HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1890-11-13, Page 5.A.TPVICTu TO MeenceU$. Are 3-cudistnrbed at•nigltt and broken of yoin rest by t41 sick child surtertltg anti crying with, rain at cutting teeth? 1f so, sand at. once and get, 11 O1.th) of )f RS. W INtII.Ow'@.90OTU1NQ SYRUP iTOli01fiLDItIt2 'I'7tllTiitlf0. Ityvi1neIa,lnc&1Qu1• able. Itrri1l rellevt. the poorlittle sufferer imme- diately. Depend upon it, luotlroxs there iS n , u 7nistakeabout it. It wires dysentery and d iar- :twoa x I atoe tho sto , c1 and bowels, cures +vindrortf softens the w 1 e.rnduoesi» damnut- THE PEOPLE'S MISTAKE. People make a sad mistake often with serious results -when they neglect a constipated condition of the bowels. Know ipg that klurdeek Blood Bitters is and effectual cure at any stage of con- stipation, tlone- arra warrant us in ' n d sn tw sti , o p , oe tion and gives tone and energy to the whole g.leeting to use it at the right time. ,tygtOrn BIND) WINSLOW'S 500311144(1. SICItvr uoR. QUILVIMf'TI>Grnisoispleasant totltetaste,and Uso It I10W. itithe prescription ofon goftheolelestandaited bas! The students and the council of Bil- i .al a and physicians in the U oxn• s trlarso atop. aantl, is foratale by al l drug lei through 1101).5 Lennoxvi1l0, Quo, have 9attbte yxpr1d rrloe :AM.:tents et ottle. 'The recent imperial federation meet- ing in London, which was primar- ily intended as a jubilation over the Nova Scotia speeches of the two Sir Joints, seems to be looked on as an a- musing farce by the Londouers,chiefly on account of Gen. Laurie's champion. ship of protection, All Men,. young; old, or middle-aged. who find. thenlsely e•s nervous, weak and exhaust- ed, -wbo are broken dotal from excess or overwork, resulting in Many of the following synptons•1I n t ldepression, ssion, perrltatrire old age, loss of vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions, lac: of energy, pain in the kidneys, headache, pimples on the face or body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs, diari. mess, specks before the eyes. tni'itehirig 440 licl elsewhere, > muscles eyelids an he of t lrashftilaiess, deposits in the urine, loss of willpower, tenderness of the scalp or spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing,, loss of voice, desire for solitude, excitability of temper, sunken eyes surrounclecl: with LEADEN CI1IOLE, oily looking skin, etc., are all symptoms, of nervous debil- ity that lead to insanity and death g unless cured. The spun„ or vitalforce, baying lost its tension every function -wanes in consequence. Those who through abuse committed in ignor- anceralay be permanently clued. Send your address for` book on all diseases peculiar to man. Address M. V. LIMON, 50 Front-st.: E., Toronto, Ont. Books sent free sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms of which are faint spells, pnrplelips, numbness', palpitation, skip beats, hot flushes. rush of blood to the head, dull pain in the heart with beats strong rapid and irregular, the second heart Beat quicker than the 'first, pain about the breast bone, etc., can posi- tively be cured. No cure, no pay. Send for book. Address M. V.LUBON, 50 Frout Street, East, Toronto, Ont. Aur;'. 7, '90,-y. T,ezvfoltn<llainds. representatives leave England on Tuesday,. with the French shore difficulty far from being settled. A London rumer now has it that France will demand the cession of Now Hebrides as the price of the aban- donment of her rights ln Newfound - heed. batt a sligh difference, which,however, is likely to be smoothed over. 0 from The offensiveresulting breath, 1 ultln �, Catarrh, can bemoved by a few appli- cations of Nasal Balm. Every sufferer slleuld n'eitatrial. Sold by all deal- ers, Mr. Trudeau, Deputy Minister of Railways and Canals, takes over the office of Chief Engineer of Canals left vacant by the death of Mr. Page• I :actually believe that Everest's Cough Syrup saved my life. -Jag. Kirk- patrick, Merchant, Forest P. 0. WHAT' IS A DAY'S LABOR, One days 11;or1: for a healthy liver cr is to secrete three and a half pounds of bile, If the bile secretion be deficient, constipation ensues; if profuse bilious- ness aucl jaundice arise, Burdock Blood Bitters is the most perfect liver regul- ator known in medicine for peventlug and curing all liver troubles. St , `nee the Est lust: the UnitedStates S treasury department has paid out $20, 000,000 on account of pensions,causing a reduction of the surplus to that ex- tent. You hardly realize that it is medi- etile, when taking. Carter's Little Liver Pills;, they are very small; no bad ef- fects; all troubles from torpid liver. arc relived by their use. hop- ed h ' is to be ll. internal injurte8„wltic It p ed will molt prove fatal. The dwelling Douse and contents of David Carter, McKillop township, near Winthrop, was destroyed by tire' on Friday night last. Loss, $300; no in suranco. Carter was absent visiting relatives in Brussels and the house was unquestionably fired. 4n y On Friday nicht last,burglars forced an entrance into Halsted & Scott's bank. m Wingham, by prying open the front door with chisels. A hole was drilled into one of the doors of the safe and the •see opened. vh n the door wa lock broken 1 P e At this juncture, it is supposed they were disturbed by the tenants of the rooms over the bank, as they left, leav- ing their tools lying on the floor. Had they not been disturbed, no doubt they would have opened the inner door of the safe, when they would have made a big haul: When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When slew= Vas a Child, she cried for Castori Whenshsbecame Miss, she clung to Castoria. t4heasbebad Children, she gave them Castoria and BritishIron, rc Butt e The members of tl T Steel Institute shot the Lachine rapids yesterday and visited Caughnawaga, where they happened to beJustin time to witness an Indian wedding. Correspondence of the State Depart- ment at Washington goes to°show that the propositions re Behring Sea attri- buted to Sir Julian Pauneefote are not new, and that Secretary Blaine has re- jected them on the conditions named. GensillrPtiOn Cured. TIMELY WISDOM. Great and timely wisdom is shown by keeping Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry on hand. It has no equal for cholera, cholera morbus, diar• rieea, dysentery, colic, cramps, and ail summer complaints or looseness of the bowels. The Quebec Legislature opened yes- terday. Hon.Dir. MarchandarchMarchand was elect- ed Speaker and Hon. Mr. Blanchet.lead- er of the Opposition. There was no speech from the throne. I had a bad cold on my lungs for two years; everything I tried failed me till I got Everest's Cough Syrup, and it cured me. --Mrs. D. A. Fraser, Park- hill P. 0. EQUAL RIGHTS. At Clinton on Friday' last fashionable. circles were buey,it being the wedding day of Miss Carrie E. Gibbings, eldest daughter of Mr. John Gibbintis, mer- chant, to Mr. Will J. Kay, of elle Doher- ty organ factory. The wedding tool: place at the residence of the bride's father, Rey. Joseph Edge conducting the ceremony. A large number were present, as the contracting parties are highly esteemed. The bride has held the position of organist in the Ontario street Methodist church for several years, whilelie he groom hasbeen leader d of the same choir: Tho blidesm<1i1s were Miss Emma Shipley, of Clinton, and. Miss L. Geddes, of Belrave. The groom was assisted by Mr..'red Kay,of North Bay a brother, and Mr. Benjam- in Gibbings, brothel of the bride. The bride was the recipient of many costly and handsome presents. The happy couple left by the 4.45 train for the west. FarMer__Bros., ko!esa!e Retail Grocers, WINE &INRIT Merchants, !da{ae4Exeter. Friday SUICIDE.—on rida y afternoon much surprise and regret was felt on it becoming known that. Mr. James Calder, of the 3rd con. of ii McKillop, had committed suicide. c e Mr. Calder was one of our most prosperous and respected farmers and those best acquainted with him would be the very last to suspect that he could be guilty of committing so lash an act. He had gone into his barn and tied the door on the inside with a rope. He had then climed up a ladder into the mow, tak- ing the ladder up with him. By the aid of the ladder he had, ev rd en ly, got up to the roof of the building, fastened one end of the rope around a rafter and placing the other end around his neck, walked alone a beam and slid off. When found he was suspended in this way, his feet within about a foot of the hay underneath. When the body was found there was $114 in the pockets: Besides this he had a liberal sum toll's credit in the bank, a good 100 acre farm, clear of all incumbrance, a large and valuable stock of horses and ea, a barn filled with this season's crop, and everything so far as this world's goods are concerned, calculated to make a person confortable and easy minded. He was about 54 years of age, was ]lever married, and since the death of his mother 4 or 5 years ago, lived most of the time alone. All have equal rights in life and lib- erty and the pursuit of happiness, but. many are handicapped in she race by dyspepsia, biliousness, lack of energy, nervous debility; 'weakness, constipa tion, etc.,by completely removing these complaints Burdock Blood Bitters con- fers untold benefits on all sui'ferers., The central chamber of agriculture in London yesterday adopted a resolu- tion maintaining the regulations re- gardiug imports of United States cattle. To be free from sick headache, bil- iousness, constipation, etc., use Carter's Little Liver Pills. Strictly vegetable. They gently stimulate the liver and free the stomach from bile. It is almost impossible to escape Oold in the Head during this wet, disagree- able season. But Nasal Bahn gives in- stant relief and never fails to cure. A, A trial will convince you: Diphtheria has been ravaging Mar- tinsville, Indiana, and . neighborhood, and the infection is believed to. have been spread by ,cats. MINING NEWS. Mining experts note that cholera never itttacl:s the bowo1 of the earth, but humanity* in general find it neces- sary to IiSO Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry for bowel complaints, dysentery, diarihcea, etc. It is a "sure euro. The exports from St, John, N B., for the first four mouths of thils year are largely in excess of those of' the same period last year. An old phy:,sican, retired from pract- ice, having had placed in Inc hands by an East<India missionary the formula of a'sirnple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Con- sumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma • and .131 throat and Lntig Affections, al- so a positive and radical cure for Nei Taus Debility and all Nervous Com- plaints, after having tested its wonder- ful curative powers in thousands of cas- es,has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering. I will' send free of charge, to all -who desire it, this recipe, in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using Sent by inail'by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. A. Noyes, 820 Powers' Block, Rochester, N. Y,,Feby. 0 —90. , Chief Justice Sir Thomas Galt, in the Court of Appeal at Toronto yesterday, m the lower, nt of ' d the judgment L su9 tall] ,] n t . for ' the . court refusing to make an order examination of Birehall in the Graeme- Glollh libel case. ruilittn ITlinitaki Having leased the premises latety occupied by Mr. John Brawn, I would inform the public that I. carry an immen- se stock of FURNITURE of my ownMauufacture;which I will sell at 6 I4iind wandering cored. Books lratnn 1 in ono reading Testimonial, until ,11 ports of the glebe 'Prospectus 1,05T b Lmeette.2o, Fifth Ave. New York. sa sant on anolieatton to Prof The New York Tribune concedes the Democrats a, majority of at least 120 in, the next House of Representatives, and other papers estimate as high as 150. P.lso's Remedy for Catarrh fa tato nest, Miele:A to tisoand Chn•tpt+ t ,fuer Sold by druggist?, or scut by mai ,30o. 1•2.'.C.I•Iarolt,no, warren, Pa., U, S. A. Everest'elLiver Regulator, worked wonders onfime and made me feel like a new man.—Levi E. Slipper, Forest P. 0. CLOTHING J. SELL, 1\Zair mt. EXETER ONTARIO Has now in stock EXTRAORDINARY' PRICES Inepect my stock before buy- ing elsewhei e ants. .a.ve from 10 to 20 per cent. I am bound to sell,and guaratee my goods to be superior to factory work. An extensive anarchist movement has been discovered at Lyons, France. Five arrests have been made and. c others are expected. > t IMPERIAL tSrill present an opportunity to ex- tend the fame of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry the unfailing rent ecly for cholera, cholera morbus, colic,' cramps, diarrhoea'dysentery, to every dysentery, and all Win complaints, e mci•y part of the Empire. Wild Strawberry never fails. FA Port Colborne despatch says gas was struck at the Hopkins well in Humberstone yesterday, The flow is very strong, Not one in twenty are free from some little ailment caused by inaction of the layer. Use Carter's Little Liver Pills. The gestalt will be a pleasant surprise. They giVe posSitive relief. . On the old 1tttbert homestead near Argentine, Kansas, cit Saturday*; an. iron pat con . �, twining $5,000 in gold coin Rupert :incl was unearthedunearthedbyJohn Ru ne 1, . ames Iialfclway, who were excavating for t barn foundation. The toms were all .11] d,itt;d pier to 1.854 .and it is belfev ed the goifl was buried by some man who was killed in the war. "A STITCH Ind TI i ZAYFIIS 'NII E,u SO WILL A DOLLAR INVESTED I1 Undertaking autumn and Rinter IN THE FOLLOWING LINES : West of England Suitings. and Trous. erings, Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser- ings. .French and English Worsted Cloths All made up in the Latest Style, at best Rates. .,. t SNELL. in all its branches at lowest possible prices. Special attention will be given to this branch of .the business. Give me a share of the patronage. Remember the stand, two doors north of the Town Hall,Exeter. WALT. ANDREWS. TICE. A Fresh and New Stock of Groceries & Go tROtio al JUST ARRIVED AT THE S. GIBLEY._ THE LEADING- erIt1r _. AND Furture Dealer OF THE CIOt�i� I CI 4tt' g a' i I have an immense kock of Furniture and 'Undertaking Goods now on hand, which I will sell at rightht prices. UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. An examination of our Stock Solicited. { s a I,. o o� a r . ?.Y. WE CLAIM TO CARRY THE LARGE Family :-: Grocery, Also Pure EXTRACTS and SPICES. A beautiful piece of glass- ware given away •with 1 Ib of. Mayell's Baking Powder. Dashwood noller Flour For 0it�a1O. Call and examine our goods before purchasing elsewhere, G. L NYNDIUN. MALTOPE PSYN Lan artificial gastric, juice—formula on every label')' SAVE 99 DOLLARS to any person suffering from stomach troubles, es- pecially if taken at the first symptom of Indigestion, which is usually weight at the stomach, sometimes attended by slight 'pain, and may follow either a wholesome or a heavy meal. At first, this feeling soon passes away, and is only rernembcred as a little iup kar nr which, when repeated, ated, Kra dua lY be- comes more pronounced, To the average person is now suSRestcd the cathartic pill, bitters, or other liquid purgatives, that will clear out the bowels. Such treatment is worse than useless ; it is positively harm- ful. The trouble is in the Stomach, the Vowels are not responsible, and relief will only come through an stomach.igent treatrnent of the t MALTOPEPSYN istheTremedy forsoder within t all stomach troubles. Endorsed by the best physicians of England and Canada. Send 2 Cts. in postage for valuable pamphlet to IIAZEN MORSE, INTERNATIONAL BRIDGE ONTARIO. Around About `Us, Tint.• --Thursday evening shortly after 8 o'clock the store of McKinnon & Powell, Blyth, was discovered to be on fire• between tho ceiling tnd the floor of the Masonic Hall. Dann'l L ,to the amount of about $115 was chile, Aii , ,.,' scriotts accident occurred to Eddie Ccn1, Stara, while hauling m'argolds. The team ran away, throwing him oft: iii 1, passing Over tine, 11 a„on, the wheels p 5 ve hinny 2:tolirieg'thee° ribs and ;bail 11i TUX CARR. pORSE'S GLY,CEROLE OF CELERY COMPOUND: J UTlt remedy for teething targets- and adnite .altering from alt actio.. troubles. Guar►oaod tb oontala re opium er any dregs ►xe.pt those printed on remota on *very bottle. Endorsed by ybyldei►n►, Yates, 1,0 aaroa, Inn .ale by druggists, Send two cent stamp for descriptive circular to Hazen Morse, Buffalo, N.Yt UNTIIAL VflVC ZTED A complete stock of Pure and Reliable Drags ALWAYS KEPT. EST, BEST AND CHEAPEST IN ORDER TO MAKE SPACE STOCK OF CLOTH. ING IN THE COUNTY. Which will be cleared off at less than Bankrupt prices, at S ACt<Mtt N'S Sponges, Druggist's Suji1ies At right and reasonable prices. 55,000.00 worth Boots and Shoes to be sold CHEAP. FANSON'S BLOCK, EXETER. Prescriptions , and Falllr Receipts 1 Family RRCs Carefully Prepared. S tr PQGtllllio the best in the market. C. LUTZ, PROP. iRN&OY/�J, rid POWDERS r I• sant b b �a t to .•. , zt ,' � � X, Cbl aa.x theit''aiv:: I,'iai' : a:iv:4 Is a We, stow doe ej?.ch c des.' cry c.udYna S2z.Czt.tbal r�•.a.,,.'yr� C dYfl .l 1 •tasa+d.o.+lr:a+>Ysusa:arn lacwiaieak4Hxr WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, NAY DIGESTION) FLUTTERiN' UNbICE OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS, 'ACIb1TY.O SAE STOMACH TIE SALT RHEUM, �, t HEARTBURid DRYNESS ti OF THE SKIN, E. J SPACEMAN. HEADACHE, ” eVer r' species.• of csswase Axiift7 } tint .A• .... s*r]JN1J3'.i 1?swm dzsoi�rlcrd)cT, },IV.n;Et, J • r SPOM•tt,tC.i��3rT,.t.30l6�V;�'LS 0•I�,7�LO0.t]'�.. URi1 & GO FxBj>rtO101•1 L. 'P,1I .—THE— CENTRAL SHAVIN PARLOR. EXETER, Ontario. A, HASTINGS 3 PROPRIETOR. Every Attention paid to Ladies' and Children's Hair Cutting. .A.. hosting's. —FOR— _ AIITIIMIi GOODS 3 We will clear out the balance of our Winter Stock AT COST ashf., • 'c . b•r ,` i�P 1 MLY Including a splendid assortment of OVERCOATS & SUITS 1011 MEN'AND BOYS. GENTS LADIES AND GENTS FIIRS. LADIES FUR CAPS, MUFFS AND HATS. LADIES NETT, VEST AND WOOL SHAWLS. A NICE STOCK OF FUR. T2IMMIN'S` GENTS HEAVY WOOL LINED KID M1TS R GLOVES at 75e worth $1. We cant be undersold in„ Teas and Sugars for SPOT CASH. JOHN MATH H e SON. Exeter North . . IM..MINI. RE 1 Bissell's Liveq. First Class Horses acid Big s. SPECIAL RATES WITH. COMMERCIAL MEN. Orders left at Bissett Bros. Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS - REASONABLE. A TRIAL SOLICITED. V. G. BISSETT. Maple Ave. Stock Farm, Liman, Ont., Nov. 28, 1890. Bart. Cottam, Esq., London, Ont., Dnka Slla.-I have given the CRAM, PION FOOD a fair trial and haye no hesitation in pronouncing it the best 1yfirst-class LL LflU V9opfremy odrfsoeosd hIadhiavne acr;ttcer lusoef dIILUe- ENZA and I fed therm CHAMPION At right prices go to FOOD with their ration of grain and R. N. the leading fu�K�TDR� DE�LFU AND FUWEIIIIL ➢INECi08. :r 7 OWEbran and never saw anything work a change for the better so rapidly. It seems to remove all impurities from the system with which no animal can be in a thriving condition. I have also some colts that have been troubled: with worms but after P giving N themrooD e 0 couple of feeds of C I3AMPI e they passed them in large quantities: CHAMPION FOOD must soon cornu into general use and I have been talk- ing to several of our farmers and stock- men about it and shall be pleased to. promote-, the interests of your VALU- ABLE ALU A . , t 1.OD, o Br,. r I shall soon be coming to London where I shall require some more. I tern, dear sir, yours very truly, F. E. NEIL. Stand one door north of MOLSONS BANK. Main-st., Exeter. ROBT. N. ROWE. London HauronC Bruce Railway Passenger Time Table. GOING NORTH, —� GrOINO SOUTH. a,m Pm, axe . p.m, .F,ond on,dep't 8.05 4,25. 'RA/Ingham 7.05 840. Lttcao Cros'g 8,47 5.30, 13elgravo 7,24 4.00, C.l:andohayo 8 52 5 28 111:011 - 7.88 4.15. 0entrtlia 0.05 ,.+t5 Lonrlesbcro' 7,11 4.22, l+I:YE".CF]Ir 010 5,57. Clinton 8,07 115, 1 onsall: 0.28 6,00 T(ruccrield 8.20 5.04. Tii ppen 9,84 0.77. 11ipPatt 8,34 512.. 13rucofield 0.43 6,-0 1rtin5all 0.11 r 19. Clinton 10,00 ii 45. EXT 'Fina 8.50 5.31. Lbn(lebbcra' 1,0.111 7.08. Centralia 0.07 5,45. Til,Y tit 10,28 7a12. Claodoboyo 0.18 5.50. 17 igrave 1042 127 Tnetu Gros 8924 6.02. Winghana 11.06 7,0. Lattdoix tt,00 1015 6.45 EXETER MA 1K TS. Wheat per bushel:..... $0.90 to 0,92 Barley .. ..... 40. to 45 Oats , ... . 34 to 85 Peas ..55 to 56 Eggs per dor 16 to 17 Butter, Bolls . 13 to 14 Butter, Clocks. .. 10 to 1S Potatoes 'per bush.— 40 to 50 15 1? per torr,.., 700 to 100 R. e l.t.yl .,.'..: , Clover Seed , . 3.50 to 3,50 S Waol,,.18 to 1