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The Exeter Advocate, 1891-1-8, Page 4
THE ate. ANDERS & `aW1?++T. IDrops. mn4444+Mw.44440444c9:sW:,F!.S.,04.4.47.^ MIgusX•m 4��' TIUBBDA , JAN, 8tl1,' 1891,. ink between tIiQ, la�otlaex ':country and. the colonies of Gillet 8ritaliu, that all hon• iriQii neo 1ua;y be reckoned on to Maintain the unity of t11s Empire in- tact. We feel that Steell M odem disenss- ion of Canada's true position AS that given before the American historical Assooiatiou, by one of Dr. Burnet'y standing, will go far, far to disabuse the minds of American statesmen, on questions of constitutional policy and international rights. IVI1ERE DO.1tS '1111; MONEY GO.. .dela;1118TORIC 1.. arta; a'f.O8PT;C1 ' o,, lave felt utuel;, interested in reading an elaborate hapr'r submitted by Dr. Burling, clerk of the Canadian idolise of Commons, s, at the recent meet- ing in Washington. of the American Ili; torical Association. It ri;restn ex- tcnso a historical digest cif treaties and events :iht ting• tho r +l itions of Cam -rda .and tht. 1 l,ttf a Suites for the last veutrry. We. da ` pv, I,o'iid to give anythinglihc h9 s'.0vt1 notice of th•a lengilty c' . n i at rood before the Association. C i.c'r, .lie, however, one ear t1,c, poi:;t,, el' vital int -rest to the i rttpit• cfi' rt 1 1;k 10 i 111 v. l,ieh deserve mor,) thou a 1:tssin);, notice, Consider - in • 1%r, isurinot•, v, till hilt,•:o•n ability as recognized 8U an.lierity or constitution- al question and international law, we are justiiii d in saying that much good .nu.st result fiend the publication of sneh a document. Its author justly re fess t.7 the alsence of n conciliatory spirit on the. part of American states - 111d.1, \velem discussthe relations of The two enu11tr1.-s. ll t also to a want 3f sufficient knnty. ttg'.'. or due appreci- ation of this Dominion as an integral part of the British Empire. The public men at the head of affairs at Washing- ton often dispiay,\Phethcr intentionally Dr oth a wis 0.ignorance „f our true rela- tion to the mother country. 1'orinstance rive a•rY re prose;ittt'.t as j,1ci::g an insig- Biiicalit a;tpendaigt ];° tot' lIritish grown and as though we weresill under the ti:arnb of 1%('.vliing Street. as 11 was in the days prior to the cession of respon- sihle govern ni nt. It is well that our people should remember this, and that American statesmon.sheuie be made to understand, that n,+at rt' 1;a •t to be made :ai re shuttlecocks for aainl itious or as- tute diplomatists,iii;e. Mr. Piaine,who re- garded their possession of this whole con 115 1 "manifest destiny". Afterre- riewina Caat:itda's politico 1 developement from the treat,; of Parisri 1 i e13,ivlionthe Ffie,uch domination came to an end and The reyolutionnry movement among the thirteen st .tt s w h1 it resulted. in the declaration of i:,Clf' .cx 1t ::.•o. Dr. Buri - not deals ..,th the couvel.tion of 1818, Mr. Windom, Secretary of the United States Treasury, in commenting on the severe looney stringency in 't11a United States, stated that during the nineteen months of his occupancy of office the Treasury had disbursed oyer one melons of dollars, which .appeared to have become completely* absorbed and reinoved from circulation, the only explanation he could give of the phen- omenon being that the people were hoarding their savings for the present, and that the money would reappear by-and-by. This, seemingly, is a reas- onable deduction. Any one who was living in the United States in the ear- ly days of the Southern Rebellion, will remember that one of the most remark- able phenomena of that phenomenal period, was the almost instantaneous disappearance of all kinds of money, immediately following the suspension of specie payment; coin of all kinds, both gold and silver, rising in value, at first, almost as much from its actual scarcity as from any effect of the tear. Everyone who had a dollar seemed to freeze to it, and, quietly stow it away somewhere for "the rainy day" which So many saw coning. It is always so during times of financial excitement. Money is an exceedingly sensitive plant, and the least pointing of the finger of financial distress at it, causes it to shrink modestly away and hide •itself, until the momentary storm has passed over. No doubt Mr. Secretary Windom is right in pointing to the vaults of the Safe Deposit Companies as the depositories of a large portion of his temporarily missing hundred mill- ions of dollars; and it would also be safe to conclude that numerous old stockings and other ]nimble repositor- ies are being utilized by timorous peo- ple who have momentarily lost confi- dence in banks and other financial in- stitutions, on account of the financial depression which originated in London,, and has now spread to New York, and is being felt, in a limited degree in Canada. With us there is no occasion for any despondent feeling, or any an- ticipation of a serious financial crisis arising out of the temporary "tight- ness" in the money market. The har- vest throughout Canada has, on the whole, been a good one, and that, after all, is the crucial test of the country's annual progress. So long as nature Yields a bounteous return for labor, we are safeguarded against severe finan- cial shocks; and the harvest returns this year have been sufficiently satis- factory atisfactory to warrant the assumption that the Grit prognostications of "Hard times ahead" are doomed to which restored to us curtain fishery rights on the maritime coast which had been sacrificed lured r a previous treaty; and also ref;'rs to the Canadian rebel- lion of l r'i-;.t which was fomented by the 1: nit: d St.atrs, authorities per missively sanctioning raids on Canada and involving us in heavy losses and serious cons'huel":t'.os The document hien rof.:rs to the union of the two Can- adas in 181:1, from v hieh time; respon- sible ,.government was virtually ceded to the D. N. F Colonies. 1' rhaps the most vexed inesi.;kl,—one that yet re- mains unadjusted, as between Canada 2nd the United States,—is that of the fisheries which for a time was settled by the reciprocity treaty, but was re- Tenled ill 1 t 1 t u $.z to tliti action of t filled. the Washington i do I mart itself. The • it t Parliament of the confederated .P'rovince's was held in 171074S at Ot- tawa, after lengthened conference be- 'u.tzeen the Leading politicans on both sites, in which the present Prernier of 'Canada lyes the leading figure; since which event, as is bho i; a by L)r. Buri - not ii, his able. piper. rutted Canada owing to its territorial extent, and es- ' da. s1.liv to thn otiate Uct Cali of our great Continental highwav cih::nil:i; up the :natural resorcos of the magnificent ooiint•y and providing homes in the :future for millions of emigrants from fin i17e and Great Britaii has attained ride proportions of it young nation form izig one of te, brightest gems ' of the :l3'ritis1crowh. There are, 110 doubt, . some complia:ations yet to be adjusted' as -between the til o nations such as the 1 iSlit:ries gntastion.and. tl?t•: 13nhring LpnCIQn Hurp.n & ;Bruce fRa/Tway PM/Seinger' T311140‘ GO11tQ /lours. GOING Sown'.. a.rit, .rft. London,dehtt 8.05 4.28. "moanCroa g' 8,47', 50.20. Clancleboye 852 528 Centralia 9.05 5.45 EXETER. 9,16 5.57. Bonsai], 9.28 6.09, Kippen 9,84 0:17, Brueefield 9,49 6.26 Clinton 10,00 6.15, Londesboro' 10.19 7,08 Bluth. 10.28 7.12. 13e7grare 10.12 7.27, Winglram 11,00 7.45. sea difficulty; nut with a proper spirit of .r.ttional comity and the un willing- ness of 0)11• American cousins t0 be in- 1rOlvc.d ill another war, there is little Tear to be entertained of such a cilia in, In regard to the Behring sea question, Lord Salisbury has shown a spirit 4}f determination to TO0111tain f3l fish rights,while in a in t.imniomous spirit ho'has orere l to refer the whole ARIStfail to a court of arbitration, rath- cr than ,sec the two nations r,involved y .1n gar, Another point on which Dr. :Eturi lot has ¢;Iven forth no uncertain sound is that of annexation, --showing. ing. ghrut our a..o rle a5 a whole are loyal 1 to the, . . ,.data core; that every decade ill our 'Us- ury s 01y shovtws a 111/1111 remove ob. the ilrt of Canad111)7 From any proclivities i an vY.Yi3':ll°ds tt rlextltiail • and i in t t any case illa such is the; close relation subsist - be unful- R .,tet ', �,�i 'egu ates the Stomach, Liver and -Bowels, unlocks theSecretions a?urifiesthe 'Blood and removes all im- purities from a 'Pimple to theworst Scrofulous Sore. .._,-- i.: --,-,ti .ex elft ':it•:. rl'4 i •.: . . _ 'irk i.r, • .c -- CURE-. •` DYSPEPSIA. BILIOUSNESS'. CONSTIPATION, HEADACHE. SALT RHEUM. SCROFULA. HEART BURN. SOUR STOMACH DIZZINESS. DROPSY RHEUMATISM. SKIN DISEASES ED NOTICE to CREDITORS. a.m.. p.m. Wingham 7.05 340. Belgrave 7.24 4,00. 131y,t'ka 7.38 4.15. Londosbo -o' 7.47 4.25. Clinton 8.07 4.15, Brneefzeld 8.26 5.04 Kippers 8.34 5.12, Eonsall 8.11 5.19. EXIIITE1t1 8 53 5.32. Centralia 9.07 5.45, Clandeboye 918 5.56, Luoan Crod'g9.21 0.02 London a,rr (015 6,54 J, G. SMALLACOg►IEE, Merchant Tailor. r. TrcM's llIoc EXotOr f 9 Has now in stock AFIRST-CLASS LINE OF mums goods, eats' Furnishings, nishi ngs,3 eg o n Sole agent for Exeter for IVCRINE COLLARS AND CUFFS. The best collar and cuff .in the market A CALL SOLICITED. J. G. Snallaoombeo CATTLE FJOD1 Maple Ave. Stock Farm, Lll.can, Ont., Nov. 29, 1890. Bart. Cottam, Esq., London, Ont., DEAR SIL—I have given the CHAi1i- PION FOOD a fair trial and have no hesitation' in pronouncing it the best prepared food I have ever used. Some of my horses had an attack of INFLU- ENZA and I fed them' CHAMPION FOOD with their ration of grain and bran and never saw anything work a change for the better so rapidly. It seems to remove all impurities from the system with whish no animal can be in"a thriving condition. I have also some colts that have been troubled with worms but after giving them a couple of feeds of CHAMPION FOOD they passed them in large quantities. CHAMPION FOOD must soon come into general use and I have been tail- ing to several of our farmers and stock- men about it and shall be pleased to promote the interests of your VALU- ABLE FOOD. I shall soon be corning LoAn where. I shall require some nee. I ani, dear sir, yours very truly, F. H. NEIL. IN ORDER TO MAKE SPACE —FOR— WINTER GOODS, All persons ltol,clir g claims against the es- tate of the la to T1'OMAti [LOW INS, oi' Cen- tralia, in the 00(111 ty ofHuron, HotelReeper, wbo died on or tLhont the25th fray of' Deo, ornber, 1897, are rrgnosted to send partimilars; of their claim, legally verified, to Robert McLeod, of the'Vitlage of' tan, Agent for a Flo the said osstlt, d ins- the executrix fi ] ---•-�doeea�locl,ton or before the 2ncl. Day. of Z a'oha,,next and notion is hereby given that .from and i i will pre-. after that flats the said. . �t 1 1 said cn cl to distribute tuts the assets of the 5 ,e 1 Thomas Hodgins among the parties entitled thereto havi.n^• regarri to the elairns only of whirl she shall then have notice., and will not bo liable for the assets so flistributeelor any part thereof to any- to'rsc1 of whose OluitntidsadrSC Executrix n tlrovohtd n1Hee At tft:o time of said distri}nztiort. This notioo:i's given tinder Section. S3, Ohaptor All acronnts And rights clueteas 9Lt`.d 'rb ''rums fIorlgins rntist be parte td the said ltc,br,rt,,'1rer oorl-at ottce, f 'natal t 'Exeter 1st da U January n tort y 9 1891. LEWIS I;7, ;D 'Ytts0.11'. Solicitor for Executrix. n. We will clear out the balance of our Winter Stock AT COST —FOR— Cash kf/y NLY Y Including a splendid assortment of OVERCOATS & SUITS FOR MEN AND BOYS LADIES AND GENTS FURS. LADIES FUR CAPS, MUFFS AND HATS. LADIES NETT, VEST AND WOOL SHAWLS. A NICE STOCK OF- FUR TRIMMIN'S GENTS HEAVY WOOL LINED KID M1TS 3GLOVES at 75c worth $1. We cant be undersold in Teas and Sugars for SPOT CASII. JOHN MATHESON. Exeter North TRADE :: Marta. MORSE'S GLYCEROLE OF CELERY COMPOUND; 'A SAFE remedy for teething. infants and adults guttering from all nervous troubles. Guaranteed to contain xo.opium or any drugs except those printed on formula on every bottle. Endorsed' by pllyslolanr. rarCe. 60 Oaatw. Forealo by druggist', Send two cent stamp for descriptive circular to Hazen Morse, Buffalo, N. Yc FREEMAN'S` = l�oi1 POWDERS, Are tleasatd A take'. Contaitz their bw: e Purgative. ` Is a safe, sure attd ej eetual . t �•', z .. kila`rc'is or rldul ,,. s.r er o rJor>trs s� G` dC d a..;aR..• ta'lsiostai.'"NSi4^JaYt+lllxc'liiibu.,.l. platys Remedy for Catarrh is the,. Best, Valsiesi to 8Tiso:anti Ghoaiie9t. sold by druggists Or 6001 by Man, 570. 11 T. rla,eltino, Warren, Pa,, U S. A. A Fresh and New Stock of rQGFE,OFEEPtill13111 JUST ARRIVED AT T11•E Family Grocery. Also Pure EXTRACTS and SPICES. A beautiful piece of ;lass- ware given a\ Tay with 1 lb of Mayell's Baking Powder. Dashwood. Roller Flour For Sale.. Call and examine our goods before purchasing elsewhere. Go A. NYMA N. EVEREST'S COUGH SYRUP CANNOT BE EXCELLED. Try It and be convinced of its wonderful carat.* properties. Price 25 cents. MO Try Everest's Liver Regulator For Disearol cr the Liver Kidneys, &e., and Purify. ]syr of the idl•aodr Price 81. Six bottles dor $5. For Sale by ALL DRUGGISTS. LLimufactured only by GEO. 11. EVEREST, G}ISMrST, Folts5 , Org., $AVE buIsfOamruinrplt.h bofaen ' i1 tth dombran. what would ybu dor Wbat pnYsicSan could save its11193 NONE, .. 13eldin $' p�"�. Remedy 9�d yyy�+y, r. �. 100 ttstodss harnlpnsttYYowner, and0tlidbrilyenfoglarc. EMS iovar failed. order New (rani your dr gg lreat or from p ` LOUthROPBlETARYCO,l4MAICAfN.Y' THE LIGHT RUNNING SEWING ?'r ACHINE The Famous .[Heavy -bodied Oal, made only by [o o:I1 Bros. & CO., Toronto. Use it puce and you will use no puny. MGCOll� ' Famous CYLINDER OIL Is the finest an Canada for engine cylinders. -FOR SALE BY— ISSETT B' -`•'OS , Exeter, Ont Ontario. NEW T 11 R SI3()P. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS OPENED OUT A NEW STOCK OF II t II .i II II II 1 II II I II : II FIRST-CLASS WINTER IIITINGS 3 InCanadian and Imported Tweeds, French Worsteds, etc., which he will sell at right prices. If you wish a nobby or plain suit it will repay you to call and examine his large stock which has just arrived. II SHE FIT DIIIII1IITEEO TIME. Special attention given to ladies mantle mak g. Give nage a Trial and you will be Convinced. Stand one door north of Fish's Barber shop. JAMES H. GRIEVE. READ a F -I ARX =hems t© "bu.y- The Best Goods for the Least Money. We carry the largest stock of STOVES and TINWARE in town and we are selling it at the lowest possible price for cash. In Hall and Library Lamps we are showing an elegant display at right prices. All kinds of Table and Band Lamps, at wholesale prices. In Cross -cut Saws we are showing all the latest and leading patterns.and makes., 5 different patterns to choose :from. AXES, a large stock at prices that defy competition. As usual a full stock of General hardware, painth, oils and glass on hand. ro• A Call Solicited. AGENTS FOR ' THE RAYMOND SEWING MACHINE THE //tt. FAVORITE. THE ONLY SEV ISG NIACHINE �_. THAT GIVES'''U +•o ayn+. NENtH01ME SEWING MACHINE CORA ,E;M ISS.! CHICAGO —28'UNION`SQUAREiN.Y.— DALLAS, et1 L ATLANTA GA. . • VC LOUl9, M0. mr..agrg. SANFt1:f1Ne16Ce,IEXCA. Remember the old stand Tear the POST OFFICE. If you want an easy shave and neat hair -cut just call at E, II. FIS}I'S SHAVING SALOON Where he does all his work in a neat style Lathes' and Children's hair -nutting in tile last style. AGENT FOR THS PARISIAN STEAM: LAUNDRK CITY HOTEL LONDON', ONTARIO. "A STITCH IN TIDE.5AVES NINE," SO WILL A DOLLAR INVESTE'A IN YN 7)/1A ITC�,�E JAS fan :artificial gastric juice—fortnitla on every label.] SAVE 99 .COLLARS to a ersot sufferingfrom stott'h troubles{ es - pc Tali lif taken at thf"irst symptom of Indigestion, on, r which is usually weight at the stomach, sometimes attended by :Slight pain, and may follow either a wholesome or a heavy meal. At first, this feeling soon passes duchy, and ,s only remembered as a lilac„ rtnfltasa#t, which, when repeated, gradually be- cotnes more pronounced. To the average person is now suggested the cathartic pil1,'. betters, or other liquid purgatives, that will clear 101E tete bowels, Suuli ttcatmcnt ]s Wora0 than useless; it i9 positively harm. fut. The rouble is in the Stomach• tlto hovels are not responsible, find relief will only two through au intelligent"treatme1t of the disorder within .the swaiach. MALTOP1(PSVt1 Is the remedy for all stnrnachtroubles, i:ndor..Ld by the hast physicians of England and Canada. S'ond a eta. fit posta;c for valf(sb1C panrpblet to HAZ1 4 MORSE; 1NTaltAAlsolvAL 1301000, ONTARIO. per day. J. &J. liellARTIN, Proprietors: THE BEAUTIFUL MID CLEAR CUT - r - TYP �• from in -tibia this paper is printd 'wad sou 1i.ec1 b the TOG -ONTO 19,0@8 1 Dealers in Type, Printers" Presses, .and P ers ., : r. TJCI--1NSTOso et. N w f' 'Vi''ellxaigto1i St. west rs. TO Y XtCIN.CO OS . T.rING A. J. SNELL,, eYix� st. EXETER - ONTARIO Itias now in stock Atnu ni Wiritir IN THE FOLLOWING LINES West of England Suitings and Trous cringe, Scotoih Tweed Sufangs and Trouser- ilrgs. French and Eng1 sh Worsted Cloths All made up in the Latest Style, at best Rates. A. ' J. SNELr'. Clubbing Rates. We are now prepared to furnish the following city' papers in connection — with ------ THE EXETER ADVOCATE from now until January lst, 1892 �. r .. 1 I�0 nclsu tees Z res].'.7fi London, A1VeLtIS,l .$1.70 Daily Advertiser .$0,.00 flatnilton Weekly .r Sppectator. .$1.15 Empire, , {.. -01,65 Famii IIolald,..., ,,,. ,..t 1.00`