HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1890-12-25, Page 5-VIca. TO MOTnlinftS. I Montana na cattle, are crossing the giro you disturbed at nightand broken of Tont ltoltndai'y into Canada and stealing rest by a sick child sa1Tering and crying with r Pain of euttnlgg teeth?- If so, sena at and their living. 1 he Mountod Police ate t;etabottle ofDins. Witau.ow'RSooratNOSYRUPIdoin t.Iieii' best to drive off the bovine ;8Oit UiILDR¶LN RUI'iilNo. Its value iii jnealC111. t' tibio.II, wiUlelitrrothei>oorlittlesufferer home ; inaraudei's. (:lately. pepentl upon it, mothers, there is nO mistake about it. It cures dysentery and then;! School Children, from their frequent Linea. regulates the stotnaoli"and bowels, ourefl exposure are cserially liable to Catarrh w ndcofiosthogums,redncesinilamma• svlten' tiQxl, and 'o tonne mitt eneraytothe whole' bothers, do not neglect thein, Nasal Rystein. Mae. WrNetow'e SoOT1iINo SYRUP/OI; Balla offers a speedy, cheap and pernia- CJii1LDRLrN TSI+TRINOie ploarnArtt to the taste and is'thoproscription of one of the oldest and bee$ tleiit c11r0, fornale nurses nntlhysicians in tion United Y States, and is fpr sale by all ciruggipta throughNo doubt we aro Safe in making the 'out the world, Prlee 26 cents a bottle. The two sheambar.es which .were fast in the ice off Colchester have re- leased themselves and passed up. Their 'names could not be ascertained on ac- count of the heavy fog. Last night's wind broke up the ice which drifted out into the lake, All Men, deserves the Highest praise for the ins - assertion that Mr. Geo. Bissett possesses a cow which produces what no other cow in town dons, that is 10 lbs. of butter in one week. I know from experience that Ever- est's Cough Syrup is first -class -Geo. Brock, Forest P. 0. We are in receipt of the Free Press Iloliday Number. It is perfection and vara g, old, or middle-ageth who find chatiical and artistic work which is e -a: tliennselves nervous, weak and exhaust- ed, rvho are broken: clown from excess or or*erwork, resulting in many of the following Symptoms: Mental depression, permatlue old age, loss of vitality, loss of tuoiilory, Mics dreams, ditnnicss of sight, palpitatien of the heart, omissions, lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, headache, pimples on the face or body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting: of the organs, clu,i• ness, specks before the eyes. twitching of the anuscles, eyelids and elsewhere, bashfuiiiess, 'deposits in the urine, loss. of s i11 ponvet, tenderness of the scalp of spine, weal. and flabby muscles; desire to sleep, failure to be rested: by sleep, constipation, dullness or hearing, loss antic or purgative pills. Cartel's Little of voice, desire for solitude, excitability Liver Pills are entirely unlike them in of temper, sunken eyes surrounded every respect. One trial will prove their ecuted in.a manner of unsurpassable beauty. 4,000,000 11'IILES. Ina life of 70 years the blood travels 1,000,000 miles, If impure and un healthy it carries disease with it. Puri- fy your blood with B. B. 13. I was up night and day with a bad arm, and could find no cure from Doc• tors' medicine, so I took two bottles of S 13. B., which cured me. Miss Gertie Church, Alymer, Ont, After a lona and sensational trial the Pittsburg Reformed Presbytery have suspended five ministers of that denom- ination for heresy, Must not be confounded with cath with LEADEN CIRCLE, oily looking skill, etc., are, all symptoms of nervous debil- ity that lead to insanity and death runless . cured. The spring or vital force having lost its tension every' function wanes in consequence. Those who through abuse committed in ignor eem anly be permanently cured. Send your address for book; on all diseases peculiar to magi. Address lI. S LUBON,` 50 Front-st. E., Toronto, Ont. Books sent free sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms of which are faint spells, purple lips, numbness, palpitation, skip beats, hot flushes, rush of blood to the head, dull pain in the heart with beats strong rapid and irregular, the second heartbeat quicker than the first, pain about the breast bone, etc., can posi- tively be cured. No cure. no pay. Send for book. Address M. V•LUBON, 50 Front Street, East, Toronto, Ont. Aug 7, '90,-ly. The Halifax Herald. gives figures showing that during this year nearly twice as much coal has been sent from the Maritime provinces to Quebec and. Ontario as was ever shipped in one year to the New England states. When Baby was sick, WO gave her Castor's.. When she was a Child, she cried for Castori When she became Miss, she clung to Oastoria. When she had Children, she gave them Casterls. The body of young Morphy, who was drowned in lake Winnipeg from the _,-acht Keewatin, was found some. time ago at Jack Head and interred by Indians. It will be exhumed and brought east in the spring. Consumption Cured.. An old physican, retired from pract- ice, 1ra:S in„ had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Con- sumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections, al- so a positive and radical cure for Ner- •v �=ors Debility and all- Nervous tis Co m- plaints, after having tested its wonder• ful curative powers in thousands of eas- es,has felt it his duty to make. it known to his suffering fellows; Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering. I will send free of charge, to all alio desire it, this recipe, in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. A. Noyes, 800 Pow OTS' Block, Rochester, N. Y.,Feby, 6 =90. The new high seboolat Bowmanville •was opened yesterday, and the affan was trade notable by the presence of many distinguished gentlemen from Toronte.and elsewhere, besides proltii- nent residents of the town. superiority. The members of the M. E. church in the United States are voting on the question of admittinwomen to the genei;al conference, ''Returns from 112 out of 500 districts show 59,450 votes for, and 42,536 against the women. .In New York yesterday the railroad presidents decided that eastern bound rates on corn and oats shall be 25 cents instead of 281 cents. EASILY CAUGHT. Croup ,colds, sore throat and many other painful.' ailments are easily caught in this changeable climate. The never failing remedy is just as easily obtained in Hagyard's Yellow Oil which is un- doubtedly the best of all the manyreln edies offered for the cure of colds or. pains. Mrs. Cooper, widow of the late Rev. Dr. James Cooper, of London, well known for his prominence in the Bap tist church, has just died in Kelso, Scot- land, 7.'he diseased lady was highly esteemed in Canada. Dull, oppressiye headaches, and a constant feeling of lassitude, are the; effects of Catarrh. Nasal Balm will. speedily make you feel like a new per- son. Give it a trial. J. N. Henry, a Chatham produce mer- chant, has not been seen in his usual haunts since Saturday, and a number of farmers and merchants who hold' his chedues are somewhat anxioms, This is to certify that I believeEver- est's-Cough Syrup sayed uiy life.—Thos. Marshall, Forest P. O. President Ernest Howard, of the Vir- ginia stock erchangeof Staunton, has been arrested, charged with the em- bezzlement of funds of the exchange and the larceny of $50. Just why so many people' suffer pain when a remedy of known and certain effect like Hagyard's Yellow Oil may o• • is not very -�'r r diu store o be had ateycy ,, , clear. This peerless pain soothing rem- edy is a prompt and pleasant cure for sore throat, croup, colds, rheumatism, lame back, etc. Price 25 cents. The works of the Ohio Powder .Com- pany at Youngstown blew up yester- day, killing three men and injuring' others, besides wrecl in,; the building. The well known strengthening pro- perties of iron, combined with othercon- its and a most perfect nervine, ` are found in Carter's Iron Pills, which strengthen the>nervcs aucl body, and improve the Wood and complexion The congregations of Columbus and Brook lin, One, ha ye decided to call Rev. 7. B.'Me,L'ircn, of Avlmer Out:, oll'ering $1,000, manse and holidays, Everest's Cough Syrup and Liver -Regulator give universal satisfaction •at this Vil lnity.-11: White, Crediton 1?;.0. The man arrested in Cayuga the oth- er day, supposed to be bYtlliam II.I'ope, an etdbe%zler froth Louisville, Iii'., turns out to<be some one else. lVlind wand eri n g cur ed . Becks Ienimi in one TeainuKTestimonials fu,nil parts of t g obe.Prospectusr VIM, sent on application to Prof. A. i oisette. 387 Fifth Ave. Now York, The railway committee of the Privy Council has decided that the cost of pro, teeth:„ level crossing is cities must be defrayed in equal proportions by the railway cocnpani csand the corpora- tions concerned. • MORSE'S GLYCEROLE OF CBLERY coMPonNli, A PAPE remedy for teething In rah hi hid aduitr metering from 511 e,,rvoustroublei. eunrenteol to contatn ,ri opium or tiny dre n oxoopt those print d en formula on ordry bottle. Lndornzod by Digl:etrns. rnfev, DD nets. For rale b� draggiete, Solid two cent stamp for o - descriptive circular to fARit. "f Hazen Morse, Buffalo, .N,YI Sunday last. 21st inst., was the short est day in the year. The sun is now ion 11s six months' ,journey northward, MOTHI.C1 AND 13ABIt:. Gentlemen:—I. have used 1lagya:rd,s Pectoral Balsam for a batt cough, and was ,c11 td by one bottle. My babe only two mouths old also had a cold and cou,1h ainct on giving' hint some it helped sings very tnueh Mrs. E. J. Gordicc, Florence, Ont A SUCCESSFUL UL MISSION. The medical mission of Burdock Blood Bitters in curing constipation, has been mar I: ed ly successful: . No other remedy possesses such peculiar power over this disease. Was very bad with costiveness, and one bottle of B. B. B. cured me, would not be without it, says Mrs. Wm. Finley, of Bobca,ygeon Ont, John A. Pollock, for 14 years em- ployed on the Cornwall Preeholder, - is dead, aged 29. Hc: took la grippe last March and it settled on his sun ;s, There is no one article in the line of medicates that gives so large a return for the motley as a - good porous strengthin 'plaster, such as Carter's Smart Weed and Belladonna Backache ;1'laSters. l - ., •sola, aged cd 17, has been arrest- ed eel in Chicago for trying to hill his 11 tiler in order to get his life insurance. He confessed. 0RGA: 1. Do you purpose buying an °roan or Piano? 2. Do you -wish to rent "a Piano or Organ? 3. Do you want a reliable Tuner to take care of your 'iano by the year? 4. Have you a Piano to move? 5. have you seen our beautiful Six -Octave Piauo-C'a.sed Organ? 6. Do you know that by callid at Hicks' Jewellery .store you cail, see a splendid stock of Organs, slit ferent styles and different prices, 7. Do von know that by writ_ ing a card and directing it to G. Fl Oaxes, Box 11, Clinton, or ; calling. at Hicgs' Jewellery Store Exeter, you can procure a splendid illus- trated catalogue of Organs and Pianos. AND PIANOS. ;a Wye Alillll,g���' ur,�f Organs or Pianos at prices that will suit purci•asers. Second hand pianos to rent. A reliable Piano tun- er sent to any part of the county. Pianos moved undam- aged. n d,a - aged.. Six -Octave Pianos cases, handsomest in Canada. Music furnished for church openings entertain.nients9 Svc. Write 'for catalogue OR s TTICKS3 JES'YELLFRY STOIW EXE to Elto PEOP 1 M .,i 1 "S/V u, ® BUT HAVE THEY THE GOODS TO BACK IT Dip. For first-class furllituhbe, At right 1JIIes go to R. N. :R O , the leading fllifilltiE DEREB FIIER_ MBECTOB Staid one dolor north of MOLSONS'BANK. ltiagginD I`,A -est., Exeter. q ROS It n N. O �j Li E i X9STTI1D, A complete stock of Pyre and Reliable Dregs ALWAYS : kEPT. fatElt jiii sis, flrIiffiSt'S At right and reasonable prices. Prescript ons and Famil.. Receipts Care,fully Prcpared. 1ELRtt$ the best in tie market. C.. ^L RJ r11 016.1Iti. MO; Z.. 1EOP, • 'o Adesiraltlereside aC. iii l:Keitr.N0rtit,neW frame house, ono-'dif1tel nisi, of lanes, The house was` °rectos ill 1.7.P$ Good terol i to purchaser. Apply at :1,:b Ut.t0Ce. momisszomsaszamommisammizzaz Having purchased the Estate of John Brawn, I have thoroughly refitted the factory, and am manufacturing an elegant line of furniture in Oak, Cherry, Maple and Ash. N some oft e 3 e:r oe © Bed Room Sets in Antique Oak polished at $18.00 and up; Sideboards in Antique Oak polished at $18.00 and urn Maple, Cherry and. Ash at $8.75 and up; " Maple, Cherry and Ash at $S. 00 and up; Beds, nen* stile, in Maple or Birch at $1.90. And a handsome assortment of Hall Stands, Extension Tables, Writing Desks, Centre .Tables, all in Walnut, Oak, Cherry and Ash, and at very close prices. Remember iake no trashy elm furniture and i sell as cheap as the Cheapest. 100,000 feet of Lumber and 300 coeds of wood wanted in exchange for furniture. goods full Line of Undertaking�,00ds altivays on band. Remember the Stand --Factory and Warer+''ons two doors north of TOW11 Hail, Exeter. WALT. AN E W S. 1c6a1Q Rtall Grocers, IVII[E & SPLIT :merchants, Mai o-st., Ezetcr. J. G SI 1 Ca"Ta �, aBE Merchant 'Tailor, Trollo's Block Extr, Has now r21 stock t 't) i A FIRST-CLASS I:LINE OF ummcs1 Goods, Gents' ,a; is i2 l2 ^s, etc. Sole agent for E ceter for IV01i1NT COLLARS ANI) cu-rrS. T,ht beset collx,r and cuff iln the market A GALL SOLICITED. ct ,i;,ita da1acorl"a o. ATTILI F00D1 Maple Ave. Stock Fang; Liman, Ont., Nov. 29, 1890. Bart. Cottam, .Esq., London, Ont,, DOAli Sltt:-I have giyen the CHAM- PION FOOD a fair trial and haye no ' g hesitation in prouount.tn„ it the best prepared food.I have ever used. Some of my horses had an attack of INFLU- ENZA and I fed them CHAMPION FOOL) with their ration of grain and bran and never saw anything work a change for the better so rapidly, It seems to remove all impurities from .the system with which no animal can bo in a thriying condition. I have also some colts that have been troubled with worms but after riving them a. couple of feeds of CITAMPION FOOD they passed them in largo quantities. CHAMPION P001) must soon come ito general use and haveve been talk- ing to several of our farmers and stock- men about it and shall be pleased to promote, the interests of your VALU- ABLEFOOD. . I Shall soon be coming to Loddon where I shall require some more, i stn, clear sir, yours very truly, F. H. NEIL. S • THE LEADING ndertaker AND Fritvre Dealer OF THE I have an immense Stock of Furnituro and Undertaking Goods now on hand, which 1 will sellat prices. Dices. '� MRT-AK!N-G A SPECIALTY. An examination'of our Stock Solicited.