HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1890-12-4, Page 8AKER'S flEYER FANS TO QtYt;SATISFACTl01i (rot; SALE BY ALL L'AEALERS, THE MART, EXETER, 1.44 TEE MART FOR Crn 0 TC 17TTIN G nzAnt HOLIDAY �. No - G•ooDs CP O QaaIAR1 • ten tee c' .e LOCAL JOTTXNGS. Horse blankets at the Exeter Woollen Mill. .Overcoats for nearly half price at the. Big Bankrupt store. Go to Brumpton's and buy a fur coat by auction next Saturday. Don't fail to see J. H. Grieve's $10 suits before purchasing elsewhere. Dress goods at your own prices at the. Big Bankrupt store. Biggest steel: of clothing in the. County. Panson's Block, Exeter. Thegreatest variety oF blankets, white and grey at the Woolen Mills. An immense stock of silk] handker- • chiefs at the Big Bankrupt store. Hurrah for Spackman's Boot and Shoe Store for oyrtercoats, Fur ' Coats, Robes, &c, Those -who have not paid their taxes are roquested to do so before the 15th December, 1590. Bdautiful fancy goods for Xmas presents at the Big Bankrupt Store. Mr. Robt. Davie; who was accidently shot; a couple of weeks ago, is able to be around again:: ; Fur boas, fur coats, fur caps, fur storm collars, all at sale prices at the Big ;Bankrupt store. Insure in the Temperance and Gen- eral Insurance Co., of Toronto. ED BISSETT, local agent. -May 29-90. Big stock of Christmas goods in, end- less variety at Spackman's Boot Se Shoe store. To be cleared cheap. If you want goods cheap attend Bruinpton's Auction Sales. Eyeryth- rug goes on two bids. Any line put up that.customers want. Before ordering winter clothing call an Jas. H. Grieve and examine his Targe and well -assorted stook of winter goods. Prices away below the lowest. Mr. John Snell, horse dealer of Exet- er was in townxl'uesday,and,, 1Vcdnes- day and purchased a number of good serviceable horses. St. Mary's Jour ita 1. Mr. P. Curtain, who wonone of the larger prizes at the shooting match donated the same to the young man lzrftham, who was accidently shot at the match. Several others contributed small sums. Mr. J. G. Emery, the popular hiller of the Exeter grist mill has secured the seryice of an efficient book-keeper, in the person of Mr. Archie Milne, of llarkham.:This speaks for the amount of business done. There was a Targe quantity: of pool- try marketed here on Saturday last and, our commissioner merchant, Mr. A Q. Bobier secured a lot for shipment. Turkeys sold from 3 to 10 cts. per Ib.; Geese 6 to 8 per lit. Mr John Knight of the 3rcl con, of Ribbert, is the, owner of a duck that laid in the spring 91 eggs; after the lapse of a short time it started laying again aur.l up to Saturday last has laid ,436 eggs. This is a pretty good record for one cluc]:. Parties wishing to spend Christmas in theld Land should tale 1•tssan•e; O l on the inagnith;ent new ste,amsllip :`i'c:utonic". Sailing from New York December 10th, For 'fulla1tierilars call and see Capt. Geo. Kemp, Exeter, Ont. Counterfeit ten cent pieces are its circultttioli in Hamilton. They are; smaller than the g•enutne, and about half a penny weight lighter. but they are very ;•oocl 1mit:itious of the real article, and people can be easily "de- ceived by them. We have been informed thatMr. Iluah Spackman, 'Who of late tears has became a great clog, fancier, a,nd at present has a aluniber of Italian tilt y' Hounds of very superior quality, sold one, of them the other day to a, gentltiinan in'Poronto, reeeiving. a very 13andso111c -figure for the ea I. One night recently at a latt;.--h< utt while two gentlemenof this plr • , were, journeying homeward along .the 2nd concession 01 Stephena S111Tgge l d mysterious light carte; to their view. 1t arose very suddenly from ' the ground and ,after circling around' for a few inometlts made its disappearance in. a similar manner. Boots and shoes end overshoes, cheapest in the trade at the Big 13atltk- a tipt Store. Ileilmniber the Auction sales at Brumptons' this week. Thursday even- ing' and Saturday aftel•lloolj, <iltcl even - leg. Catarrh is not e local but a constitn tional disease, eiul requires a constitli-. tion,al reltled;y•]ike Bead's Sarsapeeille to effect a cure. Prepare for Jack Frost ' by buying your felt boots and. shoes. The biggest stock in town, Fauson's Block.- Exeter E. J, Spackman. A great snap in women's wool hose at Brumptons, only 20cts. per ' pair. An extra line of misses heavy black cashmere !lose very cheap.. Great reductions in.Sealettes at the Big Bankrupt Store. $12,00 Sealettes for $9.00 $10.00 Sealettes for $7.65; $ 8.00 Sealettes for 54.95; Come quick: for bib bargains in Sea- lettes. The Mechanics Institute has just 4d44• to its splendid library nearly one llimdied' new and well seleei;ed *panes, the ftrstinstalment of the xjew purchase, for the evinter. The read itce r9cen is open on Tuesday, thutsd'ty?itnd rn Sa%tili3,ay evening's and also two after - eons each week. Twenty-five cents 'yin buy a three months ticket. Every one is looking for cash in these times and a good opportunity is offered everyone of finding it just now. The proprietors of Hepburn's Blood Purifier offers a serie of prizes embrac- ing $$1,000 to every person sending in the largest list of words composed from the letters in the name .Blood Purifier. Thest prizes will embrace the sums of $100, $50, $25, three prizes of $10 each, twenty-one prizes of $5 each, all in cash, and a handsome present to every other person sending in a list of words. Send 3c. stamp for circular giving all particulars Special offer to those .who cannot get up a list of words. Address C. E. Hepburn, Druggist, Iroquois, Ont. The pork packing establishment of Snell Bros. is now }working in full tune. The old. Pickard premises hardly knows itselfu u , der the renovating hand of carpenter and bricklayer. p y e .Cables for cutting up the meat, rooms for salting the boneless sides and oats for preserv- ing the hams are seen where once stalls for cattle and horses stood. The smoking chamber is all ready for work and sausage making and lardextract- ing ket tles keep skilledhands xtractingkettleskeepskilledhands busy: How much value attaches to an enterprise like this many of our citizens hardly consider. It opens a market too long neglected in Exeter Formerly a few Scattered buyers gingerly handled this article of.food, which now 'employes a number of workmen, and attracts cus- tom, lets dollars loose. We congratu- late Messrs. Snell Bros.. in their busi ness, push and wish them every suc- cess. A very pleasing and interesting event occured at the residence of Mr. Samuel Sanders, of the 2nd concession of Stephen, last evening. The eventin question was one of those pleasing and interesting ones, especially to the fair portion of this community, it being the occasion of the marriage of his daugh- ter Harriet, to Mr. Joshua Heywood, of Usborne,: b3- Bev. S. F. Robinson. Miss Grace Sanders, sister of the bride, per- forming the duties of bridesmaid, and Mr. Esli Heywood supported the groom. The ceremony over, and after the heartiest congratulations had been ex- tended by those present, who were the contracting parties relatives, to the newly made man and wife, a wedding supper followed, after which a few hours were pleasantly spent by ail. The ADVOCATE joins with their many friends in wishing, them long life, health, wealth and happiness. Our Homes is thename of a new magazine issued. by Our Homes Pub- lishing• Co., .Brockville, Ont., the first number of which we have just receiv- ed. The magazine is well printed, on heavy paper, and is designed to occupy field hitherto untouched by Canadian publications,being devoted to building, Home decoration, `home furnishing,' housekeeping and choice literature. .' One feature of the magazine ne worthy of note; is the publication monthly= of orig incl architectural designs and speciti cations for residences for people of mod- erate means. The publishers, in order to increase their circulation, offer an error competition, in which cash prizes aggregatint;'$3,0,0will-be givers to the parties discovering the largest nu- mber of mistakes (wrongly spelled words) in the December issue of their publication. On receipt of 15 cents in postage stamps the publishers will send the December issue of their magazine and rules for the error contest to any address. The. prizes they offer are certainly exceedingly liberal, and the competition i' niot'kt all difficult. Wanted. Never too late to mend. 5000 pairs of boots and shoes that need repairing'to be left at the leading boot and shoe store nest door to the post office. G. Manson. welit 5 -fl i�'httt. Bills are out announcing that the 2816. Anniversary of the James Street Methodist Church, Exeter, will be -cel- ebrated as follows; Se,rmonson Sunday bee 1t,1 14511, 1890 at 10.30 a. ut,et,nd and 6.30 p. m, by Rev. Richard Trim - leaven, of St. Thomas. At 2.80 p, m: a children's meetingwill be held and suitable address's given. Select i.nu5ic will -be furnished at, all the above ,yam vices. A special collection at each ser vice, On Monday, December 15th the annual Tea will be given in the base- ment of the ehureh; after which there will �. , u a very intereStin�.pur�,atarnrnt,. Addresses by Mr.'ii•c•o,leaven and the local clergy. The! >nusica] :)art of the n k, entertrtintfCilt will 'be provided by the choir. Admission 25ets, Tea served from 5.30 to 7.80; programme to corn- mtrnee at 8 o'clock. A cordial invita- tion is extended to all., 111444•0,1.ed lOeit ne,5 &tkurnt`ei, The party who 'borrowed adouble cutter from the 1.4ivery Bare of M1•, W, G. Bissett, will please return the same ;zt Once and oblige, Nee G. 1318s.t:'lfi. ltiilsonio. 13ro. J. Ross Robertson, the en,terpris ing proprietor of the TorontoTelegr'ffir1, and Grand Master of the Masonic or- der in Canada, will deliver his famous Lecture on " 1latsonry" to Lebanon For- est Lodge +'or-est,Lodge to•Inorrow (Friday) evening, Brethern arerequested to attend Vis- iting brcthern are cordially invited. Free Trip Around The World. Via Nnrl,m 13i:r's. Rouyn, or its ,equivalent m gold is given by 13LLL'S r,1MaAzneE for the largest list of words constructed out of the words "Bell's Magazine." Also Pianos, Organs, Par. for Suites, Gold W Itches, Silver Tea �. Sets, Parlor Coal Stoves, etc, etc., all positively given away. Every one sendingnot less than TWENTY words will get a present. Send 12 cents in stamps, mentioning the (your paper's name), for rules, illustrated catalogue and copy of paper to BELL'S MAGAz1Nn, TeitoSTo, ONT. 6 t,-179 A S740 v Cotta•:' „e or its equivalent in cash will be given to the person detecting the greatest number of errors, (words wrongly spel- led or misplaced) in the December issue of "OUR HOMES." In addition will be given two cash prizes of $200 each,faus of $100, eight of $50, ten of 525, twenty-five of $10, fifty of $5, one hun- dred of $2, and one hundred and fifty of $1, distributed in the order mention- ed in rules and regulations, which will be sent -with a copy of December issue on recipt of 15e in stamps: ''Special crush prizes given away* almost every day during competition which closes Feb. lst, 1891. Address, OUR Houns PUBLISHING Co., Brockville, Canada .Election of Officers. On Monday evening the annua electionof officers of Lodge Plymouth No. 63, Sons of England Benevolent Society was held, when the following officers neee1ecr i for the ensuing year.-PastPresident, r. r y B �t m. Sweet, President, Br. N. Dyer Iiurdon, Vice President, Br. Samuel Sweet, Chaplain, Br. Rev S. F. Robinson, Secretary, Br. C. F. Verity, Treasurer, Br. Joseph Sen- ior, Committemcn, Bis Edward Bissett, James Taylor, Walter Andrew, J. H. Northcott, William Dearing, William Folland, Inner Guard, Br. George Bawden, Outer Guard, Br. Daniel Davis, Trustees, Brs. John Spackman, George Davis, and -James Sweet, Aud- itors, Brs. Robert Pickard; Fred °Fern- combe, Lodge Surgeon, Br. Dr. T. A. Amos. Obitnari It becomes our sad and painful duty to chronicle the''death of one of Us borne's most esteemed. in the persou'of Elizabeth, beloved'; wife of Mr. John Welsh, 2nd concession of Usborne, ,at the age of 58 years, 6.• months and 19 days, which sad and.melancholy event occurred on Saturday .\ last. Deceased had' been suffei•mg about: three mouths previous to death from an attack of rheumatism until it bore her to her last resting place. She:leaves a grown- up famiiy of four along with -the hus- band, father, three brothers and one sister to mourn her loss The funeral took place on Monday last from her late residence to the;Exeter cemetery, and was largely attended by friends and relatives. The Rey- Mr. Russell' pastor of James St- .Methodist church, conducted the -service at the house and at the ;rave, Sad Misfortune. An exceedingly painful accident hap- pened. P pened on the grounds .Where the shoot Ing •'match was being held on Friday' afternoon last, to a young but married man in the person of Mr. W. F. Graham, of Chesley, formerly of Owen Sound It appeare that he entered the grounds with a view of witnessing the match and took his position not far distant from i fence and some -distance, from the crowd: Mr. ` William Carrick an outside shooter, who was on the oppo- site side, noticed a 'bird pitch ` on the fence and d ti at once took aim and fired, not noticing the young man in a direct line with his aim, one of the scattering shot striking the young man hi ,thc eye. He was at once taken to.the residence of Mr. Eli Snell and medical aicl sum- moned. On Saturday Dr, McLellan, eye a,nd ear . U1,,,:cou, of London, was sent for and after a careful' examinat- ion pronounced the eye totally destroy- ed and that it would have to he re.mov eel. On 'Tuesday the operation was preformed by him in company with Dr. Eollins After the eye was remov• ed it was easily to be seen that the eye was destroyed as the shot had passed clean through and lodged in the socket. It was greatly feared at first that the shot had entered the brain from the, delirious state of the young man first night, but since the operation he is do- ing nicely. :.. rer Ronal 1.. noon. Mr, Il:uvll Brown, who has been in Douglass, Alan, returned dome on .Fri, day lase -Mr. 1id.Scldon, of Ingersoll, formerly of this place, was in tow=n last week. -Mr. Alex. Dos ind family, who. have been residing in Douglass Man., i:� have returned -111x,59 Lfa.mharl,"of Ing- ersoll, iH at present visiting her sister, Mrs, Ed. ° T'ish:-Mi 'Win Baker, who 11118 been Sponding ;a few days 'Loader the parental roof i here, .1'etttr.ticd to \Vixt •ham on Tuesday morning. -Mr. ,5 George Facrctt, who hes been eilga�,'ed in; jt. 2Ylary'5 during the summer, �1•e- t:iuncd on Sunday last. -Mr, George EaSterOree.c returned to town- from Burlington Oh Saturday evening lost. -\'ti Iiobt. Llsten, of Greed Rapids, Mich,, formerly of this section, is visit- ing friends, in town.0--1111'; Wm: lirryl,'1011 of ilia, Thos. Kar, reeve of Usborne, re, turned from Douglass; Man, on 'Mon- davlast. He speaks favorably of that section of the ceantry,--Mr:, Jas. Haig.. en, of I-iiilsgreen, was 0 caller at the A1)voe ALM office yesterday*. -•Mrs, Chas' <1:acrett, of Sarnia, formerly of this. place, attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Welsh on Monday last, --Mrs. ,)'as. Stewart 18 vi.iting hex• parents. 111. Tor onto.-. M1. Wiegand and family have moved back: to town and tool: up their abode opposite Weekes' marble shop. Shooting lIintelt., The shooting match in connection with the Central Hotel, on Friday after. 1'10011 last was a gland success. The Weather was all that could be wished for and a large crowd was in attend- ance, Messrs Thomas Oke and John Gillespie were Captains and choose sides for the match. The loosing team to pay for the supper, which resulted in favor of T. Olio. The following is Seere•-- 1'.Olq, 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 S. Handford 1 0 o 0 o 1. 0 0 1 0-3;; Joe 'Brenner 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0-0; J. Dodds 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1-5; Goo Vosper 3. 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1-g; Will Bissett 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0-4 Will Sanders 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0-7; liicll. Eaorett 1 0 0 1 1 1. 0 1 1. 0-0; Wes. Snell :i 1 1. 1 0 1 1 0. 1 1-8; Bich. Farater 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0.1 0-2; Will. Carling 0 0 1 0 0 0 11 1 0--4;' Tom Agt1050ll 0 1 e) U 0 p 0 0 1 0-8; N.11urdon 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0,-3; Pat Curtain 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1' 0 0—S 71. TolinGiltespie 0 0 o 0. 0 1 0 0 0 1-2; Ed nissett 0' 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0-2;' A: Bissett 1 1 1 '1'1 1 0 0 1 1-5; Thos, Sweet. 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0-3; Ii. mcoann 0 1 0' 0 0 0 0 1 1' 1-4; Wm. Holt 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 .0 0 1 l; Jas, Sweet 1 .0 0 0 1 0 0 '0 0 1-3; S. l1. Stahl;LQuadice, .01 0 0 0 0 0 1) 0 1 01 1 1 01 .. '01101--4;4; John Carrick 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0-7; Dr. Sweet 1 1. 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1-7; John Leathorn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0, 0 0-0; 'Wm.. Perri 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 '1 1-0; Frank Triebner 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1-4; John Elliott 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0-2; 60. A quiet Redding took place at the English Church parsonage, on Monday last, 'it being the marriage of ?Ir. Thos. Sanders, to Mrs. Mary Sanders, both of Stephen. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. S. F. Robinson. May their life be a long and happy one is the wish of the ADVOCATE. The Regular Convocation of the Exeter r Royal v Arch Clra ter . No 85, v was P held on Tuesday evening Deeemb21T 2nd, after the regular routine of busi- nes was dealt with the fol towing .officers were elected for the ensuing ' ,year. - Comp. ]1I.Eacrett Grand Z.; Comp. S 1' llobinsort; H.;Coni. l I -I. Collins J.; Comp. Cr: A. K. McLeod, S. E.; Comp B. S. O'Neil S. M, Comp. H. Spackman, P. S., Comp. J. Willis S. S.; Comp. 6..Sweot J. S., Comp. W. Brooks, Janitor. As will be seen elsewhere in our col' umns the marriage of Mr. John May, son of Mr. Thomas May, of Usborne, to Miss Alice, daughter of the hate Rich- ard Atkinson, of 'this place. The cere- mony was performed by the Rev. S. F. Robinson, in the presence of a few of the contracting parties most intimate friends and -relatives. Weextend the happy couple our heartiest congratulat - ior,s and. may their' life be crowned With success. It is with deep feelings of regret we announce the death Of Ann, B., beloved, wife of Mr. Samuel Westaway at the age of 44 years and 6 months. De- ceased has been suffering for several years of consum,pt.idn, and- from its fatal effects she breathed her last yes- terday; (Wednesday;) The flume will. take place to-morrow(Friday) from her late residence for the Exeter cemetery. The family and :bereaved husband have our heartfelt sympathy in this their sad and melancholy bereavement. The Bells s'e long looked for are to ring for the first time on Sunday next, and the home ;sound of pe ai and chime will gladden ears that have nothcard it since the long ago in'•MerrieEngland " Mr Lotz,,of Baltimore, said to be one. of the best chimers in America, will give an exhibition of the compass and tone of the splendid•aegnisition to our town for sevel,21 days. The Sunday and •Monday services ate to be of the most interesting chtl1lacter. '.111e Rev. Prin cipalMiller preaches on Sunday and Canon Richardson on Monday evening. A gathering of'all sorts and conditions of men' helped raise•the ponderous met- al to its long domeon Tuesday last. Mfr. Lotz will be r. it the church on Mon- day, Tuesday.ala(1 Svednesday next for the purpose, of exhibiting the bells. It will be 'llc•cc.ssary for tlroee who take this privilege to drop a silver piece with the pro:'fe:ssor. It is a Mistake. To try to cure Catarrh by using local applications. Catarrh. is not a Local but a constitutional disease. Itis not. a disease of the man's nose, but of the man. Therefore, to effect a euro, re- quires a constitutional remedy id e Hood's ` Satsabti•illtt, which, acting through the blood, reaehcs every system expelling the taint which causes the disease, and imparting health 4 Xt la a certain and speedy cute Qhl in the lief:a and Catarrh x11112 t ttagea. SOOTHING, HEALING, Instant Relief, Permanent Cure, Failure impossible, Many ne.cnlled d{seneoa aro nbnply Synptonte of .Untarrh, such as Ino,it.. nem, partial. doaf,a a,)o5inI censeo, Nutell, foul breath hawkingand eplt. n' i3, nutmeat, sones feelng of de.' b11�ty, etc,. If• ant sro t'onhlc:1 With any of then° of I ittkeil syoli>toin yo„rhave Cato ab,and should lotto no Mina lu >ruaarn„ a bottle of NAPA*,. BAr.rt. 510 w,unan i.nthe. ne,icoted. Cn cold in lead results ir; tartli, Sid. lowed by conwunlptl:tt rind denU. NAGIL 13Ar,o 0 solo by nil f,utd^ist;i• pr 01111>e cant, pLdt iml:l .an receft12 o?': Prick a° coots and 51.10) l>y nddr6aelt>g Fii,Folitl st 11tockv1110,'One .' p..W....,,.,.00IMO,l.. rte, M..,Zr.M.m.., y�,,1937. . .,r«., W famsommosommmuummin ri We have on hand and best assorted stocks in the village which werook 1”" bottom prices. UMW (aboute Q ga They are genuine everytime. 1111 ivilo folio porfoolieli in foot wear, who seek for ease and fashion, . economy, fit. and finish 6.Y.4 E•u��� y1 fineness,lightness she �. then i strength, all who want a- r.,.. �eC� shoe are invited call on. GARUNG BROS. SOI1Ci11ljg lifigfillit 11011 Oilier %HS. The S eciltls, the Novelties, the Oddities of the ART COUNTESS stove are creating. a sensation For the first time in many rears there is a coal stoveon every � S ; ;�travelling' that is tongue. Manut<.Letnl els, tl avellin o men, stove dearer:' farm- ers ers and in fact ' , every l�el,�s onintez:ested in stoves al•e', talkh3g about the ART COUNTESS. Why is this? Because the ART COTTNTESS is daring in its original- ity. It leaps to the front with I� its wonderful ilnP rovenl�. ts.- No other T T stove has anything like it New from top to toe; Brilliant from urn to base. Beautiful in its effect under ' fira Radiant on the •arlor floor. and eloquent in its hot paia. ,6_,M struction. Ed PIE ART COUNTESS" has taken the lea,, it already has the pole, anit will have to be a good one that can overtake it. 0 000 000 00 00 00 00 000 00,00'000 CALF, AMC SEE THEM HD ISE CONVIRCEL 00000000000000000000000000 A -full assortment of coo,`:ancl 1 parlor . stoves on hal>nd, which must be sold, and VERY CHEAP: "El© str e WILL STAND, one door north �1 of Dr. Lutz's Drug Store, Main Street, 5, Exeter. Sign of Fig Elephant. ELEA INJ Wholesale B Hardware. i'ure., Nails,xl.ass��(Stained and Engraved) L OOHS;Hi !g1 Sx and Butts (full line) Carria gb Hardware. Bar Iron, Bent Stuff, Ihbbs,, Spokes, Cutter Pankl2 s. Shafts, Iltotluei.to t-STunslin, Drill &c. illes S JL`'` Iron Pipe, Fitings, Valves, Asbestos, Packing, Rubber and Leather Beltings, tai •wmeting Material t) I31 ec,ch I�oadll., and allot C 1.11zs Powder, ., -�Shot &oA,• 'st Stoves and Tin -ware r Cooking, Heating, Parlor nhe( Coal 'Stoves. -e5. • 1r 1Lxx:1d• Tinware cheap. E1 ot1olnhiny • L 1� K� Send In your orders fol. C:1:11�...1\ T _ of t (J E and the x..rDk1. Y -� ine :B O B COALSbeforeadvances I• �� �TI,�G 1?c .ole 'it ANNEALED GALVANIZED AND BARB 1P/IRE C CIJ4` .I ''. Ell 14 pi ' anager. Propruetor� e