HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-3-19, Page 5ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Are you disturbed at nightand broken of you!, rest by a sink child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth f If no, lend at once and got bottle of Mus. Wins o�('pSoortinto$ztwe sax CHILDRI x T) 1 HINQ 1tN value is incalcul- able. 'Wilt roller() the poorlittle Sufferer diately. bopencl upon it, mothers, there le no mistake about it. It yuree dysentery and Mar., atom, regulates the stolnnelt and bowel's, cures Windeolic,sot teas the gums. reduces inflamma. tion, and 'Rives tone and enry to the whols e $tem. Bine, WINNLew'e SooTHXNQ Sriwwi ten CYILDItLN TICETIIING is pleasant to the taste,aud. is the prescription of ono of the oldest and beet female nurses and physicians in the United. Stites, and is for sale by all druggists through oat the world. Price 25 Dents a bottle. the has council ings. to filth. young, themselves ed, or following permatuie Of sight, lack headache, itching scrotum, ness, of bashfulness, of spine, to constipation, of of with etc., ity unless force function who ance your peculiar 50 sent symptoms purple beats, head, strong heart about tively Send 50 Aug. The mayor Roman Lakeville, p entlemen charities A block of old wooden Chinese quater of Victoria, been burned by order to make room for The fire method of prevent danger of sickness All Men, buildings in B.C., of .the city new build- removal was from who finch exhaust- from excess many of the depression, vitality, loss dimness of, emissions,, kidneys, or body, about the di'/,zi. twitching elsewhere, urine, loss the scalp or desire by sleep, loss excitability surrounded skin, debil- and death or vital every Those in ignor- Send all diseases V. LUBON, Books disease, the spells, skip to the with beats the second first, pain can posi- no pay. V. LUBON, Ont. ex - to the Society of , deceased churches, institutions, old, or middle aged. nervous, weak and who are broken down overwork, resulting in symptoms: Mental old• age, loss of memory, baddreams, palpitation of the Heart, of energy, pain in the pimples on the face or peculiar sensation, wasting Of the organs, specks before the eyes. the muscles, eyelids and deposits in the will power, tenderness of weak and flabby muscles, sleep, failure to be rested dullness of hearing, ydice, desire for solitude, temper, sunken eyes LlsAnnN cnleLE, oily looking are all symptoms of nervous that lead to insanity cured. The spring having lost its tension' wanes in consequence. through abuse committed may be permanently cured. address for book on to man. Address M. Front-st. E., Toronto, Ont. free sealed. , Heart of which are faint lips, numbness, palpitation, hot flushes, rush of blood dull pain in the heart rapid and irregular, beat quicker than the the breast bone, etc., bo cured. No cure, for book. Address M. Front, Street, East,' Toronto, 7, '90,-1v. late Mr. Jonathan Scoville, of Buffalo, has left $3,000 Catholic Church Canada. The left $3,000,000 to and educational When Baby was sick, wo gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castori , ' When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. 1 When she had Children, she gave them Castor*. I 1 The Company the railway, connection An ice, an of a speedy sumption, and so a vous plaints, ful es,has'felt to his this human charge, in German, full Sent naming Powers' 90. President application C.Eno, funds New 4 1Q",. , New York Central has taken formal • , Herkimer, Newport and which will be extended with the St. Lawrence Consumption Cured. Railway control of Poland to river, Fact- hands by formula. for the of ' Con- Asthma al= for Ner- Com- its wonder- of cls- it known by to relieve free of this recipe, with and using stamp, 820 Y.,Feby. the of John the bank of ; • a c l 1 e 2 c 1 1, 1 t s c e 6 n X i. 11 '1' t' L t a f, lI t. e a -old physican, retired from having had placed in his East India missionary the simple vegetable remedy and permanent cure Bronchitis, Catarrh, all throat and Lung. Affections, positive and radical cure Debility and all Nervous after having tested curative powers in thousands it his duty to make suffering fellows. Actuated motive and a desire suffering::. I will send to all who desire it, French or English, directions for preparing by mail by addressing with this paper, W. A. Noyes; Block, Rochester, N. Iiarrision has denied' for a pardon in the charged with embezzling of the Second National York City , 0p Mind wandering eared. t:Sr in one reading. .Testimonials W ,V) p rt, of the globe. Prospeetusposy rss7., lent 'Ala„ licnt,on t' A. Loisotto. 217 IiiPhbvs. Books IAaraed from all to Prof, New York. Arvid Erickson, aged 21, the son of a Swedish Nobleman has committed suicide in Chicago,' owing,, it is said, to trouble with a wornal in Sweden. Get �, Pinola Comedy -"-c, nest Easiest to nal 7 .v .. rii.F`�. it • '74a .ttlir���,•.fv' Sold by druggists or i�. T. Ilasclttne ,Warren L :L:trrll and Chempc pea c., sent by matt, Pa. ., lJ Lite -�, �� t. .Ni, , !' Pc. } lf, S.A.. tt. s`z 1 hh A Nashville despatch says s t o pen omenal rise in the ,Cumberland river continues, aiul between 1,500 and 2000 people have been driven from their homes. AN ACCIDENT POLICY, The, best Yellow Policy is to keep Ira gyard's r, ellow Oil on hand. As a pain cure it is uuriyalk;d, while for halt at n ' thro�l,t quinsy,i e l n s t ,•1 sore t.0 llh . neuralgia, etc, its results are often tl• most magical. Used externa !Iv and in- ternally. Price 25c. Hon John Costi an's departure from his constituency for Ottawa yesterday was made the occasion of enthusiastic demonstrations in his honor, No douche or instrument is required to apply Nasal Balm. It is easy to use, pleasant and agreeable in its efforts. use nothing else for catarrh and cold in the head, Strong' opposition to the reciprocity treaty with the United States has de- veloped in Brail, and the ratification of the treaty is doubtfnh Their gentle action and good eiTct on the system really make them a per feet little pill. They please those Who use them. Carter's Little Liver Pills may well be termed "Perfection." Amos V. Learned, for litany years a well known ,journalist in New York city, died yesterday at the state hospi- tal at the Poughkeepsie, CONSIDER TIIIS FACT. The fact that rheumatism is caused by an acid in the blood points to the remedy Burdock Blood Bitters, which removes call inlpinities from the blood not only poisonous rheumatic humors but even obstinate scrofulous and can- Cerons taints. David Seabury, Romaine Van Wor- mer and J. I'. 7 tin Wormer, fishermen itt i;olemans, N. Y, were •droirned in the. I-Iudson Sunday night.• This is to certify that I have used Everest's Liver Regulator, and find it the best I ever used, P. B. Rosenberry L. D. S., Arkona, Ont. The recount in Brome, Quebec, re- sulted in a tie and the returning bili cer gave the casting vote in • favor of Mr. Dyer, the Conservative. For Nettle Rash, Summer Heat and general toilet purposes, use Low Sul- phur Soap.. The Orange g • g O „e .,,land lodge of Ontario east Closed:a most harmonious session at Peterboro'' yesterday after electing officers. IN DARKEST GLOOM. Millions of men and women are in the dart: gloom of disease. The way out is by using Burdock Blood Bitters, a tried and sure remedy for dyspepsia, biliousness, constipation, scrofula, bad blood, and all diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels, and blood. James A. Simmons, of New Yore, has-been found guilty of embezzling. $622.000 worth of bonds .of the Sixth National Bank. No one knows better than those who, have used Carter's Little Liver Pills what relief they have given when tak- n for dyspepsia, dizziness; pain in the side, constipation, and disordered stom- ach. Con. Drason, of Boston, an electric light lineman, while fixing a light in Philadelphia clutched a live wire and ivas immediately killed Dr. Williams'' •Pink `Pills are the reatest specific of the age for the ire of blood diseases, suppressions, rregularities, female weakness, etc. Iive them a trial. Never fail. Advices from China state that 300 ;hinese pirates and robbers- were be Leaded in I wautung province during he last few days of the old Chinese ear. THE BEST PROTECTION. As a protection from the results of olds, sprains, bruises, burns, scalds, ore throat, and all painful diseases, laggard's Yellow Oil holds first place. is efficacy has been proved thousands f times. It should befoutdin every Iousehold. Dr. Von Gossler, Prussian minister of lnblic worship, has resigned, and is ucceeded by Count *on %edlitz . Trut- chler, president of the province of Pos- n, Everest's Cough Syrup is ahead of 11 other Oough Remedies. 1).. Sten art orest P. 0. F. A. Gale, a prominent banker and )optician of Yankton, Iowa, suicided iy shooting' in the Merchants' hotel at iioux City yesterday. He left a' letter dying he had lost all his money on the hicago board of trade. As A Pick -Me -Up after excessive ex- rtion or exposure, i14illburn's Mill - urn 's Beef, Iron and %Srine is grateful lid comforting. Northam. Orman Vdilliams of an - I\ C ington, Ont., has received the Royal" humane: Society Medal for saving Miss auny'Philip from drowning at Port- city last Summer. SHOULD BE LOOSENED. A cough should be loosened at once- nd all irritation allayed. :Co do this othin„ excels `:iiagyard's Pe::toral alsam. Obstinate coughs yield at once its expectorant, soothing and healing roperties, which loosen phlegm and al= ty irritation. The London Standard's Berlin cores- pondent say he this the pest authority or Stating that Prince Bismark will ecept the candidacy for the Reichstag qr (xestmunde. Do not despair of curing your sick ead tche when 'you can so easily oh i:in Carter's Little Liver' Pills. They viii effect a prompt and permanent tire. '1'lieir action is mill and natur•- 1. At Ellsworth, Wis, Thomas Eckert :tinct his -year-Son were burned to death in their house, which caught fire in the absonse of Mrs.. Eckert., Mr, Eckert was. too ill to move. the :child- ren escaped. MISER'S.' V.S. COMPORT. Nltsery is one result of bilionsncss or liter complaint. Comfort IS the first result of using .Burdock Blood Bitters, a 1C.Int,C1 r' 15 h' • 1 , as C1 rL the fins result J back lit a5 5 obtained We bac.l, this with the Str'on cet proof bytostimonials f •ot1Y reliable Canadian people. Mustards .Catarrh. Specific cured me of Catarrh. Levi II. Slipper, Forest P. O. The body of a man about 35 years of age was washed ashore i -t Totten- ville, Staten Island, Wednesday night. It is believed he was murdered on ship- board. Papers found on his body indi- cate that the victim was earl Rutting- er, of Stuttgart. Icor children a mall - A Cough dile Should be abso- and Croup lately reliable. A mother must be able to 1?'leclIcine. pin her faith to it as to her Bible. It must Lori ti21 110tililla violent, uncertain, or cl;ing,.1oa.is. It must be standard i11 material and manufacture. Tt -dust be plain and simple to admin- inter ; cans and pleasant to take: 'lie child must like it. It must be prompt in action, giving immedi- ate relief, as childrens' troubles come quick, grow fast, and end fatally or otherwise in a very short time. It must not only relieve quick but bring them around quick, as children chafe and fret and spoil their constitutions under long con- finement. It must do its work in moderate doses. A large quantity of medicine in a child is not desira- ble. It must not interfere with the child's spirits, appetite or general health. These things suit old as well as young folks, and make Bo- schee's German Syrup the favorite family medicine. IN ORDER TO MAKE SPACE WHITER GOODS 3 We will clear out the balance of our Winter Stock COST AT —CaFOR- 3, t Including a splendid assortment of OVERCOATS & SUITS FOR MEN AND BOYS, LADIES AND GENTS FTJRS. LADIES FUR CAPS, MUFFS AND HATS. LADIES NETT, VEST AND . WOOL SHAWLS. A NICE STOCK OF FUR TRIMMIN'S GENTS HEAVY WOOL LINED KID MIT -S & GLOVES at 75c worth $1. We cant be undersold in Teas and Sugars for SPOT CASH. JOHN MATHESON. Exeter North HOFFMAN '3 HARMLESS HEADACHE POWDERS cure ALL FIEADACHE. They are nota wer- tiscd t o 'cure every- thinr,/,butsirnpty head- aches. Try them, it will cost but 2.5 cents for a box and they are harmless. They are not a Cathartir• IENTL4L Llflt7� TQRL A complete stock of Pure and Reliable Drugs ' ALWAYS KEPT. Druggist's 8llPiS At rightand reasonable prices. Prescriptions and Family y R eceipts Carefully Prepared. Coi$itio the best in the market. C. LTTTZ PROP. ., -WOR POWL»ERJ'' A.p1r gut to taj^. Contain Purgative. t'1�ref s r: . Is a I zrY8 a sc c sure c elest; nye afivorms irs Cht,'rr czt orildu?ts. PEOPLE MAY BLOW BUT HAVE THEY THE GOODS TO BACK IT UP. Havingammiummismanaamanummenomm purchased � ed the Estate' of � the factory, am �John Brawn, I have thoroughly refitted t 1 y, manufacturing an line of furniture in Oak, ,herr Maple and Ash. �, elegantC y, Note some of the Prices. Bed Room Sots in, Antique Oak polished at $15.00 and up; Sideboards in Antique Oal1 polished at $10,00 and up u u Maple, Cherry and Ash at $8175 and up; " " Maple, Cherry and Ash at $8.00 and up, Beds, new stile, in Maple or Birch at $1.90. And a handsome assortment of Hall Stands, Extension Tables, Writing Desks, Centre Tables, all in Walnut, Oak, Cherry and Ash, and at ver3r close prices. Remern b r 0 nke no trashy elm furniture a.nd' sell as cheap as the Cheapest. 100,000 feetof Lumber �ncl 300 cords of wood 1e�aeahxLg m e, A full Line ofTJndertaking goods always on hand: Remember the Stand—Factory and Wareroorns two doors north of Town Hall, Exeter. WALT. 'ANDREWS. COME and SEE. I have on hand the Largest and Best Stock —Oh— FURNITUR E Ever shown in Exeter at Prices 111t can't bo beat —IN— 'Walnut, Oak, Cherry, Maple and Ash. And I guarantee all FIRST CLASS in every respect. UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY, In this line my stock is also complete. in CLOTH AND VARNISHED CASK- ETS and COFFINS of every size and of good quality. Don't forget tbat this is the best place is town to buy any of these goods. Staud one door north of M(ISONS BANK. Main-st., Exeter. ROBT. N. ROWR. CHRISTIE'S OOMMEBCIAL) LIVERY!) First Class RIGS And HORSES. ORDERS LEFT AT THE HAWK. SHAW HOUSE OR AT THE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. Terre = Reasox Lein e Telephone Connection. EXETER MARKETS. Wheat per bushel.. $0.98 to 1,00 Barley . 40 to 40 Oats 45 to 45 Peas 65 to 75 Ducks per pair 50 to GO Geese .... 5 to 5?� Turkeys 7 to 9 Butter 10 to 14 Eggs .... 20 to 21 Potatoes per bus ... - 50 to 70 Hay per ton , . 5.00 to 6.00 Pork per 100 5.15 to 5.25 Clover Seed. , .... 4.00 to 4 35 Timothy Seed ............ 1-00 to 1.25 ME KEY TO REALTH. A Fresh and New, Stock of GICOMOS Otiflrll JUST ARRIVED AT THE Family -: Grocery. Also Pure EXTRACTS and SPICES. A beautiful piece of glass- ware given away with 1 Ib of Mayell's Baking Powder. T as1tw ood Boller Flour For Sale. Call and examineour goods before pui chasing elsewhere. L. H IBRO A99L, I d0 S.LEY THE LEADING ndertaker AND ■ Dealer Furnture OF THE Unlocks all the clogged avenues of the Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carrying off gradually without weakening the sys- tem; all the impurities and foul humors of the secretions; at the same time Cor- recting Acidity of the Stomach, during Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Headaches, Dizziness, Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy, Dimness of Vi'lon, Jaun- dice, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Scro- fula, Fluttering of the Heart, t, Ner- vousness, and Ueneral L1el ty ; all those and many other sixnila.r Complaints yield to the happy influence of B:'T:DOCI LOOD BITTERS. i�7 j��j �j7ParSal�at by all Dealers. Toronto,. �• TJ111LBUR & CO,, Proprietors, Toronto. HORSE'S OLYCEROLE'OF STI CELERY COMPOUND: A BOB remedy for teething infante and adults .offering front all nervous troubles. Guaranteed to contain 00 opium or anydrttgs eseept those printed on formula on •very bottle. Endorsed by phy$klens. Paths. 50 Cum. Por salts by druggists, Send two cent stamp for descriptive circular to. Hazen Morse, Buffalo, N. Yi SENO® U. QQ�[l� In stamps [simply as a . guarantee of good faith] to us, and wo will send you by express, C.0.]). this elegant watch which you can examine, and if you do not find it all andevenmoro than we claim for it DO NOT TAKE IT, but if perfectly sat- isfactory, pay the Express Agent OUR SPECIAL CUT PRICE OF $5.35 and take the watch. Such a chance to secure a reliable timepiece at such a ridicu- lously low price is seldom, if ever be - gen ford, offeuinred.e COLD 'Luis is za FILLED WATOH,mado of 2 plates of SOLID COLO over composi- tion metal. It has solid' bow, cap and crown, wit nun flog g case,beautifuilyy on- graved and is dust, proof. The works are Waltham styles, richly jewelled, with expansion balance, is regulated and wo warrant it an accurate time- keeper. 'It is suitable for either a lady or gentleman. A. guarantee is sent with each watoh. Address CEO. W. WYATT dib CO., 'Watchmakers, Peterborough, Ont. I have an immense Stock of Furllitune and Undert'kin Goods now on hand, which I willsell at right prices. llNbERAKING A SPECIALTY. An examination of our Stock Solicited. GIxr L S. 8 ®� , �� t IIsi antlaslipofpaperthe s size of you' ranger, 'and wo will send you postpaid this elegant ELDORADO DIAMOND SOLID COLD FILLED RISC These rings aro now 41 Worn by ladies and. 1111t fi gentlemen in the best seciety, and have the same appearance as h F�1'�1CP Iros., Wflolesale & Retail Grocers, WINE & SPIRIT Merchants, Main -ss, Factor. —T1:3E— CENTRAL SHAVNO PMLOR9 EXETER, Ontario. A1. ffATiN°flL PROPRIETOR. Every Attention paid to Ladies' and Children's Hair Cutting. A. 'Hastings. THE LIGHT RIMMING WANG GAM THE LADIES' FAVORITE. r;. THE BUY SEWING MACHINE ;.. �- THAT G IVES NELNROME SE1JING MACHINE C:ORAi1CC;MA S CHICAGO — 28 UNION SQUARE,N.Y.- DALLA , ttLl.' ATLANTA GA. rt/C. SS LOUIS. Me- � � SANFRFNGISCO.CAt. EVEREST'S COUGH SYRUP CANNOT BE EXCELLED. Try it and be convinced of its wonderful cureds% properties. Price 25 cents. t, a ringcosting$25.00. Wo guarantee a perfect fit and satisfaction. s . dcltr.., .ti s o A 1 r Wyatt & Co.J • W. Tetvellers Peterborough, Ont. (TI1AISi MARX;) Try Everest °s. Liver Regulator er TDieesemlthe Liver i sneya, dm., a Si"d rarity. lag of the Bleed. Price s1.9Ix bottles ibr For Sale by ALL nAUGIolS2B. , ¥aaufactured Only by DEO. IC TVrtitT�ST, Omni;Fouls: