it will be some time be
fore he will be fully restored to his us-
ual health.
John T. Wescott, of Exeter, writes
under date 21st:—Having noticed 'Mr.
Isaac Wallace's challenge in the Free
Press of to:day: challenging to saw a
cord of wood against any man in- the,
world, I accept the challenge on these
conditions:—To'saw a cord of dry, hard
maple wood each for $50 a side, the
match to take place on the first day of
April next, at the Central Hotel, Exet
er, each party to handle his own wood.
the money to be put up into any re-
sponsible party's hands, each party to
choose a judge, and they'choose a
third party if necessary.:—Free Press.
Chicago is in the grasp of the grip.
Five hundred men `employed on the
West Side street car system are laid
off With the epidemic: The South Side
Company has 125 men on the sick list
The North Side Company has 75 men
out, while many of those at work are
suffering from the disease in a mild
form. The down town stores are hav-
a like experience. In one store em
ploying 150 clerks 40 are sick. Ten
per cent of the police force arelaid off
and 50 men in the fire department are
laid off Fifty two of 180 mail carriers
ate'suffering• from the disease. All
the hospitais are overcrowded. There
are large numbers of grip sufferers in
hotels and private houses all over the
city, aha doctors are kept busy night
and day.
The following is the correct number
of postage stamps disposed of at Exeter
Post Office during last week, and from
whichthe postmaster's salary for the
ensuing year is averaged on:—
Letters Cards Miseellanous
Sunday 40 12 .3
Monday 298 56 28
Tuesday 185 66 34
Wednesday 145 69 14
Thursday 212 45 17
Friday 176 69 40
Saturday 200 75 15
1256 392 151
Registered letters 82; Free 42.
The 'aggregate of stamps disposed , of
and destroyed at this office amounted to
$46.63, the largest amount since tit'
establishment of the post office in Exet-
The verdict has at last gone forth
from the hospital that the Koch lymph
is a most disappointing failure. The
alleged remedy for tuberculosis has
been given a careful scientific trial; for
the past three months, and while at
times it seemed to accornplishf all that
was claimed for it when first .given to
the world, the final results have dis-
pelled all doubts in regard to its sup
posed curative qualities. Of the pati-
ents who have been admitted to the
hospitals one has died, two has hem
potarily recovered sufficiently to leave
the, institution, and the balance, about
20 in number, are hopelessly drifting
to the grayer '1 he best that can be
said of the lymph is that it temporarily
1 p 5
alleviates mild cases of tuberculosis,
but to permanently benefit an advan-
ced case it signally fails The hospital
authorities are, however, hopeful, that
some great discovery will really follow
what has been done, and in that way
1)r. Koch will have conferred a great
benefit en Mankind.
In the Easter Number a';ff the New
'orl: lseth'1 ,, Issued Aiarc1h 21, Mrs.
Atarels t li trrstai'ts `,A Sister to lastltt,'
a Scotch aerial, Mrs Francis ' 1"lodnson
Burnett c,ontrihutes'`Eight Little1>1111
US." Geo. Bancroft, 1)r,`1 t lix Oswald,
Nilson (10 'qua, Amy Pandolpli, Jean.
Kate Ludlum, Anna Shields and Helen
AI. North also emit ibute.
a Frilly and Easter services
in the Trivitt Memorial Church will
of special interest this season. On Good
Friday there will be two services at 11
a. Tn. and 7 p. m. The regular services
of. the Church of England consisting of
Special Lessons, Psalms, Hymns and
the' Collects for theday i=ill be taken.,
Short sermon at each service and offer-
tory in aid of the London Society for
the. Conversion of the Jews. On Easter
day the full choir will render at the
morning service the ` hymns, "Awake
glad soul "Welcome happy morning"
and "Alleluia". The proper Easter
Anthem, "Christ our Passover", will be
sung instead of \Tri.Nrrai, Psalms for
the morning are the II, LVII and CM.
Athanasian Creed and proper .Preface
in Communion service. For Evening
service the Psalms are the C.III
CXIV and CXVIII. The hymns will
be "Blow ye the Trumpet",'•Jesus lives"
and "Einmanuel's Land Special of-
fertory on Easter day for musical ex
penses of the church: Holy Commun
ion at 8 a. iu. and, 11 p, in., and child-
rens' service at 3 p m.
Never too late to mend: 5000 pairs of
boots and shoes that need repairing to
be left at the leading boot and shoe
store next door to the post office. G.
Shooting :notch.
A Shooting match will take place un-
der the auspices of the Exeter Gun
Club, on Friday neat, (Good Friday),
commencing at 2 o'clock. A. Gold med-
al will be contested for. After which
there is likely to be a sweepstake
Remember E. J. Spaek-
iman & Co, «ill, have one of
the Biggest displays of Mil-
linery at their opening on
Friday and Saturday, April
3rd and 4th.
Abundant evidence has already ac-
cumlated'to unseat; if not disqualify,
Mr. Trow and Mr. Grieves, as members
for the Commons in the two Perths.
Protests will bo entered in due ,time,.
and the charges will be, bribery, in-
timidation, and paying expenses of
voters The most corrupt and disgrace-
fulschemes were practised to carry the
Ridings,and the courts will unearth a
system of grossest corruption. Conserv-
atives should keep their organizations
well up, as both constituencies will cer-
tainly be open before many months.-
Mitchell Advocate: -
sick List
Mrs. Thos. Pollard is very seriously
ill at present with an attack of pleuri-
sy, she being an aged person little hop
es of her recovery are anticipated: -Mr
Henry Kerslake is also very ill and
confined to This bed. --Mr. John Sweet
was taken witha violent spell of vom-
iting on Tuesday. Medical aid was
summoned, and the patient, who has
been ill for some time, is not recovering
very speedily.—Mr. Thomas Ching, of
Hay Township, who has been ailing
for -some time, is not expected to re-
cover. His medical advisers have giv-
en up all hope, and his' last moments
of this life are and
A Great SpeUin= it,Tatcie.
The greatest spelling match on re-
cord is that offered by Our Homes,Pub-
lishing Co., in which they will award
the following magnificent Oasis PRIZES
-One prize of $300; one prize of $200;
two prizes of $100, four: prizes of $50;.
eight prizes of $25, twenty prizes of
$10; forty prizes of $5; one hundred"
prizes of $2; and two hundred of $1.
These prizes will be awarded to the
persons sending in the largest number
of, correctly spelled words" found in the
advertising pages of the February
utunber of Our Homes, in which no let-
ters occur but those found in the sen
fence. "Oar Home isUnrivalled
Ot 1 is a
Horne lllagazine Special cash prizes
will be given .away e'tcli day and each.
week during this competition, which
closes April 25th 1891. Send 10 cents
in stamps or silver, for a sample copy of
the February number, with rules and
regulations governing the competitionAddress Oun Hos Pus. Co., Brock-
ville, Ont.
Fireman's Conceit.
The conceit which was given under
the auspices of the Exeter Fire Compan
res,1 ti eve'g; last was not as well attend'
ed as it should have been,the committee
only receiving enough to nicely clear
expenses Dr. Rollins occupied the
chair for the evening, and announc"d
the next feature in his usual gentle-
manly manner, and all were delighted
with the performance ofthevariouspart,
ies whose names appeared'011 the pro-
gram. The singing, especially that of
Mi. Wm. Shane, was of a Very high or
der, a number of enehores to which be
willingly responded,were received with
much applause, and as a comedian.
we thinl. there a,re few better. Our
local vocalists likewise did' credit to
themselves,' and deserve much credit,.
The principni feature of the evening
were the speeches from the Black -vitro
Piro Company, and the m t„uificent
fire scene which they gave at the close
of the entertainment,; bringing forth
roars of laughter from the audience for
the awkward manner in which thc;y
conducted themselves,' The committee
deserves credit for the management
throughout, and aithoitgh it was not a
success financially, tntteh praise is due
them for the way in which they work•
eel it up, Proceeds amouna;ed to about
Curk.0 d. 1,�11141UIeI•V Op�>it:'iig.
at E•. QU, pkluua,u 4!(v aJ i)%frg
Sa'ixl.�r a it s .illocl., Exeter, 04
Friday , and Satuaa cl.s , April
3rd' mid 4411.
1b' 8u`
(min ;yoga 2o5' a V. 'l .
Wo will give to the first person. tel
ling us sclero Juno 1st, 18J1, where in
the Bible b , t e word old
"wire is first
found, $1,0000 in gold. To the next
f50,00,* To the third, $25,00, To the
fourth, $20.00. To the fifth, $15.00.
To the sixth, 510.00. I'o the next 25,
$5 each: To the -nett 25, $2 each, To
the person sending in the last correct
answer, we will give $100 in gold: To
the next to the last, $50, and so on
same as` from the first. \With your
answer. send 25ets. in silver, welt wrap-
ped, or Post Office Money Order or
Script, for a box of Dr. Cole's Blood
and Liver Pills, the best I31ood, Liver,
and Stomach Pills ever made; Sure
cure for sick • headache. Don't Gripe.
Ruunntnnn the presents are absolutely.
free, being given away to advertise
Dr. Cole's 'Perfect Pills and Family
Remedies. At the close of the contest
the names and addresses of all the
prize whiners will appal' ittUIS'paper.
We refer you to the Traders Bank of
Orilha. Send at once and be first.
Address, Home Specific Co. Oi'illis, Ont.
SOpthmoron Spr'init l5how.
At a meeting of the Directors of the
South Huron Agricultural Society held
at Hensall on Wednesday of last week:,
it was decided to hold the annual
Spring Show for the exhibition of en-
tice stock at Brueefield on Tuesday,
April 14th. A liberal list of prizes
will be given, and a diploma for the
best animal in each class. Hitherto
the gate fee has been 25 cents, but the
directors have decided to reduce it this
year to 15 cents. This is a chance
Which will, no doubt, be appreciated
by the public, and should bring out a
much increased attendance. 'There
will, also, as last year, bo a grand par-
ade of all the prize animals, and the
show promises to be the most attract-
ive that has yet been held. We under-
stand that the Exeter spring show will
be held on the 15th, the following day,
and at Crediton on the 16th,; the day
after Exeter. -At the same meeting it
was arranged to hold the. next fall fair
at Exeter, in connection with the Step-
hen and Usborne Branch, 'the Branch.
agreeing; t, contribute the sum' of $800
and the Riding Society to give a prize
list of $1;300.'
12 6ES .A: ds ofltest monis 1. No.
r L ands o
purge. No suppository. Sent post paid or 27
cents in stamps. Address,
13t -tat Mame Specific Co. Orillia Ont
ARE NOT a Pur-
gative Medi-
cine. They are a
TONIO and >BRuoN-
supply in a condensed
form the substances
actually needed to en-
rich the Blood, curing
all diseases coming
from Pools and "AT-
nr BLOOD,or from
the BLOOD, and . also
Invigorate and BUILD
UP the BLOOD and
SYSTEM, when broken
down by overwork,
mental worry disease.
excesses and indiscre-
tio.ns. They have a
both men and women,
restoring LOOT VIGOR
and > correcting all
immorLAIIrrDES and
EVERY MAN who finds his mental fac-
dull orfailin or
his physical powers
his take hese:
PILLS. They will restore his lost energies, both
physical and mental.
EVERY WOMAN should take them:
They cure all sup-
pressions and irregularities, which inevitably
entail sickness when neglected.
YOUNGM ,WI should take these PILLS.
E6 They will cure :the re
sults of youthful bad habits, and strengthen the
Eoa women should take them.
These P>ims will
make them regular.
For sale by all druggists, or will bo sent upon
receipt of price (50c. per box), by addressing
Brockville, Ont,
—on or about--
Sam��l�'� 81ock, Exeter,
Wheys he will open a
New an _op 1..: Stock
&C, &C.
p ^'R'y'e ' Tals flC ban
B o, There'sBut don't Spring no reason for it, when
you have CARL/NG ����. right at your door.
But what we were going to say was that
will soon be Knocking at our doors and we are 2-1.,====
for the tender maiden.
Our Store is filled with seasonable goods at prices that low,
they will surprise you.
� u. �Sw
Curtains, FancyWindow Shades, and Curtain Poll
� the
newest (at) Value.
Wall Paper, fine display,
Dress goods of every description.
Staple department, full range.
Fora Fancy Tie we have them.
Try our 2 ct. tea, at has no equal.
IS s
CO :. f I G POS RD
n°ir • ..`1;41;'$isrrt r'.
Car Load Chesnut Coals ; Carload Steel Nails;
Carload Iron and Horse Shoes. Carload Blue Ribbon Coln
posite Binder Twine.
Lining and Tar Papers, Ruigand Mortice
:- 1 ., ,lee Locks, 13o.1>Fs,
tin Boilers and tin Pails,
Sugars, Cheese Green and Dried Apples, Lard, Teas, &c,,
meal $3.00 pci 100 lbs ; Flour $2,35 per 100 lbs,
W A N T E: I ).
100I3llshels Timothy,, Seeds, ClovenAlsike Top
ds, Dutch acts,
Onions, Hungarian Grass, 100 Bushels Potatoes.
Cedar Posts & Alluealed Barb Wire o
Mana a ..