HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-3-12, Page 2"Coen the tenter. We have heard that the great Robert Keebi 'Who puts Itaople's breathers in soak, Has discovered a cure. That is certain and sure To Make all the haat& creak. And every one whiny As he walks his wormy way; If he hasn't the gumption To kill the consumption, He'll surely drive pimples away," " The insects that pray on the nese. The germs that reside t'xvixt the toes, And eat up the tissue, He'll rob of their issue, And P01.90II them into repose. Consumption iu etr1i stage), Before it's coustimption at all, He'll cure by injection. With greet circumspection, And squirt at the worins till they fall. For lupus and pimples, And glandular dimples, Through very stnall doses of lymph. Although they are clannish, Will got up aud From old man and young Mau and nymph, And so I should think we should say, As we think of the great Robert K., If he hasn't the gumption To cure the consumption, /Jell surely drive pimples away. Buffalo News. Before the Baby wanke. Fannie Windsor, in the Century: There was a time when my discourse Was wrenched not out of j.int ; I did not shout till I was hoar ,e, And point out every point; Nor thrice the same joke try to tell, And mangle it and maim— My wife had time to listen wed, Before the baby came There was a time when here end there I flitted like a bird ; My wire went with me every where, Just when 1 sad the word ; We saw the boat -race and the play,l We watched the baseball gn me— We had afree foot, as they so.; , Before the baby came t There was a time when I alone Was by my wife adored ; I sat on the domestic throne, The sole and sovereign lord. My crown is gone. Without a thank, He takes my very name— I've not a vestige of my rank I Before the baby came THE PRIMA DONNA. --s-- 1 bank of the Rhiee I plodded wtthout hesit- ation and with almocit the coneolons tenet - tion of holding in mice sone° stronger bend that was constantly leading me. CHAPTER III. The epiree of an Goer were in the distanoe, befere eight, Itnt, having no money, I had no twe for the oity end orept tender an arch of the new reflected, making my bed there, with a stone for a pillow; mite atter such sleep as a tired boy mot witch during the tiork home I started on again with the earliest gray of the morning and was soon wending my way through the streets of St. Goan The baker' windows were the only eights that attracted me au I passed, and their buns and cakes and pastry were the only things whioh I remembered after I had left the paved streets behind. Hunger made them fascinating; but a boy without money who could not steel and would not beg could only deny himeelf ; no, leaving the crowded thorongbfaree behind, he continued his way up the Rhine. I had never belore been so far as St. Goan and had »ever in my life seen a pioture—save tient in„ my dream—of the famous nen jinn above the city, rising upon the oppeeite bank; but as 1 oame upon it, eamy in the tnorning, the blue water Shying ita ban, the mist hanging about the summit, I instantly recognized it as the Lorelei. Every seam and fraoture was identical with the picture in my dream. Every weatherestain was es I had seen it upon the imaginary antra. Each crannied nook, with its clustered vines clinging to the terraces, was indelibly imprinted upon my memory before I faced it. Think of it as you will, the feat ramekins; though I cannot explain it. Shuddering, shivering, hungry, tired, cold even in the warm sunlight, 1 sat down upon the bank to wonder what it meant. Only the phantom on the cliff was wanting, for the mists disappeared as the san rose; but with my eyes 1 traced the outline, as I had seen it; a figure which, like the erose of the Wandering Jew, was destined to fol- low me relentlessly, through years and years to oome, urging on the flans% fires to burn beneath life's crucible, till they purged me, till they rid me of my misap- prehension, forcing rae in blindness to see and in ignorance to know not the banity but the blessing, not the cruelty but the kindness of my Mina. Sometimes while I sat there, as though suggestive, almoet prophetic of that which was beyond, I seemed to see through the phantom a beautiful figure, the beautiful figure of my dream, beckoning to me, smiling upon me and calling me toward it still, whiepering something about a life out of death, a victory out of aefeat, a triumph, some day, somewhere, for Mina and for me, hidden deep in the heart of the Lorelei. Sorely they were strange intuitions, but for the* they were the more real. Of course I did not understand them but I felt them. In some way I hnew that my dream was foretelling sornething important, something which I should know, and that then intni. tione were warning me and guiding me; but I could not understend. Just as I knew in my dream that I was painting the real rook and the Lorelei, just se I reoognized the rook afterwards when I came upon it, I knew that these intuitions had a mean. ing and I recognized each meaning in its fulfillment, as it came afterward. Alas 1 Shat we cennot read the handwriting on the wall till it is explained to na in the taking away the kingdom Thus I sat all day, without moving, drowsily awake, hail dreaming, knowing that I ehould know something but utterly ignorant of how to find it out; shivering and shuddering in the shadow of the Lorelei. I had neither power nor inclina- tion to go any farther. The hand that led me on seemed to have left me, and, without question, I remained as though I had been aistinotively bidden to stay there. Late in the afternoon some one touohed my shoulder and a peculiar voice, deep and stern, and not over attractive, to a child, eedd , "What is teat withyou, lad Have you missed your way or your wits 2 " Looking up, I recognized the stranger whu ead tined through Boppard. Then I knew why it was that I had waited there all day; but utterly unable to speak I only sprang toward him. A curious apparition it must have been: A ragged, barefooted, half-witted boy; dumb with exporeure, fasting and surprise; not half so bright as most boys at his beet; thus suddenly dragged from the fascinat- ing horrar ' of that grim fancy into such sentiments of joy and anger as were epon. ttheonely aroused in hie defiant but help. lesa breast at confronting the destroyer of his pride and at once the only promise that he might ever be proud again. "Well 2"the stranger said, deliberately stepping back to avoid my grasp. I suc- ceeded, however, in catching hie hand and olung to it in the fear that, being annoyed by my stupidity, he would turn away again before I found the power to speak. "1 asked you what was out with yon," he said, sternly. "Are your wits wool. gathering 2" • I opened raymonth in a frantic effort to reply, but in vain; I could only shake my head. " I notice that you have a tongue in there," he observed with a faint smile. "1* is a pity if you do not understand the use of it.' His eyes seemed piercing through and through me. Bat still speaking slowly and more as though to himself than to me, he continued "1* is fine material to he running to waste. I say, ray boy, relied I Are you awake? I am taking it for granted that yen understand the language I am speaking." My utmost effort only enabled me to nod my head and still eimpidly stare at him and piteously oling to him. "Ab 1 Thep is some progress at last," he said, with a sigh es though relieved. "Evidently you ;comprehend me; but alas I am still failing to comprehend yore Now a very few words from you, if well arragned, would enlighten me. How would it be if yon were to tell me why you were here all alone?" "1 am waiting or you, sir," I gasped in despair, and then wondered at the reply; though I 'knew it we quite true. It was not till a raoraent before that I had real. ized, myself, that it was for him that I had been there all day so patiently wait- ing ; but the moment I saw him I was as sure edit as if I had known it all day. Waiting for me ? " he replied, in the same low tone. "Thie is a temarkable situation, my ohild. It is very pleasing I assure you to discover that you can speak, however. Sup.pose you try to epeak again." I did not tn the least understand him. I only realized that In some way it seetned to please him that X spoke and, anxious mat of all not to displease, at least, I made another eager effort and al:encoded mo far rot to whisper, Oh, I have been wait- ing so lonig I" ' Again, in those slow, deliberate tome he repeated, "You have been waiting a long r Now, my dear bey, ottri you not see thet that is not progkent ? You Mem to cora- prehatd this matter entirely, but I pray you to consider me lost in tinfathonieble ignorance. Once more reflect, if posaible." Here he laid his freehand, not unkindly, on my shoulder; but then was something aci When my pride was sure thee I was hidden by the wall is allowed me to stop and listen, and, in spite of it, for a moment choking with regret, I was on the point of winning after Mina to tell her how sorry I was that I had spoken so. A moment letter I should have been beside her and all would have been well, perhaps, but clear and dis- tinct that little trill Bounded on the still evening air, and the eoho crept down the alley with the refrain, " 11nd das hat mit ihrem Bingen Die Lorelei gethan." With a shudder I turned and olimbed the gray stone entire alone. Alone 1 I had never Beemed alone there before. There were deep grooves in the steps where the heavy ehoes of the poor people, living on the different floors, had worn the stone- away, in the ages they had been climbing, tust as they would go on olimb- ing for who could tell how many ages more; but among them all, with all their burdens, I am sure that the heaviest weight over those winding flights, was the heart that I carried with me that night, con- stantly saying to me : "Yo can do better, you can do better. Mina is no longer proud of yon." Many a time those etairs had seemed to me like the grand approach to some great castle; like the golden steps of the Rhine romances; like the marble nights of stuusy Italy; some fairy charm invariably trans- forming them for the little heart that was ever so full of the sunshine which pervaded Mina's life and therefore mine. Now a cloud had some between as, and having no sunshine of my own I was left in darknees. We had often quarreled before, but Mina was always as angry as I. We bad fought ant our little battles and one or the other had conquered, dissipating our wrath in the joy of making up long before the sun went down. But to -night I had been angry all alone and Mina had laughed at me. My little cloak of fond conceit her hand had torn away. My beautiful rainbow of self-satisfaction she had obliterated. At fourteen years of age I felt that my life was utterly blasted, and up from the rook upon which I believed that I was wreaked I seemed to look, only to Bob my Mina, sitting upon the high cliff above, laughing at my distress. It was all folly, no doubt, but like the castle with its legends and the . wonderful fairy tales which we had so often acted, it seemed much more real to me than real life and Boppard. I could not eat my supper, little though there was of it at the best. The dry black -bread choked me, and, with hot tears burning in ray eyes, I crept into my rade bed to toss about all night, 'upon the blenket, in bewildered, dreamfnl sleep, ever haunted by a hideous vision of a die. tested Lorelei laughing at her tortured victim. At last, however, of their own wanton buoy, the dreams took a wayward turn toward something better. I seemed to be sittieg in a wonderful armament, the like of which I am sure that I had never eeen before, with sheets of canvas on wooden frames about me and a curious tripod sup- porting one of them directly in front of me. Upon this I seemed to be ardently working. In one hand 1 holds thin board upon which were little mounds of color; bright, soft, pliable color. In the other hand I held a little brush. At the bottom of the anew before me there was blue water. Ont of title a great rook rose, seamed with many fissures, scraggy with moss and clinging vines; and seated high upon the •summit of the rook was a lovely figure, more beau- tiful than anything that I had ever seen, smiling a bright smile upon me, as in breathless eagerness I realized that I was producing it. Suddenly starting from my sleep, I sat up in bed, rubbed my eyes and looked about me. The little window was gray with the fleet light of the morning. The little room, with its bare wails, was barren and cold about me and the beautiful vision was gone. Cloeing nay eyes I saw it once more, and, Fleeing, I seemed in some strange way to know that the picture was the Lorelei. had never seen an artist's studio, and I knew abeolutely nothing of hie means or methods, so, though the dream wee djs tinot and clear aad as I now know accurate, I could not then understand it; but as I eat with ray Oyes shut a voice seemed apesking to me, saying something whioh I could hear but not understand. It was like a song evithott wortle, like a painting without outline, and I responded without keowing why. I moved, utterly unconsoiens of what it was that I was bidden to do, only realizing that must go somewhere and for eorne purpose. I annot pat thie more plainly. It Wes simply that the voice spoke to me and theft I Was obeying when I gathered tip tay Oration° orayone and, taking the broken • kelt of bleck-breed in my hand, before the • slumbering mists had been roused from their comet in the Rhine valley, stole away from Boppard, up the river, only pea, ing to whisper tk Bed farewell to the ithadoWei lurking about Minder, dooe ati I pund it. On end on and on along the stern in it, *fief all, that it frightened me *is he Oentinued " Blake another effort now end tell me, if you oar*, who you are." Desperately I exolaircied, "Yon know me elreedy l You know nie " "Indeed, for you Bake and my own, my child, I wish that I did, knew you, but I assure you Butt se yet I, at lout, am utterly ignoeant ot, the fact. How, indeed, should 1 know you, being en utter stranger." " Why,' 1 gi'm OW !Per oan do better if he will WY etedY. 1 Pried,' ,+4, The hop who 'Oen do hetter if he will (Ally study ?",ho repliedae before. "Now, my yontig friend, ig thetto exoeptional a thing upon the Rhine that it *ekes one celebrated, till a strenger from a far omlatre, must he append to recognize him at sight, upon the strength of sale a reputation 2 Why, in the land where I was fostered, there were, I presume, a hundred boys who multi have done better if they ha a studied." " Yon know me, sir 1" I cried, interrapt. ing him, for the slow progress of his words, which had but little meaning to me, was unbearable; and still peening anxiously toward him, in a way that must have touched his pity, I think, for in the end he laid his hand upon my oheek, and, lifting my facie to hie, said more gently: It strikes me in reality you are making a mistake, my boy. I think it you will re- flect a little we shall come at it better. Now, if it is true that I know you, tell me something else by whioh I may know that I know you." "You are the one, eir. You are, I know," I persisted. " X do not deny it," he replied, demurely smiling, " but which ono? what one?" That one who looked at my picture on the wall and told me I could do better if I would only study," I sobbed. "Ali 1" he said with a eigh, and his large gray eyes rested on me with a curious smile. He lifted leis eyebrows a little, and laying his hand again upon my shout er, esid "Now, at least, see how yon have enlightened rae. Yes, e am the one. I perfectly remember now that there was a boy, though I ehould never have thought that you and he were one, drawing a pia. tare on the wall, by the way to the castle, down at Boppard, a day or two ago. Yes, I remember the work quite distinctly. There was a river and a knight and a tree. It was a battle scene. Yee, and if my memory serves me, I believe that I. was correct, though somewhat diesourteous, in seserting that the boy who could do so well as that would have done even better than he did as the result of a little more study." " Of course I !should!" I exolaimed, " and I come here to tell you that I would." "Game all the way from Boppard to tell me that you would study art?" he repested, looking at me wonderingly. "That was a rare bit of wasted genius, but genius is always very wasteful in itself. Wait a bit, my boy, a sudden thought has some to me. Look sharp now ! tell me truly or I shall know it if you lief who was it that sent you after me 2 Who told yon to come to ms?' "You did, sir. Yon said it, and I came," I ea/aimed; "and there is nobody any- where who cares it I go or if I some." "It was a very curious constraotion for a boy to put upon so brief a statement of an obvious feat," he said, deliberately, "and if it is advice from me that you are retaking, I should certainly bid you go back, forthwith, to Bopped ; work faithfully for your father and mother, as any good boy should, and and give up forever any foolish notions about art. Art is a hard and whimsical master. I would not willingly make my - Belt a !nave to it it I were yon; only this: if ever, for pastime, I did draw a picture, even though it were only a pieta/nit the wall, I would have certain care that the water was not green and that the most prominent knight, in the foreground, was not as tall as a tree growing beside him. •Tient is all that I meant; just a 'suggestion that a little study would better it in eome of its details." • Every word and motion seemed to repel me, yet I only °lapsed his hand the closer, feeling that he alone could save me from himself, whom I feared. Thus, deeper. Moly, I replied: , "1 have no father or mother to work for and I will not go back to Bopperd. How is a boy to make blue water with green crayon? Can a man do it Give me colors, real, true colors, and.I will show you now that I can do better than that." The stranger est deliberately down upon the river bank and laughed at me. It might have been confusing, embarrassing and wounding, even to a boy's pride, to be laughed at in thus way, had it not been that the overwhelming satisfaction, in finding him sitting down, where there was no im. mediate danger of his turning away from me, obliterated every other sentiment and I waited patiently till at hat he observed: "1* slowly dawn ie upon me that you are, indeed, something of a genius; there is no doubt about it; but is it not the inalienable quality of genius to create? Where would be the artistic, glory were every pigment to be picked for you and put into your hand? Your artistic herniate told you, as it seems, thst water should be blue. Why did you not use a bine orayon to produce it ?" "1 have only these three pieces in the world," I replied, taking the precious crayons from my pocket. "We found them, Mina and L This is red and that one is green and that one brown. I kw* whet colors they are, and I used slate for the knight's armor. I knew that that was nearer the right color for water, too, than my green crayon, but the knight oame right up against the water so I could not have them both the Emmet and I oared raore for him than for the water to be right. Than I made the tree jaet as big as the stones was, and because the stone was not big enough, I made the tree smaller than it ought to he so a&,to show what it was. That is how if same. I had no money to buy what colon I wanted or I would have done better before." "No money 2" he replied, " eh I now we arrive at the vital point. Yon were quite right in • oorrung to me for money, since it ' Wag 1 who gave yen the advice Which yon were unable to follow without it. I preenme that you would only expect me to lend you et Shake, but the demand is too moderate. Here is a Lords d'or. Yon are quite welcome to it ; or, if you wish, when yon have made your- self is Raphael or an, Angelo, you on return it. Take it, my boy, take it I say. 'Tis not a charity ; I am only loaning it to you." In lathy ' life I had never seen a gold coin before, except in the Boppard money changer's mindowt behind the iton grating. I had never once held so much as s silver thaier in my band; had never possessed a growled of my own individual right. With two eyea strained to their utmost capecity the boy leaked at the glittering coin. What would not Louis d'or pro- duce for him 1 Food 2, He wed hungry. Crayons / " How he longed for them 1 All the world, tWitte ever, I thought that snail is sane vetkuld buy. I even wondered if Mine might not forget thst I Wald do better if *lee kuew eat I wag the proud possessor of es greitt yellow Untie. The boye of &pinked, tool Etow X bed envied thetri the peaty doing they' need to vaunt, knowing that X lied none of *herb. Vengeance is Sweet, even to & boy and my hend trembled to touch the i4Oniii : but gyeyelles iloothe thao foetrr:getntutaotteothtinhge there out the hot blood ratting to my oheeks. Hardly knowing why, I fiercely etruolt the hand thest bold the gold toward me, exclaiming angril : " It was for 001orEl, true °eters that I asked; not for that ! I only want to show you that I oan do better." Smiling Fain, the stranger pioked up the gold, brushed off the dust and put the Louie in his pOoket, slowly repeating, as before : " Colors, teue colors.' Genitive le pVer So stupidly dissatisfied with gold. Well. if 1% mut s oolore, why,come my boy,sit down beside me. There I Sit, 1 Baid, not turable down. What, are you ill?" "No, sir," I muttered faintly, trembling, however, with alarm at my own weakness, though it was surely natural enough under the oironmetenoes, when, turning to obey, I etumbled and would have fallen had not the stranger caught me. Then, as he seated me safely by his side, he put his arm about me, drew nee toward him, and looking down into my fees he aid very gently," I fear, my boy, that you are ill.' It wee only a little sot of common kind- ness, no doubt ; only a gentle look; only a touch of compassion; but, coming as it did, it opened all the fountains that were full to overflowing, jut beneath the surface of the tired eyes, and they responded in a flood of tears, while the boy cried se Only a boy oan cry when nature, strength and courage have demoted him, and for the first time in hie life he feels the support of a etrong arm about him in his weakness, and in hie loneliness the touch of the soft band of sympathy. The stranger drew the head down upon hie knee and gently stroked the hair irom the forehead until the teen flowed less freely. Then, by curious Bounden I knew that he must be doing something and im- mediately began to wonder what it was, till presently curiosity led me to forget my eobe and peep through the mien' for a momentary investigation. One glimpse was enough to open my eyes wide and I could almost have cried again for joy. From a little case whioh bad been hanging over his shoulder the stranger had taken a square pieoe of canvas and fastened it to a wooden frame, then be took bruehes, three or four of them. Altogether they were not so large as the smallest brutish which the Bop - pard sign -painter need for his most delicate work. Then he took out just such a thin piece of board se I had seen in my dream, and from a case he drew small bottles of soft, shiny Enda from which he pressed drops of beautiful color on the board. True oolor I White, blue, green, brown, red, black. Breathlessly I told off the drops as they oame; real lite pigments and an artist's palette, just as I had seen them in my dream • but never anywhere else. Lea of alChe took e. deliaste pencil from the case, and, looking'down with a smile at my eagerly upturned face, he said: "11 the storm has cleared away Buffo ciently, why, here are the true colors that you asked for, and I ehould like to see you experiment with them. Draw the picture with this pencil first ; draw it lightly ; only distinos enough for you to see what you are doing; then fill in the color. Do you Bee Try making up thee beetle scene again for me.' I heard very little, and I am sure I oared even lees what it was that he was saying or what about the battle scene, for I held the canvas upon my knee and the pencil in my hand. Of course the pencil was ranch softer than my crayons, but the canvas was not so hard fie the wall, ect that the work was net entirely new in its results. My fingers moved nervously, but not care- lessly, and to some extent I nemed to know what I was doing really without knowing. I had formed no plan of whet my eketah should be, yet it was not the battle scene. It was the great rook over the river. It was hardly the great rook either, for I do not think that I onoe looked at it. It was really the painting of my dream that I was repro- ducing from memory. Even this I did not fully realize, myself, until with bated breath I turned an inquiring glance at the stranger who had been silently watch- ing me. (To be Continued.) • Sunshine in the llonse 'I'm weary with work' the good wife sighed; "But after all," she said, "It's sweet to labor for those we love— No wonder that maidens will wed." A wise housewife lightens her toil and gladdens the home oirole by her cheerful. nese. But health is the first requisite, and her just prerogative. Health follows the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, which repairs the ravages caused by those peouliar diseases which staid womankind. It enriches the blood, cures the cough, in- oreases the flesh, prevents hysteria, ner- vousness and low spirits, and is a veritable fountain of health to women, young and old. Satisfaction, or the price (51.00) re- funded. Of druggists. Blessed TWA REPORTER. and Abused by flume Whom xis Serves, There ere few men who sre more courted, blessed and cursed than the reporter. The World aye that he ie everywhere when it has no uee for him or desires to keep something neret from the public eye; then when it h*s eamething whioh it desires to dieplay and by the dieplay bring honor to one or more of its inhabitants and the reporter is slow in seeing the greet importance of that in which they are intereated, then "he is no Where, ost the beet a good for nothing. News to him is of no value until it becomes his- tory." The reporter has to deal with a etrange crowd. Some of them eay, Wet '4 They would die if their names got into print, others enjoy the beet of health striving to get them there, yet, in spite of the peouliaritiee of the people he lives and MOM among them as tliOligh all were hie friends; that he hae friends even in hieb places, who are not afraid to own him can be seen frotn the boldatand taken by Chap, lain Allison when he held the onerous position es chaplain of the Minnesota Senate. One morning he startled that august assembly with the following preroration : "And now, dear Lord, bless the reporters, whose nimble pews catch every word almost before it is uttered. Like Thyself, they are omnipresent and almost omnipotent. If we take the wings of the morning and fly to the uttermost parts of the earth, they are there. They meet us in the jungles of Africa, they way- lay us in the solitary canyons of Colorado, and when at length WO find the latitude of the magnetic pole, behold they are there. May their light an goodness be equal to their power, and when the General ABEAM. bly of Heaven convenes, let no reporter be ealuded, Amen.—Rev. T. J. Aftwfaddin Newburyport (111585.) Herald. Domestic Servants. It is not worth while to demonetrete that girls in domeetio service get better wages and are really better off than if they go into shopeor feetories. Of that the girls themselves are the only judges. So tong as they prefer the shop or feettory work at shop or faotory wages to domestio ser- vice, so long will they leave the kitchens empty. The remedy for the existing situation- is an advance of wages—an ad- vance in the general rate paid to competent servants. When that advance is sufficient to tempt a larger number of girls into the business the supply wilt increase, and it will not increase until that time, however sednotively the arguments in favor of domeetio service as a better occupation than shop work may be presented in print. When "money talk" wage-earners hear.— New York World. Never Refused God Anything, Florence Nightingale aid, " If I could give you information of my life, it would be to show how a woman of very ordinary ability has been led by God in strange and unsoonstomed paths to do in His servioe what He has done in her. And if I could tell you all, you would gee how God has done all, and I nothing. I have worked hard, very hard, that is all ; and I have never refused God anything." Scarcely an Encouragement,. "Don't you think, Miss Twilight, that you could learn to love me if you should try?" " Really, Mr. Vete Ile Vere, I don't know. I learned to like tometoes onoe, but after eareful consideration I have been sore evee since that the remelt wasn't worth the pains." PARIS THAWING O. Great Damage Caused in France by the Heavy Frosts. A. Paris cable says : At last the thew has arrived atter a, frost the severest for eighteen years. Never in the annals of Paris has so mach misery been known se for the past few weeks. The enormous class ot sufferers °meats of painters, brick. layers, gardeners, and such like. There are probably 50,000 people unemployed. the vote of 6,000,0001. by the Frenoh Gov- ernment did more to popularize the Gov- ernment than any other legislative actt. Then tame an speed from the press, and two daps' collation amounted to 150,0001. The market gardeners round Pane are in despair. Their crops are totally ruined. The price of vegetables in Paris is snob that they are a luxury only for the rich. The Seine's ice ahrond is rapidly breaking up down stream. The tuge used to break up the ice have oarried away many old narrow bridges, snob as Poiesy. UrliEnE do all the girls go 2,, the Phila delphis Record sake, and proceeds to give the names of over two hundred young girle who have dieeppeered as completely from their friends and that oity as though the earth had opened up and swallowed them. •The majority were between the ages of 14 and 16 yere, a a great mystery. Lod Salisbury writes that an esrly diegointion Of Parlitnent a not probable. Connecting the North Sea and Deltic. The ship canal from the North Ses or German Ocean to the Baltic is in full pro. geese of construction. Seventy-seven million cubic: metree of earth are to be removed, and of these nearly one-third had been moved last year before frost oame. The skilled laborers engaged number 218, the common diggere 7,084. The bundle of the company accommodate 3,289 of these, who are obliged to take brealifest and dinner with their lodging. The price for these amounts to 15 cents daily. They can also Bap there it they choose at an equally moderate rate. The personnel of the barracks consists of six managers, 35 help, 14 clerks, 14 °coke and 14 sick nurses. The anal, when completed, will permit ships to pass morose south of Denmark anti save the circumnavigation of that country. Yellow* sumer-UV ttie BEAUTY. A Word to Pretty Women on the *woe* yation of Their chews. The weinen who in pretty hi far etto liable to think that that ite enough ; aha will oonquer her kingdom by meaue of it ; and wben the , day of reckoning, the day of fading comes, the kingdom will be &Weedy bees by right of ponession. Indeed she does not coneider the day ot fading ; it is something as diffloalt for her to realize ae desth itself is to the young • it is far off, vague, ell bat impossible ; how is she ever going to look other than she doea now, and still be herself? And at any rate there are always the mama to make the repairs of beauty, and auffioient unto the day is the evil thereof. And att. in an average of more than half the inetanoes, the goes dancing off about her pleasure like a fly in the sun. as full of the present, as careless of the feture ; she makes no preparation for the impending fate vehicle is sure to some to her if the live long enough; she relin on her fair face, her blueing, her dimples, her radiance, her amnia, /lee glances, her sweetness. To please, to attract, to marry, to marry well, is the mark she has set before her; and it dam not need cultivation of the sterner virtutee for that; the sterner virtnea are not greatly called into amount in this quest, have Millet opportunity of asserting themselves, or even of being missed. Nor is great intellectual cultivation fa the scheme of our pretty woman's lite; awarding to her plan of motion it is entirely unneoessery. Who cane for syllogiem5. lectures, instructions, ehe anconenonely argues from rosy lips? Who will stop to ask if the bright eyes have dulled them- selves over dry pages of saholeetio lore t Let who will be lathed, it is enough for her to be gay and happy. What, then, has our pretty creature left for the dim passages of middle age, when beauty has Wien away, bat there still is lef t the desire to hold captive what owe beauty gained 2 The time is owning when there will be deep crescents round the mouth whose lovely curves have been dragged down by flaccid musoles, when there will be fine epider-web lines &swathe eyes, when there awn1 be hollows in thee cheeks, when the red and white of the skirt' will have become blurred and mottled or overlaid with yellow sallowness, when per- haps there will be present in the veonons face only "that divine smile whielehaelIosit the two front teeth 2" Let the pretty girl remember that ha the darkness of that middle Towage the beauty that she had before the entered it will not signify; &l fame are in the dark together then, the girl that was plain with the girl that was beautiful; the wreok of beauty signifies then no more than the wreck a what never was beauty. It is the meet voice, the kindly manner, the burden of what ie said, the tender.heartedness of what is done, that tells with any effect then. It will not be long before she arrives at this time, which, in comparison to the blaze of youth, neighbors close on the dark; and she will need then all with whioh she can have filled her intellect and fed her soul, all that wit and virtue and breeding can have given her, in order to retain any- thing of that kingdom to whioh in the early days ehe felt herself born by right divine. —Harper's Bazar. Popular Fallacies. That the physician collects hie bills with greater ease than the tailor. That men never read cook -books or fashion magazines. That only the eye -glassed young lady feels that inward Wise which comes of culture. That a paesion for fancy drinks denotee a love of the beautiful. That there is it good-looking woman in the world who doesn't know it. mThat there is anything that has severed ore friendships than the simple phrase Lend me five dollare."—Judge. Pointer From a Barber. " What a foolish habit some men have of putting water on the hair in this kind of weather I" remarked one of the Duqueene barbers yesterday. "Why put water on the hair at alt? It is done, to be sure, to make the hair lie down, but it is more of a habit than anything else. The hair an be brushed dry as well as wet. You see, men go out of barber shops with the water running from behind their ears. In a few minutes it ie °hanged into icicles. The next day they complain of earache, neuralgia or pain in the back of the head. Do you wonder why? The cense is not deeply hidden. It is not water on the brain this time, but ice on the hair." —Pittsburg Dispatch. He was no hIusician. Rooheater Herald: Father—Where are the girls going to.night ? Mother—There is a rehearsed of "The Messiah," I believe. Father, sharpy—H&8 that infernal ghoet- dance craze come net 2 A Quiet Hint. New York News: Old Generoad—'-47nd what did Santa Claus bring you, my little man? Dilemma—Show the kind gentleman your beautieul toy bank, Tommy. The Use of It. Boston Post: You can utilize New Yeer'a by sendtng the present which yon didn't want to the person whom you forgot. What Hilted Him. Syrecnee Herald : Who killed Parnell I, said Kilkenny ; " I'll bet a penny I killed Parnell." Rocussenie has a Society for the Organi. zation of Charity which is worked in ea - cadence with the following objects and principles First — do -operation between individuals chtirches and charitable agencies, both public and private, thus preventing the overlapping of relief, Second—Such investigation as will ensure an accurate knowledge of each applicant for assist - 51100. ' Third—The exposure of habitual beggarsland frands. Fourth—The organizetion of a body Of friendly visitors who shall by personal interest and sym- pathy gradually build up habits of saving and industry among the less fortunate, thug preserv- ing and elevating the home. Fifth—The helping of the poor to help them- selves by making einployment the basis of relief. Canadian talents are coming to the front, Grant Allan, a Canadian by birth, has won the prize of £1,000 for the beet novel in the oompafition recently announced by a room. her of Parliament, GeonekNewnes. Several hundred novels were in competition, Mr. Allents "What's Deed in ilea Bone" won. Mali Women Bide Astride? Some months ago considerable comment was aroused by a statement that the women of the present day who rode horse- back were injaring themselves by riding on one side of the saddle, and that riding man- ashion in bifurcated ekirts was necessary to health and safety. Et seems that Miss Kate Field was called upon for an opinion, as she was known to be an enihatiastid equestrienne, and she came on here from Washington to get a prate:al opinion of the merits, or otherwise, of riding man. fashion in the bit tweeted skirts, from the Central Park Riding Academy. As Mies Field and the proprietors of the riding academy were not strangere, be:tense of stabling her horse there for several years, she asked the gen- tlemen to speak very °stolidly to her on the subjeet, which they did. To begin with, they told her that they would never per- mit a lady to leave their building mounted on a horse man.feehion but, as she wished to see how it looked, ;hey set apart an evening for her to come up to the riding academy and have a private view of a lady riding matefeshion in the biftiroeted akin. They also told Mies Field that the bifur- cated skirt, if used on a sidesedle, was very practical, as in ease of an accident the rider had free use of her limbs. Although the discussion a over now, it has .had its good effects from a mediced standpoint, as, after consulting with several of the physicians who ride at their academy, the proprietors ordered from Wellmen several addles with reversible pommels, so that in order to develop both eiders of the person equally, ladies ride to the left aide one day and to the right the next. This, by the way, is the latest fad in riding circles, and the physioiens advocate it very strongly.—New York Truth. joesph Kling a young lawyer ofe3t. Paul, Minn., has become a hopeless lunatics through poker -playing. The best horsemen in Europe are found in Russia. In that country blinders are never pat upon &horse, and a shying horse is rarely seen. Montegriffo, the tenor, his sailed for England to join Carl Ro3a'S Opera Com- pany. , An Atchison woman neatly fell in love and married a widower, for no other good reason, she says, than that he tug such good care of his first wife's grave. —" We have reached the final plisse," says the London Times, "of the saramble for Africa." But one big region ramekins to be explored—that whioh extends from the Lower Congo to Lake Tithed. Mr. Spurgeon gives but little time to the preparation of his sermons. He sits in hie study a couple of hours with hie face buried in his hands, then goes to his desk, jots down a few headlines, and then he is ready tor p. mtuta dances are all the rage in England just now. At a great ball in Birmingham the other evening elm Herbert Chemberlain was dressed as a white chrysanthemum in a ekirt of white silk, stiffened and shaded to represent the petals of the flower; bodice of green silk to represent the stem, with shaded velvet leaves falling on the white skirt, and head deem of pets's, forming the heart of the flower. Queen Victoria hag five amide to assist at her toilet—vize three dressers and two wardrobe women. We are also told by high authority that the senior aressert who has been many years with Her Majesty, is espeoielly charged with the task of convey- ing orders te different tradeepeople— jewellers, drapers Thoa dressmakers; one droner and one wardrobe woman are in constant attendance on the Queen taking alternate dap, Ail this when the royet lady is well and in good apirite. At other timers tho maids are meat, to retire to the lower swath:lents and told to day there until oalled for.