The Exeter Advocate, 1890-8-21, Page 4"........................mr.r.orpogoommutommeauronnwroamommos..eammenurneom.. THE (geit,e1.4; Abuctrate. WM SANDERS, Ecli.tor. il'HURSD,11,Y1 AUG, 21st, 189Q, THE POPULATION' OF FRANCE. Whilo the fecundity of the French Canadian womau. is attracting consid- erable attention in this eountry, the growing, sterility of her French sister is becoming a subject of grave ceinsid- elution in France. M, Lagneau, who has been studying the question of the state of population in France with great care, delivered an address at the last meeting of the Acadenaic des Sci: encee,in which he stated. that the num- ber of marriages is decreasing, while the average age of those marrying is thirty for men and twenty-five for wom- en. Residents in towns marry later than those living; in the country. I' Faris out of 1,000 men over twenty only 570 are married; and the average for the whole of France is 609 out of 1,000. The birth rate is also decreas- ing, fi having fallen last year to one to e.very forty-two inhabitants, and in the large townsthe births are proportion- ately lower than in the country, Out of 100 married. women between the .ages of fifteen and forty-five there are annually only nineteen births, while the number of illegitimate children horn, which reaches 23 per cent. in the large cities, is also decreasing. M. Lagneau attributes this voluntary lim- itation of offspring to the desire of the parents to make ample provision for the children they do have. While the number of marriages and births is ,de- creasing, the rate of mortality has in- creased from nineteen to twenty-two per 1,000 within the last few years, the mortality amongst young children be - frig nearly 17 per cent. The wars of the last thirtyor Jortybears have had a great effect upon the mortality, 95,- 645 men having perished m the Cri- mea, while the war with Germany and the Communist insurrection entailed a 3oss of nearly 400,000. Cholera, yellow fever, typhus and consumption, have also killed many thousands in the co- lonial stations. The excess of births over deaths is now very little more than one in. 1,000, as against 13 7 per 2,000 in England, 12 9 in Russia, and 10 per 1,000 in Germany. This slow rate of increase, compared to that of the other great nations, would, in the course of half a century, place France 'in a very disadvantageous position) and Mr. Lagneau intends to indicate, at the next meeting of the Academic -what he considers may be done to ac celerate th.e,progress, IIIIINIMMEMMINIMMACM112•11100.11.111 CYCLONES. The increasing frequency of cyclonic disturbances in portions of Western and Southwestern States has for some time past been attracting the attention ef scientists,' but so far no satisfactory eonclusion has jbeen':reached as to the cause of these atmosPheric convulsions. One class ofscientists hold that there has notreally been any increase in the fre- quency or violence of the cyclones, the only difference being that as the eountry becomes thickly: settled the storms receivemore notice than for- merly, and the loss of life and property becomes greater. Another alass of scientists hold that the violence of the cyclones has increased, and that such increase is due to the destruction of the forests;but this theory hardly holds good as portions of the:cyclone region bave always been treeless, at least in modern terms. ' Om: own Wiggins 'blames the teegraph, telephone, elec- tric light and other wires for the trouble; but there would seem to be something wrong about this theory al- so; as the cyclone regelon is but sparse- ky supplied with electric wires, while tire big cities which are almost hidden tinder a net work of wires escape the :Eery of the cycloneialtogether. Sri far no satisfactory solution has been reach ed, and the question of "What causes cyclones?" remains what Lorci Dun- dr'eary -would call, "One of those thing's no fellow can understand" THE OLD FLINT GUN: Probably, few of the rising genera- tion have ever seen, outside of a muse. t ftint gun or pistol, such as used by Wolfe's army on the plains of Ab. raham, and with which Wellington won all his great battles. The flint gun Was driven from the armies of abont sixty years ago, and That, in titin, had to make way for the Ireechloader,whic,h was adopted by the Aritish the form of the Snider ' in 1865, The flint gttn was gen. raflysupposed to have become a thing sE the past; but it appears tt has Stir - yived with a persistence worthy of a better cause, and. that no less than 35 men are constantly employed at Bran- don, in Suffolk, manufacturing gun flints, 80,000,000 of which have boon made daring the last ton years and shipped to "the Dark Continent," It seems that when flint gulls were dis carded by the Army they were sold off "at an alarming sacrifice" 'to Savage tribes in the interior of Africa, and it is for them the flints are 111010. There is a, touch of grim irony about arming savages with a weapon which is likely to do more harm te:the person lasing it than to the person against whom it is used, and which cannot for a moment compete against the modern breech- loader or the repeating WA. SUDDENLY PROSTRATED. GENTI4EMEN.—rwas suddenly pros. trated while at worh by a severe at- tack of cholera morbus. 'We sent at once for a doctor, but he seemed un- able to help. An evacuation about every forty minutes was fast wearing me out, whem we sent for a bottle of Wild Strawberry, which saved my life. Mrs, J. N. Van Natter, Mount Brydges, Ont. Why don't you try Carter's Little Liver Pills? They are a positive cure for sick headache, and all the ills pro- duced by disordered liyer. Only one pill a dose, ' Hamilton was made lively by Toronto Orangemen and their friends yesterday MISS HELEN R. SINCLAIR. of Ninette, Man., writes that she has used Burdock Blood Bitters for loss of appetite and headache with the great- est benefit and heartily recommends it. Her experience is shared by thousands. B. B. B. is a specific for headache. Derangement of the liver, with con- stipation, injures the complexion, in- duce pimples, sallow skin. Remoye the cause by using Carter's.Little Liv- er Pills. One a dose. Try them. Flour has advanced 35 cts. per sack in Winnipeg during the last month. A DAUGHTER'S INFLUENCE. I had a very severe attack of bloody diarrhosa and was persuaded by my daughter to try Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, which I did with great success, as less than two bottles cured me. It is worth its weight in gold. Mrs. Margaret Wujn, Pembroke, Ont, Mind wandering cured. Books learned in one refining. Testimonials from all parts of the g obe. Prospectus POST PEER, Sent on application to Prof. A. Loieette. 237 Flab Ave. New York. Plso's Remedy for Catarrh is the nest, Easiest to Use and Cheapest. 6,110) 14W 7-.1. Sold by druggistsor sent by ma11,060. E. T. Hazeltine, Warren, Pa., IL S.A. IM3MCIII:=!‘=..."01-TTMIS.N0=1:13 The People's Annual Holiday. CANADA'S um MURIA!. FAIR AGRICULTURAL EXPOSITION TORONTO Sept 8th to 201119 1890 The best and largest Exhibition in the Dominion of Canada. and attended annually by over 2E10,000 VISITORS THE GREATEST ENTERTAINMENT OF THE YEAR s500go FOR PRIZES and educa tional, instructive and enjoyable SPECIAL FEATURES. The Newest and Best Attractions attainable. Grand International Dog Show, etc. BRIGHTER :t GREATER THAN EVER. The beet time tO Seethe Metropolis of Ontario. Cheap Excursions and low rates on all 4 Railways, CbC. Entries positively close August 16. For all information drop a post card to J. J. WITHROW, H J, RILL, President. Manager,Toronto. MOFFNIIA'AI'S lillniLESS HEADACHE POWDERS are cur honest medieine for whidh only honest, atraightforward e tate. tnente hie Made, See that you get the genuine Ho& man's. Insiet en haidng them. Theti Curb 'ALL' Headaebes. Thoy ire not a Cathartfc. 4. f .14), IfS0' S'A: 'IV 0 THE BEST COUGH NIEDINNE. gamB DAttemsn Evzzrtnitt 'SU WORM POWDERS Are pleanzat to tahe. Contain their own Purgative. Is a safi, sure and effect:ea I destroyer °Avarua in Children or 4dults.1 WANTED. A young married man for .out door position, Salary given while learning the business. Apply to J. H. Wmeox, Manager, Singer Sewing Machine Co,, Aug. 14-5t Stratford, Ont. "'VTOTERS' LIST, 1500, MUNICIPALITY OF V the Tillage of Exeter, County ofauron.- Notice is hereby given that I have trans- mitted or delivered -be the parsons rn eution.ed in the nrcl and. ath sections of the Voters' List Act, the copies reqnired by said, section to be so transmitted or delivered, of the List, made pursuant to said liet of ;ill persons appearing by the last revised assessment roll of the said Municipality t� be entitled to votein the said Munidipality at elections for members 'of the Legislative Assembly, and at the Municipal elections, and that said list was first posted lip at my officio, Exeter, on the 28th clay of3uly, 1890, and. remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said list, an1 if any omissions or other errors are found therein to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected acoording to law. MICHAEL EACRETT, Clerk of the said Munieipality. Dated. this 20th day of Slily, 1800. Clearing Sale Dry Goods, Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Boots AND SHOES. . For the next Thirty Days the- sub- scriber will offer the balance of his stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Boots, Shoes, etc., at the most astonish- ing low prices for cash in order to clear it out. Ho has leased the premises and will give great bargains to clear out the goods. All Accounts must be settled at once. Call and see for yourself. JOHN MITCHELL, June 12,-3 m. CREDITON. J. G. DIALLACEBE, Merchant Talo; NM'S Eattf9 Has now in stock A FIRST-CLASS LINE OF S1,1121/21,er %co as9 Gents' urnishingsg to Sole agent for Exeter for IyORINE COLLARS AND CUFFS. The best collar and cuff in the market, A CALL SOLICITED. 3'. G. Smallacombe. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the .estate of. John Mattiee, of the village of Exeter, in the County of Huron, black- smith and wagon maker, an In- solvent. --o— The above namecl insolvent has made an Assignment for the general benefit of his creditors, pursuant to R. S. O., 1887, Chap. 124, to John P. Ross, of said. village of Exeter. Creditors are hereby notified to file their claims against the said insolvent with the Assignee or his Solicitor, on or before the 20th day of August, 1891 A meet i ng of the Creditors is hereby couven —ed for illlgtst 4111,1090 To be held at my office, in Exeter, at 2 O'CIOCk p. M, LEWIS H. Drea...soat, Solicitor for Assignee. Exeter, July 29th, 1890. eassomesowarmometeasmocremeNews. For Sale. A. desirable residence in Exeter NOrtb, new frame house, one -fifths 'Acre of land. The house was erected in, 1888. Geed terms to purchaser. Apply at this office. 145-t r. esterii 1.111 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. The Largest Wholesale Stock in the County. Hennessy randy in wood and cases, also J. R. brandy and cztla.ex. loxsaa.d.s. Corby, Walker and Jubilee Whiskey always in Stock. FRENCH AND iGMESTIC WINES OF ALL KINDS; filo nig Colointoci GEM SEa ROWE. Bass Ales, Guinesses Stout and American Ales and Porters. G CE RIES N Fil4W AND FR 1SI-10 Largo Gopillipit of MIS SORsoifs Teas jut lit. Flour, Feed and Provisio s always on hand. miwe_ The Dost of Canadian Fairs, LONDON,ONTARIO. , _ Sellt. 18111 to2114 1040 9 1 • Large increase in prizes. MACHINERY IN MOTION IN MAIN BUILDING, lvfa,nufactuiring goods in vie* of public, /lest, speed program m e ever offered, Grand, and attractive SPECIAL EXFITBIT of the South- States—aotton, figs, riee,,peanutis and. wild nuts each as they grow in the Soilth,carpets made from the loaves of.1,ho pi no and other woods of the Sonth. Pr9dttot,; of the burpou- tine stale of Georgia, Minerals, herbs, Pl an t8f harltS, 85o, gra., tvod a live alligator of Florida Vam 61L. Wild Wesi, till o ty. Bal lo on, Itaebs fisl,ttrebut 6 noseentsiVireworks,Banas eta . --, Ivor prize list find information add ress post card to ' CAPP, LW. POUF HOS A BROWNE, PreSidon t.' ' coretary, CARTEKS !TTLIVER PILLS. Sick Headache andrelieve all the troubles incl. dent to a bilious state of the system, such as Dizziness, Nausea. Drowsiness, Distress after eating, Pain in the Side, &c. While their most remarkable success has been shown in curing Iteadaebe, yet CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS are equally velmible in Constipation, curing and preventing this annoying complaint, ivhilo they also correct all disorders of the stomach, stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels. Even if they only cured Ache they would be almost pr celess to those who suffer from this distressing complaint; 'but fortunately tbeir goodness does not end here; and those who once try them will And these little pillsvaluable in so many ways that they will not bb willing to do without :t.hem. Put after all sick head is the bane of so many lives that here is where we make our great boast. Our pills cure it while others do not. CARTER'S LITTLE LITER PILLS are very small and very easy to take. One or two pills make a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action please all wbo use than. In vials at 25 cents; five for $1. Sold everywhere, or sent by mail. CARTER LIEDICINE CO., Now York. Small la all llosOi Sita11 HUI THE LIGHT.RUNKING SEMIN ACHIM l'HE ONLY SEWING ?ACHIM!: THAT G IV Es nori NEW HOMEUNG IPCRINE 0".0MV-E,Wa! cHicA.. -28 UNION SQUARE,NY. Ogi.LAS:1 ILL ATLANTA GA. TEx. LoUrS MO. ,r‘ssfm .ANFRAI,IcIneo.CAti • CITY HOTEL LONDON, ONTARIO. $1 per day. J. & J. MeMARTIN, Proprietors. HOFFMAN'S HARMLESS HEADACHE POWDERS aura ALL HEADACHE. !May are not drivel.. Used to mere every- 4hing,but simply heat& aches. Try them,' st tvill cost but 9.1 ocnto for a box anti they arc harmless. They are not a Cathartic. LOTS FOR SALE. ,r • lia Lin 1890. SUMER ARRANGETIENT 1890. LIVERPOOL AND QUEBEC SE V I C nom LIVERPOOL rir/.34-11171:1134 STEAMER Fnot MONTREAL. FROM QUEBEC. 17 April . SARDINIAN.... 7 May. .... .... 8 May . . 24 " • POLYNESIAN 14 " 15 " 1 May PARISIAN 21 " .... . . .... 22 " 15 " .... . : .... CIRCASSIAN 4 June ........ 5 June 22 " . SARDINIAN 11 " 12 " .... 29 " POLYNESIAN 18 " 19 " .... .. : ... 5 June . PARISIAN 25 " 26 " • 19 " . CIRCASSIAN 9 July. . 10 July . 26 " .... 3 July .... ...... .. SARDINIAN.'• POLYNESIAN... 16 " 28 " ..... .... 17 " .... ...... 24 " . 10 " • . , PARISIAN 30 " 31 " 24 " CIRCASSIAN 18 August 14 August. 31 " SARDINIAN 20 " 21 " .. .. 7 August POLYNESIAN .. 27 " 28 " 14 " .... . PARISIAN 3 September.... 4 September Lots number I68 and 109 on the East side of A ncl row street, in the village of Exeter, one, dwelling home with eight rooms, good eel - lar and wooit shocl; also good stable. hitra d soft water. Pin is 9.1, uoro of land With different kinds of fruit trees on it. For fur- ther particulars apply to the ADVOCATE OFFICE, Exeter. RATES OF OF PASSAGE. Montreal or Quebec to Liverpool. Cabin, $00.00, $70.00 and $80.00, according to accommodation. Servants in Cabin, 550. Intermediate, $25.00. Steerage, $20.00 Return Tickets, Cabin, $110.00, $130.00, 5150.00. Inter- mediate, $55.00. Steerage, f10•00. ' Passengers wishing to embark at Montreal will leave Toronto by Tuesday morning's Express and go 011 board. any time after eight o'clock the same evening. For further information apply to JOHN SPACKMAN. The only authorized agent for Exeter, Ont. Aseemmiwroma Lar cominamosammumummais The Famous Heavy -bodied Oil, made only by McColl Bros. & Co., Toronto. Use it once and you will use no other. McOoll's Fara:sus CYLINDER 1 IL Is the finest in Canada for engine cylinders. —FOR SALE. BY— MSS= BROS, )tfeter, Mario. A 1 EffingutunaLL It will be to your on us before bu.yii hardware and shel Barbed, 13uckthor and Galva always First-class tinwart years shop-worn go, ARTISTS' PAIN iSalozr Caxmlage, AGENTS FOR TEE IttA