HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1890-10-23, Page 8REA7 M AKER S i$EWEO fits.$ TQ OisS SATisi4o isa sawn SALEZ, 81' ALL, DE'AL,,E.E2Sr Grigg'5 Reporter. ,Exeter Fair Monday and Tuesday next, _ O}n Fancy Goods Fair will be hold on the same days, —We want every boy and girl to visit our store en these days. —The first intimation of corning Christ- mas stock will be visible on. our"use-. fill counters. ' —Every ease will be filled with choice :and useful goods on those days, ,--Otir staff will do their best to make • vi,itors, feel at home, and will be plo ;tsed to show them through the ,,,atpe1+, fo ,rtiu; expression z of opinion as to its i iei•it compared with city stores. -We expect to open seyeral cases of New •.Goeds:,:s:hieh will be placed on. 'exhibition en those days. -,• rBenieluber we axe doing what we • • can to make our store an attractive ,..resort Where a half-hour may be\ pleasa qtly spent and goods packed up if required at moderate prices, J. GRIG G, • Fancy= gopds,statonery and small wares iOCAL. JOTTINGS A good fur coat $20 at Brumptons.' • The Big Bankrupt Store for Dress • Goods, choice and cheap: • Den't fail to. see J. H. Gr ieve's $10 ,suits before purchasing elsewhere. The old, floor of,, the CentralHotel bar room 'has; been replaced by that of k., ane* .one,' .10 cases fresh sahnon 11c per can at B'risnintons' The BID Bankrupt Store for: Men's N•aiu3: bo}'s Overcoats and. Suits. The date of Day's execution at Welland has been changed from 1Sth "Novembor°to' IBth' December. The Big Bankrupt" Store for the best stool of Scalet'tes in Western Ontario. hcl *ou,;try -r,pair of slippers for 25c c •tet:.; Brumptors," We are pleased to learn of an proverrient• in the health of Mr. Ben- jcnin Case of the London Road. Twcntvdollar notes of the defunct bank -of Prince Edward are being ci.r- clrlated in 'Windsor. Look out for them. • Anniversary services will be preach- cd:in the Main street Methodist church -to=morrow (Friday) by the Rev. 'James ".:4' Graham, of R dgetown I lisonburg has voted on a bylaw for SIO, 00•to`the Tilsonburg Lake Fries; Pacific: Railway. The bylaw was cox - ,rte by a' large majority: The chime ef,rbells for the Trivitt Memorial,Chitrch, will be shipped from Baltimore sometime,before the ,10th of N;ovenlbey and opened on'Oe-30th.. The -neat appearancesof-Mr. •Cocke is xaour's Cornei Drag, Store' attracts the attention of thepasser-bye• It is'e ender °°fug What a little taste and paint will do. o A law ,just -passed in. Denmark pro- vides that all.drunken persons shall be taken home in carriages,at the expense of the lai dl rd who sold then: the last glass ., a•:. `•a -lair. James Dempsey, teacher, of .Us- }; rorne, weeare so ry'to teens is very ill ped„not:». 1e to. attend his public avo E ,.; ='`cation We hope•to'soon herr of his L,Srieedy,reco;s er,,y.. •: A1airrecl CRi cert'aiid Literary En- tertainment will be given in Janies St.. `1Ietlibilist•Chtirch on, the eyeuing of 'Than t,sgivin-nay under the auspices of the choir. I'iiller particulars next 'neelc,, On Sunday last Union services' were held in Caven :Presbyterian chureh''in the morningsand. in the Main street Methodist :church `in the evening. Rev. Jasper 'Wilson occupied the pulpit in both churches. Mr. John Gould of this place has been eery busy for the past two necks 'trying to fill orders for flour and::apple barrels, which are being shipped to different points as well as supplying the local demand. "In ti'liout'a week Hallowe'en will be. , here ,We -hope that the senseless praadide4injuring property and turn, ing things upside-down occasionally inctulfecPlif at this season sy;ill be o- 1 i'nitted'thi§'year. ; C1hrn,y mistakes are oftimes made • 6n.;darit;ni g hts. A• North Ward man rnistbol: his neighbor's pear tree for his djt:n That was the excuse he 'made When the owner espied' him stripping. _his favorite tree of its fruit. Me )a}'pest tree in the k orld is re iCalifornia, p irted to have been recently found in C:liforn a,,:mneastiring' 176 feet in cir- CitYnferenee at'a;•distance of six feet f oiti the ground; }This`wonld give .a dlametei'of about 60 feet at .that rate. Parson (returning from rhurch, to r small. boy with pole): "Do you know where little boys go who go fishing on th , sabbath?" Small boy. (with pride :fndmaninr ition) "You bet I do, lii d I ",,ain't going; to give the soap away either." the frill of 1690 has been one of the finest ever known. Last year before thistnne we had r1 fair Sized snow storrit; 'this ,year"t,he weather is so warm that people are only just commencinss to think where they shall go when stove. pipes .are mentioned. BOMA it inVestig'ation has shown that the°people.of Greait I3ritian swallow over 5,506;000 pills daily,' or one pill s: wcelc for;e:Tery paerson.1)1 the popittat• 'C(i;o„p al,C9lsti•mpt100for one year • 0otrlcl weigh one; hmid red andsei'ent,v tone, and would fill tidily six. 'freight cars. 1 he Big Bankrupt Store for Fnrs. nobbY, Ile* and, eheap: The Big Bankrupt' Store for Boots Shoes and groceries, The Arsvooaris from now till the end of the year for 20 cents. SttbscribSe If You want firstolass job treitehing done, call on Willian Fol - Subscribe for the AnvooaTn. Only 20 eents freni no* till January 1st, Good twill skirt,finings 8c per yard; alio extra heavy swaist do. 12,.ke In proportion to its size, England has eight times as Many miles of railway As the United. States. Send along your subscriptions for the .ArsvocssTri, Only 20 cents from 0;now till the end of the, year. . Ipsnre in the TensperanCe and gen- eral Iei0ence Co, of Toronto. En: Nth line, East Zorra,' gave birth tO hwentysfiVe pigs on Saturday. This is Before ordering winter clothing call on Jas. H. Grieve and examine hiS large and well-aSsorted:stock of winter goocis. Prices away below the loWest. This appears to be a hard year with newspaper men. Within a month, two newspapers have been put in the hands of assignees, the Brantford Telegrain, and Dundas Standard. We, were shown by Mr. John Taylor; on Monday, a small sprig- cif raspberry bush, Which Was laden with berries and blossom. This is a rare specimen of natUre and very , seldom seen this time ef the years One of the largest forests in the world' stands on ice. It is situated be- tween I.Tral and the Okhotsk Sea. A well was recently dug in this region, when it was found that at a depth of 116 metres the ground was still frozen. A number of our local sports wended their way to the river on Monday night in search of wild geese which were seen in that direction. They succeeded in raisin& their game and one. of the sports tool a chance aim and shot but without success. If you have lost an animal, or if any have strayed an to your premises, ad- vertise in the ADVOCATE and you will recover your beast or learn of an own- er for the one in your possession. In the case of harboring a strayed animal. without siving, due notice you are li- able to a'5heavy fine, A leuture under the auspices of the Methodist Church, was delivered on Tuesday evening by Rev. Mr. Russell. The subject taken isms "God in Nattire” and was of a very interesting and in- structive character. Thisis the last of a series conducted by the Revt..gentle-1 How many Exeterites are going to strive to have the flag, offered for each county by the „Enspis'e, to float ft..= the top of the Exeter publio school. Essays are .to be forwarded net later than November. 15th. Distinguish your. selves young Exeterites and let us have a fiag to adorn pur schoolhouse. The growth of the fall wheat through. out this section of the country is more luxuriant and. healthy than it has been for many ye‚arepast. A few fields that were sewn in August shows much top, and the plant on the whole is apparent ly well prepared for the winter ordeal. The late John Crerar, of ChiCag,o;left several. million dollars for public pur- poses in that city; it is now intended by various heirs to try and upset the will, and amon& the heirs are mention- ed Elizabeth Seenzies,Pf county of Hur- on, Ontario, first cousin of John Crerat and Elizabeth McGregor, Stanley, Ont., second cousin. Do not spare sulPher from the mix- ture when you salt your cattle. It will cool and purify their blood, and pro. bably save you from having distemper or bloody murrain. Sulpher is the only remedy I :liave ever found, says a well- known cattle raiser. On Sunday night last six youths, of Stephen and Usborne, were caught destroying the property now occupied by.Mr. Samuel Smith, London Road, aud on Monday eaeh Was served with a summons to appear before our J. P. on a charge of Ivilful destruction of pro- perty. They settled it out of court by isstying a fee of VI each. s One day last week a colt belonging to Mr. Samuel Stanla,ke, of Stephen by some means broke its neck. It ap- 'pears that Mr. Stanlake had purchased the•colt at the sale of Mr. Henry Col- lins and placed it in a box stall, there to remaiu until morrdng, and when Mr. Collins entered the stable in the morning to his surprise he found the colt dead, with its neck broken. The present is the most picturesque season in Canada; throughout this per tion the trees and shrubs are rapid,y changing. color `under the influence of frosts at nights; the variegatedl.ippear- ance of the country is rehnirkably in- teresting and beautiful; much more fine weather ean hardly be expected this season. Fall wheat has made ex• tra good progress, and looks very well Mr. William Webster, an old resident of Exeter North, bre,athed Ilia last on Sunday evening 19th inst., at the ad- vanced age of 70 years. Deceased ap pOrently enjoyed good health mail about two weeks ago, when he attend ea the saki of Me. Thomas Ching, and him to MS last !liatillg, place. Ilis re- mains were Interred in the Exeter cem- e tory on T nestle y. On Wednesday afternows while Mr. Alex. Daivie was engaged tit pouring, nsetal Verity ,tir 11,Y a quantity of the. boiiirqs metal escaped freni the. ladle and fen on his shoe and soon made ,,vay to his foot burning it in a most fright- ful manner which will render him unable to work for seine time. It becomes the sad duty of the ADVO• CATE to chronicle the death of Miss Elizabeth Jane Coates, aged 12 years, 1 month and 21 days, only daughter of Mr. Thos. Coates of Usborne. Deeea$0. had been ailing for some time with a brain trouble which developed into consumption of the brain, and after suffering intense pain for seyeral days succumbed to its fatal effects on Mon- day last. Her remains were interred in the Exeter cemetery yesterday In describing a township fair in Westminister 61 years ago1829---an old settler said the prineipal exhibits were working oxen, Milch cows, horses and big pumpkins. If anything, the oxen made, the largest show The priz- es were given in whiskey—a barrel for first prize, a half for second, and a ten. gallon keg for third. Whiskey, wheat and calico were the media of exchange and measured other valuosin fact, the business of the country then was done by barter—there wits little money. The date for the inauguration of the chime of nine hells in the Triyitt Me- morial chnrch, is now definitely fixed for Sunday, NOW. 30th. *The stairwtty in the belfry has been rernodeled to anake. room for the chime, Prof, Lots, of Baltimore, will exhibit the range and- capicity of the bells upon the Sun- day and during the following week. This will be a privilege that a great number in this vicinity haye never had the opportunity of ltvaiting them- selves and no doubt will be witnessed by many. /On Tuesday- evening. last a large as- ,embly of yoimg people gathered at the farm residence of Mr. William Dear- ing, 3rd concession of Stephen, for the purpose of spending a few hours of social enjoyment at Which Exeter was past of choice viands.was spread when all done ample justice Afterthat duty was performed all joinedin With meas- ured steps to the sound of the violin, and a merry time was spent;, nfter which all returned to their several homes well satisfiedwith their even. Our cotem in italoeal column refers. we are informed, MIMI. alleged etror in our ,report of the Pickard Estate sale, We committed na error whatever, but if Mr. White, My. Pickard, the estate or the sale ha$ stiffered anything. by .reason of eur repOrt SIIR11 be glad to recOmpense them: to the fnllest extent. Perhaps our cotem them -around to out office whenwe will be happy tOdiSouss this verii4iripOrtaist ittrair with weiri" all." We lielieve 'that criticisiog the many blunders. con, .tainedin his own ,erratic healomadal. The Schocil'Board advertise for a new .principal for the public school. The retiring teacher, Mr. Gregory Tom, was tendered the position at the old salary which he considered too low, hence the vacancy. No- doubt the Board would have _given the advance had it not been fors the heityy expendi- ture of nearly §2,000 on sehool repairs in the past year. .A.11,interested in the school mnst regret the. withdraw' of so competent a tea‚Cheraa Mt, Tom has proven himself to,,,be; Thet;udvertise-', premium on matrimony, religion' or Wanted. , Never too late to mend. 5000 pairs of boots and shoes that need repairing to, be left at the,leading boot and shoe store next door to the post office. G. The Rifle. 'The 19th annual match of the Huron 'Rifle association over the Atholcott Ranges, will be held in Clinton on Wed. nesday, Oct. 29th, When a large num- ber 'of prizes Will be distributed. A Good Act. The Municipal Act is amended by giving power to councils in,toWns and cities for prohibition wholly' or in part of barb wire, or any other baited* ma- terial, along streets or publie places. WO Beep Lights Bright. Soak lamps wicks in vinegar before' using them in a lamp: W,aslis Smoke stained chimneys in warm. water " and soap;`and rub" while wet with vinegar or dry salt. They can also be cleaned,' as may be globes on gas fixtures, in warm water and soda, , and then in warm water and arntnonia. The entrance examination for minds-, sion to High School and Collegiate In-, stitutes will. be held at Goderich, Exet-, er, Dungannon, Clinton 'Seitforth, Wingham, Brussels and Wroxeter, on, Monday Tuesday‚ and Wednesday, the mericing at 9 a, on Monday. , Our main street was the scene of a lively runaway yesterday evening—it bei lig A team belonging' to Mr. Leona rd' Hunter, of Usborne who was rettirniug Coates. It appehXs that ,when near the' market, he mut a .steam thresher which was being driven north, and the wheels on thei rough gravel , caused such a rumblin& 1101'90 asto frighten the team which stt'arted to run but had not &one thus the beettpantq eseri,ped ‘unhurt. The team ran AS far a's thnsoffice when; they were capture,d. No damage wee done with .the esiceptien of the pole which was 4/noshed to atoms, Mr. TI/OS. Trier shipped a load of hogs to Montreal' on Mon da,y,--Messrs. Wood arid Ballentyne shipped .car- load of cattle to Montreal on Saturday. --Mr. Jas, Potty shipped a, carload of Iambs to Bunk) Saturday.—The Exeter Milling Co. shipped, two carload of flonr to the Lower Province Tuesday. sweitsee vs. Spawn. 011 Thursday last a case was brought before, our worthy J. P., Chas. Snell, in the Town Hall, in which Mr. John Swit- zer, Exeter North, is complainant and one Elizabeth Spawn defendant. The charge was of rather a serious nature which was a malicious threat to burn the flea mill. After the examination of two witnesses defendant was coin. mitted to Goderich goal there to await further judgment. Constable, Gill accompanied her to the circular town that evening. Exeter council 'Proceedings The Connell met pursuant to ad- journment at the Town Hall; 21st Oct, 1890. All present. Minutes of, former meeting read and confirmed. Orders were granted for the followieg sums viz:—J. Creech $S. for 1 weeks charity to Mrs. Piper, do $1.0 to H.Meintosh,do. $2, Mrs. McIntosh. Albert Biseett 85.00 street watering. Will Folland, $2.75 street lamp and rep. G. A. K. IVIcLood. 82.50 for labor. The council adjourn- ed until Saturday evening at 8 o'clock. A Newspaper Directory for Canada. Agents of Montreal,are preparing what will be the first compensive newspaper directory of this country. Canada is now quite large enough and its jour- nalistic interests of sufficient import- ance to require its own annual News- paper Directory and there are several new features of the proposed work which will make it a valuable halal - book for all seeking information con- cerning the Canadian Press. We be- apeakifor this enterprising firm the hearty support and co operation of Can' adian publishers generally. Two Free Trips to Newli:Crk city. For this month only. tire Fireside Weekly will give Two return Tickets to New -York for the two largest , lists ‚received in October. The winners of these extra prizes will of course have equal chances for the Free Trip to Cal- ifornia, and Florida and return, 8200 sealskin sacque, made to order; hand. some Shetland Pony, Silver Tea Set, worth $60 ; Ladies' Gold Watches, China Tea Set Mantle Clock, Silver Watches, Dickens' Works and many more. There are prizes for the largest list of Words made from the letters in "Firesidt Weekly" The contest is open to every- oqe sending. in with their list $1:for The Fireside Weekly for six, months, which also entitles them to a handsome premium. Send five one cent stamps -to 9 Adelaide west, Toronto, for a copy and prencium supplement. The queen pays 'all Expenses. (The Q,ue,en's last "Free trip to Europe" having excited such Universal interest, the publishers of thatpopular magazine 'offer anbtlici, 4ND '.8200 EXTRA FOR ExpErlsies, tathe person sending them the lare.estAst ;of English words con- struetZ fromslAters contained in the three wOrdS 'BRITISH NORTH AMERICA.' Additional 'prizes,consisting of Silver Tea Sets China 'Dinner Sets Gold Watches, Frenth Music`Boxes, Portiere Curta.ins, Silk DresSeSssMantel, Clocks, and many, other, uSeful and, valuable articles will also be awarded in order Skin jaeket to the huly, and a hand- some, Shetland Pony to the girl. or boy Sdeliveredsfreesin Canada or United States),sendhigethe larg,est lists. Every one sending list of not less than fWeiity words *ill receive a present Send;fmir 9e stamp's for complete rifles illustrated cataloo-up of prizes, a'nd samPld number orThe Queen. Address j'HE CANADIAN QUEEN, Toronto; Call, ada.-169, 101. Additional local on front page. : Cook Wanted. A first-,clo.ss cook wanted at once, to whom good" wages will be paid. .Apply to Central Hotel, Exeter. Principal Wanted. Exeter Public Sehool-.‘,9,4 siepartrueUts. Standing not leAs than second A, Married, Protestant. church member preferred. Npply stating'SalarY, personany or by letter with photo up to the 22th inst. to • House Lot and Blacksmith shop for sale in Centralia, Huron, county, Ont., a good two-fifths cif an acre ofland, frame sh'op and. ootnplete set of toolsin Working order. two forges; situated in. the centre of the .village. Terms reasonable. For,' further particulars apply to Taos. IIANCYou n, t Centralia Exeter Roller Mills. WHEAT, 85 T0,88ets. per bush, Our Soiling Prim. Flout, strong- bakar's, $2:75 per 100 Screenings, 00 Brau, per ton, 12,00, Middlings, '" 16.00 Chop stone rgnning every day. The Exeter Milling Co. 01101111 mgmtwanormaimemiumsmi We have on hand a large quantity of *RI s Otorooats El Sults* which we are prepared to do cheaper than any store in town, with all their blow. To be convinced of this fact to prove what we say. opt Remember this before going. elsewhere. Soilielitiq llifferelit from, Ortgf StOYOS. The Specilties, the Novelties, the Oddities of the ART COUNTESS stove are creating a sensation. For the first time in many years there is a coal stove that is on every tongue. Manufacturers, travelling men, stove dealers, farm- ers and, in fact, every person interested in StOVes are talking about the ART COUNTESS. Why is this? Becadse the Arm COUNTESS is daring its original-! ity. It leaps to the front with its wonderful improvement& No other stove has.anything; like it NeW from top to toe. Brilliant from urn: to base. Beautiful:in its effect under fire* Radiant on the parlor floor, and eloquent -in its hot air coe! struction. "THE ART COUNTESS" has taken the lead, it already has the pole, and it will have to be a good one that can overtake it. 00000000000000000000000000 CALL AND SEE THEM AND BE CONVINCED. 00000000000000000000000000 A full assertment of cook and .Parler stoves on hand which must be, sold, and VERY CI -MAP: STAND, one door north of Dr. tutz's Drug Store, Main Street, Exeter. Sign of Big Elephant. feat Cie ring Sal Wholesale and Retail Builders' Hardware. Nails, Glass (Stained and. Engraved), Locks, Iiingelti and Butts (full line) Carriage liaitlware. nar Iron, Bent Stuff, Hubbs, Spokes, Cutter Runners. Shafts, Moqueite Wunslin, Drill &c. ili Supplies , and Leather Beltings, &c. Sporting Material Breech -Loading and Shot Guns, Powder, Shot, a-. Stoves and Tin ware Cooking. Heating, 1?arlor and Coal Stoves, All kinds Send in your orders for CHESNUT or STOVE and the genu- ine 13LOSSBMIG COALS before it advances ANNEALED, DALVANIZED AND BARB WIRE CHEAP. 111,Wrsagdr. Proprietor. di el fo lo si er al SC St ti 0 11 Ofi 00 at SA ab sa an to go (T