HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-3-19, Page 8READ -MAKER'S •
Don't forget the Firemen's concert
on Friday evening.
The Big Bankrupt store for spring
dress goods and prints.
Don't fail to see J. H. Grieve's $10
suits before piuchasing elsewhere.
An immense stock of boots and shoes
just opened at the Big Bankrupt store.
If you have Iost anything advertise
in the Anvoce1T.E. Of course We do
not incudo reputation.
o t v
Insure in the Temperance and Gen-
eral Insurance Co., of Toronto. ED
BISSnTT, local agent.—May 29-90.
You can't do better than buy your
carpets and curtains at the Big Bank
rupt store.
An Inactive or Torpid Liver must
be aroused and all bad bile remoyed.
Burdock Pills are best for old or
Catarrh is not only a local but acon-
stitutional disease, and requires a con-
stitutional remedy like Hood's Sarsa-
parilla to effecta cure.
The officers .of the Salvation Army
and a number of the soldiers, visited
Sodom on Monday evening and report
of having had a good time.
Some Symptoms of Worms are:—
Fever, colic. variable appetite, restless-
ness, weakness and convulsions. The
unfailing remedy is Dr. Low's Worm
Mr. Samuel Hicks purchased from Mr.
Francis Coleman, of Hillsgreen,a heavy
raught imported mare, 5 years old,for
the handsome sum of $425, on Wednes-
day of last week
?Ir. George Anderson, of this place,
isothe possessor of a brood of chickens,
thirteen in number, which were hatch
ed last week. They are all living and
in a thriving condition.
Mr. 3, Ross Robertson, of the Toronto
Evening Telegram,has given ten thous
and dollars to the Lakeside Borne for
1fttle chikren, the Convalescent Home
for sick children on the island. opposite
On Monday afternoon a number of
people might have been seen hasten-
ing to the residence of Mr. W. Verity,
which was thaught to have been on
fire, but very luckily it was only the
soot in the chimney on fire.
The rabbit season closed on the 15th
inst., and a number of our spores were.,
out on Saturday, although it was very
stormy; in search of the little animal.
They were not very successful, and
from all accounts, the rabbit population.
only diminished to a small extent.
On Friday evening last the members
of Giclley's String Band, which has lat-
ely been reorganized, visited the resi-
dence of Mr. Thotnas Willis. After
playing a number of creditable select-
ions, which were duly appreciated, all.
sat down to a sumptuous repast pre-
pared by the hostess, which terminated
a very pleasant evening.
Funs; Train.—'.fire success ot.our last
word finding contest, just closed, en-
courages us to offer another Free Trip
AROUND the World, or its cash equiv-
alent to the person sending in the
largest list of words spelt the same for,
ward and backward, such as "Pip,"
"Bog., "Hannah." THE contest closes
May 15 Three daily prizes for the
three largest lists received. Contest is
open to the WORLD. Everyone send-
ing ten
end-ing;ten words will get a prize. Near-
ly 1200 won prizes in our recent con-
test. Rules and sample paper 12cents,
together with a large illustrated cata-
logue. Address ten Magazine, Or•il•
iia, Ont.
An now the time clraweth nigh when
the thrifty house holder will expend
five of his good hard dollars in the seed
store: Then as the strn wnxcstli_warm
and tho busy little weed rn keth him
bend his back he will lay in a $75 crop
of rheumatism arld sciatica for next.
winter, Before the balmy days oflnne
begin to shorten, he will h ivc had pot•
ice court suits with each and sundry of
his neighbours, boasting the ownership
of poultry energetic enough to bustle
for their living, And, finally, as the
white, hoar frost of autumn settleth on
the limp, green grass, he will harvest
sixty cents worth of scraggy cabbage
and some green tomatoes, Nellie!' the
milkman will scornfully reject as a gift
to, his bovines;
The suow is falling beautifully and
from the present outlook winter
outs' set in,
Tho fuucral sermon of the late Mire
arbeth Larbrook will bo preached on
Sunday evening next.
High, Public and Seperate schools
will close for Easter holidays on Thurs
day, the 26th of March, until the Tues•
day following,
Before ordering winter clothing, call
on Jas. II, Grieve and examine his
large and well:assorted stock' of winter
goods. Prices away below the lowest
The entertainment in Caven Presby-
erian church, which was ,postponed
some time ago, came off on Wednesday
evening. The attendance was very
good considering the state of the weat-
Snow, wind and cold weather have
marled the month of March this year.
We hope winter will soon give way to
gentler influences. Now that St, Pat-
rick's day is past who will see, the first
Mr. Hutchins is member for North,
Middlesex after the recount in London
by Judge Davis. His majority which
the Returning Officer counted as 1 is
increased to six. It should be nearer
600 on a new election.
Mr, 'Phomas Ranson, of the township
of Fullerton, who is a brother-in-law of
our townsman ?Jr. David Mill, lost his
dwelling house by fire on Wednesday
last. Mr. Henson has our fullest sym-
pathy more especially as he has been
ill for some years.
The citizens of this Village became
very anxious to hear the result of the
recount in North Middlesex on Tues-
day evening, and when it became
known that Mr. Hutchins was elected,
they could not control themselves, so a
large bon -fire was built on Main Street.
The fire bell rang and called out both
Grit and Tory to witness the blaze,
which lasted for about an hour.
get et w Il
e at once if it
were rub-
„ v
0 0.
bed with a little1
e of Clark's Lr„htnin„
Liniment, and the soreness in side and
limbs would go away if treated the
same. This wonderful preparation
does not effect a cure next week, but
relieves at once, and almost miracul-
ously. Try a bottle of your druggist,
price fifty cents, and be sure you get it,
Clark Chemical Co., Toronto, N. Y.
The Spanish swindler has begun
working again. His game, a few years
ago, was to send letters from Spain to
wealthy Americans, claiming that he
knew where hidden treasurers was bur.
ied in this country, and asking for
money to pay his expenses to America
He is supposed to have cheated some
people. After being exposed he re
mained quiescent for some time. Now
the game is being renewed. Don't
On Sunday last the Rev. Mr. Holmes,
of Owen Sound, formerly a resident
minister of this place, was to have de
livered Anniversary sermons in the
Main st Methodist church, but owing
to the heavy snow storm he was delay-
ed and did not arrive here until Mon-
day. On the evening of the latter day
de delivered an address to an attend-
ance that was not very large but who
appreeiated,the discourse. The collect-
ion for both days amounted to over
The Best Result.
Every ingredient employed in pro
clueing Hood's Sarsaparilla is strictly
pure, and is the best of its kind it is
possible to buy. All the roots and herbs
are carefully selected, personally exam
ined, and only the best retained. So
that from the time of purchase until
Hood's Sarsaparilla is prepared, every-
thing is carefully.: watched with a view
to attaining the best result. Why
don't you try it?
The question as to whether or not a
Canadian team will go to Bisley in
June is in doubt. The authorities of
the Dominion Rifle Association are, of
course, ready and willing to send a
team, but the council of the National
Rifle Association has not yet intimated
that the annual competitions will take
place this year,. The first meeting at
Birley was a iinanialfailure. The Na•
tioual incurred Association •r r
r lul heav
y ob-
ligations, and the receipts fell short o
the expenditure by several thousands
of pounds.
Now a newspaper, in one aspect, is.
something like a hotel table. It pre-
sents to its readers literary viands and
views from many different writers on
many different subjects, to suit many
different persons of many different.
tastes. There is something for the old
and the young; for ministers and lay-
men, for parents and children. for the
practical and devotional; and in short,
for "all sorts and conditions of men" -
and women too. If now, one of these
classes of persons objected to articles,
suited for any of the other classes, and
rejects a newspaper on that account, he
is just as unreasonable in this, as if he
refused to take his dinner at a hotel
table because he dislikes some articles
of food which others enjoy.
h'iremen/s Concert.
The anneal concerttinder the au-
spices of the Exeter fire Companies
will be field in Drew's Hall on Friday
evening March 20th. The entertain-
ment will consist of vocal and instru-
mental music, readings, recitations,
stump speeches, etc. By request the
cCvrlJe Ii
ie Brigade will take cpart
The whole to conclude with A flee
scene. Plan of Hall at Dr, Lutz Drug
Store. Admission, 25 cts ; Reserved
Seats, 35 eta; Children, 15 cis. Doors
open' at 7.30 p. In., Concert at 8
o'clock. Remember the cause, re-
remember the date, and save your 25
cents for the event of the season, For
ftttthur partferllars see prof ianlxne.
13y order of Calm.; Wns Treble, Chief.
God save the Queen,
Don't pass the Big 13anl:rupt store
when tGz looking ,
t ,iz
�, for wall paper,
Tho widest Prints in town at 125 i;ts
a yard at Specimen's..
Oa Saturday after noon a silvorwatch
was lost on Ninon St.' The finder will
be suitably rewarded by 'caving the
same at this office.
Good yalue in our New Black and
Colored Dress Goods at Spackman and
Co's New Store, one door north of
Farmer's Grocery,
IN anted,
Never too late to mend. 5000 pairs of
boots and shoes that need repairing to
be left at the leading boot and shoe
store next door tothe post office. G.
In the list of special prizes under.
"Our Own Corner" with reference to
the Girl's Special Prize of $50 read
week ending March 21st, instead of
week ending March 28th, the !atter
data being a typographical error.
La dies.
Don't forget the Grand Millinery
opening at E. J. Spackman & Co's new
stole. Due notice will be give of dates.
Prize VI'imners.
The allotment prizes which the F•es
Press divided among subscribers came
off under the supervision of ' commit-
tee on March 2nd. The following per-
sons have been successfulc—Mr George
Blatchford, $100.00; Mr. I. Bawden, 50
ltlontlrly Stock Fair,
Thi monthly stock fair took place at
the Town Hall yesterday (Wednesday)
The weather was somewhat disagree-
able, but it drd not prevent a]arge
crowd from being present. A number
of horses and cattle were put up and
disposed of, bringing fair prices. Mr.
L. Hardy wielded the hammer.
Spackman Co. have special value
in Black and
Srlks at our new
store ina
S mvellsl
Boal e or
[ door north
of Farmer's Grocery.
Notice to Seleet Knights.
' The next regular meeting of Exeter
Legion, No. 115, Select Knights' of Can-
ada, will be held this (Thursday) even-
ing in the OddfeIlow's Hall at the hour
of 8 o'clock. Every officer and mem-
ber requested to be present,as business
of importance will be submitted to the
meeting. The regular meeting will be
held' on the lst and 3rd Thursday even-
ings of each month. The members
will kindly bear this in mind.
Personal Mention.
Mr. Thos. Sweet, Jr., who has been at
tending the Ontario Veterinary College,
Toronto, has returned here again.-- Mr.
Seldon Bissett, who has been visiting.
friends and relatives in town for the
past month, returned to his home in
London on Thursday of last week. Mr
Robt. Smale„ of London, forrrierly of
this place, was in town on Sunday and
Monday visiting friends and relatives. -
Miss Smith, of Alliston, engagded as
milliner with Mr. E. J Spackman &
Co., arrived in town on Monday even-
ing.—Mr. John Ching arrived here on
Monday evening from Shadeland,Man.,
and from all appearances ' is in good
health. --Misses: Sophia and Susie Sweet
of London, were here on a short visit
this week.—Mrs. Win, Precious, daugh-
ter. of Mr Thomas Ching, of Hay Town-
ship returned to her home in St. Thom-
as on Monday evening.
.Again we are called upon to record
the death of one of Exeter's fair dauglt
teras, in the person of Elizabeth Ann,
daughter of Mr. HenyLambrool:,a,ed
15 years and 8 months. Deceased had
been ailing for some time with rheum-
atism,whic.h finally terminated in drop -
soy. ..The
ropsey...The funeral took place on Tues-
day afternoon at two o'clock. The re-
mains were carried by the pallbearers,
from her fathers residence, to the Triv-
itt Memorial Church, of which she was
member, when the Rey. S. P. Robinson
performed the last sad rites: After' oc-
cupying the spice of about one hour,
the funeral again reformed and pro-
ceeded to the Exeter cemetery. The
attendance at the church was large,
while the number of vehicles was not
so large as it would have been had the
weather been fine. She will be missed
not only in the home, but in the church
and Sunday School, and by all who
have had thepleasureof her acquaint-
ance. The pall bearers for the occasion
were selected from the choir:, of which
she was a member. We unite with the
many friends in mingling. with feelings
of deep regret for the loss sustained iu
the home where she will be missed.
The Big Stock of Millinery has arriv-
ed at Spackman & Co's new store.
t59 tr,00(1 in gold fora wife.
We will hive to the first person tel
line us before June 1st, 1891; where in
the Bible, the word "wizen" is first
found, $100,00 in goal. To the nett
$50.00. To the third, '$25.00. To the
fourth, $20.00. To the fifth, $15.00:
To the sixth, $10.00. '1'o the next 25,
$5 each. To the next 25, $2 each. To
the person sending in the last correct
answer, we will give $100 in gold. To
the next to the last, $50, and so on
same as from :the first, With your
answer send 25cts. in silver; well wrap
ped, or Post Office Money Order or
Script, for a box of Dr. Cole's Blood
and Liver Pills, the best blood, Liver,
and Stomach: Pills ever made. Sure
cure for sick headache. Dorsi Gripe.
REAi.l1rr0r;n the presents are absolutely
free; being given away to advertise
hr. Cole's Perfect Pills and Family
Remedies, At the close of the contest
the names and Addressee of all the
prize winners will apneas in TITIS paper,
We refer sett to the Traders Hank of
Orillia. Send at once and be first,
Address, Home Specific Co. Oritli;;, Ont.
A good story is related at the ex-
Pease of : •list: z �l'i 1 � 1
jag k SI4 i o r ?11511 E,sb Malt of
Little Ttoek, His hunting proclivities
are ,vell known, and he has the repn-
tation ofboing; so skilful in this line
that seldom', i1 ever, does anything
escape whee he gets on its trail. Last
Saturday, howevte., ho was defeated in
a most provoking fashion. Be saddled
up his steed and took up a trail that
led to the southwest from the city. A
short distance away he started a hand-
some fox, Away the animal flew, with
Martin in. close pursuit. He seemed
to be unlucky, for no.matter how fast
he rode the fox always kept just out of
reach. The race lasted some hours,
dtu'iug which the siv little animal
doubled and redoubled his track. At
Iast tate fox slrowecl signs of fatigue,
'and Martin began to senile and thought
of the satisfaction he would get, But,
alas, they struck 'a herd of hogs, and
just as Martin was preparing to "close
in," the fox sprang on the back of a
long-legged porker—one of the kind
that can outrun a race horse, The hog
raised his snout, gave a frightened
grunt, and away he flew. Martie stop•
ped; completely spellbound with amaze-
ment. The fox held bis seat like a air
eus rider, while the further the hog
got away the faster he seemed to go.
Martin watched the strange pair till
they disappeared in a brush patch and
then returned, to Little Roel.. Re re-
lated the strange occurrence to a num-
ber of "intimate friends," and from
them it• became, known throughout the
The latest designs and newest novel-
ties in our Millinery this season. Look
for our Opening days at Spackmau's.
F.;\eter Council Proceedings
The Council met by order of the
Reeve at the Town Hall, Exeter, lith
March. All present. The minutes of
the previous meeting were road and
confirmed.- Moved by T: B. Carling
seconded by D. A. Ross that orders be
granted for the following sums, viz:—
Jas. Jas. Creech$9 00 charity
CMrs. A.
McIntyre; do $2.00 Mrs. McIntyre; do
$1.00 F. Griffin; and the Auditors $8:00
each for services.—Carried, No fur-
ther grant to Mrs. McIntyre until fur.
Cher orders. By-law No. 6, 1891 was
amended by inserting W. H. Parsons
instead cf Richard Gidley on motion of
W. G. Bissett seconded by D. A. Ross
The clerk to ask for tender for eight
inch tile on motion of E. Christie sec•
ended by, W. G. Bissett. By Law No.
S, to appoint a chief engineer was dttly
read and passed on motion of T. B.
Carling seconded by D. A. Ross: Act-
ion. on communication of the Board of
Trade deferred until next meeting of
the council. The council adjourned
for three weeks on Motion of T. B.Carl-
ing seconded by D.•A. Ross.
PILES Apositive
ands ofs unonia . No
pure. No. suppository. Sent post paid or 27
cents in stamps. Address,
18t -r9! Konne Specifie Co. Orillia Ont
It is a certain and speedy cure for
Cold in the Bead andCatarrhin units
Instant Relief, Permanent
Cure, Failure Impossible.
Many so•calIed diseases arosimply
symptoms of Catarrh, such as head-
ache partial deafness,. losing.sense of
smell, foulbreath, hawking and spit.
ting, nausea, general- feeling- of de-
bility, etc. If you aro troubed with
any of these: or kindredaymptome,
your have Catarrh, and ohouidrose no'
time la procuring a -bottle of NASAL
Bene. Be warned in time, neglected.
cold in head results in Catarrh, fol-
lowed by consumption and death.
NASAL /Lwat is sold by alltdrugg is
or will be sent, post paid on receipt of
price(60centsand$1.00) by addressing
Brockville, Ont.
—onor about --
Samw1119,1 lock, LsItIr
hershe will open a
Mew and V Vp�o�f
f Stock
—OF --
OF --
&C, &C.
e tie S
alWarit040. 1AL, Nift,Y0-..C;v(,,f4a,
But dont Spring to far. There's no reason for it, when
you have CA R L I NG ROS, w �, right at your door.
But what we were going to say was that
will soon be Knocking at our doors and we are
for the tender maiden.
Our Store is filled with seasonable l goods at prices that low
they will surprise you.
Curtains, Fancy Window Shades, and Curtain Pols, the
newest (at) Valle,
Wall Paper, ;fine display.
Dress goods of every description.
Staple department, full range.
For a Fancy Tie we have them.
Try our 25et. tea. it has no equal.
CouelMflff fflfferrtt fro olfler S1ovs.
i�iklSC elkl33i;i�47Yi:ri e: :?u 1'1.0. �a.4
The Specilties, the Novelties, the Oddities of the A R T
COUNTESS stove are creating a sensation. For the
first time in many yearn there is a coal stove that is on every
tongue. Manufacturers, travelling men, stove dealers, farm-
ers and, in fact, every person interested in stoves are talking
about the �'
Why is this?
Because the ART COUNTESS is daring in its original-
ity. It leaps to the front with its wonderful improvements.
No other stove has anything like it. New from top to toe
Brilliant from urnto base. Beautiful in its effect under fire.
Radiant on the parlor floor, and eloquent in its hot air con.
has taken the lead, it already has th role, and it
will have to be a gooc3 one that oan overtake it.
00 '0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q
A fullor
ass tmellt of cook and parlor stoves on hand Which
�ymust be sold, and VERY CHEAP.
WILL F . LLA f )0,
STAND, one door north of Dr. Lutz's Drug Store, Mair Street
Exeter. Sign of Big Elephant.
}' t'ONIM
7 i.
'0. kid,luY'f�'.I•� V.•b•.a 16.4 -11374434Y' 1';
Car Load Chesnut Coals; Carload Steel Nails;
Carload Iron and Horse Shoes. Carload Blue Ribbon Com-
posite Binder Twine. •
Liking and Tar Papers. Rim and Mortice Locks, Hinges, Bolts,
tin Boilers�and tin Pails.
�. . cEnams.
Sugars, Cheese, Green and Dried Apples, Lard, Teas, &c, Oat-
meal 53.00 per 100 lbs ; Flout. $2M5 per 100 lbs.
NV A 1\1 T E 1)0
100 Bushels Timothy, Clover, Alsike Seeds, Dutch Sets, Top
Onions, Hungarian Grass, 100 Bushels Potatoes.
Cedar Posts & Annealed Barb Wire an Hand.
Manager. Proprietor.