HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1890-12-11, Page 511� or Te &nvicE TO MOTHERS. Ate YOU disturbed at night and broken of yout rest by a sick child suffering and Drying With pain of cutting teeth? if so, send at Once ancl get n bottle of MRs. wINSLOW'S SOOTHING 'TWA', volt Ult1LDR►iN TI1K'rullfo. its value is inoaleul. able. It it' ill relievo the poorlittlo sulrorerimnne• diately. Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. it wires dysentery and char. irhma, regulates the stomach and bowels, euros Vv do l5 so(tons the gutris reclucesiniiammo- le the prescription or one otthe of oust and best House'of. l ej)resentdtive9 �l reso111tton female nurses and phyaiclans in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists through. instructing the committee on ways and !oat the world. Price Ab gents abottle. , means to report bills repealing the in• creases in duties enacted by the Mekin- ley, bill, and to place on the free list lumber; wool, salt, coal, ores, dye stuffs SINCE, CHILDHOOD'S DAYS. SThs,-I cant highly recommend Hag- yard's PectorialBalsam, It cured my daughter of a cough she had been troubled with since childhood. She is now twelve years old. Mit$, M. FAIR - culla), Scotland, Ont. tion, and dyes `tone and einergytothc^cyholo Pepreaent'i tiVe Wike, of Illinois, yes, CUILIOt. 11TH �tiINaLow'e pleasant Cuu,hn>� TNT;TniNaistllatnaanttotirottiete,and terday introdldeed in the United States Z'he Indian scare in South 'Dakota has not subsided. T' 0 scouts sent out from Pine Ridge agency were chased away with bullets and one haci his horse shot from under him. The hostiles aro when Nasal Balm' will speedily rcheye said to be thirsting for blood, and have Slaughtered 500 head of cattle belong- and,petmaiiently cu'e the worst case ins' to the Government. Provisions of Catarrh and Cold in the head, Sold by all dealers• and other articles of raw material, Why ;'o :iclout hawking and spitting have also been stolen from settlers. All Merl, young, old, or Middle-aged. who find themselves nervous, weak and exhaust- ed, wllo Nile broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of .the following symptoms: Mental depres'1011, permatnre old age; loss of vitality, loss of inemerv, bad dre,alns, dimness of sight,palpittition of the. heart, emissions, lack: of energy, paid 14 the kidneys, headache, pimples on the face or body, itching or peculiar sensation. about the scrottiln, wasting of the organs, dim, dress, specks before the eves, twitching of the muscles, eyelids and elsewhere, Lord Thomas Francis ii remonte Cottesloe is dead. He was twice secre- tory to the treasury, and had also been secretary of war and chief secretary, for Ireland, Ile was 92 gears old. More crises of sick heartache, bilious- ness, constipation, can be clued in less time, with less medicine, and for 'less' money, by using Carter's Little Liver Pills, tran:byeany other means. Bev. illi, Careen gives as his chief reason for leaving the Methodist Church and accepting i he •Detroit call,. his objection to the system of short. pastoral terms and frequent changes, THE BERMUDA CABLE. ,7777 N, AND SEVEN QUESTIONS 1, Do you purpose buying an Organ or Piano? 2. Do you wish to rent a Piano or Oro -an? bashfulness, deposits in the urine, loss The Bermuda cable now complete, of will power, tenderness of the scalp or could carry no truer tidings than that. spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire Burdock: Blood Bitters excels all other to sloe, failure to be rested by sleep, remedies in curing diseases ofthe constipation, dullness of hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, excitability' of temper,' sunken eyes surrotinded with LEADEN CiRCLr1'7, oily looking shin, etc., are all symptoms of nervous debil- ity that lead to insanity and death. unless cured. The spring or vital force having lost its tension every function wanes in consequence. 'Those who through abuse committed in i�;nor- anceinaybepermanent ly cured. Send your address for boor: on all diseases peculiar to man, Address M. V. LUBON, 50 Front-st. E., Toronto, Ont. Books sent free sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms of which are faint spells, purple lips, numbness, palpitation, skip beats, hot flushes, rush of blood to the head, dull pain in the heart with beats strong rapid andirregular, the second heart beat quicker than the first, pain about the breast bone, etc., can posi- tively be cured. No cure, no pay Send for book. Address M. v. LUBON, 50 Front Street, East,, Toronto, Ont. Aug. 7, Wady. At Cobourg last evening Andrew McGuire pushed llkiss Tucker and her escort gamed Turner betiveentwo mov- ing trains at the station, with the sup posed intention ofkilling them. They escaped -with slight injuries, and Mc- Guire: g'ot away: It is said to bea case of jealousy. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castors When she became Bliss, she clung to Castoria. When shelled Children she gave themCastoria. stomach, liver bowels' and blood. Known everywhere as the perfect blood purifier, curing even the worst cases when all else fails: Judge McDougrill of Toronto stated to the grand jury at the opening of the County Court yesterday that he was, opposed to the abolition of grand juries. Everest's Liver Reg 111 ator has proved the best medicine I ever tried for im- pure blood and liver complaint.—John Jones, Hillsboro P. 0. Mrs. Elizabeth Hollenbeck, widow of Joe Hollenbeck, of Los Angeles Cal., has deeded in trust about $750,000. worth of property to found . home for indigent women and homeless children., A HORRIBLE MURDER. Recent floods in the yicnity of Tien- Tsin, China, have`rendered a vast port- ion of the residents homeless, The because se desperate e do sel< become peoplehave be p of la threat - of lack: of food and: shelter: and - en to massacre the European residents. Conisuniptiof Cured. • An old physican, retired from pract- ice, shaving had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Con- siimption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections, al- so a positive and radical cure for 'Nei. vous Debility and all Nervous Corn plaints, after having tested its wonder- ful curative powers in thousands of cas- es,has felt it his ditty to make it.known nown to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human siiferin. I will send -free of A horrible murder involving the loss of one life attracts treater attention than the thousands of deaths occurring normally from scrofula ,and bad blood. We wan to attract attention to Bur Blood Bitters, the proved and popular remedy for these forms of disease. It cures even old chronic obstinate cases which have, defied all other treatment. George Tungett, a farmer living near Ottawa, Ohio ,has been murdered by Edward Herten. Heaton had served a term in States prison and was recent- ly released. Ile blamed, Tungett for testifying, against him. Dr, Williams' Pills cure Sup- pressions of the periods, Female Week ness, Nervousness, headache, etc.They never fail good for poth mon and wom- en. A trial will convince. A• gale with a velocity of SO miles au hour visited the coast of Newfound land on Monday and blew down build- ings, fences etc, in the outskirts of St. John's, and the shipping at Harbor Grace suffered considerable damage. The French shore also shared in the calamities. If there ever was a specific forany Little then Carter's Li one complaint, Liver pills are a sbecific for sick heah ache, and every woman should know this. Only one pill a dose. Try thern 3. Do you want a reliable Tuner to take care of yo'ln Piano by the year? 4. Have you a Piano to move? 5. Have you seen our beautiful Six -Octave Piano -Cased Organ? 6. Do you know that by calling at Hicks' Jewellery store you can see a splendid stock of Organs, dif- ferent styles and different prices, 7. Do you know that by writ- ing a card and directing it to G. F. °axes, Box 11, Clinton, or calling charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, in German, French or English, with Oil is the best thin I:hhve ever used.. full directions for preparing and using ( u Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, ,• naming this paper, W A. Noyes, 820 Powers? Blocs., Rochester, N. Y.,Fcby. 6 -90. The recount for Vaudreuil has re• versed the verdict announced on poll ing day, and Dr, Lalonde has been de- clared elected The Conservatives claim to have enough eviclence°to again unseat Dr, Lalonde. 'IANO a THE MASSES. FOB u!; • Organs or Pianos at prices that will suit purchasers. . Second hand pianos to rent. A reliable Piano tun- er er se .t to any part of the count. Pianos moved a nd a-- aged. Six -Octave Piaos cases, handsomest in Canada. :i at Hicks' Jewellery Store, rxetei, 12 illus you can prOC11rE'iT: splendid traced catalogue of Organs and Planes.' A Detroit despatch says William Pinkerton, Of Chicago, reports that JamesMcGuire,•llias "Cap" Roach, who was sent to Kingston penitentiary from Windsor about four months ago, 'and who escaped from there, was one of the men shot while robbing a safe at Den- ver' Col: a few days ae'o• tiv ].Vlasic furnished .: for church opening entertainments, &c. Write for catalogue �,-----OB TO— to to S, Olint.n0 I3ICIiS' JEWELL S'I10114+i, EX H;1'F:1{• 3. 1 For firSt c lasS furltire At riglit prices go to R. N. ROWE, the leading �a IN THI'E FAR WEST. Away West in British Columbia, II rgyard's Yellow Oilis known and stlued`highly, is at home in Toronto. Miss Eleanor Pope, of fort Haney, B. C., say's: "For: sore throat, coughs; croup; Bruises, etc., I-figyard's Yellow bel Mind wandering cured kooks In rrxocl in one rearing. Testimonials 1r.in :ul parts of the globe. Prospectus t let rnmr,; sent on Replication to 97 Fifth rot. A. Loisotts. an Ave. New York, tr Rev. W. W. Carson, of Kingston, has, it is said, accepted the Detroit tall and his resignation has been handed to the .Sy denhU11 street Methodist church, to take effect February 1, 1891. � flit r7 o • Catarrh s Iao s Remedy for t b�}G Hest Busiest ' to Ilse an.ci Cheapest. WIRIEN =WORM POWDERS. Ara }',casaad fo ta,h'. Coreain the/g'ow '. l J' 1);y Je Zs asafe, slow and. effect cc: v rideslroyer of:vorrnsiiaChi drenorfldrit. n- Q,'X V i'2M_ • ISL'2'2VW 2 a 22'—"'•�••��vino. • Oto Board 0 io ft he T The council o Trade has accepted the invitation of the Grand Trunk and Canadian Pacific Railways to visit the mines at Sudbury The party will leave on Monday even - Sold by drugp;lsts or sent by malls, the. E. r. itazettluc, Warren, Pa„ U S. A. A vigilance committee on Bad river in Soutlt Dakota, lynched a number of squaw men suspected of stealing ellttle and there is considerable excitement in the locality. I really believe I would not be olive at this time had I not used Everest's est's Liver Ue, ulator,—JL. Scoular, . 11 orest 11'. 0: IHE.1R;1E AND THERE. Here and there rind everywhere where play be found lers0111, who have 'used and now honestly praise Burdock. Blood Bit- ters for its Wonnerfrll blood. purifying, cleansing, and tonic effects 'in, all dig Erases of the sl:omache, lives; bowels and blood. Staud one door north of MOLSONS B.ANK- Main-st., Exeter. ROBT, N. RO Wi GLEDIAL ST1, A complete Mock of Reliable Brea s Pureand �� 1.B ALWAYS KEPT. .11 PEOPLE MAY BUT HAVE THEY THE GOODS TO ACK IT UP. Having purchased the Estate of Jolul Brawn, I have thoroughly refitted the factory; and am manufacturing an elegant line of furniture in Oak, Cherry, Maple and Ash. N to so 4_ a o the Prices. Bed Boom Sets in Antique Oak polished at $18.00 and up; Sideboards in Antique I Oakerand Ash at 15.00 and u p; " is Maple, Cherry and Ash at $3.75 and up;lished at $16.00 and up; Maple, 5. Beds, new stile, in Maple or Birch at $1.90.. And a hay. assortment of Hall Stands, Extension Tables, Writing Desks, Centre • l deolee rices. lee � • co at e1 Ash, and v Tables, all in Walnut; Oak, Cherry and Asl ,y 1 Rellleillber make no trashy elm Furniture and a sell as cheap as the Cheapest. 100,00000,0�0 feet ofr. Lumber and cords of snood-vAnted in exchange for fu.>lniiture, .on hand. �� nalways ReMember goods a1 �ta111n A full Line of Undertaking y the Stand—Factory and 1•t arerikoms two doors orth of Town Hail, Exeter. Ptitillodiciam Wes; Druggist's NOM Parni At right and reasonable prices. Prescrip#ons and 'Fatally Receipts Carefully Prepared. �lifl 0111SitifIR coorasca.,a violosate Rig! Grocers, SPIRIT erchants, i iBiLi C� L �� J. Merchant Tailor, T 1118BIEL, ROM' the best in the 7mqar��!lket.�, (� [� C. L V TZn PROP, For Sale. Has now in stock A. FIRST-CLASS UNE OF WALT. . A DREVIS CATTLE FOOD, tm for Good, , gents' romniZhingz, etc', Maple Ave. Stock Fartn, Lucan, Ont., Nov. 29, 1890. Bart. Catlin], Esq., London, Ont., DnAit Sm.–I have given the CHAM- PION FOOD a fair trial and haye no hesitation in pronouncing it the best (prepared food I have ever used. Some of my horses had an attack. of INFLU- ENZA and I feel them CHAMPION FOOI) with their ration of gratin and bran and never saw anything work a r the better so ra y. It , for idl p change, seems to remove all impurities from the system withwithwhich no animal scan bo in a thriving condition. I have also some colts that have been troubled With worms but after giving them a eouple of feeds of CIIAMPION FOOD they passed them in large quantities. CHAMPION FOOD must soon come into genera' use and I have been talk- ing to'several of our farmers and stock- men about it and shall be pleased to promote the interests of your VALU- ABLE ALU -ABLE FOOD. I shall 8001-1 be corning to London where I shall require some more. I am, dear sir, yours very truly, F. H. NEIL. Sole agent for .Exeter for IvoR.I,lL COLLARS ANI) CUFFS. The best collar and. cuff in the mhrket A CALL SOLICITED. i . r t' 3aii aotmty'a . 1 losirablo resi0,nee in Ts.eterNorth, grew frame House, ono -fifths acre of land. !Phe liotns° was erected in 1888. Good term s 'bej llnnrchasor. Apply at ;itis Daces. 14184 S. THE LEADIh G Undertaker AND Furhur OF THE I have an immense Stock of Furniture and Undertaking Goods now on hind, which I will sell at rightprices. IINDERTAKIN4I A SPECIALTY. .An examination of our Sto Solicited. se