HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-3-12, Page 4441444 44, THE bitoratc sA'l*7'IEI^t.S s1c SWT, Paps. TELTRSIjAY, 1 4R,. 12th, 1821, THE ir'ICTORY. ' Te are rx . ow in osi:tion to =gm-, , p 'plate. our readers and the public g;on ,nally, in the Splendid victory achieved t.ho Coarservatives last. Week, again ,a�7ae fiercest odds with which apy po- liilJ.oal party in Canada, has had to. con. $et:re41. Never was there in the history out country a contest waged, v= t h.the publie feeling was so intense, . i the Opposition of suit a nxalig- m,a aat and ar,.a n uu.> ch:rrac:ter, and 'airs.. eeaui+e of the yeri.'cl elements rpt av'r introdue,A1 into th e strugg'a �siul�al fueling ran Leigh on both sides, ,`e4,,so f'ar as the Opposition was con- e.:ed, it was neck or nothing', a life F-xcicatll struyle;-to regain place and pt: wer. \Vith the frionds of the Gov- ,rannlet:t it resolved itself into the i�.ri Ie tluostion of whether our nation a ltono.tny was to be preserved, or laiiether Canada Was to be absorbed in. tette. neighboring Republic. Promin easer citizens throughout the Dominion, r„si*e,-1 ad always sided with the Libor - or. Reform Party, felt constrained to alanam their old leader for once and UNthrow their influence on the side of ll ally to British institutions, That ttliery is an element, perhaps a strong ailment, on the side of Annexation, Hsu. 'hardly admit of a doubt. We jud- s, this from the large Majorities roll- eta,up, in some instances, on the side of $ .Opposition: -such as the number ;y,:Fe '' for Cartwright, Charlton, and . S.1g:r.r, not to name others; but it can - mit be denied that, taking the Domin- ec„rr acs a .whole, itis thoroughly sound mial British to the core. And vet look- Ziag at the, result in some important 7rlfirg9,.uo one of sauc mind can come any other conclusion than that in- timidation. bribery, corrupt practices, arn.+3whiskey, were prominent factors ;sem-riiig returns on the side of the vssitson. London is one example of tiat, Mr. Carling lost his election, it is •fxsci'l known, through the most unscrup -''•us reams on the part of Hyman's :;grout:. Whiskey was poured out like ',Bei" on election clay, money was free- %red for days before to parties who csz li not resist the temptation,intinud- atiim, was resorted to iu scores of cases, arta• i it must ever remain a blot on' the caxwis : fair fame of an intelligent e •.lfl:e London, to know that the Min- ii,+'er. of Agriculture who has been ,so Z8awr,and so faithful a public servant, aiwi est• whom no charge can be Ittoug•ht of personal aggrandisement or zwatfeasaneee of office, should be retired rttidike shades of political life through txe,:•i'mzrlest bribery and lowest black :'luoirdism that haseyer disgraced an eiMtion. But amid much that is dis- (: t9einting, and calculated to bring in- ttrry,ublie disrepute the practice of se - 1S voting by ballot, it is reassuring twarronieIe such a splendid victory as tial; secured on the 5th of March on the ,tis, cf :British connection, g•oocl gov e -;terrt,and a proe•ressive policy. The =sets of last weeks contest may be efertmarized. by Provinces thus: 811rEENNIEST 4 %to-ririO. e.0,iebec . l,x Brunswick . Arai stand iarnitoba...... fS3Y., Territories 3XIisifC'oitrmbia OProSITION 48 Ontario . 43 90 Quebec. .33 17 Nova Scotia 13 New Brunswick.2 2P. E.•Isirnd.....4 4 Maui toga .......1 .4 N. W. Territories..0 .5 British Columbia.0 t ..af. three elections still to be held,and t tee sr three constituencies at least that msx .vofte. for the government. Th • srrtt'majbrity for Sir John Mactlon- 1rtt,cl"' -:s;36, with a probable increase to aria r-tiie'tirne all the returns are in. ar�6:t7x.such`a majority, which is always tau✓• ba increase according to past errtzrience, there is little doubt that filizegaverninent will now be, able not nPi; to••.carry on the business of the cizArratry satisfactory; but as already ,. : ss7"tnred in the government program 7,,i<leyr will be in a position of negotiation 'tell&, the authorities at Washington for %asritwide rolations,and the very Strug- rifivvittert Six John has had 'to encoun- ';,resulting as it has in the loss of $ a• of his cabinet members, owing' to tvtifettrif of local tactics, will make the ,Ire°?n&rnent all the more ,eareful and cossr',s:Ous to'seetireSuch trade relations 7..,;slttrx0n the two countries as will situs. a sailr, eason able demands on the part •.l8ft° stadtians gen orally, tishi1e, gti-ing w^ �: tl:, guarantee that our national wk:�`3'.,d a �' ct •nt Merl r �dti±'h'`ilirk0'1`tx;y Shall 0 be 8 C COC 1 to . yew, ,a r antletiatiOnlSv TOCIIVitii',Ii f 2 .i� ,t��" p o r 5t,itr Thatp pointecl politican's Who are ,f. likwpring for the "loaves and .11.IT rG►11?1'4 . N0'114 ; Tums L.o*lwoN , c1 vertiser hist a great tealay other Grit prgans1is a little prey ions, in its issue on Monday it 'states: "It is be`icved that when a recount takes place in ,North Middlesex, ;11Ir Hutchins, the Conservative candidate• will be found la the minority. The. re turning ollicea°gives him two majority,". Tho returning officer did not give any decision until Tuesday, Thus Mr. As1- ver•tiser against you we will score an other lie to your already long list. The Advertiser was never a very truthful sheet and especially so since the Hon.. David Milts becalm disassociated with. it, and its reputation thea was not very saving in this respect. But what can you expect in the way of truthfulness from that "rag"; A -Ir. John: Cameron who was the Editor of the 'Toronto Globe at the time of the last Dominion election which took place iu 1387, and who for several clays held at the top of one of the columns of the (i lobe, ONE MAJORITY for the Liberal Party, while at the same time the Govern• menc of Sir John A, Macdonald was sustained by a very large majority, In the issue of the Advertiser the day af- ter the election, this year, it the (Ad- vertiser) rag, displayed in large type `The Government's Great Majority. wiped out". In its issue of Monday evening the sante villainous sheet states that the Government has a ma- jority of 22. Truth, thou art a jewel T1IE returns from London show Mr Hyman's election by 133 majority over the Hon. John Carling. Mr. Carling was a representative of which any con stituency could be proud. Represent- ing what we may call his native city for many years, a member of the Gov- ernment for a large part of the time, living in the fierce light that beats up- on such an office, he earned the title of "Honesty" and a higher one no man can have. The young Liberals of Lon_ don, who divide their time between singing negro songs behind doors that open for twenty fiye cents, and chat_ teeing about statecraft, might well blush through the burnt cork at the means by which the result was attain- ed. Mr. Carling has been beaten he - fore, but when the matter was sifted he still remained as "Honest John" and his opponents have earned an infamous political title, begining with "Come a long". Once Athens had a citizen that served her honestly and well./ His name was Aristides, 'surnamed "The Just". He fought at Marathon and had char;•e of the spoils from the Per- sian army. But Athens banished Ar- istides by public vote. The reason given by one for his yoto was, the was tired of hearing the name, Aristides, "the Just". Has London become tired of the name Honest John Carling? The fight is now over, and all have once more settled down to business of ter one of the haadest and bitterest struggles ever fought out in Canada, Should we at any time during the campaign have said things, other than that of a political nature, that did.. harmonize with your, feelings, we are sorry. for it, and hope that it will be, overlooked, We wish to move along in our,line in a way that will be ac- ceptable and friendly to all, and we hope all will treat us with that court- esy. and friendliness as heretofore. And so the world moves on. THE 'Gonmuicrt Signal last week came out with a rooster, one that was zvcli up in size too, claiming victory. We always thought that when the rooster appeared it was an indication that a certain party had gained victory in tae Dominion. However Dan is like the female rooster, when she has won a battle at home, always imagine that her sex throughout:the universe has done likewise, and then loves to crow, on her own dung hill: Tms Elections are now over and the result known fully enough; to speculi ate upon the Government majority, on the first Parl;amentary' division. It will theft be found,, we think, to be about 40. U. R. is dead. E. Wiman its Pa and. Senator Cartwright its Ma will wear the usual 30.days mourning,, At Ailsa Craig, the Returning Offi cer, Mr. VG: R. Armitage, of North Mid diesex, on Tuesday last counted the ballots cast in the recenti election, and dec.aredH. '' . H tt h' q' i c ins (Con.) elected by' a majority of'two. The Reformers say there will be S i' ealinitr . Tttrx folloarin H ,Il:i tido nw e elib 'from Satixrday''S Newyork.F e Press which goes ta's'Fio^w' 'tTixt''tlie Wit ittli `y fill tlo f tie efri w in o 0 trientte2 xJ 5tate3, will tneot witha ft t h s aeatt o ' ext , sessC on Of don itrags: "two vieays of:it, A gent effian' 'eprOefatrife an Th 1s tirfl we to Yashingon a few days aga for that purpose of ;eonsniting *K. yor M9!I(rlit, r and other statesmen al's ,to the probabilities of the repeal Of the lkh.l>.urley bill. The firm he represent- ed contemplating the removal of part .of its manufacturing plant to ' the iInitedStates, which will aniptoy' a, lard"c •a4nouart of labor and $3,000,000 of capital, If the bill was likely to be soon Repealed 'no attempt to establish the industry would, be •made. The gen- tleman was told by Major MoKxt nnr that the law would certainly` remain for five or six years and that every new industry, such asthe firm he rep. resented proposed to ,establish would give additional stability to the present tariff, :;Fr'oxrn the Ohio statesman he went to a,' Well known Democratic n10111 ber of Congress and put the same goes tion. The answer was prompt and to the point d"My advice is, don't do it. You will 'lake a inistalie if you do: We propose to repeal that law nett session, and expect `to get the bill through the Senate, ' A Uepublician. President may prevent it, but in the House we could pass it over his vote.' Hew We Have the two views ,of it. The llepublican view, which says en- courage enterprise, diversify labor and siring Wealth into this chauncl. The Democratic., 'l-u'w, which. disoQpr•ages enterprise,' curtails the avenues of • la- bor and sends weatth into other chan- nels." R..,B.mYo_ Henson, Our sleighing has again disappeared. Mr. Fred Arnold has returned to Mitchell. Miss Ross, of Clinton, is visiting her ,sister, Mrs, W. B. McLean. Mr. Thos.:Berry has been on the sick list for thepast few days:, Mr, A, Murdock has returned from his short trip to Goderich. Mr. Samuel Lantenslayer, , of Au- burn, is. Visiting frietids" iu town. Mr. George H. Iain,;:, of Blyth, is visiting his. brother, Mr. A. King. Mr. W. R. Hodgins, our enterprising citisen, intends building a large hall over his driving shed. Mr. Geo. Tound is down visiting friends at the old farm.. The boys think there is something on. Quite a number of voters from this vicinity voted in West Huron on Thurs- day last, but were of no avail. Mr. John Dick, of this place, has left this place and will take up ' his abode in Thorn bury, where he has an inter- est in a shingle mill. Mr.'F, Meyers was awarded th high- est price paid for a vote in, the county of I3uron in the way of a song which is as good as a cool $1,000. The revival services here came to a close on Sunday last, and we on say much good has .been •done among the the'young,people of this l,lact�.'."-' -'-- Miss Mack, of Hay, and Mr P: Alex- ander and Mr. W. Humerson, of Tuck- ersmith, left this station on Tuesday last for Calgary, North West Territory. Mr. George Coockman has secured the agency of the Parisian Laundry, London. Parties wishing their under• wear done-up'in first-class style, and cheap, should.cail on George. The Concert in aid of the C. 0. F. was a grand success in every particu lar, all: being delighted with the per• formance of the various. parties who took part. The comic 'songs snug by Mr. Shane, of Blyth, brought down the house. The recitations of Mr. Gauld,• of London, wcie of a telling: nature, and claimed much 'attention: The Exeter Glee` Chili and Orchestra liko- wise did credit to themiselyes in a most pleasing manner to the audience, and many thanks are due -them for their fine music and' choice selections. All who were at the conceit certainly en- joyed a treat. lorse Talk, Take a look at the, mare and make up your Mind what class of horse she will nick best with, and then go to work to find out the best horse of that type in your county, or the next, al- ways bearing in mind your mare's peculiarities, and doing your best to get a horse to suit her; for instance, if you want a draft horse, and your mare is rough and stair` -sided, with a long back and weals loin, mind you get a horse that does not show. these de fects also; pickout a bony built 'fellow, never mind if he is a trifle undersized as long as he shows plenty of quality,. with a short back, well sprung rib, and short coupling; and when you are, choosing him dog not forget that the kind of draught: horse most in demand to day is the low -set thick one, and; bearing that in mind get a horse as near the groundras you ;can: If your mare is niclined to, be somewhat dirty. legged, be sure the, horse has not . the same fault, but is as clean and flat as. they mance them; and if your mare is light boned and lacking in substance,` I would not recoMmend you to; breed her to a large, rough Horse, I; would. certainly choose a Stallion that, while notonly large, showed a good deal of substance; in fact I should look for what is often in "a big -little. horse. And if you once,' make a start in the way of breeding draught horses, choose Which breed you think Will snit your market hest andstiek to it. It yon,fancy', 51110, keeplreedia . Sh es, one, eros9 after another, untull you get a stifficCent' number tilt rregister; or'.if'Clydes;follow the same •inei le;do not breedone•crear , In p , to a Clyde and next year to a 8l1ir•e,'. back i, so11.Again <, kt Clyde, ando , then .bac o y , 'if yen haVe t.gogd road mare,' do not, a" 'breed hest to tt;d aiigl t;horse With the idea of gotting a•horscc for farni work; Just think the tlling,oyer a 'little slid: yew will see that it will pay y'ott, far. better, to breed yens road•ntare, to a Hackney, if possible, ortoa big thor- oughbred horse; a high-stepping liar- Aess-horse, or a saddler, if of even t4 Moderately good patte}n, will fetch. you epough money to buy a span ' ,of. general purpose farm horses.; In short picture to yourself, a model horse of whatever kind you think it Will pay you best to breed, and theta. go to wort to envolve such a horse outof the ma, terials you have at hand: and even if you never succeed fully in doing so,. the chances are that in a few years there will be one Hiatt less in Ontario who declares that "There is no money iu horses"-",luel3lood" in the Canad- ian Live StocX al c? Farm journal. /or �,llcsi'cfa. FREE Ti,tp.—Tho success bt our Last word finding contest, just closed, last word us to offer another Free Trip AROUND the World, or its cash equiv.. alert to person person sending in the largest -est 0f words spelt the same for`' ward 1 '1 backward, such as '"Pip," "Boilili`. Iannah, THIE contest closes' 11ry, Three daily prizes for the till rgest lists received: Contest is opt, !to the WORLD. Everyone send ing.t e`n words nil' get a prize, Near- ly f 00 won p] '/.CS in our recent con- test. Rules and sample paper 12eents, together with a large illustrated cata- logue. Address Bell's Magazine, Orli. lia, Ont. Election Echoes. The following is a complete number of votes polled in each sub -division, of the villageof Exeter:— Hutchins Taylor, No. 11 (Edworthy's) S9 27 No.12 (Town Hall) 80 48 No. 13 (Market) 99 50 268 125 125 Majority for Hutchins 143 The following are the correct returns for North Middlesex. The figures 'be- ing majorities:- Ilutchins Taylor Biddulph ... 219 Lucan .....:.......... 139 Exeter.... • , ... 143 Parkhill 70 East Williams ....178 West " .130 McGillivray.... . 69 Stephen ' .163 Ailsa' Craig - . .,... 29 571 569. 569 T't'l maj. for Hutchins (con) 2. E)l:a:i7Tiox YET TO BE IS11LltD, Algoma, Ont. Cariboo, Q. Huntington, Q. Total 3. SICT. • Cons. Libs. Ontario - . 48 41. Quebec 34 30, Nova Scotia.... .. 16 5 New Bruns wiiek- ..... .... 74 2 P. E. Island,.:....... . 2 4 Manitoba. .. 4 1 N.•W. Territories 4 0 British Columbia, .. ° .0 0 128_ Government Majority so far, am. RECAPITULATION', 83 Conservatives Elected. .128 Liberals Elected.... 83 In Doubt. Elections to be Held 3 1 Total No. of Members of House 215 Exeter Roller Mills. MARKET REPORTS. WHEAT 95 TO 96 Sts. per bush Our Selling Priem Flour, strong bakar's, $2.75 per 100 best family, • 2.5. " " " low grade, 1,75 " Bran, Middlings, 80 90 " Screenings, 100 <t tt " Chop, 1.15 to 1:25 " Chop stone running eu,ery dad. TERMS CASA. The Exeter Milling Co J �.- rr lc�.. 11" " THE 13ST r1 ZO: rf 44J�rST ptsreASR IS It is shard, uncontrovcrtiblc fact that more disease is directly attributable to disorders of the Stomach than tallt n heother arbnnscombined ;'thisisnot hard for even' the unprofessional to understand when we Mize into consideration the pongee food that it is made the re c tacle 65 e' e t7 for titncrxh rt: to be churned, ilii Bested and so assimilated.' MALTOPiPSYI Pin artificialastric' juice-,-foriiinln on ever label) Will g Y dol the Wealc statnnCh and so ettre Indigestion, byspep+. psis etc., In fast, Si Is a goad aid to direst a hearty tlinncr, hrld can do no herrn, as itis idii oily, a g art cstra s»f n,noun;t;astti4lrico,dAngnntkfilliulatte atltlsothete I's no renttion„ Endorsed, by phyLitams; lit1nd tscts, i; i,postage for 4aluable booto tIAZ15i ,11o�SF!di 1N1'41 stab m, DitMdEs 0sintslo. FAR1 i RS. Dont Dail to get a supply of he famous s F OIL ETC., lMTade only by-- � You will find it gives satisfaction. JZ 1V.0 _ � CYLINDER OIL Should be in every Engine Cylinder Bewareti>e of Imitations. Get only Gelutas LARDINI . --FOR SALE BY— ETT Y ---ET' S.q Exeter, Ontario„ NEW TAILOR SIISP. THE UN"DERSIGNEDH AS OPENED OUT A NEW STOCK OF 11 $ II $ !i II :G u N II $ II :G II II FIRST'CLASS WIX'ITER &UITXGSJ I II $ H H $ H $ IIII II $ II $ II $ In Canadian and Imported Tweeds, French Worsteds, etc., which he will sell at right prices. If you wish a nobbyor plain suit it will repay:. you to call and examine his large stock which has just arrived. SA q fi SIRE FIT QVIIIITEEO EVERY TIME. § -§-§-§-§-§-§-§-§_§-§-§-§__§-§-§-§-§-s Special attention giveri to ladles mantle mak'g. - Give ,. rile a Trial and you -will be Convinced. Stand one door north of Fish's Barber shop. JAMES H. GRIEVE. FOR CASH ONLY. EiNimpaffammommumzu We w -ill sell the balance of cross- cut saws and axes at cost. SEE Keen Edge Saws, Queen do President do Racer do Forest Beauty Choice of Axes, 75 cts. STOVES AWAY DOWN. N• JAN. 13th, 1891.. BISSETT BROS. ICES. 75 cts per foot; 75 do do 75 do do 85 do do 85 do do WATCH THIS SPACE —FOR_ Chane of g "AD" E FISH. CITY HOTEL LONDON, ONTARIO. $1 per d 371'a J. & J, I Z MAB.TJN, I'rapri�tors. THE BEAUTIFUL AND CLEAR CUT s.. TY �. from which this paper is printed was supplied by the TORONTO yp DRY a er ae 1 s in type, Presses, and Printers' Supplies. J. T, JOHNSTON �3NS'TON .., 80 & $ 2 �e1 11tH tont St. vest 'I' 01�TT OR O, ONT. ING j. •SELL 1\Zai.l.i.8r s .. EXETER - ONTARIO Has now in stock Attuun and dater GOb=S. IN THE FOLLOWING LINES : West of England Suitings and Trous erings, Scotch'Tweed-Suitings and Trouser- Ings. French and English Worsted Cloth All made up in the Latest Style, at best Rates. 4L J". yo�yt�at,p i�itl �bt' .1� Lf. London Huron & Bruce Railway Passenger Tulle Table. (orae NORTE e gruel SOtJTxt. a.in. rpm, ,t ondon,do,liti:s, 5 4.:31i. Win gliatri 7,05 940. L518ibn Croa'g 8,47 5.20.. bol ravd 7.24 4.00. Clan dobo,y.) 852 528, Myth 7,58 4.16, Coivtraliu, 905' 5.46 Londo3'bord 7.42 4,'25, EYF:TI0R 0.18 8.52.Olin ttih8.07 495, Ftonsall 0.28 0,00. 13i•uoefield 8.26 5.04, TCippen ... 0184 0,17. ]tipper 18.94 5.12: lrucoflolcl 892 0.20. Even ball 8.41 5.18 Clinton 10,06 0.45 EXETER ` 8,6E 6.88, Lkndoe'boro' 10.10 7.08 Ceti:MOin 0.00 5.45, Ill; tlr 10.28 7.12, CJitndchoye 0.18 5.58, Il grave 1042. 7;27q: Xtraa Cros1g2.24 6.02, wingham. , 11,00 7,45, London a,rr ,10 15 6,54 �y;