The Exeter Advocate, 1890-11-27, Page 1VOL. IV.
The '<E'`oIsons ank
(Chartered by Parliament, 1855.)
Paid up Capital 82,000,000,
Rest Fund . , .. ... , 1,000,000,
Ilead office Montreal.
Twenty 13ranou oil -ices in the. Dominion
Agencies in the Dominion, U. S. and Europe.
Open every lawful day from 10 a. m. to 3 p.
m„ Saturdays 10 a. in. to 1 r. m.
A general banking business transacted
Four par Gent. per annum allowed for
money on Deposit Receipts.
Exeter, Jan 2S, '88. Manager.
' r ter Ab '.Cat:i
Is. published every Thursday Morning,
at the Office,
One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance,
:Iil:SGifnot so paid..
.cadzrerti iszg ReLtec can. .Fipglica.-
No paper discontinued til all arroarages
are paid. Advertisements without specific
directions will be published till forbid and
charged accordingly. Liberal discount made
for transcient advertisements inserted for
long periods. Every description or eun
PRINTING turned out in the finest style,
and at moderate rated. Negri fi'On5, etot
ers, &c. for advertising, p
be made payable to
Sanders & Sweet
Church Directory.
Robinson, Rector. Sunday Services, 1t a.m.
and 7 p.m. Sabbath, School, 2.30 p. n1.
MSriiOnrST Ou1I1C1I- Tames -et , Rev, A. L.
Rnssoll, Pastor. Sunday Services,10.30 a. m,
and 6.80 p.m. Sabbath School, 2 p. in.
MAIN S'rn1:ET-Rev. J. Wilson, Pastor. Sun
day Services, 10.30 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. Sabbath
School 2.30 p. m.
Pastor. Sunday Services, 11 a. m. and 6.80 p.
m. Sabbath School, 0.45 a.m.
Professional Cards.
H.ICINSMAN, L. D. S, east side of MAIN
SThtls`ET, EXETER, extracts teeth
with -out pain. Away, at llensall on ist
Friday; Ailsa Craig on 2nd and 4th Tuesday;
and Zurich ou last Thursday of each month.
V and Surgeon. Office and residence -
Corner Victoria and Elgin streets, Goderich,
Residence -Corner Andrew and North.
Streets, Exeter, Ontario.
C 11. INGRAM, DENTIST, Member Royal
. College Dental Surgeons, successor to
'H. L. Billings. Office over O'Neil's Bank,
Exeter, Ont. A safe anaesthetic given for
the painless extraction of teeth.
Liman every Friday.
rV 'HOLT,Ehiva,Ontario. Licensed auct-
1'1' • ioneer for the Counties of Middlesex
and Lambton, and the townships of Stephen
and Hay All sales promptly attended to.
- y, BOSSENBERRY,HensallOntario. Lic-
1.2. eased Auctioneer for the Countys of
Huron and Perth. °barges moderate and
satisfaction guaranteed.
Diu. CROSKERY, Member Royal. College
1J Surgeons, Eoglanilj Licentiate 11 oval
College of Physicians, Edinburgh; ltien'Lber 1
College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario.
Office, Mitchell's old stand, Crediton, Ont.
1 inar Sur eon. Graduate
I;.3"1115' 00;Toronto. 'Veterinary Dentist- t
n ry a speciality. Office and IRe-
!!; iwTn 1 sidenccono block east of Rich.
Pickard's store. Opposite skating rink, Ex- f
eters Ontario. t
-L1. Olt, Conveyancer, Notary Public. t
Office- Sam well's Block, Exeter, Ontario. 1
Money to Loan.
of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con-
veyanaer, Commissioner. &c. Money to loan J
Office-Fanson's Block, Exeter.
.i'1 itors, Conveyancers, &c. Money to loan
at 6 per cent.
FRED. W. FAILNCOMB, Provincial Land d
L.SnrveSor and Civil Engineer. Office,
Sam .ells block, up stairs, Main street,
Ext'er, Ont. D
1BROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Auct- f
1. ioneor for the Counties of Perth and
Middlesex, also for the township of Usborn0. 1.
Sales promptly attended to and termsroason Ii
eble.Sales arranged at Post office, Winchelsa
R5. CO VET' & AMOS. Y, Co1VEN, M, 3)
.I_ letember of Oollego Physicians and a.
8urgeons,Ontario. T, A, Amos. 5f. 13;, r,rad- I:
,ate; of Trinity University, Toronto, linen -
;late of the Ro, al College of Physicians and di
ihirgeons :Edin burgh; licentiate of the Far,, f
Litty.of Physicians alid Surgeons, Glasgow
Jflcc-Dr. Cowen's old stand.
Graduate New York. Eye and Ear Hospital,
43,yes tested and glasses supplied, Office cor. to
Maple andTalbot streets. , al
• • 111
!HRISTIE'S, ,,, r
.,:....pp- .--l
:lrst Class RIGS And HORSES.
7-. a ., a 2 .aa,otosati ti sici
relci±hone 0onnaction.
We have, and keepconstantlyy, one of the cleanest and
best assorted stocks of Drugs Patent _.
° .
Dye., ,•t a stuffs Combs Brushes etc..,
in town, which we sell at prices below any.
1 Y
Ori stock of drugs il s 1s fresh and we sell thclli at fair prices
a• , we are not members of any Dru Wa'ist's
y Association, We
do not use the scheduled , rice of the3Druggist's
pl Hilton cC Bruce
Association, and can therefore offer drugs at fair and reason-
able 1 . 1 CS,SOn
prices. a solicit a call.
o OCHENOUR Proprietor,
Corner Drug Store.
.Additional. Locals.
In the head •
Is a constitutional
Disease, and requires
A constitutional remedy
Like Hood's Sarsaparilla,
Which pu1•ifies the blood,
Makes the weak strong,
Restores health.
Try it now.
DafTerent Ulnas of People..
In every community there are al-
ways discriminating people who invar-
iably get the veay best value for their
money. 1n'hethe,r it is household fur-
niture, clothing, or any other lino,
these people will get the best goods at
the sante price as their neighbor gets
inferior articles. Of course, the results
always prove the shrewdness and wis•
dom of the discriminating• people re-
ferred to. It is a mone,Y making dis-
crimination. In the same way people
of good judgment are readers of the
Montreal. The knowing ones are a,
ware of the great value of the FAMILY
family. They know it is reliable., be-
cause in each department it is edited
by the best men that money can secure
and the result is they have a satisfact-
ory paper, a well informed paper, a
real authority upon all questions that
interest the ma,;ority of mankind. The
Montreal, has a universal circulation..
J.I)ietiuguishedi iir:ro3lite
1•Ir: Henry Cain, of Mt. Pleasant,
Mich., formerly a resident on the town -
line between Stephen and tIeGillivray
was visiting his many friends in Mc-
Gillivray, Stephen, and Exeter, last
week. Mr. Cain Left these parts about
nine years ago and located in his pre-
sent place of abode. At the recent
elections in Michigan he was proposed
as a fit and proper person to run for
the office of sheriff, and by his influenti•
al speaking and winning ways he suc-
cecded in winning the election with a
sweeping majority of 147. He is a man
of great pluck, for had he not been he
would not have won the present positi-
on which he now holds. He . was al
ways looked on here as a promising
I and a man of ability, and since
Ilis absence has fully distinguished
iimself as such. He is the possessor of
t fine residence on the other side, and
has not yet left the ranks 'of bachelor
ife. Hence his visit to Ontario. Al -
hough it seems he was not suited and
had to return with his intentions an-
ulfilled. We are quite sure many of
he fair sex would have willingly ed with him and shared his/burdens and
oils of public life, had he not been too
Lard to please.'
chooi.Qboard lifinateM
Board met at the store of the secret-
ry,aNov. 1st. Absent, A. G. Dyer.
terns passed. Minutes of previous
ncetiaig read and passed. H. Hueston
-ZIT. Hoskin -That Thos. .A Brown, of
Orono, be engaged as principal for the
ear 1891 at salary of €1500. Ad-
ournment. Board met at the resi-
ence of the Chairman on 23rd Nov.
Absent, A. G. Dyer, Items passed
Minutes of previous meeting read and
assed. W. Hoskin -W. Treble -The
011owing accounts, E. Folilek, extra
tibor $11.88, c/o wash'room $5; S.
anson labor 55c. T. Fitton -W. Ilos-
in-That the council be billed with
40.25 cost of draitl connection made
s' per valuation of the contractor, T.
Ia.rkioll, 1'. Fitton, -W. Treble -that
endorsation of account of $104.;18
or gravel labor, t&e., as presented by
V. S. Iissettt be requested from the
ouncil, T. Fitton -H. Tlueston-that
Hartnoll's account for wood,' &c., of
8:96 be paid. Treasurers, receipt of
10 on sale of stoves to Mr. McCallum.
uesto'11-1\r. Treble -that a suitable
sttmonial be dl•o i ed b ' the Secret-
y for preeentatiorl to' the present
incipal, to be submitted at the „next
eking of the Board. I3. Iiueaton-,
: 'Treble -•that tine ehairtnan,T I! itton
r i,
I «. Iloskin e a ' irnmtt
b c,t tt,c, to ar•
turn details of ;la niters agreement for
-Adoui•nrnent J. Gltit•n•.
tuicilhrsi fattcrs,
and make up their minds whether the
present comic:ills entitled to a renewal
of their confidence, should they seek
the sante. It is not always possible to
get our best citizens to serge iu our
councils. 80110 shrink from the tur-
moil arm strife which seems,insome
eases, a necessary proceeding to Win'
au election; others, again, hesitate to
expense themselves or to the abuse
and .misrepresentations too often in-,
dulged iu towards members ,of our
councils; while others are so inucli ab-
sorbed iu their own business that they
are content to' have municipal affairs
drift into any hands. The present in-
cumbents of office appear to have con-
ducted our affairs in a. most able, man-
lier, but many will be found who be
lieve they could have improyed Mat•
ters very considerably had they 'the
reins of power. Others are ready to
testify as to the economicalmanage-
ment this year compared with those of
former years, and so on. But one'thing
is certain, our people donot take enough
interest in those matters; remember
that eternal vigilance is not only the
price we pay for liberty, but it is also
the price we pay for good municipal
The Literary and Debating society
of S. S. No. 6, Stephen,, will give their
first entertainment ori Friday evening
the 5th of Decembcr,:to consist of music
instrumental and vocal, readings, reci-
tations and dialogues. The literary
has spared no pains in making every
preparation for having a good time.
All are cordially invited to attend. A
shall charge at the door will be made
to defray expenses. Come one come
Brown says he would like to know
who put his name in the ADvocATE.
Wonder what Frank has his house
fixed up so good for, must be going to
keep bach.
R Jennison's sale which was held on.
Monday last 17th was rather a failure
on accout of the rainy weather.
Mr. Thomas Brown, of Clinton, who
has spent the last three weeks visiting
friends in this yicinity has returned
Bru ssels.
About 5 o'clock Saturday morning
fire started in, the rear of the American.
Hotel, which quickly spread, the build
ing beim a three storey frame. The
next building to it on tihe south side
Soon caught, and burned so rapidly
that nothing could be saved. It was
occupied by A. R. Smith as a general
store. Loss on building 82,000, on stock
$12,000, with an insurance of $4,000.
'Che next store -a two storey • frame
and the largest store in Brussels was
ocoupied by A. Strachan; generalstore.
Loss on building, $3,500. The stock
was partially saved. Insurance on
stock, $5,900. The next building - burnt
was a two-storey frame, owned and
occupied by J. 4. Sitene' as a general
store. Loss onbuildin;, 81,500; stock
partially saved.
The time is fast approaching when
electors of Exeter; will be called
on to say by their votes, who ;shall
ve the conducting of their municipal
airs for another year. It is not too
)n for the electors to give Some - con -
oration as to how these affairs have
00 hi cotlducted d wring the least : year,:
Poultry and pork is the Paincig a
produce shipped from here
in large
The special services under the so-
pervision of Revs. Savage and Allen are
meeting with fair success.
'Ile cheese factory under the man-
agement of Mr. C. W. Smith, has closed
with good success for this season.
Mr Seumsdon of Toronto formcrel
of this vicinity who has been away for
about '19- years .is in visiting
Y, our midst
hale and hearty.
iVir. Rd. Nell, of ;, con of -McGillivray
is, we are vary sorry to learn,.strickon
down with •t 4c;vere attack of fever and
inflammation•littlle hnpea of his recovery
wyas entertained on Monday night.
Mount Cannel.
An entertainment given by the pu=
pils of Mt. Carnival school will be held in
the school house on the evening of Dee.
N0. 182.
A happy event took place le the
church of our lady, of Mt.-Carrna' last
Tuesday,it beinthe marriage of Miss
Ellie Kilgallin to Mr. Jos. Glavin both
of this place. The`ceremoncy^ was per-
formed by 'Rev. Father Kealy. The
V attired,.
:ul navy blue lionih-
etta cloth trimmed with navy blue sat-
in and plush turban to match. The
bridesmaid Miss Breen, of London, was
also dressed in navy blue cloth. Mr.
Glavin 'lti was assisted by Mr. Jno. Kil-
gallin brother of the bride. After the
ceremony they repaired to the house
of Mr. Kilgallin where about a hund-
red guests partook of a bountiful re
past. Ir) ;the evening' Mr. and Mrs
Glavin were escorted to the Centralia
station where amid showers of rice and
good wishes they took their departure
for points east.
Tuckersmith ,
Faint SOLD. -Mr Geo .Plewes has sold
his farm. oth the 1st con. of Tuckersrnith
toeldra,McDonald; of Usborue, for $6;000
The farm containcs 100 acres, a fide
dwelling house and the barn and'stab•
les are in fair condition. This farm
would slave readily sold at one time for
81,000, lie refused 86,500 for it about a
year ago; this shows thatfarm proper-
ty has depreciated the past few years
at least -$10 per acre. Mr. Plewes has
purchased a large tract of land in Man
itoba, and she and his family intend to
move out and settle on it iu the spring
He has bee'ti a resident of this township
for over thirty yCe.trs, and This many
friends and neighbors are sorry that he
has.deeided to remove, as he is univer-
sally retep..etea by both old and young.
It is our ISincere wish that he will re-
eain his health which has been failing
for some tirne,and that his most san-
guine anticipations may be more than
Mr. Wm. Kyle has fitted the upstairs
over his workshop for the different so•
cieties of ourvill:'ge. Kippen is in bad
Mr. J. Miller,. our enterprising taylor,
who has been laid up with inflammation
for the past'few weeks is on the mend.
Mr. James Smilie has given up farm-
ing and is coming to the village to re-
side in future: He has bought a house
and lot from. Mr..Shaffer and will oc-
cupy it in a short time.
Professor Scott, of Glascow, Scotland,
is holding a singing class in the Pres-
byterian church here. People wanting
their voices tuned will miss it by not
attending, as he is a good one.
Mr. J. Chesney has rented his farm
on the Kipper road, to Mr. Henry For-
sythe for a five year term. Mr. Ches-
ney intends removing to Mt. Forest,
where he will engage in business with
:his brother.
Mrs. Henry Hoist, disposed of her
household effects on Thursday last and
on Monday left for Marlette Mich„
where she will , Gin her husband, who
made the purchase of land in that.
BARNS BURNED.-On Monday night
last the barns and out buildings of Mr.
Harry Essery, of 5th con. of Stephen
were totally destroyed by fire. Some
grain and feed was burned: a number
of cattle and horses were in the stable
brat was liberated before fire reached
On Tuesday night last a very pleas-
ant gathering of mostly Exeter people
took place at the residence of Mr, Geo.
Mantle 5th con. of Stephen, the occassion
being the tripping of the lightfantastie
toe to the merry strains of violin and
organ. About 12 o'clock refreshments
were served by the ladies of the house
at which all done ample justice. Short.
ly after two the merry gathering' broke
and all left for their respective homes,
well satisfied with their evening's en-
Mr. ,John Sherritt shipped p p a carload
of lambs to Buffalo last week,
Mr. J. W. Watson, of Thedford paid
us a flying, visit last week.
Mr. William Sharp, of Stanley is the
guest of Mr. William' Hickey at pres.
en t.
There is a great many horses that
has got thedistem er, in this , y
p 1 vicinity
Mr. T. N. Hayter has no less than five
under medical treatment.
Mr. George Webb has purchased
(Sherrow) homested at a very reduced
plica and had ap ion
rn bee on Tues
day of this week which was ordinarly
well attended. He has also sold his 14
acre lot to Mr. Lewis of Crediton for.,
On Sunday last the stable owned by
Mr. Rd. Oliver,` but occupied by Mr.
Archie McGregor, wag consumed by
fire together with its contents, which
consisted of 2l• tons of hay a stack of
peas, a plow, a part of his wagon. It
is supposed to have been Set on fire by
the little boys while playing with.
niatches. No insurance.
Stanley Council.
The Council met Saturday,22nd inst,
at one o'clock P.m Members all Pres
ent, Minutes 01 previous meeting read
anti signet'. By •law appointing Geo.
Baird, Thos. Kennard, Geo. Stewart, W.
1Zathwell and,Sauluel Sterling, Dep. R.
Officers was read and passed, The ac
count of the Huron Sipa/ for adver-
tising the closings of road allowance
and the account of trustees of school
section, No. 4, for use of 5011001, House
for election purposes wore ordered to
be paid. The account of Peter Baker.
from the township of Hay, engineer for
digging' ditch on the farm of Jacob
liieronoxuous was laid over until in-
yestigated. The following gravel ac•
counts were ordered to be paid, -Wm.
Carrie $92; Jas, Parke $22.64; Peter
Capling $19.28; Chas. Logan 826:24; D.
Giugrick $18.80; Chas. Weekes $2424;
Wm. Cooper $3.10; John Cameron. $16.-
16.32; John Gibson 810.88; Geo. Stephen-
son $21.04; Rota. Suowden 820.88;
The Council then adjourned to meet
again ou Dee- 15th next at one o'clock
p. in. GEO. L. STEWART, Clerk.
Mr Allison, of Renfrew, is visiting
friends in this neighborhood, at pres-
Mr. F. H. Neil, Biddulph, is engaged
this week in Napinee at the Russell
fence business.
Mr, Jas. Herbert had a good share of
his feria turned upside down by a
ploughing•bee lately.
Mr.s Joseph Lewis and family are
mOvirea into the town of Clandeboye
from there farm iu McGlllivary.
Miss E. L. Paxman, of Parkhill, and
Miss Gillis, of Alsia Craig, are visiting
friends this week in the vicinity of
DIr. T. C. Hodgins, of London,shipped
fifty two carriage horses on Saturday
last to Liverpool for the English mar-
The cold hand of death removed from
our midst on Monday last, Ellie, second
daughter of Mr. Geo. Hodgins, after
suffering for some time from that con
.tageous disease diptheria.
Mr. Alonzo Hodgins leayes for De-
troit this week.
A. G. Hamilton, our jeweller left for
Harrison ou Tuesday.
Mr. Wm. Mitchell and family have
moved to Edgmondyille.
Mr. Geo. Fahner has returned from a
visit to friends in Michigan.
Mr, John Preeter is dangerously ill
with an attack of/ inflammation.
Mr. Noah Haist has moved into the
residence yacated by Mr. Mitchell.
Mr. Edward and Moses Brown leaves
on Thursday for Sebawaing Mich.
Mr. Walter Clarke returned from a
two weeks visit to ` friends in Owen
A Temperance society has been or-
ganized in this village with about
Mr. Jas. Dennis who has been carry;
ing on a tailoring business here has
left for Detroit.
Mr. David Finkbiner leaves for Kil-
managh, Mich., this week where he in-
tends opening a boot and shoe busi
In conversation with C. Prouty
Tuesday morning he says he is well
aware of the names of the parties who
removed and broke the the on tiie `'
Mr. F. YOUlagb111tt,o; l.olttiesborough,,
was visiting ;11r. 0, 111 yers, butcher of
this place, for at few days this week.
Mr. if. Happle shipped froni,this sta-
tion on. Saturday last a carload of fowl'
and a carload of lambs, for the Buffalo,
Poo late for last week
Mr, D. S. Faust is coming to the
front acre in this season with lits lith
discount sale.
The special meetings in cinanectiola
with the'E• chitrch are still being held.
They al'e. havie ; goon: ;success.
A mramber of our villagers attended
the sale of Mr. l;,. ,Jenuison, oil tin Lake.
Road, on Tuesday November 18th.
Mr, .Philip Sippct has returned from
Woodstock where he witnessed the
hanging of T3irclha11, He reports it as -
being a very sad affair,
Don't forget the g'and entertainment
under the auspices of the A. 0. F., on.
Friday November 25th. An exccllon'a
prograrne has been provided.
The teachers of the pubic school in
tend holding their annual concet itt;
the Town,tillall,on Fhiday evening Dec-
ember 19thy. Lvery 1liitig• is b firm , done -
to make the concert a .success. Dunt:
miss it.
The members of the council had their
photographs taken at M. George Hess's:•
on Saturday November 15th. They
are a fine looking lot of men, and there.
is no doubt but they will verb= good ime
a photo.
The new towu hall is finished and'.
was taken off the eontractors hands, on.
Saturday November 15th. It is a nag
nilicant structure, and Messrs II. ante
J. C. Kalbfleisch are to be congratulat-
ed for the splendid manner in which
they completed the colhtract.
He Doesen't Take Much Medicine -
and Advises the Reporter Not To,
"Humbug? C)f course it is. The so--
called science of medicine is a humbug;
and has been from the time of Hippo-
crates to tL•e present. Why the biggest:
crank in the Indian tribes is the med.
icie Iman."
"Very Frank. was the admsis--
pecially so when it came frontisoneon, eof
the biggest young physicians of the
city, one whose practice is among- the
thousands, though he has been grad-
uated but a: few years,"says the Buff
alo Courier. leery cozy was his office -
too, with its cheerful grate fire, its.
Qneen Anne furniture, and its many'
lounges and easy -chairs. He stirred
the fire lazily, lighted a fresh cigar,.,
and went on."
"Take the prescriptions ]aid down ins
the books and what do you find? Poi-
sons mainly, and nauseating stuffs that
would make a healthy man an invalid.
Why in the world .science should go to
poisons for its remedies I cannot tell,,
nor can I find any one who can;"
"How does a doctor know the effect
of his medicine?" he asked. "He calls,,
prescribes, and goes away. The only
way to judge would he to stand over -
the bed and watch the patient. This:
cannot be done. So, really, I don't know
how he is to tell, what good or hurt he
does. Sometime ago, you remember,.
the Boston Globe sent out a reporter,
with a stated set of symptoms He went
to eleyen prominent physicians and:
brought back eleven different pres-
criptions. This just shows holt- much
science there is in medicine."
There are local diseases of various
characters for which nature provides.
positive remedies. They may not be
included in the regular physician's list,
perhaps, because of their simplicity,but•.
the evidence of their curative power is%
beyond dispute. Kidney disease is..
ured by Warner's Safe Cure, a strict-
, herbal remedy. Thousands of per -
ons, evey year, writes as does H. J. -
ardiner, of Pontiac, R. I., August
"A few years ago I suffered more
tan probably ever will be known out -
de of myself; with kidney and liver•
omplaint. It is the old story --I visit
d doctor after doctor, but to no avail..
was at Newport, and Dr. Backman.
recommended Warner's Safe Cure. T
onnienced the use of it, and found re-
of immediately, Altogether I took
tree bottles. and I truthfully statethat..
cured me."
lake road and that he would have no
trouble in establishing the charge
against them; that if the parties would
pay for the broken tile and the cost of
getting them there he would drop it;
if not he will give the names to some
detective to work up the ease.
Quite a goodly number gathered in
the school house on Sunday, word hav-
ing got out that, in the absence of any
preacher, a Sunday school would be or-
ganized, which was done. A superin
tendent and a number of teachers were
appointed and many now consider the
Sunday school an established fact. It
is not confined to the benefit of child
ren only, but dilds,
all ages are invited toose attend. Auyearx we
think it is the duty of all parents a-
round Sodom to exert themselves to
increase the i umbers of such school.
It is also calculated to start the'
usual debating society as soon as pos-
sible; we think it is intended to hold a
meati tr on Wednesday December 3rd,
in the school house for the purpose ' of
organizing. All parties feeling an in-
terost in such things are invited to at
Mr and Mrs. Dirstein, of Zurich, was
visitinein town for a few days this
The royal templars of this place are
bootning, They initiated 17 new mem-
burs into their Order on Monday last.
1TcINTYRE,-In iuliarton, at the resi-
dence of his son, Mr. Hugih Mcin -
tyre, jr., on the 27th inst. Rugg
McIntyre, sr., aged 76 years and 7
HodginS- In Biddulph sir 1 on the 2 4tlar
ins,. ,ELlie second claUgh y
te,i of Mr.
Geo. Hodgins.
CARLEY . In Exeter, 3 5
y In , on .the, 2 th "ii .
v 1st .
Ruth Carley, .' aged 68 years S•
months'; and 1 day, . Funeral to:-
day (Thursday) at 2 o'clock,