HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1890-12-25, Page 8BEAD -MAKER'S ,,,µ4 0 HEM FAILS TO CIYC SAT!SFA IIOH. FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. THERE E MAT R MART,, EX E 7. R 9 t eati Q oz as LIAN.I tXx Gottl b r= CD PILLING UP NBAT mersammetpratasen.wasixa THE MART FOR HOLIDAY GOODS s� L LS I ono 0 0 0 GETTING READY NOW 0 IBJ NY bog MAR LOCAL JOTTINGS. Santa Clause at G. A. Hyndman'sfor Christmas, call and see hint. Biggest stock of clothing in the County Fauson'sBlock, Exeter. Don't fail to see J. H. Grieve's $10 suits before purchasing elsewhere. All the latest designs in Jewellery at T. Fitton's Jewellery store. See "ad." First appearance of Santa Clause at G. A. Hyndmau's on Saturday morn- ing. Hurrah for Spackmae's Boot and Shoe Store for ovtercoats, Fur Coats, Robes, ie &c. Gold. and Silver watches, best in the market at T. Fitton's. See "ad" else- where in the ADVOCATE. Big stock of. Christmas goods in end- less variety at Spackman's Boot S. Shoe store. To be cleared cheap. Candies, oranges and all kind- of . fruit will be sold very cheap during the holidays et Hyndman's Grocery Insure in the Temperance and Gen- eral Insurance eneralInsurance Co., of Toronto. ED BIS SETT, 'local agent.—May 29-90. Popularity called the king of medi eines—Hood's Sarsaparilla. It eon- quersscrofula, salt rheum and all other blood diseases. ,.Unn't forget to get your .h e a- is at the Woollen Mills they have e a o reduction sweeping 1 educt i on in prices, e the he holiday season. Prepare for Jack Frost be saying your felt boots and shoes. Th biggest. stock in town, Fanson's Block, Exeter, E. J. Spackman: Before ordering winter clothing call on Jas. H. Grieve and examine his large and well -assorted stock of winter goods. Prices away below the Lowest Lawyer Dickson alit' Mr. Samuel Stanlake visited Michigan last we'.ek in search of an absconding debtor, They caught their man and secured the "quid pro quad." Those who have friends abroad, who were former residents of this plate, could not take amore acceptable pres- ent than by having the Alivoca'rE sent them each week for the nest year. Try it. No matter how much better you think you. are going to do by buying your Christmas goods somewhere else, DON'T let go of your money until you have seen throng!' the stock and prices • at E. Spiekuiau's tine display. R. Htcns offers the .following articles for holiday gifts: -Ladies and Gents (sold and Silver Watches, Gold and Silver Spectacles, Gold and Slyer Jewel- ery, Diamond Set Rings, Friendship Rungs, Band Rings .and Wedding Rings a speciality. n .We are glad acl to 'inform our readers that Mr. John Sweet of this place, form • erly of the tp. of, Stephen, who Inas been very -ill with an attack of indigestion is recoyering very slowly and in anpro liability will soon he able to be sten on our streets avian. The evangelists Crossley and Hun- ter have left :Portage la Prairie for Morden. Mr. Bunter Will shortly leave fee St. Thorne's, One, to spend the holt- days with his family. Me. Crossley will remain in Manitoba and after the holidays Will be joined by Mr. Hunter and the two will then proceed to the Pacific coast. They intend holding evangelistic services in Portland. Scat tie, Victoria and other cities on the Boast. --Manitoba Free Press,' Farmers, lools out for a main that wants ;von to get as agent fora barbed wire; fence. He is a sharper and will beat yen, if you have anythut„r to clo with him. He, represents himself is general agent for the Merchants Uniotr ha.rbcfd Verse Co., of London, and wishes to secure, heal a++•eilts. He -makes many 1 p orrises rt t d offers cath a cut 100 poanils of the wire free, Ile: " presents a paper for the parson to sign, Which he says is am a e'eemeirtwith th „., the Compiany* t0 arca rte agent, the com rtny to stipple.; wire; at 57; cents per Ib, The. agreement turns out to be it of der for,at ton of wire alt fl?, ceuts per pound,'nnly the fir:et 100 Ibs is to be. riven the a.,c,nt free. The men is mid.. die afeed r d with lair ed hat �;�iay. its is silcl: looking anti ft geed 1.1,11<c:r and drives a: good otltfft, IAA tint for him Ile ib"-ii1 Jssscx, 10ttrit a earl is liable to strike this sectiota itrrtlry tinter The Puglia set/Ml closed for the Christtuats vaeattett ati Monday last. VVe ere sorry teelc;arn that Mrs. Rd. Paris is very ill and eenfingtcl to her bed.` The Exeter Salt Well is shut down, and the ntanuftactutui�,gs s of salt will not be resumed until Spring. Mr. Christopher Smith has leased the mill pond from J. G. Emery from which he will supply the town with ice for summer Use. The girl who.runs away with the hired man is held up to 'ridicule, but she frequently does better -than the one who marries a poet. The carrier boy will make his usual round on Thursday next and hopes his many patrons will not forget to drop a little chink, The ADVOCATE wishes its many sub- scribers a metre- Christmas and return thanks for the liberal patronage it has received during the last year. J. W. Broderick, of London, lets purehased the maniticent residence on Main street, lately owned and occupied by Mr. Jas. Pickard, for which he paid a handsome sum. We regret that a number of our cor- respondents from different places hare failed to reach us this week. We would like to hayethem all send in matter before Wednesday of next week. The Triyitt Memorial Church is pret- tily decorated for Christmas and the bell ringers have been hard at work practicing, for a merry peal on that festival day during' the last week. The nomination for Reeve, Deputy - Reeve and Councillors will take place on M.onday,29th inst., and the election on Monday, January 5th. It is rumor- ed that there will be 0 number of as pirants for the different offices. H. J. Landes, of Lancaster, Pen, will be here for a few Weeks purchasing geldings for the American market. It will be remembered that the same gen tlenian shipped a fine load about two weeks ago. So farmers have a look out for hint, Plans and specifications of a new church obe h h t built on 3rd line of Bran - shard will be on exhibition at Denise, & Co'r store, Kirkton. Tenders for the erection of the same, will be received till the 27th inst by the Rev. J. Kenner Kirkton. A Christmas gathering is as much a part of Christmas Day as the Christmas dinner itself. After the feast of dinner is over arid the family are enjoyingthe reaction that follows and embarrass- ment of gifts and good things there comes a pause, during which games and plays maybe planned for revelry later on. The annual meeting of the Stephen and Usborne Agricultural Society will be held in Town Hall, Exeter, on Thursday, January 8th,1891, 2 at .. o'clock P. M., for the purpose of elect- ing President, Vice-president, and Di- rectors for the ensuing year. All members and interested parties are cordially invited to attend. One of the recent improvements in photographic telescopes is an object glass, one of whose lenses is so formed that when one side of it is turned out- ward the visual rays are bronght to a proper focus and you have a telescope for seeing with; and when the other side of the lens is turned outward the actinic rays are brought to a focus and the telescope is in proper shape for taking photographs. Among the prettiest dressed win- dows we have seen for a long time is Mr. George Ilyndman's, the popular grocer of this village. About the ten tre of his window is situated "Old Fatk er Christmas", with a large basket 'of various kinds of fruit, ,while the re mainder is filled with groceries. Mr. Hyndman has the grocery business down fine, and is well deserving the large patronage he enjoys. .reliable; authorities on clover and timothy seeds predict that prices for these grains will rule very low later in the season- The American crop is larger this year than for matey years past, and foreign demand is, and prom ises toile, very light. • In addition to this a large amount of seed has been carried over from lastar. � e Some of the heavier dealers in Toronto and Buffalo refuse to handle these grains yet, in anticipation of a'heavy decline. We are sorry to learn of the severe and painful misforunc, that befel Mr. Geo. McLeod of this place. It appears he received a slight scratch from a rusty nail about seven or eight days ago which he heeded very little at first until its corrisive effects poisoned the blood and caused it to swell and pro- duce intense pain He is now confined to his bed hi a very low state. It has been lanced in three different places. We trust he may soon recover, On Saturday afternoon while Mr. Thomas Sweet, late of Manitoba, and Mrs William Sweet and daughter, of this Villar e, were out driving for pleas' sure, and on returning home the horse became: frigtened, and turned the ter of the street when Tattier t 1 the er sharplypsharplyv cutter turned over throwing the oc- cupants out, Fortunately none of the parties were hurt. The driver still. held the reins and the horse had no chance to escape, therefore the cutter was only slightly dartriaged. After the first of 11011ary next the stipends and salaries of elerg,vmen and ministers 3tcnsofreligion, tied son t 4S Or dwellings occupied by then with the lands attached thereto shall be liable to assesgrnent for municipal pli'peees 111 thC, same manner as to the 'sante e» - tent tis the -income, dwellnige and p1(1)111 tv of ether persons. " `Lame' on which a piece of warship is esrected,a.rtd lah<L n sect in :COI ln tine therewith, will Ire liable to be assescd for local imprOve utert only, A number of choppers are engaged Cutting dottier the bosh east of the age, the 1 to property (f Jas Pickard, On'I'hut;sa ay of last week a large number' of the members of Plymouth Lodge No. 63, S: 0: E. 13: 5,, attended th e funeral of the late Bro. 11i lhtiI I. Cooper, of Clinton, The funeral was a yery large one. His retrains 'were taken in charge by the bretheru of Shaftsbury Lodge of that place. The last sad rites of the order were ' per formed by the President and Chaplain of the i, Sa rr no After the funeral the brethren from Exeter remained for' a few hours to be present at the 'iristall- ation of officers an+l to see the brethren o'o through, the secret work of the or- der. On Tuesday night last between the hours of ton and eleven o'clock the fire alaim was sounded anti in a few min- utes the streets were thronged with eager people to ascertain where the existing lire was, when it was alis• covered that the interior of Mr, w, II. Parsons' blacksmith shop was in a blaze.. The eeg_ine Was soon on the scene, and a stream of water thrown on the fast spreading flames. It appears the lire oiiginatecl from the forge, which stood in the south-west corner of the 'shop, Luckily it Was discovered in due time, for had it not been, no doubt a 'serious loss of property would 'have been the result, •s• lu h wind,i 1' ,r L rc tr t,d and P all efforts possible would not save the frame buildings in that proximity, The loss to Mr. Parsons will not .•int�ii tiTiINto much. About $20 or $30 will eever the lot. Here is a bright woman'srecipt for a cold. First a mustard plaster on your chest. ';'ear it until you have an idea how it must feel to be in the inferno and have the host direct that youehest. shall be fired and that alone. Then take a black draught. A black draught is truthful to its namne. It is as black as the ace of spades; and it tastes and smells like.a combination of 0 photo- graph gallery and the inorgue, but it is wonderful in its effect. Some people take a whole bottle of it, but they be- long to the raceofarruts• others co t sune half a bottle, and take two table- spoonfuls. After the joys of the mus tard plaster and the bisiss of the black draught, sleep with the hot-water bot tle-let be a movable piece perambul- ating around wherever you wigs} be chilly. This treatment will cure a t cliff and is the only one I recommend Un- der any circumstances. It is true some people perfer to have a cold,.but there are people who do not really enjoy life at its fullest. Repairing. Bring your repairing to R. Hicks if you desireexpert workmanship. Prompt attention and moderate charges. Girl Wanted. * ti A`fust class fl'ru t c s n 1 rocr�[ �t at once, for which liberal wages will be paid. Apply at the Cential•Hotel, Ex- eter Christmas Present. The best present to give a friend would be the book entitled "In Dark- est Africa" by Henry- M. Stanley. For Sale by Capt. Kemp, Town Hall,Exeter. W anted. . Never too late to mend. 5000 pairs of boots and shoes that need repairing to be left at the leading boot and' shoe store next door to the post office. G. Manson. Silverware. .There is no more satisfactory ,.a 'Til' desircable present for the holidays than some article of silverware. R. Hicks aims to gii•e the best value and the best goods. An inspection of our stock. will satisfy you. Watches. R. hicks can furnish you any style or grade of timekeeper, and convince you that you are obtaining a watch at close prices by dealing' with him. We sell the best standard movements, the newest style of cases, and render great inducements to purchasers. we otter what you desire at a price that will meet your purse, and strive only for a fair legitimate profit, The Christmas Star. There is great dissappointinent throngout the Dominion at the an- nouncement that if t t e,P ublishf rs of the. Montreal Star are too busy with their regular subscription and advertising business to allow of their completing a Christmas -,Star this year These Christ nnas Stars are such gems that it is very generally hoped the publishers will pee their way clear to continue their pub- lication. d ntertainment. A• Children's Entertainment will be given in the opera House on Tuesday evening next December 30th, come mcncing at 8 o'clock, The programme, for the evening will be as follows:—Fairy tales and true tales told by the Magic` Lantern. Christmas Tree. Presenta- tion of prizes to the Children of the Triyitt Memorial ' Church Sunday School. Christmas Carols. Distribution. ,of candy. tgelloolLlltortainutent, M novel c;n rutin v � n in Ato . sent � ah nt e the Opera Mouse, on Friday evening hist 'nder the management of the re' tiring Principal, Mr, Gregory Tom. Phis peegrarrn was vary interesting throughout. The principal feature be- ing' e in ,' the debate on "\\omen's Fraaicise'' 1, , which was very ably discussed by Messrs. I3.usscl, v'. Dr. Rollins, and R. H. Collins. Mr. L. 11 Dickson Was to have taken part with Mr. Russel, but owing to an unexpected gall Was un- ab1e to attcrid, thc'rtifore lir, I,ItSSO1 hall to handle both Dr,and R• It, After'Ifr. Marr•tita With acted .Jltdg '. svinmcd t1p the points made' by the debators its Ways dcelai' id in favor. of Mr. 11ii'se1. Proceeds of evening amotifitc d to over °$:30, which Was used to nay e :;f no. debt on thc'.sclrooloi'gan. 61 erre s The laate$tmewls Game. me. Three sharpers are: rtorl:ing a scheme to -fleece the fanners of this county. The first ewes appear at the house and want to leave a piano!: that the farmer raa,y display la to his friends. A representati;ye of the coin' piny follows; he ivi[l bottrd with the, farmer and teach his children' music, and if the farmer succeeds 111 selling five pianos lie shad have one free All he has to do is to simply sign 'a con- tract that he has taken the piano on these conditions. 'Thee contract turns up in a day or two as an order ha the hands of ai third party and the farmer is browbeaten into taking the piano It will be, well for the fainters to look out for them. A" 37:10 Cottage. or its equivalent in cash will be giyerl to the person detecting the greatest number of errors, (words wrongly spel- led or misplaced) in the December issue of "OUR HOMES." In addition will be. given two cash prizes of $200 each,four of $100, eight of $50, ten of $25, twenty-five of $10, fifty of $5, one hun- dred of $2,, and one hundred and fifty of $1, distributed in the order mention, ed in rules and regulations, which will be sent with a copy of December issue on recipt of 15e in stamps. Special cash. prizes given away almost every day during competition which closes Feb. lst, 1891. • Address, Oul, Hcwus Pmir lsrnxu Co., Brockville, Canada. School Roar(' Ninnies Board stet at the residence of the Chairman en the 22nd of Dec. Absent W. 'Treble and A. G. Dy=er. 'Items pas. sed Minutes of preyious meeting read and signed. Stove committee's report of $11,80 yet to be collected on sales. Wood Committee report $1.50 to be col- lected on sales, of Lumber, forthwith. W. Hoskins—T. Fitton—H.Spaek'nan's ace sundries $520. Wood an of $82.50 certified by W. Hoskin. H. Hueston-- W. Hoskins—that the Chairman and Secretary be a committee to accept and pay further incoming aces. to 1st of Jan. W. Hoskin—'1'" Fitton—that the draft of testimonial as presented by H. 1lueston be adapted resented to da and presented Mr. G. Tom, duly- signed on behalf of the Board. Adjournment. J. Grigg. Sec'v. .& Legion Of -Select I ni);hts' Organrlcen Ont Friday eveuing last a Legion of the Select Knights' of Canada was or- ganized in this. place, by the grand or- ganizer J. C. Wa[ker.of Guelph. Those present were initiated into the myster- ies and secrets, after which the follow- ing officers were duly elected and in- stalled for the year. Any information relating to the objects or aims of the Society tan be ascertained by applying to the undersigned. The,following are the officers:— Past Commander, Com. W. Sanders; ,. T. A. Amos; Vice E A. Bennett; V cc, , Lieut " G •lL Bissett; Recorder 't J J. Knight; Fin Recorder " %V. E. Cochenour Treasurer `= E. Bissett;. Standard Bearer rt N. Peterson; Physician T. A. Amos, M . D. Additional [cca.l on front plea: . It is a certain and apeadi Bata for Cold in tbo Hand and Critarrbin elritt stages. 'SOOTHING, CLEAKSIXO. HEALING.. Instant Relief, Permanent Cure, Failure Impassible. Many .aeained Llocrower ass simply symptoms of •Catarrh, stnch is head- ache, partial •deafues,, login sena-tot smell, foul breath,ixce'rinc and spit-, ting, nausea, generar, teehud of de- bility, etc. If yon err_ troubled wills any of these or kindred symptoms. your lave Catarrh, and should lobe no time lit procuring n r cafe et Basin HOLM. Bo warned in .•,.•o, neglected .old in head results in Catarrh. falc lowed by consumption sed death. Barrs 131 cold by ail drwggfaf. or will be sent, post pea.,mretrlpto! price(bp.cents and32,,ine braddzessrng F1ILFORD & CG, Brmckulfle, Ont. How w,iv.a�ew.'mga, AllEIMMEMICIEND A man can do a wind pump business on a very airy capital. BLOW, BAO and BLUSTER Maycatch the: . ear of the:buyer for a dine, but it won't t beep his trade. Tally is clear to the man who has his caution talk- ed. away, his scruples talked aside. To the woman,who is talked into over buying or buying a style of goods that will, not stand the testy of unprejudiced judgement;'1 ) such methods are.only, worthy OFA FAKIR AT A FAIR, whose business is to sell and not to satisfy. These are r°rnt our methods. We call ten dollars ten dollars and not nine dollars' and ninety-nine cents. This reckless reduction of price—thus dressing s clressln;� ups a ten dollar bill to look like a nine—is a fake, business. Talk is cheap when all its blowing ends in ONE CENT OFF TEN DOLLARS. We can show you something cheaper than talk—we mea oany ouryood�-for: talk is clear at price. Goods with ' an honest Moll them and not ten worked over to look as if it were a nine. Its a fake fit to go along with Barnum's cir- cus and show bill exaggeration which describes the goods. T�ha,ixs. Or.)ea1i,r rs.c Squeal �r1g =o -u. e,r_ CARLING BROS.ry i=5_ Go—We still have our celebrated 25c Tea the talk of the town.—C. SolletftJflq Differet o1flr StOleS. marmmanzszawszEmmi The Specilties, the Novelties, the Oddities of the A R T COUNTESS stove are creating a sensation. For the first time in many years there is a coal stove that is on every tongue. Manufacturers, travelling men, stove dealers, ft-tl:'ni- ers and, in fact, every person interested in stoves are talking about the ART COU ' TSs. Why is this? Because the ,Ej,fT CCUTTEsi is daring in its original- ity. rio•inal-ity. It leaps to the front with its wonderful inzprovenaents No other stove has anything like it. New from top to toe_ Brilliant from urn to base. Beautiful in its effect under fire. Radiant on the parlor floor, and eloquent in its hot ail con struction. "THE ART OOUNTESS5' has taken the lead, it already has the pole, and: it will have to be a good one that can overtake it. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 GALL ND SEE THEM H® RE MGA MUH L O O O O O O C 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O 'O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O A full assortment of cook and parlor stoves on hand which must be sold, and VERY CHEAP. CDcri't M`'oaget the Place_ WILL FOLLAND, STAND, one door north of Dr, Lutz's Drug Store, Main Street Exeter.' Sign of Big Elephant. FOR About the 75th.iXtl�(' 3� �ift�� rOfl AHB XMAS THE DEMAND FOR PRESENTS iS COMING' WITH Chmi,stiexa. as. Call and see the nice Christmas goods at E. J. SPA-CKlILIN'S. One of the largest assortments in Exet- er to choose, from BIG DROP in. lien's and Boys overcoats. Men's and Boy's suits for the Christmas Trade: 9�9TS AND SlIOLS Fancy y Si ippers, •.s ' fol Ladies and Men, for o> the Christmas Trade. REMEMBER WE II;AVE THE 17ittGEST STOCK in the COUNTY to C,&WS11 FROM nig stock of Peesl Groceries r the „ wtCx fo t� CHRISTMAS' ' TR ADE, at S'PACKIIAN°s Boot and Shoe STOR rAr S01 " 13L OCI ,E 'ETLr" : a SPACKMA.N XMSI 3 lb. Currants 25 cts; 3 'lb. Raisins 25 cts. 3 boxes Royal yeast cares 25 cts; 3 boxes lifustard 25 cts. 3 " starch tt 3 " Corn Starch 3 tt ' Bird Seed 25 cts; 4 boxes Pearline 25 cts. 2 tis cheese 25 cts; 1 lb Lemon Peal 25 cts. 5 :113 Sodas 25 cts. 8 113 Oatmeal 25 cts 2 cans Salmon 25 cts. 2 bars ` Soap25 cts. 2 lb mixed Candies 25 cts 1 it Tea 25 cts. 1 gal water white coal oil 25c. 1 ib coffee 25 cts Full line of Sugars,Teas Coffees , and Flours. Cheap as Cheapest. p E A f D A R E SPE V I A L T Y . Skates acme 50c to $1.00 Plated 81.50 Pkt,ted Ware at Cost. l lnwai.e.all Kinds at cot S. Stoves dog Sleighs do Sleigh Bells—Fine Assortment Leap. Snow ,Shovels. Whips --Great Variety to hand cheap EligiOS 110.1iPtiJ ,Rt Pock Bottolli PriCeS. Sheep Skins Itides, 'Wool Pickings, tg,s and 1 on1txY T J r , • rr ��'1'l;! 5.11 L. '�,%ilcl 5;1 e. ��J MONOUR il"1@O J r HOWARD, Manager. Proprietors