HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1890-11-27, Page 8• y�3y pp.0 9aQ (�`1nF({p p■�1 (1}I,�p p(�.pr��f /�p9.,...- p Y:.Afl-AIItA�lF .R'S + NEPER FAiLS To ciVE SATISFACTION FOR SALE: Ref' ALL. DEALERS, g4anv �.. JT.HE MARTI EXET cr. Emp P Mee FILLING UP �� N 0 L Ga,LIANT Cea CD Q THE MART FOR HOLIDAY cl fi ) C1)S 0s L?� aA; C E • 4.4 o b cia • o LOCAL JOT $'1NGSa Horse blankets at the Exeter Woollen Mill: Furs of all kinds at startling prices at the Big Bankrupt Store. We are.glad to learn that Mr. Rich. Davis, who has been very ill, is recov ening, Bie. stock of Sealettes and Mantle Goods at the Big Bankrupt Store. Don't fail to see J. H. Grieve's $10 suits before purchasing elsewhere. The greatest variety of blankets, white and grey at the ,woolen Mills. Don't forget ct th e Auction n Sales at. Bre u 1 1 toils , Seen • p notices elsewhere in this issue. Read. Walt. Andrew's enlarged "ad" in this issue, he is selling furniture away do wn. Auction Sale at Brumptons' to -day, commencing at 7 o'clock p. m. and lass ing until 9. Boots and shoes, rubbers and oyer shoes all at greatly reduced prices at the Big Bankrupt Store. r, W. 11. Johnston has been re- ,ngaged as -teacher on the second con session of Hay, at a salary of $535.00 per annum. Don't forget Ed. Robert's auction sale of household effects, ete., on Tues- day, December 2nd. See bills for fur- ther particulars. Auction Sale a at Br um pton s on at- .,. S ,.�•3ay next from 2 o'clock until 4. Saturday eight will commence at 7 and last for 2 hours. Mr. John Stanlake, of Thames Road, 'formerly of this place, i s, � e are s err v tot learn, Lonfriled to the house with a severe attack on the brain. Before ordering winter clothing call on Jas. E Grieve and examine his large and well -assorted stock of winter goods. Prices away below the lowest. It is probable that the bell in the tower of the Trrvitt Memorial church will be removed before Sunday next, therefore will not be sounded. The congregation will bear this in mind. Mr, W. E. Couchenour, druggist, has rented t.haremises by Mr. Robt BrumptonCa and is now occupied engaged in moving furniture there in. Be expects his mother and sister here shortly. Parties wishing to spend Christmas �in the e Old ld Laud should h uo u ld take a ke passage ssag eonthemagnificent new steamshiprentOnl Stiltnfcomiew York December 10th. For full particulars call and see Capt. Geo. Kemp, Exeter, Ont. The excavations of the Greek Arch - moloryLal ' r , Socre t the at Mycenm have beenrewarded opbyls the discoyery of sonic sixty different ob. jects of antifluitj', amongst which are some bronze Swords and kniees, several hatchets, a razor, a round mirror and some gold ornaments. Mr•.I3utterfie:ld from the McShane foundry Baltimore, arrived in town on Tuesday evening. He is the practical foreman, bell' fitter of the firm. He will immediately commence work in the tower for the reception p on of'the chime. A. force of carpenters furnished by Mr. A. G. Dyer are. engagedin the work,. This is the way a Texan editor puts it, and it holds just as good here. You may hive the stars in a hail keg, hang the ocean on a rail fence to dry, put the sky to sleep on a gourd, unbuckle I. the belly -hand of eternity and let the pun, moon and . stars out, but don't think you can escape the place that 'lies on the other side of purgatory if you don't pay for your paper. On Friday night last about ono o'clock the lire alarm was sounded al;d many of our citizens were ` called their slumber from b To }VICnCS$1VOChi1'Ig Yft(71'e: that, a burgling straw stack cm station •oad,which uo doilbt was tired by some evil disposed incelidrarv. The 'stack belonged to Mr. Thomas Bissett and u as valued (tt about $20. ,Several such. occassiolls have taken (lace here duringl the past yea it1'Icl our yopinion is that they are perpetrated b some demonriae in or rnidst 5 , e t, Slicll persons should not be allowed liberty but iuear cerated behind the bars for a term. A terrible fall ono day last week. The prices of overcoats dropped nearly hall at the ]'3io Ba u'kruI )t Store. 1 1'nsitro in the Temperance and Gen- eral Insurance CO., . of 'Toronto. En 131ssierr, 10081 agent, --May 29--90. Be sure and attend the.Aitctio0Sales at Br'ump.tons' cluing' this week. Big bargains,' See crates elsewhere ia this issue, It is dangerous to neglect catarrh, for it leads tobronchitis and consump- tion. Hood's Sarsaparilla cures catarrh in all forms. The big rush continues at the Big Bankrupt Store Remember 1.8 pounds bright sugar for $1, and 14 pounds best granulated sugar for $1. A tree which can grow to the height of 110 feet, With a circumference of 12 feet, in nineteen years is something like a tree. This was done by aa eucalyptus, or Australian blue -glue tree, which was recently cut down ill Santa Clara County, California Grand 1l< Master ` P,Obert$011 is at pres- ent making a visiting tour among the Masonic Lodges of Ontario; and his visits and lectures have infused new life and awakened fresh interest a- mongst the Craft from whom he has received a most cordial reception, Finding it iinpossible to visit every= lodge, t t re Grand Cl Master ` has selected d the st o centre in entr each district, ne S tt In the Huron District he will make visits as fellows: Parkhill, Dec, 1; St. Marys, 2; Mitchell, 3rd; Clinton 4th, and Exet- er 5th, The offers of that splendid news- paper, the London Advertiser, are un- precedented in the annals of Canadian journalism. The Daily Adyertiser, in- cluding that splendid . new monthly, Wires and Daughters, and the Advo- cate will be forwarded for one year on receipt of only $3.00 at the office of this paper. The Western Advertiser (week- ly) including Wives and Daughters, d the Advocate will be sent from now to the close of 1891 on receipt at 'this office of only $1.70. These very liberal offers are for our present sub- seribers as yell as for new ones. Every •one is looking for cash • in these times' and a good opportunity is offered everyone of finding it jest now. Thetoes ro ,. of Lle P p Repburn's PburnsBloo d Purifier r • ' o ffLrs a Serie of prizes embrac- ing $1,000 to every person sending in the largest list of words composed from the letters in the name Blood Purifier., Thest prizes will embrace the sums of $100, $50, $25, three prizes of 810 each, twenty-one prizcsof $5 each, all in cash, and a handsome present to every other person sending in a list of words. Send Sc. stamp for circular giving all particulars. Special offer to those who cannot get up a list of words. Address C. E. Hepburn, Druggist, 'Iroquois, Ont. The following appeared in the East- bourne (England) Chronicle regarding the clergyman who is to preach in the Trivitt Memorial Church at the in- augation of the bells on Sunday Dec- ember 7th. "It is with no ordinary fe11 n rn of re- gret gret that we announce that the Rev. H. G. Miller is about to leave us. The deepest feelings are the most dfficult to express, and we realize this hi en- deavoring to do them justice on the present occasion. In this age of ec- clesd is asticm within flan the church and science without it is refreshing to meet with such a faithful steward of God's knowledge man. * '* * Mr. Miller's n owledae of the bible is profound; his style is earnest and eloquent, his delivery commands attention while his reasoning is remarkable for its clear- ness accuracy and power. He is at once the theologian;' poet, orator and philosopher. But above all he is a preacher and teacher of the grand truths- of the bible and as such he has few a uals. T one n q ctan` listen to him without being struck with the clear- ness with which hepresentshissubject, and the logical sequence of every' sen- tence. His sermons are masterly in this respect and the consequence is that at the close, the whole sermon rises up clearly rev before us as a perfect unity in itself,and what one takes away is not so -much the acarids of the last sentence as the spirit of the whole. * ,rf * in bidding farewell to 'Mr hiller we desire to express to him our grateful appre- ciation ofhe• s. ministerial al workam011a a• us and our.best wishes for the;rfnture.4' Boy Wanted. Good stnart boy wanted to learn printing. Apply Lat this office. Borro wed but motReturIrett,: The. party who borrowed a double cutter from the Livery Barn of Mr. W. G. Bissett, will please return the same at once and oblige, W. G. Bssswrr, Axe Lost. Between the Railt•oacl'an l 2nd con- cession of Stephen leading from Huron Street. Finder will be suitably re- warded by leaving same at this office. Wanted. Never too late to mend. 5000 pairs of hoots and shoes that need repairing to be left at the leading boot and shoe store next door to the post office. G. iMallson. Select Knights or Canada, We announced last: week that a let). - ion of the Select Knights of Canada was about to be organized, and from what we can now reties a number of the •young men are taking hold of the affair and pushing it aloug. We are' pleased to note that, as it is one` of the best insurance -i' n8titutio,s n1' � Canada aucl every; young intro should become 1) Mem bee. <d.Ytother Piotleer•41one. It becorues the AnvoCATn's sad to chronicle the deathduty of ono of our old pioneers 111 the person of Mrs, Ruth Carley, who died on 'Tuesday last aged 63 years, 8 months and 1(1tiy. Funeral will take place from her lit 0 residence Gidley street today (Thursday) . at is o'clock p. fa. for the Exeter cemetery. The survii(g family have our heartfelt sympathy hi this their sad bereaye- meat, Dress goods, silks and satin mervs are aimong the goods being sacrificed at the Big, Bankrupt Store, Shootilot Rjlatt`l,, Don't forget the big shooting match ill connection with the Central .hotel Exeter, to -morrow, Friday. Upwards of 500 birds have been secured, for the occassion, 'rho match to be for a sweep, stake with $5 added by the proprietor. Entries must be made before 11 o'clock to Chas Sanders, of this journal. There will to bo no outsiders allowed to shoot on the grounds. "Lady Mantle's L,Lein. "Alas?' These are titles of two productions from John Lovell S. Son's Canadian copyrighted series of choice fiction. They are nicely bound and are writ- ten by famed writers, "Alas" being written by Rhoda 13rougton;and"Lady Maude's Mania," by George Manville Fenn, and are well worth their cost. Lovers of fiction should not be without these s-' as they will be found very inter- esting. Send direct to publishers, or to John Lovell & Son, Montreal Price 30ets each, Personal l Itention. Mi', Win, Welsh and family wlio liaye been residents 02• al i <m 'L a 00 h<1{'� L re- turned and ' intend to make Exeter eter their future horne,•--11Mrs, (Rei %) A. L. Bussel has gone for a couple of weeks visit: among her friends in the neighbor hood of Bluevale. Miss Dulnlage; her neice, from Sasketon, N. W. T., who is going to spend the winter among friends in Ontario accompanied her.— Miss Edith Hyndinan, who has been visiting her aunt in Toronto for;, the past three months, has returned. • JPree Trip Around The World, VIA N*sr.LIE Brr's Bourn, or its equivalent in gold is given by BnLL's MAGaz NE for the largest list of words constructed out of the words "Bell's Magazine." Also Pianos, Organs, Pan for Suites, Gold Watches, Silver Tea Sets, Parlor Coal Stoves, etc., etc., all positiyely given away. Every one sending not less than TW NTr words will get a present.' Send 12 cents in stamps, mentioning the (your paper's name), for Tules, illustrated and co • of paper PS to B • 1 Bene's p }Z nuezl et n; TORONTO, ONT 6 t —179 Another Claamant. Mr. Wm. Balkwell, Who lives one mile south'of here, on the London, road, claims that he is the oldest resident in the county, who has lived continuous- ly on the same farm that he. was. born on. Ile is 52 years old, and has neyer moved. off the farm he was born on. Ha admits that there are residents in the county, wlho'hae lived longer On their farms, but they Were not horn on. them. If there is a person in the county, Who has lived longer on the farm they were horn: on, without changing, he would like to hear of him. The Lion Insurance Fraud. The evidence taken in the investi- gation rn a of th e rl � .• rn v o al is oftt 1 4 _; 1 1 1,1i Provident (live stock,liuman and other insurance) continues to show what a swindle was being perpetrated on the public who was fools enough to pay in their money. The Government will be more than justified in wiping out the concern. t. Several alleged directors have been examined, buy they knew practically nothing of the inner work- ing. of the concern,Jones managing the business solely. As a monumental fraud the Jones Lion insurance scheme leads the procession. A lead A farmer' who resides not fifty* miles froin hero drove in the ocher day- to make the purchase of a suit of clothes, after which he became somewhat in ebriated and shortlyeafter dark started forhor m ,, and while driving the idea came into liis mauditlg brain to surprise his wife by appearing in fine clothes. Stopping on the road he un dressed' and threw his old suit into a creek, not knowing he had lost his new one outof the wagon. 1. o, Unable l •Lbs g c, to find either suit, he was obliged to wander home arrayed like a Zulu, and of course succeededin surprising his wife. Two-lton'ed Barley. Mr. James Johnston, reeve of Wawa - nosh, received two pounds and a half d) rn is st of 1e v• d. • 11 9 t i e S Chop, Middlings, c of Danish Chevelrer barley (two rowe from the Dominion Experimental Far at Ottawa, last spring, and tested i growth on his farm during. the pa season. The result was a return ninety-eight tis., and the roots in: son instances showed as align as. twellt. four heads, and the heads exhibite thirty-four petals in, many cases. 1Ved nesday last Mr. Johnston Was is to v and forwarded to the .Experinienta Farm samples of the grain and a num her• of the heads intact. He'claim it is the best return of any barley: li has yet handled, A )liodest'e�>spaper.' Man. There is a joke going the rounds a the expense of a modest young news paper man in a neighboring town which is so good that it ought to 1.1. true. The young man in question, : it appears, was recently invited to a party at a residence where the home had recently been blessed with an ad,: dition to the family, Accompanied by his best girl, he met his kind hostess at the door; and after the customary sal- utation, asked after the welfare of the baby.' 'T'he lady was-su"'fisritlg from a cold, which made her slightly deaf, and she mistakenly' supposed that the young roan was enquiring about her cold. She replied that;thoitgll site usually had one every winter, iter, this was the worst one she hacl ever had; it kept her awake at nights a good deal at first and eon fined her to her bed. '.,'heli noticing that the Scribe; was getting reale and nervous she, said she could see by his looks that he was going to have one just like hems, and, she asked him to go and lie, down. 'rho paper came out as usual next week, but the editor; 11118 given up itt,luiring about babies - 9 6750 Q ott, (,. or its equivalent in cosi, will be giyeu to the person detecting the •reateet number of errors, (words wroug lysllel- ofd or misplaced) ill the December issue. O11T1, HOMES." lit addition will be given tw Bash prizes of $200 each,fonr of $100„ eight of $50, 'ten of $25, twenty-five of $10, fifty of $5, one hun- dred of $2, and one hundred and fifty of $1, distributed in the order anentioc" ed in rules and rc ulations, which will. be sent with a copy of December issue on recipt of 15e in stamps. Special' cash prizes given away almost every day during competitioir which closes Feb. lst, 1891. ...,-..•.-.-r„-.�---.�..-..�.�—,.. �,�.eumM*.��-•4.1`N=eu!1+otknFr••e•.�.�.^ _aenwu �.� Address, Our; Bones Punrisruts'G Brockville, Ca AEaspnie. Lodge of Instruction for this Ma District was held. eat Seaforth Irl lb' I Bro. 0 Win. White, D. D. G. M., on ne 1 sa last ' t elle y d was in every re a decided success,, The attendance very large, there beim;• officers members present from Baden,Elaml Stratford, Mitchell, Clinton, He Blythe, Rilicardiue, Godeniel., and forth. The first degree work was c m lifi ed ,. 1. P T • ec.um set hLod Lodge, S llll , a f� ford, 7.hc, second by Maitland Lo Goderieh, and the third by T Lodge, Mitchell. R. W. Bro, White sided and was ably assisted by R. Bros. Dewitt Martyn, R. Radcliffe, P. `�'.G.Duff, l.D.D.G. M. and W Erbach, of Baden, Canino, of Bly Ballantyne, of Seaford.. All the w was exceedingly well done, Am those present front, Mitchell were Bro. Wood, Goodeye, Ooppin, Mael Kidd, Davis, Rock and others. Methodist Mission. Tho 66th annual report of the Mi ovary Society of the Methodist Chu has just been received by us. Fr it we find that the total income 1889.90 amounted to $220,026.43 or net increase over previous years of 251.Q?; of this amount the Guelph c ference contributed $17,353.1.3. Of t latter sunt St. Marys district gave 806.09, corning third in the couferen ry as regards Ids amounts a tsc contributed. ib ,,tete 1' St ford ' distxic,t gave 81,413.70. The di ft and circuits on St.11ftt dtstriet contributed as follows: Marys 8497.30; Granton, $170.65; L can, $180.86; Ailsa Craig, $17164.1. tori, $23643;,Woodham, $$298.20; N souri,;$104.65; Kintore, $76.$9; Tham ford, $69.57. In the Stratford distr we see that Mitchell takes' the le with 8417.94; with Fullarton next gi in • $318.97; then Stratford City wi $269.03. In London conference, Exet district paid $1,682.01; Loddon distri $4,980,82. London City paying 83,08 61. Whorndale $243.86. .iDuianess Changes. An important event this week is th purchase of Mr. Ed. Roberts' stock groceries, glassware, etc., by Mr. Ed b ackt wan • wh ' p o is n0 running iv a cloth h deg boot and shoe store; here. The pr cessiof stock -taking is about complete Mr. Roberts has purchased a stock o groceries and rented a, store on Perlia ment street, Toronto, where he and hi family will remove shortly. We ar sorry ouv _ to lose hood .citizens sush as Roberts.: He was an earnest worker h the intrests of . the Methodist Churel and much. beaked by all who knew him It is the intention of the purchaser to move the stock from the present place of business one door north to combine the sarhe with his late purchase,(1ir, E. Roberts old stand.) Mr. S. is well and favorably known throughout this sec- tion, and it will be his earnest endeav- or to keep the establishment in the front rank of Exeter business houses: Large additions will be made to the al- ready d vfi fine stock, -' w- ' mal , ,111 a none e£ the best in` the west; with the said stock selling at the very lowest notch com- bined with courteous and honorable dealing, he continues the business a• - a1 e,na in Exeter Cl a'• ttic every •. L1 - ., p nosc ct of securing p ecurina a most liberal patronage from the purchasine public. Co., nada. sonic L. Ti 1 I Wed- spect was and erg, nsa ll, Sea- ex - t' Lat• dge, ucl0r pre - W. and . M. the, ork one, tan, ssi- rch om for a o'1� his ce, at- fter- ys St. is - es ict ad v th er et 3. he o d. s e Mi It is' a certain and speedy cure for Cold in the Head and Catarrh in all fie stages, SOOTHING, CLEANSING, HEALING. Instant Relief, Permanent Cure, Failure Impossible. Manz so•cniled Memo aro simply symptoms of Catarrh, such as head. ache partial. deafness, losing sense of smell, foul breath, hawking and spit. ting, nausea general feol,ng of dm abilny of these or ki fired symptoms, your have Catarrh, and should lose no Limo 1n ,rocuring a bottle' of 17ASAr. BALM. Ile warned in time, neglected cold in head results in Catarrh, fol. lowed by eonsumpti et and death. NASAL 13eeo 18 80hl by all druggtot„ or will be sent, post paid, on receipt of prico(SO cents and $1.0:/) by addressing FULFORD & co,, trockvilie, Ont. Exeter Roller IiIIs. � }� F,PORTS. WHEAT,i e. ' � ro ry�ets.per O7•y Selling Prices. hush Flour, etrotlg baker's, $2,7 er 100 best.fam.ih-, 2441," ff low grade, 1.75 fC tf Bran, 7d it �f Middlings, 90 tf oeenings, g0 f. hop, 1.00 to 1. 5 " Bran, per ton, 14,00 Middlings, `: " 11,00 Chop stare running every day. TE AIS CAS}t, The EX.etek Milling Co, ct rsa 1 • . We have on hando ofthe largest and best assorted _ ... stocks in the Vlllage. which. we are prepared �^ p epa ed to sell at rock hotter prices. t:et�• f f outlw k.. RIMY Viar<�La They are genuine every time. fawito love perfeetioq in foot wear who seek for ease and economy-, and fashion,n finish and 9 e luxury and the action of strength, all who want a perfect shoe are a invited to call on. • CAR11 F1C EROS. Ogiier101 BirdifOilt trc�q Q[4er Sieires. 'g(5 O : 3tt%E.��r„S1r,�ti:. The Specilties, the Novelties, the he Qdc%ltlea of the A COUNTESS stove are For the first time in creatill� a sensation. i+'or:tl2e in many years there is a coal stove that travelling is on frmContiue. Manufacturers, traelling men, stove dealers, fl about the s and, in. fact, every person interested 11 stoves are talki 3ART COUNTESS, Why is this? Because the ART COUNTESS is clarirrg-in its gi _ ity. It leaps to the front with its wonderful oe lots No other stove has anything like filr -fiuprove to toe. Illi it.New e from t0 Brilliant from urn to base, top toe. Beautiful in its effect under Radiant on the parlor floor, and eloquent i •Vie' struction. n Its hot air con T�, H ART COUNTESS" has taken' p the lead, it already has rhoolo an will have to bo� d it a good. one that can overtake it. '�w O O O O O O O O O O O O O O OO O O O O 0 O O O O Q CALF. AND SEE THEM AU BE COHERED. 0000000_0000000000000000000 0 0OO 0 0 0 0: -0 0 0 O O O O O O O O p p O O OO A full assortment of cook and parlor stoves on ,,nett wl • 2Z ch must be sold, and VERY CHEAP. ZMcr 't M''or. e u the a i=ila,ce L F.t LLA BID, STAND, one OI do ' north ofD' 1. L utas Drug Stole, Main Street, Exeter. Sign 0T Big EEephant. ....Mall. n EAT , L �y I B R l�IlYG SALE. Wholesale and Retail Builders' Nails, Glass (Stained Engraved) ( ed asld , Locks, Dina' and o CS Butts (full lineHinges, Carriage Hardware. Bar Iron, Bent Stuff, I3ubbs, Spokes, Cutter - Runners. 1 , 1 .1�.t1IlA1e1 S• Shafts, Moqueite Wunslin; Drill &c. Mill Supplies ; Iron Pipe, Fittings, Valves, Asbestos. Packing,Rubber and Leather Beltings, &c. �`" l tl�l c SportMaterialing Breech -Loading' and Shot Guns l: I OiC el, Shot, &c. Stoves and Tin ware Cooking, Heating,', �,, �m�, P�r1o.i• and�. Coal Stoves. � ; ,. •All kinds Tin ware cheap. +' L�lvetl•otl e,�l • �, a I r11`] speciality-. . Send in our orders- 1 T y for C1IL�\ IT 1 orr STOVE and the genu- ine BL r, UbSI3URG COALS before it advances ANNEALED, BARD 5Mti➢E CREAK VV H 11401VOUR, J N. HOWARD, Manager. (Proprietor 1�,