The Exeter Advocate, 1891-2-19, Page 8sP PA IV REA -Vi E. NEY5f1 FAILS 70 OWE SATIs;AU'flotl FOR SALE BY ALL PeALERS. TI MART( EXE T EP, FILL1NG UP NOW w eve see THE 1I A! T FOR HOLIDAY (,; (One 0� (IaLIAMI GETTING R.LT ADY N C 'IlI'J I!IV SOS MI4A LOCAL JOTTINGS Don't fail to see J. H. Grieve's $10 suits before purchasing elsewhere. Small Sugar -Coated Burdock Pills do not gripe or sicken. They are mild and effectual. Dr. Low's Sulphur Soap is a delight ful shampoo. It cleanses the scalp and darkens ,grey hair. Insure in the Temperance and Gen- erallnsurancc Co., of Toronto. ED BISSETT, local agent.—May 29-90. Surer foundation cannot be laid than the real merit which is the solid base for the monumental success of Hood's Sarsaparilla. Before ordering winter clothing call on Jas. H. Grieve and 'examine his large and well -assorted stock of winter goods. Prices away below the lowest Mr. J. W. Landes shipped another carload of horses from the Exeter stat- ion on Saturday, to his home in Penn- sylvania, The average value being 5120.00. The United States has a mile of rail- way for each 400 of population and each 22 miles of area, while the balance of the world has a mile for each 7,500 of population and 227 miles of area. On Saturday night last some evil dis- posed person or persons entered the chicken house of Mrs. William Atkin- son, on William St., and took their choice of the largest bird ou the perch. Probably you have friends who you know do not take the ADVOCATE. and think would be anxious to subscribe for it, If so, send us their name and address, and we will send them a sam- ple copy. On Sunday evening Mr. James Creech, our village constable, had another call from those distinguished guests, who want a night's lodging and a good square meal in the morn- ing before taking their departure. The 33rd Batallion (Huron) will go into camp the coming summer. It is thought the camp wil! be located at Windsor. Lieut. Colonel Coleman, Seaforth, on account of continued ill health has been compelled to resign. Major A. J. Wilson will succeed hint. A sensation was created at Mass at the Catholic church in Gatineau Point, Ottawa county, on Sunday last, when Rev. Father Champagne delivered an address urging his parishioneers to vote for the Conservative Candidate, and not to support the party of "disloyalty and annexation". The weather for the past has been somewhat disagreeable, and the snow has just about all disappeared. The roads are beginning to get rather dir ty, and if it continues they will be in a bad stets. There is very little doing in the way of business, and the mer- chants are wishing for good sleighing, to make' times ii.vely. Saturday evening last the ice rink was well patronized, A number were present from Hensall and Crediton. The ice was in excellent condition and all seemed to enjoy themselves. The weather for the past few days has somewhat injured the ice, but the pro- prietors intend to have it in good order as soon as possible. All lovers of the enjoyment should attend every even- ing that the rink is open, as the season will soon draw to a close. Messrs Ross and Tay lor,iwbo;ha ve beep m• cr Ln <L in ed ,,. t f t, nodel 1 �,,in e,, a store in Mr. Samwell's Block, which will be occu- pied by Mr. Ed. Spackman, have com- pleted the front and torn down the rough boards ;which have adorned the building a far some time. The ic glass ]ass used in the windows are very large panes of plate Glass, and before long we will begin to think that we are looking at some of, the city stor�%e in- stead of the Village of Exeter. The officers elect of Court Exeter No, 123., I. 0. 1'` for the term commencing Jan, 1st 1891, aro as follows. C. R,, Bro. Geo Anderson ; V. C. 11,, " R. N. Rowe; R. S., " Sam tte WeettiWa • Ii'. Se A G l`)yerg 3 > Treas, " Wm. J. Carling Chaps " Soloman ` tMLinng S. W., " Peterson N er son• J", W., tF 'i'hotnas Remnant S. I3., " I3ci Terry ; J, II.y " David Miiillsy Sec, " S. Ci'esttt`t try,. if you have lest anything advertise in thea Anvoneests, llf CQtU'Se we, do not ineintin reputation, . Thescaring assizes for this county, will be held at Gocterielt, en. April '13th, before Judge Iileleonbridge. Social gatirt:tings seem to be the order of cite night throughout the vltiaa;e burin,; ''tho Lenten season, Four of which occurred on Tuesday eyeni"g, Mr. Samuel Martin, of Usborne and Chas Perkins, of this plaee, will open out a premaneut place of business it Fanson's Block shortly, for the retail of sewing machines, org'ans &e. The days are lengthening at the rate•of nearly two minutes a day. The difference in the length of the day is already perceptible, especially by those who eonstune a large quantity of oil. Saturday 1 r 1 c is t was t 1'• . S Valentine's day, but the local dealers made no display of the "pretty" and "ugly" valentines that have tilled their show windows in former times, Evidently the practice of sending valentines is dying out. It is the impression of a great many people, who receive cheques on the Bank, that they were endorsing the parties' notes who issued the cheques. It is hardly necessary to say ,that the Bank would not honor the cheques, unless the parties issuing them had a sufficient amount to their credit in the Bank, With feelings of deep regret we make mention of the sudden illness, which has befallen Mr, Jeremiah Rei- land, late of Dakota, It seems that he caught a severe cold during his trip, which we announced some time ago, and it has settled in his head.. He has been confined to his bed for the past week, but, under the skilful treatment of Dr, Hyndman, is slightly improved, and before long we may expect to see him as hale and hearty as ever. .During a few sunny days which have jest past, such exclamations as these might have been heard. from a number of boys in different parts of the village; Fan -grabs, Fan.dubs, no hinching, last pink, dab in, knuckle down tight and shoot swift, &c, while they were engaged in their favorite past time of imarbling. Enjoy your. selves boys, but remember you must not monopolize any more than one half of the side -walks in town at a time. le, FREE RIP.—The success of our last word -finding contest, just closed, en- courages us to offer another Free Trip AROUND the World, or its cash equiv- alent to the person sending in the largest list of words spelt the same for ward and backward, such as "Pip," "Bob," "Hannah." THE contest closes May 15. Three daily prizes for the three largest lists received. Contest is open to the WORLD. Everyone send- ing. ten words will get a prize. Near- ly 1200 won prizes in our recent con- test. Rules and sample paper 12eents, together with a large illustrated cata- logue. Address Bell's Magazine, Oril lia, Ont. On Thursday evening (to night) there will be a free lecture and concert in the town hall, Exeter, under the auspices of the Teachers of West Huron Mr. J. J. Tilly, Model School Inspector will deliver his celebrated lecture on "Success in life with special reference to your men". In addition, a splendid musical program will be carried out, in which the following ,and others will take part, Exeter Glee Club, Gidley's Orchestra, the Harmonica. Band, Miss M. Emeline GIN/lease, of Mt. Carmel, (late of Ottawa). All interested in ed- ucation are invited and welcome to at- tend the different session of the Associ- ation on the 19th end '20th at the school house Exeter, G. M. Kitty, Pres; G. W. Holman, Sec Treas. • We are in receipt of a copy of Can- adian National and patriotic songs is- sued by J. Suckling S. Sons, Toronto, which should bein the hands of every nlusicia:n. It is nicely gotten up on first-class paper, and contains in all sixteen of the most, popular and patrio- tic songs with music of the day. The following are the titles:—"Canada," "Canada, land of the Maple Tl'ee," e+Canada, the gem of the Crown," "God bless our Broad Dominion," "Gcd pre- serve our native land," "God save the Queen," "May God preserve, Canada," "0 Canada, fair Canada," "Our homes," "Regimental Song of the L. 0. R.," "Red, White and Biue," "Rule Rritan nia," "The flag that bears the Maple Leaf," "The Maple Leaf for ever," "The old Union Jack," "Upon the Heights of Queenston," Mr Wm. Sweet, Veterinary Surgeon as disposed of his practice and restd ence to Mr. David Miller, V. S. of Hen - sail, for the sum of $1100. Mr, Miller, will take charge in a few days, and will be found a very general man well. skilled in the profession. IIc was a former resident of this place, and a few. years ago went into the businessabo. mentioned, We welcome him , to our village and wish him success, hut, at the same time we are sorry to loose Mr. Swett, as he has many friends here who will miss him inagre at many ways. We have been informed that he intentls taking a trip through the, United States in search of a 'place to locate, and about the middle of March will move his wife and child ;together- with his furniture, from oui' midst., I)oetor'fi,we wish you both success, Don't Feel Well, And yet you are not sick enough to consult doctor, er you, refrain.' from so doing for fess you will alarm yourself and friends--sve Will tell yoti ,just whatyon need. It is Mont Sarsapar- illa,' which will lift you nut of that stn,. cettaiu ur lcorrifortrrbla, dangerous exit-. clition, into a state of ,good health, con titlenee';and $heet•fiklrletS. VOUtte ziO idea how potent this pet;ttliar mddicitle is hi cases like yours, -ltlessiSp teltmalr aliti.0 l±' :Ver sty retLrrUUQd. home from Hamilton on Saturdey Net, where they had. beer>. a.ttendiir,• they f.iralid Lodge of the Sons 01 England i e)Ioaroleii $eeieta'j+ '1'tzoy report titers were about ono. hundred and fifty iI l o'iters preSerit dont.. the rep - u bia at vhile ease psick aid the eessron, The North West ssas wall resented; and even British Color Sent delegate to represent them Hamilton, Nineyears asp this saslaty only numbered eighty niembers, i today they have oyer •eight thousand members in good standing'. Iner in membership last year 2,000, sick benefits $12,000, funeral and benefits were paid out last year to amount of $93,000, twentysix uew lodges were organized during year, two in thelNorth lest and on British Columbia,. This society cia o have one of the cheapest and best aortia c COS systems Canada, in Cari,r ld and td bo g, long expect to have one of the stro est benevolent societies known, Englishmen are cordially invited enroll their names in this grand static society and defend the freedom of the British Empire. If all unite, as now we should To keep this fiag unfurled, Old Eng'laud'still may fearlessly B1d defiance to the world It also has feeling's of charity towards the widows and orphans of the bore ed members when in distressing eumstances. Everyi:Englishman the \Vestern Hemisphere should become a member, as it is doing a grand and glorious work. iv anted. Never too late to mend. 5000 pairs boots and shoes that need repairing be left at the leading boot and shoe store next door to the post office. G. Manson. Swri. esti on, Would it not be an act of charity to set some of the unemployed to remove the winter accumulations from t semi -inundated crossings so that lad and children could pass over th without accumulating BD much of t corporation assets. Wonaer of Iry oadei s. 'Tis more than wonderful to re- move deadly poisons and bring streng to the weak, but to establish, in peep claiming good health, degrees of vig ous health and enjoyment in life nov before attainedis more than wonderf But such is the experience of all w thoroughly test nature's marvello life-giving mineral water ST. LEO "To perfect the organism and p serve life 'tis invelutible" says D Welsh. G. Sanders hasreceived asupp direct from springs in P. Q. Get su plied at once. A good trial w convince the most sceptical. -3t. xeter Council i'roeeeaings The council met pursuant to ad,jour ent at the town hall,;. Exeter, 13 eby, 1891, all present., Minutes revious meeting were read and co rmed. Moved by W. G. Bissett sec y C. Christie, that orders be grante r the following. 'tii2--Bisse ros, $6.55, for 1'. barrel of coal of art and Co $1.78,. blank forms,' Sa. ers Printing Co:, $7.75, balance f rintiug: Jno. Grigg, $12.60 acc. fo ationery from 1888; as. Creech, $1, rarity Mrs. M. MclnTosh; do $2; F. rifiin; do $2 Mrs. McIntyre ---Carried. oved by 'W. G. Bissett, sec'd by T. Carling,that 20 cord's of cedar blocks r water table be prepared and put in Main street. Mr. Christie voted e motion.—Carried, Moved by W. Bissett see'd by D. A. Ross, that P. Bell, tenders for cedar plank and sts cf-c. be accepted, posts to be de- vered by 1st April, other cedar as re- ired.—Carried. Secy of Fire Dep. d chief engineer to be notified to eet the council at the next meeting• y. Mr. Robinson applied of the Me- anic's Institute for a grant of $35, ting that the Institute has made ad tions to the library and required that mount to carry them through, and omised that if that amount weregiv- the Institute would not ask more an the usual grant ($25) next year. ved by T. B. Carling seed by I. ristie that the Institute be granted 5. Moved in amendment by D. A. ss sec'd by W.G.Bissett that $35 be anted on condition of promise of Mr. binson not to ask more than $25 Gxt year. The amendment was de red.—Carried, By-law No. 7 to point a road commissioner was duly d and passed, on motion of D. A. ss seed by E. Christie, Moved by G. Bissett seed by D. A. Ross that council ai:d clerk he a committee meet the representative of Usborne h a view to final statement of agree at between the village and the. tp. Usborne.-Carried. Moved by W. G sett seed by 1' B. Carling that the veil adjourn until Friday the 6th arch at 7.30 p. m.- Carried. M..EACRDrT, Clerk. 5,OO®in gsoIil fora Wife. Ve will give to the first: person tel c ,1 us X01 be i June 1st, 1891, where in Bible the word "Wive is first nd, $100,00 in gold. To the next .00. To the third, $25;00, 'ro the rth, $20.00 To the fifth, $15,00, the, s1 •t �h loo, r 0 o the e n ! eXt 25, yell To the next 25, $2'each, Berson sending in the last correct wet, we will give $100 in gold. To ilex t• to the last, $50, and so do e as from the first. V itti your wet Send g5ets. in',.silver, 'or 27ets, tamps, ora box of Dr. Co1e's Blood Liver Pills, the best • Blood Liver • �tomacir Pills ever matte. Sure e for sink'':headache. Dols't Ctripe, E}�rezttt the presentts are absolutely , being given away to =advertise Cole's Perfect Pills and, I'amiiy the t a tinge of th e Contest names and addresses: of all the e tivrtlners'wiltapt,ear in tilts paper; refer' ,You to the Trude,i1 Bank of ala; ,,Send tl once and be first, reds, Heine Specilie Co. Clrilli;i, Ont, 13t=-134 the e in ims 'n• r fore r ng• All to )at- av- cir in of • to he les em he th le or- er ul. ho us N. Ie- r. ly m F p fi b fo B H d p st el G B. fo on th G D. po li qu an m Re ch sta dit Pr en th Mo Ch Ro fro Ro n1 cla ap rea Ro W. the to wit me of Bis cou of IVI sy4 linrn the fou $50 fou To $5e the allS the sial arts in s and 1tnd cut RBAf free Dr, Rem the priz IVe Oril Add Copif ritttee 7t*1)1111sw: The Liberal Oousor'ativo,Commitiee rponlsare situated on Main - street in the store vacated and owned by Mr. J. Parkinson- A11 who endorse the Oki Man, the Old Flag and the Old Policy are cordially welcome, A s:peoial meet- ing will be hold on Tuesday evening next, when all who are interested should be present, ,t'exmonat 111eut&on, Mi, Herbert Smith, of Detroit, formerly of this place, is visiting Mr. Geo, Sanders any frieeds in this vicini- ty. ----Mr. John Glandviile, who has been intending the London. Business College, and Mr. Fred Wintetbottotu, of London, were here visiting relatives and friends hist week. Mr. Thomas Dunsford, who has been, visiting friends here for some time past, returned to his home iii Mar• lotto, t c, Mieh,, on Monday last,—lir. A, O'Neil, son of Mr. 11. H, O'Neil, of Lucan, was the guest of his brother ou Sunday. —Mr. T. W. Hawkshaw and sister, 'Martha, spent Sunday in London, —Misses Adtlie and Roxie Eacrett, left for \Vin,•ham on Saturday, to spend a few days.—Mr. Jas. Walters spent San day in Wingham Mr, Ed. Specimen left on Tuesday last. for Montreal, where he intends purchasing a general stock of Dry Goods, Millinery, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, &c,and purposes visit- ing Toronto, before returning, to com- plete his stock in every branch.—Mr. Fred Carr, who has been visiting here for some tinge, returned to Sarnia on Thursday. "A STITCH IN TINE SAVES III iE," SO WILL A DOLLAR INVESTED IN MALTOPEPSYN [an artificial gastric 'juice—formula on every labell SAYE 99 DOLLARS to any person suffering from stomach troubles, es-. pecially if taken at the first symptom of Indigestion, which is usually weight at the stomach, sometimes attended by slight pain, and may follow either a wholesome or a heavy mewl. At first, this feeling soon passes away, and is only remembered as a little leap leasant, which, when repeated, gradually be- comes more pronounced, To the average person is now suggested the cathartic pill, bitters, or other P' liquid purgatives, that will clear out the bowels. Such ill treatment is worse than useless; it is positively harm- ful. The trouble is in the Stomach, the Bowels are not responsible, and relief will only come through an intelligent treatment of the disorder within the stomach. MALT'OPEPSYN is the remedy for all stomach troubles. Endorsed by the best physicians • of England and Canada Send 2 cts, in postage for valuable pamphlet to HAZEN MORSE, INTERNATIONAL BRIDGE, ONTAItuo, th of n- 'd d tt 1; n - or r PILES . ort; purge. No suppository. Sent post paid or 27 oents in stamps. Address, 1$t-194 House Specifle Co. Orillia Oni Itis a eortain and. speedy .cure for Cold in the Head and Catarrh in an its stages. SOOTHING, CLEANSING, HEALING. Instant. Relief, Permanent Cure, Failure Impossible. Many so•ealled diseases aro gimp] symptoms of Catarrh, such as head. ache, partial deafness, losing eeuse of small, foul breath, hawking and spit. ting, nausea, amoral feeling 04 de. Maty, etc. It you are troubled with any of these or kindred symptoms, your have Catarrh, and should lose no time 1a procuring a. bottle of Nae,tr. hint. Be warned in time, negglected. cold in bead results in Catarrh fol. lowed by. cansainvtion end death. Nceaa Boar is BOW by all druggists or will be sent, post paid on receipt of price (60cents and $1.00) by addressing FULFORD & CO„ Brockville. Ont. RE DY —on or about---- FIRST bout— FIRST MARCH DON'T FORGET THAT 'r {atr34,�.arytr.it„1 V.�;. SPACKr 1, k J .AN WILL REMOVE TO 9 Esgtor, ONE DOOR i\TORT] OI+r FARMER BROS. �'Y �e ��®0.f� y Whets he wil open a New and complCtO Stock. DRY 430043S, � filN'G BOOTS . cLllfa. SII(DES (llll•OC111ILI1S; CROCI{E tar &Cr- ';&e, 1J+ J. S AO11MA y tx1+ TI.t iii assmammtaisessam, Though our winter's trade h4s been, exceptionally good and we are not to be foundamongY morl�, the mourners, yet we live. a few goods we want to sell and the `� ioner ,,� They �,�� sold the better we shall AQ�(•�;�1 ��� ��JVlr We must begin to plan for the Spring and YIANT ROOM AND MONEY. to carry out the plans we formulate. To secure these two Essentials we shall CUT TH 1EIIA1)S OFF the prices on ,our entire stock of ~' "urs, over -coats, caps, shawls, Shirts, drawers, overshoes and, felt boots. They must make *ay for our spring purchases and now is the time to buy the cold winter goods. 0 ING So1get4rqg Dirreret from offj& SIOYOS . The Speciltiesthe Novelties, the Oddities of the A R COUNTESS' stove are creating a sensation. For the first time in many years there is a coal stove that is on ever tongue. Manufacturers, travelling men, stove dealers,farm- ers and, in fact, every person interested in stoves are aI about the talking Why is this? Because the AnT couNTEss is daring in its original- ity. It leaps to the front with its wonderful improvements. No other stove has anything like it. New from top to toe. Brilliant from urn to base. Beautiful in its effect under fire. Radiant on the parlor floor, and eloquent in its hot air con struction. 1HE ART COUNTESS” has taken the lead, it already has th ;ole, and it will -have to be a good ©sae that oan overtake it. 000000000000000.00000000000 0000000000000000000000000 CLL IND SEE MEM AND BE CONY NCEB. 0000000000_000000000000000p 00000000O.00000000O000OOOp A full assortment of cook and parlor 1 stoves on Hand which must be sold, and VERY CHEAP. Z'orget the '1 ,Ce. * WILL FOLLAND, STAND, one door north of Dr. Lutz's Drug Store, Main Street Exeter. Sign of Bag Elephant. SPRIN( fildwircy groculu & iillikilfg CO ING FORWARD AT ROCK, BOTTOM OM PRICEs Car Load Chesnut Coals Carload Steel Nails; Blue Rib Carload. Iron and Horse Shoes. Carloado Ribbon Com- posite Binder Twine. Lining and Tar Papers,:Rim'and. Mortice orrice I.,oel>s, Hinges, Bolts, tin Boilers and tin Pails. TINWARE �T.A ; 111ESs Sugars, Cheese, Green and Dried Apples, Larcli Teas, &eOat- meal meal $3,00 per 100 lbs; Flour $2,35h err 100 lbs. ANTEDG: f00 Bushels Timothy,o Clover, Alsike SeedsDutch SetsI IoOnions, Hin,a1Iat(flass 100 Bushels Potatoes. Cedar Posts Annealed ed Barb gwl,f H". ONCUR J. N . NOVVARD, Nana er., �'re�pr�etoi