HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1890-9-18, Page 8READ -MAKER'S 0 r�r�rr WE1lES FAILS To LIVE SATISFAQ,TICN FOR SALE Ere ALL DEALERS, Grigg's Reporter, (Special.) ---Useful counter goods 'not charged.' —We have added a number of new lines and invite everyone to see them, —Crediton, Dashwood and Centralia people specially invited to call next Saturday. —Brampton Bros.' sell a "bar of olive" at 45 cats. which will pay the buyer well. —Country schools re -open on Monday Our store re -opens every day except Sunday. —Fall crops are like our "useful counters" very good, and both promise a handsome return for the outlay. —Had no idea you kept such a variety; Why this is very nice; I will come again; Yes, the prices are reason- able; these are expressions that drop constantly from sightseers on their first visit. —We are within the mark when we say that four of every five visitors buy at our "useful -counters" call, see and we think you will buy without being' asked. —The circulation of the Reporter is equal to that of our two weeklies com- bined; you: see we ride both horses. LOCAL JOTTINGS. —51, L.3iiliinws, Dentist, for lime best artificial, teeth. Brumptons have in a nice new line of dress goods this week. The Ontario wheat crop will be about five million bushels more than last year. The ADVOCATE from now till the end of the year for 20 cents. Subscribe now. In another column will be noticed an advertisment concerning the sale of the John Brawn estate. Send along your subscriptions for the ADVOCATE. Only 20 cents from now till the end of the year. By a recent enactment of the Ont- ario Legislature, Jurors will be allow- ed $2.00 a day instead of $1.50. Insure in the Temperance and Gen- eral Insurance Co., of Toronto. ED BISSETT, local agent.—May 29-0. Mr E. H. Fish, tonsorial artist, is having the ceiling of his shop papered, which will add greatly to its appear- ance. New subscribers are constantly be- . ing enrolled on our list. Now is your opporttinity, now till Jan. 1st 1590 for only 20cts. Mr. T. H. McCallum has nearly coni pleted an addition to his tannery. It is a brick structure, and will be con- yenient and commodious, The James street Methodist choir at • tended the Harvest Home in Sunshine on Tuesday evening and report of hav- ing spent a pleasant evening. Mr. Sidney Handcock says he would be much pleased to have the prize duck, which soiree miscreant carried away on Sunday last returned. Yesterday was the 17th Sept., the anniversary of the National Policy, Waterloo, in 1575. It was a fine day and considering all things could not well be anything else. On Friday of last week, Mr. John Wood, of this place and Mr. Thomas Ballantyne of Rodgerville, shipped 3 carload of cattle, all of which wore con- signed to Commission Merchants in England. R. Hicks will sell his large and well assorted stock of watches, clocks, jewel- ery, spectacles &c., at greatly reduced prices for the next thirty days. Give him a call, he means to do you good. Head quarters for telephone. The old stage running between this village and Dashwood, of which Mr. H. Reynolds is the proprietor, has been re- placed by a new and commodious one, which is much more convenient and comfortable for the travelling public. We will be pleased to have our large and efireent staff of correspondents .commence their fall campaign at once.. The busy season is now pretty well over and news items must be getting plentiful. We will furnish writing material etc., on application. Miss Maggie Fulmer, of Leamington, Ont, died the other day from the effects of the habit of eating starch. This de- structive and abominable habit for the furtherance of beauty, applies to many of the young ladies of the present day, and should be a warning and a lasting impression on their minds. The Managers of the Agricultural Society, wish to have it stated that prizes will be awarded for the best col- lection of wine, Fancy Knitting., r and Pencil Sketch, and that parties exhib- iting goods will be allowed to place their name on the same, after being judged. Morin HONOR FOR }Tis Honore. -On the 23rd Inst. Judge Johnston, of Al- goma, better known to the people of Huron as "Fred Johnston." will form a, matrimonial alliance with a lady of Goderich, Miss Graham, The Judge's many old friends will join in wishing him the largest measure of happiness. London Free Press, At a meeting held in Mitchell on Monday niglit, arrangements were made for a big trot on Octnhcr 1.Oth. In the sallion race a purse of _$250 will be competed for, andabout twenty namedhorses will be allowed to enter. 'T'here`will also he a' trot of three year. olds, $125, Bills, with full partieularsf will !herds,' be put in eireulation, R. Hicks has a big lino of watches to dispose of. Give him a eall, What about an overcoat? Brump- tons have the cheapest iii town. I£ you want a tirst•class job of troughing done, call on Willman Poi - kind, Subscribe for the AnvOCATE, Only 20 oats from now till January 1st, 1890. . The barroom in connection with the Metropolitan Hotel is about com- pleted —II. L. billings, Dentist, Gold1tllint"yS es specialty*, (hies over O'limit's Dank Exeter. • ' Mr. Johli Jlawkshew is moving from the Hotel into the residence, opposite Ross and,Taylor's Planning Factory. On Monday last while Mr. Ed. Dyer was fixing a lawn mower his finger caught in one of the wheels and badly smashing' it, which will render him un- able to work for some time. Mr. W. E. Cochenour, Druggist has arrived in town with the intentions of locating and opening up a drug busin- ess in Dr. Cowen's old stand, opposite the Central Hotel. We wishhimevery success in his undertaking. We notice by yesterday's Globe, (Wednesday) that Mr. William Sweet's greyhound "Turk" which was sent to Toronto Exhibition, was very highly commended, and ranked fourth out of a show of twenty-two greyhounds. An American gentleman meeting a citizen on front street remarked that he never saw such handsome dressed ladies as Exeter can boast of The reason assigned was that nearly all the ladies buy their dress goods and shawls at Brumptons. Mr. A. Q. Bobier, proprietor of the Exeter Butter and Egg maket, 'while trying to put a hole through the cor- ner of a slate with a knife the blade' closed, cutting a severe gash in his fore finger, which will render it useless for some time. Large quantities of grain are being marketed here daily. One day last week, at three o'clock in the afternoon there were thirteen wagons standing near Mr. W. H. Levett's storehouse waiting to be relieved of their burdens. This is encouraging to our merchants, and we think that Exeter is on the move for better times. Mr. Fred W. Farncomb and brother Earnest are making a large survey through the big swamp two and a half miles west of this place. They not only survey in the swamp but their place of abode is in the midst of the dense forest. Three young gentlemen from here visited them on Sunday, and report of having spent a good time, and say they more than enjoyed the delicacies served and cooked by Fred. A curiosity is reported from Berlin, It is an iron -grey calf, 6 months and a few days old, 43 inches in height, and weighing 222 lbs. The curious thing about this calf is that it has a large and perfectly formed udder and teats and gives two quarts of milk every night and morning. This wonderful calf cow was raised by Mr. Wm. Gar- land, a farmer residing near New Dun dee, about eight miles from Berlin, from Holstein father and Durham mother. We are glad to get local items just such as you, reader, would like your- self ; our -self; and if you have any on hand at any time, send them along. Don't sandwich an advertisment into them, for that belongs to the cashier's depart ment, and if they are not worth paying for in a legitimate way they are no good to us. If you have friends visit. ing you, or you expect to go away, just say so. The latter clause may gratify your creditors and the first your friends. For bale. - Two Bell Telephones, nearly new, must be sold, enquire'at this office. Jewels. Buy your jewelefy from. R. Hicks. He is °Tering bargains. Giye him a call. Farmers, Get your sale bills printed at the ADVOCATE office. We will give you a. gratuitous notice in the columns of the paper. "Won by an Englishman" Is a story which commences with this issue and will be found very interest- ing. Now is the time to subscribe,only 20 cts, from now until January 1st, 189.1 Wanted. Never too late to mend. 5000 pairs of boots and shoes that need repairing to be left at the leading boot and shoe store next door to the post office. ^•G. Manson. Dancing Class. Professor Dayton's Dancing Class for gentlemen, 'opens to -morrow night (Friday) at 8 o'clock at the Town Ilan. An afternoon class will be started next week for ladies. For Reale. 'A complete telegraph instrument, battery, connecting wires &c. The above is specially adapted for learners and with this instrument a person can get a thorough knowledge of the art. Will sell cheap; for futher particulars call at this office. To Farmers. When a Man advertises that a stray animal is on his premises, it generally happens that half a dozen people turn up to see if it belongs to them. This shows that at the time of the year nu- mbers of animals are astray, but some men will harbor an animal for months before they Will do simple justice to the unknown owner by advertising it. Farmers could save each other a world of worry and loss by being a little more thoughtful in this respect. The queen pays ail Expenses. The Queen's' last "Free trip to Ti ttropew' having excited such universaiinterest the publishers of that popularmagazint offer another AND $200 EXTRA. L'OR EXPENSES, to the person sending them the largest list of English words con- structed from letters contained in the three words'Bruvislz Nowru 4Mmltiole' Additional prizes' consisting of Silver Tea Sets, China Dinner Sets, Gold Watches, French Music Boxes,' Portiere Curtains, Silk Dresses, Mantel Clocks, and many other useful and valuable articles will also be awarded in order. of merit. A special prize of a Seal Skin Jacket to the lady, and a hand- some Shetland Pony to the girl or boy (delivered free in Canada or United States) sending the largest lists. Every one sending a list of not less than twenty words will receive a present. Send four 3c. stamps for complete rules illustrated catalogue of .prizes, and sample number of The Queen, Address Trus CANADIAN QUEEN, Toronto, Can- ada. -169, 10t. Exeter Cosineil•Proeeeetings The Council met pursuant to ad- journment at the Town Hall, Exeter, 13th Sept., 1890. Present the Reeve and councillors Spackman and Ross. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. Moved by H. Spackman, seconded by W.sG. Bissett, that this council deeply sympathize with the wife and family of our late colleague, Mr. Jas. Olee,who has so sud• denly been removed from our midst to- day. We hereby tender them our sin- cere condolence under the distressing circumstances. We know that Exeter has lost a' good, energetic, honest and law abiding citizen,the council an able• and officiate officer and his family . a loving ht'sband and father. We can- not too strongly express our regret at his untimely death, that a: copy of this resolution be forwarded to the wife and family of our deceased., friend.—Car Tied.—Moved by D. A. Ross seconded by. W. G. Bissett that in consequence. of the death of Mr. Jas. Oke, our late colleague, this council do now adjourn. for one week.—Carried. M. EAORETT, Clerk, it Personal attention. Messrs L. H. Dickson and Charles Mc Donell, who have been visiting friends- in Pembooke for the past 'four weeks, returned home on Friday evening last. —Mr. Thomas Carling', who has been taking a tour through the North West, returned home on Fridayevening last. -Mr. Robert Verity and wife left on Saturday night for Toronto to attend the fair.—Miss Hannah Balsdon and Miss Theresa Creech, left for Strathroy on Saturday where they will visit friends.—Mr. Joseph Senior, left on Sat- urday morning to meet his father at Toronto, and afterwards attend the fair.—Mr. Isaac Carling, Jr. left last Saturday for Toronto, where he will at- tend college.—The Rev. 0. H. Bridge- man, of Hensall,was in town on Thurs- day last.—Miss Lavine Fisher, left for Toronto last week athereyshe wilL....tW. tend the Fair. -Mr. Chatles Coates' is attending the Toronto Fair at,• present. —Mr. William Sanders, who has been connected with this Journal for the past three years, left Tuo'sday.:evening, for Ann Arbor, where h„pswill enter the Law University in that placeandstudy for the Legal Profession.' -Mr. James Ramsay, of Detroit, is spending a few, days with his parents at present,—Mr. John Stewart and wife (nee Louisa Oke) of Brockville, were summoned here to attend the. funeral of the latter'sfather, on Saturday morning last.—We are. pleased to learn that Mr.' Fin..,klunter,' of Usborne, is improving rapidly from a severe attack of Typhoid Fever`; At a recent examination of law students, held in Toronto,' Mr. . William' Gundy was one of the successful candidates to pass his second intermediate course. William has been engaged in the study for some time and by energetic and at- tentive study has succeeded in passing his examineation readily. Out of six teeen students he ranked third best. -Capt. J. N. Howard and. wife left '"on Tuesday for Toronto Exhibition, where they will . spend a '' few days previous to visiting Port Hope, the native town of Mr. Howard. They will return on Monday evening. -Miss Edith .Iiyndman, left for Toronto on Tuesday morning, where she will visit her uncle for 'some time. -Mr. Ed. Roberts spent a few days in Toronto this week.—Mr. James Neil, of Ce'ftralia, was in town on Tuesday.— Detective Webb, of London, visited Exeter on Monday last. He was look• ing after the interests of ,;the Medical Profession.—Mr. Wm. Hawkshaw Pro. piietor of the Thompson House on King St., London,was in the village on Tues- day last attending, the funeral of the late James Oke. -Mr. Theodore Sweet. who has been visiting at Marlette, Mich. returned home on Friday last.—Mr. J Elliott, is spending a few days in To- ronto.—Mrs. Hawkshaw arrived home this morning from Lucan, Where she has been visiting friends for a few days. —Mrs Sarah Page, of the al4letropolitan Iiotel,3/44p;t„'4vednnesday „:last in the Forest City Mrs, D. Johne is spending a few days in, St..'Mary s visiting her re latives,—Mr. Wm, Verity ;Harry Gist ley, Moses Amy, John Met, ah um and his son A`bert,left fol` Toronto on Tues day evening last.—Mr.J:,fi Westcott left town this morning for' ,Burlington Plains to work for a few weeks.—Mr. J. W. Grant, left this place. for Toron- to to day. -Messrs J. Baird, J. Ravel, J. Dare, J. Green, from Grand Bend, left this station on Tuesday last for Southampton, on a fishing expedition. --Miss Murdock is the guest of her sister, Mrs.: Rich. Eacrett,at present. -- Mr, James Stewart, purposes leaving for Belfast, Ireland, on, Monday next, to look after a sum of money which his wife has fallen heir to. • CARD OF 'THANKS. �1 he family of fhb lata Tamen Oke cIoslroe toox rens publicly their thanks to Mr, Sam,- 1161,G1• �rew for t e castle', 'thatightfmtl, and sitiiifiil ,,tanner in which Itis work a5 an Undertaking, wag clone at the filnerel this Weep. resbytery of Ituran This Presbtory meet in :Carmel Church, Hensall, on Tuesday the 9th Inst , Mr Fletcher, the Moderator pre siding, There was a full attendance' of ministers. Mr, Scott, on behalf of the Sabbath School Committee, present- ed a report, recommending that the 5 $, Conference, usually held in connect- ion with the January meeting, be dis pensed with next year, and that the first hour of the afternoon Sederunt of the January meeting be allowed for. the report on Sabbath Schools, aud dis- missions on the same; it was recommen- ded that S. S. workers within the Pre- sbytery be asked to devote their at- tention and influence toward making the convention of the S. S. Association of the county a success, and securing the benefit of it. Mr. Sutherland moved, and Mr. Kernighan seconded the transmission to the Assembly of an overture anent the matter of posture in prayer in public worship, asking the Court to Authoritatively declare for that which the overture described as Scripture and in accordance with the ancient practice of the chursh. After a somewhat lively and interest- ing discussion, it was resolved to tran- smit the overture simpliciter. Mr. Mc Milian, student, at presnt supplying the Presbyterian pulpit in Seaforth, read a discourse before Presbytery, which was approved, and Mr. McMillan moved to be certified by the clerk to proper authority, as a student of the church. Mr. Ramsey, on behalf of the Commit- tee on Superintendance of Students, reported that Mr. A. L. Budge had ap- plied to`'be recognized as a student, having the ministcry in view, and re- commended that the application be granted, and that Mr. Budge be re- ceived under the care of the Presby - tory. The erport was received and re- commendation adopted. Mr. Martin, ogre behalf of the Finance Committee, presented the estimates for the next year, and recommended 'that the rate to be assessed on congregations be 13 cents per family. Communications from the convenes of the Home Mission and Augmentation Committee of the Assembly, pointing out the shortcom- ings of the Huron Presbytery, with re- ference to the latter scheme, and re- questing more attention. It was re solved that the scheme be with greater diligence and force brought before the people, and' its claims for support pre- sented. The case of Bayfield Road and Bervie was deferred until next meet- ing. The next meeting; will be held in Union Church, Brucefield, on the se- cond Tuesday of November. DEATIIIS. ORE. --In Exeter. on the 13th inst., Jas. Oke, aged 51 years and 1 month. Fall Fairs. Western -London; Sept 18 to 27.. Mitchell, Sept. 23 and 24. Exeter, Sept. 29 and 30. Seaforth, Sept. 30 and Oct. 1. Clinton, Oct. 1, 2 and 3. Bayfield, Oct. 8 arid 9. Granton, Oct. 1 and 2. Ilderton, Sept. 30. Stratford, Oct. 2 and 3. - Brussels, Oct. 2 and 3. • Wj ,T D MEN, local or traveling, p N I 1, to sell' my guaranteed 111!!! Illi 1 11 `N mismir STOGi{., Salary or Commission, paid weekly. Outfit free. Special attention given to beginners. Workers never fail to make good weekly wages: 'Write me at once for particulars. E. O. GRAHAM, NURSERYMAN, (This house is reliable.) TORONTO, ONT. 171 -lot. 14, BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure. , A cream of tartar baking powder Highest of all in leavening strength.— U. S. Government Report, August 17th, 1889. I x r oil r tall etc R s s MARKET REPORTS. WHEAT, 90 TO 9Gcts. per bush, llin Our �e g Vri ccs.' Flour, Strong bakar's, ,' best family, " low grade, Bran, Middlings, Screenings, Chop, 1.00 Bran per ton 1200 Middlings, " ''16.00 16.00, Cho, Siohe nunnih hy.. eucr day}..'. N y � y TEflM S CARIL The Neter 511lif.ltig CO. $2,75 per 100, 2.60 4 1.50, 90 u' a 90 a 44 to 1.25 " '" will please a child, but you' would not thin of giving a man aenn p Y The idea then of offering men or �, women to draw in thea custom, yet that isuwhat is off justerred when a reputed dollar article is marked 99c. a A PENNY t.AIT is a small thing to go fishing for custom withT--too small for a large firm, and quite too small for us. OU1 MC.Y1.`Z.� "One dollar's worth for = l n,:, and we live up to it; and we are not going. to lower O STAN D a cent's worth. We are no do do's, but we do do all we say every time. Give us a chance to prove it. CA ' LI i, ; C BROS. This week I present to the people a cut of the noted. "O ISI COOK STONE, the best wood cook stove in the market. 00000000000000000000000000 Calla and see it before buying els � � hers. 0c' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00,.0.0 0 0 0 WILL h'O'LLAND:,, STAND, one door north of Dr. Lutz's Drug Store, Mau Street, Sign of br,; ig Elephant. Exeter. GREAT CLEARL-.G SALE Wholesale and Retail Builders' Hardware. Nails, Glass (Stained and Engraved), Locks, Hin. and Butts (full line) Carriage Hardware, Bar Iron, Bent Stuff, Hubbs, Spokes, "Cutter Buners- Shafts> Mo ueite Wunslin, rill 8cc. Mill Supplies Iron PiFitt Pipe, Fitting' s, Valves, Asbestos,Packing Rubberand Leather Beltings,"'&c, Sporting Material Breech -Loafing and Shot Guns Powder, h &c. `' 3 , Shot, Stoves and Tin ware Cookin,, Heating, Parlor and, Coal Stoves. All kinds Tinware cheap. Eavetroughing a speciality. Send in yettr orders for CHESNUUT or STOVE and the genu- ine BL©SSBURG COALS before it advances ANNEALED,' WARM VL.AN � a I,: E ASN BARN WIRE CHEAP, H. ON�1�ll � t410.WA R D y P'ro ri r. � eto nManager.