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The Exeter Advocate, 1891-3-12, Page 8
rt. • s..ew . ."! Mr, Bert Knight will, we understand )end t• t'l i h tit Open out atoutiiG s t ho up- per ) per story of the Grocery. .and Liqul store occupied by Mr, Frank Brig. AD'? 'S HMS FA0.42 T© C212 SATEFAQTION FOR. serf.e 0" ALL DEALERS', ...-440471117,641,44.suitiiisiaimaalmEn THE MA"-k�9 . T. EXPITIRII . 'OZ Q LIANI FILLING TIP NOW s tg z Lsa nII10 THE '\i U T FOR HOLID I GETTING unADY IST O W 07 c • jI LOGE JOTTINGS. Easter Sunday 29th inst. For black dress goods try the Big Bankrupt Store. Don't fail to soe J. H. Grieve's $10 suits before purchasing elsewhere. . Great snaps in boots and shoes at the Big Bankrupt Store. 'Friday the 27tn inst., will be observ- ed bseryed as Good Friday and a holiday. Carpets, detaius and opaque blinds, rare values at the Br•o, , P Store. Bankrupt t re If you have loaf an$that a advertise in the ADvot;ATD Of course we do not, include reputation. . The merchants throughout the vill- age are very busy at present making room for their spring stock. Insure in the Temperance and Gen- eral Insurance • Co., of Toronto. En. BISSETT, local agent.—May 29-90. Au Inactive or Torpid Liver must be aroused and all bad bile removed, BurdockPills are west for old or young. Piles of new and lovely Prints and Dress Goods just opened at the Big Bankrupt Store, So many have beep. cured of rheum- atism by Hood,s Sarsaparilla that We urge all who suffer from th.edisease to try this medicine. Before ordering winter clothing call on Jas. H. Grieve and examine his large and welleessorted stock of winter goods: Prices away below the lowest Miss Lizzie, daughter of Mr. Henry Lambrool:,is in a prostrate condition from the effects of dropsy', and little hopes of her recovery are entertained. Some Symptoms of Worms are:— Fever, colic. variable appetite, restless- ness, weakness and convulsions. The zeeei.ling remedy is Dr' Low's Woim 8yr.up. The census for the Dominion of Can- ada will be commenced on the ill%t Tuesday in .April 7th lust., and it is in tended to be the most complete of any yet taken. • Probably you have friends who you know do not take the ADvocarr, and think would be anxions to subscribe for it, If so, send us their naive and address, and we will send them a sam- ple copy. We are given to Understand that the Dry goods store recently 'vacated by Brumptou Bros., will again be open- ed as a dry goods store by Mr. Alfred McTavish, of St. Mary's. The opening. will be in about two weeks, • Mr, A. Q. Bobter's spirited team nearly ran away from the front of his store one day last week, but they were cleverly caught by Harry riper and stopped.at Parsoosblacksmitli shop at some.risk to the young man's neck and limbs. Mr. John. Hooper, who resides on IIuroll Street, while engaged in saw- ing wood dropped to the ground from the effects of a paralytic stroke and his recovery for some time was somewhat doubtful, but he is now on a fair way CO reoovery. We are informed that: Mr. R. H. Arch- er , formerly manager of the Molsons Bank, here, intends to enter the Minis- try of the Church of . England, For that purpose we understand' he will en- ter the university of Bishops' College, 1:.ennoxyille, Quebec, . Mr. All McDonald shipped from 'this station on Wednesday last a carload of fide brood mares to Portage 1<a Prairie, there to be disposed of by his partner, Mr. Smith. He is endeayoring to se- cure a carload of a similar class for which Jie will pay good prices. We have noticed onr village con Stable on the warpath of late. IIe has Teen endeavoring to put a stop to the boys loafing around the corners of the streets and other parts of the village. The residents, especially the ladies, will thank him iii this his arduous task if ho makes it a success. torr.ictiarcl.Ching Colorado, P �, of C o do, incl Thon1a Ching, JiThomas Ching, Jr., of Toronto, have beers Summoned home to the bedside of their father, Mr. Thos. Ching, of the Township of Hay, who is at present very dan>;erouely ill. lie has been ail. ing for sotno time, but it +vas net thought serious until lately, when he had another attack, end his recovery Is now doubtful. or it. The Cabinet wvill reassemble at Otta- wa next week, and active preparations for the work of the session will be, com- menced, It is understood. that Parlia- ment will meet on Wednesday, April 29th to enable the Ilouse of Commons to elect a Speaker; and the formal open ing will take placethe following day. Two St. Thomas' men bet en the election a ride in a wheelbarrow from the Wilcox house to the Pest Office and back. Mr, Nunn paid the bet Saturday morning, giving Mr. McCal- lumthe wheelbarrow �t oc b.rrrow ride, to the amusement of a large crowd. Mr. Mc- Callum was decorated for the occasion with a plug hat and red ribbons, Our manv readers will be sorry to learn that the household of Mr A. A. C. Denovan, of West Toronto Junction, has suffered the loss of another of the family. Thistime being,the son Alec - ander. The sympathy of our citizens are extended to Mr.. and Mrs. Denovan in their bereavement. The usual death notice appears in another column. Rev, A. L. Russell, of Jas, St. Method ist Church attends the anniversary services at \ Tardsvilie an old field of labor next Sunday and Monday. He will visit his parent at Charing Cross before his return next week. Mrs Rus sell accompanies him, His pulpit will be supplied by Rev Mr, Allan of Cen- tralia in the morning, and Rev. J. Wilson in the evening. Early on Friday morning the Rail- way Hotel, Clinton, near the old Grand Trunk station, was burned to the ground, most of the inmates escaping only partly dad, and some narrowly escaped with their lives. The bar, stock and fixtures were the property of Mr. O'Hara, and the furniture was Mrs. Kelley's. The loss on these is about $800; no insurance. ' The build- ing, frame, wits owned by Mr. Wm. Butler, and valued at $1,200; partly covered -ered b 3 - insurance. Government Rodgers e C, mint Detective ar• rived in Toronto on Saturday with a prisoner whom he had brought from Germany on a charge of forgery. , His name is Chester Wilmot Vourex, . who engaged in the seed gratin business rather extensively, and is accused of forging several bills of exchange on a private bank in. Lucan, owned by R. and J. Fox. The amount involved is $4,000. Yourex.was arrested a month' ago in Bremen, and held until Detect- ive Rogers arrived to bring him back. The residence of Mr. Frayne, of this village, was the scene of a most inter- esting and pleasant event last evening (Wednesday),, the occasion being the marriage of Miss Sarah, his second dao. ghter, to Mr. Thos. Warx, of .,Strathroy. The ceremony was performed by : the Rev. A. L. Russell, in the presence of a few of the contracting parties most in- timate friends and relatives. ` The bride was supported by her sistev, Miss Lizzie Frayne; and the groom , by Mr. Duncan McLean, ,of Strathroy. After the ceremony was performed all sat down to a(sumptuous repast,after which, an enjoyable evening was spent. The. bride was the rectpent of it .lumber of costly and useful presents. Mr. J. N. Howard has recently added to his already large and selected stock. of hardware, paints, oils, Sc-, &c, a large spring purchase, which makes it pow one of .the conipletest stocks in 'YeSteral Ontario and ublie � p to call and examine his goods before purchasing elsewhere. Mr. Howard has a great advantage of having the knowledge of Mr. Moncur, ]ate hard- ware manager for Mr. Tames Pickard, knowledge of the people 'and their wants, and knowledge of the business is what the public can find in this old established place of business. He also carries a, full supply of groceries aid everything necessary for a household. By all means give J. N. Howard a call, he will use you right. The celebrated Dominion Jubilee Singers gave a very fine program 'cf music in the James Street Methodist Church, Exeter, on Friday °yelling, March 6th, 1891. The audience was not as large as it ought to have been, although the attendance was very good, and the number of people pres- ent applauded and enchored in a way that showed they thoroughly en- joyed the entertainment. n=joyed'the-entertainment. The singers were seven in number and all had ex- cellent voices, the soprano and bass ,be- ing extra good. The selections of Slave melodies were mostly newf and were highly appreciated, and in several pia ., ces encores were given, to which they willingly responded. The "Old Ark,''', "My Little Soul Going To Shine." and "Pick up the Young Lambs,'; were vo ciforously cheered. Miss Montgomery sang the Swanee River, while Mr. Har- ris gave Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep. Bothsiitgers receiving waren applause. The object of the O'Ban- youn Troupe, in giving these concerts, is to clear the debt ori' a church in Chatham, and we would say, should they return to Exeter Again dry will be greeted with a much larger house, The store now occupied by Mr. E. 'J Spackman; n Samw4ll's',block is a credit. to Exeter. The goods are being placed. on the shelvesand the rush of business has .begun while we write The fine plate ;'lass front attracts the eye from the , 'while within all is worthy of this crystal .signboard. Exeter has turned out some splendid business men, and none.of them` has a better prospect than the young proprietor of this lat est iidditiiih to our town's business houses.' •A. geni al manner, careful 'as sistatftSf and a good understanding of business has more to' 'do ° with success than the average reader thinks, and as these arc the marks of Mr, E. J. Speak- man and his premises, we can safely prophecy for him a successful future in his new and handsome store. mrsi r.ow irnwvmucrytve nnmm.•g.w.m romoortown. �. Lost. On Saturday t vafternoonasilverttatc;lt was lost on iiriron St, The finder will be suitably rewarded by 'caving the sante at this office. k4' altltCcl, Never too late to mend., 5000 pairs of beets and shoesthat meed repairing. to. be left at the leading boot and shoo store next door to the post office. G. Manson. correction. In the list of special prizes under "Our Own Corner" with reference to the Girl's Special Prize of $50 read week ending March 21st, instead of week ending March 28th, the ',atter date being a typographical error. Ilor!se Sale, At the last meeting of the Board of Trade it was decided to hold another of those monthly sales, on Wednesday March 18th 1891• Farmers are re- quested to bring out their stock of all classes and kinds, and try and make this one of the best sales wliicli has been held in the village for some time; The sale will take place it the Town Hall. Don't forget the elate and bring along your animals, or 'anything else you have to dispose off. "A. Ridden Foe." The above side heading • has refer- ence to a romantic work of fiction, we have to hand, the perusal of which will excite the liveliest feelings of curiosity. The opening- scenes, are in England, the family introduced having strongly marled characteristics. A sudden tragedy caused considerable change in the prospects of certain individuals Mysterious circumstances are discover- ed Throughout the story, the elements of'Idye and romance 'receive promi- nence, and "a; happy ending" brings a clever worx to a conclusion, All low ers of fiction should procure this boob. either from your boor dealer, or from the publishers, John Lovell and Son, Montreal. Board of Trude .Minutes. March 9th -Meeting ' held in the Town 1t S Hall,in. with the i• ten p r dent inthe chi• chair. Members present: T. Farmer, J. Wood .J. G. Emery, B. S. O'Neil, I. Armstrong. Items passed— Minutes of previous meeting—proposit, ion for membership of A Rollins, per J Wood—N; D. Hudon and W. Folland to be members—L. Hardy' to be auct- ioneer for stock sale to be held March 18th, Fee $3.—Per B. S. O'Neil and J. Wood, J. White and Sons ace. to be paid.—Per B. S. O'Neil and J. Wood, the follow, nig sale rates" to be asked form the Hotels'; -Central $1.50;Hawk shaw's $2; Leathorn's $i Metropolitan $1. -Per J. Farmer and J."11Wood, not- ice of stock sale to be inserted in both papers ,Per B. S. O'Neil adjournment to:call'of the chair. J. Senior, Sec'y.. Perform] ,Mention. • Mr, James Creech,Jr., of1'ia 'ry CLO tre,ga.ve us a call on Thursday,—Mr Jas. Gordon, formerly of this place, but now of Lucknow, was in the village on Monday. --Mr. S. H. Gidlev, of Blyth, son of Rd. Gidley, of't'his place, was in town on Ill'onday. :Mrs. Samuel Gieenwood, of London, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. T. WesteottA. Pope,,of the Mol -sons Bank visited friends in St. Thomas last:week,-Mrs. T. Kent, of Brantford, is the guest ofher sister-in-law 'Mrs. John Hawkshaw for a few days. -Mr. Wm. Kent, of Lucan is ' visiting Mr. John Itawbshaw.—Iierbert:Smith, ,who has been visiting•,;friends and relatives in town, left for London, last evening. -Mr. A IinstingS, Tonsorial, Artist, left on TuesdaY inorning for Berlin to spend a few days under the parental roof, -Mr. James Jewell, who has been spending the winter in England, has returned looxing hale and hearty. His brother came with him andwe under: stem. Chit he illtgntis to remain. A. Great Spelling Match, The greatest spelling inateli on re- cord is that offered by Our Homes Pub- fishing Co., in which they will :award the following magnificent CASH PRI/ -Es -One prize of $300; one prize of $200; two prizes of $100,• four prizes of $50; eight prizes of $25;` twenty prizes of $10; forty prizes of $5; one hundred prizes of $2; and two hundred of $1. These prizes will be aw=arded to the � persons sending in the largest number of correctly spelled words found in the advertising• pages of the February number of Our Homes, in which no let- ters occur but those found in the sen tence "Our Home is Uorivalleil vs a Home Magazine." Special cash prizes will be given away each day and each week during this'comoetition, which closes April 25th 1891, Send 10 cents in stamps oi: silver, for a 'sample copy of the February number, with rules and regulati3ns governing the competition Address OUR Honsns'Pun. Co., Brock- ville, Ont. 9/15 000 in gold for a wife. We will give to thefirst person tel ling us before June 1st, 1891. where in the Bible the word ••wur" is first found, $100.00 in .gold. To the next $50:00. To the third, $.25,00. To the fourth, $20.00. To the fifth, $15.00. To the sixth, $10.00. 'no the next 25, $5 each.l o the next 25, $2 each. ,To the person sending hi the last correct answer, we; will give $100 in gold. To the next to ,the last, $50, and so on same'as from the first. With your answer send 25ets. in silver, well wrap• ped, or Post Office Money Order or Script, for a bot of Dr. Cole's Blood and Liver Pills, the best Blood, Liver, and Stomach Pills ever "made. Sure cure for sick headache. Don't Gripe,. li.riirninon the presents are absolutely free; being given away to advertise Dr. Cole's 'Perfect 'Pills and Family Remedies, At the close of the contest tlid n trees and addresses of all the priire wingers will apt,ear irr rttx4 paper. We' refer yeti to the Tradere Brink of Clrillia. Send at once and be first. Address, Home Specific Co. (li°rills, Ont. 13t-194 Eire ISoll ,1enuatd, On Monday evening ing• about ten o'- clock some one of our citizens diseovcr- ed a light hi the Tin and Stove Enipor-- inn of n1i. AWilliam 1+olhiltd, tin(' upon closer examination discovered that the partition of the building inside was on lire, The alarm was immediately sounded, and a largo number of our citizens were immediately on the spot to reiider any assistance that was nee- essary, After a very short time the Hose reel and engine came thundering along ata rapid pace and in a ver-, short time a good stream of water wank pouring in upon the burning portions of the building. The fire was exting- uished before much damage was done to either building or stock, although a large Bole was burned through the floor. the partition partially burned and the work bench partially destroy- ed. Luckily that it was noticed at.the time, otherwise a serious contlagaration would have oce tired, as it acijoines a number of frame buildings. I:setQ1'-Connell Proecedions The council met pursuant to ad- journment at the Town Hall, Exeter 9th March, 1891. All present: The minutes of the previous meeting were read and. eontirined. Mr, D, Johns and Dr, Lutz called the attention of the council -to a defective drain on drill- rani Street. and requested that the same be repaired as soon as possible. Moved by C. Christie seconded by D. A. Ross that the drain be attended to as soon as possible. Carried. The chief en- gineer reported the engines and appar- atus in as good order as they had been in for five years but were not as good as they might be. Moved. by T. B Carling seconded by E. Christie that the chief engitieer be autliorized`to se- cure such. help as may bA required to put the engines in the bast: possible re= pair• Carried, Moved,ljy'1''B. Carl- ing seconded by E. Christie that Mr. Wm. Treble be re -appointed chief en- gineer at a salary of $25 per annum. Carried. The Auditors report was: re - .r celec end the s a abstract bstract ordere d toe b published as formerly on motion of' W. G. Bissett seconded by D. A. Ross, A communication accompanied by an ae count of $52.40 for building' shed on the market at the Town Hall, from the Board of Trade was laid before the council. .At. this juncture the fire alarm sounded and the council repair- ed to- the place. indicated, which brought theproceedings to au abrupt conclusion. PILESAndpsoof sititeine stiCmonials.ure. Thous- aNo purge, No suppository. Sent post paid. or 27 cents in stamps. Address, 13t-121 Biome lreeifie Co.Orl iia Ont ABII NOT a Pur- gative Medi- cine. They are a BLOOD ' BvxiimrR, Toxic and RECON- :' STIVCTOR, as they supply in a condensed form the substances actually needed to en- rich the Blood, curing all diseases coming from POOH and WAT- LEY BLOOD, or from VITIATED Humorist in the BLooD, and also invigorate and BUILD im the BLOOD and SrsTErr, when broken down by overwork, mental worrv,disease. excesses and indiscre- tie's. They ,have a SPECIFIC - ACTION on the SEXUAL SraTe r of both men and women, restoring LOST VIGOR and correcting all ?'nane-ManLrnBs end StrA,PIIDSSIONet, E��ERY I i Who finds his mental hie. ulties dull or failing, or his physical powers flagging, should take tinge physical and PILLS. Thep will restore ens lost energies, both A fall assortment. of. cook and parlor stoves on hand. Which mental.`- .. EVERY WOMAN . should take them. (tf`nill"'i tlrul;��r it �, ria "iif G But don't Spring to far. There's no reds n f, , , 0 for it, when you have CARDING BRO right at your door. But what we were going to saywas,that PRINGf. �p �i 9 � SPRING will l soono• at be �.noc:t�ll?i; our doors and we are ' 'CT iI.i`",' X2.1 for the tender maiden. Our Store is filled With seasonable goods at rices that low p they will surprise you. PRINTS IT70 SATEEN'S, WE I-UWE EVER SIEOWN. Curtains, Fancy Window Shades, and Curtain Polls the , newest (at), Value. Wall Paper; fine display. Dress goods of every description. Staple department full range. � g For a Fancy Tie we have thein. Try our 25ct. tea, it has no equal. q CA. ! '.LING ROS. s sometgi�g Bifforolit.iron oiler s�oaas. ilk' The Specilties, the Novelties, the Oddities of tl COUNTESS stove are cl : i cr the ART �eat>.n,, a sensation. For the first time itt manry y years there is a coal stove that is on tongue. Manufacturers, travelling' men,stove d ,am- � Balers, farm- ers and, in fact, every person interested in stoves are talking about the ART COUNTESS. Why is. this? S? Because the ART COUNTESS is daring in its original- ity. It leaps to the front with its wonderful improvements. No other stove has anything like it. New from to t Brilliant from. urn to base. Beautifulp o foe. in its effect. under fine.. Radiant on the parlor floor, and eloquent in its hot air eon, struction. 1 E AT COUNTESS" has taken th® lean, it already has thpole,and it will have to. he a ,08 � d ore that can overtake it. O 0 0 O O O O O 0 O 0 0 O O O O 0 O O O 0 O O O 0 CALL AN® SEE THEM N VI �g�g ti LiLt�h'fn 5�38�® �� CONVINCER, O C O O O O O_O O O O_O O O p O000OOC 0,0 Q. pressions and irregularities, which inevitably' entail sickness when neglected, YOUNG MEN shoe d take these Plxlis, Thesy will cure the rq. suof youthful bad habit, and strengthen r..14;s stltsen,, ®uryNiQ C.0 ,dd. take them. 1 ie6a Pmts will make them regular. For sale by all druggists, or will be sent upon receipt of price (SOc, per box), by addressing THE Da WILLIAM' DEED. CO. Brockville, Ont. REMOVAL —on or a bout --- FIRST MARCH BEM fif2=filiniMafeemeagal 191111 DON'T FORGET THAT 5261 ===li:MrseEseeo E. 1. SPACKMAN WILL REMOVE TO Szw111's oak :Neter ONE D00R NORTH OP FARMER BROS. GROCERY, Whers he will open a Nevi and complete Stock. • DRY GOODS, CLOTHING and SHOES GROCERIES, CROCKERY &C &C. E. J. SPACKMAN. EXETER. ■��.�must be sold, and VERY CHEAP. Vim ° e ---�. t the �ac ., WILL Y STAND, one door north of Dr: Lutz's Drug Store, Main Street Exeter. Sign of Big Elephant. SPICING thin GFOL1e,11108 & it CO ING FORWARD AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. ausammaim Car Load Chesnut Coals; " Carload Steel Nails; Carload Iron and Horse Shoes. Carload Blue RibbonC 11 or i - poste Binder Twine. Lining and Tar Papers, Rimwand Mortice Locks, Hinges, Bolts, tin Boilers and tin Pails. TINWARE AWAY DOWNe etneccammtenmeeL C CRIES Sugars, Chase, Green and Driedp 1es.arclTeas & a t= meal �, 3,00 per 100 lips; 2 Flour 3 ? 100ck tit 4� . ��pel lbs., WANTE 100 Bushels Timothy, Clover, Alsike Seeds, D ' ch gets To. Onions I3un cr .l� 1 ar lag Grass Bushels 00 P .t. , �i a,oes.> {Cedar Posts ealed Barb Wiro cn iland, W H. MONCUP J. N. HOWARD, Manager. Proprietor., fir