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The Exeter Advocate, 1890-11-27, Page 5
ill ADVICE TO MOTIIEDs. Asa reward for his services in the ,erre you disturbed at nightand broken of you; rest by a sick child sat tiring and crying With interests of medical SC10nce,t13e Einpol•- pain of cutting teeth ? if so, send at one and er will probably confer' a title ofnobility get a bottle. of M ns, WIssi.oW's SOOTklwo STIaLP '$Olt Cn1LDRRN rl'sts-rialSO. Its value is inoalcul- upon Prof, Loch. able. 1 twill relieve the poorlittle suffererimme, diately. Depend encu it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. 1t sages dysentery and char• rheas, regulates the stotn;ieh anti bowels, cures windcolio, softens t lie gulps, reduces inftatntua- Lion, and gives tone anti energy to the wholes :system. MRS 1ViNSLow'sSOOTHING SYRUP roit CUtLDItEN Tlt:TUIao is pinas8nt to the taste,andl is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female nurses and physicians in the United States, and is for Rule by all druggists through. tot the. World. Flinn fdb Cents tt bottle. , Sir John Pope has been se lected by the Nationalists to succeed t the seat in the House of Commons fo North Kilkenny made vacant by th d.eath,of Edward P. M. Martini, All 1'YLe1I, young, old, or middle-aged. who find. themselves nervous, weak and 0 haust- ed, who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting• in many of the following; symptoms 1'feirt tl clepl,•ession,' perinature old age, loss of vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the .heart, emissions, lack of energy, pain in the ,kidneys, headache, pimples on the face or body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizzi• ness, specks before the eyes, twitching of the musoles, eyelids and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits'in the urine, •loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp or to: ' spine, weak and flabby nestles, desire • to sleep, failure , to be rested by sleep, eonstipatton, dullness of heating, loss of yoice, desire. for solitude, excitahility of temper, sunken eyes surrounded with LEADEN opaonD,,oily looking shill, etc., ,are all symptoms of nervous debil- ity that lead to insanity and death unless .cured. The spring or vital force having •lost its tension every function wanes in- consequence. Those who through abtisecommitted in ignor- ance may be permanently cirel Send: your address, for, book on all diseases peculiar to man. Address M. V. LIMON, 50 Front-st. F., Toronto, Ont. Books sent free sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms of Which are faint spells, purple lips, numbness, palpitation, skip beats, hot flushes" rush of blood to .the head, dull pain in the heart with beats strong rapid and irregular, the second heart beat quicker than the first, pain i- hbreastbone, etc. can est about te tively be cured. No cure, no. pay. Send for book. Address M. IT, LUBON, 50 Front Street, East, Toronto, Ont. Aug. 7, '90,-1y. The throe flint Mass factory build- ings of the Illinois glass works at Al- ton, Ill, were destroyed by fire Satin: - day •morning. The loss is $100,000 and 500 handsare thrown out of em- ployment. 0 r 0 When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castori When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When shebad Children, she gave them Castoria Hon. Robt. Bond of Newfoundland is on his way to Washington to confer with the U. S. Government in reward to reciprocal trade relations between the States and Newfoundland, . Consumption Cured. old physican, retired from pract- ice, having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure` of Con- sumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections, al- so a positive and radical cure for Ner- vous Debility and all Nervous Com- plaints, after having tested its wonder. ful curative powers in thousands of cas- es,has felt it his duty- to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to- relieve human suffering. I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipei in German, French or English, with full directions for prepaiing and using Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. A. Noyes, 820 Powers' Block, Rochester, N. Y.,Feby. 6 -90. A New York despatch says Charlos 11 Easton, an emploveo of the tobacco house of John H. T. Mayo, is a forger and; fugitive from justice owing to the allurements of 'Wall street. IIe is sup- posed to be in Canada, ,s:r„,17 11, Mind wandering cured. ISonks ienrnnri in ono reading Testimonials from ail parts 'i n,of the s sent onto o application osPosl of. S. Loisotte. 237 Fifth Ave. Now York, A. mortgage for $75,000;000 has ben recorded at Peru, Inchana.,!by the Pitts burg, Cincinnati, Chiesn,o and St. monis railway in favor of the New York 'I'rnst Cornptny; covering all operated and leased Pennsylvania lines west of Pittsburg, Piso s Remedy re Catarrh In Lha nest 1 asinst to U,to and yi� : fir Sold by druggists o1 sent by mat 1, 50c E. T. East:uhte, Warren, Pe., t' S. A Since September 1st,there have been 'on 'm average 700 Cases of sinallpoi per week in Madrid; and the disease is spreading in the provinees. HEALTH IN HERBS. IHealth -giving herbs barks, toots and ;, r berries are carefully combined in Bur- dock Blood Bitters, which regulate the secretions, purify the blood and i•eriov- tlte and sirengtlren the entire system. Pace $1 a bottle, six for $5: Less than 1 cent a dose. George J Gould has been elected president of the Pacific I\Iail Steamship Company and B. Houston vice presi- dent. Ministers, Lawyers, Teachers, and others, whose. occupation gives but little:exercise,shonld use Carters Little Liver Pills for torpid liver and bilious- ness. One is a Close. Try them, It is now admitted that Jay Gould has gained control of the that'll Pacific. He is also credited with the organiza— tion of a great combine in which all the transcontinental lines will join. WINTER SPORTS. ' The gay win ter season exposes many to attacks of colds, boughs, hoarseness, tightness of -the chest, asthtun, bron- chitis, etc.; which require a reliable remedy like 7lagy ai'd's Pectoral Balsam. for their relief and cure. Known as. reliable for over thirsty years. The beet cough cure. The Treasury Department at Wash- ington yesterday ruled that grain could not be taken from the States in- to Canada to be grotilid and the flour: returned to the States free of duty. Thousands who have used Nasal Balm give, testimony to its wonderful merit as a cure for (,old in the Head and Catarrh. Give it a trial. Take no substitutes. Canadian musicians going over, to entertain United States audiences will 111 future have to pay duty on their in- Straments. Hooting is said as to the wind. Prompt relief in sick headache, diz- ziness, nausea, constipation, pain in the: side, guaranteed. to those using Carter's Little Liver Pills. One a dose. Small price. Small close. Small pill. At a meeting of the University Sen- ate last,night a.committee•was appoint- ed to prepare a scheme of examination for degrees of music and a curriculum. A SOURCE OF JOY. DEAR SIBS. Mr. young sister were attacked by croup so badly that we almost despaired and had little hope of curing them. At last we applied Itagyards Yellow Oil and to our great joy it cured them perfectly, and ; they now enjoy the blessing of perfect health ANNE Joil'sTo', Dalhousie, N,' B. Everest's Cough Syrup is the best in the country. I speak from experience. -J. C. Pollock, Capt. Militia, l' orest P. Two policemen were dismissed from the Toronto force yesterday for i11 treat- ing a citizen and untruthfulness in connection with the case. BIG INTEREST. The biggest interest on any invest- ment is that obtained by buying a bottle of B. B. B. The dividends of strength, health and vigor are always realized, and there are no assessmens. Burdock Blood Bitters, the great blood puritier,costs one dollar a bottle -about one cent a dose. Mr. Saunders, who has been in Eng land enquiring into the prospects of a British market for Canadian eggs, is satisfied with the outlook., Children are especially liable h 'Cold in the Head and Catarrh. Neglect may mean an early grave. Treatment with Nasal Balm'cnsuresa speedy euro. Delays are dangerous. Are free from all crude and irritat- matter. Concentrated medicine only. Garter's Little Liver Pills Very small; very easy to take; no pain; no griping; no purging. Try them. The Metropolitan Street Railway of Toronto has obtained permission from the County Council to extend its line to Iiclnnond Bill. Come one, come all; Both great and small Try Hagyard Yellow Oil, • It stops the pains Of Wounds of sprains, That rest and comfort spoil. Froin Washington, Ottawa and other scources conies evidence l e c tit c.c, of the fact that Unitech States politicians have been. taught by the recent elections to look more favorably on reciprocity. "Everest's Extract of Wild Black- berry never fails to cure di.arrhosa,dys- enter y, &e."—the statements of scores who have tried it. 25c per bottle, fo sale by all druggists. The member's of a prominent Chinese firm of Sall Francisco have absconded to China, 'taking with thorn $10,000,the wages of Chinese, fishermen recently returned' from Aiaska, 311011 TIME. IiEN weakness, loss of appetite, lack of energy andother symp- toms of dyspepsia appear, it is hig;b time Burdock Blood. Bitters was made use of. There is nothing else "just as , ood," It is B. B. B. that cures dyspep sig, so be sure yeti get it: Mr. Parnell has intimated to his friends that lie will not resign Iris lead. arsine unless his party waists him to do so, Lind his followers have given him very strong intimation that they have no such wish. n 1.11tn61' has i, One as t that Parnell will resign and go to his con- stituents for then verdict. Michael Davitt's paper,strongly urges him to retire for a time: Everest's Cough Syrup is the best ins the country. --Duncan Pursell, Forest P.0. Around _About Us, Thieves broke into the backcellar door of Mr. John Brewster's store at Ciaiicleboye on Tuesday Tright of last week, and stole about $200 worth of groceries, cottons, underwear, etc. Mr. I3rowster was away in Penetanguishene at the time, and'1\Iiss. MCCaauly was in charge of the store. ' Mr. James Miller & Son, of McGilli vray, has purchased. two entire horses of Mr. Gilmore, Toronto. Mr. John Essery and Mr. Fisher intend shipping a car load of registered Clydesdale mares to the State of Indianna, in a few days. This is their third shipment to the Southern States. Caltolo's Bostt!1ill r TiC HAMILTON EEki PECTFIT ENLARGED AND IMPROVED Cantatas all the News, IllLany special 11'eaturee. Crisp and Pointed Comments The "Most„Entertaining Stories. The Choicest Literary ltiiatter, Everything for Everybody. S 1 -FFTEE MONTHS -S 1 This great pap er from mow till January 1 1892,-32 pages of reading m atter weekly—an d your choice of two great pictures for only $r. The pictares are reproductions of the two greatest paintings of the ago, CHRIST BEFORE PILATE, t/e origin1 solycl for $100,000. RUSSIAN WEDDINGd"IPEAST, th grit n°t5oi<i ialimusawarneffirmarosamareAlsomsomamo for $100,000. FRr.z:ms deo e. AGENTS. Besides a liberal commission agents for the SPECTATOR receive valuable prizes ranging in worth front 575 to $4. A great chance for hustlers; sure money for everybody.' With tho largest and best weekly paper in Canada to canvass for, and liberal commis- sion and valuable prizes, agents find it easy and profitable work. For terms and particulars address, SPECTATOR PRINTING COMPANY Hamilton Canada, tarSet clubbing rates in another column. "A STITCH III TIFIE SAVES INIKE," SO WILL A DOLLAR INVESTED IN M A LT O I'E PSY [an artificial gastric juice—formula on every label] SAVE 99 DOLLARS to any person suffering from stomach troubles, es- pecially if taken atthe first symptom of Indigestion, which is usually weight at the stomach, sornetnnes attended by slight pain, and may follow either a wholesome or a heavy meal. At first, this feeling soon passes array, and is only remembered as a little gin /easnnt, which, when repeated, graduallybe- comes more pronounced. To the average person is now suggested the cathartic pill, bitters, or other liquid purgatives, that will clear out the bowels. Such treatment is worse than useless ; it is positively harm- ful. The trouble is in the Stomach, the -Bowels are not responsible, and relief will only come through an intelligent trcannent of the disorder within the stomach. MALTOPEPSYN-is the remedy for all stomach troubles.ndo ed - E rs by the best physicians of England and Canada. Send 2 cis. in postage for valuable pamphlet to HAZEN MORSE., INTERNATIONAL BRIDGIt, ONTARIO. BSC FOR 110 From. now until January l'st, 1892 for PEOPL N; MAY BLOW BUT HAVE THEY THE GOODS TO BACK IT UP. mummiNgimmummanaganza Having purchasec the Estate of John Brawn, I have thoroughly refitted the factory, and am manufacturing an elegant line of furniture in Oak, Cherry, Maple and Ash. Note some of the Priceso Bed Room Sets in Antique Oak polished at $18.00 and up; Sideboards in Antique Oak polished at $101;00 and up; t " Maple, Cherry and Ash at $8.75 and up; " " Maple, Cherry and Ash at $8.00 and up; Beds, new stile, in Maple or. Birch at $1.90. And a handsome assortment of Hall Stands, Extension Tables Writing Desks, Centre Tables, all in Walnut, Oak, Cherry and Ash, and at very close prices. emember make no trashy elm furniture and sell as the as the Cheapest. 100,000 feet of Lumber and 300 cords of wood wanted, in exchange for furniture. A full Line of Undertaking goods always on hand Remember the Stand—Factory and Wa'er©ms two doors north of Town Hail, Exeter. WALT. ANDREWS. .4� gA It aid f:iii 'Regulates the Stomach,+ Liverandl3owels, unlocks theSecretions, Purifiesthe Blood and removes all im- purities from a Pimple to theworstScrofulous Sore. is. S „ 5,r ,.-2,,, u 1 Y.. f IIEID ;• CURE, •: DYS'PEPS IA. BILIOUSNESS CONSTIPATION, HEADACHE SALT RHEUM. SCROFULA. HEART BURN.'SOURSTOMACH DIZZ NESS. DROPSY RHEUMATISM. SKIN DISEASES i . i• f',1 P 4 It, ,, v w2u, W �?;c N•'�ktC 1 •" .d, f FE111011 0 nciesal� � fictall Grocers, Ili & SPIRIT Merchants, amain -s �., Ezeter. IL/ . A Fresh and New Stock of 3roceries Oateot!oJirg JUST ARRIVED AT THE Family Grocery. Also Pure EXTRACTS and SPICES. A beautiful piece of glass- ware given away with 1 lb of Mayell's Baking Powder. Dashwood Roller dour For Sale. Call and examine our goods befoiepurehasiug elsewhere. VYO L HYiila�lifr■1 t■ :TEAL flRTt A complete stock of Pure and Reliable Drugs ALWAYS REPT. Polgigjllogichies, Sjioii,os Dirglar 81110163 At right and reasonable prices. Prescriptions and Family Receipts Ca t efltfly :Prepared, Whimrs POINtiOf the best in the market. C. LUTTZ i, PROP. OIu1iig? 01611'14g! WE CLAIM TO CARRY THE LARGE EST, BEST AND CHEAPEST STOCK OF CLOTH- ING IN THE COUNTY. Stitla Qvrt �o� OO Et1111 Yth' 0 Ny'l Which will be cleared off at less than Bankrupt prices, at SPACKMAI9S 890T & En TQ flE $5,000.00 worth Boots and Shoes to be sold CHEAP. FANSON'S BLOCK, EXETER. E. J. SPACEMAN. —THE— CENTRAL SHAVING PARLOH1 EXETER, -. Ontario. A. HATIN1, PROPRIETOR. Every Attention paid to Ladies' and Children's Hair Cutting... A . Iastings. For first-class furnitixre, At right prices go to . N. OW •s, the leading FIIR$ITURE ELEB F��ENBL FIRECTOR. Stand one door north of MOLSONS BANK. Main-st., Exeter. ROBT. N ROWE. London Huron & Bruce Railway 1<'astaen pee'.Pilate Table. GOING Nonrn, ` GOING Sou'rn. 41011, p.m, on6on,tie}1't,e 116 4.25, Wiliabans 7,05 ale, Luc ititCrest 8.17 5,20. 1'3olgl the 7,24 100. Clan (1E:boy o 852 528, liytl473, Centralia 005 515 Loud shore' 7d7 4.25. EXETER 9.19 5.37. Clint n 8.07 1,45. Ifonyali. 9.28 6.09 Bruce cold 8.29 5,04 :Kipper, 033 6.17. Hipp n 8.34 5, 12, Ilrucofiold 0.12 623 Bons Al . 8.41 6.19, Clinton 10.00 945,16X15 'Elf 8,56 51,33. r.ondosboro 101e 7.03 Centralia 9.07 545. 111S,1,11 10.28 7 12, Cland oboyo 9,18 5.59. Bel grave 10,12 r.27.laical, Cros'g9.24 '6.02, Wirighanr 11.00 7,:15, Lend .n a,rr 1015 G.45 so is LEY THE LEADING ■ r d pay r AND Furnitura OF THE I have an immense Stock of Furnitui e and Undertaking Goods now on hand, which I will sell at right prices. tINDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. An Axamiliatiou of our Stock Solioltec s. W. G. Bissett'] Livery. First Class Horses and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL MEN, Orders left at Bissett Bros.' Hardware Store, will e prompt attention. TERMS REASONABLE A TRIAL SOLICITED, W. G. BISSETT. CATTLE P00». Maple Aye. Stock Fermis,, Lttcan, Ont., Nov. 29, 1890. Bart, Cotton); Esq,, London, Ont., DEAR. Silt.—I have giyen the CHAIII- PION FOOD a fair trial and hay no hesitationin pronouncing it the best. prepared food I have ever used: Some of niy horses had an attack of INFLU- ENZA and I fed thein CHAMPION FOOD with their ration of grain and bran and never saw anything work a change for the better so rapidly. .`It seems to remove all impurities from the system with which no animal can bo in a thriving condition. I have also some colts that have been troubled With Worms but after giving them a couple of feeds of CHAMPION FOOD they passed thein in large quantities. CHAMPION FOOD must soon come into general use and I have ,been talk- ing to several of our farmers and stock- men agent it and shall be pleased to promote the interests of your VALU- ABLE FOOD. I shall soon be coming to London where I shall require same more.. I am, clear sir, yours very truly,. E. H. NEIL, EXETER MARKETS. Wheat per bushel.. $0.90 to O.93 Barley . 40' to 50 Oats . • , 88 to 4.0 Eggs per doz. 16 to 17 er holy14 Butter, of .. .... 13 i to Butter, Cl'oC1. S .. .. , . , .. 10 t0 1B Potatoes per bush... ... 40 to -30 nay per ton , . , , .. .. 7.00 to 7.00 Clown Seed , . 3,50 to 8.50 Wool,.,.:.,. : 18 to, 19