HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1890-12-11, Page 8R At5'MAKEW&
Mantic pal nominations on Monday
28th inst
Ed. Spackman's change of "ad" can
be found on the local page.
Look for Carling Bros. change of "ad"
in another column of this paper.
Special value in Black Dress Goods
and Silks at the. Big Bankrupt Store,
• Don't fail to see J. H. Grieve's $10
suits before purchasing elsewhere.
Biggest stock of clothing in the
County Fauson's Block, Exeter.
The great rush continues at the Big.
Bankrupt Store. Bargains tell every
time. ,
Hurrah for Spaekman's Boot an d
Shoe Store for oytercoats, Fur Coats,
Robes, &c.
The richest assortment of Xmas pre-
sents in Exeter is at the Big Bankrupt
Insure in the Temperance and Gen-
eral Insurance Co., of Toronto. En
BissETT, local agent. -May 29-90..
Big stock of Christmas goods in end-
less variety at Spackman'sBoot & Shoe
store. To be cleared cheap.
Ladle and Gents .underwear for less
than manufacturers prices' at the Big
Bankrupt Store.
Huron. county Sabbath School As-
sociation. v ill hold its next convention
in Brussels on the 20th and 21st Janu-
ary, 1891.
Prepare for Jack Frost by buying
your felt boots and shoes. The biggest
stock in town, i'anson's Bloc(:, Exeter,
E. 3. Spackman.
M. William Dew, formerly a resident
of the 4th concession of Usborne, but
now of Iowa, had his buildings burnt
about ten days ago.
Before ordering winter clothing' call
on Jas. H. Grieve and examine, his
lage and ~yell -assorted stock of winter
goods„ Prices away below the lowest.
7t�lll 1,,1.v 1T? man wish-
A1... 1. young >a 7r ,.h
es to know it it is proper for a1 young
lady to .1. hila into the house. the first
tiny-, . he s. 'CS her hornet,? Answer: --If
she, (Jos.:nit, don't tarry loll;.',' at thegate.
tittangtstip; t1t 5
o a1cso is
prepan.d to furnish from his :i•t111 snarl
(tui 11 t, •f+r unttlrnal (0111 i. fortial use.
Thai's to sug4estive alto ,11,n"; but
l 21.51 iet'rn' l 1`;, 'u •npP
et.tc r; t v 1 r 1>; 1,1 x ,,lily
1.h t voixa havl iriL ills •(( ,1...1.:,1, who
were ,..rStlt 1 restd'bits of this plfle:},
could 01 take. a 11.,,., li:e•i 1) ":_'. 1121-„3-
ent 11.•:3 1 , la , t1- th-1f,1'u. ,t, .
sont' tll:'ii1.,.:5 t weeiii fort 'w i11;St year.
Try 1:..
G'it it t it t ir; 11(4.'00 illi tl
111• ,i . .;4- 00'v rtverL1 s
A fel endslof good scaletto suitsable
for men's rests, very cheap at the B'i '
Bankrupt Stora,
We aro sorry to loal•rl of the illness
of lllrs, John Shute, of Usbo•ne, who is
confided to her bed, and little hones of
her 1C(OS"Cry are entertained.
II'ur Coats, Caps, Collates Boas and
Muffs, all greatly reduced in prices at
the Big Bankrupt Store.
The right wayto cure c,t e c'ttarl•h is
eradicate the poisonous taint which
causes the disease, by taking Hood's
We now have a little snow but not
enough to make good sleighing. But
there is large quantities of wood being
brought in, and also produce of various
Mr, H„Spackman disl.osed, of one of
his high bred pedigree 'Italian grey.
honnds to Mr Thos. Jackson, Sr. of Clin-
ton, for 7i'.hich he received a large price
and yet not large, considering the price
asked by other doh; breeders.
R. Molts- Offers the following artieles
for holiday gifts: -Ladies and Gents
Gold and Sil4ior Watches, Gold. and
Silver Spectacles, Gold and Silyer Jewel-
ery, Diamond Set Rings,Friendship
Rings, Band Rings and Wedding; Rings'
a speciality.
Messrs. Davis and Reudell have con.
yerted the Roller Rink into an ice
rink, and are having it pelt in order
for immediate use, ' If the weather
keeps cold, this healthy% exercise will
soon be at the disposal. of• the young
people, and no doubt will be greatly'p-
preciated. Why not have Burling in
Mr. W. S. Swaffield, of the Bayfield
Road, has a relic of one of the saddest
naval disasters, which ever occurred in
England: It is a piece of oak from: the
hull of the man-of-war, Royal George,
which went dosr. in Potsmonth h'ubor
a century•ago, with 1,800 souls on
board. The wood is well preserved:
and is quite and interesting, relic,
Last Monday Miss Margaret Hill
Young passed away to her reward
after a solnewhat troublesome illness
caused by an internal cancer. She
was 44' -ears and 5 months old.
ceased has resided and made it her
home with Mr. Darling for some years
until Monday last When she passed to
that immortal mansion above, where
sorrow is no more. Her remains were
interred in the Exeter cemetery yester-
day at 2 o'clock p. M.
Mr. J. Ross Robertson, who is proprie.
tor of probably the best paving .'news-
paper property in Canada to day. The
Evening Telegrpa, of Toronto, :admit
ted,when in Exeter last week,that lie is
probable more responsible. than any
one for dollar weekli s'
e ,and. also admits
that dollar weeklies are great mistakes,
and that it is impossible tomake theta a
fi.iiallei<'LT success. In proof of which we
may say that the Telegra))s;is a daily,
and is about the only- dally that does
not haye a Weekly edition.. What J.
Ross dosn't know about running a
newspaper dosn't amount to much.
Announcement is made that the
Legislature willdm•ing its next session
authorize or require school trustees- to
provide, free of charge, books for child
ren attending, school. No dpubt the
intentions, is to confer upon trustees of
rural schools" the powers now conferred
by law upon trustees ' in cities
towns and inco?•ported t 1lliaT• s
of providing free books artd charging
a fee not exce,ed'111 j,,r .20 cents a: montl'i,
It will be "vise to estcncl this 'privilege
to all schools. It has been found that the
arm II foe .rays advantage of getting the
looks at wholesale instead of retail
Every one is looking for .cash in
those times and a good opportunity , is
of:ieredeve one f finding it y
proprietors of Ilellbnrii's blood
i'ui-h . ors a Serie of prizes embra' 1 ,E(.-
1 bl7o 1$1,L11J j to e1111person sanding in
the largest, list of words conpos id from
he letters in the name Basal 1'uiii,er
hest let es `rill t,nilaacr the : n -as of
' ).).:r;,i) 'J t' t ' 3 pitpri,tes of 810 Haien
l 1sT i"•t7,.C.7L't.,t. 1 0'( �>:1
1 each, all. Ill
( :.1=, and a haudsome present Sint to every
tother parson i.'11(1ir: . in t lit of words,
- t',4311d. r1t', µ'atopf r c:1real,r giving- g all
l)'', t'to those w -ho
t,11' 11 ,t14,:1.' 14 11194:11. +
a „i,t, „a li ,l 1, .: Stt: :'3, .,,4„4141t;,.,
1 „
l •+.
#:.11 l?•;tlr, eilJlt, _.1: lff;ti(.., .,, fjJ
.,, ',1/1'1,. . Nr': `.S"11.1 , 1!1^:. 1,L.. 1 �!
1 ,tt ( d Ill-' 1, 1 1•, l :.: ' in 11"'•11 t i til ,
f Ta..a ,, ins 7 4+ La 1 1, 3 11', 1 ft) ll'2
a., ,.:, ,„'r, t l,. 1 '1 .i s l .1„i; 11 r. , .11 ,!.1. 4) ta'
/),,.,...:: ,. , ( , f1 1tL'',l 'until 'd(1:1 t1 5 +Ni. i,,,...,:,,..,:i,1.i;. %v lrl 1 'tj.t
4:1 .�,4 1,1 .,.1: `. • .,t., l.,y 5 t [:
tr'l .. . . ti. • ..,,.sl p.lw
at I�,
, .,•l
.l: n.. tl `1"' f,1' I''0' t' t,,, S;tc±`,' �� at 1(441/'rl
1'1 11
l t til
ll•1 l., i1
1.0 V. 4
11 t • �,�!
t;• ,.
1> 11 41 , .. 011 c 1 t
,•3; 1oft
1.1.$11';4/4 t:i ,ilk lit yak)
A quiet wedding took place Friday
morning at the residence of Mr. T, 1v,,
Manning, Toronto, when his third
daughter, Lillian Lewis, was united in
marriage. with John, N. Smith of Ram'
say, Lanark County. Only members
of the family were present, including
Messrs. A, H. and W. 11. Manning of
Clinton and Mrs. Dr. Amos of Exeter.
The bride was a yery general 'favorite
among ai large number' of friends
throughout the Province. She was the
recipient of a great many handsome
presents. Mr. and firs Smith will re-
side near Almonte.-Globe,
Are predicted with reliable accuracy,
and people liable to the pains and aches.
of rheumatism dread every change to
damp or stormy weather. Althongh
Hood's Sarsaparilla is not claimed to be
a positive specific for rheumatism, the
remarkable cures it has effected show
that it may be taken for this complaint
with reasonable certainty of benefit. Its
action in neutralizing the acidity of the
blood, which is the cause of rheuma-
tism, constitutes the secret of the sue -
cess of Hoods Sarsaparilla. If yon suf-
fer from rheumatism, give Hood's
Sarsaparilla a fair trial; it will do you
Bring your repairing to R. Hicks if
you desire ex pert workmanship. Prompt
attention and moderate charges.
Girl Wanted.
A first class diningroonl girl wanted
at once, for which liberal wages will be
paid. Apply at the Central Hotel, Ex-
t ' anted.
Never too late to mend. 5000 pair. s of
boots and shoes that need repairing 10
be left at the leading boot and 'shoe
store next door to the post office.: G.
There is no more satisfactory and
desireable present for the holidays than
some article of silverware, R Hicks
aims to give the best value and the
best goods. An inspection of our stood:
will satisfy yon:
Penn{Readin '.
S �
A. Christmas entertainment wilt be
given in the Cavan Presbyterian'
church,under the auspices' of the Young
People's Society, on Wednesday even -
nig, Dec. 17th, An entire new and no-
val'.pregram has been arranged for,
and a pleasant evening may be spent,
by all. Admission only Scts: Every-
body come.
R Hicks can furnish you any style
or grade of timekeeper, and 'convince
you that you are obtaining a watch at
close prices by dealing With him. �', r
sell the best standard movements, the
newest style of cases, and render great
inducements to purchasers.. We .o
what you desire at a price that will
meet your purse, and strive only for a
fair legitimate profit.
Nree Y1 in Around The World..
VI 3+ nr i xn Bra's Ratu'r:i, or 118
equivalent in gold is given by BELL'(
'MAGAZINE for the largest list of words
constructed out of the words "Bell's
Ma,•azine,": Also Pianos, Orgarls,P'si
;or Suites, Gold Watches, Silver Tea.
Sets, Parlor Coal Stoves, etc., etc., all
positively given away. Every one
sending not less than '.r).--0;;rr. words
will got a present. Send 1:2 cents in
stamps, mentioning• the (your paper's
7'.iann (, for rules, illustrated eraftllr ue
and copy of 1>aper to _lei r :.'.,
T ouo:x1.ro, Oxr.. G 1,-17f1
cootie ;c 1 001; JFK';ittjrt:L111�1APllt,
The teachers and pupils of Exeter'
Public School, intend holding an enter-
tainmeut on Friday evening' December
111th, in Drew's Opera .house, ` for the.
purpose of raising the balance due on
the organ lately purchased. An excel-
lent programme has been prepared in
which one of the rnbst interesting feat
ures will be a debate on "Woman Fran-
chise," in which the following speakers
will take art --Atli
p lmati;ve, Messrs L.
H. Dickson and Rt)v, A. Russell; Neg-
ative, Messrs R.11. Collins and Dr. Rol-
lins, Admission 15 cents, school child-
hildren 10 cents. See programme; next
4 $750 Cottage,
or its equivalent in cash will be'giyen
to the person detecting the greatest
number of errors, (words wrongly spel-
led or n isplaeed) in the December issue
of "OUR HOMES." In addition will be
given two cash prizes of $200 each,four
of $100, eight of $50, ten of $25,
twenty-five of $10, fifty of $5, one hun-
dred of $2, and one hundred asci fifty
of $1, distributed in the order mention-
ed in rules and regulations, which will
be sent with a copy of December issue
on recipt of 15c in stamps. Special cash
prizes given away almost every clay>
during competition which closes Feb.
lst, 1.891.
Address, Oun. Homes Punrast-n'ci Co,,
Brockville, Canada.
// We record this weer: the death of
ltfary, beloved wife of Mr, Thos. Bissett
of Gidley Street. 'Ailing for some time
past she died o I
o1ig and useful life at -the ripe age of
cd -years and 11 months. The funeral
oob�i, Sunday was lasgeiv attended, the
iri'terment beim in the Exeter cemetrv:
Ono of the,oldest residents of Exeter
thus passes away and so makes one
change in the building of the future.
We sympathise deeply with the afflict-
ed husband and eight surviving sons
of their mother in Israel,. She was a
devoted member of tfhe Melodist
Church and the Re*. A. L. Russell con-
ducted the last service o1•erher'remrins
Ben ja;tatu Case, Esq, of Hay, we re:
vet to learn Missed �, 11 a
p �pe< cefu y away
to dais long' home on Wednesday morn-
ing last at 3 o'clock. A pioneer who
travelled nearly over the whole world.
He settled many years ago in this part
of the country and stood in the first
rank of 'successful farmers. Falling
into ill health some months ago, he lire -
ger ed in: much pain and weakness un-
til the end .which we recon: above. An
honorable pian whose word was his
bond,a kind father, and a pious Christ-
ian thus passed over to the silent ma-
jority1'He was `one of the, oldest .and
t 7 [
most prominent memberof the Eng-
lish Chuich is this parish and attend',
,�• ed the Service and. Holy Communion
plL ?:..
with. his latest strength. We join with
the whole community in the sorrow
which is after: ail only a fraction of the.
deep grief' the widow and faintly must
fca.1 His funeral is arranged for Fri-
day at 2 p.
Personal R�ent1on,
n Friday
last after a
In the York of:Novem-
bor 214. Robert Errant begins a brilliant
and entertaining. inn social satire under
the title, of "Mrs Harold Stagg." The
story is told 1'. i th amusing aquiet
e ever) l(,ls whit h. has mride the a 11t11nr's:
reputation. and contains many striking
ideas which will cause Society's bale,
bone to ('1,1'14' like 111e An;;lommni
enc,," it places its heroine under ri+
erl„s filo Irmo a wealthy swell and. air1
talented yo;tth to -fame and fortune um'
l)uorii---a situakilni which alloys, 13.13,.
e ,,,
rrlt + u
,' l
t t t ,t1 n.. ) .1 ei.:' . '..0 bDf11 .
,l ll rt1 0
baud York ,New 1 U1 n SUCit(ty. .
(11'i x 7 dal: evQ111151' last 1111 11+311 ii t1
nl .911 s of i'.. O ' , 1v11 021. took place "
1111 their h ll. lw ol. 1i11rlii f,'n(inrl 1 (11 1
, 1??t7 � 'f." rP 4 ((r .:71 (111111 e10
t 111,(x, r,r 7.'1 ' .', (1 Clinton,„(111
1):', L'iet tn.,• , 1 4(1 int 1 ::.• ' (li (1,;1
tz•ll,rl, ors 1'4 1:'. nt. ,`(1tt.r tri li�+i'al
; (43 (1 )1 , $ 'WAS 4190:011141 11'ii1
. ';',11101:1"t11'7,'. °1' 1:, 1: 4 t i (1 1114 elet-i;•li
113+4.11i�:(1: for 1 (it 11 ?',Y•1( ll•'--_.'
V. 'Al, Bro. If 1 41'11'i,00ll;
s., glia;
("hall .1. 33411(4 1 IY '1(1;
les. .:i t et1.1.:.el,,
lobo It httl t
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1 �hlrr5p7;("„ 1(3 i) 4444 ilk . ,114
a'I'tl lt• 1t.'4:,11"f (1i.10, 1
ttti1 ,et4'1111. 1. ,,,;'), f' I. 1. ,,. !:'tlt, ,ftp
1 1 •1 a
.Stsd lil•r re ~11,1. , tl,u le l.3, is ire ..
s';.0eit 111' t'a Y1.
1 + 1 to%+, r, r.; 11111 ,c',,:i
1:'r(ih3.,6.,.• ,1`. )1+3
,1411VA 310;,lt1i,
.t51I S :'i'rR ,,1zT11 tis r•,r
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eoe r,1:' l t'-14 ;ors loft
th,..1 t , c 'l ,.' , ,1.1
., n,1,.,1i" •.f (;111 a1+ , lm<,,,t ,` 1,l, , .1.
i':1, f+71" (7111 1 E . , a1 1l'1.1(li 'he 7t'lil
4+li.I ill t1f1e:, nclirt4+3 1 ('tri• 1,101(1,01, 111;,"
rririsr ;,191u'" 1laaiil Itns 11:x.,:;,','.1 aro" of
„ir , 'w,
his t ).tai+x,.,r fns' ) t 1 , ''1' ;,t •t x,,
.Ertl( , r r 1, 11 l ,,,:
IlC,1r }i1 l:lt(>.t}tl., �,) ::1x,'..1,.1 ,.hTl,,.,11,4.+i
With them at li;llne,
11 11 t
i1 1 1. 11
1,,Ie tr
it' t(10
;t 1• ee;, ,1 ', i' . i.;!!?'''.l lr 1, 11
1a ie 1 1., 9 1 C''; (1' 1Ito
r'1 It I 1
1, 1'1'1315tit'El,'11�
111 pili' , 4 t 4 l 71)1 (HA.: 4(30it1 1 q, 1111
, 11,1., tit.; h': (•1 .('11 L, 9;1 i" 11 ,.; ('
1r ,1ti11- ha',
111, }t11.43 stileas, (,i..I„S: " :') at C ),•1;'
;Intl li.11.11, t,,,• � ,1- (<lrll" bail lar(',
roar ate( ,lion; 4 (11(1!
1tt a 111' f3 s'
ti": l°Ia, I „) (rllst.) rll
14911, 1'14t11(l1,x1141 tiarl('.1'1c'atH i)1i163C'.1r113
01,";11:10:', ;,,1 ,{11 ill 1 114.114';: 4i1cl 01' a 'fair
C,h {'1[C'. tU laa(i'1't Lilrl c.l)tt0J.tioI,
r .)1 ri.,il;-.
rn 1 1 (,I 1t (.14'.p;.
The 'tn ,,, t)a.,;,.'nt to y,l,l, ll. etlo„n1
lrutllil Ill the, %x1.11¢ n11'c.itde(1 "in 1)air1::
( rsl' Africa" lee llc ul , 1l' 11t'11ae;'4 11'(1)`
S1tie 1J)• '011j;1t• `acral);'T;o7V'al 11atll;1„(,otni.
''11( p)'ir)tinf,,
w ,', tri( '.I.l• .t t _ ,1' 'rld!�,,f f1004!%,%
l it , r r • is �1u;`ono r,6' the 11104
ri ,)ty1 (1{' t.)'; 4030)1, (1s1
pulrl t'< ion 0 1 4 1 3' 1) 1 ' 41111'1 \3'('.(1
13(.3:;, 1,:111 c.11 1n11;'tllrrtl iHiho 113�1in
,l r3,:1111;
,0 1. h ttia i. 111'1'-444 e 11100-
1'2 xil1y1 et`tiltl,lult, l "c:la.i!//
lot' [i,'tr (nU'+?' la ! 'r' r'; .,x:41 41)l' lrilci ( 5
tvymitl"vtwo 111(11,4,,rrr,1. ('It,'1('rl a,T! hnttl'y
: ill l'C'11, ('l(5 31.111' fold,""1 3,71 antnl'114Ltic
0 1'1 '1117...,"•\044011(-,1,..,311g, 7 ,: (' i , r.
t,1 .t_)) t1 l 1
h'uld, "Heel Cher„ tt4 ;l4 11+1011' Of meatl.)'14+1 wom1 11 (lpel 1.3:i t0' the Gln l01.1inos.
t11:11 1)+315 o) the address Trois,1,1,Egli rx,
ins which they ore ' tin hod , over to
4,;t1 1.114'8 of 1411(1tors propni'iog tho 1)'131"1'3
for tho deliver',' to the Post Office (1 •
I4Xa1'111450 171 expresses,' f )no 01 lh('1 1111(iO4Pt
1511('os In rlis'(l0nftry is thn;lice of
ti(;; Primly .r"r1'ad and Ti't10101')!
Mr. Samuel Sandy eoek,an[1 Jonathan.
Cooper of Biddniple were the guest of
Mr. 'Thomas Shiite on Sunday last.--
ast.-3Ir. A. A. C. Denovatl and wife,, of West
'Toronto Junction, formerly of the Me,
sons Bank'here ,sp .nt Sunday a1.1d hion
day 1)itllfriends -ftr town. -air Chai.
Senior, and wife of B1,nlluin, forta15" 1,)
of this place; are spending a Seiv Cloys
With their many friends ill. tovt-11.-irlr,
(Feu Knight of<Ilclertoii, spat Sunday
414 town. -M1'. Frank Ru4ght ..5311 of
ear worthy station master and wife,
Who left Iltire, lhOitt t111 s:; yeal.s ago for
Redondo, Ca:�lifor)lia, L.,+LL ticd'to town
011 Monday \vh ro 11,, itIta txls remain.
ing and rn tl:e it his home. -Mr. Alfred
Walters rv110 has been c :ALI:Li:1
< ( a
shoo shop 011 ,lain'st„;c1 for ., )t)' 3',.a(1
pni•(liiis.,� a tiol:.,t anti took. 11i:r
0 p1,r1are on :1iouilayfor 1Lri )0rt,1110tr.
+h S"' :-S�t�i�it'! l'imartRR;Nc
A ' man can do a wind pump business on a very airy
May catch the ear of the buyer for a time, but it won't keep
his trade. Talk is dear to the man who has his caution talk-
ed away, his scruples talked aside.
To the woman who is.talked into over buying or bu�rui a
style of goods that will not stand the test of unprejudiced
judgement, such methods are onlyworthy
whose business is to sell a i _
and not to satisfy.
These are ry t our :1:1 ethods. W : call ten
d liars ter( dollars and not nine dollars and ninety-nine
cents. This reckless reduction of price' -thus dressing• upa
l -,
ten dollar bill to look like a nine -is a fake business.
Talk is cheap i'vllen all its blowing ends in
We can show you something g chea per than talk -we T •
� 1 cz l� �� c lne�n
our goods --for talk is dear at anyrice. Goods with lint
honest X on them and not ten worked over to look as if it
were a nine. Its a fake fit to go along with Barnum's car-
cus and show bill exaggeration. ation which describes g
�, es the goods.
Plairi =ealx.xlg has no S .zeal-
_ so -We still have our celebrated 25c Tea the talk'
Of the town. -C. �_
Soirc1ig BiffereQt fro� oiLi,Gr Stoves.
The S pecilties th3 Novelties, the Oddities I , l itles of the A RT
stove aiie creating a sensation• For the
first time in many year§ there is a coal stove that is on every
tongue. Manufacturers, travelling men,,stove dealers, 'fain.-
els and, in fact, evel'T person interested in stoves are g
-.. �l - N 1.. 4 tGZll.lir �.
about the O1� TES s o
�e s this?p t
Because they iL !�a. sr, i
��v:* (G �.l is daring In its 1"'cy''
. ��V ��,�AL>�s�y b U I,.,11.a.:
lit r. ' ft leaps to thefront' r
3 p front with its wonderful improvements,
�, o other stove has anything l lk.e it. New from top to toe.
. L• .
Brilliant from urn to base. Beautiful in its effect under fire.
Radiant on the parlor floor, and eloquent in its hot air con
C it R
has au :�a:,• � f4 - lead,
) _.."�' already
rc P -t the P.. .d: w �"1', " r:
irk f, OEM th5.le a a, i t areal. h �� the : pole, ad";oi. t
will haw to y,� o,,,a o f o 1 qqq p��yq/� . a i
'W be a good, trj �rx l�atu W. l�.�tc��9i: 6'lyd� 6d:V tilr��6Vrim�� it.
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�cOar; C>ut�iS�M,
A full assortment of cook and parlor stoves on hand 1 .�:ICt 1rhicl
n n sold, and VERY .1
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