HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1890-10-30, Page 4nlr - •' I ..�wa�v�w THE Xi to to ra#.i+ SANDERS a SWEET, Props. TEUBSDAY, 00T1 30th, 1890, SIR RIO HARD AT BEWERE On Monday night Sir Richard Cart, svtl;ht addressed the faithful of R•en- frew, and re -affirmed the policy of the Liberal party as expounded by Mr. Laurier at Abbotsford. Sir Richard's speech, as reported by the Grit papers ,•esterday, nlay be said to haye ben uacle up of. one grain of sense, one ounce of argument, one pound of mixed and muddled statistics, one ton of abuse of the Dominion Government and no Scrapies whatever when dealill • with the policy of his opponents. The one grails Of 531150 waS his admission of the importance of the home, market, but he greatly imperilled the credit for sense we have giveli hint by stating that "the home market of the Canadian people is it the United States." Oh, uo, Sir Richard! Not quite yet, although it might be should the people ever commit the error of Allowing the Unrestricted Reciprocity Grits to got into power. In the meantime the home market for Canadians is Canada, and, with the blessing of God and th'e help of the • National. Policy, we will continue ;to improve and enlarge it. The gist of Sir Richard's speech may be summed • uf, in his statement that "the policy of ▪ the Liberals was as clear and unmis- takable as it could be made. Shey de ▪ manded free and unrestricted connner- cial intercourse with the United States, and as a means to that end that Cana- da should have the right to negotiate her own commercial treaties." Sir Richar_l is clear enough on this point, and it is satisfactory that he is so. If the Liberals are content to rest their • claims to the confidence of the people on the whining cry that we must have "unrestricted commercial intercourse with the. United States" or starve, the Conservative party has no reason to complain. This everlasting whine that •Canada cannot exist without some- thing which she has been told over and over again by the United States she cannot have, is neither dignified nor manly, and is about as reasonable and •logical as a baby's boo-hooing because it cannot have the moon. Perhaps if Sir Richard and his followers got what they,are crying for they 'would find it as much use to them as the baby would the moon, Sir Richard is mistaken in his idea that "the United States market could not be replaced;" and he is worse than mistaken, he is deceiving himself and seeking to deceive others if he really thinks ,that "If the people of Canada declared by their votes at the polls that they sincerely desired unre- stricted reciprocity with the United States, they would have no difficulty in obtaining such a boon," Neither the press nor the public men of the United States have ever expressed any desire for "unrestricted reciprocity" with Canada, except on the terms of political union. They have over and over again stated plainly and iministal.ably that if Canada Wants free and unrestricted access to the markets of the United States she can only have it by becom- rt ' in„ ' part of the United States. It is Mere waste ofbreath this continued and persistent insistence on Canada's being able to have Commercial without political union with the United States. If the Liberal party was in office to- morrow, what power would it have to force the Americans to give us some- thing they do°not wish to give, except by a sacrifice on our part of political liberty and national life, which no true Canadian is,prepared to make: Go on �, i crying for the moon Sir Richard, d if you think it will"clo you any good; but if vou'fancy it willinduce the people le P p of Canada to return the Liberal party to pourer at the next election, you will find, iii the words of "The Canuck," that "Yon was make; a big mistook." Notice hereby given that the partner- ship heretofore existingbetween: :John :C';,, McDone11 and William A, Waugh, carrying n .n business n r a1 n at thnV i 119 aofH, g eucD.o, under the name, style and firm of iVfcrioneJl C. :t� .Waugh li 1t 11. this 1 ed. c ay been mutually dissol.v= :flats,2nr d , 1Ont y1$90 tvt•r rvo 5w t. oDort r.,. L. Ii. Damson SrrlNrii AL A. WAI.IGIc,. •Ilaving purchased the interest of 'William ,A, Waugh .in th.e above partnership. T. will coniiitwuttm"o' MI saic"l bnginess irl the old stand and .fare pared to give bargains to parch as- ersot1391 Hardware. J`011N E. nItiDONIrT,r.. I'Tavingg sold out ruy interest in the above pat tri orslripto 1t. McDen ,Oil, Veli o will Con tin- rc i~he,tttsiness I take tins Opportunity ron of haun'i?;ta'air � customers for their patronage in the 1,astrtutihOar filly recommend inyeon tinning partner, Mr. sioDolaoll: to all my customers and patrons, WIr,L YA:1t A..,WAtrrtt. All a'tceotxnfs Ino the said firm Xrlltst Iln paid.. to in d at once and any person hii'ving an maims against tiro said partnership will kindl;Y hand to sere without delay. J. •i7, MoDoini:r.i, roefielt , :Report sag's we are to have a new taro ,Soon; Mr. William Scott ]las reltttod-tile old manse in real modern style. Mr. William MMIclntosh, of New Glas- gow, N. S., is visiting here at pi,.eseut•. Mr, D. Hays the popular stage drivel • bet`iveen Bayfield and Seafoi•th has lo- oated here. Mr. Joe. Robinson has been laid tip a few days with a bad cold,..but he is able to be around again. lilt•,. John Dancey, of Exeter, has. started to purchase grain here : and is paying the highest prices. Mr. S. J. 1'alliock has rentedhisdwell. ing; house for a hall. The Foresters will take pessessioti shortly. A considerable number of our young people attended a party at Mr. J. Dallas, and report having had a ,grand time,. The young ladies have forinecl a walking• club and are practising hard for the six days "go as yon please" which will come offabout Christmas. What the boys \\ ant is an athletic club for the winter months. en Reas For the Wonderful Success, of - Hood's Sarsaparilla, the Most Popular and Most Extensively Sold Medicine in America. IHood's Sarsaparilla possesses great, medicinal merit, which it positively demonstrates when fairly tried. ft It is most economical, being the only medicine of which " ioo Doses One Dollar" can truly be said. 3 It is prepared by a Combination, Proportion and Process Peculiar to Itself, unknown to other preparations, and by which all the medicinal value of the various ingredients is secured. AIt effects remarkable cures where' other medicines have utterly failed to do any good whatever. It is a modern medicine, originated by experienced pharmacists, and still carefully prepared under their per- sonal supervision. 6 It is clean, clear and beautiful in, appearance, pleasant to take, and always of equal strength. 7 It has proven itself to be positively the best remedy for scrofula and all blood disorders, and the best tonic for that tired feeling, loss of appetite and general debility. Q It is unequalled for curing dyspepsia, 0 sick headache, biliousness, catarrh, rheumatism and all diseases of the kid- neys and liver. ftIt has a good name at home, there being more of Hood's Sarsaparilla sold in Lowell, Mass., where it is made, than of all other sarsaparillas and blood purifiers combined. ®Its advertising is unique, original, honest, and thoroughly backed up by the medicine itself. A Point for You. If you want a blood purifier or strengthening medicine, you should get the best. Ask for Hood's Sarsaparilla, and insist upon having it. Do not let, any argument or persuasion influence you to buy what you do not want. Be sure to get the ideal medicine, 1 I:15sSarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. 51; six for 55. Prepared only by C. T. BOOD ,0 CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, 3,tass. iOO Doses One Dollar Maple e Ave, StockFarm, Lucan, Ont., Nov. 29, 1890. Bart. Cottam, Esq., London, Ont., DEAR SIn.—I have given the CIIA'lI- PION FOOD a fair trial and haye no hesitation in pronouncing' it the best prepared food I have ever used. Some of my horses had an attack of INFLU- ENZA and I fed thein CHAMPION FOOD with their ration of grain and bran and never saw anything work a change for the better so rapidly. It seems to remove all impurities from the system with which no animal can be in ,a thriving condition. I have also some colts thathave been troubled with worms but after giving them a couple of feeds of CHAMPION FOOD they passed thein hi large quantities. CHAiVMPION FOOD must ;soon conte intogv eneral use and I have been en tall:- ing to several of our farmer's and stock- men about it and shall be ° pleased to promote the interests of your VALU- ABLE' roof). 1 shall soon be coming to Linden where I shall require some more. 1 s,in, dear sir, yours very truly, F. H. NEIL. TSI;NG OF WEEKLIES! E PRESS Established half a Century. LONDON, OrITARIQ. The Ijagdsomest Printed Paper in Canada. 7 7 5 CASH OPPORTUNITIES Offered to the Public. The publishers of the LONDON WEEKLY Fines Pans are happy to announce that they have set apart the sura of j1 Olb (ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS IN GOLD), to be divided amongst subacrlbei's 11'hose names may be found on the subscription lists March 1st, 1891. Tho allotment will be made as follows :- 1 Grand Allotment of $1.00.00—$100.07 4 Allotments of • 25.00- 100.00 20 " ' "10.00- 200.00 50 ,t « 2.00- 100.00 300 it " 1.00— 300.00 400 tt .50- 200.00 775 $1000.00 The allotment will take place under the supervision of a Committee, March the 2nd, next. Those to whom the allotments may fall will thereupon receive a notification of the fact, and a coupon for the amount will be issued, payable at the counter of the FREE PRESS OFFICE on and after March 6th, and will be forwarded to them. There are yet four months during which persons wishing to be included in these hand- some allotments,•may come in to share by subscribing to the WEEKLY FREE PRESS. Price, One Dollar per year. It will be seen that by this scheme o DIVISION OF PROFITS, those persons to the number of 775, selected from all the names on our subscription list,will receive a handsome recognition by having placed to their credit, or paid in cash, sums of money varying from 50c. to $100.00 each. Now is the time to subscribe 1 CHRISTMAS NUMBER:- In addition to 'the above magnificent offers all subscribers to the 1PEEKt:Y FREE PRESS whose names may be on the list. December 31st, for 1891, will receive a gift of our forthcoming splendid ILLuSTnaTED CHRISTMAS NunsElt, now become so popular throughout Western Ontario ; but no others will be entitled to a free copy of it. Therefore, now is the time to subscribe, as persons entering the subscription lists on or before Sint of Decrmh,,r next, will be en- titled to the DOUBLE ADVANTAGE of securing a copy of the Cultlsrnas uinnER, as well as participating in the beufits of the DIVISION OF PROFITS, as previously set forth. No person, however, whose name is not on the subscription List, Dec. 31st, for 1891, will be entitled to that•consideration. Therefore, now is the time to subscribe. The WEEKLY FREE PRESS is a large twelve nage paper, and conceded to bo the best family newspaper in Caned,. The Agricultural Depart- ment is a noted feature of the " 1rree Press," being always up to the times, and conducted by persons practically skilled in Farm Work. I1- lastrations, Practical and Useful riven each week. A11 the .News in Full by Telegraph, Telephone, Mail and Correspondence up to the hour of oublicatinn. Special Market Depart- ment Agricultural Department. , Capital „tory always„Running. ;T3utnorous Reading. Je-t the thing: for Familyl livery member of the household eagerly looks for it each week. LARGE $1.00 PAPER ! In Clubs of four and upwards, 75c. each, BALANCE 08 1890 FRETS, Send your subscription money at once direct to Mum PRESS OFF] CE, London. Ont., which, if duly and securely mailed, will beat oust r.ISK Please write your name and Post Office address distinctly. FREE PRESS PRINTING CO., LONDON, CANADA. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. Send foram le Copy. r9 p ply. Ientered according to Art of PAH of Gnnudu. in tht year 159e, by 15, FRIlI7 Ir nss PH IRTINtr 01311'A 01', of London, Ontario,In Ghe'olllee of the Minister of Agri- culture. Fariliell Bros., WoIesaIe & R�taiI Grocers, WINE & SPIRIT Merchants, 1140.st. Exeter. PISo' GURU THE BEST COUGH MEDICINE. too Dntto r IO'D8 Edz8T FS' EitFl '.. C.0 NI SUMP Traettit, rttrAilltr; tiniirtakiAg Having leased the premises latety occupied by Mr. John Brawn, I would inform the public that I carry an imrnen- se stock of FURNITIT E of my own Manufactul'e,whicll I will sell at EXTRAORDINARY PRICES Inepect my stock before buy- ing elsewhere alit. a41re from 10 to 20 per cent. I am bound. to sell,and R'uaratee my goods to be superior to factory work. JIt dertak frgg hi aalI its branches at lowest possible prices. Special attention will be given to this branch of the business, Give Inc a share of the patronage. "Remember the stand, two doors north of the Town Hall, Exeter. WALT. ANDREWS. Azraascoavotassousesalatsclansamaius A Fresh and New Stock of 0ro00rl0s Ctotioiiarg JUST ARRIVED .AT THE Family a Grocery. Also Pure EXTRACTS and SPICES. A beautiful piece of glass- ware given away with 1115 of Mayell's Baking Powder. Dash rood Roller Flour For Sale. Call and examine our goods before purchasing elsewhere. 1L'le An N Yyf liMAN. THE BEAUTIFUL AND CLEAR CUT .....TypF...... from which this paper is printd was supplied by the $—OTYPE FOUNDRY Dealers in Type, Presses, and Printers' Supplies. J. T. JOHNSTON, 80 & 82 Wellington St. west TORONTO, ONT. CITY HOTEL LONDON, ' ONTARIO. per day. J. & J. nIe iAB.TIN, Proprietors. HARMLESS .1i EE1D ACHE PO60)50'B RS 0x5,.8 ALL !-IEADACHE. They are not adver- tised to cure every- thirtti,butsimply Tread- aches. try them, it will cost but 2.5 cents far a box and thou aro harmless.: -:.: �r • They are nota Cathartic. P1so's Remedy for Catarrh is t:ao Tat, Easiest to Else and cheapest. Sold by druggists or scut by mail,1)c. 1;. T. 13asoltlnc, Warren, Pa., U, `11. A. CGi�flR6 DADS TOL A complete stock of Pure and Reliably Drugs ALWAYS KEPT. PT. jk1linP, Si 1igeS, Druggist's s Sjils Atright and reasonable e r' lees. .Prescriiotions and Family Receipts Carefully Prepared. a s Cop��I Power Y the best In the market, CI Lt 2 PROP,` ardine l�aehine �li�. al"r la r fir. Tho Famous Heavy -bodied Oil, mule only by M e ol1. giros. 8 Co. Toronto. 7 "x780 st once aid you will use Bio o•thex. N10.0.91.170. -...F41001.1 INDE OIL Is the .finest iii•Canada fig t ensile cyli>tndei•s, F011 SALE BY— SISSETT BR 't' Exeter, Ontario. cummmatmmmwm E'\\T TAILSR bIII'. • THE UNDERSIGNED1IAS OPENED OUT A NEW STOCK OF 11 r / ' 11 PI I 11 1111' II it 11 11 FIRST-CLASS WINTER SUITINt1S5 a B $ II $ II II II $ II h $ 11 —1-11 In Canadian and Imported Tweeds, French Worsteds, etc., which he will sell at right prices. If you wish a nobby or plain suit it will repay you to call and examine his large stock which has just arrived. il SURE FIT BIIIIflIINTEEII EVERY TIME. Special attention given to ladies mantle mak' . Give me a Trial and you will be Convinced. Stand one door north of Fish's Barber shop. JAMES H. GRIEVE. READ and LEARN wlanere to 1 - - The Best Goads for the Least Money. srumulasztemfamaxem We carry the largest stock of STOVES and TINWARE in town and we are selling it at the lowest possible price for cash. In Hall and Library Lamps we are showing an elegant display at right prices. All kinds of Table and Hand Lamps at wnolesale prices. • In Cross -cut Saws We are showing all the latest and leading patterns and makes. . 5 different patterns to choose from. AXES, a large stock at prices that defy coWWpetition. As. usual a full stock of tIraI J!arwrc, PoiRts, 011s ri! Noss oil !1IrEf. AD A Call Solicited. • AGENTS FOR THE RAYMOND SEWING MACHINE EISSETT Remember the old' stand e He FISH,. Near the POST OFFICE. If you want an easy shave and neat hair -cut just call at E, II. FIS1=I'S SHAVING SALOON Where he does all his work in a neat style. Ladies' and Children's hair -cutting in the latest style. AGENT FOR THE PARISIAN 'STEAM LAUNDRY. J. G. S[ALLACOMBE, Merchant Tailor I1001( Tre��f� 1 Exr. Has now in stock A F.IRST•CLASS LINE OF Simmer Greeds, Gents Furnishings, eto. Sole agent for Exeter for IVORINE cOT..LAItS AND CUFFS. The best collar and cul' in the. market. A CALL SOLICITED. Z. Ct. SmallaCombe. Itis a certain and speedy cure for Cold in the Read and Catarrhin all its stages, SOOTHING, CLEANSING, HEALING. Instant Relief, Permanent Cure, Failure Impossible. Many so•called disonsoo are simplysymptoms of Catnrrh each as head. echo partial Ing o ti,, hawking sense 1. smell, foul breath, rafeeli8 and spit. ting, nausea, general feeling 0t da• Witty, etc. 11 you are troubled with any of these of kindred symptoms, your have Catarrh, and should lose no Bar ni.n 1 procuring u vinr'ned aIn time, neglected. cold in head results in Catarrh, fol. lowed by' consumption and death. NASAL 0ALa1 is sod by all druggists or will bo sent, post paid on receipt 0 plea (50 pent. and 81.00) by addreeeing FULFORD & CO,, Brockville, Ont. lifioRs.E1 ALYCEIIOLE OF. 1111 CELERY COMPOUND A PAVE remedy' For teething infanta and adults Sufferingfrom Alt all nerroue tzoobfes, Guaranteed to cordate fu tum et sn deo rdrugs n P breast ihoeo.printed on minutia08 •very 061110. 5adorecd by phyelotane. #otos, 00 C.dr5.. For sale by dreggleti, , `- Send two cent stamp for I te doserlptivo oireu nr Y Huron Morse. Buffalo, N.C ALESME VM iiehV TED. To sell our unexcelled Nursery Stock. Steady employmentand control of tore'itory�. 'I'ltut e a() ti business %h 0anadtt $I► 3'ClLre. i'..i:herel pay to the right man. Send for terms, CJILASIDBitb'C1I7r�,t13 430.. 17d- 9 mos, Colboler,e, OAT,