HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1890-7-31, Page 4Q5Z�+�-lIIIIlli THE
t! 2, JULY 31,st, 1890
4 DEA fr.a-D, '.:1.r is Q TO.8PE',UO.
The British Gog,ernment farts: paid.
$550,000, and a royalty of $7,500 per
auznum, r,S. superitltetldellt of, its mann-
facture, to the inventor of the Brennan
sub-n1arlue tol•por1o, and secures ex-.
elusive use. If it does what scientists.
assert and experiments appear to es
tablish, then most assuredly it is a
powerful agent in the demolition of
invading cruisers, and will, for a time,
until some one ka s rs the ingredl•
outs and method of putting these to.
gether. An experiment at Totland
Bay, isle of Wight, is chronicled in
recently reeciyed fyles. A blank
charge fired from the Warden Point
Battery gave the signal for the depar-
ture of the doomed vessel. ssel. This was a
dismantled old collier, which, towed by
the Seahorso at a respectful distance,
steamed down with the title, then run-
ning some five knots an hour, towards
the Needles The vessel was apparent-
ly doing some nine to ten knots, al-
though several onlookers gave it as
their opinion that the estimate was
considerably too low, and argued that
with the ebb the vessel must be going
nearer thirteen knotss When the hulk
had arrived about opposite Hurst Castle
a long dark body, about 15ft. in length,
spindle -shaped, end bearing a steel
mast some Sft. to 10ft. in height, flying
a triangular blue and white flag, was
seen to glide down the cradle and take
the water. At first the torpedo—which
was controlled by a young officer of
Engineers, Lieutenant Seman, from
the fort—ran close to the surface, the
consequence being some splashing,
while the pace was not more than eight
knots, On reaching deeper water the
torpedo began to run at her proper
depth, some eight feet under water,
although to demonstrate the facility
with which she was managed, slie was
now and again brought near the sur-
face., on one occasion her nose appear-
ing, giving the on lookers the idea of a
huge porpoise. The pace soon rapidly
increased till it was nearly 20 knots.
Nearing the hulk, the direction of the
torpedo, now on the port side of the
doomed vessel, was altered, and pre-
tending to miss the shot, she followed
in the wake of her prey, then making
a slight detour, carne round and struck
the collier on the starboard side. A
concussion was immediately felt on
board the tugs watching the scene,
then two distinct columns of black and
grey smoke, mixed with water, rose in
the air to the height of some 100 feet
or so, following which the deadened
noise of the explosion was heard. When
the smoke cleared off it was seen that
the, violence of the explosion caused by
some Non. weight of blasting platine
had turned the hulk completely round,
one of her masts was blown out of her,
and in a very short time the second
one toppled over. She immediately
began to settle, and within three min-
utes had disappeared, dipping first by
the bows, nothing being left on the
surface except the wreckage and a
quantity of fish killed by the violence
of the explosion. The wind carried a.
large number of fragments of wreck,
blown into the air, in the direction of
the Seahorse, anti;they fell into:the sea
all round, having been carried far
higher than the body of smoke and
water. The torpedo took about four
minutes to cover they„1,300 or 1,400
yards which separated the target from
the starting point. All London news-
papers express the opinion that the
experiments suffice to show what a
powerful weapon for defence, under
certain circumstances, the BritishGov-
ernmentpossesses in the Brennan tor-
pedo, and think it should be a source
of ,comfort to those people who are
always inclined to fear that an out-
break of war would witness a series of
attacks upon the British seaboard.
Sonia of the coast towns would undoubt-
edlybe difficult of defence but nearly
r Y
all of the more important ports and
private ship -building yards are so situ•
• ate that a properly -arranged mine=
field, protected by quick -firing guns,
should, in the opinion, of many author-
ities, be ttmply'st1.fiieient to ensure their
safet3 . The strength of such a position
wvill, it is Clear, be rntrteriallyinereased
• by the support of,e,",fcw Brennan for
peclees;• but it or he borne in mind
that flretlt �iriaa]tl, ihhen the time
eoincs� will be Mare•Nicely to be the
•a.ttaekinn Po,w& thele:' the attacked
and that, though she, hap nowt/ a
mono of ..of this formidable_ wee on
p y p e
, � t
n oG be cl. eco that there
it ett #1 � d t e.c will
petrel be an effective imitation --if Itiot
ati improvement. Eac;la torpedo costs
In drawing the attention of our read •
ers to• the advertisement in this issue of
the Western Fair, which takes place at'
Loudon, Sept. 18th.to 27th, we might
remark that those who attended their
last Fair in 1SSS, were no doubt sur-
prised •and delighted with the archi-
tectural and picturesque appearance
presented by the buildings and
.grounds, as well as the large number
and quality of the exhibits and attrac-
This year the directors are doubling
their cubits to make the Fair more at-
tractive and instructive than ever.
The prize List has been improved in
the Agricultural, Horticultural, Live
Stock and Poultry Departments, and
special attention is being •directed to
the Main Building, which will be sup-
plied with shafting, enabling exhibit-
ors to manufacture goods in view of the
public, thus proving a source of instruc-
tion and. entertainment.
They have also arranged for several
special exhibitsfrom the Agricultural
Farms of the Dominion, Ontario, Mani-
toba and North-West Governmeuts,and
the Indians of Ont; ,:in, but one that
will be more interesting' perhaps, ow-
ing to its rarity (not having been
shown in Canada bofere), is that of the
Southern Inter• Su t, s Immigration
Bureau, representing 14 of the United
States. This exhibit consists of grow-
ing cotton; figs as they grow on the
bush; rice as it growe iu the fields of
the Carolinas; peanuts as they are ta-
ken from the ground in Virginia; pro-
ducts of the turpentile stills of Georgia,
carpets made from the leaves of the
pine and various woods of the South;
precious minerals, medicinal herbs,
plants and many other products of 'the
,Southern fields and gardens. The live
alligator Florida is also in the collec-
ion, and numerous instructive speci-
nens, London is the only place they
exhibit in Canada.
The speed programme for the horse
'in has been greatly increased, mak-
ng it the best they have ever yet of
Bred, which will,insure u large attend-
enee of the bett horses in Canada.
The special attraction committee
lave been alive to the public demand
or this branch of their enjoyment, and
rave already secured some of the best
drawing attractions of the age, to be
had for money, such as '•the. famous
Wild West show, Balloon Races and
Parachute Decents,splendid Fire works
he great International Bench Show of
Dogs, etc., and are diligently corres-
onding for others, so that the public
nay expect a treat the equal of which
has not yet been their good fortune to
witness. It is desirable that these fairs
hould be maintained for the good of
11 classes, but especially the farming
ommunity, as they afford ° an oppor-
unity of seeing many improvements
n farm machinery, better classes of
tock, and field and garden products.
Don't forget the dates of the London
Fair, and go to. The Secretary, Mr.
Thos. A. Browne, will be pleased to an-
wer any correspondence.
While one class of electors, in Ontar-
io, is arrayed against Sir John Mac-
donald, because the Icon. Honore Mer-
cier introduced and passed the Jesuits'
Estates Bill, and it ultimately became
an Act, by reason of being within the
competence of the Provincial Legisla-
tune, another class, in Qnebec,is hound -
int Sir John Macdonald because he fa-
vors Protestantism, and allowed the
Orange Order to be incorporated! The
position prettily illuetrates Canada's
social autonomy, and shews how ini-
mical to the welfare of the State, a
spirit of intorance must prove; more, it
points the moral that if the Dominion
is to prosper auci progress, we must re-
solve to respect the privileges, even
the prejudices of one another. Nothing
save disaster, nothing save tribulation,
nothing save disorder and acrimony
can reasonably be anticipated as the
outcome of an opposite policy. The
election contest just over in ilontlnor
enci furnishes indubitable evidence of
the tactics determined upon in the next
Dominion campaign. No political is
sues, no great questions of public im-
portance are discussed by the "Liber-
als:” The whole cry is—"stand by
Honore Mercier in his raid upon the
Dominion Exchequer, and vote again-
st Sir John Macdonald, the Protestant
Premier! V17e quote from L'Electeur
of the 18th:
"No matter what the parties may
call themselves, the real issue is be-
tween the Nationalists and the Orange-
men, between tolerance and fanatic-
ism, between liberty and oppression.
It is the National idea which inspires
the -party led by Messrs. Laurier once
Mercier. , , . Who has con-
stantly thwarted the sanguinary and
domineering ambitions of Orangeism?
Iron. Mr. BLARE, son of the illustrious
man who, in 1819, pleaded the cause of
the, patriots of 1837, while Sir John was
throwing rotteir eggs at Governor El-
gin and burning clown the Parliament
Building! Who prevented the incor-
poration of the Orange Order in Ontar-
io and in the Dominion? Iron, Mr,
Blake, Hoo, Mr. Mowat and the follow-
ing. Who promised it? Sir John Mac-
donald, Who was enrolled in this order
in 1861. Who promised on his honour,
in the name of Sir John, last year at
the meeting of the Grand Lodge at
Goderich, that the Government would
support their incorporation at the next
sessiolr? Hon. Mackenzie Rowell, the
colleague of Sir John. Who ilieorpor
a .ted the Orange Order at last session?
Sir John. Macdonald and his friends."
Se the• "Nationalists" and Orange
men are asked to fight it out; the for-
mer to combine in one solid phalanx `to
hand over *Steins of Grovernmeiit to
Mr, Latrier, y ripp Oa:meg/,a:Mit e i Sir John
Macdonald being; a Protestant, while in
Ontario the cry is that the ,°Oran get
men" should combine to defeatSir John
MacclonaM because ho is net good
, Surely.
f• t It u, iti ' to t
P o ostaX 'r cl ,s about ne o
rause and: take stock, for' although
abo e r 1 rn fitslde is abolriteYy do -
it .yet proves: that the public,Xnitmcl;of
o o pihrtion of trio l.)om'`riiion is drifting
towards the reeks :the rhexis of X:<teitix
prejudiee and sectional hatred. Under
such circumstances, those who seek to
defeat Sir John Macdonald, by dividing
the Conservative party, are doing vio-
lence to all that is fair and just and
patriotic; they are imperriling national
autonomy; they are poisioninn the
fountain whence flows the only pana-
cea for maintaining' health and streng-
th and life in the body politic.t they are
jeopardizing the entire fabric of Con-
federation and, perhaps unwittingly
inflicting a death blow upon every
terest vital to the progress of the Do•
minion. Let the young men of Ontario
who have been cajoled and misled,come
out of what, if persisted in, must prove
the graveyard of national 'hopes; let
them realise, before to late, thepit fall
prepared, and let them tolerate the con-
stitution as itis, not as they would
mould it no. Then, and only then, will
the best andgrea.test•intcrests of the
commonwealth be subserved.
V the 'Village of Exeter. County of Huron. -
Notice is hereby given that I have trans-
mitted or deliverecl to the persons mentioned.
in the 8rd. and 4th sections of the Voters'
List Act, the copies required by said section
to be so transmitted or delivered of the List,
macre pursuant to 'said. stet of all persons
appearing byV thelastrevisod ayes;,nentroll
o�f �ho said Mauiatpality to be entitled to
vote in the said Municipality at elections for
members of the Legislative Assembly, and
at the Municipal elections, and that said
,list was first posted Lip at lily office, Exeter,
on the 28th day o± July-, 1801, and remains
there for inspection. Electors are called
upon to examine the saiii list, and if any
omission., or other errors aro fonuil therein
to take immediate proceedings to have the
said errors corrected according to law.
Clerk of the said Mntnieipality.
DateLl this 29th day of July, 1899.
!OI. •
The Largest Wholesale Stock in the County.
ennessy Brandy in wMod and cases, also J. R. brandy and
other, :: ,muco_
Corby, Walker and Jubilee 'Whiskey always in Stock9
ills° lite oIrtE EJ1,DOUR NJJlP.INE.
Bass Ales, Guinesses Stoat and American files and Porters.
# Lap OoisigijiI of this Stso'8 Teas jllst i
Flour, Feed and Provisions always on hand.
F' R1L\1 =R RROS_
Sick Headache and relieve all the troubles inci-
dent to a bilious state of the system, such as
Dizziness, Nausea. Drowsiness, Distress after
eating, Pain in the Side, &c. While their most
remarkable success has been shown in curing
0 rt
a„a,tia Vin;
Ileadache, yet CARTER'S LIr'n,o LIVER PILLS
are equally valuable in Constipation, curing
and preventing this annoying complaint, while
they also correct all disorders of the stomach,
stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels.
Even if they only cured
Ache they would be almost priceless to those
who suffor from this distressing complaint;
but fortunately their goodness does not end
here, and those who once try then will lint
these little pills valuable in so many ways that
they will not be willing to do without them.
But atter all sick head
is the bane of so many lives that here is where
we make our great boast. Our pills cure it
while others do not.
CARTER'S LITTLE Lresn Pins are very small
and very easy to take. One or two pills make
a close. They are strictly vegetable and do
not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action
please all who use thein. LI vials at 28 cents;
live for 51. Sold everywhere, or sent by mail.
0An n t lCIND 01, Noir York.
kat Dour gall t ical
Si A S
rig _
Mind wandering cured. Books loareed
in ono roaeinn. Testimoniolr, from all
parts ofthe globe. Prospectus PORT
S EE, sent on application to Prof.
A. Loieette, 237 Fifth Axe. Now York.
SI9ALED TENDERS ailclaossed to the under
signed, anis endorsed "Tender for the St.
Lawrence Canttls,"will ho received at this
office, until the arrival of the eastern and
western mails on. \Vi nN1i1HDO. , THE:elan DAY
of Jirti.X next, for the construction of a lift
lock, weir:3, etc., at Marrisburg, and the deep-
ening and enlargement of the llapsci.0 .Plat
Canal, The Work will be divided into three
5 uta mile in length.
• l .t ,
sections each
A snap of the locality, together ith plans
and specifrbations of the respective works,
can be seen on and after W, nrtlasl,Ay, rim
9Tit DAY OP JULY nett, AT 1 iltS opi'Abid. and
:i,t tale Ltesiden t Engineer's Oflico,Morrisburg,
where printed forms of tender can be o btain-
In the case of firrns there intik, heattached.
to thetender, thio ,actual signatures ol•the
full. int nthe nature of the occupation anti,
residence of,each member of f1,e same, and,
further, anACC'kPTEI) drtr:Q./.tt on a Charter-
ed bank in Canada for the sum of$8,009, must
acc0 npany the tender for Section 1`.0.1 and
An AOcti"rLl) cIulQta en :tt chartered bank.
in Canada, for the Sinn of $2,000 for each of
the other sections. • •
The respective ACcr.rxrn 01t11Qurns must
be endorsed, over, to the Minister or Railways
anal will beforfbstor1 if the party tendering
contract for }
into o he
it f, Works
i Jltar n
clecl naso
ti,t the rrttocAtka on. the tarps stators in tip,
offer submitted, The iiherinbs tilos sent 10
Will, NY- returned to the rospfctivo pllrtt0$
Wh.ese tenders ate not ttoceptocl.
This al
tntlbdS 'not, r" Mod
itselfto accept
theloWdst Or arty tender,
By aniline
�i •
r. txtAS try, Y
Depiwrtie ea Liti8Canals, 4l Kall Ji003
IrFAvo,rs a "-"
'21.0015 MO. ;..
per d.r
J. & J: 11IoMARTilIN, 1 ,Propsf,tors, �
are an honest median('
for which only honest,
straightforward ',tato-
mints 010 made. Bee that
you got the genuine Hoff -
men's. Inslet en Navin
them: Thsy Our6 ALL
They are not a Cathartic.
1890. SUMMER ARRANGE E dT 1890.
17 April .. , ,
7 May.. , ... , ..
S May
24 ” ..........
14 "
15 ,"
1 May . .,
21 " ,.,.--,.-
22 " ...:......
15 " , .
4 June .. , ... , ,
5 June
22 "
11 " .........
12 "
29 "
18 " . , ..... , ,
19 " .. - - , , . , . .
5 June
25 "1 , .
26 " . , . .
19 "
J July .........
10 July ...
26 1" .
16 "
17 1, ....
3 July ..........
23 " .........24
" .
10 "
30 " ,
31 "
24 "
13 August
14 August . k,
31 "
20 "
21 "
7 August ,
27 1f .... , . , , ,
2S "
14 " , .. ,
3 September....
4 September
.Tants ntihiber' 108 awl tea oil +he:ltdast side of
Andre: !1
w trLeet in rho village of S`;aetorr o)t0
&veilin .house'Withtbi .ht roomer t;ooclgeek
lar ata wood shwa; also goonstable.,-hard
and soft water, There is j ttoro'of lanWith
different Ideas of fruit trees On, it. For fur=
rifer pfrtidil&,rs apply tO the •
AD•V OCAT.I* OJ! lv.tCE, Eaotor.
Montreal orQuebec to Liverpool.
Cabin, 530.00, $70.00 and 58000, according to accommodation. Servants in Cabin, $50•
Intermediate, $25 00. Steerage, 52000 Return Tickets, Cabin, 5110.00, $130.00, 5150.(0, Tl:tcr-
mediate, $55.00. Steerage, 890.00.
Passengers wishing to embark at Montreal will leave Toronto by Tuesday morning's
Express and go on board any time after eight o'clock the same evening.
For- further information apply to
The only authorized agent for Exeter, Ont.
,.-,,f2ta,n. .,9,aa..smern ,..,., mydlaar.sza.,.....l=na Kra.
Tlie Famous lleavy-bodliedl. Oil, roadie only by
McColl Bros. Co. Toront
Use .t once and you will use no other
McCo l's Famous CYLINDER OIL
Is the finest hi Canada for engine cylinders.
BIS ET o Ries Exeter9' Ontario.,
,., _.._ — ,,r,
It will be to your interest to call
onu before buyingbuilding
shelf hardware and she]. hardware.
Bim. kth rn l
Barbed,c d� �it Oiled, � .1�.,�.����d
and Galvanized wires,
always in stock.
. ;
First-class tinware, d a hal
� � c twonand � f
� pc
➢ p
oods to 'offer.
Eavetroughing a Specialty.
R Tilt RA OND EWIN-1V]C�oi�c
:EN- INJ33