HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-1-22, Page 1VOL. TV,
The Molsons Bank
(Chartered by Parliament, 895.)
Paid up Capital $2,000,000.
Rest Fund. .... 1,000,000,
Head office Montreal.
Twenty Branch aloes in the Dominion
Agencies in the Dominion, U. S. and Europe
os11:..s.C33=1M'a M20.19.1•7'02-=,
Open every lawful day from XO a. m. to 3 p.
m., Saturdays 10 a.m., to 1 p. m.
r,eueralbanking business transacted
Four per (lent. per annum allowed for
money on Deposit Receivts.
Exeter, Jan 28, '88. Manager.
Ozeter Abrorate,
Is published every Thursday Morning,
at the Office,
One Dollar per annum if paid in Ad.vanee.
991.50 if net so paid..
.73.4.-srertIniasg• Mates cats. ..livp1.1.cm.-
No paper discontinued until all arrearages
are paid. Advertisements Without specalle
directions will be published, till forbid and
charged. accordingly. Liberal discount made
for transaient advertisements inserted for
long periods. Every description of ;FOB
PRINTING turned out in the finest style,
and at moderate rates. Oheques,money ord-
ers, &e. for advertising, subseriptions, ate. to
be made payable to
Sanders & Sweet
Chock Directory.
TRIYITT ME7doulAr, clientle-Bev. S. F
Robinson, 'Rector. Sunday Services, 11a. m
and 7 a m. Sabbath School, 210 p. m.
Mwrno mem °HIM:n-4am es-st Rev. A. L.
Rusell, Pastor. Sunday Services,10.30 a. m.
and 6.30 p.m. Sabbath School, 2 p. m.
MAIN STREET -RAM J. Wilson, Pastor. Sun
day Services,10.80 a.m. and 6.90 p. m. Sabbath
School 2.30 p. m.
PRESBYTERIAN Cat/ann.-Rev. W. Martin,
Pastor. Sunday Services, 11 a. m. and 6.30 p,
m. Sabbath Salient 9.45a.m.
rrofesstonal Cords.
Fauson's Block
two doors north of Carling Store,
MAIN STREET, EXETER, ex traets teeth
without pain. Away at Henson on 1st
Friday; Ailsa•Crn,ig on 2nd and Atli Tuesday;
and Patrieli on last Thursday of each month.
V. College Dental Surgeons, successor to
it L. Billings. Office over O'Neil's Bank,
Exeter, Ont. A safe anaesthetic given for
the painless extraction of teeth.
Lucan every Friday
. and Sturgeon. Office and residence -
Corner Victoria and Elgin streets, Goderich,
if Residence -Corner Andrew and North
Streets, Exeter, Ontario.
D. CROSKERY, Member Royal College
Surgeons, England; Licentiate Royal
College of PhYsioians, Edinburgh; Member
College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario.
Office, Mitchell's chi stand., Crediton, Ont,
Graduate New York Eye and Ear Hospital
;Eyes tested and glasses supplied. Office cot.
Maple and Talbot streets.
Member of College Physicians and
Surgeons, Ontario. T. A. Amos, M. 1),, grad-
uate of Trinity University, Toronto, lieen-
tiate of the Royal College of Physicians and
Surgeons Edinburgh; licentiate of the •Fac-
ulty of Physicians and Surgeons, Glasgow.
Office -Dr. Cowen's old stand.
of Toronto,) Physician, Surgeon, etc.
Having spent the winter of 1886-'87 in New
York,,and the winter of 1887-'88 in Vienna,
.fl,. Olt; Cenveyaneer, Notary Public.
Office- Sarnwell's Block, Exeter, Ontario.
Money to Loan. •
• of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Com-
voyancer,Commiseioner. 8z.e. Money to loan
0 diee-Fanson's Bloek, Exeter.
.11/ itors, Conveyancers. &c. Money to loan
at 6 per cent.
B. V. E.TALOT. T.ELI.10't
TT BROWN, Winclielsea. Licensed Auc,t-
• ion eer for the Counties of Perth and
Middlesex, also for the township of Usborne.
Sales promptly attended to and terms reason
ablo.SaIos arranued at Past office, Wincheisa.
UT HOLT, Ithiva, Ontario. Licensed auct-
V V . ionoer for the Countiesof Middlesex
and Lambton, and the townships of Stephen
arid Hay All sales promptly attended to.
BOSSIINBERRY, Bonsall Ontario. Lie-
ensed Auctioneer for the Ciourityi; of
Huron and Perth, Charges moderate and
satisfaction Dintranteed.
inary_SAIF0011. Gracluste
Toronto. Veterinary Dentist-
ry. a speciality, Office and Ile-
sulentioone block east of Rich.
Pickard's store. Opposite skating rink, Ex-
eter, 'Ontario.
L'IltED, W. FARNCOliER, PrOvincial Land
Surveyor. and Civil Engineer. Office,
Sam well's block, up stairs, Main street,
7iixotat, On t,
For Bale.
A desirable reslclende 10Exeter N'Orth, neW
frame herlSe, e-fiff s acre of teee. The
hoeso was erected in 1888, Good terms to
purchaser. Apply at this °Dice. i•111-tf
All pert ins irdebted to in e Will kindly pay
th HUM to its. le, try ,t,.0111. Flat d
11.'y cowna, af. t.
We have, and keep constantly, one of the cleanest and
best assorted stocks of Drugs, Patent Medicines,
Dyes, Dye stuffs, Combs, Brushes, etc.,
in town, which we sell at prices below any.
Our stock of drugs is fresh and we sell them at fair prices
as we axe not members of any Druggists Association. We
do not use the scheduled price of the Huron & Bruce Druggist's
Association, and can therefore offer drugs at fair and reason-
able prices. We solicit a call.
W E. OtCHENOUR, Popietor:
Corner Drug Store.
A Fresh and New Stock of
Of600110S Colootinaril
Family Grocery.
A beautiful piece of glass-
ware given away with 1 lb of
Mayell's Baking Powder.
Dull:wood nolle' Flour
For Sale.
Call and examine our goods
before pm -chasing elsewhere.
A SAFE remedy toy Mottling
infants nod adults muttering from
all nervous troubles. Guaranteed.
to contain NO opium or any drugs
except those prInced on formula.
on <very bottle. Endorsed by
p by eiCii1011. Tows, 60 Cana.
Vox sale by dreggiets,
Send two cent stamp for
descriptive eireniatto.
Hazen Morse, Buffalo, N. Ifs
We will clear out the balance of
our Winter Stock
Including a splendid‘assortment of
M1TS & GLOVES at 75e worth $1.
We cant be undersold in Teas and
Sugars for SPOT CASH.
A Tragedy at Goderich.
0118 of the most lamentable trage
dies that have ever occurred in the
Huroa district took place here on
Thursday. For some time past Don-
ald McKinnon, a fisherman, a,nd hie
wife Rachel have not been living ami-
cably together.. She was alleged to be
jealous of hint. This afternoon the
quarrel culminated mime the report of
a revolyer was heard by those living
in thevicinity of Warren .street' sim-
ultaneously with cries of "Murder!
Help!" in a womon's voice. A son of
Capt. Baxter's was first oe the scene
and found Mrs. Mailmen lying in the
stable, a short distance from the house,
in a semi nude ectindition, with a but -
let wound in her breast immediately
bedew the heart., Donald Melainnon,
the husband, also turned tip about the
same tirno, and stated that his wife had
shot herself with his pistol. TW
wounded woman was at once taken to
the mouse, and Ined.cal aid summoned,
Shortly afterwards- it was discovered
that Donald McKinnon also was shot,
011(1 he, walked into no house and up-,
stairs to a 1)11.111: o pd lay down, On the
waited of Dr. Whitely it was foiled
thee both the wounded. persous were in
n. tritical condition, McKinnon having
been wounded immedietely above the
liver sand behind that Organ and the
stomach, nod his wife having received
001111(1 just beneath the. heat,
The ballet, evidently having been die
vetted from its couree by striking one
of the ribs, had lodged in the bettit, 801
tionvinced Wail the doctor of the triti.
cal condition of the man that he asked.
him to make a true statement of how
the shooth ;se occurred, and the follow
ing is the deposition. "I declare eity
wife shot herself in the barn with my,
revolver, shot 01100 and was taken out
by some person, I cannot say who,
Afterwards 1 found my revolver lying
in tyle hay, and lay down and shot my-
self, alter which I went into the house
to my wife, who was lying in bed, and
wanted to get into bed, but she would
not let me. I then removed my pants
and came upstairs aud went to bed..
This I solemnly swear to be the true
and correct way in which this tragedy
has taken place, this 1.5th day of Janu-
ary, 1891, to which 1 here sign my
The deposition of McKinnon differs
materially from that of his wife as to
the shooting and the immediate pro-
ceedings that led up to it. Mrs. McKin.
non's statement is as Follows: He says
1 shot myself, which is not true 1
will tell the whole tiuth regarding it.
Last night he proposed that we should
retire to bed and he *Old bring the
pistol, and we should each be shot. He
said he was tired of life, and people
were talking about him and it would
be better to die. I told him if he was
going to die to shoot me first, so I
would not see him die. Finally I. dis
suaded him ,from his intention, of us
tug the pistol while in bed, but he did
not rest easily during the night. In
the morning after breakfast he went
up town and I got htnatceorder teegoetne,..
les. 1 then did the washing and,
cooked the dinner. When, he returned
at dinner time he brought a bottle of
whisky with him and asked me to ave
•some. I refused that time and told
him to wait. , After dinner 1 was
changing my clothes after doing the
washing, and bad. on one of his guern-
seys, which I was preparing to remove
to put on my own inside garments. He
asked'me for the pistol, and threatened
to break every thing in the house if
did not get it for him, I told him I
did not know where it was and he
threatened me, 1 ran out of the house
over to the stable at the end of the lot,
just as I was, and tried to cover my-
self from him by putting seine hay ott-
er me. He followed me, and opeeing
out my loose garments, fired the Segel.
and the bullet steuck me. Then I
called for assistance and he went
away. A son of Capt. Baxter's • was
the first I noticed to respond to my
call, and then Cnpt. Baxter.; and my
brother Norman and others came
along. They brought me to the house.
Dan McKinnon also came up. Ile had
not shot himself then. He did ee after -
weeds." In answer to O. question, she
said she bad been told stories by some
of the neighbors against her husband's
feithfulffiess, but added: "I didnot
think the stories of great account, and
at any rate I aid not shoot him." Cpn•
tinning, she said that McKinnon had
deen despondent of late; and had told
her that he had driven his son from
as yet been exeracted. In addition to
the bullet weteed he lost a large quaut.
ay of blood feitm a razor gash in his
right arm, When he had made an effort
to severe one', of the main arteries.
Last night bee will was drawn up by
one of the leigat fraternity and duly.
witnessed and signed, By it his prop
erty is to betequally divided between
'his son andplughet, He is at pres-
ent at his lanse under surveillance,
awaiting thesreeult of the inquest.
...4 -
. , Zurich.
Some evil:disposed persons broke in-
to Mr, D. S 'Faust's store one night last
week, blowed open.the safe and carried
away the Aetna, which however, con-
tained nothing of value to them. As
. ,
luck Mr. reuse took all the money and
any valuable jewellery into the house
The safe however is baclly damaged
end some very valuable papers. to Mr.
Faust areenissints. Such persons should
be punishedto the utmost extent of the
law. -Miss talith Steinbach is visiting
friends in Pellsolhurst.-The new coun-
cil met on ?louday, 19th. Minutes in
another ct lu m.
. '-.. Centralia
mi. ail, Mrs. Shollottom, of London,
spent las ;Week at Mr. John Essereds.
Mr. Wal Paremis who has been home
fostome Months returned to Winnipeg
.on Tues4sy last.
Mr. arik Miss Ken n ad y, of Ilderton,
spent aafew days with their sister Mrs.
COblisigleef this place.
-Mr. Gee. Essery has purchased the
notorious Dan Ooleteigh trotting horse
from Mr, will Elliot for whieh he paid
a hand:Erne figure,
A.,HoWell, M. D,, and wife, of Brook-
way;Ceiltre, Mick, who- have been vis
itiug atMit H. Miller's, McGillivray,
'have returned hoine.
• !
Mr. and Mrs. S. Calton, formerly of
McGilavray, but now residents of Da-
kcitarktre visiting their numerous
friendf here. They purpose spending'
the w ihter in Ontario. -Mr. D. }lender
son, o/East Saginaw, is here for the
purpose of purchasing a number of
light 1river8.--o1iss Jessie TRW is . the
eestues if Mrs. Thompson,
' of -CUL' to.gto,, • hasroturiood
home after spending a totple of weeks
with friends in Riddulph --Mr. Mullen
of Northern afanitoba,has been spending.
a few clays with his brother, john Mul-
len, Clandeboye. He intends return
ing to Manitoba and make it his home.
Ma J. W. Grant and wife who have
been spending a couple of weeks here,
left for their home in Exeter on Tues-
day. ---Mr. M. Dickson drives about the
nicest team of horses in this vieinity,--
Mr. Charles, of Chicage, is visiting his
uncle, Mr. W. Dieltson. It is about
twenty four years since Mr. Charles
left this part --A. emd T. Plewes pur-
pose leaving for Manitoba about the
first of February. -The young son of
Mr. Mustard who has bee so ciangerotts-
ly ill for some time, we are glad to day
is recoverings.--Mrs. Charles, of Bel
normals visiting her sister, Mrs. Geo,
Grant. ---Mr. Geo, Bawden and wife,
are the guest of Mrs. Geo. Grant. --Mr.
Wm. Lang who it was reported of as
going into the pork pusincss, will con-
tinue the manufacture of pumps as us,
nal, The report was without foundat
ion -Mr. Alex Reid intends leaving
'shortly for Michigan. Mr. W. Deacon
purposes leaving for Manitoba next
month. He ownes a large farm there
alai intends farming it himself.
home and deeply regretted having
Grand Bend.
done so. She believed he had not been-
in his right mind recently, certaiuly We have two' first elass blacksmiths
not last night and today. When he now in our midst,' Messrs Smith and
had returned at dinner time lie was Storey. They occupy the shop previous
noticeably under the influence of lite ly occupied by Mr. D. Pattereon, Par -
nor, She bore him no ill will and tits wishing anything: in that line
would:forgive everything if they lived shbuld giro them 11 call. -Miss Bella
and he would onlylive quietly. with Totreau returned home from Goderich
her. Donald McKinnon is e man 01 65 last, week where she has been engaged
years of lige and a fisherman. His 'toenail°. the tailoring for some time
wife is 60 years of age, Th e• house ptst.-Me..'J. Baird and Mr. TeW. Webb
and premises Iiada tidy and thrifty lea for Michigan last week where they
appearance, and the fact that NeKhe intend working for some time. -Mate
non had $100 cash et the time of the to fa Hamilton returned from the
shooting and is the twiner of both real tanber woods last week accompanied
estate and valuable personal property bt J. Kennedy and G. and E. Mason.-
plainly shows that poverty was not an lila John McArthur is i11 a precarioue
incentive to the rash act. Chief of Po- condition at present from the effects of
hce Yule was early on the ground And a cancer in the 11811(1 which muses him
assisted the doctor in attendieg to the nach intense pain at times. Etttecov-
woundald couple. Mayor Butler Was they is very doubtfuL.-sSketing !IDS
also brought clew% so that an official been the order of the date. and generally
anteanortem statement of the female ?art of the night for the young folks
victim might be, taken. of Grand Bend and vicinity for some
Later, --Mrs. McKinnon died on Sat- .itne past. -Mr. J. Allister Jr. returned
nrcle‘y afternoon, Coroner Holmes was from Bad Axe, Mich., last week Where
Itt once notified and an inquest wee he has been working for the past few
hold at 5 p. and the evidence of moeths.-Mr, Jas. Orottyn had the mis-
Normal Ale Dermid and one or two otla tortnne to lose a 2 year old colt, on Fri -
ors talathe when eh. adjournment tees day of last week by some internal ob-
had mall Monday. :Co day as post mor- struction,-Mr. W. Haytee and eget'
tem ex amiltation was held on the body accompauied by Mies; Rieke), are
of deceased by IYrs. Whitely, Taylor, visiting' friends in Stanley at present.
111d Cassidy the particulars of ss 1iu.h -W bees are quite a common thing
will not be 'envie known until the in. in this neighborhood this seasore-Miss
q111'St, Nsurned. MCKitinon's oolielit. Barbara Peterkin of W. Willie ms is the
ion is uhcliangad The bullet has not tgtIti..st of Miss Miter Steveeson at pees
Mr, and Mrs, Robert Taylor aro at
present visiting friends in McGillivray
Miss Densmore, of Blythe, who has
been aittieing her sister, aim M. Whit-
more, during the past Wu weeks has
returned home.
The County Council for 1891 will be,
composed as 'follows: -
Reeve Deputy
Girvin .
Bayfield ,Castle.,.
Blythe Hamilton
Brussels .Graham ..
Clinton.... Man ning
O oderich ul pot
Goderich t'p. Cox......
• . .. .
• ... . .....
Kennedy ...
• .Riesett
• Holt
. . Beaconi
Nay •
. Howe
. To be a ppoin'd
. Coleman..
. Etratt
. Webber
. Kydd
E.Wawanosh. Tay lor . . . . Apderson
Wingham... McKenzie...Kerr
Wroxeter. Sanders
, Milne
. Ceok
Hullett : Britton,
Morris ?.,looney.
SeaforthMcLean. ..
Stan ley Torrance .
Stephen.... Itatz....
Turnberry McPherson .
Usborne Kay
W.Wasvanosh.Stew'art, -
broke est iu Messrs. Weir and Weie's
flax mill, St. Marys, at about 1.30
o'clock this afternoon. It was first dis-
eovered in the roof adjoining the chin -
nest, but spread very rapidly. The fire
brigade responded promptly to the a-
larm; and succeeded in preventing. the
flames„from spreading to the immense
,stacks of flax near by. The, north end
of the building, Which was stone, and
in which wss located the engine.. and
boiler, and also the electric light dyna-
mos an(1 machinery belonging to Mr. L
R Reeser was saved almost without
injury, but the- remeindee of.the
big- was a totalwreck. Messrs. Weir &
Weir, who are the largest dealers in
flax In the province, are heavy losers,
as there was ne•insuranee. The cause
of the fire is unknown. About 60
hands are thrown cut of employment.
On Sunday night last about 8 o'clock
the bank -barn and contents of Mr.
Samuel Essery, 3rd con. of Usborne,
were totally destroyed by fire. From
what we can learn, Mr. Essery entered
the barn, lantern in haud, to feed his
sheep and on so doing the sheep follow-
ed him, after laying the lantern on a
bag of grain he tooupa fork full of
stiaw and went to the lower apartment
and while away the sheep must have
ran against the bag and upset the lan-
tern, for on his return, to his surprise,
found the interior all in a blaze and be-
yond control. A quantity of wheat,
oats; feed, and a reaper, a binder and
1 gale harrow, were the contents. Loss
about $800.00; Insured in the Usborne
and Hibbert Ins. Co. for $600.00,
On Tuesday morning about 3 o'clock
fire broke out in the Tannery of Mr.
Bugh Moore,Clinton. The fire quick-
ly made eadway and before the
steamer arrived the building was irre-
trievably ablaee. The fire brigade
worked heroically, but the:buildiner be-
ing frarne it was Soon seen it could not
bo saved. 200 rolls of leather ready
for shipping next day were coesu.med.
A small portion of other leather stock
was saved. The hides in the pats
will probably be uninjured. The
buildings andcontents destroyed were
probably worth $4,000. No insurance.
Nothing definite known a8. to the ore
gin ofthe fire, but possibly it proceeth.
ed from the engine roont. Universal
sympathy is expressed for Mr. Moore,
who is an honest and industrious man.
It is hoped he will be abie to rebuild.
Stephen Council,
Crediton, 19th Jan'y, 1891.
All the newly elected council being
present having signed the necessary
pipers at once proceeded to business.
Moved by H. Eilber, seconded by F,
Wuerth that C. Prouty be Clerk, M.
Finkbeiner Janitor, C. Brown Treasur-
er, John Ryan Assessor, Wm, Stevens
Auditoasalaries similiar to last year. -
Carried. Reeye appointed W. Weitzel
the other Auditor. Resolved that as
the Arivoceere's tender for printing is
the loweet it be accepted.
Resolved dug the following orders be
granted. ---J. Young, box for Collector,
$2.80; Mrs. 'tailspin relief 8.00; H. Roe-
der WOrk lfith eon. $1,00; R Colby char
ity 500,0 Brown abstract 10.00 ; Elec.
tion Expensee 11.25; 0. Prouty School
Statilte 8.00; C. Willett, awe 14 core
$1; Win, Sanders, grave1,2.55; F. Flynn
bridge lst S. R. 2; R Hoagies $18; T.
Martin, thel S. la, $6; H. Yeag(rtumber
t.,74c, wilson, et.150; S. Schweit-
zer, Lumber, $8.92 I). Sutton, lumber,
20.69; H. Willert, Rep. cul., 75 ets ; T.
Hayter, cut. 22 eon, (5; 0. Baskereillei
error dog tax 81; Mr. Hawker, darnber, 5.60; Mr, Reynolds, work N.N 13., $1;
Messrs, White & Son balance printhrg
27.51; Mrs. Newcombe,tax rernit'd 5,80s,
Collector, error in roll $1; 0. Brown D.
R. 0. $3; Sch. See. 1, use of house for 2
elections Slat. Mallard, D, R. 0., $3t
Sch. See. 10, liaise for Election $3; R.
Armstrong I). R 0. $8,; Sch. Sec. 5, use
of house for Election $3; H. Schweitzer
diten across road $1; J. Granger, work
22, $2.50. Cpuncil to meet again la
afterimon of Iss Monday in February.
Does Experience Count?
It does, 10 every line of businessatua
especially in compounding and pregat
ing medicines n his is Einstrated itt
the great suisedority of Hoed's Sersa-
parilla Orel' oqier preparations, as;
shown by the renal rkaale cures it has
accomplished, •
The head of the firm of C.. I. Hood &
Co. is a thoroughly competent and ex-
perienced tam enteist, having devoted.
his whole life to the study and actual
preparation of Linda:Ines. He is also a
member of the Massachusetts and
American Pharmaceutical Association,
and continues acti rely devoted to su-
pervising the 'preparation of and man-
aging the business connedted with,
Hood's Sateapa rifle.
Hence the superiority and peculiar
merit,of Hoou's Sarsaparilla is built
upon the most substantial Tom:dation:
In its preparation there is represented,
allethe knowledge which modern re-
search in ined science has developed
combined with loug eeperience, brain-
work, and experiment. It is only nec-
essary to give this medicine a fair
trial to realize its great euratiye val-
Usborne Ceunoil,
The following is 0 brief resume of
the business teausacted at the first
meeting of the New Council on the
19rh iust.
Kydd. 'res appointed Deputy
Reeve, a motion of T. Cameron second: -
ed by J. Shier. The following officers
were appointed, viz. -Geo. W. Hol-
man, Clerk at a salary of $105,00; Thos
Coates. areasurer at; at salary of $70;
Geo. Rutherford, and John Delbridge,
Auditors at §e each; T. M. Kay, G. W.
Holman, L." Hunter, D. MCtithes' C.
Monteith, Board . of .H.eal th• at $.1.50per
day; Dr. Irving, Medical Health officer
at $3 per day; J. C. Tuft, Sanitary In-
spector at $1.50 per day; M. Prouty, J..
Hazlewood, le Reddy, G. Rook, Sone T.
Passmore, S. Campbell, W. Gillian, Sr..
and R. Hunter; Jr, pound keepers
t The following were appointed Fence
Viewers: J. Copeland, A. Cole, P. Moir,
R. Delbridge, C. Switzer anti C. Coates.
Thos VeaaCatretalter at $5 per year.
White d Son received the printing
contract at 839 to do all the printing
usually required.
In default of the Treasurer of Exet-
er to pay the usun 1 instalment of the
indebtedness of said Vilage to Usborne
as per agreement in regard to the bore,
us granted the S. H. and B. R. R., the
Treasurer of 'Usborne was authorized.
to make demand of the same. .
The Clerk was authorized to ask for
tenders for supplying. the Township
with cedar and elm lumber for the
current year. Tenders to be in by the
7th of Feb.
The following orders were granted
viz: -White ,a-,;eloti printing 1890, $48;
G. Stacey, refunded dog tax $1; A.
Hodgert do do 81.00
1. Whitlock do do
J. Batten 2 underdreins $450; G. 'W.
Holman, Registration fees $9.90; Wni:
Routly. Collector's salary $60.00.
The Clerk was atathorized to draft a
By -Law confirming the appointment of
the Municipal offiters for the current
The Collector's Roll was accepted,the
taxes having all been collected and the
Collector's bond' delivered up.
The Auditors will meet Sattirday
next the 24 inst. at 9 se ni
On motion the Council adjourned to
meet atesein on Saturday the 7t1i of Feb.
at 10 a GEO. W. Ho 1.,MAIT.
PETEesox --On 7tSaturday Jan. lint
the, wife of Mr, Neisou Peterson,
Exeter, of a son.
Trtinnerntex.-In Exeter, on 13t16 inst.
the wife Of William Teevethic, of a
Swater:el-En Stephen, on lath inst.,
Mr. James Setnlake, aged 81 yrs; •
and 10 mos.
MCINTVRE-In Exeter North, on 20t1*
inse. Alfrea George McIntyre,
atge.d 32 yeers.
trhe, Customs Committee of the
French Chamber of Mint tiee 1108
Adopted the proposition to, impose,
duties of fourteen and tevelve frame
upon lard, aecording to quality, end to
admit suet free of datte