HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1890-12-18, Page 1VOL. IV. EXETER, ONTARIO, TIIl 'IZSDAY, DECEIVIBER 18, 1890. O. 185 The olsons ankm (Chartered. by Parliament,1855,) Paid up Capital . , .: , , . $2,000,000. Rest Fund..., , 1,000,000, Head office Montreal. F. WOLFFRSTAN'1IIOMAS, Esq., GENERAL �'IANAGDR. Twenty 13ranen offices in the Dominion Agencies in the Dominion, U. S. and Europe =T:Z1x� sr zi_vCx . Open every lawful clay from ,i:o a. m. to S p. m., Saturdays 110 a m. to 1 7j. m. .A. general banking business transacted Four per cont, per annum allowed for money on peposit Receipts. R. II. ARCHER, Exeter, Jan 28, '88. Manager. THE Abrocate I's; publishecl every Thursday Morning, 1 •, �- -•at the Office, T AIN-STREE , — EXETER. F,^ }Sy the SANDERS' PUBLISHING COMPANY. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance. t.1)1 .3i1 if not so paid. r_3'srertie; 5sg R.tos on 2-Lp13,7.5.cP.- tics. No p• p n er discontinued until all arrearages are paid. Advertisements without specific ecifiu directions will bo published till forbid and charged accordingly. Liberal discount made for transcient advertisements inserted for long periods. Every description of ,TOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. -Che etc. ers, &c. for, advertising, subscriptions, o be mato payable to Sanders & Sweet PROPRIETORS Church.»€rectory. TRIVITT • MEMOR IAL ' CHURCIL--Rev, S. F. Robinson, Rector. Sunday Services, 11 a. m and 7 p. m. Sabbath School, 2300 p. m. METHonIST Ctlu1,cat--James-st Rev. A. L. Russell, Pastor: Sunday Services,10.30 a. in. and 0.90 p.m. Sabbath School, '2 p. m. MAIN SVREET—Rev. J. Wilson, Pastor. Sun clay Services, 10.30 a.m. and 6.90 p. m. Sabbath School 2.30 p. m. PRESBYTERIAN CJIUBC(II.-Rev. W. Martin, Pastor. Sunday Services, 11 a. m. and 6.30 p. in. Sabbath School, 0.,15 a.m. Professional Cards. H KINSMAN, L.D.S,east side ofMAIN '`��•-__ STREET, EXETER, extracts teeth with- out pain. Awa', at .l{ensall on 1st S 'ridgy; Ailsa Craig on'End and 4th Tuesday; nd Zurich on last Thursday- of each month. r ' AnH I ;, M C PHYSICIAN Yslc IA N • d'Surgeon. Office and residence— Corner Victoria and Elgin streets, Goderich, Ontario. DR. J. A. ROLLINS. OFFICE—MAIN ST. lJ Residence—Corner Andrew and North Streets, Exeter, Ontario. CV.IL INGRAM, DENTIST, Member Royal College Dental Surgeons, successor to H. L. Billings. Office over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ont. A safe anaesthetic given for the painless extraction of teeth. Crediton on Monday. Lucan every Friday. WHOLT, Khiva, Ontario. Licensed anet- . ioneer for the Counties, of Middlesex and Lambton, and the townships of Stephen and Hay All sales promptly attended to, T7 BOSSENBERRY, Hensall Ontario. Lic- 1iJ. ensed Auctioneer for the Countys of Huron and Perth, Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. We have, and keep constantly, one of the cleanest and best assoiJed stocks of Drugs9 Patent yes, ye stuffs, Corn bs," rushes, ate., i11 town, which we sell at prices below any Our stock of drugs is fresh and we sell them at fail:' prices as we are not members of any Dru o lst s Association. We do not use the scheduled price of the Huron &;13i rice Druggist's Association' and can thel'efoi'e offer drugs at fail' and reason- able prices,°e solicit a call.' W. E. 0 0ri.9R PropHeti Coiner Drug Store. Exeter MARKET REPORTS. r 88 cts. r, 85 TO cts. per bush Our Selling Fri= Flour, strong bakar's, $2,75 per 100' " best family, 2.35 " r i° low grade, Bran, Middlings, Screenings, Chop, 1.75 " " 80 " 90 " ,r 100 „ 1.00 to 1.25 ° " Chop stone running everyday. TERMS GASH. The Exeter Milling Co 11" LLIOT & ELLIOT,.BARRISTERS, SOLIC- 1J itors, Conveyancers, &c. Money to loan at 0 per cent. B. V.ELLIO'r. ,T. ELLIOT • [,7RED. W. FARNCOM13, Provincial Land 12 Surveyor and Civil Eugin'eer. Office, Samwoll's-block, up stairs, Main street, Exeter, Ont. FJBROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Audi ioneerfor`t(.ie Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for • the township of Usborne. Sales promptly attended to and terms reason able.Salos arranged at Post office; Winchelsa Tins. COWEN & AMOS. Y. COWEN, M. D 1-, Member of College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. T :A. Amos,, M. L., • € rad.- 'uatof Trinity University, Toronto, 11 thlit, of the Royal College ofPhysicians' and Surgeons Edinburgh; licentiate of the Fae- ulty of Physicians and Surgeons, Glasgow, Office—Dr. Cowen's old stand. TAR. DAVID 1LSTA:BEER, (UNIVERSITY AJ of Toronto,) Physician. Surgeon, etc, Having spent the winter of 1886-'87 in New York, and the winter of 1887-'88 in. Vienna, Austria. OFFICE, — CREDITON, ONT. DR. J. H. McLELL(�AN, EVE & EAR SURGEON. Graduate New York Eye and Ear Hospital Eyes tested and glasses supplied. Office coy. Maple and Talbot streets. LONDON, — ONTARIO House, Lot and Blacksmith shop for sale. In Centralia, Huron county, Out., a goocl D11. CROSKERY, Member Royal College frame house with every convenience, about Surgeons, England' Licentiate Royal two-fifths of an acre ofland, frame shop and College of Physiuians,,Eclinburgh; Member a complete set of tools in working order, two College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. .forges;:situated in the centre of the village. Office, Mitchell's old stand, Crediton, Ont. Terms reasonable. For further particulars VETILLIAM SWEET, VETER- 11 �Y inary Surgeon. Graduate Toronto. Veterinary Dentist- ry,?a speciality. Office and Re- sldenceone block oast of Rich. Pickard's store. Opposite skating rink, Ex- eter, Ontario. nT� H. COLLINS, BARRISTER, SOLICIT - It. OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public. Office— Samwell's block, Exeter, Ontario. Money to Loan. 1H. DICKSON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR J. of Supreme Court; Notary Public, Con-. veyanaer, Commissioner. &c. Money to loan Office—Fanson's Block, Exeter. apply to Tuos.HAsnronn, 175 t f Centralia DON'T MISS IT. A new and attractive publication con- taining orntaining many useful, interesting and instructive features has just been is- sued by T. Milburn & Co., of Toronto, under the title of the Burdock Blood Bitters Almanac for 1891. It is no* in the hands of druggists and mer- chants for free distribution and we would advise our readers to secure a copy before the suply is exhausted. MINVOISMINIZAMINOM All the latest designs°in Jewellery at , T. Fitton's Jewellery store, Seo "ad.' A si:. 38O Cottnse. or its equivalent in cash will be given. to the person detecting the greatest number of errors, (w01cls wrongly slier-., led or misplaced) in the December issue' f "OUR HOMES. " ddition will be 0 given twoci,olr prizes of $200 each,foui• of $1.00, eight of -850,. ten of $25, twenty-five of $10, fifty of $5, one hun- dred. of $2, and one hundred and . fifty of $1, distributed in the order mention- ed in rules andregulations, which will be sent with a copy of December issue on recipt of 15e in stamps. Special cash prizes given away almost every day (luring competition which closes .Feb. lst, 1891. Address, Oun HOMES PUIr1,TSTi1NG CO., Brockville, Canada.. Adopted by the G. T. R. for the year 1891 was read, and the following places and persons were ap- Txninted:—Volling Sub. Div. No. 1, Mrs. Geo. Edwurthy's house, Joseph Davis Dep. Ret. " Officer. Sub. ' Div. No. 2, Weekes Marble Shop, W, 1). Weel.os Dep. Ret. Officer. Sub. Div. No. 3, Mar- ket House, J. T. Westeott Dep.` Return- ing Olnicer, Sub. Div. No. 4, `Lown Hall, Capt,'Geo. Relnp Dep. Ret• Officer. The public'meeting for the nomination of ca.edidates to represent the council 011801 to lie held at the Town Hall on Monday Doeeniber• 29th, at half past seven in the evening. Moved by W. Gr. Bissett, se 'onded by H, Spackman, that we adjou'in. Carried, The coilneil Met per adjournment in the Town plii1l, 15th "Dec, all present, the follow1ng accounts were ordered to 'be paid. 'P, D. Bell paid J. Creech, $6.26, for cellar; J. N. Howard, $10.72, nails and•luniber; - John T. Westcott per J. Creech '61, labor at snow plow- ing; Geo Eacrett, $35, salary as Treas- urer; the Secy Board of Health, $5 Services 1890. The Clerk 830 balance of salary; do, ,0,13.65 postage to date; Tp. of Stephen, $37.05 Indebetedness, and Tp. of ilsborue $110 balance ,of Indebetedness. The Counciladjourned until call of•,tie Reeve. • M. EACIIErr, Clerk. egad Accident at urineeidem. We regret' to announce the death. of 0170 of CllLlton's most respectable citi- zens, in the person of Mr. W. H. Cooper, who was killed. near Brucelield on Tues- day morning'gcia' t From the inforinat ion' we can gather it appears that 5.1'., Cooper left'Chinon on the morning train for Braeelleid with. the intention of doing some: 'business 10 alld around that neighborhood. After arriving at that station, lieprocei;ded towalk'along The Grand Trunk Railway. Company the track to,,tht, residence.of one of his has just introduced an inno'<dtion on rt,G system the.tcailnot bu't e in(:nd•it- QIP self to the travelling public as an ilii , provementin request, one that long q will be a great convenience to • passen- gers and make travelling decidedly more comfortable for those' who do not know the various places through which their trainsrun, and who are unable to interpret the often unintelligible an- nouncements of the brakeman. It is a railroad station indicator, an apparatus. that records the names of the different stations, and which has: jest introduced . Seem - at the.headquarters un'-llluntreal ,.• ingly the machine is a very simple con trivance. A nicely finished frame of polished wood, placed in prominent view at both ends of the car. contains a number of thin iron or tin plates, each plate painted with a name of a station in characters legible in any part of the car. The names of the stations are placed in order in which the train pass- es through them. As each station is passed the conductor pushes a lever on the indicator, a gong sounds and the previous plate drops, expressing the words, "The next station is—," what ever the coming place may bc. This is repeated after every station, so that a passenger has only to look at the indi- cator to discover at any time the name of the town or city which the train is approaching, The convenience and ad- vantages of such an invention are too obvious to need enumeration. Exeter Council Proceeding's The Council met pursuant to-' ad- journment by order of the Reeve at the Town Hall, Exeter, December 13th, 90. All psesent. Minutes of previous meet- ing were read and confirmed. Moved by D. A. Ross, 'sec. by H. Spnekman that By-law No. 15 for preventing or regulating the firing of guns or other lire arms, &c:, within the distance of one hundred yards of any occupied dwelling in the Village of Exeter, was passed. By law providing places and appointing Deputy Returning Officers customers, and:wlren abouta mileSouth the train ficoi London Caine along. The engineer, whistled. and the unfor- tunate man stepped off the track, but not far enough, for when the train passed it struck him on the thigh smashing it, and at the same time throwing hug. forward several yards when lie received a severe blow on the forehead. The train Was immediately stopped,- and the unfortunate 'man placed on board conveyed to Clinton. 0001.iouS until within a He, remained 1 few minute'' ' f his .death, which occurr u�4 •� Of: .Ire r4v. t' t ~. most respected citizens in the town. He was a staunch conservative and held various positions in the Local organi zatious. ' He also took great.interest in agricultural matters, being for some time assistant secretary of the Clinton society. He was alsoa very enthusiastic member of the Sons of England Bene volent Society, being a member of Clinton Lodge. He has for many years carried on a Marble business in Clinton and also manufactured the imitation free -stone used for building decorations He will be greatly missed in Clinton and a vacancy occurs that will be hard to fill. He was known to a consider able extent in this place, and' was al- ways held in high esteem. The funer- al takes plaee to day (Thursday) 18th inst., and will be conducted by the Sons of England. Plymouth Lodge, Exeter, will attend in a body. Gold and Silver Watches, best in the market at T. Fitton's. See "ad." else - .where in the ADVOCATE. Whalen. Mr. R. Horn -has secured the services of a sinart your.,' blacksmith. A grand weddinci took placein this neighborhood' yesterday, (Wednesday.) Mr. Geo. Millson's cottage is DOW conn pleted'and adds greatly to the appear- ance of the place. Mr. Albert Millon is home to attencl his brother's:wedding. I -Ie looks the same old boy as of yore. 11Te understand that Freewill is soon to have a choir of practical musicians. We wish them every success. Air. John Whalen and family, rye understand will leave for Michigan shortly, where they will make that their future home. We are, about to lose our much re sheeted school teacher, Mr. 11., llunder. son. He has admidstered to the minds of the children in a most appreciative manner, NVe trust wherever he may go that his' path may be crowned with snecessi Hay, Win. Widder proposesmovingshort lv with his family, to Michigan, where he has lived for some gears and where he has a fine Property..—Mr. Marshall has moved to the farm 'lately occupied by Mr. Joseph Sparks —Mr. Ed. Shaver. purposes moving into the house belong- ing to Win. Colwell, on the Zurich road —A business meeting of the Presbyter- ian congregation, Was held in the Hall at Hill Green on Thursday last;—At a meeting of the Fansville' congregation it was decided to have. an entertain- nlent this year instead of the usual an nual teameeting. Brewster, Mr. E. Whitnior, of Clinton, is home t0 spend his Christmas holidays. Mr. O'Gilh'nore, of Clinton, is at pres- ent resent the guest of Mi-. Robert Taylor. Mr. and. Mrs. H. Hartman spent a few days last week yisiting friends in Mit; ehell. 'Ori Tuesday evening, of last weeks an entertainment was held in S. S. No. 11, the object being to furnish prize, for the children; but owing to the even- ing being so stormy the attendance was not so large as was expected., e,r Biddulph, The McKinley Bill has not totally killed us. entertainment will be held in Ane Spp .,N •'i 1 ::.-tel l y . 2 Fn i.ul h , crl .. "htrsd .l t 1 S, No. Sr 11 p. S � Y' . T i list., also one in the High School, Lucas' on 19th Inst: Mr. John Evans, brick layer, and William Folland, of Exeter, have just completed a tine fernace for Mr., John Cobbledick, and which gives the bestof satisfaction. Good work deserves praise. Mr. Shoults, of Moorsville has sold his farm of 150 acres for the sum of 38,500. It is a good farm and is a good price. Mr. Shoults intends moving out to Portage la Prarie, Man., in March next while many that are in Manitoba, are coming back to their old homes in Ont. Khiva, Mr. William Simpson. of Parkhill.passed through here ogle day last week, The winter so far has been very fine but a little snow would be very accept- able. We are sorry to learn that Mr. John Ratz is on the sick list. We hope to hear of his speedy recovery. Mr. Barry is at present busily ` en- gaged in hauling brick for his new house which he intends to build next sum- mer. One of our boys has taken unto self a wife back west. Wonder who will be next. Come: boys now is your time while the ice is broken. VE Ni 31130 EMI 69. R, 0 8'11 p -s; 1-1 10 - 0 '��°'� bd CD 0 0 P1 trn 2,1 p.--1 Yarl 0 r, r,F�r • CO CD t)p DI CD to 1"t tfl aD 0 • 1 . nip 1 It, 10 ug Q- ki.i • 0 �;- ow 1.3 r"+ •, e' p at) ba CD 4 e.; C r' 0 Cit' " ,,. ,.1 • 17.7."'• taR"�• O CD n -CD v CD• 53 w a✓ rI • o 0 co • cn'O 5 o" O p r✓ m o 5 n's 6 Nr. Peter i\'ICTsaac, who has been: Dakota for oche time is again in our midst visiting friends. 'i-1 looks 'welt" and as though the climate agreed with him, He speaks in great praise of the eot'uitry. The `Library Society, of S. S, NO, ex, will hold their second annual Enter, tainment rn Mr 1Villert's Hall, oat day evening, 19th December. All are' cordially invited to attend, A. small. charge Will be Laben at the door to de- fray expenses. To the Electors of Exeter‘ December 15111,1890. Gl TntisruN.—I labii afoon'ee'to ax for your votes at nex elleethun. The men as am. en neow,baint fit for ort. Last Janiy they Said as how we wags to have watter wurks but taint been did and all they deem is taalk. How sumever of you'll pat me at the herd of the pole I'll do all you'lltell me too. I waant spend mummy like wafter ani I-bairlt agoin to ggravell Carling 5tr6e1; cos taint any use, a little 'Aux and dirt is gude. There baint' any, lielleetrie light and Sure there waant be any.. Our skule as been ticteeatc,d, but the. children might lac as wail thats all thats been dood an it kost a pile. Now I be going to have em ring a bell at eight at night and no child can kum. "• on the strate arter that time. Dang13 -' all it baint rile to zee ahem kids out when they shude, be to home. Put me at the head of the pole. Yours for ever, JAN J0 -El- Cr' rediton. Mr. Chas. Zwiker• was in London es, Tuesday. Division court was held here 'ou Tuesday. There were hut few cases..; Judge Doyle presided. Messrs. Wm.` Lewis and C. Iabble; went to Clinton Tuesclay night to hear Sir Rich. Cartwright and occupied seats the platform. Mr. AugiistHies little girl, Alnra,his recovered from a severe attack of dip-. theria and measles under Dr. Crosk L Iry s skilful treatment. There died at :Thorndale on Tues- day Mi::I I:te Idsrso,1, ' unotiier of` Mrs John Young, of this place,`iuher 7811a year. Mr. and Mrs Henderson had in- tended celebrating their golden wed• ding on Monday nett, for which :many invitations had been issued but the house of re joicine• has been changed to that of woe by that grim visitor, death A Grand Lecture and Concert m be held under the auspices of the in- dependent Order of • Foresters, in the Town Hall, Crediton, on Tuesday Dec- ember 30th 1800. The Supreme Chid Ranger, Dr. Oronhytekia; of Tororitca, will be present and deliver an interest- ing' lecture on ".forestry." Mr. James Fax, the groat comic singer, of Torori to has been engaged for the occasion_ This will be the concert of the season. Come one come all. For further par • ticulas see prof; ram me0. Band in at, tendance. Adrnission 25cts, Children 15cts, Reserved seats 35cts ' Doors open at 7 o'clock, Concert to begin at 7.30. Charles Zwikers, Chairman of Com. W. H. herr; Secretary. A FRIEND'SFACE. A. friends face often looks sour anal.'- glum from the effects of misery -making biliousness or liver complaint. If we tell him to use Burdock Blood Bitters. and he does it, the face soon brightens' with returning health and happiness. B. B. B. never fails. u d O' C N CD c C'0 o ` c ix; 0 c0 fir' • L i 1,4 csowrim