HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1890-10-2, Page 71 „,Issinmsamemennau HELPS TO FARMERS. oUTseful Reading for the Man Who Tills the soil. AND RAI8 $ CROPS: AND CATTLE. Between Niagara and Samllton. R There is one liniversaL praotioe in farm- eiog neer Hamilton that to an Ohio farmer seems entirely unoalled ;for. I refer to plowing in, narrow lands. This is every- where praotioed, even where the lend is -high and well -drained. To see dry, rolling, weil•dreined ground plowed in 'lands of -eight, ten or twelve feet in width, looks like a mistake. It is not a natural method of preparing a s'eed'bed: Although the farrows ere not deep, very little growe . therein, and the inconvenience of culti- vating and h./smelling the crop ie consider- ably increased. The ouetom seems to be a remnant of the old English -praotioe, whioh a wet soil and moist climate rendered neoeeeary. One can hardly amount for its 7 persistent praotioe where these conditions are not found. It ie self-evident that a Soil so plowed will not stand drouth as well ae one where the surface is more nearly level, ,and if the land ie even elightly rolling the liability of the soil to wash is greatly in- creased. Old ways and old methods, simply because they are old, are not always the beet waye and methode in farming. Death in the Milk Pall. It is a foot whioh should be noted and remembered, that milk ie equally suscepti- ble of contagions diseases ae typhoid fever, measles, smallpox and others of similar character, as a person ie. And that milk exposed to the virus of theee diseases eon - 1, veys it to persona and communicates the w dieeeeee to them. A reoent orae whioh happened in Worcester, Mase., is espeoially noteworthy. An outbreak of typhoid fever occurred in the town and was traced to the milk from a farm where the hired man had . died of the fever and the farmer lay siok of it. Of the several persona who died in the town, the Superintendent of the Board of Health was one of the firet, and strange to say he knew of the existence of the disease at the farm and knew the milk he need Dame !rem there. This is a subject for all the Legielatares to deal with and to plane the responsibility on the persona who are to blame—the farmers who send diseased and inteoted milk to market. They might ae well put poison in it, for it would not be any more dangerous. Avoiding Poison vines. There need be no trouble in identifying the poison ivy in any of its forme. The hairy trunk will often 'serve us, but there are two other feataree whioh are of mach more volae. First, let us remember that he leaves are always grouped in threes, whatever the outlines of their more or less wavy merging. In some sections the plant is always celled the ” three.leaved ivy." Four things need to be committed to memory, eeye Harper's Young People, to in- , sure safety against our poison enmaohe 1. The three -leaved ivy ie dangerone. 2. The five.leaved ivy is harmless. 3. The poison enmaohe have white her. ries. 4. No red -berried enmaoh is poisonone. Both the poison ivy and the poison summit., though unlike in appearance of foliage, have similar white berries growing in smell, slender clusters from the axile of the !ewes. In all other enmaohe the ber. ries are red, and in close banohee at the endo of the branohee, and, far from being dangerous, yield a frosty -looking acid which is moat agreeable to the taste and whole - 'some withal. With these precepts fixed in the mind, no one need fear the dangers of thickets. Cow Stable Manger. A. novel manager for a cow stable is en- , Zoned n.,adorned by Waldo F. Brown. In his stable he has one wide manger running through the centre, and a row of oowe facing inward from each side. In deeoribing it he eaye there should be no obatruotione in it and • that it ehonld be fioored with dressed lumber, eo that hay may be eaeily pushed ihrongh it, and a broom meet with little residence in 'sweeping it. The feed boxes dor meal he has projected half their width over the manger and half over the stall. Ale has also two ventilating shafts leading to the loft above whioh he noes for drop - ;:ping hay through into the manger. in anewer to adverse criticisms he Bays that it ie a great Having of apace and also labor, as the hay is dropped from above direotly before the oattle; •that there has not been the least danger from the cows hooking ; and lastly, that he has been able to keep it thoroughly olean,.as it is very easily swept out, only taking about' two minutes to eweep the wbole length of thirty feet. Rape as a Cleaning Crop. There is no crop grown, perhaps, [whioh • can . be better utilized as a cleaning orop than rape. Thio is largely owing to the late period at which it may be sown. Of coarse much of its eflioaoy for this purpose depends upon the previous preparation of the land, but there is usually ample time for this, as the rape need not be sown till about the last week in June. It may be • sown even later where the soil is good, and where it can be given ample cultivation afterwards with the horse -hoe. Underground Ice-Bonee. Formerly, many ioe•honeee were con - enacted underground, but the plan has been almost entirely abandoned. Yon oan keep ice in the caller of your summer- house, if it is well drained. Ron a tile drain from the cellar bottom, so that the water from the ioe will ran away quickly.. Arrange it so that air oennot get to the bottom of . the ice. After providing for thorough drainage, put in about two feet of sawdust on the bottom. Put about eighteen inohee of sawdust on all eider of Atha ace, end two feet or more on top. Ice will not keep in the cellar unless it is well .drained. Oats and Peas. The Minnesota Experiment Station ex- perimented last Beason with oats and peas +sowed together, It reports that either the bine or white Canada field peas are the ,beat eerie to sow with oats, end advises Bowing in the proportion of three buehele •of peas with a bushel of oats, or where the .oats will stool a great deal, two-thirds of a bushel of oats. Theodore Louie, of Wis. .conein, on his menurea land, Bows only one-half bnehel of oats and two bushels of. sore, but on dr n ht pero b o and poor pnae r / B y ,laIId twoo bushels of peas is not enough. Keeping Clover. The National Stockman recommends that In rainy, catching weather olover be placed in the staok or mow with alternate layers of straw. It affirms that, the glover coots oat green in Dolor as when put in. Even *he blossoms do not change color. The Orme ie also imbued with the flavor of the clover and ie eagerly eaten by the oattle. Dalr m endo not generally raneelze the Value of maintaining the bright green dolor of the hay. This will be particularly shown in promoting the yellow Dolor of the butter made hi winter. overbeatrinB Grapes. Sotto veriotree of grapoehave the ability to withstand the abase of overbearing for e time, but all will summit if it is per- sisted in. The variety moat likely to over- bear ie the Delaware. Vines apparently in perfect health (whioh had overborne the previous year) suddenly gave out, the !eaves fell, and the fruit never ripened. It takes them two or three years to reoover. Concorde will not show overtaxing so soon. The beet paying, the earliest, and the pooreat le the Champion.—New York Farm. era' Institute, What the Cow Vents. The oow does the work of en fa t ria the milk and only needsplenty'of saitable toed for that purpose, ut te quality of the butter does not depend wholly y cow. Bat P d t oily en the Batter ie flavored to a certain extent by certain foods, and the first eeeential in the manufacture of batter is On quality of the food. The largest amount of inferior butter comes from leek of skill in preserving the oream, churning and handling. To make good butter is en art whioh requires ekiri. Fix the Fences. Look over the fences. This is the season when stook at pasture is inclined to roam, seeking fresh grasses end better paetarage. It is far better to mend the fence before the stook breaks over it. Better /still to have good fences that are not getting out of repair and tumbling down.' Put some of that spare money into good cedar poets and wire, and enjoy the pleasure of know. ing the fenoes are all right and the stook sate in their inoloenre. It will pay better than 4 per Dent. Crop Rotation. The following is given as a rotation whioh gives rix orope in four years 1, clover and timothy, out about the let of July ; 2, cab- bage, set oat after the groes is out; 3, pota- toes, dug in July ; 4, rye, sown after the potatoes are dug ; 5, potatoes again ; 6, clover and timothy. The rotation may then be repeated in the same order. Cut in the Milky Stage. Farmers who grow oats and out the crop when the grain is in the milky stage save threshing and handling of the grain. If oats are out in the green condition the nutrition that would be deposited in the grain is arrested in the stalk, and the result ie that the etraw is not only more nntri. tione but more digestible. In preparing the ground for oats another season keep the above in view. Farm Notes and Extracts. Two items are important in draining Sooare_a good outlet and provide a regular dement for the water. With oattle in many oases it will be more profitable to sell when grass-fed: It re- quires good management to grain -feed cattle now with profit. On an average the better plan is always to sell an animal whenever it is ready. There is always more or less of a loos in feeding longer than this. Times have changed on the farm as well as everywhere else, end for saoosaetnl farm husbandry the man moat know why as well as how.—Maine Farmer. Many of our most troublesome weeds are introduced planta. It is a curious fact that the migrations of men have often been traced by a study of mush plants. e Witches in the oream " may be chased out by dieolving a teaepoonfnl of salt in e quart of water and adding this at a temper- ature of 65 o Fehr. to each four quarts of cream, just before churning. Butter kept at a low temperature quickly spoils when brought into a higher. Amin - lien exporters found this out through costly experience, in sending frozen butter to the British market, as it quiokly became rancid when thawed. It is a good praotioe in washing butter to add a handful of salt to the washing water, whether the butter is afterwards dry salted or salted with brine. It renders more complete and easy the washing out of the butter -milk. It is a common mistake to attach too mnoh importance to size in poultry. For the Thanksgiving market, two plump and well -matured ten -pound turkeys will bring considerable more profit than one lean and lank weighing twenty pounds. Exoepting sheep no other domesticated animals more rapidly degenerate for went of attention or need of new blood infusions than poultry. Lest year at the Dominion Experimental Farm, two different Arsine of Buff Coohine were mated, and the re- sult, it is said, was patent in a larger per. mintage of eggs, producing hardy chickens of large eiz3. Must Have " Annie Rooney."' New York Herald : To the highly ad- vanced musical mind it may be dieoonrag- ing and even provoking to find that moat people enjoy Stratums more than Wagner and Suppe more than Rnbinstein;that the overtures of Rossini and Auber are popular with more than the preludes of Lint ;.that sparkling melodies of comic opera appeal to wider circles than do the grand operatio symphonies of the Beyrenth master. But if snob be the fact it must be recog- nized. It you would attract the people you must offer them what they like. If they want popular music you mast give them popular music or forfeit their pat. ronage. What Will Be Worn. Wholesale clothiers are having an unex- pectedly good sale of almost all styles of goods, but.the winter snit that is capturing the lion's share of patronage is made np of the following oomponent parte : A four - button cutaway amok, with flap pookete, lapped Beams and double stitched edges a high out vest, and pants that are of moderate width at the knee and fall to the inetep, somewhat after the style of the old- iime "peg -top "—a homely pattern modi. fied to gracefulness in the new offering. Blank ohevoite and dark oaesimeree are the fall season's leading fabrics. A Novel Proposal. Amy—Oh, I forgot to bring my pocket. book. Do you know, I don't know what to do with my hand unless I have something to carry. Jaok—Then, why not give it to me 1 " THE HAPPY reintE0'B LIL'E. He rose at dawn, washed on a bench, Just outside by the pump; Then fed the horses, cows and pigs, And himself on the jump. Then worked till noon upon the farm And hurried homo to eat, And all he had was pie or mush, With very seldom meat. His afternoon was like his morn, Then supper wad the cry ; And if exhausted he stili fait, 'Shay filled him up with pie. lie worked till dark to food hit flock, Then took his tallow light ; And whon wo just begin to live Said to tho world good night, Oar little Ltio ie jest two. b 9 1 S eoams,'bo her mamma one da holding chubby hand and saying, "" Cut bonee," moaning her nails.—Youth's Companion. " Do yon smoke Y " the maiden aeked suddenly. " Y -yes, eometimee, he stem mered. " Well, I wish you'd emoko now, These moequitoei are eating me THE T. BMPER.,NUE WORLD. The Rum puree iu Africa—National SP, 0 1'. U. Convention—A Neglected Child- ren'e Act—elfssionary Work 1n Japan. Mrs. Verooe, of Melbourne, Australia, a popular and powerful temperance speaker, who is espeoially interested in juvenile work, has been gazetted as a coneteble ander the " Neglected Ohildren's Aot," and now bee" authority to arrest deetitnte children or those found in: immoral places, and to have them committed to her charge by magiatretes. These children are kept in a home, established by her, until foster parents are found them. Miss Jeeeie A, Aokermen, the second " round.the.world.miesionary" for the W. O.T.U., lately addressed a Congregational Conference in Japan, composed of about forty native ministers, and a religionegath- ering of about 600 Buddhist students. The students were trying to cry down a man who was apeaking, and great 'confusion pre. . veiled, bus they listened to Mies Acker- man, and frequently applauded. The license system is said to be a great failure in Winnipeg, where there is hardly one saloon olosed on Sunday and the police are worked harder than ever. Nebraska with 600;000 less population, has 71. more boys in prison than Kansas. Convention of the National W C. T. U. By invitation of the Governor and his Council, the kienate and the House of Georgia, and the Mayor of Atlanta, the National W. C. T. U. convention is to be held in that metropolis of the south this year. All the States and territories and the Dietriot of Columbia will be repre- sented by delegates duly eleoted and having baok of them a oonetituenoy larger than in any previous year. Ootober 29th ie set apart as a day of prayer for the conven- tion. It is expected that .William T. Stead, of England, will be present and make an address. A new feature will be three minute epeeohes by the forty-four State and Territorial Presidents, giving the outlook in their respeotive fields. The Ram Carse in Africa. Commerce ie growing with great rapidity. Already fifteen steamers run regularly on the lower Congo, and ten river beets also navigate the stream. Four European mail steamers pall each month" at the month of the river. A railroad has been surveyed, and will soon be built, 275 miles long, to connect the lines of navigation, half of the money to oonetrnot whioh will be advanced by Belgium. Ail nations have an oppor- tunity to furnish the other half of the needed capital. This will go far toward the development of Africa and the enpprea. Bion of the infamous slave trade. Bat there is a terrible evil connected with this commercial enterprise. It is the traffic in strong drink. The cupidity of so-called civilized nation's, linked to the terrible appetite for liquor, espeoially strong in the natives of Africa, has been developing the liquor bneinees to alarming proportions. One of the worst features of this is the greet impediment it puts in the way of Christianity. Islam oleime juris- diction over nearly the half of Africa, and it has been estimated that the adherents of Mohammedanism number about 60,000,000 —more than the followers of all other religions combined. It is tree, the Arab- lane tolerate and carry on the tramo in slaves, but their religion absolutely prohib- its the nee of intoxicating drink. Africans with any degree of intelligence most see that it ie only a question of time when the slave -trade shall be destroyed. The devel- opmente of civilization, with their oo-oper- ation, will inevitably accomplish this. But, they meet also observe the terrible havoo wrought by strong drink. Cupidity and the strong appetite of the people make a gloomy outlook for the suppression of the liquor treflio. We can see that the natives most be bewildered as to whioh is better—Islamism or Chris- tianity. Little help is to be expected from the natives in the suppression of the liquor, business. The great responsibility must, therefore, devolve upon European natione and the United States. It is to our disgrace that vast quantities of fiery ram are shipped every month from Boston to Africa, and the most of it is made in Maesechusette. We know the deadly power of strong drink among the aborigines, espeoially in the case of our own North American Indians. Hence Congress has put the ban upon the trade among the Indians. Ex. An Interesting Masonic Discovery. The Rev. Mr. Musket* Smith, vicar of Braunoewell, in Linoolnehire, ie said to have made a discovery of special interest- to freemasons. Mr. Smith hue been sojourn- ing for some months with the Drums of Lebanon, by whom he has been admitted into the moat intimate relations, in conse- quence of the service rendered by him in sucking the vemon of a deadly snake from the body of a popular young member of their tribe. Among other marks of favor, Mr. Smith was initiated into a number of mysterious rites, and among these, a000rd- ing to bis narrative we ere quoting, his heats startled him, as a freemason, by pain- ing the moat oheraoterietio' of masonio signs. Hence Mr. Smith argues that these strange people, who by some are believed to be lineal descendants of the ancient Hittites, are a branch of the great Pboonioian race, whose anoestore supplied Lebanon cedars to the builders of Bol- omon's temple.—London Daily News. What it Cosh. On her last trip from Liverpool to New York the Teutonic burned 325 tons of Welsh coal every day, and the cost of the coal oonenmed ,on the voyage was $7,600. The City of New York burned 350 tone a day on her last voyage over. The expense's for feel on these fast steamers run from $10,000 to 1116,000 for the round trip. The other expenses of the trip bring the total amount up to $50,000 or $60,000 for ouch ships es the,two named above. The Wedding Ring. The fashion for men to wear wedding rings is greatly on the increase. It is 'a pretty fashion and one which all women are likely to support.. Not very long ago a young lady of advanced views, who was just about getting married, was asked if she intended to wear a wedding ring.: ' She looked et her betrothed and said : " Oer. teinly, if be doee."—Women's Penny Paper. Subject to Change.. Hn:morillisclie Blaetter : " Then you have made n ©our mind, younglady,n ever to get married ?" "Yee Bir. I"11 die en old maid." "Bei if some young man were to propose to .you ?" " Ab, that would be a different thing g TenPorta uese a kee in a their keeping p agitation against England with great sac: am, but whet they expect to gain by ii nobody oan tell. The agitation does not helptheir Got/eminent to make any eft better y terms with England in regard to the African territory in diopnte, it peralyze's trade, and the idea of her forcing a quarrel with Britain is Pimply silly. The Perko game maybe right, but in the g r ,words of Chaunoey Depow, the diepute le a back number. 10AS1( LESSONS FOR :BEQINrlElliti. che ennoauoement that the German Emperor has resolved to found .a news. taper leads the NewYork,Herajd to indulge In some pleasant anticipations and aleo te. bestow eome valuable advice. He will have, it nye, these privileges dank/the be inner in the rural press—pewee to the theatre, feeo rides on the railways, invitations to. the opening of beer saloons, a euro; thipg on every " blowout "that opines along. Hie Majesty will find in this great profession mach to improve the mind. He will learn some phases of human nature whioh even the fierce light whioh beats from the throne oannot discover. How tohandle biannual"" people, for instance ! We wish him joy of his first criticism of a prima donna, not to epeek of eminent tragedians who attribute their failures to a corrupt and "envious press, and gentleman of the prize ring, who, next to the musical folks, are the moat sensitive to oritiaism. He will have a good time with his oity department, arranging for " spreads " and " scoops " and seeing that the hanging matohes, elopements and Salvation Army riots are well reported. His Majesty will enjoy himself especially about election times. Then the boys will begin to swarm upon him ; gleaming with diamond's, whiskere duly dyed, rank and not well -fitting gloves, and steaming with patriotism. If His Majesty is not eeneitive to tobacco, the aroma of bear's grease and the blended odors of the cocktail, the patriots will be interesting. He will learn, for instance how mnoh clear, cold out lying the human intellect can evolve in the shortest given time. Hie Majesty may have trouble in hie Cir: eulation department at first, se it is some- times diffionit to hire men who will swear affidavits np to the proper notoh. But with the imperial prerogative of pardon hie affidavit swearer need have no fear of the penalties of perjury. That will be en im- mense advantage over his rivals. He will, as a general thing, find it useful in select- ing his associates to avoid men who have ideas or missions in life ; who have seen better dove ; " born journalists " and editors who are invaluable. Escaped Nihilists, writers of Irish poetry, young women who eddrese the falling autumn leaves and elderly ladies with odes to tears and memories' should be dissuaded from his oolumne, not in harshness, nor from a spirit of criticism, but for the peace of bis editorial mind. In conclusion His Majesty is advised to deal generously with hie advertising patrons and subscrib- ers. He meet try and have hie pay in oaeh and in advance. It will save trouble on both sides. At the outset, as may be Been in our new communities, he may be com- pelled to take it in kind—watermelons, photographs, canned tomatoes, kindling wood, herr oil, pickled salmon, cabbages, or even detective oameras. He should not encourage this longer than is neoeeeary. His Majesty, however, has a large army end control of its commissariat, and busi- neer reasons may tolerate what would not be desirable under lees favorable oironm- etenoes. A Happy Expedient. " I think you may send me a quart of huokleberriee," said the landlady to the market -man, so she looked about for bar gains in wilted eggplants. " Have yon many boarder's this summer, ma'am ?" he asked mildly. " Nine." " Isn't a quart of berries rather—rather ht, for nine ?" he ventured. Nat with me," she snapped. "Four of my boarders don't eat huokleberriee for breakfast and five don't eat bananas, eo I alternate and ketch half either way."—New 'York Tribune. Opposed to Siang. Light : Mr. Tangle—Tommy, your mother tells me that you are falling into the evil habit of talking slang. Tommy Tangle—Yee, pa, but I'll try not to. Mr. Tangle -Well, you'd better not let me catch you using slang. I'd teach yon. I'd pound you for a home run, young fellow, and jest everlastingly knock the stuffing out of you 1 I'll have ang in this house. A Wise Precaution. A firm of chemists in Birmingham, Eng., please upon all poisons sold by them direc- tions as to the antidote whioh should be applied in oases where the poisons' are taken accidentallyy or intentionally by human beings. An English chemical journal gives an instance where this precaution was the means of seeing life. The Jap of It. Harper's Young People. A certain man named Robinson Once journeyed to Japan, But back ho came right home again, A much insulted man. The Jape all read from right to left, And this 'twat grieved him sore; 'Though on his pard was Robinson, They called him Nos-ni-bor. She Stopped the Cloak. Rochester Herald : The Board of Educe - Mien of New Britain, Connecticut, has dis- charged a teacher in the Normal School there because she was "too homely." The members of that Board will bear watching. THE Behring Sea dispute will settle itself before long through the extirpation of the Seale if something is not done to prevent their extinction. The San Francium Examiner points out that five years ago it wee intimated that from 5,000,000 to 6,000,- 000 visited the Pribyloff Islands every year for breeding pnrposee. This was after the Alaeka Commercial Company had held a lease of these ielande for fifteen years, end had taken from 60,000 to 100,000 seals an- nually. This year the new lessees of the islands wore only able to find 20,000 reale whioh they could kill. CHICAGO possesses an institution called. the Bnrean of Jaetioe, the purpose of whioh is to help the friendless and very poor where they are wronged by nneornpulons employers, landlords and others. From a glance at a summary of its proceedings we believe such an organization might find a a field of neefulnesis even here. The bureau is maintained by subscription. Its only salaried officers are an agent and two lawyers. In the words of its President, Mr. Charles H. Hain, its work is "to see to the administration of justice in eases of misfortune, oppression, meanness and cruelty." In its first year it dealt with eleven hundred snoh cases, in its second with twenty.flve hundred. It is open to all poor and defenceless people who believe themselves wronged ; it bears them, inveo. tigates their complaint's, and where they have good ground It sees them righted. It aims to prevent litigation ; bat it heard 2,500 caries last year, oollooted $10,000 in wage claims and had 326 oases in court 300 of which it won. It is not a charity, it distinctlydisc ara ed need o leas lilt ati bn g g but it seeks to get jastioe for the friendiese poor. Tho second and sadden visit of Mr. Foster and Mr. Costigan, of New Benne. wick, is regarded by eome Ottawa politi• Diane as indicative of the early approach of the General eke/gond. LItct%>s WAS. Virginia Odieerr and Dolton Navels* Have a Battle. On Twelve Pole Creek, near Wayne Court House, Va., on Friday, it terrible fight 000urrwi between a sberiff's posse and e gang '•i Italian railroadlaboeere. Several Deletes were killed and number wounded. Some weeks ego a oontraotor et the Nor. folk de Western Railroad named Keough went away, leaving numerous creditors, among the number being the Italians. A new contractor took possession of the abandoned works, and par a number of laborers to work in a oat formerly worked by the Italians, The • Italiane refaced to allow any one to work on the out until they had received their pay, and proceeded to oust the new laborers. Three times the new laborers were run out by the Italians, who used stones, clubs, knives and pistols. The contractor then applied to the court for proteotion, and was furniebed with a poses of a dozen men, headed by the sheriff of Wayne county. On Friday the sheriff attempted to arreat the Italiane, who fiercely resisted, and a combat resulted, with rorty or more Italians on one side, armed with atones, knives and revolvers, and the sheriff's men on the other. The Iteliane fought from behind 'trees and rooks. The firing became general, and lasted some minutes. When the smoke bad cleared away several Italians were found' in the last throes of death, and several more were wounded. The sheriff's men escaped with a few severe bruises. About twenty Italians ,were arrested and jailed. The remainder escaped. A Dinner in the Ha*esn. We went to the harem at Cairo at 3 in the afternoon, and till the sen set we were entertained by dancing and singing girls with interludes of short, funny stories told by two dwarfs, who made, 1 was told, a large income by attending marriage besets and " dilating the hearts " of the gneste. As I did not understand Turkish, I tried to talk to some of the women in my haltin Arabia, and wee not sorry when Mme. Hekekyn Bey told me that we were to have dinner. Little " Li I think of what an ordeal my first Turkish dinner was going to be. Sitting orose-legged, in a heap is not difficult for a short time, arid on a low divan one leg can be put down for en 000asional rest ; but et dinner I was obliged to Sit close to the little inlaid table under pain of spilling the food into my lap, and orampwas the result. The first time of eating with one's fingers is also rather a puzzle ; lint the dinner was excellent, and I wonder Turkish or Greek Cooke have not: taken the place of French chefs. There wee 'other a jumble, a000rd- ing to our ideas, of a mp, sweets, reset, etc., the dishes seemed o come up whenever they were ready, pa dings and creams be- tween varionspreparetione of meat or vege- tables, and the rapidity with whioh they were served was extraordinary. Our kind bootee's pressed us to est until I realized what the schoolboy ar ourvillage feast felt when he anewered the curate timidly : " Please, sir, I think I could eat a bit more if I stood np."—hfrs. Ross in Murray's Magazine. Reminders of Burns. In Dumfries one oennot look upon a sin- gle olden structure, or follow with the eye any close wynd, vennell or street, without knowing that et some time it was more famtlier to Barns than and portion of the old pity ie to any one of its inhabitants to -day. In the ancient Bank street hones where he first lived in Dumfries, in the three tiny apartments, more than one. third of the more than 100 poems he pro- duced in Dumfries were composed. Then in the Mill, now Burne, street home, whioh was his last, the remainder were given birth. Among these were " Auld Lang Syne," My Wife's a Winsome Wee Thing," " The Soldier's Return," " Willie Wastle,"' '" Contented wi' Little, and Cantie wi' Mair," "Thou Hast Left Me Ever, Jamie," "Ye Banks and Braes o' Bonnie Doon," "My Love Is Like a Red, Red Rose," " My Heart le Sair, 1 Damns Tell," "O Wert Thou in the Canld Blest," "Duncan Gray," "Flow Gently,' Sweet Afton," and that grand martial ode, "Brace's Address." The old,, though still opruoe,; Bing's Arm's Inn could never have eo long stood the ass/sults. of time and tourists had not Berne, in. a forgivably irreverent and delicious mood, scratched npon ite window pane.—Cor. New York Commercial Advertiser. The Average Lengtb of Life Sentences. "Fifteen years is about the average life- time sentence," says a prison pbysioian. " Very few convicts, though eentenoed for lite, eerve more then that period. They die or are pardoned. " In the Missouri prison there are five holiday pardons every year granted by the Governor. One white and one negro con-' viot are pardoned on the 4th of July, and two white and one negro convicts are par- doned on Christmas. The long-teracers get the benefit of this clemency. This I heartily endorse. If fifteen years does not reform a man fifty years will not."—Globe- Democrat. The Man Wanted. New York Herald : Manager—What is your name ? Applicant—Mulligatawney. Manager—You are engaged. We need all the experienced supes we oan get. —A. bunoh of fancy grapes that yon can hold in one hand brings s'2 25 in Phila- delphia. ' The color used to denote mourning has often been changed, In Bome melee wore black for mourning, while the women indicated their grief by wearing white germente, In Turkey at the preeent day the mourning hue is violet, in China white, in Egypt yellow and in Ethiopia brown. Princess Christian sent a beautiful old Chippendale esoretoire as a wedding gift to Min Fairbank last week, and the Prin. Cowes Viotoria and Louise presented an ivory their and white lace parasol, paid for oat of heir own pocket money. The bride is the daughter of the late Dr. Fairbenk, family physioian to the royal household. EdwardLan evin who went from o t.` in , Qnebeo S Pant in 1849, has ,art died in the latter pity. He leaves a fortune estimated at $5,000,000. BOOK :BUN¢$R.. Too Mneh ldeadintr of Socias Creed** Mental Dyspepsia. I have a picture hanging in my library.* lithograph of whioh many of my readeri may have seen copies, Saye Oliver Wendell Hoy i Homes in the Atlantic.„ It repreaent4 a gray-haired book lover at the top of 0 long Sight of stops. He elude himself is plover, so to speak, among, rare old editions,, bootie be has longed to look upon and never seen before, rerrtiee, predates old volume's. inounabula cradle books, printed while the art was in in infanoy—itsglorioueinfamy, for it was born a giant. The old bookworm is so intoxicated with the sight and hand- ling of the priceless treasures that he can- not bear to pat one of the volumes back; after he has taken it from the shelf. Set there he stande, one book open in hit hands, a volume ander each arm, and one or more between his lege-loaded with aft many as he can possibly hold at the same time. Now, that is just the way in .whioh the extreme form of book -hunger shows itself in the reader whose appetite bas become overdeveloped. He wants to read ao many books that be overorams hirnaelf with the crude materials of knowledge, whioh be- come knowledge only when the mental digestion has time to assimilate them. I. never can go into that famous ” corner book store " and look over the new books, in the row before me, as I enter the door, without seeing half a dozen whioh I want to read, or at least to know something about. I cannot empty my puree of its oontents and crowd my bookshelves with ell these volumes. The titles of many of them interest me, I look into one or two perhaps. I have sometimes pinked up s line or a sentence, in these momentary glances between the uncut leaves of a nevi book, whioh I have never forgotten. Aa s trivial, but bona•fide example, one day I opened a book an duelling. I remember only these words " conservenons le-oette noble in- stitution." I had never before seen dueling called a noble institution, and I wish X had taken the name of the book. Book -tasting is not neoeeearily profitless, but it ie very stimulating, and makes one hungry for more then he needs for the nourishment of hie thinking marrow. To feed this in- satiable hunger the abstracts, the review's, do their beet. But these, again, have grown Bo numerous and eo crowded with matter that it is herd to find time to master their contents. We are Goons. tomed, therefore, to look for analyses of these periodicals, and at last we have planed before us' a formidable looking monthly, The Review of Reviews. After the analyses comes the newspaper notice ; and there is still room for the epigram. which eometimee makes short workwith all that has gone before on the same subject. It is just as well to recognize the foot that if one should read day and right, con- fining himself to hie own language, he could not pretend to keep up with the prase. He might es well try to ram with s locomotive. The first discipline, therefore. is that of despair. If you could stick to your reading day and night for fifty years , what a learned idiot you would become long before the half century was over f Well, then, there ie no nee in gorging one's self with knowledge, and no need of self-reproach because one is content to remain more 0! lees ignoran of many*hinge whioh interest hie fellow.oreatnres. We get a good deal of knowledge through the at- mosphere ; we learn a great deal by acci- dental hearsay, provided we have the mordant in our own oonsoionsness whioh makes the wise remark, the 'significant fast, the inotruotive incident, take hold upon it. After the stage of deepair comae the period of consolation. We soon find that we are not so much worse off than moat of our neighbors as we supposed. The fractional value of the wisest shows a smell numera- tor divided by an infinite denominator of knowledge. —What.a lovely trip you must have had to Europe. Do tell as' what you saw t Really, I did not have et minute for eight. seeing. I went with Snook's Touriets, you know." It is said mnoh diseatiefaotion exists amongst the Conservative workingmen of Montreal owing to the way appointments are made by the Federal Government. Mr. Gladstone will arrive in Edinburgh on the 20th October, and will addrees at least three meetings, probably at Edin- burgh, Dalkeith and West Calder. About the 29th or 30th he will visit Dundee, where he will be presented with the freedom of the city. D0NL.40.eo. F U n.2 PISO'S CURE FOR THE BEST COUGH MEDICINE. COLD DT DBUGGIITe EV337W811811. ' CONSUMPTION SCOTT!S EMULSION] Of Pure Cod. Liver Oil and HYPOPHOSPHIT ES .r, of Lime and Soda Scott's Emulsion {.k ulAoneat is a wonde fol Flesh, Producer, it is the Best Iteme4y for CONSUMPTION, Scrofula, Bronchitis,'Wasting Die - eases, Chronic Coughs and Colds. PALATABLE AS MILK.' Scott', E[nut sion is only put up in salmon color wrapper. Avoid all imitations or substitutions. Sold by all Druggists at 500. and $1:ee. SCOTT ‘Sc BOWNE, Belleville. I CU r. TH3USANDS OF BUMS GIVER AWAY YEARLY. BLY. When I sayCuroIdo not wean have the merely to tag them for a time, edit thea them return again. 8 1Yd t'c A� A R A D 1 C A L C IJ Gl C. 1 have made the disease of Mot Epilopey'or Falling Sickness a:1 fc-long study. 1 werrq.nt my remedy to Curedtea Worst cases. Because, others have Sailed is no reason for not now receiving' a cure, Scndat Lnce for a treatise and a fired' Bettie of my Infallible remedy. Give. Fixeresneatelf ost Office. It costs you nothing for a trial,and it cure ' r e • willro you. Address —Hn ria rlfiiAi,t M.1 .C.a Branch Office,tI,30o WEST ADELAIDE STREET. TORONTO. . . SvR Y xc V iJ ctt TO 'TIF 1 DlTi12 c—Please inforcu your readers that I have a positive remedy fer$ above named disease. By its titnct:t use thousands of boneless cases have been permanently came I shall be glad to:send ttvo bottles of coy remedy tri ns'. to any of your readers wino have" samptionitthey will te ndmetheir,txpr.essMid PostOffceAddress. ddress. Res ectull%/ V. A, 3000% %A./ ltn eat ASVeiadyc ce.hlGtYi,UC,i i1viMlµI .