HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1890-11-13, Page 1VOL. TV. The liVio!sons Bank. (Chartered by Parliament, 1835.) Paid up Capital .... $2,000,000. Rest Fund.... 1,000,000, Head office Montreal, F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Esq., GENERAL MANAGER. Twenty I3ranch offices in the Dominion' Agencies in the Dominion, U. S. and. Europe, M17C-ETSZ112, mR,23.1‘TCX-S.. Open ever lawfal clay from 19 a m. to p. m., baturdays 10 a.m. to 1 p. m. A general banking business transacted Four per eewt, per annum allowed for raenes on Deposit Receipts. R. II. ARC,I1FeR, Exeter, Jan 28, '88. Manager. THE elettL,r buorate, Is published. every Thursday Morning, , at the Office, 'al( MAIN -STREET, — EXETER. By the SANDERS' PUBLISHING COMPANY. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance. s 1..50 if not so paid.. .23.3..--rext1.01=g• ,o.toz cm= ,13.rplicis.- tlor..t. No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid. A.dvertieernents without specific directions will. be pnblishea till forbid and charged acoordingly. Liberal discount made for transcient advertisements inserted for long periods, Every description. of JOB PRINTING turned out in the finest Style, and at moderato rates^. ,'Ohequesquoney ord- ers, &e. for advertising, subscriptions, eto. to be made payable to Sanders & Sweet EitOrItITITOrte church Directory. 'reliever MEMORIAL. CflUROILBOV. §. F Robinson, Rector. Sunday Services, 11 a. m and.7 p.m. Sabbath School,,2.30 p.m. METHODIST ClitritcH—Taxnes-st , Rev. A. L. Russell, Pastor. Sunday Services,10,30 a. m. and: 6.30 p.m.' Sabbath &heel, 2 p. m. MAIN STREET—Rev. 3. Wilson, Pastor. Sun day Services,10.30 a.ui. and. 6.30 p.ra. Sabbath Sehoo12.30 p. m. EXESBYTEIIIAN CIIIIRC11.—Rev. W. Martin, Pastor. Sunday Services, 11 a. m. and 630 p. m. Sabbath Sebocil,11.45 a.m. Professional Cards. 6 STRENT, EXIITlirt, extracts' teeth. with- H.XINSMAN,L.D.S, east side of at LIN. out pain. Away, at Hensall onrst Friday; Ailsa Craig on Snd and 1th Tuesday; awl Zurich on last rhursday of each. month. T B WHITELY, Id. D., C. M., PIIYSICIAN u . and Seigeon. Office and. residence -- Corner Victoria, and. Elgin streets, Ofpderich, Ontario: , 4 TAR. J. A. ROLLINS. OFFICE—MAIN ST. Residence—Corner Andrew and North Streets, Exeter, Ontario. ri IL INGRAM, DENTIST, Member Royal k..i• College Dental Surgeons successor to H. L. Isinings. Office over O''Netl's Bank, Exeter Ont. A safe anaesthetic given for the painless extraction of teeth. Goes to Liman every Friday. DRS. COWEN &AMOS. Y. COWEN, Id. D •Member of College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. T. A.. Amos, M. D., grad - nate of Trinity University, Toronto, licen- tiate of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons Edinburgh; licentiate of theFae- ulty of Phyaicians and Surgeons, Glasgow. offiee—Dr. Cowan's old stand. 1 -NR. OROSEERY, Member Royal College .1.1 Surgeons, England.; Licentiate Royal College of Physicians, Eclinbrirgh; Member College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. Office, MitehelPs old stand, Crediton, Ont. WILLIAM SWEET, VETE11- V V inary Surgeon. Graduate Toronto, Veterinary. Dentist - rya speciality. Office and Re- siclenceone block east of Rich. Pickard's store. Opposite skating rink, Ex- eter, Ontario. fil), IL COLLINS, BARRISTER, SOLICIT - It. OR, Cortvoyaneer, Notary Public. Office— Samwell's Block, Exeter, Ontario. Money to Loan. • DICKSON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con- veyancer, Commissioner. &c. Money to loan Offiee—Fan son's Block, Exeter. LLIOT & ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, SOLIC- itors, Conveyancers,. &c. 3Ioney to loan at 6 per cont. B . V. ELLio,e. J. ELLIOT EARED. W. FARNCOMB, Provincial Land I` Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Office, •SitinwelPs block, up stairs, Main street, Exeter, Ont. 4IrllBROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Aunt- . ioneer for the Counties of Perth. and Middlesex, also for the township of Usborne. Sales promptly attended to and term s reason able. Sales arranged at Post office, Winclielsa BOSSENBERRY, He ns all Ontario. Lic- .151 ensed Auctioneer for the Countof Blazon and Pert'. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. ur HOLT, Nhiva, Ontario. L ce nsed ✓ . ioneer for the Counties of Middlesex and Lambton, and the townshii,s Of Stephen. and Hay All sales promptly attended to, yi ii,k7 traveling Y lotENsil oli,icavl oogriturl,triaK. s,viei iim ary or Commission, paid weekly. Outfit free. Spotlit] attention given to beginnersWork(.rs never fail to make good weekly wades. Write mo at once for particulars. B 0. GRAHAM, NuriSmtystAx, (This house is reliable.) TORONTO, eve, 17I -10t. GotilCI ERAL) [llf itt CTIPJ) First Glass RIGS And HORSES. ORDERS LEFT AT ,THE HAWK. SHAW HOUSE OR AT THE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. t'ersta =e6.,egt)It.diclo Teleohene Connection. ••=aamastismoomensovanunalogualualocialo• EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1.890. We have, and keep, constantly, me of the cleanest and best assorted stocks of Dr ug s7 Patent apt edilegnes, Dyes, Alve stuffs, Combs,' 'Brushes, etc., in town, which we sell: at prices below any. ,Our stock of drugs is fresh and we sell them at fair prices as -we are not members of any Druggist's Association. We do not use the scheduled price of the Efuron & Bruce Drug,gists Association, and can therefot'e offer drugs at fair and .reaS able106es• • We solicit a call. W. E. •CHENOUR, reprietor, .Corner Drag Store ........cmassasaggImmsrarovsamon.a.M•aoluse......1.4..............pagsvcasupw.amaciaranzascolimazocarma,coossno . It is 0. )IiStAlee. To try to cure catareli by using local applicationsCatarrh is not a local but a sonstitittitional diseaSe. lt i not a disease of the rime's nose, but of the man. Therefore to effect a cure, re- quires 'a constitu,ional remedy like Hood's Sarsaparilla, whinh, acting through the blood, reache.s every. part of the. system, exeelling the taint which causes the disease, and impartiug health, Rebate of Tastes. About this time of year corporations are accustomed to receive application for the rebates of taxes, arid in Many instance:8, without considering the kr patty of the action, they are granted. Councils should i•emember that they have no power to vote a refund of any portion of a ratepayer's taxes. The court, of Revision was appointed to deal with kal .objections whieh might be raised against assessments. The sched- ules left in , every ratepayer's hands call attentionto ,said court, and the time of meeting' is duly .advertised in one or more .local papers, so that there can be no excuse ef the court having been helckWithout. the knowledge of the agrieved. ratepayers. Its adoption of the roll is final, and for a council to interfere with their work, by granting rebates, issimquestronably illegal. Where saolisirs are mule, No part, of the New South offers greater opportunities than Alabama; and the brightest jewel of that section is Florende. .The skill of the engineer can welt be "Challenged in the selection. of a site morreeaerfreitgebtrs for health- fulness, beauty and utility. Four years tagosit was a village of 1,250 inhabit- ants, now it is over 7,000 and still growing. The proceeds of the land sale which occurs there Wednesday, November 19th, will be devoted entire- ly to the building of manufacturies and other developments at Florence. Thirty factories dre already located there. The Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton Railroad will sell excursion tickets to Plorence at one fare for the round trip, on November 17 and 18, good for 15 days returning. For rates, descriptive matter, etc., call on or ad- dress any agent of the C. IL & D. or E. 0.11cCormic, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, Cincinnati ; Here is a chance to make dollars. seientific Farming Must be the aim of every farmer who would make his farm pay. If the fanner understands the nature of his soil, the peauliarities of grain and vices and the beat methods ofwork—and if he recognizes stockraising as the right arm of agriculture, and studies care- fully the best books, and subscribes to the be,st.journels that treat in a prectic- al manner of the various; departments Of both live stock and farming, then he is a, scientific farmer, and not only that, but. a progressive one. THE CANADIAN LIVE STOCK AND FARM JOURNAL en- deavors.to linpress on the Canadian Farmer that his work is a profession, which,' like all °thee! professions,re quires the most careful study if success is to be achieved The school boy at school, andethe young man at college, study the experience of other men in printed books, and by means of that native: wit with which natures has sup plied most of us, theY, are enabled to apply this experience to their own ,par- timiler weak. All farmers may,. how7 e,ver, reed a good live fariner's journal. Tiit CA?JADI.,...N Levis Srogte AND FARM JOUllN A 1,, published monthly in TO011- to, is a p101ipati011 Of this kind; it de- votes its pages to theinterests of the Canadian farmer and of the Canadian stockman -; and by 'contributions from the pens of the ablest and .nneet pra,e- ties' •writers in Canada in all il.epa,rt. merits of the Farm, Live Stock, the Daley, Poultry, Hortieulture, etc., it brings to the farmer's household the nog recent and useful information, and thus, as it were, COnStittite8 a col lege in itself: The price of TUTS LIVE STOCK JOURNAL fol one year is $1, and subscribers beginning pow will reeelve Ten JOURNAL to the beginning of 1802, for the price of, only one yeer18 sub scription. We are happy to state that by an arrangement made with the publishers of THE CANADIAN LIVE' Sgoeic AND FARM JOURNAL, we. aro able to gunply it to Jatina,ry, 1892, hed the Exeter AnVoseerrs for elle yeer, for only $.1..75, 'This is an offer that might o be accepted by eyegy ofie of our far, eer readers. Send in yonr ordere eght Mr. Savage is holding, special servieee in Nursery church this week. - ' Cattle arebrieging bettereerices this fall than for trimly years past. Mr. Quiotal :shipped a number of horses fiensi Lucan onThairsday. ,Mr R J. McNamee Diyisiou Court 'Clerk, has removed his office from Mooresville to Luean. . Mr. Joseph Hodgins entertained the brethren of L. 0. L. No. 492by giving a..supper and dance on. the 5th, Zurich., W. Utley is able to walk around on crutehee w The .new fin.nacea have' been placed in the new town halt..' The ball on Thanksgiving, night Was a grand success, there being about 25 couple Present.. A Christmas festival will lie,heidee Commotion with theEvangelicalChurch sometime during chrstmes week. While cutting wood the other day,. Philip Randel had the misfortune ' to cut his foot.: • The doctor stitched up the Wound and now Philip is. getting along very well, Air, Mason who has for the past yea!u been employed as Miller in the Znrich Mille left for Illinois oa Wednes- day, we wish him muish success, and long may he live to have many' a pleasant visit to Zurich, . Bretsteri Mr. and Mrs. IL B. Dailey are, at present visiting friends in Mitchell. Mud is about the only thing that We haye got to boast of in these parts at present. Mr. C. Jeffrey of the Sanble Line, who has spent the. summer in the northern part of Michigan, has return ed home. • Quite a number from this vicinity spent. Thanksgiving Day ,shooting. We have heard o'f one young man who was trying to Scare the life out of the game with a revolver. We have not heard of any deaths' yet. T. J. Brown, who has been spending a few days shooting in these parts, has had somewhat better hick since, ,yotir last issue, having bagged a fox, several black squirrels be,sides badly .frighten- ing a good many rabbits and nearly himself by falling, Off a log. • Brucefieldi (Too late for last week.) Mr. Wm. rollick of Watertown, N.Y. IS visiting in this village. Large quantities of apples are being shipped from this station,. Mr, S. J. Polack has purehased the residence of Mr. John Manson. A singing class is to be formed by Mr. Thos. Scott, of Glasgow. Oome all, Mr. Joseph Robineon, who has been laid up with a bad cold for a few days, is around again. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was dispensed with on Sunday, 2nd inst., in the church of the late John Ross. Preparatory services were preached on Thursday both in Gaeli and' English by Rev. Mr. Ross of Clinton, Sunday services were conducted by Rev. Measre. Grab* a,ndeRoss, and on the following Mondays by, Mr. Needham of Egmondville.. Usborne School Report. School report for S. S. No. 5 Usborne is as follows, Names appear iu order of merit. IV class.—Ila Westcott, Edith West- cott. 111 class, Ser.—Violet Russell, Blanch Westeott, - III class, Jr.—.Lila McCord, Jennie McDonald, Lily McDonald. Il class, Ser—Garnet J.Frayne, -Wil- lie R. Frayne, Nelson Prout, Lily May fl Wegcott class, Jr..—Emily Wood Violet IVillis Norman McDonald, Eliza IIig- g'ins. 11 Part.—Jessie Richard, Violet Rus- sell, Vincent IVoodgArthur Sanders. I Pa rt. -0 wage Westcott, John Rich. ard, Lily M. Roweliffe, Willie Roweliffe, Edith 'McCord, David McCord, Tommy Diggine, Fred Cornish, and Donnie Bruce. J. W. Iloctengu, Teacher, miantlina No Ise Crediton. MATnrmoNIAL.--Another of thos pleasant events took place here yea terday, it being the marriage of M Henry Finkbiner, of this place, to Mis Laura Heywood, youngest daughte Of Xfr, John Heywood, of Usborne: Th ceremony was performed by the Rev Mr. Redmond in the presence of kt of the conteacting partie's Most inti mate friends. The groom was Support ed by Mr. 1sli Heywood, the bride' brother, while the bride was assiste by Miss Annie Rowtcliffe. The brid leis the recipient of many costly pre nts, , . Mrs. A W. King spent Monday lest in Clinton. „...Miss Tillie Akem, who has been vis- iting friends in teen, returned to her 'inane in Chilton on Saturday last, Peruse/sr. Evis.ar.--A pleasant eYenttook place at the residence of M4,,Jas. Denthron, 2nd coneessioti of go, yesterday (Wednesday) it beteg 1.114 marriage of ,Miss Elizabeth, seeped daughter of Mr. Borithron, to Mr. David Nichol, of Hensel!. The ceremony was petformed by the Rev. Mk. Henderson, in the presence of relatives and friend:S. Qeite, an exciting time, was spent by sesSeral of our. local 'sports in this viciu- itynn Thursday. last • (Thanksgiving DO), when they congregated together and chose aides for e squirrel hunt, the losing side to pay for an oystersnp- per.. Messrs. John Colwell and : J. Troyer were chosen as fit and pepper perebnato place ,,in command Of the genie seekers. After a general .hunt all day; .Mr. Colwell's side won by a sspeoerret, of over 400 tails: Jelin feels very prod Over his yietoty, as he is quite Green -way, Mr. Robt. English has bought the T. A. Wilsen dwelling house. Mr. W. H. English has rented ilfr. D. Edward's place for a term of two yeers. Mr. John Sherritt shipped two car roads of cattle last Saturday to Mr. Scett, of Guelph. ,Yeton Methodist Sabbath School ise.esointed Mrs. Ulens and Miss Jennie Whiteside to train the scholars for the Xmas tree entertainment,which M to be held Xmas night. Grace Church has been repaired and looks beautiful on the inside. The 5th of November was a beautiful day, but many went away very much disap- pointed on account of the sickness of Flttlier Chiniquy. A large number came frern a distance, but returned back home early in the evening. At 8 o'clock the church was nearry, full. Mr. John Niel, District Master was cal- led to the chair and made a few appro- priate remarks and called upon Mr. Robt. Hutchinson, Master of Lodge, IV. Wilson, Secretary, J. Foster, District :Master of Stanley, and Rev. J. E.Holm- es, who gave very interesting address- es. Mr. W. J. Wilson, who keeps a store here, and is also Postmaster and Magis- trate,. lately has had Some trouble with with thieves, his store being broken into and geode stolen quite frequently. Last Thursday night he lost 120 lbs. of honey in this way, and one evening lately some one attempted to carry- off a hive of bees, but had to drop it, as the stings made it too hot to carry. Mr. Wilson sent to London for Detective Graham, and that officer, who returned to the city on Saturday, reports that lie has secured pretty strone0evidence against four boys living in the village. but it is not likely that Mi Wilson will prosecute them. T. LAWRENCE CANALS. RAPIDE PLAT DIVISION. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Q BALED TENDERS addressed to the under signed., and endorsed "Tender for the St. Lawrence Canals," will be received at this office, until the arrival of the eastern and western mails on Wednesday, the srd day of December next, for the construction of a lift lock, weirs, etc., at Morrisburg, arra the deepening and enlargement of the Rapide Plat Canal. The work will be divided nito three seetions,bach about a mile in length. A map of the locality, together with plans and specifications of the respective works, can be seen on athi after wedessaav, the ifith dal/ of Novetnber next. cit this quieg, and at the Resident Engineer's Office, Morris borg,wh ere printed forms of tender can be obtained, In the case ef iirms there must be attached to the tender, the actliaI signatures of the full name, the nature of the ocenpation anti residenee of (mai member of the same, and further, an accepted cheque on a chartered bank in Canada for the sten of $0,000, must aceom pally the tender for Section No. I, and Wn accepted cheqde on a chartered bank in Canada, for the sum of $2,000 for each of the ot her mections. The respective adeentedchequoi must be en- dorsed over to the Minister of Railways and Canals, and will be forfeited if the party ten clerin g deelines enter' ng into contract for the works at tile rates and on the terms stated in the offer submitted. The cheques Mins sent in will be returned to the respeo- tier) earties whose tenders aro not accepted. This Department does not, however, bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. By order, A, I'. BRADLEY, Sedretam Departnient of ItailwayS find Canals, 0 ttirwa,, Ste No yoin ber)1800. McGillivray Council, Town Hall, McGillivray, November 3rd1 1890., Council met pursuant to adjournment. present W. H. Taylor, 1.4, Corbett, and P. P. Harding Deputy Reeves, W. Ritchie, and J. D. Drummond, Councillors. Minutes of last meeting. read approved of and signed. Moved by P. P. Harding, seconded by J. D. Drummond, that the following persons be paid the several amounts as set forth viz:—T. Hodgson, balance gravel account $5.10; D. R,yan, repair ing culve,r, on min gravel road at Doyle's $1; F. Foust, damages hauling gravel $5.00; J. J. Cassid,y, cleaning ditch on the 7th con., $1.80; C. Mecleof, grading on side road 895.50; H. C. Baird, ace. for &gapers 86.50; W. Amos, putting in culvert 88.00; A. Peters, bal, cuttiug hill $9.00; I. Rollins's, gra• vel accouut 81.85; I. Roline•S, gareeei ac, and attending gate $6.20'; W. Smith, ae for tile $7.00 : N. Ma wson; gravel at. 0.00 ; J. McDonald 'ditching side road $2.50; IL Euglish, repairing scrapers $4; It L. Bice, repairing bridge 897.78; R. Englaud, gravel account $990; G. Carter, burying dead Sheep 50c; G. Faulder, putting, le culvert $3. Carried. Moved by J. a Drummond, second ed by 1?. P. Harding, that this council adjourn to meet in the Town Hall on the first Monday in December at the hour of ten o'clock a. ni.• Carried. WM. FRASEP., Clerk. MeGillivray Board of Health met in the Towu Hall on Monday the 3rd day of November, present Alexander Smith chairman, Wm. H. Taylor, James Mill- er, Robert Hutchinson and Wm. Fra- ser 'Secy. Moyed by S. Miller seconded_ by IL Hutchinson, that in regard to complaints of nuisances allegecl to ex- ist in various localities, this board is prepared to take immediate action in the event of any specific charge being lodged, to abate such'buisances at the expense of the parties responsible. Car- ried. Board arliourned tb the call . Of the president.' s • M. FRAS R Secy. WOMAN'S INTUITION, Nearly Always Psiedht In ,her ment in Regard gst.o Coisirrion An Address. An Old ge.htlaihrtV-6 came into the city from his farm, with.. out his overcoat. The day turned chilly 4nd he was obliged to forego his visit to the fair. To a friend who remonstrated with him for going away from home thus unprepared, he said: "I thought it was going to be warm; my wife told Me to take my overcoat, but I wouldn't. Wo- men have more S31126 than men any- way. A frank admission. Women's good sense is said to come from intuition; may it not be that they are more close obseryers of little things, One thing is certain, they are apt to strike the nail on the head, in all the ordinary problems of life, more fre. quently than the lords of creation. , "According to Dr. Alice Bennett. who receutly read a paper on Bright's dis- ease before the Pennsylvania State Medical Society, persons subject to bil- ious attacks and sick headaches, who have crawling sensations, like the flowing of water in the head, who are 'tired all the time' and have unexplain- ed attacks of sudden weakness, may well be suspected of dangerous tenden- cies in the direction of Bright' Disease.' The veteran newspaper correspondent, Joe Howard, of the New York Press, in noting this statement suggests: "Possibly Alice is correct in her diag- nosis, but why doesn't she give some, idea of treatment? I know a man who has been 'tired all the time' for ten years. Night before last he took two doses of calomel and yesterday he wished he hadn't," A proper answer is found in the fol- lowing letter of Mrs. Davis, wife of Rev. Wm. 3. Davis, of.Basil, 0., June 21.st, 1890. "I do not hesitate to say- that I on my fife to Warner's Safe Cure. I had, a constant hernmorage from ray kid- neys for more than five months. The physicians could do nothing for me. My husband spent hundreds Of dollars and I was not relieved. I was under' the care of the most eminent medical rrien in the State, The hemmorage ceased before I had taken one bottle of the Safe Cure. I can safely 1,rid do chee,rfully recommend it to all who are sufferers of kidney troubles." e The followingts an address presented in behalf of the (ongtega,tion of St. Peter'S ChUrell, B11(11411, to the Right Rev. 1). (t'Connor, I). Bishop of London. Who officiated at the re -open. ing of the church on Suiehly last, which goes to ' ',how the high esteetn in which the revgeetlernan is held by that congregation; To Right Revd.. D. O'Connor, D. D,, Bishop of Loudon, MY Loan --1113 people of thia parish feel highly honored by the signal favor coeferred 011 thorn on this occasion, Out humble conntry chapel appearst teglay in a now garb. It would even seem that e,Ye have svorshiped our God ur.aao..suancs•••Auunnm..••p•**......*. in a new edifice; but what inake:KX still more remarkable is the face awe. our work has been blessed, and there: opening, of our chapel honored' by at, visit from a prince of our holy chasecle coming forth. In his new purple, nreit btow,oi1 of consecration still fresh. en Mel For the past year we participated' 31e the anxiety oi the Catholics of dab diocese who were ever eager to kriew NVOIlld succeed the venerable Arseha Bishop Walsh, whom we loved aa- ears, former chief pastor ; but Agee!. was our relief when it was aunounced to, secs that Dr. O'Coulior was appointecLby the Holy See to become Bishop of Leedons. We rejoiced, my Lord, because yoes. are no more a stranger here than iess other parts of this importaut dioceses. Your many years of service 111` the% interest of the young melt placed undhr your fatherly care, your suceess as ea professor, director and adniinietratore the number of zealous and learneeh priests you prepared to work in the, .vineyard of the Lord, some of whom., imparted to us the virtue and know -- ledge they acquirod under your carte., all these made you known to as lieneee our joy in the occasion of youe eleva,. tion to the Episeopal See. of Londone, but our joy was greater still when ethr pastor announced that Bishop O'Connesr would pay his first episcopal visit- too the Catholir,s of McGillivray to solemn.- ize the re -opening of our humble (man, try church. Therefore, my LortigIet us say with a truly Celtic spirit "Cava mella fart ha" "A hundred-thousanie welcomes." Furthermore let us, say - that our only hope now is that- Fees may be spared to govern this titia1eS&.: for many years to come that the hailer conferred on us to day may be oft re- peated that we ma e learn to love eseutt as the years roll by and that your lifer • as Bishop of Londou may ,be one: ear peace and fruitful in good works among' men. The Catholics of this missierse certainly owe your Lordship a gnats debt of gratitude for coaling here.bee day. We shall forever cherish. tiles memory of this occasion and the name: of our kind father who favors us. Wes would offer you many things as a piseek. of our gratitude but for the present -we -- would beg you to accept the least; thing we eau give, a promise °testy love, esteem and loyalty as Catehairee children and our prayers that the RialF Ghost nifty guide and assist you Ise. the performance of your responsible duties. Your Lordship has already grantedl us a great favor but we beg leavet los ask one more. In conclusion we. your Lordship Lordship to bless us and, men children that we may all serve Gott faithfully and gain the Kingdom see liesaigvenne.d. in behalf of the ehurefrI5ers, Pagniex CURTIN, WILLIAM ICELL, JOHN WFUTE, JOHN FARMER. That Little Tickling - In your three t,which makes you. co ugte once in a while and keeps yen, con- stantly clearing your tbroat, arises from catarrh, and as catarrh is a mu- stitutional disease the ordinary cough. medicines all fail to hit the Spot. Wheat you need is a constitutional remedy - ince Hood's Sarsapa,rilla. Many peoplel who have taken this medicine for sem-. fula, dyspepsia, loss of appetite, ansli other troubles, have been surprise& that it should cure, this troublesomeo cough. But to know the actual. Ca12,Mr of the cough is to solve the mystery -- Mane- cases of consumption can bestrac,e- ed back to the neglect of some, snare slight affection as this. Consnauptions can be controlled in its early stagegge and the effect of Hood.'s Sarsaparilla Art purifying, the blood, building up the:, general health, and expelling the sew— fulous taint which is the cause of eat— arrh and consumption, has restored; toe perfect health many persons on, whom: - this dreaded,disease seemed to, have firm hold, SALE REGISTER.. • On lot 8, concession 11, Township oF. Hay, on Tuesday November 18t1r.1,850e., at 12 o'clock sharp, Farm. Stoc,in hnples, ments, &c. Darnel Sac,ks, Prop. DR- Bosseriberry, Auct. On lot 25, Lake Road West, Times - ship of Hay, on Monday November 17.e 1890, at one o'clock sharp, Fenn Stoeln., I m plena e u ts, &e1iie b a rd Je, tin isms ,., Prop. Ed, Dossenberry, Auct. In Centralia, on Friday Novemitme 1411, 1890, at oue o'clock sharp, Ferns. Stock, &c. Rufus Cobleigh, Prop Wang Holt, Auctioneer. On lot 15, concession 2, Townshits of Usboine, on Saturday November 1511'es, 1890. Land and Farm Stock. Johns Willis and John Hunter, Proprieterag Mr, John Gill, Auctioneer. 11AI: litItAG ES JOHNS—CROOKER,— At the Meth personage, Lucan, on the Gth beet - by the llev. ll. C. Holders, Mee Wellingtoa johns, to Miss Leeflys .51. Crocker, youngest daughter at Mr. Richard Crocker, both of Eve eter. FINKBINElt,--HoywOod—Tit Ceeditibue on the 121h inat,, by the Rev. Ttfre Redmond, Mr. Ileery FinIsbincr, Crediton, to Miss Laura Ile ylvt,\cast„ youngest an tighter of John 15e,,' - wood, of Ueborne, „