HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1890-10-2, Page 8•
nee -
Read W,E'Coeliendun's Change Af
“wi.,, in. this ism. •
The organ. to be placed iii the lex
etee,Publie School has arrived, and is
of a superior finish and tone,
ne isle officers of tho salvaiien
Arinee have,left, and their places have
beea filled by two able woricers.
The Goderich Signal came to hand
° ill
this we a uch iinPrOved sllet
appearance to that of former isSnes,
owing to the discarding of the old
heading and repnecieg, a new one. .e.
new press has also been placed in the
office. '
gr. T. Wrone, of Chatham. agent
foe the Reliance'lillectric Light Co., has
been here for the past ween negotiat-
ing with the different store and shop
owners of this town, for the putting in
of Electric light. He has secured a
number ef names, who are, .willing to
give it a trial. Tile power for running
the Electric Light machine will be far
melee from Messrs. Verity & Sons'
founer -
It is now thou ht in •Eng•land and
• •
other parte of EuroPe that •the iron
horse shoe must. go, aad its place taken,.
by a leather shoe. The shoe is made
of three thicknesses of hide pressed in
a steel Mould'and afterwarde 'Ceeited
eheinicaey, 'Its chief advantages over
. •
iron. are clairied to be that it holds
firmly on slippery pa•yements, that it
is lighter than the iron shoe, laSt.s long-.
er, and that the hoofs of the horses
wearing it never split.
M ' JohnK 11 known in
r., ,heyes we
Exeter w. ere e has' resided f ' Sh' e
years, died from pneumonia one.l.Friclma,i'
lest, aged 70 years. The deceased. was
well.known for his 1-1 di dis osition
an . is gi ey ea an veneia e gum'
d Ix' • h d el " • bl fi
wilt be missed from our Streets. His
funeral was larcrelv attended on Mon
day and •efereae le him Will be made
b " R 1S F Robinson on Sunday
evenine next in the Trivitt Menaorial
- - - te . .
church.of which congreg,ation he was
a member
. ' .
Council met in;the Town Hall on
Saturday night last, for the considerat,
ion of granting -the Reliance Electric
Ligni Co. permission•of placing polls on
Main-st. for. thepurpose of suspending
wires to light the' different Stores
throughout ' the town. It was de-
eided that they -should have,permission
brit not an exclueive one, so as the
council would not be debarred from the
privilege of erecting polls for the light-
ing of the street's should they wish totown
do so at any future time, after whichCatharine
the counci adjourned
. , ,•
We have this week to record the
death of one of Stephen's young. men
in the person of Richard James Harvey,
ftt the early wane: of 17 years and 3
months which sad. and, melancholy.
., , , , .
event took place en Monday morning
last. abodt . 8 • Q clock- Deceased had
h h h'''New
been enjoying •.t e.best oft, ealt until
about six rnontlis'ago, w en: he , was
stricken down • with La Grippe and
. • . e
whieli settled. on his lungs 'and grew,
rapidly worse:until his restoration was
., • •,.
impossible His remains were interred
in the Crediton cemetery - yesterday
(Wednesday) at two.o'clock.
• f
D. Fisher, of Goderieh, 3 Gilson,
London, andJ. Essery, of Exeter,Ont.
d t''f '
ria on. ex i ionee oe o a.
sample of Canadian draught herSeSe.
and had the' pleasure, of talein with
them nearly all pretniume given
at the Toledo 'show, defeating every
horee there that had shown in Detroit
taking -premiums in draught classes.
Their stock consists •of Dominion
draught end coach horsesTheir two-
year-old stallion, Kaiser, carried off the
sweepstakesereminins over all &meg ,
horses exhibited, and"is receiving a
great deal of attention from the lovers
of fine stoca.-[ToledaBee. '
Boarders wattled. .
Two male boarders, ean get lodgings
by consulting with Ms. Thos. Snell
Huron Street. • '
Farmers, . •, .
Get your sale bilis printed • at • the
ADVOOLTE COW(' We -will give you a
gratuitous notice in the columns of the
paper. • • - .
. .
Annrentices Wanted, to learn the
'''• .. . .. .
Dressmaking, apply to Miss Charlotte
Sweet, over the Big. .Bankriipt Store,
Exeter, Ont. '••
wanted., , e, ,
.. • •
Never too late to mend, 5000 peers a
. -•
boote awl. shoes that need , repelling to
be left at the le d' g b te 'end slme
a m 00 • - •,four
store next door to the post office. G.
' . •
On Tuesda Fair Day, •a black satin
bag with a gold Chain, pair., Bracelet.
c poc et an teic ie con ain-.
and a sill k h di • h' f t ' '
ed therein. Owner can have eame by
calling, at this °Mee- . ' •
• ' ,
Lost. ' ;•• .' •
OnSundayWel t a •• eket-b 'I b.
, 'dl(Hibbert,.`)•''t .e-'wde'''''e
i.e. place .a,n ton am.-
ing thekein' $24 in bills, fifteen eents„
in•change, and a wateh 'key. ' Finder-
11 be suitabl rehrarded b leavine
w" y , . Y., n
• the, same at this office.
Shininentse • • -
Mr.jos Cage shipped one carload of
lainbsto Buffalo on Wednesday. -Mr,
II. Willert shipped ono carload. of lambs
to Buffalo on Wednesday, -Mr. Thos.
Prior shipped one carload of cattle. to
.1Iontreal, on Tuesday. ---W. H. Hutehe
ins & San, • •
find..Ef. LeVett, shipped thirty
earloa.de of Barley to Deeroit this week.
W. II. Verity &Son's shipped 2-eaeloads
of plows and straw dittoes: to Winnipeg
Man, on Ttiesday.-Tee Exeter mining
Co. ,hipped one car of flour to the lowci•
nieessre Edit n.
province on Tneedey.-. .
W I ,. • f D h 6 4 si inled ono car
of flour to Moritreat•-•-Meeere F Ho •
bein & Soo of Dashwood, are shipping
large quantities of bark and wood to
London and Mitchellee.'L, liIi. A, Q, Ilobier
shipped from this Station On Friday
two eericade of ego, • ,•3' .
"ne‘es8 •
Succss by name an
ead S-Oeess a was
. . .
for Mr. joint Willi.s, horseenten, Exeter
Ntilnarftililictofeed#,151-KipiftlfIr attlire-7 'Warded
, , , , . Western
r air Londe,n„la,st wee.ke , [To,is a prize
winner amt. a •aorse nigniy commend.-
For sale.
A complete telegraph instrument,
. wires
battery, connedang &c. 'The
above is especially adapted for learners
and with this instrument a person, ea a
get a, thorough knowledg,e of the' art.
Will sell cheap; for futher particulars
call at this office.
The list of convictions made by the
maeistrates in the county for the guar-
ter ending lst inst., number 4S. pf
these I1 were by Goderich Magistrates
8 by Seaforth, 6 by Clinton, 4 by Bus-
sels, 7 by Exeter and others by .inagin
trates elsewhere Of the offences 7 were
for violation of the license law, 4. of the
informations bonier laid by the South
Riding Inspector, 2 by the West Riding
Inspector, and e by the East Riding.
The total amount of the fines impOsee
was 8879,, of, ivhich there were 6 $50
Anes and 2,820 fineS' ' -
Jones en iiinks.
The Ilsborne eases Jones vs,
Hicas were up for trial yesterday
before His 'Worship., Charles Snell.
There were dve.cherges made, trespass,
asseult: malicious injury to property,
carrying. fire arms, and others, in which
Richard Jones is complainante and
John and Edward Hicks are defend-
ants. Yesterday only the trespaes caes
which occupied all day waS tried end
the defendants were adjudged . guilty
of the trespass and fined $2.00 and costs.
le H. Dickson acted as coneasel for com-
plainant and John Elliot for defend-
ants. .
The Child Desertion Case.. '
The .youne couple from Hibbert
charged with child desertion in London
. . ,
were before Judge Davis last .week.
The mairelected to be summarily 'tried
• , , /
and he got one year en the Centeral
. , . ,• .: .
Prison. The girl wished to be tried by
:rune and is out .on bail until the De-
A ' Th ' cl ' '
comber seizes. e ju ge said the
ease WKS a cruel one, the infant,. hhv-
ing apparently'been left to die iti an
open fiel..14, .a.Wa'..Y. ' 'Irani. .' a.lnins.t any
cnance ot penes aiscovered in .tirae to
save its life. •„, As it was it had been.ex-
posed for nearly twenty hours, and the
man had a ,narrow escape from i being
_charged with a most heinous•- ,c,e,irge.
nhe Coent saw no leasenfor.reence in
the ease and thoughtT 0* V •
, he mieht ge e
the prisoner two years in, tine penitent
. iary he had decided 'to send him for
one yeer to the. Central Prison.,.•, • , ,
Literary Note.' .
•The New York Ledger. for October
4th '.• 'of .' t t' cr * f ' t' 'and
is a mine rn eres me ac
fiction regarding theSouth, .botlf the
. South and the Old. It 1.,___e_eads off
with a. brilliant, character ,sk. r - - --e eh of
Henry W.Grandy, journalist, Ofatar and
. . .. , , , a ..- 1. , • „
patriot, eylitten „hy -Oliver Deeer, in
• which the effect on the 'NeW SOuth of
•Grady's life -work . is , luminously ex-
nlained• A .eelsp editorlel on "The,
MarvelouslieVival of Prosperity• in the
'South" tells its own . tale. The -Old
South is"pietitied in the -openingoin-
stallment of:a Kentucky waretory en ,
titled "Reunited," the pen-product•of a
distinguished Southern officer., In:
"For Isobek" Maurice Thompson, gives
a vignette orante-bellum life in :Lou-
isia.na. James Parton tells the stery ce.
Deleware. An illustrated ballad by
Thomas Dunn English and a stony by,
Mrs. Amelia E. Barr are published in
the same number. ' , - ,
The queen pays all Expenses. :
The Q?e6en'.3 last -"Free trip to Europe"
having excited such univeinallriterest,
publishers of that popular agazine
offer another ANA .82,po ,EXTRA Fon'
nxnexses, to the person sending them
the largest list of English words cone
strutted from letters contained. in the
three words 'BriirzseeNoliene Ammeice.'
. . . .
Additional prizes consisting of Silver
Tea Sets, China Dinner Sets, Gold
Watches, French Music Boxes; Portiere
Curtains, Silk. Dresses, Mantel Clocks,
and many other useful and valuable
rticles will Algo be warded` in order
a - ' ' '' ' •
Of merit. A special, prize, of a Seal
Skin Jacket td" the' lady, and a hand-
some Shetland Pony to the girt or boy
(delivere free in Canada or Unite
States) sending the largest liets. EVery
one sendine
e a iist of net lege: than
t ent 'Weeds will rec • '
eive a present.
Send Y '
3e stamps for complete rules
illustrated cataloolie of • prizes and
' ' b, '" /
.89nipie num,ber of The Queen. Address
ada.-169, 1,0t. •
„clocnsenipe .. , , . ,, , ,
•, gram tay . One
The Brantford Tele s. '
' ' '• • • ' ' '
of the accidents that , happen even in,
I d ' ''I' ' '
the best regu ate hien,' ies; oceured in
a neat little cottege in the Brant Ward
last - 'Th ' dining• '' 1
room tc o:K,
stopped , and, persistently refused o go.
Thelady of the house was equal to the
Oecasion. Detaching the worm
'laced them in a pot of water, and ut
p , . intending p
hemeon the stove to boil,
thus to clean them, So far so geed
Soup formed an item in the family re-,
Past for dinner that day. While the
're around the table one of
boarders we ., h . .
their number wit his spoonfishedoup
Inillsed iatn a
a wheel from the boarder w°
minu e another, , a
coo- wheels the minute ha,nd and a
0 _
t ' Tt I I 1 d' foreetten
crOssear. „ M 1, y
e d' cni' Ilathe sou in
about the e'° --x< n'n,..
i i ac eboatders P are
the same pot, . t. le.ec.t,,_ e_r hands
going about poin inghwe h th i
While, the
and F,itrixit?g• . every our., .
th t
eloca continued to tion.,ticet, not, a
.accompanies them eee,rywheeedenotes
I d'e 'pies Of the immortal Sem Shea
tee i ci .. , •
. . • • • • .
rereennilnlention. -
. , ,
,,, Mrs, Richard Bissett end. son, of .Lon-
don, foemerly of ehis pleee is vieiting
fikeids tind i•alatiVee hi: and around
Exeter at present. -Miss Hattie ',Doh,
ough, of Goderich is the guest of Misses
Gould at 'presenn-Mrs. Cleo. HoePer
and two children, of Londe°, are the
eeueetS of Mi.& Samuel Sanders at pres-
ent.-Mr, Janie& De. Anis, of Gred,it,,on•,
was in EXeter on § gad. ay last visitmg
his piteents• of this, place. -Mr. Marshal
o• wens, toosoriaeartist, of London, - iS
the guest ofJohn at t.
-Mr. Steele, of Siincoe, is the guest of
his dauehter Mrs. J. G-. Emery for a
few days• -Mr• Thos. Powell, of Wing.
ham is the euest of Mr Richard Davis
, b M.
at present. -Mrs. Jane Shute of Det.
Mich., is at present visiting with Mr.
Thomas Shute of this place. -Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Hoist and Miss Fanny Dear-
ing, left en Wednesday last for Mar-
lett, Midi., to visit friends. -Mr. John
Davidson of this place, who has been.
,spending a few- weeks in Muskoka has
just returned, and gives a gloiving• ac-
count of that country, he intends to
-become a resident of that place before
long. -Miss Eliza Cooper of Biddulph,
who has beee the guest of Mr, Thomas
Shute for some time returned home on
TuesdnYlaet.-Mr. Thos. Shute of , this
plane end Mrs. Jane Shute of Detroit,
were the guests ef 'Mr. Wnt. Balman oa
Wednesday last -1\(r. and Mrs- Wm-
Davidson spent Sunday last visiting
friendsin Usborne.-Miss Minnie Speare
of Cromarty, who has been the guest
of Mr. John Shute for some time return-
•ed home on Sundziy last. -Mrs. George
Lyne of London, formerly of this place,
is visiting relatives and friends in and
around Exeter at 4present.-Miss Per.
guson, of London, is the guest of the
misses Gcnild'--)Miss Ceek .ef Hensall'
is ehe guest of the Misses Gill at pre
• -Miss Annie Weekes is visiting
friends.in N,oredell at , present -Miss
Ida Cooper. and Mr. Thos. Oke were the
guests of Mrs. W,.._m.Balinazi.?n Sunday
last. -Mr. Lieo. DaKis, mann, cutter,
returned to Sarnia on Wednesday
inornine -MIAs Hicks of Centralia,
• en .
spent Wednesday with her brother Mr.
• / . • •
A. Hiclee.--Mrs.. Edward. Christie left
for Clinton yesterday circuit)°, where
. ,„. '. ,
A Great
vv e invite your inspection
S tock of fall and wmter goods
have never yet Seen anytliing
.... • egee----
JUSit What
It has been our endeavor
what you .Want in quality
prepared. to suit any custoinet
' ' fled with purchases in
- , .
• 4 opportunity to
Think wh. at
, ,
We offer the widest choice
Ten ,e
vv e Offer tile newest goods;
We offer you the best values
w ean re, e ouer you the .lowest prices.
Thi ' h' hf 1 t` ff
• , 8 18 HO ig. a u in 0
but a •
egnuine offer of
. . ..
If any -body offers you more
we do take 'ern un °nick.
7 n a
the goods we show for the
be Id
so , .
_ _
• •'' e a e.
, w M k them
don't ask you. to take our word
, ,
' • ' • COME AND
r, DI P
Stook f
13 .AI
of our iievit and
-with tlie certainty
that will beat it for
excellence ,
'YoLut Wan,
to provide' just
and in price. We
If there is anybody
tile past •this is their
get satisfaction.
t, .
we offer you.
, •
for taste 01 fancy , • -- -
patterns and. styles, in. the
you ever received.
er. . is no
' It ' enipty.,boast
genuine bargains
than we do, or lower'prices
But nobod on earth can
,prices we make. ' These
low to..
sell them quickly.
but to let the o'oods speal-
. tn ,
SEE TrIX111.E.
* I
. extensive
that you
variety- or
or. brag
s -for us
BD E AD M A K ER $ .
' ,Griggo R
--Ex•eter Fair Mouclay and Tuesday
-Our Fancy Goods Fair will be held
on the same clays.
_we want every boy and girl to visit
. . one store on these dztye.
=The first intimatioit•of coining Christ-
mas etock will no visible on our "use -general
ful countere.”
--Every case will be filled with Oleic°
and useful goods on those days,
-Our staff will do their best to make
-visitors feel at home, and will be
pleese,:c1 to show them through the
steek for au exPreSsiolL of opiniOn as
to its merit compared with city stores.
-We extinct to open several eases 'of
• New Goods winch will be placed on
exhibition oii those days,
--Remember we are doing what •we
can to make our store an attractive
•resort where a half-hour, may be
pleasautlyepent and goods packed
enelf required. at moderate prices,
Fancy•goeds,sta,tiJ. GRIGG, enery anaereell wares
. •
' _
-K.L.Biliinzs, Dentist, ror the nest
artineial teeth.
The 'ADv0eA.T.B from now till the end
of the, year for 20 cents. Subscribe
now.. •
If you. want a first-class job ofmust
troughing done,'call on Willian Fol-
, Insure in the Temperance and Gen-
nee' Insurance Co., of T,oronto. ED.
Bissrrie,localagene-May 29-90.
Stibserihe for the ADvonATE. Oialy
90 cents from eaciW till 'January 1st,
1890. ,
L.Billings, Dentist. Goldilltings
a specialty, Office over °Weirs Bank
'*nefen• ' '
. New subScribers are constantly be-
big enrolled. on. eur list. New is vour
eoppor,tunity, now till Jain 1„st 1890" for
Ttinig2oets. -
Attempts are being made' in some
places to circulate $20 bills of the de-
funct Bank of Prince. Edward island.
Preparations are being made in the
Trivitt •eleraorial Chum. h Tower for the
placing of the Bells, -which are expe,et•
ed here, Shortly," , . • •
The Co'ncert held in Drew'S Opera
. .
. House ou. Tue.sdaY eyeningnander, the
auspices of the Son's of England was
wellattended. The Misses Steplaenson's
singeing was much appreciated.
• • •
The Skeleton, of a Mastodon was on
li'la't he 'e clurine the fair time
ex i i on i t, - .
It wa&certainly a great and wonder-
Jill ceneousit. -A 'very fine bandinse
ecompanied the. party. The ekeleton
was found neer Ridgetown last year.
, • ' - . '
N(re have this Week to record the
sudden death 01 one of HayIs respected.
.•-inbabitarit&-in the person of Annie, be-
,loi,r6d* wife of Jacob. Kennedy, aged 39
years.; 'wbieli , se& bereavement took
place On Friday ' last. Her remains
,we,re interred in leicTaggart's cerneteryair
on Suaclay September 2Sth. , .
• Mr Alex. IVIePherson, Taxidermist,.
Exeter North, was successfull in carry-
ingeoff She,' following, Tidies at the
, Western, F4ircelst for stuffed. Birds; 1st
for Ieepfiles, let'fOr stuffed fish:. and 1st
for Wiled Animals. • This is two .sue-
cessin years that he has •eaptured
all•the flint priz.es at- London, and it
speaks highly of his practical work as
it taxideritist,
' Send aToien you;- subscriptions for the
ADV'ocarn.. Only 20 cents from. no-ve
till the end of the year. . ,
• A Sad ateident occurred in Exeter
North ofif•Piiday evening of last week.
Charles, the three yeanold son of Mr,
Henry Fink, manager of the fax mill,
after biting missed for some hours, was
faurid. ciifewned in the tank of the
pigine. His parents have the full
Sytnpathy of the commueity in. their
sad:affliction. The funeral on Sunday
. .
i,..-AYagelel..tel„deAneltee • the T.iatlierian forms,
...Stiii.ltiOg• tO Iliat;d0tiOnlin-
. „ •
--nee__ e....... e
Not Read Ehl-An exchange says:
Aslifstmlajnen for .an advertisement or
• --"Iii'e-1 'and, they will sav the
aek.W. a,S, , 4., • Y-
' clyettisine as n • d
oeithilleyn in a . „, a .apei
is peter read. tet him beeaught kiss-
eeheor e wife or trying to
• t. ..” • - , .1 • .
lo •P i o ..4-kie of e building, and his
,,,,.41 s',,, ipstAntly, aivi I
"T.. idqs'in the erarret Of a 17-
If climb to the to
e.norentleie eng; he wi , p
4"(463t5ett e' editor to Leer quite, and
einatesnhl'eli it in thepaperyou know.
-,• •• . 4:
ig,r. Robt. Sanders, of our town, who
tittilefiliOnakota.on a visit to Mr. Hud.
son Matthews. of Elkwoocl, Dak., form,U.
4intelfiAatietk. of Montreal, is, accord
in,.,cr to reigeta letters, .1texing,..sonie •een-"tween
celliatai0anarnong the prairie chick-
' ens, duriee the first few weeks of the,
•—•'' .'•
eiiiialteneiL, ,e'4,4•Reiiies, bagged soinething
'iSiireklliolite,'Effdrect birds, ' T . .
fie Re,
f•Ye.‘atigehttpence, of Grand Forks,
• *roe- - ' tir. tas soonas he
. s ceepin e pal y
.10,. dRIV.ded his duties as Jude of the
1044/), Yield Trials, -now being held
at',Merili, Manitoba. As soon as Mr.
Spence ,aeri ves with his distineuished
Keteiel, the -Tarty will have the plea-
over some of the fiunst
1.Theelic Ain -ilea, among them "Ruby"
lately imported from Eli alaml, a win
net in the English and Trish field trials
enen1-1888, eBoiGladstene""Pur, of Dawn"
Other'S of National reputation.
Krie-efs&-tlie, property of the Rev. Air.
a!' I'""Y'r‘ I "Co t i T , I " ' ' t -
-eie: - else el times won distinction,
thi, 1 tA '10,property, of Mr. Iludson,
. .._. _ .... . .
She Will rem-ain, for a% few da";rs.--M' iss
• H. • •
Lilly has been
ersey, who spending
a few days in London, has returned:
aragoanitir ,.,..77,:-',..,„
. . .- 1
- Miss Alija Mardock, who has been
...nenenneenn -
the guest of Mr. RiChard Eacreit for
• • . ..
seme time, paid St. Mary's a visit, lase
weele-L-Mr. a,nd Mrs. Andiew,Trienenn-
er,'from near Watford, formerly , resi-
dents of this place, is again in our
midst. -Mr. Thos. Billingsis the guest
of his brother, H. L. Billings at present.
-John Elgin Toms of Goderich Wa,s in
- ' - '
yesterday (Wednesday -Miss
Sutton, of McGillivray, is
. . . • .
visitine friends in town. . .
• n
•• .,
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HARVEY Stephen, the 29thinst.
. -In on
Richard James aged 17
-- ennena,
. -
years and 3 months.
.. r ., „..
Knyns.---In Exeter, North, on the 2eith
John Keyes, aged 70 yeers.
, ' • e .
-Fink.--In Exeter,- North; on the 25th
• • . -• -
inst., Charles, son of Henry FMK,
, : ' aged 3 year & and 1 month.
R.ennedy.--In Hay, on the 26th inst.,
,......- '
' ".,,••,.• e-- - •
' e . ,
.1,, - week. I pre.9ent to the ,people
, ,
' ' a, cut of the noted .,
„. ',beloved wife of Jacob Kennedy,
• aged:39 years. .
t .-. ...
• 6c,it,
. ,'-i
J. •
1 e• „en, e ..1j. ', . • - - .
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OC) f<1 S r 0 AT 1-17:, ,
.. 127AITTED. i'::: ''.-
in selione nneepect7iineseeyetoc'ae steady
employinent ana•contr (nee teiritoey: Iron
done,bilsinep..17:1. caneat. !Irv. !,.ibeetei
• .. .
the best wood. cook stove in the market '
• , , , , , , , . .„ •
payeto, the r7 ht
, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
' • •
'/4.--n-11108. , COnlOVIle, Ont. .
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; call d• 't .
, au see I be
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ore 'buying
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
:f.,. .•
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e, e niewneen.
ROYAL MIllie .
e • emu, ert," /Exeter.
- •
. • .
- , 9
STAND, On door north of Dr. Lutz's Druct Store Main Street
• • , •
. .
Sign of Big E Elephant. -,
. . „
e ,. . _
, ' e i!.;' . ,
- • • . 'ON -1' •:-•• 4,
• . „ = .„...
1 • . i 0 -.0,1: .
..., . ,
' ', ' •
.: Wholesale and Retail
-,: 7r.
nee ,.'4: .
• et -•:•-
le .leet,- ..I.••
Ab solutely Pu
' ' • • -
A s tartar" b r e
cream ot . a, tine,.
ir al ' 't'oi all la leavening strength.
le i,es, . ..... .
, be • Government Heport,
17th 1889: : • ' '
.. • , . ,
Builders' I-lardware. • •
, .
' • Nails Glass (Stained and Enaraved) Locks, Hinges
' . and Butts (full line)
. . .
re Carriage Hardware.
' d in
pow e
Bar Iron, Bent Stuff Hubbs Spokes, Cutter Runners
August Shafts, Nequeite Wunslin, Drill &c.
. Mill Supplies
All ., 1 g Iron Pipe; Fittings, Valves, Asbestos. Packing Rater
11 Ill.
U t. tis t
L. , y VI and Lea,thei• Beltings, ek.
Spor ing a eria
.. • • . .
WHEAT 85 88 t . b h
. ', TO, C S. pei us . Breech-Loadino' and Shot Guns Powder Shot, &c
: .,, : , . e,, : 1 ' • •
ur e ing r os. •
0 S ir P lc Stoves and Tin ware •
Fl r st' g Ir11-i± ‘') 75 per 100. .
on , eon , e• e 7 A—
Ceokinir Heatino; Parlor and Coal Stoves. All kinds
" best famine-, 2.60 " " :•••, b., . ,,
" lOw grade,, 1..0 " " '1411WEtre Cheap. Eavetrou (rhino' a Speciality.'
13ra,n, ' 70 4,4 (4
1Viiddlinge, e, • ,
Mad in your ordemfor,CLLESN
' BT or STOVE and the oenn-
Sereenings, 90 i4 tt IT)
'Cho 1.00 to 1.25 " " ' inc BLOSSBURG COALS before it advances
n P,
t 12 00 ' • ,
131:eile per on, .
Middlings, '' 16.00 ' ' RE 0
Chop day., ' L "
• , • , '
•• • ' 1".„..
The Exeter 191111inge0.
- - -
W H Eviortourt . qii N HOWARD '
• ii , . , , , , . ' . ! m 4. ' ' / , •
• ,, " ; , . . • ' i„:, . ., ,
, .• . „ , ,timartager. , . Proprietor.
,,, Mt Sanders ieteede leav-
ing•Orlein. October ,for Devil's T..ake,
te eft -ley -WV duel: and ,goose shooting
./ffor. which that Lake is renowned,