HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1890-11-13, Page 8R1svtR FAus'fo clue SATI§FAcrlal#
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The best values'in Boots and Shoes
at the Big Bankrupt ;Store.
Don't fail to. see J. H. Grieve's $10
sults before. purchasing elsewhere.
The Farmers in tliis vicinity are bus-
ily engaged in taking up their turnips.
The several erearneeies,in the county
closed for the season on Saturday Nov
A special line of Sealettes at the Big
Bankrupt Store.
The An AT .
voc T; from now till the end
-of the year for 20 ,cents. Subscribe
If you want a first-class job .of
troughing clone, call on Milian Rd-
Send along your subscriptions for the
AnvocArn. Only 20,ceuts from now
till the end (Atha year.
Some job lines'of dress goods very
,eheap at the Big Bankrupt store.
is The l diem roller slating rink will
,ate:srst re•operied this week.
Insure in the Temperance and Gen-
eral Insurance
en-eralInsurance Co., .of Toronto. ED
BISSETT,'local agent.—play 29-90.
Try the J. A. Stewart Brand of Elec-
tric soap.. 6 bars for 25e, at the Big
Bankrupt Store.
Subscrille for. the ADVOCATE. Only
20 c.ents from now all January lst,
Lucan's rate of taxation this year is
Q0:i mills in the.dollar; Biddulph's rate
9 mills.
Ladies under vests for 50e., worth
?5c. at the Bis Bankrupt Store.
Mr. Jonathan Hodgins, Luean, has
sold his livery stable and 'bus to Mr.
W.Reid, who takes possession#his week.
Those new Swiss dress robes at .the
Big Bankrupt Store are Beauties. See
Leading authorities say the only
proper v, ase to treat catarrh is to take
a constitutional remedy, like Hood's
Miss Bella Acheson, who has been
. confined to her bed for the past few
.dayswith au-abilious attack, is, we are
glad to note, recovering.
Grand value in ladies and Gents fur
coats,caps and boas at the Big. Bankrupt
store. Fur coats for $13:50.
An exchange says: "If the clerk of
the weather will oblige us with a good
old-fashioned winter this year, the
country is safe in spite of McKinley.
Before ordering winter clothing call
on Jas. IL Grieve and examine his
large and well -assorted stock of winter
goods. Prices away below the lowest.
Mr. W, J. Stirtols, London, represent-
ing the well known firm of Joseph
Smith, Cigar 14ranufacturer of the For-
est City, was doing the town on Mon-
day last.
r�Mi. B. Aubry, of Montreal, purchas-
ed Bine fine general purpose horses
-here on Monday last and had them
taken to Seaforth, from where they
will be shipped to Montreal.
Don't wear a borrowed overcoat
when you can buy a new one arty size
for $$3.75 at the Big Bankrupt Store.
By ail accounts the Louisana Lottery
will soon be a tiring of the past. The
U. S. Express Co. has issued peremptory
orders to all its agents not to receive
money, tickets or lists of drawings for
The oldest man in the world is pro-
bably Osman, of Cavallovit, Turley.
He has lived 160 years, and has docu-
ments to prove it He is art Arabian
widower, end is stapported by a small
pension from the sultan.
If in passing. a house you hear a
terrible racket mingled with loud words
that wottid not look well in a Sunday
School boo,•;, you need not rush in ex -
pectins' to ]: c the first on the scene of
sr cold•blooded inttrder; they are only
putting up the stove pipes for the
The Hon. John Carling, is not
hit colleagues in the GOVernrnk.:11i iu
speidelTI Up for Cai,nad;t, His It nnieks
in `Toronto last tveck hod' the trite ring
:).ml fell upon belief ing ears. After all
such mens as McKinley do Ca mula f ood
in bringing to the front with voice and
influence such true Canadians as the
lion, JohnCai'1iege
The Canne?(att Oazette isauthority
for the statentertt that the Dominion
Government are considering the ques-
tion of establishing a 2 -cent. postage
rate for ounce letters, in conformity
with the U. S, rate,
A meetieg of the Board of Trade, is
called for on 'Friday night, Nov, 14th
Town Band room of IIall. Let
every member please attend.
By Order
R. H. Artcnie t, Pres.
Our worthy disciple of St, Crispin,
Mr, George Manson leaves the fast
thriving ranks of bachelors at last.
'fired of single life he takes to himself
Miss Sarah McGregor, of Highgate, for
better or for worse.
The oak -tree is often struck by light'
Mug, the buck, very seldom. A curi-
ous scientist ,discovers
the, reason of this
ie i t. the fact that villousave
1 leaves,
liko those of the buck, seem to prevent
the accumulation of electricity, while
smooth leaves like the oak's, do not,
A meeting of members .of the Exeter
Base Ball •Cl ub, is called for Wednes..
day night November` 19th in band
room of Town Hall. Let every mem
ber attend. Those having suits please
hand them in at this meeting or to the
secretary, By order.
N. D. [Jordon, President,
The. Book Committee of the Mechan-
ics Institute heist a meeting on •Tues.
day night at the Institute, after select-
ing a large number of new books a-
warded the printing of catalogues, on
motion of Mr. R. ll .Collins, seconded
by Mr. R. H. Archer, to the Sanders
Publishing Company.
We regret to hear that the founders
in Baltimore have had some trouble
with two of the lighter bells in the
'splendid chime intended for the Trivitt
Memorial Church, owing to the diffi•
catty of ,getting the proper tone the
bells have to be re -cast. This may de.
airy their arrival for a week.
Attention is directed to the reader
"A Free Home" elsewhere in. this issue.
This seems to afford an excellent chance
to obtain home free or a cashP l iz
asitis no di.lTi. difficult t m•tt r
to for readers
to direct mistakes in a printed publica
tion, The Company making this offer
is financially able to carry out all its
We are now offering. that splendid
family weekly. The Western Advert-
iser, London, with its charming month-
ly premium, "Wives and Daughters"
and the ADvocaTE at the remarkably
low figure of $1.70. Three popular
publications for almost the price of one!
Samples free. Address, The AnvocAak
Office, Exeter.
Any person who furnishes reliable
items to a newspaper is looked upon as
a valuable friend to the editor. Many
persons hesitate about sending a postal
card or other information to :a newspa-
per regarding the movements of them-
selves lest the editor should think them
anxious to see their names in print. He
will think nothing of the kind, he is
glad to get such notes. Send .a few and
We regret to learn of the death of
Mr. Blackburn, Managing Director of
the London Free Press, at Hot Springs,
Arkansas, on the llth inst., at the age
of 67 years. A useful citizen of Lon-
don was Mr. Blackburn and will be
greatly missed. Under his control that
great journal has attained the fore-
most position in Western Ontario. We
join with the employes of the Free.
Press in the bonds of sorrow and sym-
Richard Delbridge, of Winchelsea,
Ont., has been very successful at the
exhibition this season with his Berk
shires, having won ,twenty-seven first
and twenty-four second prizes. In
four years he made 160 entries, and
has won eighty three first and fifty
second prizes. He reports the follow-
ing recent sales: One sow to J. Ker-
slake, Exeter; 1 sow to J. Essery, Exet-
er; 1 sow to S. Hicks, Exeter: 1 sow to
A. Fuller, Woodham; 1 boar to D. R
'McLennan, Lancaster; 1 boar and 1
sow to W. McAlister, Varnia; 1 boar to
Mr. Sperling, Anderson.—Canadian
Live Stock and Fa) nt. Journal,
November The Eos
ember n
tuber ofi
T tolci
Homestead, a literary and domestic.
monthly published by Davis Bios, Sa
ta.nnah, Ga., U. S. A., is now ready. It
contains forty large pages of original
stories, sketches, poems, essays, etc. Its
household department, handsomely il-
lustrated fashion pages, children's cor-
ner, select
or-ner,select music, arida premium list,
together' with its complete and serial
stories, make the publication eagerly
sought by the people of all nationalities
and sections. There is not one line in
its columns that will offend delicate
tastes, and the matter throughout is
carefully freed frons sensational effects.
The subscription' price, unlike the cost-
ly magazines, is very low, being only
?11 a year, Send for sample csopy*, free.
Davis Bros„ publishers, Savannah, Ga.,
U. S. A.
Many people think newspaper men
are persistent dunners. By the way of
comparison let us suppose that a farmer
raises 1,000 bushels of wheat a , year,
and sell this out to 1,000 persons in all
parts of the country, a great portion of
them saying "14011 hand you the
dollar in a short time," The farmer
don't want to be serail, and says all
right. Soon the 1,000 bushels are gone
but he has nothing to show for it, and
he then realizes that he has frettertd
away his whole crop and that its clue
him in a thousand little driblets; con-
sequently he is seriously injured in his
business because his debtors each ow-
ing him one dollar', treat it as a small
matter and think it would not help
much. Continue this kind of business
year in,and year out as the publisher
docs how long woeld he stand it? A.
moment's thought, will convince any
one that a' publisher has t. kiss for pro-
siste;nt diunning,
Our readers will do well to gua
against e new swindle that a Chien,
firm is Attempting to work on them..
number of their circulars have he
received through post ofliees in
townships surronnding. The cireith
requests that you send there your•ph
and they will make you "a full siz
crayon protrait free of charge," A
they require of you is that you exhib
the portrait to your friends as an •
vertisement. How fair and honest th
sounds, does't it? Well if you send
picture, in about three weeks you g
a letter saying that the picture is rea
for shipment and is an excellent o
It will also suggest that you send ale
$8 to. pay for a good frame, so that'.
will not be damaged in shipment, Th
suni being a small outlay for $35 pi
tore and a $10 frame you will probe
ly send it—and get gulled. You w
never see either picture or frame.
you have a spare photo send it to the
and you will find that we are corre
But keep your $3 at ltonie.
Never too late to mond. 5000 pairs
boots and shoes that need repairing
be left at the leading boot and sl
store next door to the post office.
000 i'1geons Wanted. 11
The proprietor of the Central Hot
Mr. T. Acheson, wishes to purchase 6
pigeons at once, for which te will pa
20 cents per pair. Bring along you
birds and get your money.
204 lb Buck.
The company of hunters., who le
here about two weeks ago for Birk
1+alls,irr the persons of Messrs. D. Scbo
Clandebuye, H. Eilber, Crediton,
Johns and H. Levett, of this place, r
turned on Saturday evening last. Th
party managed to shoot eight deer,on
of which, was a fine buck,, weigh
254 lbs, and had antlers .with twent
one prongs.
Sold Again.
An advertisement appears in an
merican paper reading thus —t' Age
wanted for fast selling articles need
in ever
family. It
catches th
y y
em a
Samples light and clean, and can b
carried in the vest pocket. Send 2
cents for samples, and rake in all that
going." It was answered by a reside
of a neighboring• township, who rscei•
ed by return mail a' package contaii
a fine tooth comb.
A quiet weddrng took place at th
Methodist Church Parsonage, Luca
on Thursday, November 6th; when M
Wellington Johns, son of our worth
Postmaster, was united in holy bond
of matrimony to Miss Lilly Crocke
youngest daughter of Mr. Rich. Croc
er, also of this place. The ceremon
was performed by the Rev. R. C. He
ders. We extend our congratulation
to the happy couple.
"Two Orphans"
On Friday night last a play entitle
the "Two Orphans" took place in th
Opera House,•.'it which- a fairl ;. 3,ye
filled house was in attendance. Th
play was grand, startling and thrilltn
and was rendered in an intelligent an
artistic manner by the entire company.
On Saturday night they produced "Th
Old Homestead." A very slim hous
was in attendance. The performanc
is funny an introduces many meritor
ions specialties.
C. 0..6'. Elect Officers.
At the last regular meeting of Cour
Harmony, No. 63, Canadian Order o
Foresters, held on Monday- night, .tit
following officers were elected for th
current year: W.' C. Ranger, Bro. J3 i ed
Witwer; V. C.R,Bro.Alex Davie; Chap
Bro. Jas. Creech; Ful -Sec; Bro, J. E
Dignan; Rec-Sec, Bro.' D. A. Ross; Trees
Bro. J. W. Taylor; S. W., Bra G. ° Hill
J. W., Bro. Peter:Baivden; S. B., Bro.'II
Glanville; J. B, Biro. Wm Harding
Auditors, Bros. H. Spackman, and Wm
Free Trip Around The World.
equivalent in gold is given by Biesa's
Meeezrxn for the largest list of words
constructed out of ' the words "Bell's
Magazine." Also'Pianos, Organs, Par
.or Suites, Gold Watches, Silver 'lea
Sets, Parlor. Coal Stoves, etc., etc., all
positively given away. Every one
sending not less than TWENTY ss�ords
will get a present. Send 12 ,cents .in
stamps, mentioning the (your paper's
name), for rules, illustrated catalogue
and copy of paper to BELL'S MAGAZINE,
TORONTO, ONT. 6 t.-179
U rr
o -
y -
Get your sale bills printed at the
Alevooeerr office. We will",v,e yon a
gratuitous notice in the columns of the•
sehOotia)i Match,
On.a'halrksgiving Day a very inner-
estinl; shooting match took place here,
of which Mr. Wm. Page of the Metro-
politan Hotel was manager. The
weather was all that could be wished
for and all our shorts turned out to a
man. Mr. Robt. Sanders scored the
most birds, having shot 9 birds out of
the possible, 10. Sides were chosen, if�
which Messrs. Thos. Oke and John
Gillespie were captains. The following
are the names and scores:—
J. Gillespie, 7 Thos. Oke, 1
L Handford, 8 11. Sanders, 9
W. Sanders 8
J. Heywood, 5
F. Treubii r
e , 4 1.. Bissett; 7
E. Boysenberry, 2 A. J. Snell, 1
W. J. Carlin„ , 6 W. G. Bissett, 4
B. Eilber, 5 A. Walters, 4
N. D. Hurdon, 3 1<. Hunkin, �3
Total 43 Total 34
E. Bossenberry, 8; B. Eiiber, 5; A. J.
Snell, 4; T. Oke, 1; E. Bissett, 3.
Personal Mention.
Mrs. (Rev,) Bates, of Toronto, was
the guest of. Mrs. Dr. Amos on Satur-
day last.—Mrs, Dr. Cowen left on Tues-
day, for Prineton, Ill., to visit her son
Dr. IL M. Cowen.—Mr. Wesley Hawk
shaw spent Sunday in London.—Mr.
W. T. Amos, of McGillivray, was in
town on Saturday visiting• his brother
Dr.. Amos. --Mr. and Mrs.` George. Win.
terbottom, of London, are visiting.
relatives and friends here at present..
-Mr. William Levitt spent Thursday
iu Parkhill.—Mass Emma Demuth has
returned to Reed City, Mich. -Mr. Geo-
rge Easterbrook left this plach on Mon-
day last for Burlington)—Mr. William
Trewin, of Londesborough, is the' guest
of his brothei-in-law Mr. John Hooper,
Huron Street.—Mr. Joseph Bawden left
for Hamilton yesterday morning .where
scored a lucrative position in
a job printing office, success—
o c Joe.—Mr.
p ,�
A. Rollins, who hae been in Killarney,
Man, (his old home) for the past 3
weeks, returned her on Thursday last.
Mr. John Panton of Winnipeg, former-
ly of this place, was in town yesterday,
—Mr. Martin Northcott,of Toronto, is
visiting his brother Mr. James North-
n The Most Interesting Yet!
r More striking than the romantic car-
y ser of Birchall and the :premeditations
s of which plainly show the object te be
r, a worthy one, coming from Advance
k- Council No. 207, Royal Templars of
9 Temperance,. of Exeter, under who's`e
Hes auspices they intend holding a public
8 entertainment, to be given in the
Lecture Room of James Street Method -
let Church, on the evening of Novem-
d ber 17th, at the hour of 8 o'clock sharp.
Doors open at 7.30, a silver collection
is kindly asked from all who attend,
e This entertainment promises to be the
best and most interesting given by this
d society. An invitation has been given
to "Hensel Council" who have promis-
ed to he present and furnish an excell-
ent part of the program. Among theist
are, Revs. Cook and, Casson, also an in-
vitation is extended to Mr. and Mrs.:
Beeman "The Rescue Duet now en-
gaged in teniperance revival work in
Centralia; and with success. They are
known far and wide as among the
f most successful in persuading men to
e flee from the paths of drunkeness.'.
They :are wise excellent singers calling;
forth the admiration of the audience
in bursts of applause. Don't forget the.
' night, dont forget the plaice of meet
ing, don't forget the collection, and
most'ef alldon't forget to come.
' JAMES BEER, Ree. See
Additional local on front page.
A .Free Rom e.
A cottage; worth -4750 will be erected,
or its eciuivaldi')t in cash will be giyen
to the person detecting the greatest
number of typographical errors in the
December issue of our monthly; journal
entitled "OUR HOMES." Three hun-
dred and fifty additional cash prizes,
a.mohrnting to $2,300, will also be a-
warded in the order mentioned in rules
governing competition. Prizes pay.
able at par in any part of Canada or
the United States. Send 15c.in stamps,
for complete rules and sample copy of
"Our Homes," which will be issued
about Nov: 20th.
Address, OUR HOMES PunLIstt'INa CO.,
Brockville, Canada.
A Famous Mason.
Dr. James Ward -El -Ward, who lec-
tured twice in ?ditehell last week, has
seen much of the world. He is mak
'inti his fourth trip around the globe,
paid he is able to say, what no other.
living man can say, that he spent some
time among the savage HadJees of Mee.,
ca. He speaker thirteen di'PerOtit tan-
e uages, and although horn in SJerusae
lem, Palestine, his English is perfect.
He was master of .Solomon Mother
Lodge No. 1, Jerusalem, being the old.
est Masonic lodge in the world. This
lodge is in the very cave out of which
Stones were cut for lCillg` Solomon`s
Temple, and itround dt cluster many
scenes a:nd memories dent to every
member of the ancient craft,
It 14 a certain and speedy ours for
Cold in the Read and Catarrh in all im
Instant Relief, Permanent
Cure, Failure Impossible.
bray so•oalled.diseases' are simply
symptoms of. Catarrh, such its head.
ache, partial deafness, losing sense of
small, foul breath, hawking and spit-
tinp,.. nausea, general feehnit of de.
batty, etc. If you are troubled with
of these or'1,indred symptoms,.
time In,p ocuring n bottle ofNASAL..
BALiu. Be warned in time, neglected
cold in head results in Catarrh, fob
lowed by consumption and death..
NASAL BALir is sold. 1y alt druggists
or will be sent, post paid. on receipt of
price (60 cents and $1.00) by addressing
Brockville, Ord.
.oiler Mill-.
WHEAT, 90 TO 92 cts, er bush
Our SellingPrices.
Flour, strongbaker's, $2.75 per 100
2.50 'l tt
best family.
" low' grade, 1.75 t� r,
Bran, 70 " ,t
&liddlin, s, 90 it
Screcnillgs, 90 '°
Cho 1.00to '. +•
Bran, per ton, 12.00
Middlings u " 15:00
Chop stone runninge
� • every day.
The Exeter Milling Co.
We have on hand
one of the largest
and best assorted stocks
oC � in the village
which we aree
p�ep�lred. to sell at rock
bottom prices.
J i 1.
qo I
They are genuine every time.
SII '" 0 tove Dcrrc1io11
in foot wear, who seek for ease and
economy, fit and,
fashion, finish and
fineness, the luxury of lightnessg
the satisfaction of strength, all. who
want a perfect shoe
p are invited to
call on.
Bifforqt frolli o(�er stoves.
The Specilties, the Novelties the Oddities of th g
Novelties, � ART
COUNTESS stove are creating- a sensation. For the
first time in Many yeais there is a coal stove that is on every
tongue. M nufal,cturei:s, travelling men, stove dealer, i :r
ens and in fact, every .0
y pel,.on interested in stoves are ta:�u;��-
about the ART COUNTESS.
Why is this?
Because the ART COUNTESS is darin • in its original-
ity. It leaps to the front with its wonderful improvements:
pl•OT ei'3re17tS:
No other stove has anything like it, New from topto toe.
Brilliant from urn {��-
to base.. BeaLltifLl�. in its effect fire.
Radiant' on the parlor floor, and eloquent in its hot an con
has taken the lead, it already b.a the ole ani
� pole, it
will have to be a good axle that can overtake it.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0"0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,.0
0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 000000000000000 0—
A full assortment, of cook and parlor stoves on .,
l hand which
must be sold, and VERY CHEAP.
IDcrl'i; Z'e=get the lace`
STAND, one door north of Dr, Lutz's Drug Store, llZd n xStr t,
Exeter. Sign of Bag Elephant.
Wholesale and Retail
Builder's Hardware.
Nails, Glass (Stained and Engraved),e,
( Locks, Hinges,
and Butts (full line)
Carriage Hardware.
Bar Iron, Bent Stuff, }Tubbs, Spokes, ` Cutter Raillaells-
Shafts, Moqueite Wunsl.in, Drill &c.
Mill Supplies
Iron Pipe, Fittings, Valves, Asbestos. Packing,' REiblhr
and Leather Beltings, &c.
Sporting Material
p � a �erzal
Breech -Loading and Shot Guns Powder, Shot,,
� ,�.�,_
t v
e e� al��.
Tin ware
Cooking-, oHeating,
�, 1 Parlor of and Coal Stoves. 111. kinds
'l'inw-ate cheap. E v= ry,h. m , � it.
i ctlozl,.�111117 a si)r�a�.lra�,:,
Se'::d in our orders for L E' N ..� i �n
� y , - C -I IJ.�. U .T of STOVE QVIJ and the �.a,,.r�
ins BLOSSB1O RG COALS before it advances
,. 1
. � J. ��tt �� itC� f��lw%�•
Manager. Propriet+ r.