HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1890-9-25, Page 4HE et.er xottocate. SANDERS: dc, SWEET, Props. TITURSDAY, SEPT, 25t11, 1890, GREAT TRIAD TO -DAY; e reprint the following article. been the London Free Press and ewe: mend the moderate tone that marks it to. the circle of our readers. After all the sensatiatlal talk that we have read and heard for seine tinge, it is refresh. ing to road such sound Christian corn mon sense;— It is supposed by some that it is the duty of counsel for the Crown in crine inal eases to pursue the accused to bit- ter end, and to import into the proceed- ing all the hostility and vituperation that it may be Possible to muster. Such a view of the duty of council we take to be an erroneous one. He is not be- fore the court hi the capacity of an enemy of the accused, but one whose duty it is to act for the State at large, of which the prisoner forms a part. It would seem that under such conditions a spirit of fairness toward the accused as well as justice towards the commun- ity should prevail. Criminal proceedings that have been instituted have not for their object the conviction of any par- ticular person, but to elicit facts to show whether one charged with a. crime be guilty or not. In pursuit of such a line of duty it is reasonable to look for moderation in assertion, and in the in- ferences that have to be drawn from the circumstances that may be detail- ed before the court, There should be no ghoul -like hope in the minds of any portion of the public that any' one charged with murder, for example, should be found guilty; rather the hope should be indulged that innocence may be established and the accused shown to be not a guilty man. It is the duty of the counsel to lay all the facts fully and faithfully before the court and jury, and it is the duty, especially of the latter body, to arrive at a sound conclusion respecting them. The case chat will occupy the attention of the court at Woodstock to -day is peculiarly open to considerations such as these,be- cause the accused has been made the subject of persecution even from the pulpit, and has been persued with a vindictiveness for the sake of gain on the part, of certain detectives that had been previously almost, unknown in criminal annals. As to the guilt or the innocence of the prisoner it is not our province to offer any suggestions, how. ever remote. As the Judge very prop- erly remarked in his charge to the Grand Jury, all preconceived notions gathered from irresponsible sources should be dismissed from the mind; on - le: such matters as may come before the court should find any weight either with the jury or the public. But this may be said without trenching on pro- priety, that Burchell's side of the story if he be called to give it, has yet to be heard, and that may tend materially to alter the view that has been thus far taken of the guilt of the accused. At any rate it may be anticipated that be- fore such a judge and by the aid of the two counsel that the crown has select- ed to conduct the case on behalf of the people, justice will beelone to all con. earned. More than that none has a might to ask or anticipate. TRADE WITH JAMACIA. /FT large trade with It, the feeling there Is not so kindly to wards the United Stater as it was before the introductio of the, 1iell;inley bill;a:nd any country Which can Offer the Jamaicans the classes of goods they require, on anything like the terns offered by the United States, is likely to reecivc extra consideration just at present. This is Canada's op portunity, and our merchants should not be slow in ayailing themselves of it. As a fair indication of the temper pf the people on the McKinley bill we may quote the following fromethe ja- unt -ice STAN DAR "The tradebetween the United Stat es and Jamaica has of late year's been greatly on the increase. The principal benefit of this trade has accrued to the United States. if the Anu ricau Gov- ernment, therefore, persists in imposing a heavy duty on our sugar, we have it in our power to retaliate and increase our import duties on American pro- ducts. The corn, flour, and other food- stuffs that we now get from the United States, we can obtain as cheaply and conveniently from the Dominion of Canada. All, then, that would have to be done is to conclude preferential fis- cal arrangements with the Dominion of Canada." The passing of the McKinley bill will seriously affect the trade relations be- tween the United States and other countries besides Canada. These countries, shut out from the United States, will naturally seek other mar- kets; and as Canada has, to a very great extent, the same natural pro- ducts to sell that the United States has, we ought to be able to attract] to us a large proportion of the trade which the United States is likely to lose, No country has looked with a more kindly eye towards Canada,with a view to extended trade relations, than has the Island of Jamaica. Some time ago, it will be remembered, and effort to- wards Reciprocity was made by Hon. Mr. Solomon, but with no result, other than that attention was drawn to both storintries and each of them gained a little more knowledge of the products and resources of the other. The com- ing exhibition in Jamaica next Janu- ary, at which Canada promises to be exceedingly will be represented,will,no doubt, tend greatly to draw the two countries closer together. Even with - met any measure of Reciprocity, much east- be done to hicrease c.lease our trade with the islands, and a good show at the Ex- hibition will do much towards enlarg- Ing one trades, Aithengh the Anierie tans iuty'e•acquired large inonetary ihi t4eests in the island, and do a very Ra At'c>l.4 ili`tfl' hx,- -Irl, Exeter on the 23rd inst, the. wife of Rex:: NIT. Martin, of a MOPALLs.—In, iiiddulph, 9n ..'the 23rd lest., Mrs. Oscar l f Falls, of a son.. K Rrizelt.—In. U borne, On 20th > lost., Mrs. Win, Remick, of a son.' WESTLAK..—In Ushorne, en 21st inst., Mrs. John Westlake, of a sort, LL_, IKARR*4,4XE$, SMALI,ACOMB ••SMALLCOMM1nn+;,--At tile Triyitt Memorial Church, Exeter, on Tuesday 23rd inst., by the Rev. S, F. Robinson, Rector,, Mn John Smallaeombe to Mrs, Harriet Small- eombe, all of Exeter. Dew—Jl.xxixcrs. —In Goderich. Town- ship, on the 24th inst., at the Meth• odist Parsonage, by the Rey. W. Ayers, Mr. William Henry Daw, of Exeter, to Miss Theresa Jen. pings, of Goderich Township. Around About Us, HvuEslAL.—A very interesting oc currence took place in the family of Mr. Wm. Johnston, eth con. McKillop, on Tuesday, September 16th, about half -past two hi the afternoon. This was the marriage of his fourth daugh- ter, Miss Janie, to Mr. Wm. Lockhart, youngGeorge est son of Mr. Lockhart. The officiating clergyman was Rev. P. Musgrave. OBITUARY. -On Monday the sad in telligence was received in Kippen of the sudden death of Miss Sarah Must- ard, only sister of A. K. Mustard, who three years ago labored on Hensall North Circuit as Colleague to Rev. E. A. Fear. It is, however, a comfort to those who are left to mourn her loss, to know that death to her was but "lay- ing down the cross to take up the crown." The many friends here of the bereaved mother and brother extend to them their heartfelt sympathy. On Monday a son of James Scott, G. T. R. switchman, St. Mary's was struck by a passing train and seriously hurt. The doctors have very little hopes of bringing the boy through. On Satur- day, a lad 12 years old, son of C. D. Swanson, of the same town, was kick- ed by a horse. He walked to the house and did not seem to be much hurt, but about midnight Ms father was awake- ned by the boy's heavy breathing, and sent immediately for a doctor. The boy died before the doctor arrived. On Thursday last a young man named Joseph Smeltzer, son of IlIr. Paul Smeltzer, of Ashfield, met with a painful accident. He was engaged in hauling out manure, and when re- turning from the field to the barnyard ouch he ted one of the horses with the pitchfork, whe0 the animal suddenly kicked, and striking its leg against the fork drove tile handle through the young man's breast bone. His escape from instant death was miraculous. He is a blacksmith and at one time worked for Wm. Holmes, of this town. A very sad fatality occured at Blue - vale on Thursday last. •A little boy, aged between two and three years, son of Mr. Thomas Dillon, cheesemaker,, was eating corn, when some of it got. fast in his throat and before it could be removed the poor child had choked to death. Mr. Dillon was away on bus- iness in Michigan at the time, but being telegraphed for returned on Sat- urday morning. The remains were that day taken to Arthur , for intern ment, where Mrs. Dillon's friends re.. side. Much sympathy is felt for the be- reaved parents in their sad and very sudden affliction. A son of Mr. John Wellwood, Wing. ham, aged about nine years, had a narrow escape from death on Wednes- day afternoon. Mr. Alf. Nicholl was making a call with bread, the boy go- ing to the cart for that, necessary art- icle, and then went back for another ticket; in going back the second time he was running fast with an open knife in his hand, and accidently ran against the gate -post, the knife in some manner penetrating his abdomen about two inches, just above . the stomach. Luckily no vital point was. touched, and the chances are that he will speedily recover. It will be remembered that some few months ago Robert Rumford and Geo. Houghton were clearing up some land in Logan, when an altercation arose, between them, and Rumford struck Houghton over the head with a handspike, killing him almost instant- ly. The coroner's jury returned a ver- dict of "wilful murder," and the prison- er was committed to Stratford jail to await his trial at the fall assizes. The court was in session last week, .fudge Rose presiding. The case went to the grand jury on Tuesday, when a ver - diet of manslaughter was returned. Mr. Thompson, on behalf of the prison- er, pleaded guilty to the charge, and addressed the court on the circumstan- ces connected' with the case. He also presented a most numerously signed and influential petition as to, the previ- ens good character of prisoner, and praying for the mercy of the court in passing sentence, Mr, Moscrip was also herd in behalf of the prisoner, and "the judge complimented the two gent-` lemen on their addresses, and the way in which the case had been conducted. Prisoner was sentenced to 6 years in the penitentiary, Fall Fairs. Exeter, Sept. 29 and 30. Seaforth, Sept. 30 and Oct. .1. Clinton, Oct. 1, 2 and 3. BaYfield, Oct. sand 9. Granton, Oct. 1 and 2, Ilderton, Sept, 30. MORTGAGE SALE ---OF VALUABLE--- , • Cabinet Factory, Store, Dwelling House AND PREMISES, In the Thriving Village of EXETER Under and by virtue of a power of gale contained in a certain registered mortgage m ade by John brawn and wife to the*endor, which will be produced at the time of sale, default having been made in the payment thereof, there will be cold by public auction, AT TEE CENTRAL HOTEL;-:,, IN . THE VILLAGE OF EXETER, --beer Saturday, the 27th day of September,'90, AT 3 O'CLOCK, P. M. By Mit. JOHN Gine, Auctioneer, sub- ject to such conditions as shall then be produced, the following Valuable Vil- lage leroperty, it-lage.Property, viz: All and singular those certain parcels or tracts of land and premises, situate, lying and being in the Village' of Exeter in the County of Huron, and Province of Ontario, containing by admeasurement one-fifth of an acre each, be the same more orless being composed of lots numbered 51, 52 and 58 on the west side of Andrew street and the norh half of lot number 5 on the east side of Main street, forming part of lot number seventeen in the first concession of the Township of Usborne sub -divided into village lots under the name of "McConnell's Survey." There is a TWO-STORY BRICK STORE On 11'tai11 street with DWELLING attached, also a large frame FURNITURE and SASH and noon .PACTORY upon the premises which are centrally locat- ed, and in the factory there are a BOILER and ENGINE, PLANER, BORING MACHIN,R, TURNING LATHE, TENONING and MORTISING MACHINES and other machinery and fixtures usually required for carrying on an extensive busi- ness all in good working order., • ' This is one of the best business chances in Western Ontario.r: ' TERMS OF SALE. , t• 10 per cent. cash, balance.in 30days, or as may be agreed. For further particulars apply to ELLIOT & ELLIOT, Vendor's Spliciiors, Dated Sept.12th. '90. -'i Exeter! MAIL CONTRACT. SEALED TENDERS, addressed: to the Post- master General, will be received at Otta- wa until noon, on Friday, 17th' October, 1990, for the conveyence of Her Majesty;s hfails, on a proposed Contract for four years, 24 times per week each way, between Exeter and Railway Station, from the, let January next. Printed notices containing further in- formation as to conditions of proposed con- tract mak be seen and blank forms of Ten- der may be obtained at the Post Offices of Exeter, and at this office. Post Office Inspector's office, 22 London, 5th September,•1900, 17e -3t R. W. BARKER, Post' Office Inspector. a U��erta'�i�g Having leased the premises'. 'l:atety occupied by Mr. John Brawn, I would inform the public that I carry an immen- se stock of FURNITURE of my own Mauufacture,which I will sell at EXTRAORDINARY PRICES Inepect my stock before buy- ing elsewhere anu pztvefrom 10 to 20 per cent. I am bound to sell,and guaratee my goods to be superior to factory work. WANTS➢ MEN, local• or traveling 1,7119'8 to sell niy guaranteed NURSERY STOCK. Salary or Commission, paid weekly. Outfit free. Special attention given to beginners. Workers never fail to make good weekly wages. Write me at once for particulars. E. 0. GRAHAM, NuRSERvSIAN, (This house is reliable) TORONTO, ONT, 171 -lot. CLXTBIL flV� ST0111. A complete stock of Pure and Reliable Drugs ALWAYS KEPT. Ptet JI!eilioi1es, Sllooges, Droijijist's Sujiplics At right and reasonable prices. Prescriptions aud Family ul is Y Recei� p. Carefully Prepared. Wipa�'s oiiIi1iOIi Powder the; best' in the market. C. LUIZ, PROP Undertaking in all its branches at lowest possible prices. Special attention will be given to this branch of the business. Give me a share of the patronage. Remember the stand, two doors north of the Town Hall, Exeter, WALT. ANDREWS. A Fresh and New Stock of Or006fies & CoRtcct!eijarO , JUST ARRIVED AT THE Family imo Cr''s'cery. Also Pure EXTRACTS and SPICES. A beautiful piece of glass- ware given away with 1 Ib of Mayell's Baking Powder. Dashwood holler Flour For Sale. Call and examine our goods before purchasing elsewhere. O. A. R 'NDMAN. THE BEAUTIFUL MID CLEAR CUT im TYPE.—.. from which this paper is print d was supplied by the =INTO TYPE FOUNDRY Dealers in Type, Pr sses, and Printers' Supplies. J. T. JOHNSTON, 8O,& 82 Wellington St. west TORONTO, ONT. CITY HOTEL ' LONDON, ONTARIO. 1 per dare. J. & J. MARTIN, Proprietors. HOFFMAN'S HARMLESS HEADACHE POWDERS are an honest medieine for 'which only honest, etraightforward . state - meats are made. Bee that you ret the ensue Hoff- man's. o& man s. Insist on having them. They Ours` AL Headaches. They are not a Cathartic. HOUSE TO LET. That beautiful Brick dwelling, situated on Carling Street, being Lot 42, with eight con- venient rooms contained therein and all necessary conveniences on the premises. Reasonable Terms. For further particulars apply to lea GEORGE HODGINS For Sale. A desirable residence in Exeter North, new frame house, one -fifths acre of land. The house was erected in 1888, Good terms to purchaser. Apply at this office. 145-t t. 'esle�uFa�r The Best of Canadian Fairs, LONDON, ONTARIO. Lardine Maehine Sejit. 18tSept. 1814 to 21t, 1890. Large increase in prizes. MACHINERY IN MOTION IN MAIN BUILDING, Manufacturing goods ill viOW of public. Best speed programme ever offered Grand and attractive SPECIAL EXHIBITSouth- States—Cotton, of the S States—Cotton, figs, ricepeanuts and wild i nuts each as they grow n the South 'carpets made from the leaves of the pine and other woods of the South. Products of the turpen- tine stills of Georgia. Minerals, herbs, pplants, barks, &c. &e., end a live alligator of Florida, Famous Wild West Show, Balloon, t oscents FireworlmS, Racesf& Parchu e D i +Bancls For prize list and'infortnatidn address poSt card to CAPT. A, W. PORTE, TIIOS. A. BROVNE, President. Seeretery, laniaSzaralliMIZIOMMIEMP The Faiaaoi'as Ileavy-bodied Oa, made only by • McColl Bros. & Co.. Toronto... Use it onoe and you will use no other.. McColl's Famous CYLINDER OIL Is the finest in Canada for engine cylinders. —FOR SALE BY— ISSETT BROS., Exeter, Ontario. NEW. TAILOR SHAT', THE UNDERSIGNED HAS OPENED OUT A NEW STOCK. OF te$ozazoszizitnal FIRST-CLASS UMMER SIIIINGJ t II it ll t H t fV f Q* * 1, In Canadian and Imported Tweeds, French Worsteds; etc.!, , which he will sell at right prices. If you wish a nobby or plain suit it will repay.you to call and examine hislarge stock which has just arrived. §—§—§§—§—§—§—§—§—§--§—§—§—§—§—§—§—§—§—§ . B 308E FIT VIIWTEEO EYEY TIME. Special attention given to lathes mantle .ak'g. Give me a Trial and you will be Convauced . Stand one door north of Fish's Barber shop. J MMES H. GRIEVE. - S e'iS�`�,•:.�Fft"�%H.sl%`,:C-�X . "<F`�;;•'; �� . . ti .. E.. ,t"\1�kh\�\\l�4 \Vk.,�Y `�� N''4\ 14 �,u44 �n 1A t 17: Fn.4 +w7'S,`. 1w v -: w. s• , '+i}} , 2 •E i '�iF 4h6[� see for 'Infants and Children. .mom s *.Castorin see well adapted to children that Castor's cores Colic, Constipation, [ recommend it as superior to any prescription Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation. known to me." B A. ARCHER, M D., E Worms, gives sleep, and promoitcS di. 111 lig. Oxford Si,.�gee tion. Brooklyn, N. N.Y.Y. �Flthous injurious medication. THE CENTAUR CosirexY, 77 Murray Street, • eieet7aeeeeeecru'.v5;:,''leeep,.5,_.--'..fiE?e`eeeee eileee'7ew =Tee ,eeie e eieeeeir,''-'.etee:tesgee",: BaTS' minumesszni It will be to your interest to call on us before buying your building hardware and shelf hardware. Barbed, Buckthorn, Oiled, Annealed and Galvanized wires, always in stock. First-class tinware, no two -and -a -half years shop-worn goods to offer. ARTISTS' PAINTS and BRUSHES, =Baby Carriages and, -S'TZ"agor s. Eavetroughing a specialty. AGENTS FOR THE RAYMOND SEWING MACHINE EZ SETT EROS. J. G.' SMALLACOMRT, Merchant Tailor, TreIo's EIoelrExeter 9 7 Has now in Stock A FIRST-CLASS LINE OF Sumter Goals, Gents urnishln 'e, et0. Sole agent for Exeter for IVORINE COLLARSANDCUFFS.CUFFS. The best collar and cuff in the market. A CALL SOLICITED. $xna laoor'oo. Remember thew old stand E. FISH, ISH, Near the POST OFFICE. If you want an easy shave and neat hair -cut just call fit E, II- FISH'S SI -PAVING SALOON Where he does all his work in a neat style. Ladies' and Children's hair -cutting it the latest style. AGENT FOR TIIE PARISIAN STEAM LAtINRY, •