HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1890-7-31, Page 1j}'t VOL. XV, its Bank. The MoAso (Chartered. by Parliament, 1855.) Paid up Capital.......... $2,000,000.. Rest Fund . . ....... . ...... 1,000,000, )load office Montreal. EX Er1TER, O TARIO, BURSD4 YY, JULY 31, 1890. NO.165. F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Esq., GENERAL MANAGER. Twenty Branch offices in the Dominion' Agencies in the Dominion, U. 8. and Europe' Open every lawful 'day from I0. a, m. to 3 p. m., Saturdays 10 a. m. to 1 p. in. A general banking business transacted Foit.r per cent. per annum allowed fur money ou Deposit Receipts.' R. H. ARCHER, Exoter, Jan. 28, '88. Manager. THE .titer c` .b x at . , Is published every Thursday Morning, at the Office, MAIN -STREET, - EXETER. Ey the SANDERS' PUBLISHING COMPANY. ' TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, One Dollar peri all iu not sif pid aid in Advance. ...M.6.-rertioisig Rate= ons Applioa- t=cam No paper discontinued -until all arrearages are paid. Advertisements without specific directions, will be published till forbid and charged accordingly. Liberal discount made for transcient advertisements inserted for long periods. Every description of JOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Cheques, money ord- ers, &c. for advertising, subscriptions, etc. to be made payable to William Sanders, Editor. Church Directory. TRIVLTT MEIROITIAT, CIIURCH.--R0". S. F and 7 p. m: Rector. Sunday 2.30 ip. m. 1171, m+ METaonlST CsURcn--James-st, Rev. B. Clement, Pastor, Sunday Services,10.30 a.m. and 0.30 p.m. Sabbath School, 2 p. m. MAIN STREET -Rev. J. Wilson, Pastor. Sun day Services, 10.30 a, m. and 0.30 p.m. Sabbath School 2.30 p, m. PRESBYTERIAL' CHURCH. ReV. W. Martin, Pastor. Sunday Services, 11 a. m. and 0.30 p. m. Sabbath School, 9.15 a. m. Professional Curds. IIL. S. • =Er TMST. Office over O'Neil's bank, Exeter, Ontario, ii,Nitrous Oxide Gas for painless • extraction. Goes to•Lucan every Friday. H. KINSMAN, DENTIST, L. D. 5., ex- tracts teeth without pain by giving Vegetable Vapor, or using the new on the gums. Makes Gold. Fi11i ings and other dental work the best possible. Goon Zurich last rTin hursday oath. to of Main street, Exeter. T B WHITELY, M. D., C. M., PHYSICIAN 0 • and Surgeon. Office and residence - Corner Victoria and Elgin streets, Goderich, Ontario. lINS. ylRResiidence LCornerOAndrew-MAIN ST. and North Streets, Exeter, Ontario. rill A. AMOS, M.D., C. M. L., C.P., EDIN.; L 1- . R. C. S., Edin.; L. F.1'. & S., Glasgow; L. M., Edinburgh and Glasgow; M. C. P. & S.. Ontario; F. T. M. S., Toronto. "Night bellJyatt office. Crediton, Ontario. .111 a...• DR. COWEN, OFFICE --MAIN STREET, Exeter, upstairs, opposite Contra leading to the Methodist Church. street 'XILLIAM SWEET, VETER- VV inary Surgeon. Graduate Toronto. Veterinary Dentist- ry a speciality. Office and Re- sidenceone block east of Rich. Pickard's store. Opposite skating rink, Ex- eter, Ontario. RH. COLLINS, BARRISTER,, SOLICIT - . 011, Conveyancer, Notary Public. Office- Sam well's Block, Exeter, Ontario. Money to Loan. 1 H. DICKSON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR • of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con- veyancer, Commissioner, &c. Money to loan Oflice-Fanson's Block, Exeter. 4-' it Trs,Co veyanceers &c. Money' to loan at 6 per cent. B. V. ELLIOT. J. ELLIOT UREA. W. FARNCOMB, Provincial Land .LU` Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Office, Sam well's block, up stairs, Main street, Exeter, Ont, AMES OK],. Exeter, Ontario, Licensed e) Auctioneer for the Counties of'Huron, Perth and Middlesex. Sales promptly attend- ed to and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales Arranged ed at this office. TT BROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Auct ioneer for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township of Usborne. Sales promptly attoncled to and term s reason able. Sales arranged at Post office, Winchelsa •� DOSSENBERRY, Hensall Ontario. tie - 12.i • ensed Auctioneer for the Couittys of lturon end Perth, Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. VVHOLT, :dhiva, Ontario. Licensed suet • ioneer for the Counties of lifiddlose and Larnbtun, and the townships of Stephen and Hay A11 sales promptly attended to. I L.a V Lirmi) Oa ._ And HORt�ES: Classh�lG8 Ari First ORDERS LEFT AT T%I E HAWK. K• SHAW HOUSE OR AT rtliy .. , SIr „AR LE WILL BE PROMPT TO,„ LLYAT,[T ATTENDED !'0., , wa-szia itratimome.lt10. ielephoiie Connection. 0 PAPER NEST As our staff will take their holidays next week, no paper will be issued. OUR JOB ROOMS WILL BE OPEH AS USUAL. DON'T FOR ET THIS„ NEW TAILOR SSI �o THE UNDERSIGNEDHAS OPENED OUT A NEW STOCK OF II II : II I1 t• .11 11 t - II fi• II G 11 , II F1RTCLA SUMMER U1TiNUS, $ d $ II $ $ II II II : II II 1II ` it In Canadian and Imported Tweeds, French Worsteds, etc., which he will sell at right prices. If you wvisll a nobby or plain suit it will repay you to call and examine his large stock which has just arrived. 11 SORE BT llll1llllTEEO EERY TIME S eCla1 attest 0 n given to ladles untie mar g. Give me a Trial and you willbe Convinced. Stand one door north of Fish's Barber shop.. JAMES H. GRIEVE. Great Bargains -AT THE - Cheap Cash Store, Cred.itor�._ The Undersigned will sell Dry Goods, Groceries, Shoes, Crockery, Glassware,) etc., at a great reduction, for Cash, or Butter and Eggs. As he expects there will be a change in the business on September 1st all accounts must be settled before that date. Also a first-class farm for sale, containing 90 acres, with a first-class brick yard thereon. TERMS, EASY. For further particulars apply to JOHN MITCHELL, June 12,-3 in. CREDITOR. For Saie. A desirable residence in Exeter North, now frame house, one -fifths acre of land. The house was erected in 1888. Good terms to purchaser. Apply at this office. 145-t t. `est01111 Fair. The Best of Canadian Fairs, LOU��rr , ONTARIO. Ga� BYr F,8 , Set. 1Bt t 271, 1090.. Large increase in prizes. RY IN MOTION; IN MAIN BUILDING MACHINERY , Manufacturing goods in view of;public. Best speed programme ever offered, Grand and attractive SPECIAL EXHIBIT of the South - Sfates-cotton, figs, rice;, peanuts and wild nuts each as they grow in the South carpets made from the leaves of the pine and other ther woods of the South. Products of the torpei. tine stills of Georgia. Minerals herbs, Plants, barks, &e &c. and t live ti11igator of Florida, Pam ens Wild West Show, Ba. Balloon , ;Babes& Parehnte Descents Fireworks Bgds For prize list dnd information address post curd to CAVI, 1 . POR F, " TOS. A BROWNE, President. -Secretary. Credltont i 11illisn lain � & Currie veterinar b. y sur- geons, can be consulted at Clarks Ho.tel of this face or at Staffa. A full stock of veterinary rnedreineskept con. y scantly OR hand,", Veterinary dentsth s •g Specialty I1.. st-3 and StCI .C1 i a eC al MIT �, ,, s p Jy y WO, Exeter lT1llls Market. WHEAT, 90 TO 95cts. per bush. Our Selling Prices. Flour, best family, $2.60 per 100. " low grade, 1.50 ," " Bran, 70 " " Middlings, 90 " " Screenings, 90 " " Chop, 1.15 to 1.25 ': " Delivered to any part of the town. Orders left at R. Hicks' jewelery store or by telephone promptly filled gt. de- livered. Chop stone runningevery day. TERMS CASH. The. Exeter 1Vliliilig Co. NOTICE TO CREDITORS 0 In the matter of the estate of John Mattice, of the village of Exeter, in the County of Huron, black- smith and wagon maker, an In- solvent. -o_ The above named' insolvent has made an Assignment for the general benefit of his creditors, pursuant to R. S. 0., 1887, Chap. 124,to John P.Ross, of said village of Exeter.Creditors are hereby notified to file their Claims against the said insolvent ' with ".the Assignee or his Solicitor, on or before the 20111 day of August, 1890. A meet nig, of the Creditors is hereby conven- -ed; for jlogday, ilullust 414 io To, bo held at my office, inExetor, at 2 o'clock p. rn. LnWisII. DICKSON, Solicitor for Assignee. Exeter, July 29th, 1890. H'ensall: The Canadian. bred trotting Mailitai , AM, box,: by 01ert,r Grit, formerly owned by J 1 ikey, of Bran tford.;stands at the liigliest fee ofwny of the stats ons o, inert by the Ital.. Ten (*Overrun nm "t a G Te o» w ei, r lh tai i 5 1 `� s o , 4 , 0 &, o w in in Gbilntir,nlrhi, tyear.-Wfvx ktnl.,er' 1,,:, ,oh ri+ ea by vv., tr„ ate cock of &>ensall. is. s - y Y off, n ArT Der, and is,onoof,; ho befit atailfo - in CIO ads,. H6Will a,taiida£Titiltdeek'sstYblerg CouueU Proceedings, Thecpunoil met pursuant to adjoun- ment at the Town Hall, Exoter, on 26th July; all ti?,e members present. Min- utes of previous meeting were read and confirmed. Moved by H.Spackman seconded by Jas. Oke, that the reeve and Treasurer bo authorized to borrow $1,500 to ,meet current expenses.- Carriedr Mr. T. H. McCallum, on be- halfof thelllainst. Methodist church, asked the council to continue the board sidewalk at the south side of the church at least as far as the gate. Moved by W. G. Bissett, seconded by H. Spack- man, that the request be p'ranted.- Carried. Moved by W. G. Bissett, sec oncled by' l), A Ross, that orders be granted for the following sums: F. W. Farneombe, $14, surveying; Bissett. Bros., ,$9,10, for hardware; Wm. Treble, $1.10, rep. hose cart; Jas. Creech, 45 cts, meals to tramps; do., $81, part salary; dot, $1, charity to Mrs. Orns; do., $2,' to Mrs' Piper; do,, $4, to H. McIntosh; Albert Bissett, $25, street watering; do., $4.50, labor; Thos. Horn. $8.13, _do.: J. l 's • Gtl t pie, $18.85, do,; John Thompson, $27, do.; Thos. Pell, 61.25, do.; Walter Westcott, $6.25, do.; Gen. Ford, $6.88, do.; Jphn Gould, $16.50, do ; John Moreshcad, $6.72, do ;.S, Handford,.24; do.; Geo..Hodgins, $3.76, do.; Geo. Orr, $5.06, do.; C. Dorward, $13.50, do.; J. Lydd, $13.40, do.; John Parsons, $1.75, do.; John Mallet, $1, do ; Irving Arm- strong, $18.50, do. ; W, J. Bissett, $16.50, do.; R. Williams, $17,95, do.; George Cudmore,'$2.75, do ; Jas. Hern, $1.25, do.; Thos. ' Webster, 811.25, do.; R. Stanlake, $4.50, do.; H. Parsons, $11.26, do.; Walter Carley, $3.75, do. --Carried, The Clerk reported that the school board required $3,400 for school pill. - poses. "" Moved by H. Spackman, sec- onded by D. A. Ross, that the use of the park be granted to Mr. Thos. Brock for three years provided he (Mr. Brock) leave the same at the end of that time properly levelled and seeded with grass seed: Car tied. Moved: by D. A Ross, seconded ..by H. Spackman, that this council adjourn for two weeks. -Car- ried.' M. EACRETT, Clerk. • Corbett. • IvUss Emma RS -an is visiting under the parental at present. Ngt kss'llian three,or four loads of pie niters pass here daily ontheir way to Glar u I:gnd .,», . . . Mrs..1. Zavity is in a very low state of health at present. We hope to see her soon recover. The farmers are all busily engaged with their harvest which which will be about finished this week. The crops this season are abundant. Mr. C. Curr, baker of Parkhill, will pass through here twice a week, which will be Tuesday •and Friday on his route to Grand Bend. Parties wishing anything in that line will be at, liberty to purchase the same from the above and: can depend on getting the first- class article. ,iVlr,'P, Curtain is onr, his $sty. home With five more clydesdak,s, He has so far been one of talo most successful irnporters in Ontario. Bayfield. Lots of visitors to Mir pretty summer resort and more coming. There is to bo a garden party at the Trinity church parsonage on Friday evening' next. Messrs. W. Murdock, of Termite,. and D. Gordon, of Midland, were visiting their old native village last week, They are now both very successful lawyers. ' There wait a, fashionable wedding here last week and everything; went oti nicely. The principals Were Mr. Percy Moorehouse and Miss Sarah Morgan. members of eminently respectable families residing here. The Knights of Monte Carlo had an all night sitting Saturday night. Some disting•uislied visitors were present. They_;rnet after the Salvation Army had retired to their barracks. The night was warm but it required every effort to'keep the poker warm so 115 to get in the most important work of the eveniu Brewster. Fall wheat and barley is mostly cut. around here now. The yield is a fair one. Mr. J. Jacobe has purchased a new Toronto:binder from Wm. Elder, of Hensall. Mr. P. Schadie had the misfortune to get his binder broken the other day which caused him quite a loss of time. Miss Emma R. O'Brien, daughter of Mr. Rosswell O'Brien, who has been in Hamilton attending the high school there, is home for her holidays. 'Mr. Charles Wilson, son of Mr. W. S. Wilson of the Sauble Line, has just returned home from Arizona where he has been for the past year. He reports' having been robbed of one hundred and sixty dollars while returning home. Ile thinks Canada is the home. Biddulph. Messrs. Prier and Oke shipped a load of sheep on Friday, Mr. Wes. Jones is finishing a snug little brick cage for some bird or other, Mr. Cowan, of McGillivray, slopped some excellent Steers to Liverpool' one day last week. Messrs. Hasket and, p Hodgins shipped b a cargo of fat cattle 'to the eastern Markets last week. Mr. Adam Neil, McGillivray, is re ported as having one of the finest fields of wheat in the county. of townline lies Mr. Anthony Doyle e at the point of death from a painful bruise on the arm received two years' since. Mr, Charles Fraser, of Port Hinson, (late of Moogville) entered his young est est child at nursery, 1loorvillo, on Sunday last. . The slioivol of Friday, .being the first for some time, clone much good to kinds, es eciall the late crops of all 1 i , p , y the root crop. Wes. of Gland ebo •e Mr.VS es. o 5 , was united lit the Holy Bonds, of wed - leek to Miss E. Neilf of Bytown. Ottawa, on Wednesday last. We wish them --aa Biddulph Oouneil. The council -uses at Port ,'s Hotel, Clandeboye. The Reeve and all the Members present. The following accounts were ordered to bd paid. - J. Culbert, ditch, div. 2, $2.00; R. Culbert, plank, div 2, 3.25; W. Atkinson, minding; gap and dam ages, 4.85; W. Carrigan 3 day in pit and mind. ing gap, .60; Free Press advertising, 1.30; T. Riley, grant to road beat, 12.00; S. Hicks, gravelling N. B. 28.00; J. Dunn, drawing lumber and spikes, div. 2, 2.50; J. Issac„ 'ratlingsideroad,div 2.& 3, 8.00; W. W. Revington 7 days overseeing gravel div. 2, 8.75; T. Abbott men and wort:, Div. 3, 70.50; W. Armitage stripping, pit, evenly happiness and prosperity' lrinkthe oeJY,inj aCtisbli, this world call lLsto'li'. 0 3:00; A. Davis, 12 days in gravel pit," 12.00; 'T. Mackey rep. C. S. R. div. 4, 8.00; J. Morley, rep. N. B. moietydiv. 4, 4.00; •A. McLaughlin 4 dye:: mdg. gap, 1.130; D. M&Ilhargy, gravel & damages 3.95; J. Whalen,ll cords gravel div. 3, 22.00; ' " 35* " " 2, 41.94; J. Ryan, 553" " " 1, 128.37; " 601E " " 21.00; F. J. Arnold gravel contract moiety div. 5, 10.00; R Gilfillan'outlet and ditch div. 5, 5 00; W. Begg, 3 in. tile ditch, div. 5, 25; J. Culbert, 12 loads ;ravel div. 2, 6,50; M. Moncton 847 loads gravel 17.35; Jas. Whalen approaches div 3 & 4 6.00; T. Casey 1 day minding gap .20; T. Miley grading sideroad, div. 2, 3.00; John Neil removing' stone, 2.00; W. Atkinson nide. gap cG damage. 2.05; J. Kelly 150 loads gravel, 7.50; Stewart A. Meralls contract Div: 2 and 3, 38.50; W. Atkinson damages, 1.75; T. Kent damages, 150; N. Sinclair minding gap, 1.20; W. Toothey 10 cords gravel div 4, 24.50 A Lamphier, tile and ditch div. 4, 4.00; D. McGee gravel contract N. B: div. 4, 10.60; A. Conway 2 days shovelling gravel div. 4, 2.00; W. McGee 3 days seovelling and over- seeing div. 4, 4.50; F. Kent, 121 loads gravel & dmgs. 8.00; Bryant Bros. on printing acc,, 15.00; W. H. Ryan 11 ,lays overseeing grav- el, 16.50; G. Foster bal. of contract div. 5, 16.00; T. Rigney grant N. B. moiety div. 5, 10.00; A Beatson under Ditches and Water- courses' Act, 1.50; T. Squires, '2000 ft lumber, div 5,20.00; J. Barry grayer contract C. S. R., 56.87; A. Langford scantling, 1.80; W. Lawton 2 calves drain and ma- terial, Diy. 5, 800; E. McDonald 100 cords gravel, $35.00;. M. Kent, 69 loads gravel, 3.45; Tt. Guilford,ditching and tile div. 1,8.17; E. Mayo overseeing contract div. 1, 1i clays, 2.50; W. R. Coursey wise3 y 14 cords gravel Div1 moiely 19.25; C: Haskett gravel acct. 22.06; G. Haskett ditch and tile C. S. R. div. 3, 11.45; R. Hodgins grant to road beat div. 3 4.30; N. Powe grant to road beat, 3.00; R. Keefe, shovelling gravel and mind.' ingater 4 g 6. 0; gate, rn Katz Bros. planand scantling, 8.00; Edey and Arnold gravel contract div. 5, 23.35; Tp of Bianshard concrete tile, 5.00; J. y LiIl 5,3.00; ' 1 , e Outlet a (, dsy, and 2 11 v is dei J. oks 011 in Granton div. 5 r2.04; G. 011iver ditching div, 1, 2.00; A. Hodgins cutting weeds dtv. 1 2.00; 3.75; .civ, 1 ' T. H. Course • overseeing'> Y I.ASttoi culvert moiety, 2,35; heepc top. approach div. 3, 8.00; J.: Carroll. approach 231 rods b diV..3, 25.55; F. Dobbs minding 'ate2days, .80; R. Keefe, '2 cnlvts & ditch diva 3. 4.25; W. D. Stitnley, clerk, en salary,, 50,00. A petition from' J. McCarthy and 'nine other ratepayers asking for aid to rod beat was received and 620 ,allow- ed. The council adjourned to meet In the Temperanee hall, 0 raeton on Monday the 4th day of Aiigust,,,1890,at 10 p, w, D. S'r.NLnx, Clerk, Sunday Fire at Brussels. About 1 o'clock on Sunday, morning a fire broke out in ?Hiss Montgernery:s furniture store, in the Hallidtt.y.. block, IV Wellresulted in the complete destruc- tion of the entire, block, Tlsebititdirggs being composed of wood, and the fire having gamed great headwxay befol'e any alarm was given, all hope of;5a\'1ng the block *as abandoned; and the efforts of the firemen were directed sl,teeess fully in ,confining the fire to that block,. and in saving the tidjoininr ltuildiugs. The town fire engine, which clid noble ' service,,worked steadily, 'throu•1113 tiro powerful streams for over three hours, whnesthe fire was gotunde,r control,and but for its eflheicwcy it is safe: to say that the acl;oinih g building's would have been destro •ec, The. losses, so far as can at present be iscertained, are as follows: Miss Montgomery, fur- niture partially destroyed, $500, ilisur- ance unknown; Thomas Ferguson, stoves and tinware, $1,500, insured for $800; William Roddick, less on building $800, insured for $350; John HaaIliday, loss on bui'ding 81,500, insured for $1,000; Misses Sample's loss on clothing • and contents 8300, no insurance: The fire is supposed to have been the work of an incendiary. British Grain Trade, The Mail: Lane Express, in its week ly review of the British Grain Trade, says: -Improved weather has bettered the prospects of wheat, although the expectations of a crop over the aver- age are good, the outlook being that it will be 5 per cent. lents than the usual: crop. Barley, oats 'and beans have suffered less than in 1889. In English wheat patent is at fancy rates; good samples of heavy white are quot ed at NS to 42s, and red at 32s to•38s. The sales of English wheat during the, week amounted to 27,855 qrs., at' 3,5s, against 45,746 qts., at 80s for the cot - responding week of last year. The heavy" imports of foreign wheat. pre- vented an advance. The, spring corn trade was firm. Barley advanced 3d. Oats were in small request; prices were • agaliisG buyers. Maize Was in large supply, yet a good enquiry caused an advance of ld in. northern markets. and 3d advance in southern markets. Pulse is quiet. 'Tn•day flour was firm., Oats were held at'3d advauce. Barley was firm for spot and cheap for futures Maize was in good enquiry; flat yellow was 6d dearer and round 3d dearer. To -day the English wheat trade was trivial; demand fair at an advance of 6d. Foreign was firm; South Ameri- can advanced 6. • li1KTS�. WEBB.-In Biddulph, on the 24th inst., the wife of Mr. Richard Webb, of a son. DUNSFORD-In Stephen, on the 27th inst., the wife of William Dunsford of a son. HODGINS.-In Biddulph, on the 24th inst., the wife of Mr. W. Hodgins, of a daughter. All Men, young, old, or middle-aged. who find themselves nervous, weak and exhaust- ed, who are brokers down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the following symptoms: Mental depression, permature old age, loss of vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions, lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, headache, pimples on the faceorbody, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizzi- ness, specks before the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eyelids and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits in the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp or spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, excitability' of temper, sunken eyes surrounded with LIIADEN cramp, oily looking skin, etc., are all symptoms of nervous debil- ity that lead to insanity and death unless cured. The spring or vital force havinglost its tension on every fuu tion wanes in consequence. 1T h s 0 who through abuse committed in ignor- ance may be permanently cured.Sena your address' for book on all diseases peculiar to Miall. Address I3T. V.> UBON, 50 llont5t l, Toronto, Ont. t Books sent free sealed, Heart disease, the symptoms of which are faint spells, urple lips, numbness, palpitation, skip p beats, hot flushes, rnsh of blood to the . head, dttll pain in the Heart withbeats strong rapid and irregular, the second: heart beat quicker than the first, pain 9 about the breast bone, ote., can posi- tively be cilred, No cure, no pay. Seta for book. Adclres§ M. V. I S �ITI3ON; ,. 60 Front Street, ''ani . Termite Ont, Aup . 7