HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1890-9-18, Page 4THE
WTIvI_ S,41,NEERS, Editor.
TlBURSDAY, SEPT,1$thi 1890,
After three moritlis' reflection and.
cogitation, added to a good dal of
giro IaJ-.lin; and manipulation. lvir
Mew at hes decided to reconstruct hie
cabinet so as to repair the breaches:
aims de in it. last June by the defeat of
Messrs. Gibson and Drury, and the
Shelving of Mr. A. M. Ross in a fat
h,:tt, Toronto C'nurt House. The new
lin seams aro Mr. John Dryden,M. P. P
for Jath Ontario, Minister of Agricul-
ture, hi Is! we of Mr. Drury; Mr. Rich-
ard Harcourt, I\ P. P. for Monads,
Teeasurer, in place, of Mr. Ross,and Mr.
E. IL Bronson, M. P. 1". for Ottawa,
'''ember of the Administration, without
portfolio. The Ministry as reconstruct-
ed will stand:
Premier and Attorney -General, Hon.
Commissioner of Crown Lands, Hon.
A. S. Hardy.
Commissioner of Public Works, Hon.
C. F. Fraser.
Minister of Education, Hon. G. W,
Provincial Secretary, Hon. J.°,M. Gib -
Provincial Treasurer, Hon. R.. Har
Minister of Agriculture and Regist-
uar, Hon. J. Dryden.
Without portfolio. Hon. E.
With the 1prrsonael of the new Min-
in,try there is no particular reason for
fault -tie zis g. As Mr. Mowat has to
ee a extent thus recognized the im-
Lest t ee of )11,Ukra,Lt may not be too
eh, l elsaI,5, to hope that the Capit-
al will also be remembered when the
next redistribution of seats takes place
#.d lee vnneli ' fed the representation to
ei MAI li it is tentliled, .111 retaining Mr,
d?rea. Hamilton, in his
Ministry, Mr. Mowat has followed the
:lase -lent sat by himself in the ease of
:lyse late Ifo:.. _',ci.i:n Creeks, who was a
see -rather of the Cr t:inet for a year with-
- at a met:mstaLar of rie. House. It
is to be herd i thet Mr. t` ihson will not
be c,..pt . •1}; in th., cold so long; but
;L . •ine i ic. i ...: a rix may soon be
found to accept t113 Government office
and make way for Mr. Gibson. Mr.
Ballantyne, M. P. P. for South Perth,
who :Yee a eandida.te for the Treasurer-
shi is t:-:; be S praker of the new House.
What is to be done with •Mr. Awrey,
who was, also, an aspirant for that
s .ae, :.nes not appear; but, doubtless,
will be provided for later on.
H. Bron -
A, terga oxi>.euut of course grain is
luso purchased, and in grindiug up.
Such diva.ntities of Wheat the firm
able to supply ti false 1001 trade With°
bran acid other mill offal, which is an,
advantage to theni as well as to the
farming Community. p hardly seems
necessary tro refel in detail to the inner
life of the mill, From the time of enter-
ing the scene of activity impresses
itself upon the mind. Active, cheerful
and intelligent operatives such as jr..
William Brown, who has had charge
of this mill for a number of years as
head miller, is well known to the many
frequenters of the mill as a man of
honor, one who fully understands his
business in every respect; Mr. I'lewes,.
of London, who is now engaged iu the
fitting of the different machinery, and
is making many improvements which
aro in comparison with the balance of
the machinery; also, we must not for-
get Mr. Samuel Wostaway, who has.
charge of the engine, as usual, and as
an engine 'driver there could be no
better, and deserves great credit for
the Manner in which he has the dif-
ferent parts of his engine polished and
in proper running order. These gentle-
men together with others attend the
various stages of the mills' operations,
and on every hand an air of earngst
endeavor on the part of all hands td
forward the interests of the establish-
ment and to oblige the public, reigns
supreme, The grain is receivedupon
a scale of the most approved 1i.ttern
and after being classified it sinks out.
of sight only, howeve, to he hurried
off by the endless. carriers to its own'
particular corner in the spacious ele-
vators. '° Meanwhile the grain runs on
from the elevator into the mill proper,
and passes through' several cleaning
machines, next into the smut machine,.
thence into the rolls, getting a lively
move on from first to last through
breakers and numberless purifiers, and
finally, bearing no marks which may
have started with it on its mad career,
it pours forth in a stream of clear,
white and beautiful flour of irreproach-
able quality and finds a lodgment in
barrels which are then shipped off to
near or distant markets.
An important branch of the business
is the extensive gristing operations
carried. on there. In this department
the firm endeavors, and •to this branch
they desire to call the attention of the
farming community in this section, the
residents of which can rely upon prompt
courteous and liberal.dealings in this
This reference to the Exeter Roller
Mills suffices to give a general view of
its operatiuia alai. to call the attention
of the ADV OUATE readers to the fact of
its existence, and of the intention of
its proprietors.
Exeter's Roller ells.
Time season is now -upon us which
arouses renewed interest in that par-
t;cixl .r class of manufacturing which
• e
i,( d , ho' i•.. to time heart of
agcir ltu.is.s, theal handling of the
e t h..t has so l-te :m :;tly rewarded
elle farmer this season for his labor, be
e e it is shipped away lathe form of
flour to points at yarying distances, or
Ends i,laee of repose in the flour bins
nearer home. A visit to the Exeter
Roller r Mills here suggests itself, there-
fore net aralls to the ADVOCATE at this
1 _ course of its efforts to
,.ill; the i:r industries of this
ac -an and vicinity promptly before its
• .ers. mm,'v anturally be suppos-
ed the insiitutio-a in question presents
• :,uimat d' s ene, more lively even
than usual by reason, of the harvest
mainly gathered in, and the consequ,,
ent continued arrival of happy farmers
who the heavy work of the harveet
being over, sit enthroned upon their
heavy loads of grain and after pouring
their precious burden within the re-
sreptacle provided, joy serenely home-
ward, their pockets bulged out with
bank bill galore.
The Exeter Roller mills, formerly
known as Piek.ard's Mill, was establish-,
d here in 1872 by Mr. James Pickard,
vrho ran the name for about seventeen
years and conducted a large business
both in export and 7•risting, under the
stone process. After Mr. Pickard's in-
solvency, about a year ago, it fell into
the hands of the present owners, Messrs.
,1. G. Emery- and IV. B. Browne, who
have recently put in some of the most
modern and improved machinery in-
troduced into the mill at a considerable
expense, so that the tiara is able to com-
pete with the best mills in the province.
This brand of flour, the output of this
mill is now making a mark for itself
the, Oorninion, and the establishment
las a great benefit to' the town and sur
rounding country. The mill consumes
ever five -hundred cords of soft wend
each year, thus enlarging the Market
for a class of wood that is not suitable
for domestic purposes. When running
tttdr the full capidity they will require
ubont six -hundred bushels daily, or a
mal for the year of about 180,000
Factory, Stores 1?we111n�
'Village of
Cabinet Rouse
In. the EXETER
Under and by virtue of a mwor of sale
contained., in a eortaid registered mortgage
made by'J'ohu Brawn anti lvifete tine Yondor,
which will be produced at the Lillie of stile,
default having been made in the- payniout
thereof, there will be sold by public aUoilc i,
Around About IJs,
AcciDEaT.—On Friday night last as
Mr. James Wanless. Varna, was driv-
ing along the.road, his horse shied at
some object and overturned the buggy
throwing him out with great force on
the hard road. He was considerably
shaken up and has been confined to the
house for a few days, but will,we hope,
be none the worse for his mishap.
Florence G., owned by Messrs. Coleman
Brothers, Seafortli, carried everything
before her iUthe races at, St. Thomas
on Thursday and Friday of last week
She competed against the same horses
as at Clinton,: Seafortli' and Mitchell,
and at each of these places she only
succeeded in taking second money in
the open race, the Brantford' horse, J.
Duncan, taking first.
BARNS BupNVD.—The barns of Mr.
Moses Hannah, on the 8th concession of
McKillop, about a mile east of Win-
throp, together with their contents,
were destroyed by fire on Friday even-
ing last. The fire was noticed about
nine o'clock in the evening, but the
flames spread so rapidly that very lit-
tle could be saved.. The insurance on
the buildings and contents was $1,400.
Loss estimated at about $4,000.
ibirs Robt. Coleman, of the ,5th con-
cession, Tuckersmith, has a natural
curiosity in the shape of a chicken with
four perfectly formed. legs and feet. It
is now about a week old and is as
sprightly as any of the brood, and
seems to manage its four apendages as
naturally as if it 'a as nothing unusual
for a chicken to have fon]: legs. It is
perfectly shaped in every other way,
only its body is slightly longer than an
ordinary chick and the two front legs
come out in front near the breast and
the other two at the usual place, and it
walks on all fours. If Mrs. Coleman is
so fortunate as to nurse it to henship,
Barnum or •seine other curiosity hunter
will give her a fortune for it.
estern F air1
The Best of Canadian Fairs,
Sept. 10t t0 27t, 1090
Saturday, the 27th day of September'90,
AT 8 O'CLOCK, P, M. .e„ ,
By Dix. Joii.N GILL, Auctioneer, sub-
ject to such conditions as shall then be
produced, the following' Valuable Vil-
lage Property, viz
All and singular those oertain parcels or
tracts of land and promises, situate, lying
and being in the 'Village of Exeter, in the
County of Huron, and Province of Ontario
containing by admeasurement ono .fifth of
en acre each be the same more or lens, being
composed. of lots uumbered5l, s2 and 53 on
the west side of Andrew street and the nerh
half of lot number 5 ou the east side of t:a'n
street, forming part of lot number seventeen
in the first concession of the a ownship of
Usborne sub -divided into village lots under
the name of emeoonnell's Survey " There
is a x'wu sroity salon STORE on Slain street
with n i:r,niNG attached, a'so a la t,e frau,o
rURNITulu, and 1'8Asii and DOOR a crORr
upon the premises which are centrally leeat-
ed, and in the factory there are a Boli ER and
ran no , rn msgln, 13oRiNG MACHINE rmmnsiNG
and other machinery and fixtures usually
renuireil,for.carrying on:an extensive busi-
ness all in good working' order,
This is one of the best business chances in
•"Western Ontario.
10 per cent. cash, balance in 80 days,
or as may be agreed.
For further particulars apply ;to'
Vendor's Solicitors,
Dated Sept. 12th,' 90. Exeter
Large increase in prizes,
Manufacturing goods in view of public. Host
speed programme over offered Grand and
attractive SPECIAL EXHIBIT of the South'
States—Cotton, figs, rice, peanuts and wild
nuts each as they grow in the Southcarpets
'made from the leaves of the pine and other
woods of the South. Products of the turpen-
tine stills of Georgia. Minerals, herbs
FJants, barks, &c &c.. and a live illi ator of
lorida: If'amons Wild West Show, Balloon
Races & Parchnte Descents,Fireworks,Dands
For prize list and information address post
card to
W 0 OS OWNI',.
President. Secretary.
arier Bras.,
lolesale � 8elai(
Grocers,.' a.
air- t,araeter.
Raving leased, the premises
latety occupied by Mr. John:
Brawn, I would inform the
public that I carry an immen-
se stock of
of my own Manufacture,which
I will sell at
Inepect my stock before buy-
ing elsewhere and. 'Kaye from
10 to 20 per cent. I am bound
to sell,and guaratee my goods
to be superior to factory work.
Ail CONTRi1.
SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Post-
master General. will be receivedat Otta-
wa until noon, on Friday, 17th October, 1590,
for the conveyance of Efer Majesty's.,Stails,
on a proposed Contract for four years, 24
times per week each way, between Exeter
and Railway Station, from tire ,ist,J'anuary
next. r.. }...
Printecl9di' tires containing';P'u s'h 7u -
formation as to conditions of•prop6sed'oYin-
tract may be seen and blank forms. of Ten-
der may be obtained at the Post •.Offices of.
Exeter, and at this office.
Post Office Inspector's office,
London, 5th September,1800.5
Post Office InspeCtor.,
The People's Annual Holiday.
FAI4$raaoatoTYPE rowoar001,6.0 1631=11SIMMERINIMMIN
E, z, ndertaki ng
in all its branches at lowest possible
prices. Special attention will be given
to this branch of the business. Give
mo a share of the patronage.
Remember the stand, two doors north
of the Town Hall, Exeter.
A Fresh and New Stock of
grorigs OoitteotiouaIil
1i°ily Grocery.
Abeautiful piece of glass-
ware given away with 1 lb of
Mayell's Baking Powder.
Dashwood Roller Flour
Far Sale.
Call a>>id examine our goods
before purchasing�e/lssewhere.
O. Aa 1171tlffi®MAN.
Clearing Bale
—OF --
Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Boots
�ardme Maehine Oil.
The Famous Iieavybciclied Oil, made only by
McColl' Bros. & Co. Toronto.
Use it once and3 ou will use no other.
MoColl's Famous F�} na
Is the finestin Canada for engine cylinders.
.:1 SETT BROS., Exeter, Ontario.
For the next Thirty Days the sub-
scriber wily offer` the
zl"lance' of his
stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery,
Boots, Shoes, etc., at the most•astonish-
ing'low prices for cash in order to clear
it out. He has leased the premises slid
will give great bargains to clear out
the goods.
All Accounts, must be: settled at once.
Call and sso for yourself.
June 12,-8.m. CREDI'rox.
m®soT , rp ii .Ij