HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1890-12-25, Page 4THE rt tuca.+ SANDERS a SWEET, Props: THURSDAY, DEO 25th, 1890, POLATER FOR r3. L11FOCR, There is one. feature of the present unfortunate split in the Home Rule par. ty which must strike the dispassiontito onlooker as affording a great op,irortuli• ity to the Conservative party to mai,e a very considerable, advance towards elfeetieg some lcih<t of settlement of the °home Rule question. It is the peculiar position of .lessrs. O'Beteu and Dillon towards the other ltitrinbiirs of the Anti. Pari:iollites, These gentlemen. are most anxious to confr with their confreres, and their peesente irsilaud at the present intermit would be of the utmost importaeei', but they labor limier the disability of :being, in the oyes of the law, fugitives frCttn juatice, and their arrival in Ireland would be followed by • their serest and imprisonment for the term to which they have been sentenced, This would do no good to th ni or ;thein party, and it is hard to see limit could be of any service to Mr. Balfour and the Conservative party*. On the other hand the extension of an act of Executive Clemency to O B1'ien and Dillon might do march to assuage the feelings 0f en_' tagonism which east between the Con. eervative party and the I;olne Rulers The offended dignity, of the law may surely rest satisfied with the fact of the trial paid condemnation of O'Brien and Dillon, and the Prerogative of Morey be exercised. O'Brien and Dillon pardoned .and flee to tale: their seats in the House of Commons, would certainly not be more harmful to the Government than they are at present, and the act of courtesy- could not fail to commend it self to the masses of the English and Irish- peoples, both. of whom have a deep rooted spirit of chivalry- in them, and are never slow to ie cc:Ji,ir.t and applaud the extension of a helping hand. to an ad tersary in distress. Mr. Balfour might find that chance has thrown into 'his hands a strong trump, 'which, skilfully played, might win lion,in important trick in the political game he , is engaged in. .BUYING- 7.11.5 0JV`Y F..-ItMf . o rs• .: the is -q: test dodge for swindling farmer is atlas ohcild of the hay fora. lightning-rod,V patent -right and simile]. swindlers. It is nothing more or less than offering to buy the whole farm. it is -worked by two men, one of vrhoni prospects about the country until he finds his man, who always has a pretty good farm. This the man buys, pay- ing fifty or a hundred dollars• to bind the bargain, and fixes a elate two or three weeks ahead for signing the pa- pers:and paying- the balance. He then goes away, and shortly after another man comes along falls in love with the farm and. offers two or thrive thoim'tncl dollars more for it than the -first man bid. The farmer here sees a chance to :hale a deal, so he generally closes with the .second mal',' and when the first man ri ttirrrS, pays him several laundreel dollars fo'forego his bargain.' Both the #nest and second. man then clis- appettrsi,and the farmer discovered that he has paid several hundred dollars for ;,he privilege or 'keeping his own farm This "racket" 1)a.+ been 'eXtensively ndiked in the United States;'' hut '10 ha ‘'..e not heard of any cases in Lan - (la. yet. .Lnolt out! 'Tim DEA. if of the Indian chief, Sit_ ting Bull, at the hands of the United States soldiers c,Lrrietl a feeling of re- lief to all the Iower settlements in that county. The Press greeted the news with something like shouts of ,joy. The >roublesome old Indian 7 a5 dead, But when further news ie brought to us, a feeling of shame must cone to all who have a loco of manhood and sold icily donor, Old Sitting Ball was murdered while a prisoner. '1hc ,Yan:- ace soldiers dell the Iodines,—savages and other names of like ttte<'i'iling, but theonly a 1 ,xst i' l c.aliioli ` ' 1, far talc title t;otitcs. riarn 8ucil Oltr:cicrs as t fat of Sitting 'TheyBuil rob and d st �t . c$ c the Indians break faith .with these' on every point, and Ivilai1 they are roRgecl by the pangs ?sr': :hunger and tate feeling of dispair,' • 001111 shot terrane dowrl,.1': the interest of peace. The last nasi, it will soon make his filiailpiailra,:slid bis race in'his oath time be i a.1.r.,ht,d, one, hut the leas n. 4 0._, � his one £ kat, f 1l.tc�tion will art, al.c, b 1;1611,Y slur world ',.v'ill he enabled to measure:' ,i, -ho ' IlELlil. [, of Y ,ifeehonor and, E7 Yankee, t our .: ,, , to rfl lirclt'r ti, Orelaclplescs l '01ar1 may verpolitic . atandl e'er 'er , art llc ,y�; 'breve et, l Ii' '.r.. 1 :te '�,�Y: 1 . tp .() c .:,kik i ,,rt.:fwS f;,,l'itiy .iancl11'01, 1p1.. llai00,) sty canis s: err deeds by ,11 '',lt'1 name. '°, ;;:, ° r" . ,. S,il� 6,'l c'e STILL 'I10 iliqoadula et. gain. TIIE FRONT, With a LARGER and BETTER assorted stockthan ever Which we are determined to give the public the benefit of. Our STOCK ha ing been bought 'ht for SPOT CASH in the lowest markets, consisting of everything' usually kept` by a .first-class jewellery establishment. GOLD and SILVER WATCHES, �y •`t�,�' n E.dS. Er AI THE �a Besides a host of other thing's, we invite all 1.o come and see, and don't part with your money till you see our stock and ocir prices. G FIT T INNS Witch -Ma er Jeweler. ONE DOO . wonTE of orxTnAL nWTEL. in that case wears a citizens unifor m and tries to appear in another chairact= er, What has been done to the Indian of Nth th America woUld be done to ithe Canadian' Sealer in. Behring Sea; er on the coast of Nova Scotia; were the stties and stripes bacled'on these waters;' by the same power that they possess in the plains of the g::'eat west. • "A STITCH j : TIME SAVES EINEIII SO WILL 'DOLLAR J'VESTED IN MALarO1EPSYN [an artificial gastric juice—formula on every label] al'AVE 99 DOLLARS: to any person Suffering from stomach troubles,tes- pecially.if Liken a0the first symptom of indigestion, which is usu ally *eight at the stomach, sometimes attended by slight pain, and may follow either a wholesome or a heavy meal. At first, this feeling. soon passes away, and 'is only remembered as a little ler,fl•asant, which, when repeated, gradually be- comes more pronounced. To the average person is now suggested the cathartic pill, bitters, or other liquid purgatives, that will clear out the bowels. Such treatment isworse than useless i itis positively harm- ful. The trouble is in the Stomach, the Bowels are not responsible, and relief will only come through an intelligent treatment of the disorder within the stomach. MALTOPEPSYN is the remedy for all stomach troubles. Endorsed by the best physicians of England and Canada. Send a Its. in postsge for valuable pamphlet to HAZEN MORSE, INTERNATIONAL B croaF, ONTARIO. EVEREST'S COUGH SYRUP CANNOT BE EXCELLED.. Try It and be convinced of Its wonderful curate.* properties. Price 26 cents. `pry Everest's Liver Regulator For Diseassl cl; the Liver Kidneys, &e., Ratio Purify. lag of the 1d13od. Price 51. Six bottles fora For Sale by ALL DRUGGISTh. Manufactured onlyby taik0. 51. EVEREST, Colmar, Foaad ,'0>1�, THE LIGHT RUNNING .ay3� PJ rte. %Ir,J 4111 El MAC ION •n.f 8 LADIES' S'' 'i" rY1�ti>"•� 6ti V.�ds 1'•w b 9E111/114CT 8'li�c�v � Ca THATtiIV S"e,%d 11 �r p5�(� ��'liti� �>'i C SS {� ypy t �1 .i 1��1.r.�������dll�4a��e c1iIGt�G -*, I�. �s i14Vibt� �fi0�f;r.r`ly�' ' DRt:R;}1:5, � %1::t.GC11'3-, tJd. fl,,�+ 8 A rriVinI� OCAY FREEMJIN'S -WORM POWDERS Are pleasant to tate. , Contain theircwr:,. -P'urgat'ive. Is a safe, su.`i2e and 4f ct ia.' destroyer of uorms in Children or<4d ler. lirEraifateieleaitairethleemxill NOTICE to CREDITORS In the natter of the Estate of James Oke, Auctioneer, Deceased. Notice is hereby given purstiia , o,Qhapter 110 of the Revised Statutes of On trio, 1867, that all persons having claims against the Estate of JAMES OIRE, late of the Village of Exeter, in the County of' Huron, Auctioneer, Deceased, who died on the 13th day of'Sept- era ber,x800, are required to deliver or, send by post prepaid to the undersigned. Solicitors' fcr Mary E.Oke and Thomas Oke, Adminis- trotrix and Atlministrator of the Ileal and Personal Estate of the said deceased, on or ---befoe the— ist Day of February 71891, 'a statement in writing containing. their names and addresses and. particulars of their claims duly verified by Statutory dec- laration and the n;i.ture (if any) held by .them 'c.�i i irer the said last mentioned date the said. Adntinis- trotrix'and Administrator' will proceed to clistrihute'the assets of the said Estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard -only to claims of which notice shall have been received as above required, and the said 4dminl$trotrix and Administrator will not beliable for the said assets or, any part thereof so distributed, to any: p005011 or persons of whose claim notice shall not have hoenreceived atthe,time of such 'dis- tribution. Dated. this 17th clay of December,1890. ELLIOT & ELLIOT, Solicitors for Administrotris and Administrator, Exeter,,Ont. AUOTO SALE, In the matter of the Estate of.2T4mes Oke, late of the Village of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Auctioneer, deceased, and in tho° matter of Chapter 108 of the Revised. Statues of 0ntarto, known as "The 'Devolution of Estates Act!','.Chore will be sold by Public —Auction, Ort Saturday the 27th day of, December, 1.890, —At the— hour of 1 O'CLOCK in the rISTERN00N, at The Residence of The Said Late JAMES OKE, by Mr. HENRY MIXER, Auctioneer, subject to Suck conditions os shall then be produced, the following Valuable Property, viz: All and singular that certain parcel or. tract of 1ai>cl and :premises, situate, lying and being in the Village of Exeter, in the County of 1Iuron, and .Province of Ontario , being composed of parts of Lots,number one. two and three, on, the WAST SIE of Main Street, SO (.7T1-1. of'Huron Street in the said Village of Exeter, "Carling, Survey" and more particularly described in the Convey +knee to the said deceasedby measurements; Also the following: Personal Property,via: l bay horse 6 years old; 1 bay mare 8 years old; 1'filly'2ears old sired by "Joe Gales"; '' 1yearlintiny,sired ;biy"Volo"; 1 foal sired by "Voto0;:1 aged horse, 1 hay press and uten- sils; t buggy; 1 cutter; 1 sulkey; 11iay.-rack;: 2sets single 'harness; t light set, of douule harness; 1 new side saddle;l gentleman's sad- dle; t roller; t plough; I.1lawn Mow er:,.t,Ali eel- barrow: shovels; forks buffalo robe oil °Toth, blankets, tpair of behsleirho, hay fork, 3 strings of bells, 80 tons of' pressed hay, 2nd class, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. In PATRLOR No. suite of 6 pieces and centre table 1piano, 1 stove, 1 hanging lamp, carpet, curtains. In BEDIIOOM, No. 2.—Bedstead and bed- ding, wash -stand, Bureau. 8 chairs, 2looking glasses, carpet, 2 mats, set of crockery, cur - To DINING ROOM, No. 3. -Extension Table ,i'ncLcover, lounge, 5 Chalks, rocking chair, 1 stove and jipes,1 clock, 9 pictures, 1 sot of silverware 6 pieces 2 water sots 8 pieces, 5 table Cloths, set of china, set of silver knives and. forks tea and dessert spoons, sideboard : cover, corner table and and h1 n d c over 10 books. I5nHALL, No.'•l, Iiatrack, 2Indian 'chairs, ' oi1.01 oth. In BEDROOMS, Nos 5 and a-2 beds and bedding, 2 wash stands, 2 biireaus, 2 chairs, 2 carpets, 2 crooltery sets,2 window curtains, 2 mats. Tn If,.irrCi'TEN, No. 7.--1 cool: stove, cup-• board, ta17J.e., G chairs', rocking,chair, 2. curt. ti'Ts r lam dishes. bath -tub pails, wash - board andavriatger, sot of flat- irons. stove furnishings, 1 old stove, and a lot of other articles hob numerous to ment- ion,' Terms oe Sale, ;1 FOR R.{/C'rii11:5�'A li;, .i on per rent cash bpi' da of se,) toCan v f. ti hakitp2co to be feted into the Gn a1Cian J3ti't1j Of Cont rn erc0 toltl:o ,joint credit of t•linofl0Ciarl nvr.-lianrin(i`6l)oA.dtx,irusbrat- ors withal 89 clays v.ithotit itltorest,• • i'OT, ClTrl.'L"1.I l,C .- 11110 and line er, oltsh over that amount9. months ('10(11± 011 a j(- 1pravca join 1;notos. 1 Cmldf!aons of solo will he •preduced. a,t time of sale. , : i, t+ Poe further T'i iihrttir 'lr tie l.a s l td, 1 1 apply pl YX rip i "70r'STLC57C l'.; w , 1,. 1., . TN C,.or t T' tph, L ,f T • Toronto. l '!r e. V' z porn " 1. e 1 br,> '• :G So o Dat d 12th 17eeember,18±6. I: ettL IN ORDER TO MAKE SPACE We will clear out the balance of l our Winter Stock T COST Including a splendid assortment of OVERCOATS :& SUITS FOR MEN AND BOYS LADIES AND GENTS FURS. LADIES FUR CAPS, MUFFS AND HATS. LADIES NETT, VEST ' AND WOOL SHAWLS. A NICE STOCK OF FUR TRIMMIN'S GENTS HEAVY WOOL LINED KID MITS & GLOMES at 75c worth $1. We cant be undersold in Teas and Sugars for SPOT CASII. JOHN MATHESON.,• Exeter North A Fresh and New Stock of 01000128 Cotctiortrij JUST ARRIVED AT THE Family Cr®cery. Also Pure EXTRACTS and SPICES: A beautiful piece of glass- ware given away with 11b of Mayell's Taking Powder. Dashwood, Roller Flour Por Sale. Call and examine our goods before purchasing, �lg elsewhere. Ga Il•le Pd&t9�� ARI. S'OR A08i31 SCHOOLS OUSE The movement for hoisting the Canadian flag •on the schoolhouses 0(1 anniversaries of noted events 10 our history is spreading rapidly throughout the Dominion and evoking the hearty approval of all patriotic' Citizens., Al. e tettisozve has done its sharp in helping ori this movement. by awarding a handsome flag 10 0110 school in each county of Ont min, hitt (he number of en' quiries' from allparts of the Dominion as to how fiegs can be obtained by other schools has' determined the publishers of T1U 1 51t tIl^IiltA. to oiler it handsome CANADIAN FLAG of best bunting,In rcpt long (regtilar.price 15), as a plerni.nmr 110'now yearly sub'Sertbels 111 a4 EERILY 10± t(9 o' it i•; the 7L A 5 , t, .. I i eight n f. yearly sub01111ors to 111t1F1 .9D.a_gh'Y 30163'6LPC. at 55 per annum, or a prone. Una of i)ni•h, an„ sub_orlhtion to Daily &Mining for 11041;1 Weeklies. Every school in the Dominion ought to have a national 11x0, and this offer presents an. op- portunity for eadli obtaining it without cosh, and with itttlo, tronblo. Let those who. are interested fat gets in;; a flag for their sr`h house Join to getting up a club and while sub- scrtbw's ge Tina value for tl:01r money in the best newspaper in the 'Dominion, the school 011!(11116111, ll lg 6ll I; ,n 1 001l'. '110 10),r,vees' 1,`1)7 AftS) has rcccntly born onlargsdto 10 1110 pages. and 18 110W, wlihOut dotrbl, the best W wetitee. 1 0w<rpaper ip Cana tin, while the a'0putatibil of Mat 11,1111 1' i ti 6, as the leading morning journal of the Doittin• it'1ht vl. ion }e v,i et i . ' Sand for sample Copies and special clubbing lista, acrd"tt0 in t.or a flag for your school. Anlpltll22 01 InialIt;.I1, Toronalo. Larthne fine The .Famous Heavy -bodied Oil, made only by McColl Bros. & Co., Toronto.' use it once and you viiia use no other. McColl's Famous CYLINDER OIL,, Is the finest in Canada for engine cylinders. --FOR .SALE BY-=— 1 S ETT B OS., E. xeter'9 nta ! 1 O.' W _liL I R FT mi.asaaseaswozostmavausacnntzana.cgrurrrozawassznag THE UNDERSIGNED HAS OPENED OUT A NEW STOCK OF II I II li :1 II , ll ii :' II II II 3: FISC -CLASS WIETER3 n II II 4 II 1. HI II II II I II In Oanadian and Imported T'v eeds, French Worsteds, etc., which he will sell at right: prices: If you wish a nobby or Plain suit it will repay you to call and examine his large stock which has just arrived,. II 61111E FIT 011ilaiiNTEED EEYTW1E Special attention given to ladies mantle inak g, Give me a Trial and you will be Convinced. Stand one door north of Fish's Barber shop. J NIVIES H. GRIEVE• READ anx LEARN w 1eie t n... - Tho Belt Goods for the Least Money. We carie the largest stock of STOVES and TINWARL in town and we are sll' 0 1; �. selling it at he lowest possible price for cash: In Hall and LibraryLamps we are showing an elegant , g display at right prices. All kinds of Table and Hand Lamps �, l P at wnolesale prices. In Cross -cut Saws we are showing all the latest and leading patterns and makes. 5 different patterns to choose from. AXES, a large stock at prices that defy competition. As usual a full stock of General hasT aoI paints oils and glass on ad, A. Call Solicited. AGENTS FOR THE RAYMOND SEWING- MACHINE Remember the. old stand Ii eml)' Near the POST OFFICE. If you want an easy shave. and neat hair -cut just call at E, FISH'S SHAVING SALOON Where he does all his work its. a neat style Ladies'' and Children's hair -cutting in the latest style: AGENT FOR THE PARIS/AN STEAM LAUNDRY. ' I Y ti LONDON, t, - ONTARIO. 'a t` J. & J. IiigliitAlAtibpriot.ors. THE BEAUZ'IFUZ.I AND CLEAR CiJT mn eme 5; 1 from which this paper is print ward supplied by the t,,,morarrilesztammeniv lI• 11la,,t�l�)i �. na • Dealers "i)). Type, Yp s Piiosses arld Printers'1:1 u's plies, 1:T,, J0I-1 NSrO`7 ;. 8b� a ± i���q C��+ tpC ��rv��,(Ti: yt«ak r:dtb vi'Ueva T r :ria fi ri st.. EXETER ONTARIO Ilas now in stock Atumn minor � f 0 -CC)= .r IN THE FOLLOWING LINES . West of England S1litings and Trous erine, Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser- ings. French and English Worsted Cloths All made up in the Latest Style, at best Rates. e4itr'.11w 0°. S r` ELL. Clubb.inci. b • We are now prepared to furnish the followingcity papers in. connection — with ----- THE EXET .,-SLY, ADVOCATE from now until January 1st, 1892. ':0111011 force Press$1..75 f,on cl.on Act veri;isor �Si.70 5 ' 11d vertiser - , ,'113 00' V.. , 7 c +� .a,niitat, rel'! ,. r� tattar .. �1..r5,: �J. ., c y jL ai l';rpire .:1'i.(1 ^'(11) ly Herald. •,,, , ., ,ti6lrti0