HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1890-9-25, Page 8READ -MAKER'S NEVER FAILS To DO SATISMOTim FOR SALE SY ALL DEALERS; Grigg's Reporter. Exeter Fair Monday and Tuesday: next. ---Our Fancy Goods �ii held on the ,same �;ini s, e y da -s. —We want every boy and girl to visite, ani,,store .on these day's. —Tliefirst intimation of comiag•Christ vias, stock will be visible on our "use- ful counters." --Every case will be filled with choice, and. useful gods on those days. --our-staff win do their best to make. Visitors feel at home, and will be. pleased to show them through the. ••stoel: for en expression of opinion as' toits1 menit,com pared with.city stores.; --We expect to open soyeral cases of New Goods which will be paced on •ex,hibition en those days. —Remember we are doing what we can to make our store an attractive resort where a half-hour may be pleasantly spent and goods packed° up if required at moderate prices. J. GRIGG, Came early Thursday- night, for the i uetion Sale at Brunlpton's. A proclamation will be iSSned this \weak enjoining Canadians to ,observe Thursday, November 6th, as a day of thanksgiving and declaring that day •to be a public holiday. Mr. Bert Grigg who has resided here for some months past, leaves in a few .days for Montreal, where he bas obtain - 11 ed an important situation as traveller x for a wholesale house, • Fancy gocfds;statienery andsinall wares: We are in receipt of a copy of The Canadian Live Stock Journal, which we can strongly recommend as one of the leading farm Journals,. in Ontario, and should be inevery fa,onees hands. Orders taken at this office. New subseribers are eoxistsatly be- ing enrolled on our list. Now is your opportunity, now till Jan. let ]t890 for only 20cts.. A yery large congregation gathered in the Trivitt Memorial Church, on Sunday evening, to hear the funeral sermon of the lata James Oke, The Lodge on Foresters, in which, +deceased was a member, attended in a body. The sermon was preached by the Rev. a F. Robinson, frora the text E•eelesiastea 2. 'Cr, xvi verses. One of our young gentlemen, in the Tenon of William Dare, left flare yes- terday (Wednesday) morning, for God - et ich Towash€p, *here •be was joined an holy bonds of Matrimony, to Miss Theresa Jennings. The happy couple will snake Exeter their [mace of abode In the future, We extend our '.hearty coongrattilations to the young :.couple. ,LOCA JOTTINGS. See the bargains in Dress ,C.roods .at Bruulpton's. --1i. L.ltiiiiuis, Dentist, for the beet :,artificial teeth. Read :Carling Bros. change of "ad" • in this.issue. Thursday night, Auction Sale at ' Br,ampton's. ' In another ealuran will be seen the • ''adit of Dr. Lutz. "Read it, See Griggs `change.of "ad." in this issue. Read it, 8,t will•r'epay you. The'Western Fair has been • favored •eeith magnificent weather this week. The ADVOCATE from now till the end. ....ref the year for fl cents. Subscribe :"flew. d. &6iilittifN-Fsenfiat. fold linings .a,,p,•.spveiteity. ofneerucer O'1Geil's Dank Exeter. If' you want a first:clnss job of troughing done, call on Wiltian Fox -Tann. Millinery opening.ttt Mahar.' Pick- .ard's An Monday and Tuesday, Sept. `29.anti 30 inst. Insure in the Temperance and Gen- eral Jnsuranec Co., of Toronto. 'En. Blssrerr, local agent.—May 29-90. Inxporteent repairs bay.e been made te the -Exeter Salt Works lately put- ting the .block in first class order- Subscribe for the ADVOCATE. Only t.ecntstram now till January 1st, -I890. Overcoats to 1runapton's. Don't fail to -see the English import- ktions in mantles and mantle cloth at ,Richard Pickard's. Let everybody come to the Exeter fair .on Monday and Tuesday next. ,There will be a trial of speed on the second day. We understand. that Mr. Frederick Knight has been appointed organist of the Trivitt Memorial Church, and will begin his duties .on Sunday next. Professor Dayton, of London, has op- ened a dancing school in the Town Hall, to meet every Friday evening. Quite a large class has been formed. We are very sone- to -learn that Mr. Fin. Hunter, who has been confined to his bed for some time with. an attack of Typhoid fever, bas been taken with an additional attack of inflamation of the lungs. , We had a friendly Ball from Mr. Thomas Jackson sr., of Clinton, on Monday last. He complimented us on having the cleanest acrd most respect- able printing office that he has yet vis- ited and he,says he has visited :most offices in the county. An effort is being made to hold Cale- donian games in Parkhill this fall. The event will probably occur aboutWed- nesday, Oct: 22nd- If the effort rs suc- cessful a grand array of athletcs,pipers and dancers intend to come, Sirs: N. Dyer Hurdon, arrived here • from London, England, on Friday eve- mng last, in company with three sis- ters.' The •passage over was rather ,cold and stormy. Mr. Hurdon hes se - retired a residence on Carling Street wgere he will reside. order for $1.0.00 at Falrmerq, Get your sale 'bills ,printed' at the ADvOCATI; office. We will give you 4 gratuitous, notice in the columns of the paper. The C. P. R. authorities, not to be be .hind the Grand Trunk, will soon have 'L tunnel Ynde eitherr the Detroit or the St. Clair'Rtvcr. It is also under stood that Mr. IIicl:9en'intends to re - command the immediate construction of a second Grand Trunk tunnel ander the St. Clair. While some of our sports wore out in search of coon last week, and after wandering around for some time, they fortunately got after their prey, and after getting him tip a tree, they set to work to gut it down, the tree failing across a fence and on t purge number of tile, crushing them to pieces. If the owner of the tree. and tile can find out who the guilty j5rtrtie9 are he will s mince it acleai pie;,cof ,port for them. Boys be ea refill ;iii future, otStncl:s of wool shawls for $1.00 at Brampton's. wsnte it. Never too late to mend. 5000 pairs of boots and shoes that need repairing to be left at the leading boot and shoe store next door to the post office, G. Manson, Richard Pickard has just received several new lots of goods from Eng- land and Scotland per 6. S. "Umbria" and "Servia", 1 met by 'vigorous prosecution and assis- 'Y`l�tanlrir. • tance will ealways be afforded, when Mr. E. A. Lewis, book agent, wishes needed, by the department. It is ex - to tender us thanks to the people of •pected also that the inspectors will Exeter for their Kiud and liberal pat- spare no efforts in searching for and rona,ge given him during his stay here. stamping out cases of unlicensed soil- niiratnera Opening.ing In this task, as well as in the en- Mrs. Spicer wishes to announce to deavour to keep the selling of liquor the ladies of Exeter. and vicinity that within the long hours permitted by her millinery rooms will be open on law, the inspectors can reasonably ask, Tuesday 80th and following days. fox the assistance of all law-abiding Come one, come.allaand examine -the dealers as well as the eo-operation of grand display, the pollee and magistrates of the Pro Leis[. vine. On Sunday alight a pocketbook be- rersonal•Dtentien. tween this place and Hibbert, contain- Mr. Joseph Anderson, of Chicago, for- ing therein $2i in bilis, fifteen tents merly of Centralia, and son of Mr. Jo in change,. and a watch key. Finder sePh Anderson of that place, was visit - will be suitably rewarded by leaving ing friends here for a few days last the same at this office. week.—Mr. John Elsie and daughter, ROW tL4 gree erve ewe: of Fingal, are visiting at Mr. George To each pailful of water add to pints Anderson,—Mr. Robert Young and of fresh sleeked lime acid one pint of wife of Brumfield, were the guests of common gait; prix well. Fill your bar- Mr. and Mfrs. William Sweet on Sun - rel halt full with this fluid, put your day last. -Miss Mary Ann Tom has re eggs down in it anytime after -June, turned from Toronto, where she has and they will keep two years if desired. been visiting relatives for the past two Wow *gee. weeks. --Mr. George Fitzgerald, who A complete telegraph instrument, is studying the Veterinary: profession battery, sonicating wires" he. ' The 'with Wm. Sweet, V. S.. spent Sunday shove is.peoially adapted nor learners with relative near Chiselhurst.—Mrs. and with this internment* person can Issac Bawden is visiting in Blyth at get a thorough knowledge of the art.. present:—Mr. John Currelley, and Son Will sell cheap; for futher particulars 'who have been visiting friends in Port, call at this office, - Hope, have returned.—Mr. William >■teFair ato:LIKTS Armstrong, at one time resident of ilrewoThe great ip,ir held at Toronto,was this place as Machine Agent, is visit - brought to a close 4irtFriday last. ing friends and relatives in and around Exeter, at present.— From every point of view it .has been Diss. Crocker spent an unqualified suoceee. The :a.mout Monday in London.—Mrs. D. Johns is of orate receipt. was '; 69.813.00. Last visiting friends in St. Mary's and Lon years receipts atneghted to A57.691cue don.—Miss Lille Hersey is spending a which is an increase Of $12:169.00 to few day s in London.—Mr. Harry Gid that et last year:' ley, Cornet Soloist, has returned from. Toronto.—Miss Lottie Perkins, who has sumo Horse wishes to aye. It Ann- been spending -several weeks with friends in Toronto, has returned. oudeed, that lige will o • oat one of . homer the gtandest displays Millinery -Mr. salter Evans is spending a few -shown iia Exeter, for the,fall..trade, on :.days in town.—Misses CIare and Hilda, Monday and following days. L ,tor "Hersey; have returned from a visit to dial invitation is extended .i,6 every Landon. -lir. and hire. J. Brooks who lady fa the county ib inspect ane ofthe, have been visiting friends here for flawflawdisplays 'in the iniilinery line.. the h , astmonth returned to Owosso, •last Thursday. -Miss Nellie ever offered, - MicHarris left for Tara, on Friday fast, to. Barter- visit friends.—Mr. H. Levctt spent Sat, The bailey market haw opened send: urea. in Parkhill.—Mr. J. C. Stewart already co ht in.ableT pro ptiea are retuned to Brockville on Saturday last + being brought in. The lieet of the _r Robt. Pickard left for Toronto on McKinley Oc ley bill going into force.on the Monday morning on business.—Mr. Ar - 1st Ocie which will raise the oubtle s nold Bowerman,left for Chicago on" duty to.30c a bushel, should, doubtless Monday, where he will resume Inc study. and will; hasten the farmers in mark- of dentistry; -Mr. Fred. Down, who eting their barley. The present primo, has been spending a few days with from 40ee to bOc., according to quality friends here, returned to Woodstock on; Monday eyening.—Mrs.William Hard- ing left for Londoai on Tuesday to visit. her daughter.—Mr. Ed. Roberts who has been in Toronto for some time, re- turned home on Friday last. -Mrs. Dr. Cowen spent Sunday in Clinton. ► Liquor Law. Enforcement orate. Hon. J, M. Gibson, Provincial SOU() tary, has issued a circular to the license inspectors of the Province, calling their attention to the necessity of vigilantly enforcing the provisions of the Lielu= Law, and stating that the failure to enforce the Saturday night and Sun- day clauses will be looked upon as do- manding the retirement of the inspect- or, who is thus falling short of doing his duty. The inspectors are further advised to give peremptory notice to licenses that strict compliance with the law as to the prohibited hours will be insisted on. Persistent lawbreaking, the. Provincial Secretary says, must be The King'street Methodist ;Church, Ingersoll, have, by resolution, abolish- ed 'tea -meetings, socials, etc., as a means of ranting church funds. In place thereof an appeal will be made twice a year to its members and ad kerents for sufficient money to meet all claims heretofore met by :means of. such entertainments described, This is,a;move in the right direction. .Oe of those, pleasing andgratifying events took place in the Trivitt Mem- orial church at the hour of .seven o'clock a. m. on Tuesday 23rdinet,itbe- ing tire marriage of'll[r. John Sinalia- combe to Mrs. Harriet Smallcombe. The;eeremony was performed by the Rey. E. F. Robinson. The happy couple tool* the morning train for'Lon- don to spend a few days in that place: The date of the Exeter Fair .is near athandeand all are making great pre paretiona for the great event. The. Directors.and managers are perfecting arrangements, exhibitors are prepar- ing their exhibits, and th'g visitors wilt; be present if the weather be fine. About $1,000.00 worth of prizes are to; be distributed this year,'' and the speci- al attractions- are of such a nature to call out considerable interest. On Thursday night last between the hours of eleven and sunrise, some un- known person or persons, entered the stable of Mr. William Brimacombe of this place, and without leave or liberty hitched up his horse and drove it away. It is not known how far the animal was driven, only that when Mr. Brim- niacombe entered the stable in the morning, he found the horse in a lath- er and it looked as though it had nn- dergone.a long drive. Such parties should be exposed and receive' the pen- alty of the law. On Saturday last while a number of hands were engaged in thrashing at the barn of Mr, Frank Trieubner of the 4th con. of Stephen; they were surpris- ed on finding a number of watch chain, charms; cuff buttons, pieces of notes etc, passing through the ma- chine, and on examining a corner in the mow found several more articles stowed away. Mr. Trieubner says he cannot account for how they came there, unless that some peddler took his lodging there over night and forgot to gather his valuables. The Family Herald and Weekly Star, Montreal, has its enormous cir- culation because it does not encroach upon the local country paper's work. People every -where find they need the FAMILY HERALD AND WEEKLY STAR, Montreal, in addition to their own local weekly. The FAUILY HERALD AND Si'ELIKLY STAR has an enormous staff of high -salaried editors, and spends large sums in gathering general news of the world at large, .besides employ- ing money freely in adding to its liter= ary miscellany. The growing popularity of the An vocATE as a !lye focal r,ewspaper and aclvel'tising ineditt n is becoming more strongly attested every ciii,y. 0.er ant) scription list is rapidly geowii'g, nod the patronage awarded in alt other de- partments seeak,10111len than weans of ane hold ti,e Arne:o e iras upo11 this #,1.)1muait '. e ere daily itnprovin g alis[ increasid'i'alg ntrr job work facilities :in 1110 coevenionces of our office, int- rovrtTielit .and progress benne o'nr' Met - i -.10I PLAY le A GEN ROU BARGAINS I xtensive t' of We invite your inspection our new and e stock of fall and winter goods with the certainty ,that you have neveryet seen anything that will beat it for variety or y creneral excellence. e , Just Want It has been our endeavor to provide just what you want in quality and in puce. We are prepared to suit any customer. If there is anybody dissatis- fied with purchases in the past this is their grand opportunity to get satisfaction. Think what we o'er you. We offer the widest choice for taste or fancy. We offer the newest goods, patterns and styles in the market. We offer you the best values you ever received. We offer you the lowest prices. This is no highfalutin offer: It is no empty- boast or bag. but genuineofferof genuinebargains. If anybody offers you more than we do, or lower prices than we do, take 'em up quick. But nobody on. earth can duplicate the goods.we show for the prices we make. These goods must be sold. and color,; is not a bad price for the cereal, all things considered, and far- mers will be on the safe side in dis- posing of thein crop at these figures.. 50c. per bushel was paid' on the mark• et yesterday for several loads of good bright barley. The queen pave sal moreesevete The Queen's last "Free trip to Europe" having excited such universal interest, thepublishers of that popular magazine offer another AND $200 RxvRA son ExPENSES, to the person sending them the largest list •of English words con- structed from letters contained in the three words'BRITISai NORTH AMERICA.' Additional prizes consisting of Silver. Tea Sets, China Dinner Sets, .'Gold Watches, French Music -Boxes, Portiere Curtains, Silk Dresses, Mantel Clocks, and'mauy other useful and valuable' articles will also be awarded in order of merit. A special prise of a. Seal Skin Jacket to the lady, and a hand- some Shetland Pony to the girl or -boy' (delivered free in Canada. or United' States) sending the largest lists- Every one sending a list of not less than twenty words . will receive a present. Send four Be stamps for complete rules illustrated catalogue of prizes, and sample timber of The Queen. Address' THE CANADIAN QUEEN, Toronto, Can- ada. -169, 10t. al Mille Law. ' 'The season during which the follow- ing game may be hunted; taken or killed is as follows:—Deer-15th of kat. to 20th of November. Moose, elk, r in - deer or caribou may not be killed be- fore 15th,Oct. 1595. The number of deer which may be killed or taken alive in any one season,: prior to 1895, is limited as follows: One person, 5; two persons together or from the one camp or rendenvous, 8; three persons as before 12. No hunting with hounds after the 15th day of November: Pttr. fridge -let Sept. to 1st January. Wo- odcock --15th August to 1st of Jan uary. Snipe, rail and golden plover— tot Sept.' to Lit January. Geese—lst Sept, to 1st of May. Ducks of 1,1.1 kind and all kinds of water fowl—lst Sept. to 1st January. hare -let Sept. to 15 th of March. the above` dates 'ire in- elusive, These may be exposed for i •s after e� iratthti of sale for fifteen clay p time for killing, No eggs to be taken or deytrgeed at any tittle. Na traps, nets or snares, bated lines or sifnilar cetitrit-:ances to be used. These may be, destroyed with Out 'liability. No contrivances described or known es batteries, swivels guns, sunken punts, night lights to be used for killing wild fowl, r. No person,. prior to the year 1$ 95, hunt, take, or kill any deer, flnlcse kuclt pennon has been an actual rest, dent, deli ellcd within the prOt%fuses of Ontario and Quebec for period of at least three months. Vire would call attention to the "ad" in another column of Mr. W. E. Coch- enour, who, in a few days, will re -open the drug store opposite the Central Hotel, corner stand. We are pleased Mr. C. has come to stay as his social references are most satisfactory, while his position extending over 3. period of years as manager of Mr. J. D. Mathe- son's drug store opposite the Rossin House, King-st., Toronto, is ample evidence as to his professional abilities. We feel confident tide people of this town and vicinity will accord him that amount of support Ile should command Wenote too in his advertisement the fact that he is chemist and druggist by examination. i'he latest catch phraseoutis, "Don't be expansive!" This is the . coming sla;n remark of the day. The remark is the swagger way to tell n fellow that he's drawing upon his imagina- tion for his facts. "Doti'[ be expan- sive." It may be Also employed to check the efforts of a would-be funny man; a hardened punster a dealer in chesnuts or a render aloud ;a politician who makes a long speech; the fashion- able preacher who piesYitnes ripen the good nature of his congregation; the storeelteeper who dilates upon the su- perinc!ty of lis wares; the talkative hairdresser; the professional beggar who waxes pathetic over iris ills and hardships; to each a.nt all of them say; "PJ11't i)p, ioSprlinsiYe" e ' `a ke them low to sell them quickly;, We don't ask you to take our word but to let the goods speak for u COME AND SEE THEM. C RLHHC BROS. Rickard' Pickard announces that he will Exhibit the finest collection of mil- linery and mantles ever shown in the` village on Monday andTuesday next.' Ono ese Absolutely Pure. -, y'' ; liiwo Ink, • rM„ ;i__ This week I present to the people a cut of the noted A cream of tartar baking powder Highest of all in leavening strength.— U. b". Government Report, August DM, 1889. Exeter Roller ails. 4 COOK STOVE, the best wood. cook stove in the market. - MARKET REPORTS. WHEAT, 90 TO 96ets.per bush. Dur Selling . niece. � Flour, l3rati, Dlidclliti„ s, Screenings, Chop, Br'att, per ton, 12.00 Middlings, " " 10.00 Chop stone runningever day. b TERIiiS CASH. The Exeter M11.1 iiig Co. strop; baker's, $:1.76 per 100. best family, 2.00 " " low grade, 1.5,0 1° " 70 °+ 0 90 90 e 1:00 to 1.25 '• " 0 Cr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0 0 0 0 p_0 Call and see it before buying elsewhere. 000000 000 00 0000000.00'000`0;0 0. WILL FOLLAND, STAND, one door north of Dr. Lutz's Drug Store, Main Street, Exeter. Sign of Big Elephant. GREA CIAA111_,G SALE Wholesale and Retail a 0i e e b A, 14 Pi ate R Offi Me ve. B. i Sion Ex( g lute Sal abl E Fru sat an, an( Builders' Hardware. Nails, Glass (Stained and, Engraved), Locks, Hinges, and Butts (full line) Carriage ria e Hardware. Bar Iron, Bent Stuff', Hubbs, Spokes,.Cutter Runners.Shafts, Moqueite Wunsltn, Drill &c. Mill Supplies Fittings,Packing Rubber Iron. Pipe, Valves, Asbestos, �, and Leather Beltings, is Sporting Material . Shot, and Shot laot Gtins; Powder, S , &c. Stoves and Tinware Cooking, ltatllg+ Parlor and Coal Stoves.All kinds Tinware cheap. Eavetiou ping a speciality. LOu Send in your oldals for CTdD��U�. or STOVE and the genu - Inc t,�, g ' Sl3URG COALS it advances g�,g� E CHEAP. �NANNEALED,�GALVANIZED ��.��fli! AND ,� N HOWARD, nil" Proprietor. g 01