HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1890-12-11, Page 1• A3,1,. The Molsons Bank. (Chartered. by Parlianient, 1855.) Paid up Capital. $2,000,000. Rest Fund.... .... 1,000,000, Head office mentrsai. F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Esq., GENnieel, MANAC,1311. Twenty Branca offices in the Dominion Agenoles in the Dominion, U. S. and Europe. ====1271R. ..-E3M,33.1\TOMM, Open every lawful clay from 10 a rn to 8 p, m., Saturdays 1,0 a. m , to 1 p. m. A general banking business transacted Vor por centper annum allowed for money on. Deposit., Receipts. R. H. ARCHER, Exeter, Jan 28, '88. Manager. THE Aitgter gt,b11,10Cate, lished every Thursday Morning, at the Office, MAIN ‘,STREET, XETER. 13y the SA.T. DEng' PUBLISHING COMPANY. TERMS OF SUI3SCRIPTION. One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance. 61..,:id) ix' not so paid. _rrtMizztte= paper discontinued until all arrearageS are paid. Advertisements without specific directions will be published. till forbid and charged. ancordingly. Liberal discount made for transcient advertisements inserted for long periods, Every description of JOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Chenues,money ord- ers, &c. for advertising, subscriptions, etc. to be made paywble to Sanders & Sweet )PlItivroas ' 431utm.qt. bilecetary. TRIViETT Onunon.--Rev. S. P Robinstrm ROtet. Sunday Services, 11 a.m. s,nd 7 p 8 Sabbath School, 2.30 pm. MIttlffont On u iton-Jarn es-st ,'Rev. A. L. Russell., Pastor. Sunday Service5,10.30 a. ra. anibl:30 'p.m. Sabbath School, 2). m. itt24.11.7 ST:MET—Rev. ilson, raster. Sun day Services, 10.30 a.m. and 0 30 p.m. Sabbath School 2.30 p. _ PRESTITTEltrAgGIIITTIcn.--.Ltev. Allart.01, Pastor. Sunday Services, 11 a. m. and 0.30 p. m. Sabbath School, 9.43 a.m. ProfeSszoicalt Cartl$. ..ICINSMA.N,ILD.S, east side of MAIN STRUM:, EXETIVtt, extracts teeth with- out pain. Away, at .ffenthiLl on 16 b n.v; Ailsa Oraig on :lxicLand. 4t1 Tuesday; .,41.i 1 Zit ri oh on 11,1,813 'tbaik,;(1ity of each 3n,013.t1L. T B WEIITF,L11, M.D.. C. M., 3115.SIOIA721 • and. Surgeon.. Office and residence -- Corner -Victoria and Elgin streets, Goclerieb, Ontario, R. JA. ROLLINS. 0FFI0fAIN ST. .LJ• Ilesidence--Corner Andrew anci North Streets, Exeter, Ontario. rt IT. INGRAM; DP:NTIST, Idember nova . College Dental. Stirgeons, stidoessor to FE. L. Billings. Office over 0',231 011-'8. Bank, :Exeter, Ont. .A. safe anaesthetic given for the painless extiliction of teeth. ' Crediton on Monday. Liman every Friday. HODT,lihiva; Ontario. Licansed'emet- y iouocr f'or theCountios of ldiddlesex and. Lamidun, and, the townships of Stephen and I -fay All sales proinptly attended to. DOSB1c1TERRY, Hensall Ontariti. L .10.4 s eused Auctioneer for .the CoUntys of Huron ami Perid. Charges motiorate and. satisfaction 'guar:into...Li. • ' EXETER, ONkTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11 1890. C FACTS 0, .4.. We have, and keep constantly, one of the cleanest and best assorted stocks of la re LA gs 9 Patent, Medicines, Dyes,.113ye stuffs, Combs, Brushes, etc., in town, which we sell at prices below any. Our stock of drugs is flesh and we sell them at fair prices as we are not members of any Druggist's Association. We do not use the scheduled price or the Huron & Brace Druggist's Association, and can therefore offer druo's at fair and reason- able prices. We solicit a call. W. E. COCHENOLDR7 Proprietor, Corner Drao• Store. yoasemo.y...soeso Exeter Roller Fill's. ARKET REPORTS. WHEAT, 88 TO 90 etper bush Our Selling Prioor:c 11 T1ER V, .31 , unite r Royal C. oll e England; Licentiate Royal College of j.iiV$t&)jt1) 1urgh; Mint box Collotfo C'hysicians awl surgeons, Ontario, Orlle,3; Mitchell's old stand., er,.IllitOrt, ,„e3•11%. WILL EA.1‘1 SIVKBT, VETER- ' inary Surw000. Ora dual o . 'rtironto. tor.trt a TY .oc nth- Si$Petal.,3,ty. olutte jOIk(,1.ti: nt 11).)). rialt c 1Cniaziu. -0 31, (.1( i4Lrr1 11 A, ail Con vevniteur. N et ttr,tr i'Mke wt•ll's Exeter 01 “i." -o 1A/4.1,11. • 31111 Flour, strong baker$2 's, .75 per 100 •" best family, 2.35 " low grade, 1.75 " " Bran, Middlings, Screening's, Chop, _ IT. T. t' i,r;otto t - n -t••(--1, 110 1.C/6)t .1-F6P:it/ICA 80 lt 90 90 " " 1.00 to 1.25 " Chop stone running eDery day. TER1VIS CASE. The Exeter Milling Co C•samyymms•rsuovatoroma M 01111EROIAL) LIVERY0 .4.o....s.aamo•oa..•ama.amo. IOSSINNZIMMOSSA•ainn First Class RIGS And HORSES. ORDERS LEFT AT THE, HAWK SHAW , HOTJSE OR AT r.CHE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT , LY ATTENDED To. e•-e,00,:eseeee.ele releet-esee Oonnoct,lon. ' ' • ' ' • EXETER MARKETS. Wheatper bushel. $0.90 to 0.9 Barley.-- . .. . .. . Oats • • • . Peas . . . Ege's per doz . Butter, B.olls. , • ... . . Butter, Crocks Potatoe,s per bush... . .. to 6 Hay -per ton . 7.00 to 7.0 Clover Seed 3.50 to 3.5 Wool • . . . . 18 to 1 exassuaymzumneramutwaugnrralso.r.,==myrricAormrs...en Bitgli Schott:a, • The -Milieu', re ex omit) a don to High Schools and Collegiate Institutes will be held this Car 011. December 22nd, 23rd, and 2-1`th, commeneing. each day at 9 o,clock There is a slight alteration le the regulations upon the drawing and 'writing, which 1L tis aS f011OWS:--- -Prawbg Book No, 5 of the C011-11 of public sehools. The proper formatinn of the 61111111 told capital .letters. The ion should Le presentedat,this meeting, . . M. EACRETT,Ckil seltool Nitinuite33t Dec. 8th. Board met at ,tho residence of the chttirman at 8 p. absent VV. Treble and W. Hoskin. Items passed:- iNiinutes of preVious meeting --per Hueston and .A. G. Dyer, that the en- dorsed account as contained in the bill presented bey W. J. Bissett amounting, to $104.13 be paid to each man's 'order upon due endorsation of W. J. Bissett --per H. Iluestori and A. G. Dyer, AD- vecAno ape, of $31.00 for printing—per H. Ilueston and A. cf. Dyer, that the sum of fifteen, doliara be allowed to the janitor fur extra se'l•vices in connection with the, furnaces --per H. J-Tueston aitcl A. G. Dyer, that the committee on janitor's agree,mer•t be empowered to close with the'present janitor at a sal as of $200 for the year 1891, that the conditions be the same. as for 1890 with the further stipulation that the differ- ent departments be hea,ted to a tudform temperturo of 85 degrees by 8.45 a. m. duriag the se,ason, aud that the mini. 1011111 and maxmum temperature of sixty-fi 4'id seventy degrees be the lirolt to maintained throughout the sessions—per 11. Iluesto'n and A. G. yrer aid the testimonial to be presexit- to Mr. G.. Tom be handed over for consideration at next mecting--per T. Fitton and A G. T) 1, that the annual meeting be held the last Wednesday in December at the hour f 10 n. in et the eehool-e, per 9 . 130. leeeeeteee. that M. Eacrett be invited" to take the chair --per T. Fitton and A. G. Dyer, that AV. 1). AYeekes be anditor--Treas- nrerssreport that the note in favour of . , ed church. - Men heVe left memerials behind them before to (113, but riorl appeal mOre'powerful to the eye by ita beenty, oe the ear by its music, than this grand ehurch, the memorial of a life ripening under the grace of God.. The visitors from a distance weremany. Mesers Dergeseert and Coleman; carne from Toronto, Mr. Brewer from Clinton, and Mr. R. O'Neil from Liman, Sea - forth was represented by Mr. Coldwell. The Misses Farnconthe came from Lon- don, Mr Ality frbm London, and many others •well known to our people were drawn by the power of music as ever Orpheus Called to the multitude, Long maY these belle call a happy and God fearing people to the !Muse of prayerk Centralia The anmial exaMinatiOn of Centralia school will be held on Friday Deeember 1019. Lunch seryod at noon. All interested -in edocatien are wel- come. Progranitne, a varied one, Revival Meetings. are in progress. Many are coming in. Mr. Savage .the Evangelist ha gone to Aliso. -Craig, but me:etinge are'beinee conducted. by the, pastor Rev;Win. Allen. , Epworth League meet On Tuesday evening. This society is increasing in membership.- ...... 40 to 50 the Molson's Bank for $900 had been • • • • • 58 t° duly renewed ---per As G. DYer and T. t° Fitton adjourned, •J. Gnnict, Secy. ' - ....., 18 to 14 ana.agituration tihe 10 to 13 1 The Bells of the Trivia Memorial 0 0 0 9 pezeil will lee ex -ec,ed to le•rite neatly Church are at last in the tower : and ptiblic curiosity satiefied. They , were tested by Mr. Lotz, of Baltithore, on Saturday eyening, • and Mi. Sunda,y moruing the chilpee ,played. 118 adlertieed for the four eceices be- ,seinning with grand old. ,,.God SaVe the Qt:6211" 1111(1 CO tiell1Clit)t With "Abide With Mo.". Tho .cohgregatiens were very largwall day, and in the evening the nave, transepts and (even the large Space it the West end around the, fo'et were crowded;with all a il'e CelF gregation. The Rev. Principal 'Miller is the, model of 'an Englieh ecie,ler, and in all his Sermens the, feeling is, that tliat the root of tho matter is touched, and legibfee Candidates fbe 1301" 11 E'11 i'v1L:11°11s word wk -a, or a . athin in dray, ing and writing. must 0nee that `•01-11(.1 11:11 Provecl• ,- • has thc. slightest dinl,lult:y. ih hoaxing in the hands of the pre,sidii.,g tr..auliner nlact4, their drawint, and Co.Pviu,;•beelz, lid' 1." n•••• •,11., 1.0 Que OVery Wart.1, t1111-1 cl 0111 tilti 11101110111; t4110 011 flit; 1' 01.1)111.3 of the hrst dee- of the, 7-9— Kliiva. The snow the beautiful snOW.- e ePeople are all busy drawing logS'. Mr. i?eter•mda..atte gave our town flyingYvieit Oe-Stuiday. The'entertainment ef school section No. 6. iveS a grand success. The School rborn was crowded to the doors. ' All . . preseut,Were well satisfied and are now I looking lot ward:1 ' another. Mit.'V.,Ratz ls••, h Inc is home firOm -11u6kOka again, we are glad 60 8130 hie'smilince face oece more. . .. ' . William Holt. sold- his White owl lielVie. John Gillespie, of Exeter, for a , , , . 'small forttine. Brewster. ..-.--- Mis8'1.:00 coluith is ;e\S'ae.7 on a visit to .,. her ,hrother,Mr,),VAniCollins, who resides '7•.wa,;.:44,,,fifil4i,'".,,',,, • . ., ,, ,„;_,„ ;„, Mr. 1Vin. 0, Brien,-..c•ho has been work ing•in till 11011riug 01111S fOr the least three months has returned honie. On Wednesday evening last we:were favored with a heavy fall of snow : and the eleighieg has been ,good ever since' 'We would like to know if there is no law to.make people take, earo. of their liorse's.for weer since the cold weather set in there is a certain person in tp neighborhood Who has been letting his herses.,eten out night and day for 66 pick their own living. We will not pub fish his ;name this time but if this Will not make him talw.• better care of his stock his nami3 will come out in next wee,1:s 163 1113 a 0120.— The ,Masonic Grand Master, The reception given by the Masons of Exeter, on Friday eyening last, to the Grand Master of the Order, M. W. 111.0, J. Ross Robertenn, Publieher and Proprietor of the 7'elegram,, Torbnto, was generous and enthusiastic. Tho occasion being an 1,t1dreSs to the mem- bership and• a lecture on Craft History in Oanada.., •The lodge. room Was filled with, Metribers of Exeter Lodge rind visiting brethren from. Hensall. The randliastereafter his entrance into tie'Lodge, was presented with a bean - 111.11 ltheinous address; exeCuted in the noSt Skilful tit of penmanship, and which reflecte Much credit on the part of Mr. Weekes as a skilful art ist with the 'pee, and for which he re. ceived many of praise for his handiwork. The' following is a copy of the addres8:• — To the most Worshipful John Ross Rohereson Grand Master of thell Grind , A' Lodge of Canada, A. F.& A. M. Mesa, WORStriprut, SIR ,,k.R.D BROTHER: - We the Worshipful Master, Wardens. Offi- cers ad members Of Lebanon :Forest Lodge, No. 133 F. Sr, A. M., R. a, Exeter, em- bvice this,to us,inost gratifying opportunity of extending to you a sincere unanimous and hearty welcome to our lodge. Wo aro cleeply sensible of the honor by This visit conferred upon us, and sincerely trust that the benefits to, us as reasons resulting therefrom may be great and. lasting. We congratalate you,Most Worsbfpfal Sir, upon yonr elevation to the Honoured posit- ion. in the council of the Masonic body in Canaan,. "Your deserved popularity with its members and partielflarly 'your splendid ex- • ecutive and administrative ability. • Biddiiiph! ThomaS Glavin has purchased `tho..ftum, 50 acres, formerly owned by JomiS•Flanagiul; on the 2n11 con. of McGillivray, for tin : sum of $1500. No beilditio's on the farm. - • , jaws Cain bought' lot 20 on •the (ILII :eon CC'. 02 Bideltilple, for the suM of .5'3,900. S01.1t1) boundary of Didanip11, has sold his farun rulted. his exaininatinn. F,re'ry cnercise .1),„ 11 close (111,p„!couliar still AloYli.,11.0n .cortEled teacher itg 1.;ethg 113..6...; of wrart L1 --1d011 11(01303(1. th mr, c!„,rant ,. ,.‘-cito • 433' 11313 camel!". tes rro w -o ' 1- and tin: the Close of the evonin Arr. , , t. ;. 1", ols,i• of .sborty, h1131.1as r , t..i t f ttt- I, 1 1i 1 1.1,4 , Eieed entl, , h -is ‘r u• s-et1 of wee4vl blookts of '1 n- orboots4' 14(1 how()t\\ S1)rttiilyren . uri„tt icyr (1 11 mi wellehonpiece of ratmeec We likewise congratulate you upon tbe manifest enthusiasm and great success that has attended your tour among the a Msonie lodges in Western Ontario . We express our sincere Thanks for the honor by you conferred upon this lodge, by appointing one of our members an officer of the Grand Lodge of Canada. ' and. vigour of intellect, you now possess, and Arehitect lives and reigns for -ever and over. Grand Lodge above, where the worlds Great years and contiuuti in you that 'clearness cerely pray that the Grand, Architect of the And la,stly, Mctst WorshiPfu..1 Sir, we sin - Universe may bestow upon you length of that Ile may when your work on earth is completed receive and welcome yoninto the All of whioh is respectfutly presented.. After a respond from the Most Wor shipful Bro. in an able 'ancl pleasing manner, he gave an opening address on the principals of the Order, the work of the Craft, and .pointed out his desire to serve the, fraternity by these visits Nothing could be more gratifying to 'lain than the hearty ly &Come' irt.;4, received and. the large, and 'appreciative audience now before him. it was all incentiVe to him to do his utmost to make his year of office a successful one, and strengthen the Order by the pro- motion of harmony and good fellow- ship. He did not look upon. the office of Cerand Master -as being one of cold and icy dignity, for there was no dig- nity.but that of usefulness, .ancl. it NO wmayaung3., • Farqular. Mr, jaft)08 Harris is seriously ill witk inflammation on the lungs. Mr. D, 13rown is at home tit present nursing a large carbuncle, on the beet of his neck. Quite a nuinber from this vicinity attended the Trivitt Memorial Church, on Sunday last, Mr. Wm. Kay returned from Dougtu Man., last week and reports times as being good, Wonder why he did,n't stop, Messrs. D. MeNicol and Wm. Bray of this pla,ce, were the guests of Mr. Ben- jamin Ilustin, of Exeter, ou Sunday - last. The I. 0. F. of this place held a de- bate in their hall, on Friday evening last, the subject Was (B,esolve,d) that it is more profitable 80raise cattle, than horses. After some ttble discussion ou both sides the chairman, Mr. S. Camp bell assisted by Messrs J. Armstrong' and Geo. Bell, decided in favor of the negative. Some thno ago Mrs. nobert Pringle was breaking stones with a hammer; wh,en a small piece struck her in 010 e,y3 and she not thinking it very seri- ous at the time iesthing much was done for it, but lately it has troubled her a great deal aud she intends to gQ ts Loudon soon. to see some of the great doctors about it, as it is giving her a. great deal of pain. Brucefield. Large quantities of wood aTe core - trig in daily. We were pained to learn of the deatl, of Mr. Alex. Davidson, of Cartwright, Man., formerly of this place., where. Le was well known and highly esteerna by all. Mr. Alex. Forsythe, jie, returned,. home from Manitoba last week, wini-t he has been spending the summer, Hes speaks in the, highest praise of the country. A grand coucert under the ausnices of the R. T. of '1'. was held in their new hall, Tuesday eveeing. The place was crowded and au enjoyable time spent. The main features were the inusice& glasses, p,Ihnyi'd by Mrs, and Miss Sag.,‘,.; of Walton, and. the s:ilections t9'ef Seaforth Quartette chili which were well rendered. Miss Sage also sang couple of solos which ivere loudly en,, cored. Too hite fur last week A. new side -walk to the depot been completed. , -0 The Foresters and Royal Tetnp,arE have got into their new hall. The made his heart glad as_he .Stras journey- latter ietend to have*. coneeet, :in the ce inaniting the 'lodges, to .have the 'near future, mi a grand : hearty hand shake of that portion of the niemberehip whIch did have the: opportunity of being present at the Grand Lodgee The Grand Master then proceeded. with his acldrese,sin which he 0 -ave the history of Masonry in Canada A considerable number of sleighs and cutters areelyieg ";.theut this last, few days. Large qurint-itic!8 grain and hogs are conimg ti c heu.. st pl.s ,both. • for Oyer a bemired years, . holdtng th fof audience for (nee' an hour. Ho. reeer- ed to the. origin of the Englith Jitito in 1717,111d. the four:grand ledges of 1717, 1725, 1750, 111)111770 in England and the union .which took plaee in 1813, forming the' present• grand lodge. in Englend, then in pleasant and -Cuter, )i n foym he 831.16 the Craft History Messrs.Hothain end. (111111 9111113 takeit contract of loag dinwoo,...i.fr0111 Mr. N • 'Scott, four cars per day. Public Fichocl Honor Roll The following is the honor roil fol of Upper Canada 11..1)2, the, struggle " the four higlist, rooms of Exetor pueiie for -independence of grand lodges of 1.70.2,1.9.2'2 and 18,0,the Morgan trouble had 111311)' anecdotes and incidents Which delighted th0Se presellt. 1,,Te sNite of liis risit to England -to their school for November, the names peewe3. ing order of merit. Perxeieer.'e itoon Essery, Albert Gre (Pore, Kinme e 11. Greed T odee, d (ra e description • Sit. Fiore 1110 Mart -zee the Free Mason'e 'in Loe(101), i hOS 11-113b,".11, Furl, cavi, ls 1 1;s ,roletail 1 lt•l o l w 9 , 1, 01, 1111 „ iloe 7 4o1.71-5(1ut,1 31witineo :• U s t•i t 'c - a ="" iti"-b-1 arel to hbretheru tO h le. l. 111,1101113,111,1101113,tl ; Ai nt.7io 0J e mmpIlompHoo r ,, 11'roit e rallnw.tmgii.• :„opw1 tolth , tyhse ticn,' - e e ' • 'm sf yAv mmhoat,,asoior„ cover; ,gts'trnpo2 (hooarrilg:o5‘'111)1 0111111" their obligatiseed value the fellowCrech eo:nine • Ser)11-1` 31, 61 193911R11.4,( w111 be madin favor of wor1.111311341)' of Cinnudge, the 3. Ow t to0 .viin ctrn : c a , V ''l1 " rJ. (1)1)1 1.11 in the autraldiiqc 11111- 1) 111)1.1 131114 31 t,nOern e1131Shail in 1)1)'' ;ortie 1:.rs,y, 1. 111.1 conclusion of nobortson's Bella Wc$tcot, 1131411(0 Geo,urgtz,• ••, - ' . hNddrag(aveurtle.1l it 31)41.943:3 its (retres111)1111 - . 1 I.e'-I..'lJ, e 7 is.:1ev",' " ekl. 1"-povi,•'tce'r4isl, t-,,"o ...1 I,l:• 11i„ oti„-•k%, "-„-„"- „"- ,• . ,;,. .,„„1„',1.;.„ . ,4411t,t,,,,",,•-,,,‘.11• ,„4I 1.,4„'' 44- ,„ .4''„. 4 '„- -. • '• t:tst ,t,i.'lt” 3 ;'.41• 3,1 0 f, - .;;. .t, iiest,..) ..1 e‘, 11 4,-k -, 91168 ,,l,.u.3,ley. r ' saeit.e..oien• c - .) .8. , ., ,„ i 1;1v6e1.,, ,,+-. ,...0 1, ,,,,1l. .111 i. . . .', , etnet,l eev eIl.,,' e t trs, eMl eqPAaRct1n. e F . L . 0T;.7 T 1 . .,....,'. °e,-"„c , a . .a --,,.„-tr , .I,„ ;( „o, , :o .s eees,e e es, p t• e ; e ' 1%.s(a't1).44(. l(i(„4 , /1114),3 stretTIM 00114301 m1 11' or&l02 tl,:rdeeil, oett)), 1,4 030ete.isesl!3 1r‘7.,-•,' 1 , [1241 )VP. IVilol , 13 ''` 12 1(13'(” 1344)3 7 ', .q6 1H..o.• ' : ‘1.3I1i 161 I 11:1‘ Offe. , l wee el.11 t ik..•t•'-t i,naeted 'ra,SI oor , 0 '.. t.4, 1EtS , Nt, -r.,, en•'-':', 7• 1'll'`' .'',1.tl`,,',•''„:...,' ..,,.,.1,. 1 14011 y.; I(1[1)1r0i14011111 v.,d1ysi1 3)' '.'.f.;1',11 t . ` t1 • .I. I. .. -i, - .:•. 1, - , • . ,: " , o r- . ees' (131113. 3131 1111)13'1iityc,iinctat rtour;mut; ()3211 ` 14115044 0.'15 . 7101•41e)1ile 31 14 e 1we'enet1 341ero .111 1.lv1.I,()A 434 l led thio fllee 11 1 1 VeA111 11313n1)()i„i,,1 e1ee4tll t 1141. 1. 11 ...,,4„1`1,...m.11. "eit,..el le.- ',V. ti. -..."„ie s'e'te e-,,..eisi les l'e; I t,10. zreeeter. es 11 i 1 „..., 1 .. ,. - --el .. , ......% ,..,..„. , ;',o til,,, Clreeci ,,i',,e-er, 3.3 ',1'1. i Ind1(1-1VO. •t,vp,‘,-,„,, :,,:•'...i:,,..;...0..,..t.•1 1•;;,• IA. ..-pa.ritu.i.a,•••,, lint.; Itt1t2;,t t..t,i 1..t1rti,„:.;.,./. e1op,L21,:g-si4011, 11,,,,,...1.t. ,, IP .. ,,,. ” .c $.5,041 \v.', b r ,, ttil iet,',I.Y:”: 111 ta 2 -".1,r'•t 8.1111t• V.':',.'S 110'; ,:`,1,A,...i. , • ' 1 r74 i. '..6..ftoo r).l-l1'I4 i'1 g, 4 -.l: ‘ .:0 1. ,•:'(..".! -e'.s1,,.t-e:.,1 1Is. , .A's',•`(svi-•Xe••.'t-;-; een1l,t lirtoe4clm1.;:tsoitti,1 r.-zi t.1-,s'ya.e,..;,.;i„3, eettlaiell.t.11 esyt(,e eles .1i`sr ,c 1 1'4015 , •-•*- '' -111 ' 1--, tt-n(.311131 1)1:1':111'1 1 Ln'\`'831, 10'1. .,1 , 3,52:1, '5 .1"1 .t1 111 • ' w. -.' 1.Li1''921 1ri:'to011to.••01he,ols:1‘:11112I)I31.7. f11 . leoliton. 4lee s1,e1 1 1,i Creeen 3o3o1i33) 1.11 111 3 rh i 1 5 1 t r" 1041 ‘li t 111 1 0t11 0111isIolhf141 131.Ni11I4 toieretv'111n1eli111 „ ,; , ! 1., , ; '•••1 „, t. ..'. 1ei1i.lie's'ee'- ee1. '4,,, 3* N1)tlt01)14)1-1 01"1"t,"01f 113411 I1 1:1.1111 11 I,4)3)('t'113.13wthtleneetrees.e : 43) o 14 1CI11» 1 1 te1111e4e11ee1e1 ies ldleh11so1, in1131 31)33 visitltrob.e10 1 11 fia3 _ fOritotil 1(1 0)211111'.ti311j,ata;;"3(in 41) 4444 1131.411 1i/ty?tin()Is, I)tlii 340'34'1311,1or;thcraps1111.3 11448641 '14112 1113:'3(i.SIOW1.'U 0(11 41 141011'), 431 r -:.s 1313 rlunllllg • '11'31 0 1 1 1 „.., \\e31)1)13't:1onilore:1 $1to,vorotril 11.4 (1141 111113-1 of To ronift1.1, (“); J''34'1W.111 \ ' 518' ‘.As•111Vit illto (1,1". ei4rlit e1111.311.,,ti, ftrtir Tor.31.to, `10 .1-.`3 to 1",`"2,, l 1104 110311,4 1,1.10r, •••;/ „, -1.).^, VT ltr...4";', i , 1 (1 e • ••• • • sett`, 2111,' 1 4313 335 131 :flo; 11413 3113153 11118381.1)c: rt,1111)sys f Sfr0 ii,1 j, eelees,ssee te,eire .1e4 .1,e. It It t, • - " • • 1041103, bu' -114 Vg,•'., 14111(411 1. , . „ Eser,eue e.test.e ;11,.(1, \mixt, 4, 1.3) 1.2 'fur 111 011.1, •3'' 1 • 10,1,4 C'0'1.1d _ .1 (t`tt, 5.1.1'.1. 1 4) 113 11I1 013.1 11,1 ha 1.K.`,3`14 8f1.3‹.11111 les,serei (31)3113 11 1211. 293 r..,10311)• • iv Vok i)1\'11 1)14(1 1;111.1.-1211;01341.61. 1,11.311'.'1 611,1 lo31,1313od, 013100 (3,,1,„ . ),111, a.1.1n.1 'fat F1•61I 0343230040- „ • 110.11°3 Ptljt lq(1.r(", 0.10p f0v , 1 0,,,t. mita, 'Huron volt -oft', ("113.,rood kr1ooo $16113:1 Wq111 0/61.-V )'1,)I\''11 01(03. 31 ,41 .11V,I -nn h,t (411)11 1)0111 el 1,1;(1 1,erM12 01(3, )` 6.11a. It 4 n sot 01' 16111 11 0(•1 w 1.1, to tp for,i;eititalt.1 1,11 11)4)), Or 1,116 11.314) 1,01`,11' tiniv to Taw., [(41 )401)1) 33(3 It do 8.11443 -• . s e-te t),' '1'"1'111,``le't t") Tiee el. th 40501 5311)11383 (5:1.. 30)) 1 831 [11111:113 o eoleetem ittetecties 1-e••endistverr• 'lt to •1 iY 'I"1 tm 11( )0l111."ill CoNo 54bkci1)33194134 .3 rctdCntin lion rj ccn141 10110114)03 ti tolic 1 dort 1 )t s . , t e - 14,5 beltehe counclThe clek we ordered to reply tlie the coInte1 cline all 1041p011301)1131;)' n correction with thomeThe 11 31 and coun cl80 11;01vlOW [1) 3(4 or t1 111 vittMemorialChureh 14)11(1 13L)1' 1 11 by IVG131, (111 41(011(04a by If14)1(5131114 thathe Q0111161 tiortrii until ieterdey the Ilhhitt7r13 m $(1) 113(0133186 345131 14 the e011yr34 135 11' h':1eyt,j,.tstiaeeei-, '. ,1!,.e1t,1,il1def0s,t,, '-L nlaved 1) 1(1,) hoveItotin 13;t1It1t13l t ittie iavboon 11111<; 1 1113 ;I; "joy bellNanti herd, ie hovboon t01(311311113ee ullr 40131 10181131311111 tinyilod 1)obtg 1831 33 ii011lr4e 11011 Svegit 2013 41111 flodepth and thirineenof 118toninthesul)ectofunivorsalt)rait Certainly ttrgllerotttowns1113111,0131 'filInt d user cc IItt102 '8h0 11) foh131 test placg ixttr In tivry front rank ()1 041(91041.03ee bv his 11011 cornpiet(1(Lt1.8,3 , ,T‘MaL0110215r13111Oar,3l t1, 1/1„ „,esinete131(134310,1 lritthat ties 1elel 1ittst,re 1', teen ,•') o; tt i 0' ” ' ' 13113,3. by the cold 101 (1 of dee33I (re tho 1039 1.11.1''0 4113 a.k'sni Ili) 11.11101183 rao (:11 4, ., (1,141 of "AIrtv, rip; ago of 79 Vet' 1)0 1e14131308 ILL% 114.14 re - 1 1 to 110 °xi 'es '31) t t i II es 119)), p re 1' 41)1145 111438 ([1,' fttrele t94 1, would he use11 101 1.1118 slitrtil(5 eei to cl)ttrity' Ilis visit seill 10110' 11e vitneniberecti by tho nieirtbers of Chi:3 6.4115 as an eechange, the neme ot ,.T. 13,0833 Robertsoti will lie, he,11(b'el (1,ov,,-11 94 litt.tterity rn(ing SIa 11411)8, fie a Grand, 'Alliste' of inato. ibil it' 1111(11,311811 years. Ills remains 31 11 11)0114(1 11) the Etemoild villo Cemetery Mi. 'r.,ottda v, mid wee ono of the largest funeraTie ever ivitneseed in tliis tow»ship. Mr, 55 1.1 will ho much missed 1 1 thie neighborhood, where his long life of honesty and, uprightness woe for him the love aed esteem of all. The be 11 114<11 faintly bavb the sympathy of a large cirele of filo-nth>. 3 .13 A V;.,-;: 5t'15.1,1l:111,.--.•11, 112111 1114111 on 1:118i., :Da tl 1., 331 aged ‘i",l ytse 5 1 11100811 etel (1 1) (331 th-o 8389lest_ `Alergaret, till 1. '13 '5, and 5 Mouths. 1iste1e1T.,---1 4 Exe,tee, (1.11 1114 r5 3 1.11 1113)31 5 12e of Mr, ',."hoesee.s, 1516s01,;tsred yrs, and 11 men.' , 3113 wilo 1,1