HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-2-19, Page 1VOL. IV•. . EXETER, RONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUAitir 19, 891, NO. 194 ••••!....•••••••!.•••.' The Molsons E3anI4o. (Chartered by'Parliament, 1855. ) Paid up Capital ,. $2,000,000 Rest Fund— . .. 1,,000,000, Read office Montreal, F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Esq., G]1NDUAL• IlIANAGEI1. Twenty Branch offices in the Dominion Agencies in the Dominion, U. S. and Europe Open every lawful clay from 10 a. nx.to 3 p. m., Saturdays 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. A general banking business transacted Four per 'cont. per mina= allowed for money on Deposit Receipts, N. DYER HURDON Exeter, Jau 2S, '88, Sub Manager. THE , eXeti)r Abrorctto Is published every 'Thursday Morning, at the Off,00, MAIN -STREET, EXETER. By the SANDERS' PUBLISHING COMPANY. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Dollar poet annf moi suif pd d n Advance. g,-;a¢xtisixag Rates on Apnea tic= No paper disoontinuecl until all arr sp ages are paid. Advertisements without fic direotions will be published till forbid and charged accordingly. Liberal discount made for rs osf0B long _peiod,advertisements rptinoJ BREIGtitosiCeqsnto le, andatmodra rate. huemoeyd ars, &e.foradvortiisiug, subsuraptious, etc, to be made payable to Sanders & Sweet PROPRIETORS Ch�urch Directory. M TRIVITT EMORIAL OnURCII.--Rev, S.Robinson, ector. Sunda F and 7 p. m. RSabbath Sehool, 2.301 p. m.' 11 a. m METnoniST CIuuncii--James-st , Rev. A. L. Russell, Pastor. Sunday Services, 10.30 a. m. and 6.80 p.m. Sabbath Bab ool, 2 p. m. Dam STREET—Rev. J, Wilson, Pastor. Sun day Services, 10.80 a.m. and 6.30 p, m. Sabbath School 2.30 p. m. PRESBYTERIAN C'1URcz, rev. W. Martin, Pastor. Sunday Services, 11 a. m. and 6,80 p. m. Sabbath School, 9.46 a, m. ferofesseenat Cards. il.IiINSbiAN,L.D.S,Fauson's Block two doors north of Carling Store, MAIN STREET, E:l-ETE1r, eXtraats teeth without pain. Away- at lionsall on lst Friday; Ailsa Craig on 2nd and 4th Tuesday; and Zurich on last Thursdayof each month. CH. INGRAM, DENTIST, Member Royal . College Dental Surgeons, successor to H. L. Billings, Office over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ont. A safe anaestheticiven for the painless extraction of teeth. dates 'se- cured finaly34t4o, eeentb by' Yemea's pat - tont Yalvo Cuban every Friday B WHITELY, M. D. 0. M., PHYSICI a T • and Surgeon. Office and residence— Corner Victoria and Elgin streets, Goderieh, Ontario. T1R. J. A" 1tOLLINS• OFFICE—MAIN ST. L Residence—Corner Andrew and North Streets, Exeter, Ontario. R. CROSKERY, Member Royal College DSurgeons, England; 'Licentiate Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh; Member College Mitchell's Physicians 0 editor Ontario. L . BR. J. H. McLELLAN, EYE & EAR SURGEON. Graduate New York Eye and Ear Hospital Eyes tested and glasses supplied. Office eor. Maple and Talbot streets. LONDON, -- ONTARIO. DRS, eroCDlePhysicians COW bD. College a Surgeons, Ontario, T. A. Amos, M. 1)., grad- uate of Trinity University, Toronto, licen- tiate of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons Edinburgh; licentiate of the Fan- oe Physicians and Surgeons, Glasgow. O ifr. s stand.. R. DAVID M.STIEBLER, (UNIVERSITY Dof Toronto,) Physician. Surgeon, etc. Having spent the winter of 1886-'87 in New York, and the winter of 1887-'88 in Vienna, Austria. OFFICE, — CREDITON, ONT. 1n) H. COLLINS, BARRISTER, SOLICIT - It, OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public. Office— Over Post Office, Exeter, Ontario. Money to Loan. fI. DICKSON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR .11-4. of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con- vovanaer, Commissioner, &c. Money to loan Office—Ftcnson'sBloek, Exeter. ELLIOT & ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, SOLIC- itors, Oonveyancors, &c. Money to loan at 8 per cent. J, EI.LtOT B. V.ELL1oT. I3BROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Anot- ioneer for the Counties of Perth and. Middlesex, also for the township of TJsborne Salus promptly attended to and term sreason able.Sales arranged at Post office, Wincholsa. A J ROLLINS, late of Manitoba, Licens- 'ort.A.neticneoi�,for the coon ties of Hur- on nsi on._and Middlesex. Residence: 1 mile south of Exeter, Ont. Sale Orders by mail or other- wise promptly attended to at reasonable prices. NvROLT, ltiiiva, Ontario. Licensed suet - ger for the Counties of Middlesax and ndLaion and the townships of Stephen y All anti .Hay solos promptly attended to, L'M Y, Henson Ontario. Lin - .1.2A l3 wised Auctioneer . wised erChfar tmoderatoyand Huron and Porth. Charges satisfaction guaranteed. WIIJTJIAM SWEET, VETER- i.nar, Surge0 (3rarluate Toronto, Veterinary, Dontist- :lw• ry a speciality, Office and Re- / Well. r l- :ulo intoe no b1 bbl east of t 1 I� Pfc]titrd'satoro. Opposite skating rink, Ex- eter, Ontario, V'EER, W. FAP,NC0M)3, Provincial Land lSurveyor and Civil ran ineer. Offioe, Surveyet Exeter, Ont, (' ho•r Post piiice, Main afro, For Sale. A desirable residence in Exeter Nortli, new e frame house, ono -fifth 8or hells() was erocteiin1A4. Good terms te pttrbllaser. Apply at t),,ts office, Wet i have and keep constantly, one of the. cleanest and We , � 1 C jJ c y, & best assorted' stocks of rugri Patent Medicines, Dyes, Dye staffs,omb I.311'a�slhes etc., in town, Which. We sell at rices below any, Our stock of drugs is flesh and we sell them at fair l dices as We are not members of any Druggist's Association. We do not use the scheduled price ofth e Huron & Bruce Druggist's Association, and can therefore offer drugs at fain and reason- able prices. We solicit a call. W. Eo COCHEIVOLM, Proprietor, Corner Drug Store. TILISISMIOCT W. G. Bissett's Livery. First Class IIorses and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL MEN. Orders left at 'Bissett Bros.' Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS - REASONABLE A TRIAL SOLICITED. W. G. BISSETT. Crediton, The pupils of Crediton school will hold their annual entertainment on Friday Feb. 27th 1891, in the Town Hall.. The program is , extensive and the committee has spared no pains in securing the best talent for the occas- ion. Admisison 15e. children 10c doors open at.7 p. m: Sodom, In last week's correspondence the following was omitted by mistake. viz: —Singing by, Misses Nellie and .Ida, and Messrs. Wesley and Charles Issas, and Mr. James Dempsey, of Eden, and others. The Sodom. twins will be the captains for the debate 'of this week, Subject: "Is war. justifiable." Elimville. There is going to be an electionboys, That all of you do know Remember what you do boys, And do not vote for Trow. Come early to the Polls, boys, With a good and cheerful heart; And vote for the Conservative Candi- date, The man that they call Fred Sharp. North Middlesex Reform Convent- ion. The Reform Convention for North Mnidlesex was held in Ailsa Ciaigon Monday last. A very lirge and en- thusiastic gathering was the result, The following are the delegates from Exeter:—Messrs Geo. Samwell, C. Per- kins, W. E. Gundy, Thos. Gregory, E. Christie, John Muir,Wm. Dayiclson and James Miller. The question of select ing a candidate was deferred, the con- vention to meet at the call of executive committee. In conelus'o i hearty cheers were given for the Queen, the speakers, Hon, W. Laurier and Hon. 0, Mowat. Stanley Council. Council met pursuant to adjourn meat on 16th inst., members all present Minutes, of previous meeting read and signed. The tenders of Win. Milne for cedar. andF. G. Neelin for printing be- ing the lowest; were accepted. The :auditor's report was laid before the council and accepted. The pathmas- ters, poundkeepers and fenceviewers were appointed andare with few :ex- ceptions,;the sande as last rear. By- laws Nos. 1 and 4 were read •a third time and ,passed. Tho council then ad ,journed to meet again on Saturday March 14th next at one o'clock p. m. GEO. L. STEWART, Clerk. • McGillivray A painful incident occurred at West McGillivray on Wednesday, Feby. llth, Mrs. Wm. Steeper, of the 19th concess, i011, had been be a Visit to her mother in Clandeho,ye with her ope month old infant, mid on returning, the clay be, itis cold, she wrapped the little one too closely, in her solisitude to keep it warm. On wee vine' at Mie, Pumfrey's Hotel she undid the wig;p, and found with horror that her child hacl bet,m smothered on the jolil•ney. Every pos- sible remedy was applied by those pee - sent to resuscitate it, brit it was too late the child having been dead apparently for some time. Y1'h(J iW NG NAD M. --A in �ositivo and nornianent cure for Sngrow- Nails, No, pain, Sett pest paid for 15e. ... Stampsorsilver. Address, Home, Sra:rzrlc CO., OP ox T. 13t-104 e Sunshine, • OBITUARY No'ricgs.-We have this week to record the death of three of tine oldest iesideuts of the touiiship. of Morris, viz.: Mrs. McPhail, who died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs, John Douglas, on Saturday of last week, in the 89th year of her age. On the same day Mrs. Jelekconnell depart ed this life at the age of 69 years. AAA on the following day 141'>}s,England died at the residence of her son, R. England, at the advanced age of 91 years. All three of the now deceased were in, feeble health for a number of years. previous t'> their dentin and itis rather a remarkable concidence that all three should be called away at the same time, Mooresville. Miss Ida McFalls,of Vit, i1Iarys,is visit- ing her friends iu Biddelph. Mr: d'i'm. Kentebes bereli laid up for suine time with rheumatism. We hear with regret of the serious illness of Mrs. John McFalls, of Bid- dulph.. Mr. White the evangelist is holding special services at Luca', to a ,crowded house every night. The petitions of North • Middlesex cheese factory held their annual meet- ing, appointing their directors for the ensuing; year, on Saturday last. Their enterprising cheese maker, Mr. Walden, will spare no pains to'mako it a. suc cess 'this year, so he says. Whalen. AT Miss Hawkins, of St, Marys, is Visit. ing friends at Whalen. Mr. Wm, Cahtle'r, of this Vete split and piled four -Hundred- fence stakes last week, in one day. He says that only for the breaking' of hisaxe handle he would have run close to the five - hundred. Good for Willie. Mr.,James McLeiahn, organizer of the Patrons of Industry, of Lasabton county, gave a lecture on Friday night last, in S. S. No. 12. Between 70 and 80 persons were present out of whom about twenty-five enrolled their names to be- come members. Mr. Leighn will re- turn in March when it is expected that a large lodge will be established. Zurich. Mr. Libbert is very ill: Mrs. Philip Hauch is very ill of Ty- phoid fever. Mr. H. L. Peine laid in a fresh supply of ice last week. Miss Kate Hauch, formerly of this village is attending her Aunt; Miss P. Hauch. Mr. Henry Lippbarctt, assessor, has started to make his assessment of the Town ship • The Board of helth of the Tp. of Hay held a meeting in the village on Saturday last. Minutes in another column. Stella, the little daughter. of Mr, Latta is progressing very slowly, and. it is thought an operation on her throat will have to be performed: Hay. BOARD Or REALTY.—A meeting of the local Board of Health for the Town- ship of Hay was held in Zurich on Sat- urday, Feb. 21st 1991. The following members 'were present, viz,—Dr. Buch- anan, Medical health officer; Henry Grab,sanitary inspector for the West- ern Division; F. Hess, Sam, J. Latta, Wm. Stoneman, Jos Snell and D. Stein - bait., D. St inbach was 'elected chair- man after which the following resolu- tions wer,s passed. Bess---Buchanan--That Trustees of the several schools see that closets and wells are it, good condition in accord- ance with the Public Health Act.--Car- vied. 13ucha,nan-Snell-That the Seo': procure 100 copies of the P. Y l p H. By-law for distribution --Carried. Stoneman-pass—That the inspector be recommended to make their annual tour of inspection in May, --Carried. The Board then adjourned to meet at the call Of the Chairman. SA,ii..J, LATTA, Siid'r, Centralia Michael Boyle intends leaving in a, few days fforthe sunny SoutSouth,0 Our School football ball anuli would. like to hear from the neighboring schools. • The organizer of the Patrons of In. dustrymet with poor success in oar town. Don't forget the concert to be held: at the Fairfield school house tomorrow evening. On Monday last OOltsiclerable excite mei t was created by some of our towns people by a public dis..ussiou on the question of allowing sheep to rungat en- tlemenlarge in whish two of our popu:ar gen- tleen took great interest, Both argued their .pointvery ably until the true agent saw the hds anof his contravener work convulsibely, By this sudden action ho grew pale timed his heels and made a break homeward while his Convulsive friend laughed at him. Brewster, ]lir. S. Ross has got back to his fish - '617 to make ready for spring. The Patrons of Industry are flourish. jug in our neighborhood, something over forty Sive members have already joined the order. Mr. Ii, Hartman shot a large gra eagle last week, that measured seven feet six inches from tip to tip. It w;:'s a line bird and would look well in ts, case. .A wood bee was held at Miss Lou Collin's on Wednesday of 'ast week and 'was well attended, especially by the young men, who took great interest in it, working until nearly dark, when they all assembled at the house to re- f esh the inner man on the sulaptious repast that was prepar'ecl for them, af- ter which they cleared the fioor,of table chairs and stove and tipped the light fantastic to the sweet strains of the yio lin until the wee sma heurs, Fairfield. Mr. Thomas Hudson has disposed of the remains of the old,Fairfield church at a riasouable ;trice, • Don't forget our grand entertain- epetit n n Friday night. The best oldie Conte and enjoy •a pleasant hale: ,All our schools around here are abed for a few days, on account of the teachers attending the. Institute held at Exeter, • The Sabbath School convention ;;will be held in the Methodist Church, Credi- ton, on Thursday and Friday. There will be a concert in the evening of the first day. All aro invited to attend. Tho Ontario Hedge and Wire Fence company are making grand progress around here, nearly all the farmers are putting up some of the fence. A committee has been appointed to visit Niagara Falls for an inspection of the fence. We hope the result will bo fa Vorable. Harpley The roads are in a very muddy con- dition on account of the recent ground thaw. The fishermen, of Grand Bend, have been buisly engaged lately in laying up their next season's supply of ice. Mr. H. Bellbach returned home from the Michigan lumber woods on Satur- day last looking hale and hearty. Miss Phtebe Allister who has been a victim of toothache and neuralgia for some time is improyillg very slowly. Mr. Archie Webb, of Granton, accom- panied by his daughter, paid their friend,of Grand Bend,a flying visit one day last week. Messrs John Baird and W. T. Webb, who have been visiting friends for some time past in Michigan returned home on Thursday last. Mr. T. N. fla.yter has purchased a handsome Belt orgau from Mr. E. Hod bins. The latter has also made a sale of a similiar instrument to Mr. A. Pol lock. Now is a good opening for a music teacher before the busy time for farmers sets in. The Patrons of Industry are booming in this neighborhood' at present, there being between seventy and eighty members enlisted in the Harply asso ciittion. At their last meeting Messrs. Robt Armstrong, President, and Sandy Heison, were appointed deleg'ltes to attend the convention at Ailsa Craig on the 21st inst., for the benefit of the society. have proved d serious Whatmight and fatal accident happened at the residence of Mr. Geo. Sherritt on Tues, day evening of last ween., By some means a lamp was upset and fell on the store, breaking the bowl and spil- ling its contents which soon became ignited, and a ,young child named Mi- lle which was near by, was a victim of the flames, catching her clothing' and beforo it could be extinguished one band and knee wee quite Beverly burnt but under cai'ditrl treatment she is (k- ing t}s well as could be expected and Will soon be able to be around again, There is to be it telephone cOoucet- ion between Parkhill ai.1d Grand Bend which will be ,.t great advantage to this section. Several farmers who have donatedales as a,hel, have them laid 1? 1 on the roadside in readiness for sink- ing. K✓q� COIS 111"11 A IIOL SI1NG MEETING. Over 300 Delegates Present. W. II. 1 tutehiln i. of Parkhill the au- aufmonous choice of the euaven- LioR. One of the Most enthusiastic conven- ventions ever held in the North riding of Middlesex was convened at Ailsa Craig en Thursday last. Among those who were present our representative' notiecd the following:—Henry Eilber. Crediton. W. White, J. Hea man, W. Yearly, B. Coaghlin, T. Yearly, A. O'- Leary, Stephen; John Fox, B. Stanley, Squire Stanley, John Armitage, W. E. Stanley, II S. O'Neil, Jaynes Stanley,. Lucan; T. C. Aodgins, S. Hodgins, P. Dewan, James Toohey, W. HL Ryan, K. Hodgins, J. Lewis, T. I3. Coursey, Biddulph Chris Walker, Ailsa Craig: D. Mills, W. G.'Bissett, Dr. Lutz, j. A. Rollins, M.D., John White, James Ache- son, John Hawkshaw, Rd. Terry, I Bowermian, T. B. Carling, Exeter; Jas. Marr, G. Cunningham, N. Grienee, G. S. Windsor, G. Grieve, McGillivray; M. Bigg, Parkhill. - The meeting was called to order' at 2 o'clock p. m. by John 1~'oc, ;the presi' dent of the association, who Wetly stated the object for which the conven- tion was called, namely, to select a can didate to represent the riding of North Middlesex in the Dominion Parliament He then asked the delegates of the var- ious municipalities, about• 100.in all, to choose a manfrom the riding for such a purpose. Mr. T. Coughlin was tendered the un- animous vote of the convention, and immediately stepped forward and ad- dressed the meeting, thanking the electors, but regretfully stating' that he was compelled to decline. After 10 or 12 nominations had heen made the unanimous choi'ee of the con- vention was Mr. W. H. Hutchins, of Parkhill. Mr. Hutchins was then cal - ed upon by the president to speak. He s'tid, Mr. President and Gentlemen —I must thank you most heartily for the confidence you have placed in nye, and for the honor you have conferred by choosing me as your candidate at the forthcoming election, and I hope to be able to prove to you that your con- fidence and trust have pot been mis- placed. It would be useless for me now to go into the present conservative platform. You all know it as well as I do, and I can see heartily approve of it, (Hear, hear.) I know that there is not a man among you who would wish to see an alien flag floating over this fair country of ours in the stead of A flag on which the sun never sets, Nor, indeed would it be to our interest to allow such a flag to float as long as the British flab is in existence, for who patronizes our markets? Is it the United States or England? Why, gentlemen, the Unit ed States bought from us two millions less last year than they did 21 years ago, clearly proving to us that Great Britain is our natural and reasonable market. Well, gentlemen, I must not take any more of your time. ("Go on, go on.") You will, of course hear me again before the election. Again thanking you gentlemen, for your choice I will take my seat. The president then called upon the following gentlemen to address the meeting,: 0. 0. Hodgins, reeve of Bid- dulph; Dr, Rollins, Exeter; H. Eilbcr, Crediton; 13. Stanley, Lucan; T. B. Car- ling, Exeter; T. L. Rogers, Parkhill; A. Robinson, McGillivray, and R. H. O'- Neil, Lucan. The one and all address- ed the meeting on the important points at issue at this election, all declaring themselves in favor of the policy of Sir John Macdonald, and impressed upon all the members of the couyention pres- ent the urgent necessity of using all legal means in their power between now and the 5th of Mardi to carry their { s. nom'uc.e to the head of the polls, there- by election one whose, voice would al- ways help in frustrating the plans and designs of the arch conspirators now in league with a foreign element to de prive us of our rights as free born Brit ish subjects. A unanimous vote of thanks was. then tcndeied to the retiring member, Mr, T. Coil;;llin, by the, president, to which he replied in feeling terms to his old supporters. , Mr. B, Stanley then steppedp forward and moved, seconded by 1 r. 1'I. Edger: That this con von ti.on of Liberal ('0nscrt- ati,e, of North lin 61(lloscx debug to record their thorottghconfidence in the policy 44 tine Right II PI Johan 'Macdonald, and pledge there:O(h'c,. to 2 .tiu'n a sup sorter of hi4GcoverninC'0t, and *ha tt.boybofe in ab- borrence the phis n, andwi,hos ofeldisappoint ed .and143 atriolie Lolly of polltleails• Who up payer) (kink that they aro the l ra.:11s, of th(s country, but of whom Ivo utterly and entirely diaaYl.ruv e The MOS t euthn5105t10 convention. which ever assembled in the TOlI'U ha11 at Ailsa, Craig then closed by three rousing cheers for the Queen, th., Olt? war Horse, Sir John Macdonald, Mr. 'I' Coughlin and ;11i Hutchins. The press was represented by Dr. Bailey, of I u •tall for the Empire, J. W. Green, Larkhill Gazette, W. :i)ryerit, 'Lucan Record, and William Sar:dere, for the Exeter 2.1(1\e/eate, A't'etun l About :Ts, The people of Forest are bound to discover Lit rural gas, and have sub- scribed $2,200 for that purpose A test. well will be sunk at (nee. The eleventh quarterly convention of the SabbathSmliool a:sseciatioa of Stanley, Tn.kt'r:smith and Hey will be held iu the Methodist church, Varna, today, (Thprsday). A ;good program has been prepared, and a large; gather- Iv 1s expected. A mare belonging, to Mr Alex. Me Falls, of Lucan,-died on Monday from a very peculiar disease called' tuber culosis. A post mortem examination was held by M. Hodgins V. S. arid it was found that the lungs contained several tubercals and was adhered to the thoracic walls. Mr Joseph White, of St. Marys, has disposed of the Clydesdale horse "Duke of Argyle", raisin; three ,years; to Mr.. George Spearin, of Blanshard, for the handsome sum of $2,000,—Mr. W. Gra— ham, of St, Marys has purchased a Clydesdale horse from Mr. James Run, die; of Woodham. • He is one of a num- ber of horses Mr. G. intends to ship to the Indiana market early next Month. On Monday, Me.: W. Johnston; of Wood= ham, returned from the west where he. shipped a car load. of Clydesdales a few weeks ago. Daring his absence he lost by death a va.luablo Clydesdale which he intended to :;hip to the •ivestern mar- kets this sprii,g. .Das.Wood. (To late for last week.) rarme l"Uilion and Politics are all the go here at present. Mr. P. Welton, of Dakota, is visiting friends in th.s neighborhood. Mr. William Zimmer has erected a stable at the rear of his lot, which adds much to his convenience. Quite a number from here attenddtl the funeral of illr. P. Barry, at Mounf Carmel, on Sunday last, Mr. Willert, our genial hotel keeper, was made happy on Sunday morning. Cause, a bouncing baby girl. Miss Hattie Snider, who has been. visiting -friends in Exeter ;for the past few weeks, has returned. home. Quite.a number from Zurich were ni town On Sunday, attending the spec- ial services which are being held in the Methodist Church. The special services which have been:` conducted in German forthe.past. _few weeks will be continued in English for a short time. Charles Hartlei, formerly a carriage maker in Dashwood, has purchased a carriage and blacksmith shop in Blake and will again go into business. We wish him every succhss. Mr. L. Staubus held a birthday party on Saturday evening, and invited some of his most intimate friends to. spend a few hours of pleasure and past -time. After enjoying themselves for. several hours in various kinds of games, they all sat down to a sumpt- uous repast provided by Mrs. Wurtz, At the else of the evening's entertain- ment Mr. Staubes was presented with. a beautiful present accompanied by an address, delivered by C. H. Mack. Loughlan, after which the young re- paired to fheir several homes, feeling• that they had.spent a very pleasant evening. 131 EtT.11CS. KEsTr.E.—In Stephen, on the 14th inst, the wife of Nelson Nestle, of a daughter., LOADIIAx.—I1'> Usborne, on the 17th inst., the wife of John Loadrnan of a daughter. D1%is1.o11 Conrt. An action against the bailiff of the 11th Division Court for damages for non • delivery of a bond taken as se- curity on delivery of machine to the Massey Man. Co., which has been soiled for rent. Judgment reserved. J, El- liot for pl ff. ; R. H. Collins for deft. San- dors3i,', s v Bissett.—Action on promissory note against defendant as surety. Judgrrient reserved, J. Elliot for p111f.; R. H. Collins for deft. h.lausen vs. Me Lean. --Actions on note judgment for plaintiff with costs, --Wolper vs. Me Lean.—J. Elliot for plfi ; 11.:H. Collins for deft. Judgment for plf, No de- fence put in.---l3lssett Bros. vs. Cope- land—Action on account, Non -Suit di, rected J. Elliot for > llff,• R. 1 . Conine l for deft,