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The Exeter Advocate, 1890-12-25, Page 1
VOL. IV. y,y . (Chartered by Parliament, 1855.) Paid up Capital.......... $2,000,000, Rest Fund. , 1,000,000, Heart office Montreal, F. WOLI'FRS`1'AN THOMAS, Esq,, GENERAL MANAGER. Twenty 71rL eh offices in the Dominion , • At;©noies In the Dominion, U. S. and Europe evey lawful day from IO a. to 3 p. Open S m., Saturdays YO aa.m, to -x p• m• A general baul,l � ''ng business transacted Four per cent, per annum. allowed for money on Deposit Receipts. IL H. ARCHER, Exeter, Jan 2S, 'SS. Manager. THE Jeter at ublished every Thursday Morning, at the Office, MAIN -STREET, EXETER. By the SANDF.RSPUBLISHING COMPANY. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Dollar per annum if paid. in Advance. 61.50 if not pat. .F. plica-' xy gaata� os S d snxt=s i • tion imied until all arreuragee No paper <dvert. Advertisement. without specific are. directions will be amo ed till forbid and charged accordingly. l published discount made for tr d ientvpLiber nsorent aclvertisementsin7Ar�ekdfor 70B for gra descriptio style, long PRINTING Every and mocl turned out. in the orcl- e s, at moderate isin , subscriptions, etc. to ers, &c. for advertising, bo made payable to Sanders & Sweet PROI'ItUL TOILS EXETER, ONTARIO, TR; R; DAY, DECEMBER 25, 189Q, FACTS e,_ keep 'Constantly,oile of tl�e; cleanest and We have, and n best assorted stocks of rugs, Patent I eel lqi es, yes',e stuffs, Combs, BrwwheS, etc99 a l0 V y. -1"L51 nn n in town, \\rhich we sell at prices be \ Church Directory. - TRivITTctor.LiSiiday Services, 1a.m Robinson, aria 7 p.m. Sabbath School, 2:80 p. m. • Rev. A.. L. ME'rllonIST Cituilc.iz--i S vice ,10.30 a... m. and 6.30, p.m. Sabbath School, 2 p, m. and 6.30 p• m• 3LAix STREET -Rev: J. Wilson., Pastor. Sun day Services,10,30 a. m• and 630 p.m. Sabbath School 2.30 p, m. P REsnsmER'AN Cnuncx-Rev W. Martin, Pastor.. Sunday Serviced, ll, a. m• a m30 IN . Sabbath School, 9.45 a, m. Professional Cards. H -KINSMAN, L.D.S, east side of nail.: STItEe r, EXI•;TEU, extracts teethw. rS with- out pain Away, at 1 -Tens alla,y;.,Ailsa Craigonand and 4th Tuesday; atrZur: li oiiie►st'rSiur'clay of each nontli: T 'B WHITELY, M.D., C.M., PHYSICIAN • and Surgeon: Office and r si denie- �. streets, Corner Victoria and Elgin Ontario.' TNR. T. A. ROLLINS. OFFICE -MAIN ST. Residence -Corner Andrew and North Streets, Exeter, Ontario. H. INGRAM, DENTIST, Member Royal C. College Dental Suover ons, u1 e ssor to H. L. Billings, Officesfor Exeter, Ont. A. safe anaesthetic given. the painless extraction of teeth..' Liman every Friday ,fir•' Freddie. I)1Orison,.Nina' Kinsman, Rose: Sutton, -(11.tli Beer, hrailccs„1tiQ�wchf%, Mable kai, 1 3, Mable Hollick, Sophia RuSs+'l J?slin Russel, ,Freddie .Hawlf- sbay. JO,ia, ssalitiIancl, \\'ilmet 'laylor, Joh1,�5 11, Mussel Southeott, Bella Zltlliri :✓j1l 4 C P :Ii Gl{r:'5 To MISS WAX,- ILONL)'�.- ''tlt.e Bissett Jessie Dow, Co1,a ( i t ,AA;t;l;ur Taylor, , Mervyn Myres; Ella Frayne, 01 ;,1 l.tmarl. NIoncur • Alia 1114 a 3; Our stock of drllO's is fresh and we sell thele at fair prices cifd,r4 * "e not members Of any Druggist's Association. We 'erl as \\C d1 scheduled price of the Huron. & Bruce Druggist's donot use pile, 5�l e Is Association and can therefore offer dribs at :'fair and reason, able prices. s licit a call.; 'F3�17 ®� � a ��dJ0 set v, :O� ii"i , U P rc� 4 i, j'I'ingall, is visiting. r' i Geo., Anderson for 11[(:.hais Brunipto ll, of wieldier at the ADvo , nesclay.-- Gatrnot Hynd- at s;t (,,idley, who have .............ie ,tine in. 'T'oronto t, spending the holidays ssr rents : Garnet has , been e training of Mr. J. G. r if• 1.-llr. \Gm. Sanders Lcitdon.-Mr, Harry c -.loft o • Wednesday morn-. l-, tlds and relatives in De- is, aid- . as number of SOdOrair, Corner Druce Store»> Exeter Rolier Els. MARKET REPORTS. WHEAT,85 To 88 cts. per bush per n � Our Se11b�a�C, Prices. Flour, strong bakar's, '$.75 per 100 •t best family, . 35 1.75 " " 80 0" 90 0 0 100 " " 1.00 to 1.5 `' " WHOLT, lihiva, Ontario. Licensed auct- • ioneer for the Counties of Of and Lambton, and the townships of Stephen and gay All sales promptly attended to. ' BOSSENBERRY, Hensall Ontario. Lie- . prised. Auctioneer for the Countys of Huron and Perth. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. - Cr„OSKETLY, Member Royal College L Surgeons, England Licentiate R-gl College of Physicians, Edinburgh;Member College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. Office, Mitchell's old stand, Orediton, Ont. WILLIAM SWEET, VETER- inaryy Surgeon. Graduate Toronto. Veterinary Dentist- ry a speciality: Office and Re sidenceone blockeast of. Rich. Pickard's store. Opposite skating rink, Ex- eter, Ontario. H. COL.LINS, BARRISTER, SOLIC'IT- -�. OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public. Office-Samwell'd Block, Exeter,' Ontario: Money to Loan. low grade, Bran, Middlings, Screenings, Chop, Chop stone running every day. TERMS CASH. The Exeter Milling Co CHRITIE'S Oi±AL.) LIVERY!) First Class RIGS And HORSES. ORDERS LEFT AT THE HAWK- ' SHAW HOUSE OR AT THE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. Tezmz c. Roacorsa ole Telephone Connection. - t -TIDE CENTRAL yt•1 SHAVING PARLOR. EXETER, Ontario. a. HASTING? Personal Liberty A'S Physical Slavery. We are all free,: American citizens en- joying our personal liberty; but most of us are in physical shivery, suffering from scrofula, salt rheum or Some other form of impure blood hood's Sarsa- prarilla is the greatblood purifier which PROPRIETOR. Every Attention Laid to Ladies' and Children's Hair Cutting. 1A. Hastings. 6,1 1 sots s Livery. FT. DICKSON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR L. of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Gon- veyan,,er,CO3rllnissioner, &e. Money to loan ,. Office-Fanson's Block, Exeter. r,- I itoOT •0o Conveyancers, SCr3 &c.Money o rloan a eti'(ti, per cent. E. ;ELL10'r, J. ELLIOT EIRED. W. FARNCOMB, Provincial Land .12 Surveyor and Civil Engineer., Office,. Samwell's block, up stairs, Main street, Exeter, Ont. BROWN, Wincholsoa. Licensed Aunt- �• ioneer for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township of Usborne. Sales promptly stterrdodtoand tormsreason wlrle. Sales arranged at Post office, Winchelma TtS.Mer beENr of tMOSgePl o iciatishand Surgeons,.Oalturio. T. A Amus, Ti. D., grad- uate of Trinity University, Toronto, licen- tiate of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons ' Edinburgh; licentiate of Clhe ae aa- nity,ofPhysiciaans and Surgeons, _- Office -Dr. Cowen's old stand. n1t. DAVID STABLER, (UNIVERSITY 'Haying of Toronto,) Physician. Snrgepn, etc. Hayin+s gent the winter of 1551 '87 in New York, and the. r wi me of 1857-°88 in' Vienna, �� ,Austria. OFFICE, Gi1LDITON, GN:C, • Bit. J. H. MgLE LLAN, � Q'' SYee E� .AR IIROEO n�tan.13Z3cirr at Collect ylltli�,.thC'1 tandc i ttrn 1-1 olmes'w spent Si. l uck.n j tOrt . ;is z, trait, other plae,. disolves the bonds of disease,- gives health and perfect physical libert; , ' It lei )EaE,ity Done. The following is submitted for, those who feel inclined to look out for puz- zles. Arrange the figures 1, 2, s3, 4, 5 6, 7, S, 9, in the nine squares below, so thatwhenadded'in any direction, either across, upward, or downward, or from corner to corner, the answer will be 15. First Class horses and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL MEN. Orders left at Bissett Bros.' Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS - REASONABLE A TRIAL SOLICITED. W. G. BISSETT. Graduate New York. Eye Ea a1,,41rHospital' Eyes etcland ,e Supplied. Office cos.: ,Maple and Lialbotstroct5, • .LONDON, - ONTARIO. House, Lot and )lacksnllth shop for sale. (3. ntralia,IToi-o 1 county', nut,, a good ,Ln frame hOuse with every convemeni:e, alhmit two;fiftir$ of an macre of laud, barn e. shop and a consist° set of tools in livor 8 ,r'oid Pr, two forges;,sit,uatetl in the ecilty5 of the village. reasonable, For ,,riper pa rTalars Lt,ply t0 '1110S..11'Ax1,rlt f7,tf Centralia Piso's Remedy' for Catarrh is the Best, Easiest to Use and Cheapest.• Z11 4 i1• A 't e ®tr", t; Sola by drngglets or sent by mall, tae n, T. Irereltlne, Warren, Pa., U. S. A. • EXETER MARKETS. Election or 'Officers, On Monday evening last -the annual election of racers of Lebanon - Forest Lodge, 133, A. F. & A. M. G. R. C. was h7eld.in the Masonic Fall. A large' launder of the brethern were present, and after the usual business of the Lodge had been transacted they 'pro cee-ded to elect the following officers for the ensuuiy year • 2 \V MS; Lilo H. Sp'i&T m<an, S. W., Bro R. Ii. Collins; - J W., Bro. Samuel Sweet; Chaplain, Bro. Rev. S. F.Robinson ; T Treasurer, Bro. B. S. O'Neil; Sec'y., Bro. M. Eacrett; Tyler, Bro. Wm. Brooks. chi•istliilae. One day in the year .appeals tis al pea n mean- ing with aforcc,a d l Christian ing that belongs to no other period.. It is Christmas day. On 1800 years ago I he choirs of angels sang an anthem for the Son's of earth in words first beard by human ears,but never togro* old or loose their primeval meaning. "Peace on earth and good will towards men." Careful shepherds heard them then for the first time as they did their humble duty on the pedean hillsides, but to -day kings and warriors know the message and feel its power in the last days of the dying year. Christmas is a day like no other day, it has a meaning that no other day carries and the rapture of the little child oyer his Santa Clans gift finds an echo in the heart of the aged man who feels the deeper meanings that underlie mid- night present and greeting of love and good will. Long live the festival of Christmas, may its hearty spirit not die on the evening of December 25th but carry on through the rest of the year that human good- fellowship which upon that day should so truly begin. To all our patrons, to all our townsmen, to all our fellow Canadians, to' all sub- jects of the Queer, within the vide bor- dors of the British Empire and to all mankind of every degreeandlariguage, upon this happy day the ADVOCATE wishes a merry Christmas. Public School Promotion. The following were the promotions made from the different rooms of Exet- ed public school for the' last terra of 1S90.-P1i1NOIrAL's noon. -Sr. 4th to 5th. Those who pass the entrance examin- ation. Jr. 4th to Sr. 4th. Evie Hus; ton, Frank Lutz, Warren Snell, Ida Johns, Gertie Kersey, Willie Dignan, Harry Sanders, Arthur Ramsey, Eddie Pickard, Jessie . Creech, ' Ida Snell, Lizzie Gillespie, - Janet Brown. -MISS \rosnr;,z's'.ro Pnn`ci1PAh's.--Alex 5171• tin Maggio Sweet, Fred Bissett, Ella L vans, Robert Treble, Wellington Westcott, Arthur hemp, Ernie Greg oryrBert Spicer, Hattie White, Mary Ryan, Ed. I-lorn, Violet Treble, Russel Ilowai•d -Miss Giti rioitY's To Miss Ada \'o5T�r�Ii S--it[alg \'\'cstativay, Trebl'e, Lizzie Nelson, Nettie Iland- ford, Barttii Hooper, Edith Gidley, Hugh Gould Matti Parl.inson, Leila Howard,',[.'ilos. Sanders, Jabez Dennis, Minnie Taylor, Nelson Prior, Mary ,- Nelson, Alvin Davidson, Charlie NO. laud, Alnie,Matheson, Laura Lumley,. 'Warren Ross, Willie Bowden, Frank \'i11[s. itillss Glen's To Miss Gi xt: onit'S•----St.eilai Gregory, .Ma•ry Welsh, 011 elsh Etta Gillespie. Luther � v\ 1 'The 'd -cu inion for a:il'd :a•ainsc the death pg. s 11 y -'ill take ptace ,on the first \'\'ednesday w Jan, nc xt at 111.iµ f lloalhous ; Captains are S il<is SJr.tan' 1 e .l •. and C. Prouty. Any 'person c csli, ;s of taking a part can do. SU. Biddulph. p takes pine to day �( Ved u esd ay) to Miss Maggie 1c1 - second dant l of Sir, Sainuel Trellry, both of the Sau- ble line. We feel sure that all their friends will join with us in wishing the young' couple every happiness, and hope that they may live, to sae their golden wedding clay. Mr. Thee Coursey of Biddulph met with an 1L iersot by Iris team running away' and " t4irowing hind out of the slates The bat to gable of M1'. Harry. Boyd eF ‘lc' i'llvl'lav was destroyed by fire on Ftid.a =light 1ast'cansed by the upsetting 0= lantern in the barn...Mrs Boyd wawa ., sy from home at the time. We are n'echained to hear of the t very severe hitless of Mr. Thomas IlodginS, of the Dufferin house Ceti, tralia, who has been suffering; very intensely for the past week, and,it is greatly feared that he w illltnot rcover from the ve i'_'trying attar'; .Litt. ' lib Sleighing is gone. About ten Manit home this week to, Wheat per bushel, . $0.90 to 0,93 Barley 40 to 50 Oats... ...... 88 to 40 Peas.. 57 to 5S Ducks per pair - 50 to 60 Geese... ... 5 to 5: Turkeys . . 7 to 9 Butter Eggs Pram• otatoes per bus , , Hay per ton , , Pork per 100 Clover Seed, , 10 to 14 20 to 21 5Q to 70 .. 5,00 to 6,00 .. 5.15 to 5.25 n S •- (n . ALES ''i�`ti AITTgD. To sell our nnexoolled Nurser,, Stool: Steady OPT ployu,ont and eon fr.ol of territory. T -Tato clo„o bu.sinoyd i n Oanadtn 30 t'earM. Liberal pay to the right mail. Send for terms. 1, .Y t;;iI ;H Ipl3V3 51L@,Tt " Co.,. t74-' -3Mos, Colborne,. O let, ACke daoF F.Iy($. 'G'.. HARMLESS HEADACHE E. POW DERS Miss E. and B. M are spending: Ch1 home. Rev. Sir. Nee preached in the Ross last Sabbath. The; anniwel Bary ion Cliiiretl will be next.'; Tea served: in Hall, Addresses wil Churel - ev Mr. carcline,ou ' y trip other clergymen. Municipal. On Monday evening next, the, grate - payers -will be ate- payers-willbe calledupon to nominate siiitallepersons to 1111 the chairs of our Municipal Council, From what we cann, gatha1 and learn aolne strong figliting is 12;oi1g to be done. For there, as of course would Ue expected, the present one, Dr. Rollins, seeks re:eleetion, and will be opposed by Mr. `Thomas McCal- lum. For Dep -Reeve, Mr. W G. Bis- sett, the present one, and Mr. Iingh Spaekmati will try a contest. lbr colulcillois, Mr. 1) A Ross, Mr. L. H. Dickson,'Mr, Ed.,Christie, Mr. T. B. and Mr, 1\'. I4osl:irl are mentioned as probable candidates: Whether or not all these will alloy their names to be placed upon the. ballot paper, we are not prepared to says The old council during the year have carried out near- ly'everytlring; that they promised to do, and re-election should be their lot, As aDS are expected Lid the :winter. onald, of Clinton, mas vacation at i, of E•mondville, ch of late John a meeting of ITn- ld 011 *Monday ya1 Templars given in the :ray of Kin - Italy", and regards those nett names we have mentioned -we can say any of them are capable of filling the position of coat c•.illol. In our next issue we shall he able to ,,ivethe navies of the dil'f_ient candidates, and the ratepayers will then be able to rnai:.e their own choice, which we hope they: will do -wisely and u=ithoitt fear, and elect' those men who will do the most for the benefit of the town. We ask the;"ratepayers to be. unbiased in their selection, and not be led by any particular person, but come out boldly and fearlessly a and marl: your cross opposite the name of the one who has done and - -'ho will do the; most for the furthering of the interests of our flourishin villa e• Hay School Rep The Dehember report for. Hay' is as follows. The nam order of merit. nun or,,<ss:-Jas Campbell, Russell, Alfred McTaggart. F oUnnus-•Kate Chapman, D Smith; David Shirrey: SEN. TIIIIPU:-Chas Northcott, Henry Jackem Falank Ross. Ju a THIRD. -Nellie O'Brien, Ralph Chapman, Maud Russell. Si.coan:=Jas. Shirray, Nellie North Cott, Nell* Gould. SECOND i' ui .-Beekie - Northcott, Willie Warren, Henry Busch. Firm PART: -Milton Russell, Carrie Gould, Melvin Gould: No :2 re in er Zurich. Mr Adam Sipple left for, Detroit ' a few days ago., Our Public school` examination was held o r'' v la - 'end an '?ntertain- en Ie- ay is Christ =as gay' and-""olii• n s C NO. 186 Agnew, $3 do. nails and. ,) spikes, .$1,S8; ,1 Northcott, gravel, a1. U Petty',I4t stat, lab, ref i ndrid $3.25; John Geiger work in pit and damage togate, $350; Nicol Shir•a, clog tax ref., S 1; John • Geiger, do. 81; Petty Bros, bacon for indigent 83e, Dr. McDermaicl; med. for Curray,$J; Nicol Sirra,wood f ?r Curray' 81.50; \\T, C, I) avla', ;.gods for indigent, $8,41; Northcott baker, bread for Cur - ray, $3,45; Cood & Rennie ' goods for Curray $5,I33; Apple, & Zeller, goods do, $5; J. & E. 1tlerner, do. $2.50; D. Goltihald, do, $1,10; 0. Phile rep, scrap- ers, crap- ers x`81; J. T, Shittier work on 0.11. $i. 25; �J. Foster rep. culvelis,52; M. Kraus , makingditch $26,0; C. "Miller, cul- vert $2; J Howard, ditch, '$3; `J. Ker. eller, digging grave for nidil;i,m, 81; Pet Morrison house rent"for Cu1rray,'$5 G. Nicholson, gravel, 86,86; ?notal" : Ins suranee'Co-' 814.50; Dr. Buchanan,stats • labor, ref, 75c.; J. Haywood, for flail, $6.70; Hen. Rupp, rnot'Iug Ball' furni- ture, 50r,.; J. Se Mien, fe ice at hall, $4 65.; .J. Golirnan, culverts, 5oc.; Henry Gies, rep' road 20e.; Eli. Iles heifer, at- tend Curray, 75e. (',f, Tlnlrr., n.titival,83: ,,.- S1,1. Ct p b,;, l, • p lin<,• rave4'3.0:4:, \'\ mesKlop;r gravel $5222; G. A'V•alper,'gravel, $�15- .26; do for uzal ill;; ditch, $1; Sirs. Rein - heart, caretaking, 810; M, Zeller, sal- ary, $30; making eozitraet, $0; Postage •r,d Stationary, $ 2.40: ,Saul. J. Latta, bal. salary, $22.50; selecting jurors, ,$Ts F. Bess' for selecting jurors, 81; J.. Bonthorn, do 84; Sari J. Latta, :attend - in • Board of Wealth, µ2;T:. tress, do $2 D Steinbach, do. $2; Dr Buchanan, do. ? F. Mess council fee. letting and in- t" - , s 37`3 Henri• Iletal•v Heis speetlnb yob • , <, rock, do $36; Wm. Moir, 836. John'\roel ker, do, $36; J Snell, do, $36. -Carried. Voelker-Iieyrock-that H. Bender be allowed to take the timber off the road between S and 9 conynpposite lots 22nd. and 23rd provided his make the road. passable. -Carried Moll•-Schueli, that the council adjourn to -meet againin the Town hall oil Saturday, 27th Dee. at 10 o'clock, a. in. Sax. J. LAT•ra. Around About Us, A Iew'dtvs ago near Bornholm, • in Logan, Mr. Thos Baker and bus son, a young man: went to the bush to chop cordwood.; A limb of a tree fell on the elder man;.rcndcring him unable to walk home, The youth, about twenty years of age, not quite compos mentis, Was sent Co get a sleigh to convey the injured man home. • The boy started off as fast as he could run, brit before reaching the house he dropped dead, The young fellow was subject to heart disease and the excitement of the acci- dent was too mt1ch for hill's: The wounded matt had to remain in the woods until he recovered sufficient' to crawl home. On his way he discovered the dead body of his son. Shaven. The grand conceit . and ' Christmas entertainment held' in S. S. No 4, Step•• hen, on Tuesday evening last,was well attended and a good general entertain- ment was givt-n , lThe program Con silted of^'reeitaT J1 ,` .OilsIoauos, o,i m Music was furnished by and sittbulb, ier#ihants are doing then utmost to � DTiss Lewis, ol�'•anist and. Sar, Joint apply their customers wmrh nice Young and another young gentleman, Christmas goods. violiulsts "`;Christmastrce gotten up for Delta, of Washington' -Teri • ,eaSSiO laden with many good i•itory, is at present visiting his brother t'fl"in"c"�s ia,tiflty the young folks in-law, Mr. . Axt of this village. He" was :a 1" also des yid with. The pupils intends staying until after New Years. Presented the teacher, Miss Kate Two wedding parties passed through Hawkins with <t -,beautiful workbox our village on Tuesday, of last week. she also recelyad•Ir a1iy presents from Samuel Miller and Miss Kruger, of the the people ofthis pe 10�, wlic,2 g o CS t0 14th con., was one couple, and Mr. Sch• show the high esteem in which she is roader and Miss Willert,"of near Dash- held. Miss H.Lwkiiis 'cluserves great wood, nraise:for the interest she takes in the welfare of the young. folks. All were Mr Ema,nnal has sold his interest in a well satisfied with the evening's enter - the store here, and has ptirchasecl farm nearSebriugville. His wife left tainment. for ber new home on Wednesday, of last week, Their many friends "`Here will be sorry to lose, them from our midst, Mr, Jacob Ruby wishes to state that he is the possessor of seven six weeks old pigs of a superior breed which', he is willing to dispose of about the first of April next. Any person in need of good pigs can do no better than pur- chase the same. t l ewe Ber, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Taylor attended the Public School cntertalnlnent at Zurich on Friday evening last. They reported it good. Your roi'rosponclant takes oppor- tunitythis ; of wishing the AnvoCArl,l' and its mn'' readers ft merry Christmas and a happy New Year, Quite an. enjoyable, evening was IVISION COURT.-Divisiorl Court :held on Wed• of, last week, in the hall, Judge Doyle presiding. zing address the Judge re, uitableness of the town natulated the council and e.tn. of - their commod ned hall He said Ex Is were the only Bated from the base - ver Collins, of clerk of the e ratepay- ch they In his op ferred to 'e hall and co ratepapers'o ious and well p eter and Zurich ones which were merit by furnac Exeter, and Micha �e court, also congratulated ers of the fine town hall now have. nwre ti , ., Din s :exit 1iy tl'ic'yoling people of t ifs v1 ALL. aro E., Howard (Ellen Brown, Lowe, Slain g, i? Thomxa Choy aro fioi advei+- , tell& .minty at rite, wudcnce 0! 'di', tiseo to cure cowl!. Nina,) Norman Bissett. Amy ,Ur , " Rey. Vine or ti\'ednesday of last week. thtnrirbutailimp/0/Lead. Henry Gould, l the at uson, n,?lt c •1t thong, it • � ,3011 •Ic�a�1p tlautlfirtl Oliver Nye take niucl� p'leasure-io. annauii• er,t•?l coal beat ,tY, dt'>ti:t•s mond Ian , I y ,c6,;'430 xi and MeV' arc 51c'Lanc�h1111 Louio bong, Isatll•a Stit Cing, the marriage of Ml'. Ia'. O'Brien, hef-aronot9 athartic+ toil.-i\.tiss \'ALRONr'S CO MISS GILL. eldest Son of Mr. it, O'131ien,• ivhleI I'1 Hay Council. Council met pursuant to ad iA;,>' rn- merit on Saturday, December th. All members present present. rock-Voelker., that the -report of Steinbach, chairman, of the Board.0 Health be adopted,-Carried:-Heyroe Schnell, that the following persons b Deputy -Returning officers at the fol lowing sub. divs. viz: -No. 1 at the school house, in S S. No.1 James' Bon - thorn D. R. O.; No, 2 at the school house 10,Alexander McEwen, D. in55.No R. O.; No 3 at the town hall, Zurich, S. J. Latta, R. 0.; No 4, the school house in S. S. No. 4, Messrs. Geiger D. R. 0.; No 5, the school house in S. S. No 12, ' at Wil. • No b< , Ben. J, Sararas, D. R. O.;, lert's hall, ititthe .village ofDashwood,R, Cook, D. R. 0,; No 7, at school house S, S. No. 3 Clias Froyer, I). 11. 0. -Car- ried, Voelker-Moir that the follow- ing accounts be paid, 'viz: -August , piOW, 7.6 0 e,)1- • pg. C l0 8 ' ,L t dauia , ; Hartman, a I a`. 2, • 24.,26• Cicero' Ald- Smith, com., �a, , worth, lumber and nails, $420; Wil- liams & Co. flour for indigent, $7,50; Nelson Mosse, com , $39.13; 146nry Mag- el, a , el bringing in Mr. Curray, $1.25; John Alexander, gravel, 821..36; Win. Tin - trey, school tax, refunded, $1.44; 11.1. Grab Sanetary Inspcetoi, $11; T. J Wilson, gravel, 828.$4; E.'J'royergrav - el, $8,26; 0, Steicbach, goods for Mrs, btii,3Z'r is so. ANDERSON. -In Exeter, on the 22nd inst,,the wife of lir. Geo. Anderson, of a daughter. CAlirr:-ln Usborne, on the 23rd inst the wife of Wm. Clarke, of a daughter. ,z. Qg ]1n UAGEig. GitAFTo 1-Hierrs-At the residence of the bride's father Biddulph, on the 24tH inst., by the Rey: Sir. Allen, Sir. Geo. Grafton, of Blanshard, to Miss Mary Jane, eldest daughter , of Mr. Samuel Hicks BitODERrcr-JJ,ESTLE,-In Stephen, at the residence of the bride's father, on the 24th inst., by the . Rev, R. Redmond, Mr, George Broderick, of tial TOW nship, to Miss Mary Ellen: Nestle, NOTICE. A11,parties indebted to me will lcindiy pay the same to Dr. T. Am os, at my old stand. a -t once, Y,COWEN, M. D. Mr. Gregory Tom, who has been e.n. gaged for the past year as Priucipol in the Exeter Public School, left on y\'ed- nesday morning rrairitislt Columbia. We have been informed that he in- tends to remain there for some time, nd enjoy 'the pleasures of that climate er which he will return, ''Rcgu ates the Stomach, Liverand'LZow,els; unlocks the Secre.tinn.5,'Ptiiifie;the, food and removes all'im- 'r >a (�' IrY't t'Ltie.• from pLtd two rot Scrorulous Sore. /1. i DY GO' SAL HE, Df2 RHET PS Ifs. 'Bil„IOUSNESS'. IPATION. HEADAcHr- RHEUM. , SCIROF'UL,.A 'BURN. SOUR STOMACl-1 SSS. ' iDR,QP'S'1' M, SIN btSASI=S