HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1890-8-14, Page 4THE Oidcr g UU). JXtt1'. SVIfL. S ANDEp.s, Edier. EHJ SDA, AUG, 14th, 1890. ,tekeeknu cruse. Prof. Trevor's snag in„ class will as• sernble in the Town Hall Exeter,Thurs gay of entn;• 21st it 4t., at 8 o'clock Ofearp, Ladies and gee tlemen interest- ed in the Musical Art are cordially in xfited to attend the opening exercises. Tk7$TDIoNt'AL Molus7, Forest, March 20th, 1890. To the Public.: Professor Alfred Trevor Kees been giving instructions in sight eefelluse, etc, to a lar.;e, class in this town, and has fulfilled his engagement to the entire satisfaction of his pupils. The Professor is completely master of his profession as shown by the remark- aible progress of his class, and the gen- eral appreciation of his system by the musical people of the town. Wm. CoLOLnurn, i\tayor &'.xeter C°u cle Proeeetfing$, Council met on 9th inst; all present except Mr. Oke. Minutes of the form- er meeting: read and confirmed. On 'notion of W. G, Bissett; seconded by Spackman, orders were ,;•ranted for the following suras, viz;—J. Creech, $4, charity to H. McIntosh; do, $2, to Mrs. Piper; do. 513 to Mrs. Me Intosh; do. $2.50 to Mrs. Orns; Albert Bissett $25, street -watering; Conrad Kuhn $70.65, tile; John Keyes $15.75, labor; R. Williams $40.19, do; R. Stanlake $7.25, do; John Parsons $6.56, do; Thos. Webster $10.. 94, do; Bert Webster $3.13, do; Irvine Armstrong $50.75, do; Walter West' Sett $1L56, do; John Thompson $92.25, do; Geo. Hodgins $12.19, do; John More head $11.50, do; Geo. Orr $925, do; J. Gould $32.25, do; J. N. Howard $5.50, Bio; T. Horn 86.88, do; Geo. Ford $8.19, do; Wes. J. Bissett $14.63, do, Albert Brett $7.50, do; Chas. Dorward $30, etas Geo. Oudmore $10.31, do; Eli Heifer 54.33, do; S. Handford $30.75, do; J. Kydd 812.1:1, do; John Gillespie $2775, do; H. Parsons $7.19, do; John ]]P pplestone $4, do; N. Daw $1.88, do; T. Brimacombe $2,50,.do; A. McIntyre 41.88, do, and Geo. Ford $30, for gravel. —Carried. The Reeve was granted eerrnission to remove the popular trees sppos•ite his premises; Mrs. Littlejohns was granted a similiar privilege Mr. Creech was instructed to put the street Ramps in proper repair. Moved by H. Spackman, seconded by W. G. Bissett, that this council adjourn for two taroks.—Carried. M. EAf.'RETT, Clerk. • tialiada'.s GTest Fair. The success that has attended the rent Industrial Pair,which is held an- nuallee at To •onto, has been remark- able, and it is evident that the exhibit- ion for the present year, which is to be held from the Sth to the 20th 'of next month, will again surpass its predecess era The eateries which have already been received from all parts of the Do- minion the United States and Great Britaiteare sufficient to fill all the build. mans on the grounds, and they are re- ported to be of a mueh finer quality than any ()they heretofore exhibited. A. Efirge entry list is generally a good in- dication that it will be followed by a large attendance of visitors,and as very ehsap fares and excursions have be an- rasunced ley all the Railway and Steam float lines from all parts of Canada and the adjoining States,tbis indication will doubtless be fully verified on the pres- ent occassion. The Governor-General and Prince George of Wales will prob- ably. visit the . Exhibition. Several. awre new buildings have been erected ,:his year, and.still there is no space to spare Special cxbibits have entered from Spain, British Columbia,11Ianitoba and other sections of Canada; and large displays will be madeby the Dominion and Experimental Farms. .A. long list a special features have been provided including a Wild West Shon-, grand displays of fireworks, concluding with the magnificient spectacle, the "Last Days of Pompeii," Edison's wonderful talking dolis, a great dog show, and a multitude of other features that cannot fail to entertain the many thousands that will doubtless visit the great Fair Full particulars of all that is to be seen w ill be contained in the Official Pro- grarns which will be issued in a day or. two, Over two hundred and fifty thous- and people visited the Toronto Fair last year, and, as the attendance has been gradually increasing each year it is pt'ebably that this number will be ex- seeded this year•. .A large number of es -inventions and meetings are to be ]held at Toronto during theFair,anong which are those of .. the Stock toCi BI' e e clers , '.Manufacturers, Ontario Creameries Assoeiatinn, Central Farmers' Institute ;inventors, the Canadian Medical Assoc Mon, Dog Farlcicrs, &c., and visitors to the Fair will have all opportunity of attending these meeting's, All entries lose on the 16th i.nst,, and intending exhibitors should govern themselves Brewester This week will see most of the har- vest out in this vicinity, Owing to no paper being issued last wcel,we did not send in our weekly re poli at usual, although we items which should have appeared in last weeks issue, had it been printed, Here is one of thein. Two young men from the vicinity of the loss 'Fishery got a' load of fish to dispose of amongst the farmers, and while proceeding they took a little too much of "Paddy' eye water". After they were in the"soup" for a short time they commenced to try and sell their fish and at last tried to force them on the farmers, whither they wished thein or not, but they met Old Nicl. who was not going to be but - dozed who gave them a good walloping 1f he had both turns wedoii't 1c11011' hots they would have fared, but it, is not safe for then,, to try and sell him any more fish. Grand Bend The harvest iu this vicinity is nearly finished. Miss Dewey, of 11Yunro Mieh„ is'visit- ing her brother at Port Blake.. Miss Bella Plewes, of Parkhill,is visit. my her grandmother, Mrs. Baird, at present. Mr. Jos. Bronner is buisily engaged in paying a sidewalk from his hotel to the lake, It willbe agreet convenience to tourists when finished. Miss Minnie Rau, of London,formerly a resident Here, is again in our midst, and is the guest of her' sister Mrs, Jos. Brenner; after spending a few days` here she will visit her sister in Galt. 11Ir Frank Asfury, St. Marys best bicyclist, made a rut to this point on Saturday, a distance of forty miles, in the short space of four and one half hours. During his stay here he visited several of the camps and lunched at the Exeter Sons of Rest tent. He returned to his 'home on Saturday. He is a jolly good fellow. Mr. Thos. Vine has got .all throueh laying and we believe has bot started et' his harvest, Mr A Hendrick cut on the farm of rtoltt Taylor, ton acreS of heavy' Slrting wheat in the short space, of • 'tight hours. 'We like to hear who can s.t. 'Te were favored with a flying visit :corn Mr. C. Sanders, of the AnVocAlee, and Mr J. ALlreson of the Central Ho, it k Frtrete ' (me day last week, both of the g(b iLnten aro spending a feiv days eksnipina cut, at the' Grand Bend.' FIsuBR.—In TJsborne on 7th inst, the wife of Mr. W. Fisher, of a son. Honmenes .—In Stephen, on 31st ult., the wife of Mr. J. H. Holzman, of a son. HAwKINS.—In Stephen, on 5th inst., the Wife of Mr. Samuel Hawkins of a son. The People's Annual Holiday. CANADA'S GREAT SEI FALL, AL 'AGRICULTURAL URAL EXPOSMON TORONT Sept. 674; 01 61 1 The best and largest Exhibition in the Dominion of Canada. and attended annually byes over 2:E(Deb C� VLS dORt ,l}. 6th m J o w THE GREATEST I- TERTAINMENT OF TEE YEAR $50 oog FoR PRIZES and educational, Inst ,hive and enjoyable SPECIAL Ii:.;ATURES. The Newest and Best Attractions attainable. Grand International Dog Show, etc. BRIGHTER a GREATER THAN EVER. The best time to seethe Metropolis of Ontario. Cheap Excursions and low rates on all Railways, etc. Entries positively olose August 16• For all information drop a post card to J. J. WITHROW, If. J. HILi0, President. Mana„ er,Toronto. Mimi wend,. rine oared Brinks tuarnrli in one: ren:Ung. Test mnnesla from ail pariv or the globe. Preepootnaros'c ra,cI,, a•nt tin application to Pref. A. Loioette, 857 Fitch Ave, New York. I was very bad with diarrhoea, al- most gone, when I tried a bottle of Everest's Extract of Wild Blackberry and one dose cured me.—John Mitchell, JIM P.0. r used one bottle of Everest's Liver. Regulator and ,gained ten pounds in weight -It cured lac,—"Thos. Sutcliffe, Aberarder P. O. HARMLESS ADACHE aro an honest medicine for which only honest, sira:t;htfor!tard otato- m2nts see made. Soo that 'yen pt. the genrino Hoff - tar a. Insist on having hem. They Curo ALL Headaches. They are not a Cathartic. $105 col„ r Cold WMP.1,... Did r,,,tr4...tYro. pato 1et$pu t'n^tabaIn, 1'. road t{mdic0pSr. Wr- ranted. Heavy solid �mc¢a lold Singing CRAM 130t1 nud town' Sof Urinal woi1ca and' r.ns4n of Oqunl valla. onePeen oninascii In. NiR,r,, r radii), Om, return and frCe, r. si �, iopitlicr With our inr,, andvat- unbin 11n0 Of u',,5,se1111sta 131 .-,. r •S ,C.' Elora i'ie1. These sampan, n ,rke' 1481 an the ',.,-o,'wd scall :' anti ntfer you have Icapt t1,Om In y0„ r !mina fOr ,w ,'0411,'' n11 ai,uwn them io tbn.,i, tylion, yhdvacalled,tiatyberolu tournwoprorartyy'9hm,d Vvnn writa writnt encu can Ire tura , repo ,rots tun Ai'"r. 5 and i"w tat^ie4 Via�i ny"all n*.e, i irdai . Addrnvt Stinson ati 56,i.311oxt tete .'6rtlunes asuoshv FREEMAN'S WOr FJ POWDER re tleas zn t to take. Contain their own Purgative. Is a safe, wire and eff• cttatt ded stroycr ofworms in Children or Adults. WAN'.VEJL). A young married man for out door. position, " Salary given while learning the business. Apply to J. H. WILCOX, l ?diger, Singer Sewing Machine Co., Aug. 14-5t Stratford, Ont. VOTERS' :GIST, 1800, MUNICIPALITY OF theViiboge of Exeter, County of Huron. Notice is hereby given that I hyo trans- mitted or delivorodto thepersons mentioned in the 8rd and etlt sections of the Voters' List Act, the co pies required by said section to bo so trausneitted or delivered ot'the L' 1st, znadc lntrn.uunt t0 sail .Act of ±11 persons appearing by the last revised assessment roll of the said, Municipality to be entitled to votointhe said llun'et ality ateloctioesfor members of the Legislative Assembly, anti at the Municipal elections and ,that seta list was test posted nu at my office; 'fetor, on the 28th day of July,1800 tucl, remains there for inspection. Llootors •are called upon to oxamtuo the said list,'andif any omissions or other errors are found therein to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. MICHAEL TT, Clerk of the said. l[nnioiltality. Dated this 2081, clay of5"nly, 1800.. Clearing Sale —0E --- Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery,' loots AND SHOES. Por the next Thirty Days the sub- scriber will offer the balance of •.his stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Boots, Shoes, etc., at the most astonish- ing low prices for cash in order to clear it out. He has leased the premises and will give great bargains to clear -out the goods. All Accounts must be settled at once. Call ma a see for you Self. JOHN MITCHELL, June 12,-3 m. CRPIDIT01. EIT—SIALACOMBE, ;'erchamt Tr1a' IooL Si Has now in stock A FIRST-CLASS LINE OF Summer O'ooas, outs' Purniel2ir :s, etl0a;, Sole agent for Exeter for IVORINE COLLARS AND CUFFS.,:, The best collar and cuff in the market, A CALL SOLICITED. t7n Cf. S all a oon' be. :NOTICE TO C E DIT R& In the matter of the estate Of,",John 1lattiee, of the village of Exeter, in the County Of Iluron,' black- smith and wagon maker; an' Iii- • solvent. 0 The above named insolvent has made an Assignment for the general benefit of his creditors, pursuant to R. S.: 0.. 1887, Chap. 124; to John P. Ross, of said village of Exeter. Creditors are hereby notified to file their claims •against the said utsbl'rent with the Assignee or his Solicitor, on or before the 20th day of August; 1890. A meet ing of the"Creditors is hereby conven- -ect for— X1014+➢, flllll8t4tL 1886 To be held at my office, in Exeter, at 2 o'clock p.m. LEWIS H. DlcxsoN � 5 } Solicitor for Assignee. Exeter, July 29th,..1830. For Sale. A. desirable residence in. Exeter North, new framohouse one -fifths apro of' land, The house was erected in 1888. Good forms to purchaser. Apply at this office. 145-t 0. t-ru The Best of Canadian Fairs, LONDON; ONTARIO. WHOL ro°eTij, AND RETAIL. The Largest Wholesale Stock in the County. Hennes Brandyin wood and Y casesalso J. R. brandy and , Corby,s. Walker and Jubilee 'Whiskey always � lu Stock. FRENCH AND OMEST3C. WINES OF ALL KINDS; 5f2 t cIebrafok Eilug SEA CI1J11FHE1E Bass Ales; Musses Stout and American Ales and Porters. GROCERIES AND FRESH. LCooi94nt of this Boosn's leas jiit 1q. Flour, Feed and Provisions always on hand. SO 27111, 1O. Large menage in prizes. MACHINERY IN MOTION IN MAIN BIUILDING, Manufacturing goods in view ofpublio, Best speed programme ever offered, 0 -rand and attractive SPECIAL EXHIBIT of the Soutlt- St tt es—cotton, f]ge, rice,, peanuts aT1C1 wild nets oath as they grow in the South,carpots smile from the leaves of the pine acid other 'weeds of the South. Products ofthe tureen - ls herbs. M noxa , titlestil s of ,q Georgia. t 1 a Plants, befits, teLc. &di, and a live alligator of 7 o Florida. Irani One Vt11r1West 5bow,.[dIaLln o , Ha be 50 Parahnto,ilc;ronts,X"Iroworis,T3ands etz Per prize list and informa tfenaddress .post r,.rn'dto ' 1 lr t , j I Y L1 1 III�a v I C I PORTE, S, A. . 7str`osielont Secretary, -i7-�r1R 13+c3. CARTER'S I T�TLE IVER PILLS. Sick Headache andrel'eve ail tl e troubles incl. dent to a bilious: state of the system, such as Dieziness, Nausea. Drowsiness, Distress after eating Pain in the Side, &c. While their most remarkable success has been shown in curing Headache, yet CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS are equally valuable in Constipation, curing and preventing this annoying complaint, while they also correct all disorders of the stomach,' stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels. Even if they only cured Ache they would be almost priceless to those who suffer from this distressing complaint: but fortunately their goodness does not end here,. and th s.e who once: try them will find these little pills valuable in so manyways that. they will not be willing to do without them. But after all sick head is the bane of so many lives that here is where we make our great boast. Our pills cure it while others do not. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS are very small and very easy to take. One or two pills make a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action lease all who use thein. In vials at 05 cents; five for $1, Sold everywhere, or sent by mail, 0AZTE2 =MOMS 00., :few York. hall PM. hall Don, Small all Poor THE LIGHT .RUNNING s sctr^s sus e:` SEWING MACHINE THE LAME a' THE ONLY SEWIII0 MGIt T1IAT ClVES NEL IOME'SE.lIING M CHINE G° A 1 E,WiP ciirc� P- -' 28 UNION SQUARE,N:Y.• bArEX s. L. ATLANTA GA. 'L" LdUfs M0. ANFRAMe18ce;QA to F CITY' HOTEL LONDON, ONTARIO. Per day. J. & J. McMAIITIN, Proprietors. HOFFM AN'$ HARMLESS HEADACHE PO dupe 5 ALL HEADACHE. :7'key aro not adver- tised t0 ours every t5 i np,beces9dmiply h ead- aelteO. Try there, it will cost but «ii tents or aLoxand t a aro f l y /in. They aro not a Cathartic. LOTS FOR SALE. lots number 108 and 109 on the East side of Andrew street, in the village of Exeter, one dwellinghouse with eight rooms,ood cel- lar and wood shed; 'oleo good 5,tkl,lc, hard end soft water, There is v'/, acre of land with different kinds of fruit treee pis it. For far- then particulars apply to the ADVOCATE'08'FICE; Exeter. iIIAIm1bR `c :►! 1890. SUMER ARRANGEMENT 1890. LhVERPOOL AND QUEBEC SERVICE lAn FROM LIVERPOOL STEAMER FROM MONTREAL. FRou QUEBEC.' 17 April .... 24 " .. 1 May ... 15 " . • 22 " ... 29 " 5. June ... ... , 19 " . 26 " ......... 3 July .... 10 " .... , 24 " 31 " 7 August 14 " .... , , . , SARDINIAN.... POLYNESIAN .. PARISIAN CIRCASSIAN . SARDINIAN. . POLYNESIAN .. PARISIAN CIRCASSIAN SARDINIAN.. POLYNESIAN PARISIAN CIRCASSIAN SARDINIAN..... POLYNESIAN .. PARISIAN 7 May . 14 " - 21 oI 4 June.... 11 " 18 " • .... 25 " 9 July......... 16 " 23 " 30 " 13 August ...... 20 " 27 " .. , . 3 September 8 May .. 15 ,� . . 22 u 5 June 12 tI ......... 19 " . 26 c1 . 10 July. . 17 " .. 24 " ... 31 II 14 August. 21 " 28 " ... 4 September RATES OF PASSAGE. Montreal or Quebec to Liverpool. Cabin, $00.00, $70.00 and $f30.00, according to accommodation. Servants in Cabin, $50• Intermediate, $25.00. Steerage, $40.00 Return Tickets, Cabin, 1,110.00, $180.00, $150.01, Tr.ter- mediate -55.0 . 5 0. Steerage, .,. k]0.00. Passengers wishing to embark at Montreal will leave Toronto by Tuesday ntoi.xii;g's Express and go on board anytime after eight o'clock the same evening. For further information apply to . -JOHN SPACKMAN,, The, only authorized agent for Exeter, Ont. Lar o m� act0J. x* l=xt&s,tz�stma�d e.a1181,, tcit"5:« >; ns3.. The Famous Heavy -bodied 011, made only by mMcCo1.1 °oro & Coag Toronto. 'Use it once and. you will use no ether. McC©lrs Famous CYLINDER Ohs+.` Is the finest in Canada for engine cylinders. . �.. ' ®a6.l.e —FOR SALE BY— BISSET"' ROS., Exeter, Ontario. ulli7 h ���'a E. � LNAt , . {' i 1• 2 f'.:� #' Ips. � ,T p... `, ti. � �.. E 3'' . aMm'TEMS to , ttl`L.,PIJ +uYMEla' It will be to your interest to call on us be fibre buying your y�. our° building J hardware and shelf hardware. Barbed, Buckthorn, Oiled, Annealed and Galvanized wires, always in stock. First-class tinware, no two'and-a-h&af years sh:r.pnw :irn goods to offer. J N' ARTISTS' FAINTS and BRUSHES, r • . Eavtrovghing a Specialty, i 1SEWING-i �1F'iON1i A :CST FOE JCI�7C 1��l. IVIA. ll.�, ]C ..3BISSETT:.