HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-2-12, Page 1VOL. IV.
(Chartered by Parliament, 18)5,)
Paid, up Capital .... $2,000,000,
Rest Fund.. .... 1,000,000,
Head office Montreal.
GelleltheATI MANAGER. •
Twenty .Branolt offices in the Dominion
Agencies In the Dominion.. U. S. and Europe
M:12C=T2SIIR.. M312,23.4-TC:IX-E,
lOpen ever :K lawful day from X0 a, Ta, to $ p.
m., baturdays 10 a.m. to 3. p.
A general banking business transacted
Four per cent. per LLIInn.m allowed for
r money on Deposit lleceipts.
Exeter, Jan 28, '88: Sub Manager.
05aneter 4biracate,
Is published every Thursday Morning,
at the Office,
One Dollar per annunl if paid in Advance.
$11.500 if uot so paid.
.25.6.-srorticastg ..4.74zatez
No paper discontinued until all arrearages
are paul. Advertisements without specific
directions will. be published till forbid and
charged accordingly. Liberal discount made
for tratiscient advertisements inserted for
long _periods. Every description of .TOB
PRINTING turned. out in the finest style,
and at in oderate rates. Chequesomoney ord-
ers, Sze. for advertising, subscripttons, etc. to
be made payable to
SanderS &
Char eh 13 Erect ory.
TRITITT 1111111011L.1.1., CriuncfE.--Rev. S. F
Robinson, Rector. Sunday Services, 11 a. m
and 7 p, mr Sabbath School, 2.30 .p. m.
MaTuontST OHIJI1C1T--.TainC!9-St Rev. A. L.
Russell, Pastor.' Sunda,v Service:1,10.30 a, m.
and 0.30 p.m. 'Sabbath Sob ool, dp, m.
MAI S:TIMat T. Wilton, Pastor.. Sun
day Services, 10.30 a.m. and. 6.30 p.m. Sabbath
School S.30 p.m.
E.SBYTaa IA14 OV. .
Pastor. Sunday Servlues, it a.m. and. 0.30 p.
in. Sabbath School, 0A3
Professional. Cards.
at. -7-3 }1.ic EN SA1A 7S, L. D S, rauson's Block
two doors north of Carling Store,
IMMO, extraets teeth
without pain. Away a.t Buns/Ill on • ist
Fri lay; Ails. Craig on zlna and 4th Tnesday;
and Zurich on last Thursday of each utonth.
ri IT. INGRAM, Dcw'risT, Member Royal
k../. College Dental Surgeons successor o
, H. L. Billings. Office over O''N ell's Bank,
Exoteg, Out. A. safe anaesthetic given for
tilu painless extraction of teeth:: 'Mutes se -
eared firmly in the month by Y OM ca' s pat -
tent Valve •
Lucan every Friday -
T 13 WS:ITEM', M 13.0. M., PRYSTCTAN
and Sargeon. Oilino and. tosidenoo—
Corner Victoria and Elgin streets, Goderich,
..LY Residence—Corner Andrew and North
Streets, Exeter, Ontario.
We have, and keep constantly, one of the cleanest and
best assorted stocks of i rugs, Patent edioines,
Dyes Dve sthff Combs, Brushes, etc.,
in town, which we sell at prices below any.
Our stock of drugs is fresh and we sell them at fair prices
as we are not members of any Druggist's Association. We
do not use the scheduled price of the Huron & Bruce Druggist's
Association, and can therefore offer drugs at fair and reason-
able prices. live solicit a caw,
rem CROSE.RRY, Merober Royal College
Surgeons, 'England; Licentiate Royal
College of Physicians, Edinburgh; Member
College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario.
Office, Mitchell's old stand, Oreilitbn, Ont.
• E,I-E tArsi
. Grad nu to New York Eye and Ear 11 °spitz].
Eyes tuutuil and glasses oxppliecl. Office zer.
Maple and Talbot streets,
JJ Munibur of College Physicians and
4, '100 (lnthrio. l A Antos, 81.1), grad.-
nato of Trinity Uniyariiity, Toronto,
tiato-of the !loyal Celle,g0 of Physicians and
. Snr..4,:orts Edin ifurgb: licentiate of the Pao..
ultv of Physicians and Surgeons, Glasgow.
013''' 0Owon.'s oil stand.
, a Toi'on 0111 vilesietan. 1.:,firg19 11, ute.
)T ,,g spent •011e: willful. of 11413 '.7 in Now
Yor;... and the •,viut,,..r of 109.7.,i)1 10Vitnipth,
AnAtria. Ono It'. — CitEDITON., ONT.
it. COLLINS, 13A.11.11.4STE17. SOLIC ET -
OR, floir-voyanour, Notary
w.oe— 011tr Pout ()Alpe, Exeter, Ontario.
Money to Loan.
t .40(ve prom o 53c..n1't, 2, o 36-
vo•ofx.:y,r, C 111 ,361-1 &O, 11;1011e3r 10 10(111
03 ' -lfao 0113
/31,,Jek,EXeter, • •
tors, Convoyancior,ike. Money to loan
13. at s
V. ELT.' 0 T.
W. E. C CHERIOU , Proprietor,
Corner Drug Store.
A, Wonder of Wonders.
'Tis more than wonderful to re-
move deadly poisons and being strut:lee',
to the Weak, but to estehlish, hi people
elan -fling g,00d health, degrees of vigor
ous health and enjoyment in life never
Mere attained is IX10113 than wonderful.
But such is the experienee of all who
thoroughly test nature's marvellous
!trete:tying mineral water ST. LEON.
, '"To perfect the organism and pre -
Serve life Vs invaluable" says Dr.
Welsh. G.Sanders hasreceived asupply
direct from springs in I?. Q. Get sup-
plied- at once. -A good trial will
conviiace the most sceptical. -8t.
;Exeter council 'teteaceeeteete
Theo:an-mil met pursuant to ed•
jettennuent at the Towu Hall, Exeter,
htIi Itethruary, 1891, all present. Min-
utes Of previous =ea ng- Were 'geed and
coefirmed. By laws Noe -4 5 and 6;1891
weip. duly read: and passed Moved by
D. A.R.oss,secedi)y. T. B. Carling that
orders be greeted for the f011owing
sums vi:—Jas. Creech, $e, charity to
'Mrs. A. eleintyre; do $9 Griffin.; do
$1 •Ieles MeIntosh; de $2,75 Woed for Mrs
Hutchinson ;do $19 wood for town hall;
do $1,55 lamp chimeles ceet.; do $83 bal.
ance of salary, 1891; thte c'erk $17
Itor•al electiou expeuses; Beatind $2,
ground rent of eugine houee, the clerk
$4,, for postage.—Carried The school
trustees' to be granted the use of the
Bend room on the let eimainy of every
meal), Moved by T. B. Carling sexed
by E. Christie that S. Staelakes tender
for Hemlock plaid: being the lowest
be accepted.—Carried. Tenders for
cedar laid over foe one Week. The
clerk to notify the officials. of:. Bee
companies to.held a. mee.ting and. re'
coinmed a suitable person for chuff
engineer. Moved by T. B. Carling.
see'd by D. A. Ross that Jos. Peeve as
Miller and Rd. Gidley with the. Reeve
and clerk be a Board- of Health for 1891
Carried. Moved by W. G. Bissett sate'd
by T. B. Carling that • Dr. Amos be
Medical Health officer for 1891.—Car-
kied. Moved by T. B. Carling secel by
1). A. Roes that Wes J. Bissett be Roadl
Commissioner for 1891.—Carried.. The
eouncil adjourned until ..Pricley lath
tat at 7.80 p. m.—Carried. ,
M. EACBETT, Clerk.
eilr. Sidney Fairbairn, of Mineclosa,
Man., for ni er ty of Hensall, phid the, town
a visit oil Thursday last. --Miss Nelile
Gould, who has been visiting friends
in town, left for he.r home in London
on Saturday last.—Isles. Windsor, of
St. Thomas, wbo has been visiting
friends and. relatives' in town for the
past month; eeterned home on Friday
last.—Mrs. George Lynes, of Loudon,
formerly of . this piece, is visiting
friends aed relatives in tome—Mrs.
Littlejehns, of this vie:leo, left for S.
Thomas cm Felder of lest week, m herd
she Will:remain -for scene
Tbtinn t Ch 11 g, daughter, of II y
Tettnehip, ho lewd ben vieithig
friends nnd relative's •in. St. Thomas
end London, returned home me eater
dey .Ins. fetetuvonet of
(1111913,1911, form:gee of this village, is the
guest of Me. Thomas Sweet, of the Lou-
don Road. --Miss Ida Sweet, daughter
of Mr. Thotnas Sweet, of London 1?,0a1
is at V08031;3 visiting friends t in Bice
dulph.—llir. tut d Mrs, WuiCopp, of Sea.
forth, were in town. cm Saturday las
attending the funeral of the late Mrs.
Bliigna:74, t.tiC9TIVea
10 for t '°
ales p10111 ptly 1. teialcd Le and t‘yreo s1?easo31
able, Sales arranizufl at,' 'Post ()idea, 'Winch visa
„dill T13011n1S and Mi. Fele tud
"Scanty Board" (with only 16 cents
left) Meets "Fully Ped".on Main street,
S. H—"Say, old fellow he* ea,n I
make SOine cash, em awful low,"
J?. F,—"Buy the fire engine and open
a "dime mime."
S. B.—"By jove; just the skittees, for
just got enough too."
(Exeter's Reeves sanction to arrange
Not One in Ten
Of the people you meet from day to
day has perfeetly pure, healthy bleed.
The hereditary scrofulous taint afflicts
the large majority of people. while
many otbers acquire diseases from im-
pure air, improper food and wrong in-
dulgendes, Hence the imperative ne-
cessity for a reliable blood purifier like
Hood's Sarsttparilla, which eradicates
every impurity, and gives to the blood
vitality and health. It cures scrofela,
salt rheum, humors, boils. pimples, and
all other affections caused by impurities
or poisonous germs in the blood. All
that is asked for ifood's Sarsaparilla is
that it ie given a fair trial.'
Miss A. M. Pollock, teacher of S.S.
No. 5, Hay, spent Saturday visiting the
Rev. ides. Carrier, of Greed Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. Robe Taylor, who have
been visising friends in the vicinity of
Forest and Parkhill during' the past
three weeks have returned home.
err. Thomas Vine had the misfortune
to loose a very valuabk colt one day
last week freen the effeete of leek. jaw
mused by a slight bruise in the head.
Mr. D. W. Dulmage,after a residence
of twelve in Rirkton, is about to leave
the V illage, baying rented his !tore to
Mr.. R. McGotva.n„ of Thamesville, who
Will commence business here in March:
Mr. Dalm-age, has rented one of . the
largest stores in Wallaceburg, where
.he ietends conducting a dry goods,
millinery and tailoring establishment,
During his gay in Kirkton he lies con-
ducted a first-claso. business.in the way
of e general store and lus many friends
in the vicinity wish .Inin °yeti& -success
in his new- undertakifig. Instead of
the' proposed auction• sale during the
month of February, a clearance sale at
cost prices will take place for the same
Hivy Scheel Repert„
Monthly ropere--The folloeting is
tee report for Jet 11 11' ry Of S. 2. No. 2
Ile v. Thd ea eves ere 171 realer of nIrMill
VI -- 3118. Caniel)ell. llomer
se I, Fre ri eicTo g eta re:
Po e re. -- 1 ete Cluipman, Cecil Ross
Neleon Nog. hcott
S ten -men — 1 f leery Jackson, Chas
etoelleent, 'Crook Roes.
Jute Ternme-Isatic Jackson Ralph
Charenttie Amelia Jaektem.
eiteeerze---Nellie Northcott. Jas. Side-
itew. see,. reeereeteetelle eve:tree inaee uo ee'erte te'l carry oet the prom- lineureus cu thozetheds of the meet= iled. by letete tt.
The deboe'on Intemperance versu8
War came Won Wednesday evening.
The taberea,cle was filled to its utter.
most capacity, many from surrounding
municipalities being present. Tito
Judges beiug T. Dunceford, from
elichigen, F, Green and Samuel Sttin
lake. There were three speakers ou
the side of letemperance, On the side
of war C. PrOtity,w0.8 elope, his sup
port being abeent, or refused to speak,
Mr. Harris iesisted on the word In-
temperance in this ease to:imply every
-ppetties of 'intemperance, including to-
baCeo, and aSC. Prouty had so fro-
gnently on previous occassions before
the same audience argued that the
present use'ef tobacco was the greatest
evil of the present day, it sort of put
him in a had ex, as the judges ruled
that Mr. Haeris had a right td itielude
tobecco. After being Ably diseased
by both sides, it was given to the jud
Os for decision, two being for the
affirmative, and one for negative. The
Referee having marked 42 points for
armatiVe, ai35 for elegatiVe as the
weegitt of the hifirinatWe argued was
on tobacco,: we might conclude that at
•least 23. pointswould be reetorded for
tobacco, and 21 for liquor. A splendid
dialogue was rendered by S. Stanlake,
Jr., and J. Carriek; readings and reci-
tations by G. Penhale, S. Statilake and
F. Sweet.
Don't forget tee entertainment Fri
day 'evening, the, 20th. Programs are
.out; beepeak full house as pro
gram speaks for itself. Come. •
Secret Societies seem to be the order
of the day. No le.ss thee two new ohes
are being • organized. What is the
matter with the A, 0. U. W.? Come stir
youreelves. .teet can support two or
three good orders here.
The Epworth held a most
suceessittleceeceet last Tuesday even-
ing, (Sacred): - This is the second of a
series of feinr. puttee entertainments to
be held. tbis Whiter. The Exeter Quar-
tette assisted by the Messrs. Simpson
aud Sinythe, of London, with local tat-
eut completed the pregramme. The.
attendance wae fair notwithstaeding
the severe ehate of the weather. Pro.
gramme weeetrea Ily excellent and those
whelartidettetetetorat were amply re..
. Sefton REPORT.—The following is
Iheteorrect standing of our school's for
the month of January, based on Praise
a.ncy and good conduct.—
Sr. 4th. -1 st Nelson Hicks, 2nd Byron
Hicks and Ralph Handford, Bed An-
drew Hicks.
Jr.-4th.--ist Nora Heamen, 2nd
Lon Boyle 3td Handford and
Frank Hilt
Brd Class.—lst Jerry Heamen, 2nd
Wm Hipburn, Brd Charlie Haggith.
2nd Class.—lst Geo. Hicks, 2nd Al-
bert Walker, 2rd Wm..Blyburg.
2nd part lst.—Ist Maud Baynam,
2nd Luther Ryan,. 3rd Luther Rieke.
lst—Ist Mary Hipburn, 2nd Annie
Boyle, 3rd Wilbur Lane..
D. 0, Donnexen,
Iltteitartr TO TretE.--Something very
amusing to the ceegregation of the
Methodist elmech (teen:Teel Sunday
night last. It. appears that —s—,31
eowitey in a ranch m the vicinity of
Celgaty, formerly a•resident hero (but,
110W 011 a Visit to this place) courted a
fele youete. gieow navel of thie
peying her mare ed htiehtiop
ad left the impressimi that he WOUld
ret ere for 130r. Lettere ;seised. eito tted
fro" to siehein this, but tho old story
"out sight, out 01 3(51114" proved true
envenom., :led the love of the "prairie
hero" grew celd, tind stem his let nrn
• PR011igiTIONIfkrfri Anti opinion
of Intemperancee fritempereneeie the
life blood of the gambler, the food of
the emetterfeitee, the prop Of the eigh
\martian, end the support of 1le3 mid
uightleceudiary and aseessin the riend
and eompettioa of the erothol'. It e01.111-
tenanads t4i's liar, respects the thief aod
eeteeme the elasphemer, It violates ob.
iitretioos, reVereuees frand, and honors
infemee It defames benevolence, hates
love, scores virtue, and slanders limo
come, it incites the father to butcher
his ienopent children, belps the hust
band to kill his wife, and aids the child
to geind the parricidal axe. It nOt on-
ly destroys health but ruin up.
cm the iounocent atid belplese, ler it 10.
vadee the family and -social circle,
spreads woe and sorrow, cuts down
youth in all its vigor, manhood itt. its
strength, and age in its weakness;
breaks the fathers heart, bereaves thd
fend mother, puts out natural eleetion
erases congeneal love, blights parental
hope, blots out filiel :attachments, and
brings age with sorrow 'hi au early
grave. lt produces Weakneas, sickness
and death instead of strength, health
and life. It mekesnviyes widows, child-
ren orphans., and fathers without syni-
pathy. It produces fever, micourages
apoplexy and paralytic elections, cher-
ishes dyspepsia, inverts eestileuce, em-
braces cousumption, welcomes epide-
mics, invites disease, feeds rheinnatism
and uurses the gout, Lt burns man,
consumes woman, detests eurses
God and despises heaven. 11 bribes
yotes, corruots elections, poisions our
instilnetions and endangers our govern -
meet. Mere yet, liquor blights the
noblest energies of the soul. It wreeks
the domestic cirele, It destroys all ten-
der feeling, unhappiness to himself and
an annoyance to all around him. It
deprives him of his natural euergies.
11 destroys his' better judgement. Hew
many once happy homes hest thou
made desulutel How many- orphaus
hasp thou cast upon the cold charities
of the world! How many graves hest
then tilled with coutiding aad broken
hearted whets! Where are all their
once splendid talents? Many may
think the above is strung language,
but iG is just what intemperance has
done, is noweloleter and will, to. all ap
pearauces. continue to donotwithstand-
ing the Scott Aet or any other coeeslve
measures so long as the ministeet and
thcestyealled elirietain put their .whele
trustin the arla of flesh (alis law) just
so long will sin and intemperance
aboiend. As the matter is at present
the so called prohibitionists, (ministers
and their followers in this particular),
are but, the dupes of designing politic -
ions. These ministers truth/sully- say
that God will Withold no good thing
from. those who serve him, and preach
and teach the effacacy of prayer, the
poiver of faith to remove mountains,
and how dieereut their actions from
their teachings, by the actioes they
say the strong arm of the law is more
efficacious than the spirit of God, My
advice to the so called ehristian advo.
cates of prohibition, is, put on the whole,
armour of God, fight on the line'Cbrist
leis laid clown, eSeek ye first the King
dom of God" and every good thing
shall be added. The moral law was
preparatory to spiritual law and conse-
quently itiferier to it. The fulfilling of
the moral law does lifit constitute a
chrietain, eed will not Add oue iota to
eheistianity and all feelieg tnorality
will eaturally follow, As prohibition
ie not the christian way of brieging
about temperanee reform, WO may
reauralfh conclude that it herald 1101 110
a seeress.. Our Legiseitorte' gm- pees
n peelule measerahnt It, will erenta
Such all a3 t 11 al to
crease the vely evile they express 13
desire tee cure, being tittle saddenly
shut out of owe haltic by law will easily
beeeene the. viethn of 111 1'3 habit lehee --P ;en et 'le
ee uelle as leie. what ha 8 cansed the briclo's :0.13-0.1'. 0. V,....",,et, lay tie"
NO 193
eliell and Mr. J. li;ssery, were re-eleeted
for a term of three years, with J,Gd
lespie as auditor. A, discussion then
arose as to the advisability of compelliug threshers to liSe jaek or rope
drive for transmitting power from the
engine to the thresher at a distanee elf
100 feet, thus incuring less risk wlate
threshing,; also the propriety of outer-
ing on a four year contract of lesur-
twee. Short and petty speeches were
delivered by several gentlemen pres-
ent, among whom was A. Bishop, M. P.
P., who in au able manner showed the
steady progress that the Mutual Insur-
ance Comptuy -were making in this
proviuce and the great advantages to
be derived from insuring. on the mut-
ual system. The meeting whieh was a
very agreeable and orderly one was
then brought to a close,
We are ,glad to see Mr. J. Quaring
around agetio after his illness,
Mr. Wm. Thompson hes engaged Mr
A.:Sliver for a period as fireman.
Mr. W. Holt is engaged in getting
his ice atored away foe the summer.
Mr. Peter Flee is busily engeged.
battling wood to Creditou, for Doetor
Caenf3eP.bTe.11G.. Sprinkler had a wood bee
lest week, when a large Quantity of
Wood was cut.
We hear that Mr. D. Stewart is on.
the sick list; but we hope to hear of a
speedy 'recovery.
Mr. I). McCormick has gone to De-
troit in searnh of work. We hope he
will get a good situation.
We see another of our boys has
changed his mind aud is going South.
Say J. W. this kind of work will net
Mr. Hughey McCormielt, who has
been in Miele Sain's dominion for
smite time, is home agetio looking hale
and hearty.
Mr. Win. Hooper had the misfortune
of getting one of his tinkles sprained.
last week, whioh will lay him tip far
eome time.
Hurrah for the Pattern of Industry!
Now is the tineo for the mossbacks, as,
Mr. Smith calls thoin, to join their
hands and form a ring. •
We see that Spies is staying by file
wood box this \glitter, that ie just the
place old fellow you will gain by it in
the end, for there is a better dant
We are sorry to announce the death
of Patrick Barry, Who has for some
time been liegerieg, with *hate the
doctors pronounced as the decay of the
muscles of the Int:est, He passed
peacefully away on Friday morning
about 10 o'clock. His remains were
interred in Monet Carmel cemetery on
Sunday M101110110. when a large nume
hat of friends ni.d. relatives followed
his•remaies to their last rofitims1
He was ouly itc the melee, of his youth,
at the age. of tweuteetwo years, four.
months and siettetri dnys. The par-
ents hove 1)7.1 heartfelt sympathy of
the comen tie 1 ty.
Cueeirren.—In Exeter, cm the 5th jest...
Elizabeth Ann, beloyed •wife of
Mr.. John Ctifenere, agted 43 year&
9 molithe tend 1e daes. '
eel etereete
T...,CEEIli—In Thee on the 2e,1 best, the
wife of Gus Luker; of a dengettee.
eletEweete—fe Tette on tee eth
the wire et letteettet .7,e. es. '7','
ray, Nellie' Gould.
. ' . lees made, iii the detes of. hie wooing, eatore' of the present dae,but 1)70 43110)18 Lou:le:there, t!r. Jas, et. eti...1er de tette-,
3 ITN. ele... VAIIT:—Florn. Northeott, 'Mil- th"gil
ton Russel, eleleine Gould. the fair eittow to do so; bet, ou the
FIRST P Allt:--Edgar O'Brieu,, tete , ,
et 1 con trn, Lef2,"au 10 dividtt the feelings
leis Feeie It:10ml Itssie. I 871
Peckie Nertheret, .No.(1011111. •
of over zefieous temper:meet workereewho
1 I lee ad of try nig to refer M men accord -
to Scripture, tenchings are using
eeerelee measeree' which is not ac-
cordance with uature. • •
field to Mies: A enie. Fedi. I Meal theettie.
ter of elr, t Pater, 0:1111033
Marvel:tee-Bente eeett the reserereve ,
(II I veee. eee le tee
4th inte llete!e. pine, et, p, e
Londeetekro. iez.v1.1 .11) t, 01
Oak River, eleeitobe, ttke, seeeet
summwe, (1,33::,:11.. 07 Mr
Darr, II01101.
01 113 A V.I.1%-.1311
C;ineti,l,ty e. It, lielet-
bail, of Clietoe, to Clete, yemettent
Or Mr. Geo, Se, ales, e eeies
le- of Exeter.
h• • es Ott,11 f.
301)11 (11d10013(1. etr, Copp returned eemee.reee Teacher, 1 girl tei the, village and a spiue,er
home on i-:atuniey evening, and Mrs.
itinhare yeers .1.1 31 of tits! village. The
tvidow did 110l approve of this, and 7. --
not comitig to time, took matters into
Corgi returned on Mond ?1i time'
A .J 1314,181113 o Aran it. ;11, TANI, s.
ea. A un t le u C.131., tor tha.oOtt...',3,,A of 1-1
it,1131, ,1131,h1los,x, 13o,ailiqmi.; 1 nil to so nth
f. Or,ler4 ttil or otInr-
vi promptly it it en.auti to at. reasonable
lad, if.'
W.; ftrorn'to'elrt fhoirvAi (61 6lottailnli.c sicii?7(1111;t116..!X"
and fatinb ton , and the townships of Stephen
Et;nd Hay. AII sales prompt:1,y attended. to.
• DOSSENTHDIERY, Remelt Ontario Ve-
il:Us elise(1 Auctioneer foi the' ComAys of
Hitron a I1,1 Perth., Charges moderate and
s atistactien guaranteed.
ttTILLTAM SWEET, enierettat
v v 1(5 0±3' :Stereo Graduabo
Torou 50. Vuborinirry Dentist-
ry a speciality (Mice and fte-
„ g sliteneenne lilmfk east of Rich.
Pickard's store. Opposite ating rink, Ex-
erter, Outano.
878). 418 An101ia 8131111.3.17i, 1'01 11 Med
home frotn .Kineardiee on Monday last,
where they .have spoilt a couple of
w lee thigh Specimen and
C. F. Verity lefrfor Hamilton on Fri
day (welling, where they will atteed
the te 1:4 Lodge cif the 8.0, E. le S. --
Mr, J. W. Broderick gave ts a call this
weelt.—Mrs. Russell,- of Petrolca, who
hu been vistring at the jatnes Si
Methodiet parsonage, for the Lest
inoeth, left fen. 'home on Saturday. --
eir, Stiennel htan.alte, Jr., left on Wed-
nesday Morning for .Londmr, where he
will MI: tourse et the Business idol-
lege.—eliss A.ggie Miller, formerly of
this plecenbut 11011" Of Spoltena 111138
Wasiiii;gton rrorrito.ty, is 'visiting her
eister, 2411311 10)111 Renidl---Mr. George
r▪ een. veyor tItATINCeltell, Provincial. Land -
, 1,7 Snrnom Give, elesensete offido, NIIXer, Of L011d01:3 IS visiting in tOwn.
Oeer rost 01110.0, mein street, Exeter, 015 t. 'rhos, tyn,itoinrd, (10031 j'(
Mrs.' Geo. Ityne and Miss' 017 13
Sweet, visited Seatorth 011 Tttesdn,y,—
lerank froward, on of iMr. JI-teees
rrowttpd, of Port Deleon, Mich., is ePend. '
ing a few day s• under the pareiit
„For Sale.
A desirable residence in Exeter NOrth, now
framahouse. one -fifths sere of I'IF
hewn! was (roc d. 1)1 G 0rd'
purchaser, Apply at t,1‘108.of13.e.°o.°(1 t".1 15 --t, 5
• TT ' , ,r.
f The Fifteenth Annuel meeting of
the lesbortio tied 411 (34173'( elnereal Hee
Ito:mance Compri ley wee, heel Crard
iner's Uall, noteuhar, Feel -nary 2rel,
and as usetal the e
re N. erv, a large 011111'
bee of members present, The Prost
deet, DeMitchelj, Esq., took the chair
0 pe ed the meeting by showing
the great progeees the Conipanet has
made' during the past year. 'rho fle
anciel standing at the present time
and the 8(51(111(1X91317013of menage:meet
as compared with other companies ot
similar siZe. The financial report and
auditore abstrate 111011 submitted
from which the following etatistice may
be takenh—Polleies takeh during the
year new and renewed 578, total:deg
risks the Amount of 8982,650,00, team',
eel by Premium notes amounting' to
$23,04.2.3. Is malting a total of 1060 pol-
icies now in force, meeting risks
amounting to 82,002,3:G0.00 secured be
pretnieen notee to the eenotiet of 882,-
469,so,.ano ttio total 1.ssets of the Coin
paey is $55,M67 anti liabilttleS 110130.
',Vhe twO 'itoti g rectms, Me. Mit-
1 • . 1 1 iis e nee tl a ter t .
WA. Olel• 31 met , co I 3
1 The'f( 71101. 4,13' is 8, ki3pOit Of 60.
831 3101a:1' pupil:gen el. S. No. 5,
leshorne, for the month of jentearte
mid report is :baited upon regular.ty of
atteedance, gemerel work and good
eel:duce '[1117 11013111308170 given m or-
der cr'' uierite—
V.—teertie McCord.
TV,Vcrith, Wescott, Ida Wescott',
Lyman MeCord, Reel:led.
Sr. Int—tViolet Russel, Blanche Weoi.
Jv frfe—Lida, McCord, Jennie Me
Doneld, Elieth Higgins, Lily McDon,
Sr, IT, —Willie Fi'll,y17 0, Neleon Pratt
Garnet, Frityme'Lily M. Vdescott.
Jr. ITe--Violet Wihlis Norman Me
13031 i1t1 Ili Biggins, Emily wood.
P711 IT,— Russell, jesSie
Richard, Vinceat 'Wood
Part I.—jOhn Richard, Willie ROW
elLife, Fred. COVB1811, George Wescott,
Lily M. Poweliffe, Edith: McCord, David
McCord, Tommy Itliggine, Bertha Rus-
he tiedittiontbeing prenouneed eutered
pew 37:4 in. the ince of teumber
two tied. tithe3 mid the whole audieece
compelled the cowardly lover to acorn-
paey her home. All lite while (to the
great delight of the village youths
who had, anticipated the fun by station•
hig Pnvi3s7lrnTINTS along the fences ie
d va n cite giving -- A g00(1 mound
raking foe hie cewetediv and faithless
conduet. The stalwart cowboy 01000111
,91l01 1314 ale widow to the gate of her
fatime's Maitsion, but ne ioducement
0011151. 137,3140 hile miter, in feet, he turn-
ed and fled leaving his gloves in the
wi4ew8 99850,88i00 ilS 8013,V011'illi: of his
unmanly &Induce, the 0314 18 not yet,
and in all likelihood will be, vented
in courts, giving the "here" of numme
oils adventures an oppoehanite toface
his compromieiog letters 14111 of endeer-
leg teems. In the menetime the anxious
spectators are awaiting tee next moVe,
ofthe fnir widow. The cha grin (71 1111111-
17131' two and three crut bo bottor
hied than described,:
The Bay City stolie ren21 beicie rites •
ons ha.Vq rta 17c 1 hn (3
the 1)0E:8 111;18011s wherebe eine hones:
will 0011Stitilt 0 11 cley's wore: tillring:
tile present year. (13e en rpetitere Red
Joiners' union "3' 111 1' 1713 t11'1i1 111331
tile same, n umber n lioure, In t:1
past, 1.0 11013118 11(18 alwnys 1(91, 07111131
a day's work.,
Itvair little ono oinu3.3 liotation 3'5'5113'313' 193111 ninubltm.
6111 Croq). Mint Would you der wcat phydcian 000311 fratm:
11(111'01 HOWL
.ft tuutoloss,htinti,nopowinnaVa 50111 ofaysttfoginincli ln, '
20 (oa.s t hits ),01'C'3 (111101 ()erect. NOW from rlurd,,,,itgoig.
pane:ten. Vvtdp, GOO., Z. Winn) 11 noW1111V by 01213 for 1011,
Tel On. BELOIld PROPS ttAlit 00., /AISAIOADO.E.