HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1890-12-4, Page 1a1�'lY�;y VOL. IV. EXETER, ONTARIO, TIIURMA:Y, DECEMBER 4, 1890. The ellso s a 911 k. (Chartered by Parliament, 1855.) Paid up Capital . $2,000,000, Rest Fund... 1,000,000, Mac' office Montreal. F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Esq., GENERAL, MANAGER. Twenty i3ra,nch oflioes in the Dominion Agencies in the Dominion, U. S. and Europe. Open Avory lawfud clay from EDD a, m. to 3 p. m., Saturdays 14) a.m. to 1 p. m. A general barlkllrrn business transacted' b. Four por contper annum allowed fur. money on Deposit Receipts. R. H. ARCHER, Exeter, Jan 2S, '88. Manager. THE t Is published every Thursday Morning, at the Office, MAI3 -STREET, - EXETER. By the SANDERS' PUBLISHING -PUBLISHING -COMPANY. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance. l..b1➢ if not so paid. Sdzrertiai�; Pmtoa ors .23.713ca- t-ioa No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid. Advertisements without specific directions will be published "till forbid and. cli a charged accordingly. Liberal discount made for transoient advertisements inserted fur long periods. Every description of TOB PRIN'ING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates, Cheques, money ord- ers, &c. for advertising, subscriptions, etc, to be made payable to Sanders & Sweet Pnoi'RIETORS. Church Directory. TRIVITT. mesfonLkt CnURCu.--Rev. S. -F Rand 7 p. m. Sa bbaath Schoctor. ol, 2.30Serv1p in 11 a. m. METUOT>IsT Cnunon--James-st , Rev. A. L. Russell, Pastor. Sunday Services, 10.30 a. m. and 6.80 p.m.. Sabbath School, 2 p. ni• MAIN STREET—Rev. J. Wilson, Pastor. Sun day Services, 10.30 a.m. and 6.80 p.m. Sabbath School e80p.m. "PITESI3YTLRIAN CnUltCii.—Rey. W. Martin, Pastor. Sunday Services, 11 a. m, and 6.80 p. rn. Sabbath School, 9.15 a. m. Professional Cards. H KINSMAN, L.D.S,east side ofMAIN . STREET, EXETER, extracts teeth with- out pain: Away, at EenseU on 1st, Friday; Aliso. Craig on 2nd and 4th Tuesday; and Zurich on last Thursday of each month. T B WHITELY, 3L. D.1 C. M., PHYSICIAN tD • and Surgeon. Office and residence— Corner Victoria and Elgin streets, Goderich, Ontario. _RResi ace—ConerOFFICE—MAIN And Andrew andlNor North Streets, Exeter, Ontario. 0 (� H. INGIRAM, DENTIST, Member Royal V. College Dental Surgeons, successor to H. L. Billings. Office over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ont. A safe anaesthetic given for the painless extraction of teeth. Lucan every Friday. - TXT HOLT,1%hiva,Ontario. Licensedatiuct- • �� YY ioneer for the Counties of Middlesex and Lam.bton, and the;townships of Stephen and Hay All sales promptly attended to. FBOSSENBERRY, Hensall Ontario. Lic- . eased Auctioneer for the Countys of Huron and Perth. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. DR. CROSRERY, Member Royal College 'Surgeons, England'• Licentiate Roval College of Phy0icians, Edinburgh; Member College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. Office, Mitchell's old stand; Crediton; Ont. 'WILLIAM SWEET, VETER- VV inary Surgeon[. Graduate Toronto. Veterinary Dentist- ry 0 speciality. Office and Re siclenceone block east of Rich. Pickard's store. Opposite skating rink, Ex- eter, Ontario. D : H. COLLINS, BARRISTER, SOLICIT - Ito . OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public. Office— Snmwell's 1'llock, Exeter, Ontario. Money to Loan. - �H, DICKSON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR 1. of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con- vevancer,Conimissioner, &c. Money to loan Fanson's Block, ack, Exeter. I LLIOT & ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, SOLI.C- • itors,Convey-ancers, &e. Money to loan at a per cent. B. V. ELLIOT. J. ELLIOT FRED. W. F AILNCO\IB, Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer. -Office, Samwell's Week, up stairs, Main street, Exeter, Ont. Eyp• BROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Auct- ...J. o ioneer for the Counties of Perth .incl. 1\lirlctlesex, also for the township ofTJsborne. Sales promptly attended to and terra areason able.Sales arranged at Post office, Winchelsa 1t1RS. COWEN C, A.T'IOS. Y. COiVEN, at n P m[em:ber of College Phy,,icitins and Surgeons, Ontario. T. A Amos, M. D., gran - nate of Trinity University, Toronto, licen- tiate ofthe i;.o,yyal College of.Phy' 0 11as and Surgeons Edinburgh; licentiate of the Par- , - ulty of Physicians and Surgeons, Glasgow, Office --Dr. Cowen'8 old stand. R. DAVIT) Id. STrr13LE1I,("NIVERSIT of Toronto,) Physician: Surgeon, etc, 1 -saving, spent the winter of 1481-'87 i11 Now . i ,nn 'i, a 1887-'88 i r `, C �� e Winter ut. ncl tire , Austria, ,y. ,L1. T T Anv• ctria, OI F,LCE, •-�-' 01,tE1 I..Oyi, ON T. d Ti/.� C? I�.1` °dr e�,i r $I , EYE EAR SUROF.611. �r TniT•i Hospital. and c � e. New S orl:'E c 1 Graduate a J 1 glass supplied, aliedd, Olhcea�ir. e�, tcstu�l tang,. glils, 1 I Maple and Talbot strcets, �N.. O.d OVTARIO I'�G lv D . F Nouse, Lot and Blacksmith shop for sale. 1)1 Centralia. Huron county, Ont., a good £glut. eft 01151) -with evert' 001(1 von ren Ce, about: two -fifth., of an acre oi`11enn, frn';rne shop and a complete yet of tools in Working orrirr. two forges; sitnt1ted, in the centre of idle village, Terms reasonable. Foe t'u, tber particulars 1 1 ranplyto :Lnas,:IT.1�n1 c 1x1, , Wit f Centralia • Ge We have,�and keep constantly : one of the cleanest and best assorted stocks of ' .,'a Patent Medic r Dyes, `R; ye stuffs, .Oo9`nha�,.•m :ahc 109 a ted .Y 3 y i 1 5 in town, Which we sell at prices below any. Our stoclt'of chugs is fzcsll ancl We sell them at fair prices as We are not members of anyDruggist's Association. r. We do not use the ,S1chedulecl price of the Eltu`on & truce Druggist's Association and Can therefore offer drugs at fair and reason able prices. We s E. CHEN UP., ravoprietor, Corner Drug Store. Exeter Roller p 7 _. Sea Cling Conti ad ietioii, MARKET REPORTS. WHEAT, 88 TO 90 cts. per bush Our Selling ?.tides. Flour, strong bakar's, $2.75 per 100 '1 best. family, 2.35. " " " low grade, 1.75 " t6 70 a ri 90 " " 90 0 (5 1.00to1.25 "'" Bran, Middlings, Screenings, Chop, Brant, per ton, 14.00 Middlings, " " 16.00 Chop stone running every day. TERMS CASTE. The Exeter. Milling Co, IN ORDER TO MAKE SPACE —FOR— AUTUMN OODS, We will clear out the balance of our Winter Stock AT COST —FOR b. >ash :. Including a splendid assortment of OVERCOATS & SUITS FOR MEN AND. BOYS, LADIES AND GENTS FURS. LADIES FUR CAPS, MUFFS AND HATS. LADIES NETT, VEST AND WOOL SIIAWLS. A NICE STOCK OF FUR TRIMMIN'S GENTS HEAVY WOOL LINED KID MITS & GLOVES at 75c worth $1. We cant be undersold in Teas find Sugars for SPOT CASII. JOHN MATHESON. Exeter North. iJHRXSTIE'S COMMERCE") ERTO First Class RIGS And HORSES. ORDERS LEFT AT THE IIAWK • SHAW HOUSE OR AT THE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. Terxr. �'c,easor_a'blo. Telephone Connection. a;tl ORTOAOE SALE OF -- VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY, IN THE— Town Township ,of HAY. Under and by virtue of a power of sale contained in a certain Indenture of Mort - age, dated the 7th day of April, 1308, made by.flaggttii Slluart and Cinrisea Shuart, his wife, to bar laerdower to the Vendor, default made been in the payment 'thereof, there will be sold by Public Auction, at HODG NS' HOTEL 9 IN THE VILLAGE OF SON — Wednesday the 17tH day of December; 1800, A'1' 3 O'LOC f{, in the afternoon, by 14iZL..I0TIN GILL, Auctioneer, Subject to such Con'litions as shall thou 1.,0 produced, h d li i i „< ,cel, the following propc:rt•y.--Al1 and. singular that Certain 3)1 reel or trnot oflanet 51111 pro- m kers situate lying fo:til being in the Town- ship of Hay,fn Conn 0,e of Huron, on. 1ioVincoof Ontario,containial by 1(111n.ea- snre0nent Fifty 00) acres he the Sande more or less P81151 (5010 )J000(). cI' ibe last Half of Letnumber the Sixth (1In) Crrneesston. of the said Township of nay. This property 18 0 bortt4 mil.e',from Znifcll n n timilaa from T01sail, 1.,milts r ou th from the Zurich Read, Por further panic- ulai's apply to, _ ELt ToT'r &, Ent..>•nr'r, Vondord & Solicitors, Exeter Dated 10th J)oeoniber, 1800. For Sale. :i desirable residence in Ex.eter.North, new frame house, enc-flftIid acre of land. The house 'was erected in 18 4 8, Good tcrnYs to eu chaser. Apply at t,ais offiosi 1.10-t f. 7'o the Editor of the Advocate. DEAR SIR. —There is an old ' adage. that says "a prophet is not without horror save in his own urinary," and the saying is generally accepted as con- taining inue..h truth It)dedcl it is ex- panded into the generally accepted be, lief that true 0111it, whether it be that oral' individual, or that of some Med icinary preparation is much more like- ly to meet with popular aptiroval-at a distance than at home. Nasal Balm; acknowledged tbeing the greatest remedy for cold in the head and ca- tarrh,ever• offered the people of Canada affords a striking; instance of the fact that popular opinion, for• once,,it least is wrong. From the outset its popular, ity in the home of its inanufaeture has been unbounded and constantly in creasing. In evidence of this we offer testimonials from two Brockville gentle men who are 1 1101 11 throughout the Domihien. ' D. Derbyshire,Esq., Mayor of Brock- ville and for the past two years Presi- dent of the Ontario Creamery 'Associa- tion , says. --"Your Nasal Balm is truly a wonderful remedy. I may say that T was afflicted with adistressing case of catarrh, accompanied by a number. of its disagreeable symptoms. I had tried other remedies, but without avail and well nigh .dirsp;urcd ofaa cure,vvhe I was induced to give Nasal beta iBalm a trial. Its effects Were wonderful, and - tlre results arising from its use surpris- ing. Briefly stated, it stops the drop- ping's into the throat, sweetens the breath, relieves the headaches that fol - ow catarrh, and in fact makes one feel altogether like a new man. No one =ho is suffering from catarrh in any of its stages should lose a moment in giv. ing this remedy a -trial." James Smart, Esq., Erockyille,Sheriff of the United. Counties' of Leeds and Grenville, says: -"It would be impos- sible to speak too extravagantly of the wonderful curative properties of Nasal Balm. I suffered for upwards of a month from a severe cold in the head, which, despite the use of other remed- ies, was becoming worse and develop- ing into catarrh. I procured a bottle of Nasal Balm and was relieved from the first application and thorougly cur- ed within twenty-four hours. I cheer- fully add my testimony to the value of Nasal Balm." These are but two illustrations out of the hundreds of testimonials the pro- prietors of Nasal Bahl have had from all parts of the Dominion, but they ought to convince the most skeptical. If your dealer does not keep Nasal Balm it will be sent on receipt of price -50 cents small size and $1. large size bottle—by addressing FurroieD & Co., Brockville, Ont. Forestry. To the Editor of the "ADVOCATE, Exeter. Sir, as the subject of forestry is a very important one to Canada, per- haps you will allow me to lay these Hues before your readers:— The value of preserving a proper amount of forest throughout the count- ry is now welt known, and lastspring, while travelling through several din• tricts of Ontario, I saw much progress made in planting ,, trees both for shelter and ornament. I should .rave' travel- ed through most of Ontario, but was prevented by an illness of several months duration. I should be very glad, therefore, if some of my old cor- respondents or others would send me a replylv to the followingquestions, for use in my nextforestry 'report, a copy of which will be sent to all who answer: (1) -Whether and to what extent linse 0fstrees for windbreak or ornament are being planted, and how those plant- ed are lant-edal•e thriving. i t. (Z)SSethc.i plantation of gonna trees have been set Out, and Trow they sue- eeech 3) 1SS'hethbi' cattle are fenced out from any portion of forest in your lo calitJ ' and 1iw it answer's. (4) Any difference in climate, rain- fall, drifting of snow and so forth, you may have served since the cicari;<•ig of the country, (5) Whet measure, if any, would be likely to improve the existing State of offalrs. Yours truly, It. W. Phipps, Richmond t i 251 . ,1S • 5t , Toronto Nov. 2(3111,1800 Usborne School Report.. Report of S. S. No. 5, Usborne, for Noyember. Names appear in order of merit. 1V—Ila Westcott, hclith \3restcott, Lyman McCord. III Sr. --Violet Russell and- Blanche Westeott, equal. III Jr.—Lila McCord, Lily McDonald Jennie McDonald, Ellie Richardson. II Sr.—Nelson Prout, G. J. I: rayne, W. R. Fravne. 1I Jr. --Violet Willis, Emily Wood, N. McDonald. 11 ''Pt.—Margie Russell, Vincent S'iroodand Jessie Richard. I.- •George Westcott, L M. RoWelill'e, Edith McCord, Fred Cornish, Willie Rowciili'e, David McCord, John Rich- ard. W. I1ou'ARTu, Teacher. Greenway. Mrs. E. Clement arrived home from Detroitlast week. Miss' Sarah Pollock leas been engaged to teach the Salem school. 11x,•, Robert English has enlarged his residIoce,put on new siding and paint edit. 11r: Jerre,Y Brophey Bro . he has secured a good situation in Aurora, Ill., and left .fere last week. Messrs. Giger and Wing, of Zurich, put down a'weli for Mr. W. J. Wilson ou tlle'Geliie farm. They struck wat- er 21 inches in the rock and it rose withiu 40 feet of the top in a fens min utes. It is as pure as spring water and has no bad taste. They have the contract of boring' another well fur the same party on the English Estate. Brewster. Mr. Henry Curts, of Medford, was visiting his brother 1.r. John Curts on .Saturday and Sunday last. Mer. \ m'. Elder, of Heusall, agent for the Massey M'f'g Co., was• calling on the farmers of this vicinity during the past week. tie Presbyterians, of Grand Bend, aro n?Ia,1 Tng,.suady :for a-'graand'`:Christ- man, tree to be. held ou the 23rd of this month. Miss Hevrock and Miss Dent, of John sous Mills, were calling on the peoprd:of this vicinity on Saturday -last collect - in„ for the Bible society. Miss Mead, of Parkhill, who has been giving music lessons in this vicinity during the past summer, is at present the.guest of Mrs. J. J. Taylor. The many friends of Mrs. J. J. Tay- lor.will be pleased to hear that she has so far recovered from her recent severe illness as to be able to take a short drive when the weather is fine. Hensall. Too late for last week Miss Ramsey, of Exeter, is visiting friends in town this week. Miss Annie and Maggie King, of Auburn, are this week visiting their brother A. W. Ring, of the city rest- aurant and barber shop. Mr. George Fourd, who has been foreman in McDonell & 'augh's tin- ware department for the past year and a half, returned to his home in White church, on Saturday last. Mr. William Crawford, who has been clerking. in Dr. McDarmid's drug store for the past two years moved to Ripley on Tuesday last, where he has pur- chased a good drug business. Before leaving' he. was given a grand fare- well party at A. W. King's on Monday evening, where Most enjoyable time was spent. We wish hinl success in his new home. McGillivray. SITOOTUNG CASE.-Ronoro' Helow a sinali ;jewish-featured pedler in jewel- lery, who comes from Samaria, was .bought to jail yesterday on a charge' of shooting George Dawn, of Mc Gillivray, with intent. The story told before P. M. Wells at Parkhill by the complainant was that the man with the telephone name came to his farm house on the evening of Thursday last, and wanted to stay all night. He did nto like the visitor's looks, and refit sed -him Helow thea went away, but carne back. and was in the house when Downcalve in from attending on the horses' He very reluctant to •o when - Down was e ,y g ", ordered lrini ont a second tunes and the farmer took his unwelcome guest by the shoulder to.e'pedite his progress. When he was about, two rods away Flelow drew a revolver and fined, the ball grazing Mr. Down's wrist. He 10110 od hila to Mr, William Graham's house where the, foreigner denied, the $llootiilg. and said he, had n0 revolver but Dowty stood him up and took the Weapon frons 11ii0 and produced it i0. court. He then toot Meloyprisoner and handed hi.m over, to P. C Fried, of Tarkhil1. i4lr, Graham corroborated the .•i,bone evidence. It was eight o'cloel: p. 111 ivhcu Helow earri0 to his place and wanted a bed and tuber. Down came in the blood was corning from his wrist stsatraasa NO. 183,. Helow made no statement in court, but he since flys it was the result of a disagreement Oyer a bargain in jewel- lery. Challenge. 384 Wellesley-st., Toronto, Ont,, November 26th, 1890, To the Editor of Exeter A uocaate, Sin—Being informed that in October last the Rev, ,fames Graham, of Ridge town, ;have a public challenge in Exeter to.meet in debate any Agnostic or Secularist, I have, written to the rev. .gentleman accepting is challenge and offering to Meet him for two nights in Exeter to discuss the two - following propositions; `FIs Christianity of Divine origin and suited for the needs of man- kind?" and ` :1^hat Secularism is super for to Ch1 istiab ity for either this or any other li£e," Will von phase publish this in your yaluable. paper and if the rev. gentle ma.n accepts my offer .I will inform you of the fact. Yours Sincerely, CHA&AES WATTS. Around About Vs, Mr. W. II. Rodman has leased the British hotel, St. Mary's, for a' term of years and takes possession Monday next. The "British" is one of the old- est established hostelries in the town and has a good reputation. , The inhabitants of the township ` of West Waw.anosh,-Bruce county, were greatly shocked on friday 001ninglast when they, learned of the sad'suicide of Mr. George` Staples, of con. 6. He had been in poor Health for some -time past and often became very despondent, and it is supposed. that dieing one of these fits on' Thursday night liecommited tire° rash act. He placed the muzzle of the' loaded gun in his month, and with the left handl pulled the trigger, the charge passing through his head, tearing away his right ear and killing him instantly. Ire was in good financial circum- stances. Crede an. Dr.S taiiler Berlin,Lias located here. , of Mr. John Young left for Michigan Monday. Mrs: J. Lewis, of Mich., is the guest of Mr. Wm. Lewis. Mr. Mat. Chambers visited Brigden on business last week. Mr. Ira Bice, of Clandeboye, has pur- chased the hotel from Mr. Walter Clarke. On Monday evening about thirty members of the Exeter Temperance Society visited the Lodge here, which now has about thirty members. - We are pleased to learn that John Preeton is recovering. On Thursday last slight hopes were entertained of his recovery, but under the care of Dr. Croskery, we hope to see him around soon. Khiva. Dont forget the entertainment to- morrow (Friday) evening, in S. S. No. 6. A grand time expected. Mr. William Holt, Jr., captured a large white oa'l that measures about 7 feet faom tip to tip. It is a beauty. The weather is very fine at this period of the season and the roads in this section are in good condition. Mr. P. McIsaac, has purchased the carrying of the mails between Dash- wood' and Parkhill. He has had fayor- able weather and roads so far. We are glad to hear that Charlie Mc Donald who met with a misfortune while working in the woods by a log falling on his foot, is able to be around again. Mr. Wm. Holt will hold his annual pigeon and glass -ball shooting match to -clay; (Thursday), A lame- number of birds has been procured for the oc- casion. Zurich. Bairns. -Misses Dyer and, Slroman are the guests of Mr. D. Steinbach.— Mr. Ed. Barrell; of London paida short visit to Mr. S. Latta last week. -The Trustees of our school have advertised fdr a teacher to take the junior di vivision.—The-next division court sit - tiny', we believe, will be held in Town Hall on December 17th, The Public school will hold their an- nual examination and concert on Fri day, December 19th. The proceeds' .of the concert will go towards the ile- b p chasing of boots for the P. S. Library. A good Mart has been Made in • this direction and we hope to see all turn t an helpthis cause along. out c1 goodn Doors open at 7.30, Concert begins' at 8 p. m. Adults 15c; Children 10c. C. O. F. CONOElt.T.—The Foresters'' concert under the auspices of Court Bismarck, which was held in the Town. Hall on Fridley evening, Nov, 28th,was a decided success in eveey roped, •Tho )lav "Family Jars" was ablysupport, play J pp ed Mr. A. Roth, ("Old DolpW') and. Mrs McNevifl ("11r. Porcelain") as also was the norts taken by- Misses Steinback and Johnson, Masters Benedict and Digeon were well taken by ;Messrs. 5, and 0, Latta. 11 was well received and proved to be one of the best ever presented in the.villaga. The musical ,and literary part of the programme was ably supported' by Miss Fried who recited "Mrs. Candle's lecture on ' shirt buttons. "The lips that touch liquor shall never touch mine",and "How a little girl entertained leer big: sisters beau". These were well received. The songs sang by Miss Sharron were much applauded. kr. H. C. Travers gave an excellent address on „S 'omatns'I1if'lits". The entertainment was closed by a laughable' farce "The flaunted house° taken by Messrs Seigner & lrvitle. Oar the whole everyone , 011)10d to be well pleased. The' splendid music given during the es c 1013 under the leader- s-6115'0f eaderdripof Mr Frank losseuberry was ex- cellent and helped very match to make the concert a success. SVESTAwAY.—In Exeter North, on 33rd inst., pmt B., beloved wife of Mr. Samuel W'c',tl ra,., aged 44 year:, find 6 months. Funeral to-morron' (Friday)' at 2 o'clock. Wnnsu.-In Usborne, on the 29th inst. Elizabeth, beloved wife of 11r.John Welsh, aged 53 years, (3 month,✓ and 19 days. HEYwOOD—SANDBRS.—in Stepheti. 1o1; 22, concession 2; on Wednesday 3rd inst., by the Rev. S. F. Robin- son, obinson, Mr. Joshua Heywood, of Us - borne, to Harriet, daughter of Samuel Sanders, Esq, of Stephen. SANDERS -SANDERS. -At the rectory, .of the Trig itt 1'lamorial Church, by the Rev: S 1 li,obinson, Mr. Thos. Sanders to Mrs. Mary Sanders„ both of Stephen. 1t1Y-ATisaxsoa---At the residence al the bride's mother, Exeter, by the: Rev. S. F. Robinson, Mr. John Maya, to Miss Alice, daughter of the .late Richard Atkinson, Esq., of Exeter. 01 7/ - 1103fE'- In almost every exchange from the North-West there appear items with reference to Canadians who have mov- ed from Dakota back to Manitoba or the North-West. Some years ago there were, undoubtedly, ar number of Can- adians [not so large as represented by anti -Canadian papers, but still largel Sabo, misled by false representations of railway and land company agents, and - unfortunately influenced by Grit orat- ors, in and out of Parliament, and Grit newspapers, left Manitoba and other parts of Canada, and. settled in Dakota. These men were, for the most part, the very, pink of settlers. Possessed of some means, sober, steady, hardworking,'in- dustrious farmers, they were bound. to prosper in almost any country. But, Dakota has proved too much for them. Nothing, apparently, can stand the summer drought and winter blizzards of that inhospitable climate, and so our Canadians are getting home, as fast as they can, to avoid being starved to death. Here is an extract from a let- ter from a settler at Bottineau, North Dakota; it shows that misfortune, in the shape this time of the Sheriff, still follows the unfortunates but it is to be hoped that they will have better luck after bitting back to Canada: "Five families started and got across the line all right, but they were over- hauled at the'Custom House and their. stock was taken ' by replevin: The Yankees are determined to make a test) case of three of them, and I aur told they have secured the best legal talent to fight the case under the new treaty., and on what decision is arrived at by the courts much , will de- pend. end. There never was a better class of men for` pioneers than are here. They have worked like beavers grad glade this country like, a garden, but drouth and' frost have done their work and though most of them were well ago, five y ears au o, they are. mostly poor now; but still the, will hitve I , y nh euouC to start With. There will be twelve or fifteen families letive in a few days s again, and. if the re1 potts continue favourable as heretofore there will I r. think, rk, be over 150 families move In o e thiscountry'alone, and that is only- a,beginning: Subs °h foe THE ADVOCATE C: T: R� a t, TILL Januar 7" . ' e.6 9