The Exeter Advocate, 1890-10-23, Page 4THE . v 81,1 L e, SANDERS GC SWEET. Props. THUB,SDAY, OCT, 23rd, 1890, FIGHTING AlC IATLEY. The McKinley bill is pretty general- ly regarded in Europe as a challenge by the United States thrown out to other uat'ions, and there is a strong dis- position in some quarters to meet it by retaliatory acts This feeliog is strongest, o£ course, in protected coun- tries; but even in Free Trade England it finds some advocates. There has not been any attempt at a movement in favor of a return to nroteetiye duties;' but several propositions have ben Made looking to the development of nide between Great Britain and her colonies, especially in those classes of goods she has been accustomed to take largely from the United States. In the last number of the FouTXID-HTLV RE- VIEW, 'AICSSrS la-slsw,'AICbS1S A. Egmont Hake and 0 W. Wesslan make the following pro- posals which they third: would have the effect of defeating the object of the 31eKinley bill: 1. A duty to be itnposed on all wheat ,Porn, dairy produce, beef and other ar boles of food imported from the United States. 2. The revenue collected from such duties to be used as a Retaliation Fund, stud not to be absorbed in the general revenue of the country. 3 An import bounty to be 'paid out of this Retaliation Fundon all similiar food stuffs imported from British. colon. ies, or from any country receiving British goods free of duty. Higher bounties to bo paid on the products of Free Trade colonies than protected col- onies. 4 The bounty to be so ealculated.that. its aggregate amount shall correspond with the agregate'of the duty levied. a No duty to be placed on any food stuns the importation of which from the British colonies cannot be encouraged. i.; The duties to be abolished—and, consequently, the bounties also—when the United States admit goods as freely as Great Britain now admits Americen goods. The authors of this scheme argue that it cannot cause an increase in the price of;the articles ou which the duty is charged, because similar articles would be imported from the colonies duty free, which would regulate the price in the English market; and that those colonies and . other countries' which would thus be favorably treated,; -would become larger customers of Great Britain and would buy more ,, freely her manufactured goods. By this means Great Britain would be en-. abled-to help her own colonies, at the expense of the United States producers, This scheme looks feasible, and encour- aging from a Canadian stand -point; Taut it will not do to build much hope on the probability of its being carried mut. It is to be feared that Great Brit- ain. is Still too firmly wedded to her, Free Trade icloi,to admit of any scheme of taxation which would have the PP slightest a earanee of a return to a a protective tariff,or evens discriinina- tory tariff which would bear any re- semblance to protection,most especially in breadstuffs or any other articles of food. It must always be remembered that England does not produce, nearly enough food to feed her population, and,consequently the imposition of any duties, no matter how sxilfuily arrang- trissmight have the effect increasing the cast of the uedessaries of life which is, something any English Government Would ,be exceedingly easeful to avoid doing. It would not be well, therefore, for Canadians to derive any comfort from proposals to tax food stuffs in Great Britain, for such proposals are not likely to be entertained. They xnuust depend wholly on tho qutility of the ;oods'produced to recommend them., The best grains, meats and dairy pro- ducts will fetch the best prices in the English narket, find it is on that our Sarrners and traders must place their seliance, and not on an; hope of a eliaange in Great Britain's fiscal policy, not much probability of ° the amend went passing, as the vote in the citieswill, it is expected, bo overwhelmingly against it; bit it will be satisfactory to have a vote polled, so as to ascertian what the real strength of the prohibia tion sentiment in the State is, Should it prove considerable, no doubt one dr both of the great parties will adopt pro- hibition in the party platform for next general election, and should the vote prove light and inconsiderable, as is. expected, it may have the effect of stopping the agitation for the present. I11�I1"OkT LIl NOTES, THE decent session of Congress lasted 803 days, which is'thelongest on record. with one exception. A great portion of the time was wasted in filibustering which could hardly have been beaten by the Opposition in our own Parifa meat, great adepts as they° are in the lint of wasting time,. The Speaker of. the House of Representatives estitn tes. that just one month, or a tenth of the whole session, was spent in uuneces• sary callings of the The Mitchell Advocate is a nen spa:p, or published hi a neighboring town, generally with considerable skill, and always witha great deal of force. Its warlike Editor never Wings his game; he always blows it to atones. The slain enemies of the Advocate would: fill a chamber of horrors, if large enough. pieces could be 'found. But its foes are always annihillated. Tho Advocate is now at Work on a Mitchell doctor and, soon, the prospects are, that the ihysie- ian will be extinguished. It :would be better; we think, if our ',contemporary would only use a shotgun, and not a cannon, just kill, and not obliterate, save something if Only the skeleton, to hang up in,the editorial sanctum, and warm future Offenders not to so trans gress. But we do not.wish to interfere between our:neihbor and his oppon-' ent and cite the doctors ease as an in- stance of the power, with which the Mitchell Advocate fights. ' But the strong feeling that makes a man feel, in fighting for the cause .of light, is out of place in choosing what is right. The impulse of the Prophet Samuel; which was righteous indignation. when he slew Agag; would he out of place in a jury box. Therefore we fear our namesake from. Mitchell is advocating inurder,when in impulsive indignation, he writes thus of tbe fiendish crime near Cumberland, Ontario, a few days famommseurarauerawagruorretia ago. "The brutality of tbe Gleed is simply appalling. It shuts out the thought of mercy for the devilish perpetrator, if evidence can be found to fix the guilt upon him, and raises in the Heart a sympathetic feeling for therough,swiIt justice that bides not the delay of courts when so foul a wrong against humanity is to be avenged." No! we have no sympathetic feeling' for murder, rough and swift or smooth and slow. It is justice, for the law to execute a criminal, it is murder for a community toput an accused man to death. The Township of Biddulph wit- nessed some "rough swift justice" a few years ago, that British law,called by an- other ridnie. The strange thing about this article is, that in the same issue of the same paper, is an item of news from the Sarnia Sun, about a murder in New York, of a young man, "well con ducted and "well lilted" by rough swift justice, for which, in a moment of im- pulse, our contemporary and namesake has a sympathetic feeling. Here it is, ty,"\Vtn. Joslyn lived: in Mt. 'Clement, Mich., and was well known to Sarnians who take an interest in matters of the turf. On May 24th last he was here with Toledo Girl. He was geneially well liked. On Monday night. last while on a visit to friends in. Mt. Mor- ris, N. y., he was sec upon by a mob and strangled to death: The snob phis took him for another party and the mistake was not discovered until Jos- lyn had been killed, Several of the nfob were arrested. Joslyn is said by those here who knew him to have always well conduct- ed himself and the news of the terrible mistake made sent a thrill of sorrow through them." ICING OF WEEKLIES! . r. x Imo. Estabjished half a Contuly:' LONDON, QNTARIO. The Ijandsomest Printed Paper in Canada« THE .PROHIBITION QU.,STIOLV. itt ilia Inst session of the Legislature of the State of New York an ,Act' was passed to submit a proposed amendment tothe constitution of the State,on the 1pi'ohibition question, to a vote of the people on the 9th of April nest. The •y :Act Was passed.s.,erl as an effort to faire 'the, prohibition question "out of polities," at least for a while, and the temperance people are now organi::inio, in 1raariotls eonnntiesID the State With 1, 'tic* to ,a >,rInginb o e.. out the full temperance vote :til favor of the amendment. 'There is 775 CASH OPPORTUNITIES Offered to the Public. The publishers of the Loi.nov WEEICL FREE PRESS are happy to'.anuouiu0e that they have set.apbrt, the sura of i?rM (ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS IN GOLD)., to be divided amongst subscribers whose names may be found ou the subscription lists Maroh1st, 1591; Tho allotment will; be ,made.' as follows :- 1 Crawl Allotment of'$t00.00`-$100.00 4 Allotments of 25.00-, 100.00 10.00- 200.00 2:00- 100.00 1.00- 300,00 .50- 200.00 20 50 ee 300 " 400 cc 775 $1000.00 The allotment will take place under the supervision of a Committee, March the 2nd, next. " Those to whom the allotments may fall will thereupon receive a notification of the fact, and a coupon for the amount will be issued, payable ,at the counter of• the FREE' PRESS Ori on and after March 6th, and will be forwarded to them. There are ,yet four months during which persons wishing' to be included' in these hand- some allotments, maycome in to share by subscribing to the WEEIa w FREE PRESS. Price, One Dollar per year. It will be seen that by this scheme o DIVISION OF PROFITS, those persons to the number of 776, selected from all the names on our subscription list, will receive a ` handsome recognition by having placed to their credit, or paid 'in -cash, sums of money varying from 50c to'5100..00 each. Now is the time to subscribe! Nraitarl illutakint Having leased the premises latety occupied by Mr. John Brawn, T would inform the public that I carry an immen- se stock of FURNITURE of my own lllanufactui'e,which I will sell at EXTRAORDINARY PBIO ES' Tnepect my stock before buy- ing elsewhere an , i,ve from 10 to 20 per cent, I am bound to sell,and guaratee my 'goods Ito be superior to factory work: CHRISTMAS NUIYIBER. In addition to the above magnificent.ofers all subscribers to the WEEKLY FREE PRESS whose names may be on the list December 31st,, for .1891, will receive a gift of our forthcoming splendid ILLusTRATAD CRAISTMAS NITrrEa, now become so popular throughout Western' Ontario; butno others will be entitled to a free 'copy of it. Therefore, now is the time to subscribe, as persons entering• the subscription lists on or before 311t of December next, will be en- titled to the - DOUBLE ADVANTAGE of securing a copy of the CHRiST\fAs NUI,IIIEa, as well as participating in the benfits of the DIVISION.. OF PROFITS, as previously set 'forth. No person; however, whose name -is not on the subsc'r'iption list, Dec. 31st, for 1891, will be entitled to that consideration. Therefore, :now is: the time to subscribe. Not we "want no mob justice, though it may be rough and swift." The better class of people. in the United Stiles al-: though they may be too few to have a voice in governing the republic, would like to' say, farewell to many of their nation t Ipeculiarities and per haps divor.. ce and Lynch Law they would put first in the list, Of the rejected avperiments. of any nation we want no trial, and the last we long for are certainly: those' of the corrupt Democracy to the South, althoufi h our neighbor calls this one, jectives that are when ;so applied) by ac ,l , • s � pp complimentary. £stem+ Comer. , On tido promises of William 'Eagleson, lot 7,Nortl Boundary, McGxiliivray. Owner can. have the stt r.e by proving property ancilla in expenses, 'WILLIAM ISAGFIAESON. -The WEEKLY FREE' PRESS is a: large twelve page paper, and'conceded to be the best family newspaper in0anadc. The Agricultural Depart-' went is a noted feature of the "Free Press," being' always up to the times. and conducted by lustrationsa Practical land in given each week. All the News in Full by Telegraph, Telephone, Mall and Correspondence up to the hour of publication. Special Market Depart menta. Agricultural Department. Capital Story always Running. •Humorous Reading. Just the thine for Family 1 'Every' member of the household eagerly looks for it each week. LARGE $ I.00 PAPER' ! In Clubs of four and. upwards, 7Sc.•each, BALANCE OF 1890 FREE, Send your subscription' money at once direct to rant Panes Darton, London, Ont., which, if duly and securely mailed, will be at ouniBrsns, Please write your name and Post Office address distinctly. 'l* ADDImESS t' FREE PRESS' PRINTING CO., LONDON, CANADA, AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. Send for Sample Copy. Entered according to Act of Parliament of Canada, In the year i8DD byY, ppqie Sae„ 1rinss Panrr,$O Co1,I hi r, of London, bntai'lo, in the ochce of Elio ;ttlnister of Agrt- culture. The 'AbvoCATE and Weekly Free Press for oNn YEAR for ONL`DOLLAR. w I7I11E BEST ARllIOR AGAINST DISEASE IS • GOOD DIGESTION," 7t i9 a Ward, uncontrovert,bie fact,Ehat more disease ,s directly attributable to disorders `2 the Stomach. than' to all the other organs eornbined this is net hard for even the tinprofdssuinal to u,Sderntaud when we taste into congitletation the mass of food that it is !mule the reeoptadll of'fol t time these to be churned, di- gonind and so asnimilatcd. MALTOPEPSYN rm tla on ever label t (.tnjarhficial gaktnc mice to t Y ) veil dui the ,vealtstomachitndso0,1rcIndigestion, Dyspep_ pi is etc. In fact, it , a (foodaid to digest a hearty dinner, and can Itonoharm, a 110))!' ldcifld 00 410)5 amount of gastric juice, does not stiintilate and so there is no reaction: Endorsed by physicians. S'endscts,in postage for valuable hoof( to IIAZ,E.N MCY>~.Ot;, 1N'ra' itfiA1•Io1PAC. llslt)oa, fit;TAa1G. Undertakinat in all its branches at lowest possible prices. Special attention will be given to this branch; of the business, Give me a share of tho patronage. Remember the stand, two doors north of the Town Hall, Exeter. WALT. ANDREWS. A Fresh and New Stock of Gr006110s & Confectlogn JUST ARRIVED AT THE FamHy Crocery Also Pure EXTRACTS and SPICES. A beautiful piece of glass ware given away with 1 o: Mayeli's Baking Powder. Dashwood Roller Flour For Salo. Call and examine our good before purchasing elsewhere. G. A. ifGdHDPIIA sa THE BF,AUTIFUL AND CLEAR CUT ---TYPE: fromwhichthis paper is print was supplied by the TORONTO FIXEM Dealers in Type, • Presses, and Printers' Supplies. J. T. JOHNSTON 80'& 82 Wellington St. wes TORONTO, ONT. CITY HOTS LONDON, ONTARIO. 1 par day J. & J. !iiciliRTIN, Proprietors. y <. POWDERS are an honest medioin for : whioh only hones E2`p{ cx (straightforward o tat, meats are made. See the is .�� "• youetthe genuine ltiof mama. .Xnsiet on -havin I them. They Duro AL; Headaches.. They are nota Cathartic. HOF E MA14'S HARMLESS HEADACHE Phso's Remedy 'for Catarrh 10 the Lest, Easiest to Use and Cheapest. Solcl by diligents orsenO'bymail, Sec. B.17, Hazeltine, Warren, Pa:, u S. A. [IDICTI1111.1 TITID A complete stock of Pure and Reliable Rru ,ALWAYS REPT. Pa1e�t Illogicigs,Spooge Druggist's Supplies At right and reasonable price Prescriptions and Family Receip Carefully Prepared. CO Powil the best in the . market. C. LUTZ, Pl10 111 • 1n Oil.�' ............. The FalTlous Heavy -bodied Oil. made only by McColl Bros. & Co., Toronto. Use it ooe and you will use no other' cColl's Famous CYLINDER OIL Is the finest in Canada for engine cylinders. LS :off i i —FOR SALE ,Bl— TT BROS., Exeter, . V ntarco. TAIL R SI—I D TTIE UNDERSIGNED HAS OPENED OUT A NEW STOCK. OF. II 1 II :1 .I $ II $ IIV , 11 11 $ II 4 FIRTCLAS? WINTER SUITIIMJ II 1 II $ V 1 II $ 1111 $ II : V : $ 11 In Canadian and Imported Tweeds, French Worsteds, etc., which he will sell at right prices. If you wish a nobby or plain suit it will repay you to call and examine his large stock which has just arrived. §—§_§—§_s—§—§—§—§--§—§—§—§—§-§—§-§-§—s 11. SORE RI 0 IIIITEE EEY TIIIIE. §_§_§._§_§__§_§_l_§.___§_§.___§_§_§_l_§__§ r Special attention given to ladies mantle ak' . Give me a Trial and you will. UeeConvinced. ' Stand one door north of Fish's Barber shop. JAMES H. GRIEVE. 4.441.1,.4 sY. t $t#Ri}AS4t13t5YM}xoi 1S.esot. P 1 `451," t'''11,lft.I a.„` itagOV.•. IM49:?a;€''tr,'tli"F..htU4=W.VAv: �"•,.. � ty�' / ek•thy 5`.. 0. qi:., ngG firm t4 • ., a1 'fs1 �' r �l`w v sacs, x l "> .-1,' s . ap i �., wa P infants , , :< • t 4 f X11, , :.. and Children. ti 4 F + l •: 7, , � qri, # is r, } "Ctstor5m,issowell adapted tochildren that Irnrn recoenditassuperiortoanypreseription >. itnown tome." $, A. AxcnEa, DS. D., 111 Bo. Oxford Bt., Brooklyn, N. Y. r Clastoria cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Bills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes dim stion, Wit nuc injurious medication. Ties CEarrevn COMPANY, 1.7 Murray Street, N. V: • 4 . ary i- , 14i h • 14:; .W . C -N. 4. :k•�jo,,.,•I.uc"ii,��„ ,ti..rT3 .,,... i3t.e 39�'friSA'=f+laal i'�.t,isiki�"7,�`-"-'�,,._�*:i�"��,fFY�":(�lTtsi4,;. A READ ..: , L I- cA -w-lD..exe tO -bzr The Best Goods for the Least Mone.. $,:„.„l.a .:rr. d.•"14025141u.4.k'4'514. . in t'Hall i cash. display 6 at we 5 o 3 AGENTS S.'.'1,.'''',,'lt We carry town In wnolesale are showingall different ����, e& 1 and at o ,l the largest stock of STOVES and TINWARI we are selling it at the lowest possible price foi and LibraryyLamps we are an elegani p showing right prices. All kinds of Table and Hand Lamp, prices. In Cross -cut Saws the latest and leading patterns and makes 1 patterns to choose from. a large stock at prices that defycompetition. -`1' y'� RS�•� stock �(�pl As usual a full • of gi ars iit8, i1 iijI O18OR al% BIBS 011 1II ti” A,, Call Solicited. a FOR THE RAYIiIOND SEWING MACHIN] a ,, , ,4, ,or Z1 sil'i T r Iterchant LT COAB .t Tailor, Exeter Remember the old stand ,, 1: 0 Ill •��s�y ,. H. Near' the POST OFFICE. s. :00 Summer Sole 1 1�cuff The P. epD1 lU A �' agent COLLARS best A �° U JJ Has now FIRST-CLASS ur ,tishi�l for Exeter collar and CALL J. G UUk / / in stock LINE OF roods rents' s eto s, g � for IVORINE AND CUFFS, market. in the mr C SOLICITED. - Smallaoombe. If you want an easy shav and neat hair -cut ,just call a E, H. :FISH'S SHA.VING SALOON Where he does all his r, work in a neat styl( Ladies' and Children's haircutting ;) the latest style. AGENT FOB THE PARiS/AN STEAM LAUNDR,,