HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1890-7-31, Page 5InCIFEEEMPEriraff rl AlOVICle TO 3110TII1233S., Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by n sick child sutlering anci crying with pain of cutting toothT, If so, send at once an dget a bottle of ass. 1y SooTuint) Sxliul' won CHILDUEN 'XNl9T,01NG. Itw valuy is inealeul• able. itWill reliovethe poor littleattire stir ;mine. dtatel y. Depend upon it, mothers, thele is no mistake about it, It euros dysentery and War. rhos, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wiadeolic, softens the gum*, reduces inflemme•. Lion, and gives tong and energy to the whole.' systems., bitis. WINSLow's Soo'rlIuNo STROP YOU {+ii3ZL3iEi7'TL cTIIINGi`s pleasant to the taste,and is the presoription of one of the oldest and hest' female nurses and physicians in the United'` States, anti is for sale by all druggists tbrougl . Vitt the world. Pride 95 cents a bottle. A London despatch says Messrs. Dil- lon incl,O'Brien will star of a tour of America; about the middle of Septem- ber. MOTHERS AND NURSES. • Ail Who have e the ease of children shonkt know that Di Fowler's Extract of Wild:Strawberry may be confidently depended on to Cure all' Strother con- plaint's, diarrhoea, dysentery, cramps; colic, cholera ilnfantum,ellplera rOrbuS, canker, etc., in children.or adults, The street car drivers and conduct= ors of Grand Rapids, Mich., aro en strike for shorter hours'and more pay Mustard's Catarrh Specific cured me of Catarrh.—Levi H. Slipper, Forest P. 0. A genuine case of leprosy has been w,3iscoverod in New York. The victim is a Mexican aged 20. HOW TO LIVE. W ELL. 100 doses for 100 cents, Burdock Blood Bitters. Docs your Head ache? Take Bur- dock Blood Bitters. Is your Blood impure? Take Bur- doek.Blood Bitters. Are you Costive? Take Burdock Blood Bitters. Are you Bilious? Take Burdock Blood Bitters. Are you Dyspeptic? Take Burdock Blood Bitters. 1 cent a dose, 1 cent a dose, Burdock Blood Bitters. Prince Bismarck's proposed visit to England has been postponed. He will go to Kissingen in the middle of Au• gust. It.att retrad• te•?P., Jlfd.',Fill V:1•' nUN r,t)w�'v��p�� for infants and Children. "Casterla is so well adapted to children that;rsto aCIIres Colic, Constipation, ion, tie • Sour Stomach Diarrhwa, Eructation. i aolvn to me..d ;t as superior any proscription + • promotes df Worms, lues sleep, and Sills onus P ,b P. known toARCIIER, iii, D., ���ggcation, 111 Ego. Oxford SSt..13rooUlyu, N. Y. w��ithout fnjuxious medication, THE CENTAUR COMPANY, 77 Murray Street, N.1 .' simeMOInlwewwwwwanstalw*. Lucas, ]l?r. James Sitldall, of Carlisle, thresh- .ed 2,800 hushols of wheat, the produce of SO acres. Mr. I. Walker, of Cltndeboyo, char•-' •ed with forgery, it is reported, has bo• come temporarily insane. Mr, M. Cruniean, a farmer four miles from Lucas, says the harvested 54 tons of hay from 'off'a twelve acre field. The high school board of trustees has secured the services of Miss Nellie: Mott, of Norwich, as a teacher of mod ern langua„ es, at et salary of $700. Two then; Jos, Thompson and Angus McCauley, were arrested for fighting on the street on Wednesday. Both 'parties were mulcted in the sum of $11 fines and cost. Messrs. Peter, Edward and Eyerett Butler, brothers, colored gentlemen, got into am altercation on Tuesday, the result of which was Everett was sev- erly bitten on one of his hands. WORTH TRYING. Do not be dsscouraged because other remedies have failed you. Mr. Hugh Ryan says:—For Cold in the Head and Catarrh, Nasal Balm is the best remedy I ever tried and I have tried many. Ald. Ry ckman, of Hamilton, has in- traduced in the city council a proposi- tion to annex to the corporation, a con- siderable slice of the township of Bar ton. • This is to certify that I- have used Everest's Liver Regulator, and find it the best I ever used.—P, B. Rosenberry, L. D. S., Arkona, Ont. The outbreak in Buenos Ayres de pressed the London stock exchange yesterday. Argentine and Urtigayan securities were practically unsaleable. T MRS. ALVA -YOUNG, of Waterford, Ont., writes, "My . baby was very sick with summer complaints,. and nothing would help him till I tried Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw berry, which cured him at onee. It is one of the best remedies I ever used: Thirty-eight thousand. English spar- rows have been slaughtered durine•. the past year in Branch county, M7eh., for which the county treasurer has paid boys and others, $1,144. Will positively cure sick headache and prevent its return. Carter's Little Lives Pills. This is not talk, but truth. One pill a dose: See advertisement. Small pill. Small dose. Small price. The village of Broci, in Switzerland, has been visited by a disastrous fire. Many buildings were destroyed. Four women were killed and many persons. were injured. SLYTEEN UGLY SORES. Inflammatory rheumatism through wrong treatment left me with stiff joints and ugly running soros on my limbs; and for seven years I could not walk. When I, commenced taking Burdock Blood Bitters I hetet sixteen Sores, hilt they are, all healed save one and I cats now walk with crutches: Many CARDWELL,' Upper Gaspereaux, N. S. John H. .Douglass, treasurer of the Knapp Stout Lumber Company*, of St. Louift; has beet arrested on a charge of killing Charles. Dost, one of the coln- pa ny's employes. EVerests Cough Syrlip is ahead of nil other Cough Remedies.—D. Stewart, Forest P. 0. • Lena Jennings a handsome girl, 20 years of age, was drowned on Sunday in the Dcsplalues timet, 'at• Willow Springs, 't picnic glove near Chicago. MR. JESSE JOHNSTON. of Rockwood, Ont., writes "Last fall 1 had boils very' bad and a friend advised. Burdock Bleed Bitters, I got a bottle and the effect was wonderful, half, the bottle totally cured me. A more rapid 1 ttrc docs exist.not •and slice iiia C arrived at ' ate nn fIo2 The Cc rmtin e � T e 1. his re- turn on •en yesterday �tii]helmshn� . y.y , turn from Norway. Re is looking well the trip having greatly improved his health. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castor! When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. Consumption Cared. An old physican, retired from pract- ice, .having had placed in his hands by an East India Missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Con- sumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma tiid all throat and Lung Affections, al - •so a positive and radical cure -for Ner- vous Debility and all Nervous Conn- • plai:i�ts, after haying tested Js d its wonder- ful curative powers in thousands of cas- es,has felt it his duty to make it known. to his sutleriug fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering. I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. A.. Noyes, 820 Powers' Block, Rochester, N. Y.,Feby. 6 Pain from indigestion, dyspepsia,and • too heart•, eating, is relieved :it once by taking one of Carter's Little Liver Pills immediately actor dinner. Don't, forget this. a N. on Snncla . an Hoboken, . 1. , .y; At anarchist picnic was held. The p icnic- ers had a milseular argument with the police and got worsted, VIGILANT CARE. Vigilanco is necessary against a sex pectal attacks of summer complaints. p No lc,fnecly •+ is e11`1.nown or 80 Snc- go u cessful in this class of diseatds as Dr, Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, Deep it in the hottse as a safe guard, If you aro tired taking the e old fashioned g3i ii,gpills, try Carter's s • Liver Pills and take some corn- hittk, stand everything. fort, . A man Can't b One pill a dose. Try them. —90. v A Fresh and New Stock of THE BEY 1113 MAUL aft . 0I0081I6S & 3011$0011Og81g JUST ARRIVED AT THE .Unlocks nil the clogged avenues of the Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, 0411713n off gradually without weakening the sys- tem, all the impuritios and foul humors of the secretions; at the same time Cor - rooting Aeidlty of the Stomach, curing Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Headaches, Dizziness, Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness of the Siting, Dropsy, Dimness of Vision, Jaun- dice, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Scro- fula, Fluttering of the FIeart, Ner- vousness, and General Debility', nil these and many other similar Complaints yield to the happy influence of BURDOCK BLOODD BITTERS. ' Far Sale by all Dealers. T.RILBURII &CO.,I'ropriotorS;Toronto. EVEREST'S UDUSU SYRUP CANNOT BE EXCELLED. Try it and be convinced of its wonderful eureka properties. Price 25 cents. I. O. Bissett's Liner First Class Horses and rigs.. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL MEN. Orders loft at Bissett Bros,' Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS - REASONABLE. A TRIAL SOLICITED. W. G: BISSETT.. Family Cr eery. Also Pure ]EXTRACTS and SPICES. A beautiful piece ofglass- ware given awy with ib of Mayell's • Baking Powder. Dashvrood. Moller Flour For Salo. Call and examine our goods before purchasing elsewhere. U. A. 11 R D IVI igN. c• J. G. SMALL CUMBE, Merchant Tailor, Tr' Nock, Exeter, Has now in stock A FIRST-CLASS TINE OF Summer Goods, Gents' Furnishings, std.. ('TRADE MARX.) $5, .s 0 HAVING BOUGHT THE ENTIRE —STOCK SOF--- tt spEs From the James Pickard Estate, At a nameless figure, I will knock the bottom clean out of Try Everest's Liver Regulator Ter Diecarel a+ the Liver kidneys, kc., and Purify. his of For Sale by TALiceL bottlesI. for $5. DRUGGISTS. Wsnufactured only 1>y O.O. M. EVEREST, Cegmla'r, new, On —REMEMBER THE-- Creat ..ale IS NOW ON, FULL STOOK IN ALL LINES. LOOK FOR THE SIGN, SPACKMAN'S B9�T 3. CLO-THYNG EXETER ONTARIO Has now in stock FANSON'S BLOCK, EXETER. E. J. SPACKMAN. Remember the old stand E. H. FISE9 DTiflg, & SllrLtlTter, IN THE FOLLOWING LINES : West of England Suitings and Trous erings, Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser ings. French and English Worsted Cloths All assets un in the Latest Style, at best Rates. A. J. SNELL. THE BEAUTIFUL AND CLEAR CUT in --' s from which this papei is printed was supplied by the 711110110 TYPL keiv"tu&9A Dealers in Type, resses, and Printers' Supplies. S. GI'.ILEY. THE LEADING Undertaker AND Furniture Dealer OF THE TOWN J. T. JOHNSTON, 80 . 82 Wellington St. west TORONTO, ONT. Sole agent for Exeter for IVORINl a coLLArVs;AND CUFFS. The best coliar and cuff tit the morhet• A CALL SOLICITED. J' G�S malle,combe. tk' — DESTROYS ANI) rtE:MOVES WORMS Or VINDS IN OHn.15REhfOR A1F .:rs •.- c AI)tiL:i'�. afNF.1..y A-• '='+CFtlJFs AND CANNOT• HAt •� THE: MOST LI Ell icA E.' CHILD • A certain and speedy cure for Cold in the Head and Catarrh in all its stages. SOOTHING, CLEANSING, HEALING. Instant Relief, Permanent, Coro, Failure Impossible. Many so-called diseases are simply symptoms of Catarrh, such as headache, partial deafness, losing sense of smell, foul breath,hawking and spitting, nausea, general feeling of ebility, eta If you are troubled with any of these or kindred symptoms, you have Catarrh, and should lose no time in procuring a bottle of NASAL BALM. De /carnal in time neglected cold in head results in Catarrh, followed by consumption and death. NASAL BALM is sold by all druggists, or will be sent, post paid, on receipt of price (so cents and Sipe) by addressing FULFCRIJ & CO., BscoxvaLLE, CHT. %3 Beware of irritations similar in name. "THE D.ES7' ARMOR AGAINST DISEASE IS GOOD DIGESTION." It is a hard, uncontrovertible fact that more disease is a1[cdr1V attributable to disorders of the Stomach than toall tiwother organs combined this Chard foi'cstn the unprofessional to understand when we , mite icffo ath'ttitismarlc t • into consideration [he take the receptacle of for a time, there to be churned, di- gested and so assimilated. MALTOP&PS 'I (Art' artificial gastric juice -formula on every label) will aid the weals stomach and so cure Indigestion, Dyspep- paia etc. 1n fact, it is a good aid to digest a hearty dinner, and can do no harm, as itis only adding an extra amount of gastric ;nice, does not stimulate,and so there it' no reaction. Endorsed by physicians, end a cts. in pottage for valuable book to FIAZEN MORSE INTERNATIONAL BRIDGE. ON'rAR 0. memsnwwwwwwwwww.wwwwww.. e>n,.„, 1 ,1• •1124, +'ii5r9 arassal L. A SURE CURE Fon Os LI cUaN 555, C011STI IPATIOfi, INDIGEs-rier1, DIZZINESS, SiCK HEAbACHS. AND DISCASES Or Tilt STOMACH, LIVER AND DOWELS. TH EV 555 M;i.D,THOHOuGH,AND ptioMpr IN ACTION, AND 'FOAM A VALUISMLC MIS O cotiDOOa Stoop Entrant In THE 7 'I' ew/1.1E1w AND cunt or CHRONIC AND 005TINATE DISEASES. TRADE MARE. ORSZ'3 OLYCEROLE OF U CELERY COMPOUND: Wants mid adults Wit suffering for from all nervml6 troubles. Guaranteed to cattalo no opium or any drugs eceeet those printed on fOrWUla on Overt' bottle. Endorsed by phy.lAlaas. Pates, fro 0aara. Por Sate by drltagtste, Send two centetamp for descriptive oircularto Hazen Morse, Buffalo, N. Y: gab°-s'-,'),M"s',i1l;;CI:C:.S Have you tried t1,c QeIcsbratefl 'no- SPI 4 hi t[Fk7?i ri , SHOE DRESSING? 4iti Near the POST OFFICE If youwant an easy shave and neat hair -cut just call at E, H. FISH'S SHAVING SALOON, Where he does all his work in a neat style. t i n hair -cutting Ladles, .and Children's the latest style. AGENT FOR THE PARISIAN STEAM IANDURK I have an immense Stock of Furniture and Undertaking Goods now on hand, which I will sell at right prices. If not don't fail to do so at once. It is not a polish but ^ wonderful leather preservative it will make the fittest or coarsest shoes as soft and pliable as kid and very easy to the foot. I� It will make them absolutely water 71, proof, and if occasionally dressed with this dressing will last more than twice as long ns otherwise. Wo Sa We Mean WhatY•..h� Itis the very life ofleather. Itcan I� be applied at any time. No trouble—; Shoe can be polished-isnuied ately afterwards. P1tIOE, - 1.04c 11,5^ +Oetitoper Box. Sohl by all first-class stores. Sam- ples mailed—Stamps taken. 'OLIVER' C4ldn. f i,. Jr, SOLE MANUFACTURER, j! BUFFALO, N. `r rwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwmoww llNDKRTAKIlic A SPECIALTY. An examination of our Stock Solicited. sot r i .,• L Y. IN ORDER TO MAKE SPACE —FOR, -- OOD We will clear out the balance of our Winter Stock �T COST —FOR:— Cash N Including a splendid assortment of OVERCOATS & SUITS FOR MEN AND BOYS. LADIES END GENT FURS. LADIES FUR CAPS, MUFFS AND HATS. LADIES NETT, VEST AND WOOL SHAWLS. A NICE STOCK OF FUR TRIMMIN'S GENTS HEAVY WOOL LINED KID M1TS & GLOVES at 75e worth $1. We cant be undersold in Teas and Sugars for SPOT CASA.. JOHN MATHESON, ExlterNorth . EEv ART s' and wowari3>7 can Pa twiggy quickly cure them- -- solves of ViTextirt Vitality, Lost TolaUlloody froth youthful on all V ivvatte diseases oto:, quietly at horao. Book ca cont froo (sealed). Perfectly reliable, Over aexperience. Address— ' ra:17.MD rIX.L, co. POtt3Y,O, Caiiadta. our' "Belie for Womenl la rale and nt,raye LADIES rolleblo hotter than. T.'tgot, Cal.lu, Tansy or foss •royal p111,. Tuaurps rogluarity. Hand for pnrtl0alare, ddlrera WELDED FilarCO.,TOno.o:veo,,Canadat. RCE D n8 amnntheat'facna, tisk On halth t FO nbNUnsthendn,ln6utueUxG.y�i, r1„g.m Lntsatond d dorm Cteieltle l ttoet seen.. pprenteet. y of the at of LI Dingie11 s,,ro a of t Metsnteneott9In notion11'BSovatutu* Dingiest, euro, airs waiaherel. final 01.ds"'fiair1,211 Curious Ap 04111C0I fur to gttagnst111 Onsfactio , bonrnn toed,iPrice St 2. finale Ilte anti L, give absolute or ehroebntlldu for 59. Each bottle lnrta uric month. AddressA. DIXON, Boz 805, TOittrN'i'O, CANADA. MIRE Cth 1N�.�i S�I �p I !m I1 yypp 5�tL1 ,Yo arntlon he c•Ifa Jg litIFLuO1.iI Rath . jtt,,r„,„ontI' ianioV,; tuparttutu1 glair without injury to, 4114 01001.:``S'a;ranted, Rrioe 01. y,� j „ r .,t., pp�I. G�s+y p�,ma:trrtty PIMPLED AND Ip,k}y�aK7l1LF.,,, r.. t0rnnv.,lia Mp .0'lWM1rtanLod.1rl+nfern0dity traannc+52,31, 4eomleto0eilhYs• ..ydyy� �±j ar,pv NILS ttorthodniobps. yp,�gT1. -.rap'yµr (7,,u,�73:LY.54cE 11.91:N.S wheaa Onthun. ,„1,rtiit0 r inirota0U011L0— srhetFUX 3 10311 3.t '1 N7 "i• 001dhlo. or O;k1 tlar,nUll 1'211SUI.ICd k Orbe::021,29. GOR kneAs; uo 2ln o lone 1:, al lbs, .a Isil,l�Prl',2 12r nna 1;o111t,o M eonl$in no P1 0r oral not•dr 'nl0ntha tr5atntent, yis? or �brcd mea[h'sCOMPLEXION 7t.i1d1 `i1b ;�f,. SV5rranted, :.,: p ;n fISC1VA4\ S+vi'a-+' Kofi . ,72ln, 112'l 1 2 corm,1102.03'111 , lrmnh�9rit iYlu Prtnn Si lin,trOr ti L holm, ot;3S. in onyCt, Wnxrnntorl., iA•dIt•7'o11ff ;f.41 -f 'r4)Ei C{• CI t z f Y ..•):,.I, g$O i11L C3'tvk,t 1.105121, ' l trt<1;15J fh,715 —THE— CENTRAL SHVNC PARLOR XETER, Ontario, A. HASTINGS, PROPRIETOR. Every Attention paid to Ladies' and Children's Hair /��� Cutting; A. d,ti'aastingns3. 4, ��.bla furniture, For � - 7C � l t6 urs. At right prices go to R. Ne ROW the 4' ading r1/3191111triiIr Ft4nitaTita.iiiag Having leased the premises latety occupied by Mr. John Brawn, I would inform the public that I carry *an immen- se stock of U I T:311E 1 of my own 1,•.laullfa.cture,which Iwillsellat EXTRAORDINARY PRIDES Inepect my stock before buy- ing elsewhere axau. wave from 10 to 20 per cent. I am bound to sell,and guaratee any goods' to be superior to factory work. Undertaking in all its branches at lowest possible prices. Special attention will be given to this branch of the business. Give, me a share of the patronage. Remember the stand, two doors north of the Town Hall, Exeter. WALT. ANDREWS. COTTAM5 S Washing Compound, i Softens the Hardest Water. Loosens and quickly removes all Stains of Grease and Dirt -without injuring the hands or the finest mater- ials. It keeps down disease by thor- oughly disinfecting and purifying everything. Saves soap, clothes, time and labor. For all domestic purposes it is the best article ever placed before the public. For the toilet and thobatli 9 it is just splendid, making the slain soft and healthy. Only 50. for 3 plats. All grocers can supply it. ginit Dird ifampiltrIBEIR a B FUER DIRECTOR° Stand one door north of MOLSONS BANK Main-st„ Exeter. ROz..a ■ Ne RV Eisf E13 London Huron LY, Bruce Railway. rASSCIti,'er• Tinto 'Table. GOING .'N'01111 CIoxNG Sot':II. 1.111. p111. stn. p.r11 .Lena.on,ciell'tB,2In ! 21i. Winghant 'i3OK 310.• Luca nGros 'g 8..17 520. Oland ,oho ytl h 52 0 28 Coltrane, 0.05 017. i X7,TIdli '3.131 11 17, llonBail 0,28 0'00 1t;,pit l 0 81 6117, Rrucrfiolcl 9.42 020. Clinton 10.00 f 11. Lontli;sboro' 1010 7,05 )lT9 th .70.28 7.12. T1rt)2rtsva 30'12 7,27 tinm 11.00 7,:17. lief rave 7.21 4.00. 131lt 7,2)3 4.15, 'rondosboro' 7.17 4.01. Clinton 807 4'13 nruco1.2111 8.20 5•046 gig>1nen 1281 512• l rnlsiyll 4t 5,19, 7!.XS) IE71. 85ti 513. Coiitrlliti 0,07 5.15. C,loudrboyo !),18 5..,8. T,2121121,Cr0.9 g92h 0.02. 1�f,t111o31 YL;rr 1016 016 Cottam's Choice Imported and Re- cleaned Bird Seed is of the finest quality grown, thoroughly re cleaned 'and mixed according to the various seasons In proportions ad wised bv Ornithologists n rs. � er one -pound andBird Fanciers. r c.e B y P package c ottoi s a piece of u ttlefsl one and full directions "How to Seep is Bird ill health and song." Cottamm's'h.as been awarded 1st prize and diplomas and is veryhighly 1•ecommencled, If you really want healthy birds with choice song and beautiful plumage be sure and use Cottam's Bird Seed All grocers and druggists can supply it, EXETER MARKETS. Wheat per bushel , . , $0.94 to. 0.96 Barley* .. 38 to 42. Oats .. 30 to 85 Peas 38 to 42 tggs . 10 to 10 per d6l. ..... E sl. as 10 to '13 .. l3titi'er roils R Butter Croel.s.. . 10 to 18 bush. 40 to '5i0 pt,tbu Potatoes Iia,y per t , l'1 ,.. 7.00 to '7.00 o ..;.,• Clover Seed ... , x,n ,50 to 850 Wool.18 to' 1 9 ,.