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The Exeter Advocate, 1890-7-17, Page 8
RAO -MAKER'S Eeetol�KEvER Fans TO CR SATISFAOTIOM ' FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. The New Market, Every farmer will be interested to, know that Exeter is now in a double ease a market town and despite the o• r t i l h of many one rivallingui cele? t , a The that of manyotherplaces: The new market is a convenience that a few thought a necessity and 'at the ' polls found to their pleasure these thoughts but the expression of many. Farmers and their wives, from a dis taneeof from ten to fifteen miles have since come with their stuff to prdve their satisfaction and our own mer - Chants with astonishing energy have 'classed themselves as buyers and. in company with the regular dealers are. .booming it to an extent undreamt of. All deserved praise to them and may our worthy Board of Trade long Have their aid to such an etent in other schemes which may be deemed desir- able to advocate and place in success- ful operation. There is, however, an element still wanting to make the mar- ket what it should and might be and it is the assistanceof the ladies of our town. Their patronage, and naught Will be left to be desired, and Whilst we ask them as a matter of village patriotism to take this spot under their wing We might suggest that the pleas- ure of buying their roll and dozen un- odored by aught save the horning breeze will go some distance to repay for a seeming inconvenience with the close pursuing autumn season and the closing summer, potatoes,cabbages and vegetables of all kinds, a spring chick- en or duck will add their attraction to this resort and the needs of all may be supplied at one time without loss to the gains of our village merchants. And whilstexchanging material things with 'oitr country friends and crossing their hands with a "bit o' the siller,." a mutual and pleasant; ex- change can he made of more material expressions of good will and kindness and a cement thus formed of the most valuable kind to connect and retain the generous support of our country side. J. GRIGG. P: S. -All Fanners and their wives requested to call on Saturday next, special attraction. LOCAL JOTTINGS. -1I. Y.. Billings. Dentist, for the best artificial teeth. If you want Coal Oil, and want it good,- call on Will Folland:, Several of our townspeople took in the Grand Bend on Tuesday. Mr. A E.;Bennett has been on the sick list for the past few days. Electric blacking, 10 cts. per box at George Sanders. Get a box and try it. -11. L. Billings, Dentist. Gold finings a specialty. Office over O'Neil's Bank Exeter. Farmers will do well by calling on Will Folland before they,se1141ieir Hides and Sheep skins. Now is the time to secure your Fruit go to Brumpton Bros. Fresh groceries always in stock. Something new! What? Electric Blacking to preserve the shoes! For sale by Geo. Sanders. A party of berry pickers from Elim- ville got mired one day lately in the 'black creek berry patch. If you want good tinware and at right price call on Will Folland. Sign of Big Elephant. The Electric Blacking is the best in the.market to keep boots' and shoes soft. Try a box. , For sale by George Sanders. We are pleased to note that Mr. Fred W. Farncomhe, of this,village,has received the appointment of Land Sur- veyor and Engineer for the township of Stephen. Inarul for great n o house plants care should be taken to keep the dust from • settling on the leaves and closing the pores. Leaves are to plants what lungs are to men. Messrs. Wood and Ballentyne shipped from this station to Montreal on Mon- . day a fine carload of cattle; also from Hensall station.a carload of sheep and 'carload of cattle. The music bf the mowingmachine is heard in the land. The busy farmer with his loaded wain, now hies him early to the barn and the last ,rays of setting sun stitl finds him hard at work. 14Ir. William Carling disposed of two fine mastiff pups the other day receiv- ing therefore a fair price. 8.11;.. II. S. Charlesworth, Owen Soui G.. al..r.rchased one and Mr. Chas. Johnston,London,the other, The patent grumbling' machine is on hand. The weather is too hot or it is too cold. The hay will be drowned, and the wheat destroyed by the , rust. Oats flattened by the wind; apples fall- ing off; strawberries all gone, etc. An exchange says that two quarts of wocd ashes enclosed'in a Cotten bag and suspended in your cistern will de- oderize and keep the water sweet dur- ing the hot weather. This is sufficient for a 40 barrel cistern. This is cheap and simple and certainly worth trying It` is said that e very safe, cheap and effective disinfe ','"'it for ea nn1er is ordinary bluesw:t,',ftisulphriae of copper) Dissolve in water in the proportion of two pounds to a pailful. ,Sprinkle this freely every three or four weeks' in places required. This'tkill keep down various minor diseases,which arc dis- tinctly due to• ,Symot e 'ittfluence, as well ae those more severe forms which. prostrate the system and endanger life. Insure in the Temperance and. Gen- eral Insurance en-eralInsurance Co., of Toronto, En BrsSETv,, local agent. ---May 29--90. Cricket meeting will be held to -mor- row evening (Friday) .at the Central Hotel, at 8.30 o'clock, to arrange d 'match on .Civic Holiday and other busi- ness, 1. ELLTO'r, Secy, OO Tuesday evening' the Salvation Army had a grand Ice Cream Festival and Jubilee. The attendance P WrIS lar.. • 1 large and the affair'is roved a •' success financially and otherwise. ,e So die rs from London and elsewhere were pre8- Mr. Wm. Rowteliffe, London • road, Stephen, suet with rather an unpleasant accident on Saturday last. He Seas en- gaged in unloading hay with 'a hay- fork andft r a letting till • e t g• ula.one fork full. he went to pull the ptrip : rope , which broke, it being unexpected, Mr.; Howl: elille fell offthe load•andin the fall dis'- located his "shoulder. On Sunday next, the 'niembes'. of Lebanon Forest Lodge, No. 133,', A.. F. & A, M., accompanied by brethren from Hensall, Lucan, Clinton and Seaforth .' will divine end i tc d v e servicein the qT�' Y- itt Memorial Church at 3 o'clock.in tae afternoon. The brethren are request cd to meet in the Masonic Hall' 'at 2 o'clock p. m. sharp. • ' Mr. John Matheson, of Exeter North? has purchased from Messrs, Scott Bros:, of Seaforth, a beautiful Bell Piano; up'' right style, and is constructed oni their new design, which was lately patented by them. One of the new improve. ments is the softiug of the sound with• out weakning the action, which is specially adopted for new beginners. W anted. Never too late to mend. 5000 pairs of boots and shoes that need repairing to be left at the leading boot and shoe store next door to the .`post office. G. Manson: Promenade Concert. A grand promenade concert, 'will take place under the auspices of ;the Guild of the Trivitt Memorial church, in the roller skating rink, on Thursday evening next, 23rd inst. Music by Gidley's Orchestra. Refreshments,lcon- sisting of ice cream and cake, lemonade and Boston cream. Everybody wait for it, as this will be the entertainment of the season. Admission, 10 cts.; refreshments, extra. Apple:Blight. Reports from yarious sections of the country would indicate that a general blight had fallen on the apple crop and many theories have been advanced as to the cause. There has been no frost, hut it is generally believed that the pe- culiar electrical condition of the weath- er during eath-er'during the past week or so has been the reason. The fruit was just begin- ning to form, but the germs of the ap- ple ,seem in some mysterioas manner to be blasted,, and are literally rotten. Accident. On ,Friday last while Mr.„ William, Treble was engaged in the barn of -Mr. Henry Perkins, Usborne, erecting a track with which to run a hayfork on, he met with rather a painful fall. It appears he was standing on a beam, when, by some means he slipped and. fell, landing on top of the grainery with such force as to break through, and in throwing out his arms to catch himself he received a severe sprained arm and a bad shaking up. Civic Holiday. . Last week petitions were circulated among- our residents and afterwards presented to the Reeve, one praying that Friday the 1st of August be set a- part as civic holiday, and the other was for the 15th of August. The Reeve set apart the 1st of August and ad excur- sion under the auspices of Lebanon Forest Lodge, No. 133, A. F. and A. M., will be run to PortStanley. It is now some time since our residents have spent a day at the Port, and doubtless a large number will attend. Full par- ticulars will be given next week. Council Proceedings; The Council met by order of the Reeve at the Town Hall 12th July 1890. All present. Minutes of forme meeting were read andconfirmed. Mrs. Orns applied for relief. Moved by H. Spackman seconded by D. A. Ross. That the Reeve and Deputy be a com- mittee to see about the applicant and have power to act in the matter until another meeting of the Council. -Car• ried. The Clerk reported $505 43 re- quired for county purposes. Moved by W. G. Bissett seconded by H. Spackman that orders begranted for the following sums, viz: -R. Stanlake $3.00 for labor; Jno. Brock $14 39 do.; John Keyes $2 do.; John Parsons $20.13 do.; Thomas Hartnell $5.63 do.; Thos. Bell $5.63 do.: Wm. Horn $3.00 do.; S. Handford $7.75 do.; Jno. Morehead $4.00 do.; Jas. Hern $4.38 do.; Geo. Cudrnore $3.87 do.; Jno. Gillespie $14.00 do ; Alfred McIntyre $18.39 do.; Wm. Webster $3 do.; Thos. Webster $12.82 do.; Thos, Horn $19.01 do.; Jonathan Kidd $18.63 do.; Geo. Hodgins $19.88 do.; W. J. Bissett $23.25 do,; R. Williams $22.63 do. Walter Westeott $15.01 do,; Joseph Da., $9.38 do.; Don. Taylor $6:50 do ; Ii Parsons $18,12 do.; Jno. Vale $6.25 do.; James Creech $4.10 fieight on tile, do 63 cts. do, • do 6.00 • h •' Gould; charity , $ to J. • 3 Could; do $6.00 Mrs, Piper; do $6.00 IL McIntosh; do $2:00 Mrs. McIntosh; J. N. Howard 7.75, nails etc.; Wm. Folland $1.00 rep. street lamps:; M Eaerett $2500 pt. sal- ary and, Albert Bissett $25,00 street watering. -Carried. MoYed by D. A. Ross seconded by J. Oke that the Road Commissioner be instrileted t0 repair the side walk at E. Christie's the'cross- inc at F. Wittve` and sidewalk at J, P. Ross' and procurenecessary lumber for the same. -Carried. Moved by . D. A. Ross seconded by W. G. Bissett bat this CouncU adjourn untilSattirda,y the 25th inst,, at Et o'clock p, tri.-Crirried, M. Elattitstr, Clelk.. r r v B b L r S E 0 0 • R tl S F d R i 0 S Is C w a TO to M H C P A se le V se J ri G a CI ce ed ti ed fie W fo be ne w th wl de by t lr Bo Ha Ite in su we de dre ,ele ret ga Th an at for the it i cat por H, - tee, to report vt the next sheeting, per B. S. O'Neil, support,' J. Gould -R. ,II. .Archer and J. Matheson to be `na corn - Found. On Main Street, a passbook belong ing, we would judge, to some liorse- mau,, The owner' can have the same at this.oflico by p;tyrllg t:harges, Crop Nutei, Mr. T. Coughlin, M. P; has one of the finest fields of fall wheat we have seen, -Mr. I=Itkndford,•'London. Road, also has a piece of wheat' that few can surpass. DIr..H<irry,SainWell had about thirty ton of hay upon eight acres. -Many far-. tigers in the neighborhood, hood of . P rklaill Craig and West McGillivrry are cut-, ting their fall wheat '.,The grain rna tures and ripens mare ,',,The grain their sandy'land than iri.;,the adjourning townships, where the land is .chiefly clay, The continued heat and want of rain just the weather v while J for hay g and spring' and fall wheat; is causinr, some of the oats to "rust". Fhe Successful Candidates. • The following candidates for t High e� n atra ce examination at Exet have passed in all subjects. A full turn giving marks could not be rea for this "vy eek's "-paper.-Miaznie Cav Blanche Clark, Nellie Dorward, Hatt Fitton, Laura Hicks, Martha Hera, A ie Holland, Belva 1-lailh:nd, Allie Ke slake, Annie Levett; Nettie Martin; A gie Murray, Elsie McCallum;.` Mabe milli°,` Lydia Str'enipfer,Ellen Shirra 11lary Spencer,1c00,•Treble, Lyda T ethick, Charles Aldsworth,,_' Will rooks, James,eampbell, John '"Cam ell, Heber Clement, Norman' Creec lays-Glanvi le, Cecil Kersey, Willi, Hess, Alfred McTaggart, Willie M ay,•Prescott:Ross, Willie Ross, Fran hapton, Aquila Snell, George • Will lDublie School Promotions. The-following`is the Rat of •'irorn ions made in the four highest rooms xeter Public School which are ;'bas n last term's work, The 'promotio or the two•lowest rooms will be - mad mmediately at the beginning of ne erm. The names of'`those promote ccur in order of merit.=PRrxereAn oonc-4th to Jr. 5th. -All who pa le entrance examination. Jr. 4th r. 4th. -James. Kelland, Annie. Fis !ISS VosPERS TO PRINCIPAL'S 'ROOM.- vie 'oo i. Evie Huston, Ida: Johns;Eddie Pickar rank Lutz, Jessie Creech, Harry Sa ex's, Cora Pickar,':d, Gertie Hersey, A amsay, Judson Davidson, Ettie Har in Lizzie Gillespie, Miss, GREG:' RY'S TO M,Iss. VOSPER'S Roolif.=Fran weet, Gilbert Horn, Russell hick sac Bissett, Harry Browning,. Edn reech, Ethel Bee, May Sanders, Graci ilson, Almer Nelson, Ida Ferguso nd Willie Weir equal. 'Miss. GILL' Miss.'G'REGORY'S'Roont.-Rose Ha n, Eddie Crocker, Louisa Taylo ary Horn, Wm. McLaughlin,.-;Emm owvard and Wm. Moncur equal;> ddi hristie and Ch. Treble equal, ;Herber hair, Eddie Dignan, and John Spa& an equal. Huron Athlete'Wins. .Gideon P .rrie, the well -know Bruk Is boy wh has now become; an ath to of continental fame. wret' aucouver last month with the lemon' ap Matsada, and won the match in th cond and third,of: three falls. Th ap at once issued a challenge to Per e. to wrestle in 15 days, from date raeco-Roman style, for $250, or-s.S5O0 side. The Vanconver Herald' says_: After a little consideration Petrie tic pted the challenge, declaring exeit ly that he would meet the •Jap• anti me and wrestle him any way he wish , but that he would have to be satis: d with `catch weights,' as he (Perrie ould not train himself down::again r any man: Thus ended one of: th'e st exhibitions of the kind everwit- ssed inVancouver. Perriess-friends Nile notunderratingthe Jan, have e greatest confidence in .their man, lose splendid°phsieue, size and won rfnl strength, will be 'sup�plementc a skill almost if not quite ,equal to at' of his renowned adv-ersairy. and:of Trade Heating... g• -• July 9th, -Meeting held in the Town 11 at 8 p. m., chair, R. 11. Archer. ars "passed: -Minutes of previous Board t 0 • II ael:- Notie ai cl ' 'In; the Post Office, pet 91r. Neil, pport J. McInnes --Request for tri ekly market per Mr. Bobier,; action ferred for report of deputation, per Grigg, support H. Spackman -Ad - ss on behalf of the market: to the ctorate left in the hands of the sec- ary-The following resolution, in re - rd to a high school for our village:; - at it is a matter of just importance d one which, should be aceompliShed the earliest `Possible date, not only Village requirements but that of large and populous district of which s the natural commercial and edu- ional centre, per W. Weekes, : sup - ti J. Matheson -B. W. Grigg and.R.. Archer to be a High` School commit - he cr 1'e- dy e, ie d- r - a' pie Ti ie p-. h Lm, ui is. 0 - of ed DS. e xt d 's ss to d, v- ii'. s,. a n s r, a e k.1 's e meeting -Title , of Council o be Executive Committee. pe Map, support, B. S. O'Neil- general meeting to be per: mttee on waterworks, to report^at next meeting, per W. Weekes, support, B. S. O'Neil -Adjournment, per J. McInnes. 'For Sceretary J. C•dTUOG. P. S. The instructions to the.water, works committee are :to, inquire into the available supply fpr' here and do- mestic purposes, cost of .introduction and power for distribution; to the High School comrxiittee�to.ascertain `. cost .of establishing a suitable school,,goverrn mein and.eounty.aid, fees and. probab- le annual chard" to'the Tillage.' To The, Public, kl:y Prof. Wilhb ,cif . homas, t all•" tarrhr Spec a' t i i Jt'iirrin o rd`tirtss'ter ,...JI l�, his,en:tarrh remedieb' from people' in Winnipeg; Man., and Indianna,'rind I ha s e' Seers the'sale. SAN,bliRS, leiter ADv'ocATE. • d• Personal. ll[enttid , Miss. Hattie Graham, of 'f tidgetoly who, has been ftaiting friends here 'f some time returned home On Tlturs4 horning. --Mrs. Smallacombe, Who h been visiting friends S'it�Monet Pore` for the:past two months returned h on Saturday last. --.Master Ga Steinbach is visiting .at Mr. Dail Da at present; -Mr'. Horn, of Lotidoe, ited hie sister, Mr. John Darling f" a7, to Sunday last. -,Mr.' Wm. Bakor,of.Wi spent un tram s a h ' ' S da• t . a ome , lie rt p J u_ ed to Wingham Monday mor° iil` Mi g Iluglt Balkwill, of Chielago, is,renewi'n old acquaintances• in„Town. W;Mi-. W." Andrews, of Goderieh; is visiting hi son Mr. Walt. Andrews, at 'present: Mr. Geo. Ranton,•formerly merchant,." this place gage us a •friendly` 'calf,•, . Monday, lda. as - Ii t.°114rs l Samuel Sander's y � and Master Allan Miers, who.ha,vebee visiting' friends in•Loridop' for the pas fewdays,retllrnedbvine$aturday night -Mr. D vi d d �•1 a, to ss us•r ra t a fi 1, tt z t of a 1 t, Tuesday -for •Goder ren, :ivllee,they pili• pose taking the boat for Dtl'uth 'and from there =by rail to' St. Paul. '1 former, will remain in St.` Paul ""ivhil the latter • o: dl return urn afterspend>na . few weeks -Miss• Al.lie :Tennison, . o Watford;. and Miss.. Mi gale Crowley, , o London; are the guests;�of Mrs. , Wilson at present. -Mr. and Mr's0Wistler, who have been visiting Mee. . Thos Dear ing,:returpcd home to `Mancelo ia,Mich on Tuesday,. --Miss. Martie Way isi,vis itirg friellds:iri;Town•at present. -Mr Ed. Spackrnanr is away,on,. business' to Montreal. Mrs. Ed. Spackman is Visit- ing her sister in'Belleville.=Miss Ettie. Essa'v do i„ Is visiting friends in London - Miss. Susie ' 'eekes, of Norwich, i home on a visit for • a, few,. ,,weeks ,Miss; Inman, left for her home in Brus- sels'on Tuesday. 'Miss. Lrzzic Shute left for 'Teconla, Washington,. where she:will remain :for some time visiting her brother' Mr.' 11t T. Shiite. -After an absense of about :seven and a half years, M, ..Wit]: Tom returned home on Saturday last from Medicine Hat,North West Territbry-. He repot:ts things favorable in that country. -Mr. and lfrs.R..J. Brumptou arrived laomefrom the Soo on Monday morning looking none the worse ;fcr their three weeks trip.' Mr. Hruu)pton speaks well of the place, although' he says that business, is not .as lively as it :was some time ago, although it is 'expected that it will im proveshortly.=Mrs. George Kemp ,is visiting: friends in Seaforth for couple of weeks. x Mr.,Jonathan Manning left yesterday for ihi1uth via United Em- pire. -Mr. and Mrs -'W lliam Smith '16it, yesterday morning.to visit"'friends lj Hamilton for it'few days Mr.� tit? I Balkwill, w ho tir'rrveithere last`' Week from Chicago le`ft yesterdzv fot,'',t Straits of Mackinac , ,M"r John ; Ap `hy ton, Tonsorial artist of Parth'ill' spezz((i Monday last in town.-Mrf ' iii Levett of this.place.spent Wednesday last in Parkhill, --Mr. John Hackney; of De-, troit is spending a few days.''amongst friends;and relatives around 'Exeter. - Mr. Gregory H. Tom, principal` of our public School, who Left towniast week, took lathe excursion trip. On the beau- tiful steamer•"Lora,'.' fromr•Goderich on Sunday last. +. 11, or ay as Pomo 0 r' g' m; s. of n t n` e T f , s • BlWOHSi.. ; PREST:-In McGillivray, on the 13th inst., the wife of Mr. Thomas Prest, of a daughter. DEATHS:' to• QuANcR.-In.Usborun,on the, llth InsF:; William Qua.nce, aged 34 years, months - an • d2days.` ' CoLLTxs:.=ln Biddulph, on INIonday 7th • inst., Mary Collins,•;` wife of Mr Thos.' Collins:'ag 470 v'rs; Ttroursi N: -.In Biddulph; atz..Sunday 6th inst., Elizabeth Ann, only daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. Joseph , Thompson, aged 15 years, CAVES. -In• Lueaal oir Wednesday; 9th inst., the•wife of Alex. Ca't'es. 13,©LTSE TO LET. Catkin} beautiful Bick dwelling, situated on �'Lot 4- with Street, being , , eight con- venient roams contained therein and all necessary conveniences on ` the premises. Reasonable Terms. For further particulars apply to 183 •GEORGE HODg;INs. Hensall. The Canadian -bred trotting stallion Am- ,bor. by Clear Grit, formerly owned by Mr. P. J. Pikey; or•Bra,ntford, stands at the highest fee ofany.of the stallions owned by the Ital- ian Government, .wbich_ r.aid,$3 5'3O; for hini inGermany last yyerir.-Fx. `Ambpi•F., own- ed by; Mr. T. Murdock, of Mensail. ' is ' Aon of Amber, and is one of the hest ;stallions in Canada. Re will stand. at,'alurclock's gtablee duringthe coming season'. YOR TRUST IN PNICES, ey are deceitful above all things and DESPERATEliY tJROOCKE», Price and Value are eguivalent tl Ot 1some people seem em to confound the two '111-e have set ourl`eet • down n solidly: on THE ROCK Of QALITY, And we won't be dared into fighting sqadows, for these so-called • LOW I' ICES , are but fi' ti I, shadows and can not liitve tl�e substance .a of 14LIALIIT at their back. Our boast y �l and pride is 1alit . Nothing ng leaves our store that' is not first-class qualityand brings first- class custom We shall never' lack that :; and we w�trit np;ather THE E GOODS ate the cheapest ' p tin the ?.ong run, 'ud ed by A STSWEAR3 OR WORT that what we s ._ . ell. Highest : price paid for butter and eggs. Cash for e , r CARLIr G BROS. Tho ,tiuestion is who bought that bankrupt ,stock? Severaj have,' �,p�vertised . , �q dolling cheap. I want it dirstinctly' under: stood , D NOT GET IT nor do not want it. I manufacture° . all my own tinware'and handle no bankrupt stock, and am ilia position at all times to offer good, Well -made Tinware at alower price than any other house can sell their two -year - and -a -half shop-worn goods. I ask you to conte and inspect ct m stock and you will be convincedi that I am,speaking the truth My stock is all made up of T,I I F B ;ST TIS T tbat can -be had i n the market, and am selling away down. 0 0.0 0 0:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 COAL OIL ALWAYS ON HAND. 000000000000000000000000.0 WILL FOLLAND, STAND, one door north of Dr. Lutz's Drug Store; MainStreet, Exeter. S i:gn of Big Elephant. Cheap STOVES . ND TINWARE. ...M:•Nit'n 1,:y*fra.M . c. a•a',usaS;Y?;:rvj a N Having now a practical tinsmith ,l am, prepared to da any Eauetroughing, Furnace work or Repairs. .•IT PLATED ' WARE AT COST. Full line of Paints, Oils, Glass, Putt :Piaster Ilair Putty; '. -Plaster > Pitch, Tar• and Cements,, DAISY CI -IT -MSS AWAY DOWN. Milk Cans, 20, 25 & 30 . als Cheap. BARBED, ANNEALED AND STRIP WIRES. Locks; o.cks; Morti Vie, Rll.,µ etc. RIne �i 31&IT)e. i1a;ve decided to keep for• people of'Exeter ITR ASH ROLL BUTTR ICE. SUGARS and ,CFWCERIES OF ALL KIND S CHEAP. A CALL' •;SLI . arm; . f� 'M a i Illi HOWARD, Manager.Proprietor. r Absolutely'• r Lia p m of tartar baking ulvcle ; ig � , FIi h l a est of all id i'eav;,nittg stl'ekigt4;4--, Gover•itrnen epoPi, A cgia5t 1.714, 189.