HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1890-7-17, Page 2TgaBZI DAKQTA•
40.01nagt.'h7rna:mt:°01:lagthaettlfaa.1,;:etan..wteialla:wae. a gattka.fia
fell m Otrealle, In A Strip of oonntry in the
)atiles weeet, . „ , , . . , .
rigtfe°4h,,t,''''',,Th. .abaiilatenthe.y191:48 awserwerg5:34,:e
• ' heg's eggs.
. . , . .
. •entletoe0 aerWeeitner garate"aahrerarihetnothat.hloast
whe witeEi are:4,8,4).0nd telegraph business
at delved. ..t,,, . ,, ,.. , a ,
. a ' ReN,,rorie`a_es 13,,h,o.iten: .,,,, tay
A Neve Orl'eaus tiesPatall eie wilese,
d bl -
intY8 : A Loor'n . c-4 acAn4 era °' PaclilAc
faonreno,o:elipt 01,11e'cl''re‘ -
hro4e out Yes.terihY t g a ma e to
and did quite an amoun o a • g
lanildinge,„ telegraph. d t 1 h Ide
ant di tre.ea in Data city, In abaut an ho.or
.artier thehatop hadearebettreedp,aWireesdt,erbnaljtattohne
e ? °if" l•nes *were wreaked to such en
1 i
eate tee9nt.Pnteh na fi.. will be required to get
tiler* lu ader "The wind came from the,
northeastC,r the.n shifted ato heath, totok a
nick veer northwestwar and he s orm
g . . •
R • f 11 ' latla
broke with fury. , am .e in , ao i ,
skintba sheets, and soon the Streets were
fie' a dg Some telegraph ana man y tele.
Ian a les were Prostrated inseVeralperts
P. °„rt° p9t - a,„-ae,,,,, were broken an4 treett
9.1. "Le 9' Y, w` -c """ - - • ,
uprooted. '
' noon Testi ore . , „
• • •
re the liveliest kind of metes. in
There we . . •
the custom house shortly after noon, And
' ' 12 Id b ddin
the interior of the stanno o co . , g
now presents a very deplorable appearatoe. •
It ete literally drOwned out. Workznet
are building. a, new tebee,rvetory on the.
roof of the old building, while another
gang f akpentere are repairieg the
f Qa• et bt fore the rain the carpenters •
non 4 _ net
tn e f e the corner of North
strippea e roo n ar
rs and Canal streete o i s an oover,
pete t 't t'
'el th t u the, tanks, leaving
ltrig an ` enO ner'ab "Pe SO f Pt l
e on ee ong eta 3.0
:41? op.e,t1 EI,Pt.';_e „eta about that lama the
met twee ow:1u ,d co,
store, It bl bia tans Mad
-"d '"Te 143): Th erwo f reein an in:
,ra.ine en orren .e. t .. 8 CI a th g. it th
°lined one the wa er poure rong a
. ,., . . e .. we eee and,
°Peninge 'Jae a ndlnia"ute 't°4`"*"''. .
soon flooded the entire front portum ot tne
b 'Id' A strecitit of water several feet
am mg. .
,eep came stellate own e s airs rom
, d th t ' f
thir o t e secon cor wi, e roar
th ' d t h d fl. •th th
a e • „
al t
of a ceteract. The water ram y rote o
., „ . ..
1 IA n hes dee in the corridors, of the
° 3!' Bix-1 ° .. d pth it d 11.• h-
second -floor en en spa e t roug ,
flooding the•postoffiee and raining the wallet
The clerks in the Marble -Hall were me-
prised at this sudden rush of water,. but
- b" th - th t '
there was a ,, igger serpents an a in
, store for them, that occurred juit about
the time the waters reached their item..
The . wind was whietling ever the roof
With a fury that was appaling, and the four
h If t 1 h Id ' 1 b t
ere es on t e o eigna o serve ory
a• n h' li d t th d 1
ng wroun a a onset ;lay° n.
7"e w Id •
A ll h t
tone a minute; n unusua y, eavy gus
of Wed etruok the scaffolding around the
3. . , . .
h• k f d d
new observatory. It s co or a Bacon An
, then fall , with a crash through the heavy
lite elites that ' given light to the Itleehte
,1)._ _ __ . . Id b h a th- le .
Hall. The nowe con e ear roue a
u t e ta ing. e g Ms e VS1 grea
0 t h b 'ld• Th 1 f 11 lh t
f ' to a other la ex of plate glue, and
ea_rceti.di - ' t'd , • ,
enenettneeenare mas sYwent epinting down.
t k th - Marble Hall with a.
' war* all* a rFe 9
thundering noise. P anks fo owe an t e
a 11 d d h
t .• . . • .. . .... , ,
hall was quickly- littered with a eniseellane.
I t of ' tuff *biota toeether with the
was et . S. a. . _ , .
water, paw it at ismaa appearance. everal;
gentlemen. havitg.business in the hall tar-
towly escaped being etruck by the falling
glass. The damage will' foot rip to many
.thatteande of dollars. ..• ; .
, Hotel Blown Into the Lake,
A. Saratoes despatch nee : Reports. re.
. e a
ceived here give no particulars in regard to
• the 'reported storm, but the etimor at the
railroad- station' here is that the 'Bluff Point
Hotel on.Lake.Champlain shore, owned ,b 3`
the•Delaware di Hudson Company, was
blown into the lake yeeterd,ay . afeernoon/
and,severel ptreone lost eheir lives.. pert
,Kett. is the fartheetdeattit 'teeth thee ban
be restehed,thy:,, the railroad or :Western
lenient wires. That place reports a terrible
t ' • that t' .
e oriel in sec ion. . . . .
.. neat, N. Y. July 9,---Geteral Passenger
,. . .. , • • . . e.
Agent Burdick,' of the' Delaware & Balloon.
Conettany, left here at 12.30 this morniug.
for Bluff Point. He micathat his first it-,
formation was that the hotee bed been
wrecked by a eyolone ana thee sixteen lives
had been lost. Liter he learned that While
the betel had been consideribly , dateagede
only one person conld.not.be etteounted far
- - - .
The storm lasted only a feweneinutes, brit
was,of great severity. ' •
; •"
A eiONChattriela MUSTS.
minister . a.ahfaoaraara _eratae _le:median Hand
,_ _
IA Rota aarat',1207007"ae7p:teole, Gaya . How,
In a adveme, atate that in the Lealeletture
o- it -June litla . Ur'. A' witin, minister. of
Q't::::eg11.00,:.0,:ii.trteeto oret:):00,dr,eitgOn t4h;ftei.iroloa,araguede
.7bandiee agalPet 11144 la the IllaSnritY"'Pnzt
a d that he ateoheyed the teeteeetinee
of the House to lay before it the documents
regarding the propeeed treaty with the
United tates, ortbat he' hen abetraoted
. ,
' t a .-11..,t'' - i i-. , ii
Importan onme s in re A ton to le
matter op the plea that they werepersoned
, , ..
coAntnereudnidattlabobn. sw• cia affeaea aiattataa that
Attorney•Creneral Ashford had PersietentlY
advised the Iding to refuse to teleow the
adyme of a majority of the Cabiaet and
declaring a lack of confidence' in Mr.
ford. A warm and protracted deAbsahte.
ensued. Tte vo te on the resolutionresulted
24 to 04. The Cabinet thereepot promptly
reeigned, On •the tettle the Ettg appointed
a new Cabinet, with' TOlala Adaeue Cernmine
as Minister of Foreign Affairs and Arthur
.P. retersoo. as Attorney•Getierea. Due.
ing the proceeding& in the • Legielature
previoue • to the . resignation of the
. .. . . mister, ,Ae•glfora' answered
• • . -. .
hiEetnunnY, nt t hen f co: ' •
eltan.ga"gain° ' ° - uhtvallee la
the ittiterreetion of 1887, He assekted that
the. inearrectieth Planned by We R. Wilma:
wae only part of a plan to ,depetie the King'
and replam ban by hie eister 'He declared
. -. . .
t 'bl f ' •th .•
the ministry were o ems or e team.
' motion. He ' claimed that when eit Was:
votel to put -the propostidareetty.with the.
Itnited States through the King was not to..
- : • • .
know all the fade of the treaty. The ()lame
relating to the landing of foreign 'heaps
on Hawaiien mil was autexed to a draft of
the treaty, 'and the King rejected it. Millis.
ter Ashford charged other met:there of the
Cabinet. with conspiracy. Minister Thurs.
. .
ton entered a general dental , of Athfer die
stseements. ,
tated -
Repr,mentetive Wilcox e . . that. A
sooiety Organized to secure te the natives
. ,. • • t t °frit'
by peseetel methods the righ o hold as
• • • ' -
asked the King to abdicate .n1 favor of his
s• ter on accomt of the opium and other
la • •
scandals. Mr. WileOT Contend,* that prior
to thieethe Ministry: had leeen cons iring
. -.• .4, • t ' t ' ea
a ainst the _ming amen avor.o a rept to,
gd th t th ' k n of the t it
an • ° e BP° esma• • par y w• 9
•at the tim e the propommon was naride• to
th 'Ring in the ' employ of 'certain Of the
e ' , :, , 7, ,, f' '
A BAD WAStera ,
. . .
. - . /
trai4 PenPle 41r° rciu" than' willing t° Va3,' d
ey oen be welletuited, it is a wonder mem
eirla are pot ready to hohde ehe obamate. It
ep, beeeuse, snide, work htha been almoat
,,te7ofpli,,C) ,,ei:fe,laegiOly Antd. baddlyhdoie theft i.it
...ate .a..en na.o , emu a An t e me o s
hove token pub le* yank, etettaody taitee
' the troubje tg fit ' herself prOpOrlYr bat
. , , . . . .
aeveneert trust to being taughe and thedeng
Out 'their duttee after they Assume 'each
.. .
positions -not ,le.fere.-6(arah Orne Xeleett,
.:in Oon$regaPono oe.
Feeble)), :Fancies.
Yellowe in all thole glories of tinte, from
panary color to the . deepest maize, find
favor tordong the moilistee and milliners of
. . -
Peale in a great variety 6f combinations.
liar l ver and gitdlea
tatiftet 00 s, Paueoli, re 0. , .. ,. •
are of contrasting oolore heavily braided
with- gold. Theeo, g9w9S at'e atte4 1/13,110,
ellen model,. end, as may be auppesee, see
,yery 'Pl.l383;hhvf• ,' -
. . Valetta ,heaageax was, never more. prornin-
dent or populak than this season for clam
day.' For tall gala oneasione thie summer
white chips and tebite lace hate, with nod-
ding ostrich mumee, Will ' disport them.
p. e , e
offiTchereleProjanpnea:nanf '.hWetaleees.. . halals af adealtitondatbhle
London will Wear thia intbeconiing beadt
gear the -coining yachting season Last
- ' ' • - '; • '
Hagen French women, ware these httle cepa
,ae the seashore mods .of navy blue cloth or
of white dm*, 'but tbe English admirers of
e ove 3/ nu et , w 0 Be S ' BS I
,th 1 / P d c is b - t the f bions
do pot ask the origin of the styles the.sets.
,,, ' ' - " ' • : '
Among the .English fashions that have
taken a 'strong holkt on ',sbe pepultir fencer
here are .the Mitred beta of Liberty silk
.It is setontehing ta tee how many different
effects tie shape may be produced' in *hie
pimple 'tort ot head.gear. Young ladies
wear them with their vette gows on sura•
neer mornings, x • e a 1 ren wear em
l'ttl' ' 'hid • th
witle. their dainty.. frockia of cembrie end
lawnetrbut they are not' for 'anthrax. ladies
! - /
as they are essentially youthful in effect.
. • _ • e. . , • • . .,
A dotted ransan •parasol, with a wedg
frill of Valenci•nnea laoe Makes a rett
. 1 ' . , 4, . ,, ., , . P , y
accompaniment to a young glees masa aay
costiume., 'Another very rett arasol as
• ... a ,,P . Y „P .
made of alternate ettiaea ribbon and lace
insertion:. Thie was sem duplicated in black
h t d "hb ' d • rh 'II ' '
wit wa ere Pi' OU - SO a anti y weer.
eiont'• • The stripes run'aeotand the,parasole
Large bows ornament the top and handle.
On an ivory handle the monogram or cipher
. . _ , , , ,
• le engraved. . .
• D " t I , ' ; d ' t' 1 f Ift
,., ant y paeaso s, ma e en ire y o .w 1 e
' lace,. Mull or • muelin cum 1 t the g a
. p e e o -
sewer, dainty effects of the sheer : white
oosttnne • to be • worn at class day and on
°thee eel& 'occasions.' It 'falter& to 'see' the
t' ' f th • fil ''' ' '1 ' T
u day o ese my' 'earner, s. rans-
itr t
p en paresole are ale° fottnd it baaok
eh'. 11. 1 ' ' •k" •'1'' d
tei mos eno ea. atte, ell ; nine ett an gran.
adines and are as delioate/y and as dressily
' a ' . l la - a • -
ma e as posetb e. Go en an silver fraraea
Are used for these goesamer shades, and the
',white Ivory', hindles, *taught or oarved in
' V' i• ''''' • ' ' "1 li • l
an ar iti 10 Manner, comp ate t ese cost y
ti 1 • : f a - , . . .
ar o es o ress: . ,, . , ,
The ofacers' mese jacket. is one of the
t t ' h I' 1 t ' h
mos a yhe • itt e. german a. ever a own
h d •t a • 't• • ' l' 1' -
, ere, an i is no near y so mason me as re
would appemeets the mit . is so short and
th effect s nett • • f
e o , y. ti coursei,it is heavily
laden with gold lece and buttons,. without
*hide ittvertild hive. but little character,
All sienna the open fronts' end' the 'beak,
and on the sleeves 'at Wiest and ehoulder,
one may iee the geed* frectery. Mese but.
tone edge tee. ,entiee 'front, as. they rlo not
fasten but are 'dpen to show the • blouse or
' d h • '
waistcoat nn erueat . • ',..., . ;; ,
• No prettier mode ,, . he velvet bodictea
than t .
or ith las skirt has been exhibited
w n w . e a . - bY
the leading modistea for this season. These
bedices are mutely:fifth:to and eleevelese, so
far as the velvee is ooncer d. The lao
de e
forms the eleeves. • The *teed Medici•oollar
greatly enhanceethe'beanty of this
' bested -
fat bodfee. Velvet bows deciorate, the •ekirt
on such costames. The pointed bodice 'ia
better fintehed by a lOng,looped bow behind
an ex en ing over t ee aert. in a vein in
d t d• h h' t ''t•
front. ' • • ' ,
94 the NA r, tlit•-"n"lan° Among the
IeJetetat .
A Helena, Monte' . eepatch IlaYti t A
Meitonel wreck. „occurred 911 the NOrthern.
l'A01110 Bo. Ad on Tucodo Y °It°"1.°- °n"....°",r11
rait bwoe:Pao : 01 fia°tafarl,,stertitinat,e'' :rase nthetatrlorlitgytywtrea"
'•• i epera were thrown down a thirty,
met embankment. The pasetmeers of th.o,
first oar were thrown violently, from. their'
seats and huddled into a. mse_e, whtle those
in, the Pe. etmd farad but lattle..,better,„„.„ „ ,. ,
_illipti May 0, 'Otwoon, 1 ort Sherman,
h as injama ao bedly that ehe died
Aus...o, w , . , .
within an hour, A dozen others were tn.
' ' cl, the most 'setionsly hurt being A. M.
pre t ,.t.. .. a, • a..,,
Otto, Northern F fi0 etaprese au nor,
who had his arme bar;tikea !dun dt banjo d;
13' It afflYnn 1::es
mrs, Gr• D., Nowa', leart.t.u, , ta, ,.•_. le,
injured.; Annie zeneoratw, &eery' let...vt tie
ington, shotddere, tatueed : Jamee edleopent
n r: Oregon intured tu lege and body ;
ElePen° , - .' - e • • .
Mra. jantes Slocum, arma and ahoutders
. .
d M joht Lane Neve-Yokk, face
allloiduebea;d, tell t. ; DI Fs , AY.' s i n e . ,Icingstion
1 heia atilt was alsO
Ont., intermit triturate.;
njueed ; S. K. Suet ey, or mermen d,
Washington head hurt ; Elijah Smith, NeW
. • ,,
a .
LT! rkpalat:nd, s onintnea4npdo Isoh,oualct:ers liciur,t ; W.
' ir M' I* rm hurt • Mrs.
W. L. Patch, faoe, head an arms
. .
itateraeed. ,, . , ,
b 431 matted.'
' The ' eleepers • were a • Y.. B- "„ :
Several of the yaounded, are, aangen°a°T,
hurt ' but thveichets sac no moree deaths
----, • . ' ' '
The wa ncled were teken tothe Northern
Pacific Higspital at Missoula, ' where eve*
,, thin ie bein . done for theme. _ ,
g . ,,g „ , . ,„ .. , ,, , , , ...:
Thaltittle Town of Fargo Badly Wreoked
by a Oyolone.
, ,
t II
The Americans saki ,th gave
' - - , . ,
Houzes But No llomes,
, .
imvaaaelet FtewAleatims, B4EetaiRPPD,
4 st. paw. oespooll otle : A report al
,ourreat here that tbe town Of Fargo, N.D.,
wae completely SWent away bY a eYolone
this morning, and that Neereheadt Whittle
lies in Minnesota,' neat of Forgo, wake a .
elightly.dettaged. lf the eeperes em eme
theae oanet have been great icee of. life et
Fargo, 11;14 u41 tratoeitoae, tend to confirm_
the teportia •iliarailroad man who arrived
from , that vicinity this morning saye a
terriao wind stone prevailed ibis moreenge
gma that several trams were blown from
the traeks, All the -wires to Fargo are
' ' •
down, and the ,Weeternafanion officials ye-
. , .
pert thet about two raileg of telegraph
vine near lava°. and. betwoen there .and•
Idt. Paul have been blown down, West og
pareo they Imp worse conditione exist, sod
thaerniles and milers of Wires MEd p.olee are
dam?. ,_ ,
The lest reports received be, the eignel
iservice horn Fergie Were at 7 p.m. on Sun.
day, and th • hawed a low barometer a,
' eY 8 • • " '
'temperature of. SO degrees, wind velornty of
Biz. miles an hour, with the conditions good
for a etorm. .. , •
eniaasetteat ore ma num.
General, Pasiengee Agent Fee, of the
Niiethern Pacifica Railway, hae redeived tile
following telegram, from Jameetown, N.D.:
" About 2 a.m: a eevere storm, 'struck the
Dakota division, end No. I ware blown from
the traok at Fargo. The roof was blown
off the depot at Mapleton: Oee of the
elevators at Dalrymple was moved off itii
foundation. The elevator at Edmunds, on
the J. et N" was stroolt hy lightning, and
burned. The. cars were blown out on the
main trick a* Butteville„ on the F. St S. W.
- • ' '
branola. Iaeve Sent Worknig outfit to Fargo.
It will take six'hours tb m ake the track
passable there. The main track is clear
aside from this." •• • ' •. • .
Mr. Fee says if any'one on the train ha d
been killed or injored it w ould ' certaiuly
have been.mentioned. . .. . ,
. . '
Tbe Waheieton, N. D., correspondent of
the Pioneer Press telegrapha se follows.: A
straight wind !rota , the morthweedatruok
Fargo at 2.30 te.m. Great damage was done
the city. Electric light towers were hlown
down, whole ' blooke were • unroofed, and
dozens of small hoases were razede and.
lamest every plate glen VViOdOw 00 Front
street and Broadway Was broken, Eleven
ehildren, were inetantly killed.' Two un-
• - • .
known tranme stopping in a box car were
killed. Nei. liaaSsenger train on theNorth.
— •
ern Paeific-geang west' twit pulled out -of the
yards, and haat stopped at the,Milwankee
crossing.. ...The trein was made ,up ot three
baggage' oars, nine coadhas and ,sleepere, et
private Oar containing a party'cif Of Chiezigo
a Nortliwebtern 'office:ale,' And Supeeinten.
dent PSOCabe'S car. All thetcoabliett and
the tender were blown from, the Wick, -.but
no lives were lose. . , The., lights. had • been
put out, sg that there weei no fire. Nearly
twenty:, ,passengers sustained. „alight in,
, . , ,,
juries. . , • „ a . ,
. TRE TZAVN A 11:CiE. ' '
. ; - •• '
A Milwaukee deepeteh says eAdvitiee re.
paved at the . Ohmage, Mdw,ankee & St.
Paul raileded ' offices horn 'their agent at
Fargo are to the effect ' that, the town was
pretty well wiped.on.. •Several peopleatere
killed andia number injured.' , A Northern
Pacific trai•n was blown teem the. track.,
Fargo iethe county seat of Casa comety,•
Noeth.Daliotit, and lies on the Rea River
of ,the North directly opposite 'Moorehead,
MEWL It has a ,population of SOMS 8,000,
aued is m substantially built flourishing city,.
the metropolis . of a fine farming country.
It is one of the principal stations on the
Northern-Pacifie ,west of,Minneapolis. The
.. . .
surrounderegonuntry is very flat. ,
A Fargo deepatole pf Tuesday grays : In •
Fate° yesterday,morntng Yerxa's Wigwem,
McGill de Cole. warehouse, the opera hatiee,
the Bepubliean 'office, Keeney block, the
battlement otiihe Benk of North Dakota,
the Chanita block, .Biehange • Hotel; COR.
tinental block' and Manitoba freight house
were unroofed, axed ehe ;Milwaukee depot
blown down. The Jay cloak Hotel' and
the Grand Pa.aifie,•ett Mooteheaa were un-
roofed. . • The residence of the late Captain
McCarthy, corbet of 'Fifth and Sixth, woe
ttrack by the' storm and demolished.
Seven oheldreti were instantly killed all
alre. MoCattliy irt not expected to live. .. e '
,. Manx ,CrITLIMEN , MLLES. , ,
. , • .
J. J. Seirdin, edibor,of the Fargo Republi-
;an sendS the' following' account , ; ot the
itorm t6 the Associated' Press :
This ofty was visited by the severest wind
. . . • .
dorm this morning it has ever known., It
ttegan at :2.30 ,o"olock and continued about
ealian lanear. Earlier in the night there
were setae indications of raM, and aboat
nidnight it:began to thunder and lightning,
tut few anticipated a serious storm. The
wind Arse began to blow from the math,
tut suddenly Milted. to the northwest .and
rt a very short time:ewes blowing, a httere.
eine. The thiee electrio light toweea were •
100n blOWiT down, leaving the city in' inky
larkneeethalawas; relieved. only by +avid;
hallo Of lightning.' The frightened inhebi-'
;ants were' aroused from their sleep and
teeth( were shining from windotre allover
he city; hue °Reside. there was nothing.hat
larkneas and teenpeet, and nothing could
le heard but the angey'roar of the wind and
-,. . . .
he crashing of the flying dehms. . By ‘,I
Nilo& people were hatrying tie every
lireotierv ' to ascertain, . the amount
1 "niage rdin'e• `6°m° - arPat*
ing diecoveries 11,7,ere ., seen . made,
he saddest beino the death of, meet chit. •
[Ten ofthe late Captain deaths MelJaktby
abo died only a few weeks ago. The
hildret ' who' were at :home with their
nether,' sotight safety- in the coal bin,
there they were all orushed to death. The
nailer *as also ,serionely injered, but ie is
bought she ,will recover,' , . . , . ,
. .
,...THE LOBS Or PROPERTY. :, ., .., ''
The NOrtilerp Peelle through weet.bouno
tassenger train, after being stopped by the •
ore° Of the wend in the western enatires Of
he ,eity, vette blown frora, the track' and
Tay. 00E3 , of the twelve ears turned over.
dewy of' the panel:igen were severely. but
tot :dangerously injured, theft inturiee
amisiatiugaterely of outiiattd bruises: , Tile
5t'orthern Paoifio repair. and maohiete shops
vere damaged. 020,000 'wotth ; thelreight
lepote of the Great Northern and the
ailwaultee roads Were denttiliebedt; Several
inurchee were badly vateeked;and nutter.
me oilier hatidingit amM or lees damaged,
Mae toteldarnege wrought in the city ie
aitimated at; abont .$78,800. , ,
omeetewoyiiitict With litaii,'' • - •
A janieetowt, DO„ despeteheaSyti i The
vestern edge et thetnost violent :rain enia '
F . •
ind atbkoi cif recent year's streak 'James 'Th-
;own river.valloy tit Stieday night NUM.
roile bathe and eatbaildiega Were bloWir ,betea
town. AtEdretaxide an eleint,tor Was blown
10Wn. lohn Fotibukg,, a faemer livieg la
kill" drPrth'''or 'aamnai°N5111 'hie Wife' EPA
itiby wets. killed L•by, lightning, While,',011.:
Aber' OM Waa shack and 'Well die,' Poe. -
mreo-Wifo gate -op their' bed.: to neigh:here
vhattertee egftgbi in th*Eiteitni and Made se
ita for theeneelvea on the floor, The light,
. , . e . ,
A F, aim ha Wanteig-ealetilarlies st,1.4 nerva4
'etirle-arreelce, of Peshioe. ,
T' : , •
Homo mete in Ltmorieon vomitus,
. ' . . . „
" Amertearre bteeehougee out no aemee,
was 'the remaik ea, ade by en Etglish
traveler recently. The remark, if not true
a t , a I e '
meats to be "founde on fac s. ' t 0 e.
'corning a melons question whether .even in
the , moat eefinea oommunitiee there es
very. much bOnie life, especially in that
evenings. ' e
- . .. - e • . „, , . . ,..
A: very attraetive,. hozne.loving 'woman
lately told the following etory of ber at-
tempte to leeep 'her husband and ohildren
at'hinne in Old oieninga ; '' She arranged
everything about the house most carefully,
hanada3Plteonratyaohie tlihgehtr,nopmlesanenenergficareasndinengl,
.. ,
, gratest drepaed berself attractively, Bud in
every 'possible way made her home se neugh
like th 'I 1 ' 'IA ' Id
e i ea AS a wonaan poem y cot .
' IneMediately- atter' edlepee her husband
rose hneeledly; ',melted "into his overcoat,
and 4*olleed himself' verY , ruefully,. se he
• , . , , . . , .. , .
looked about tut) oozy role= bY saying:
41 T I' rot t t oar 1 1
bere, ve. e o oat& tha ,
promised Robiason to melite dowel of 4io
bOUBe about that little transfer. Sorry to
go, you look SO ?lice here, bnt I 4en't see,
how I oen help it," sole tore 'out of the
hottee efter the care . • a • ' ,
'' ' t
.1 U,hte eldee daue.heer then., said ehe roast
go uPratiiies end get reedy for the coneert
to which' shelled -been invited wi th two
• '
other young people. Very soon they came
and deported • ,
"It ' looks alinost too bad to be going
like tat& all the' ' time,'" telieftsaid,' regret-
' '' '' ' ' ' ••
fillip as she:went tut, 4, I wonder if I shall
ever heve,an evening at honiebefore•long ?"
She. was hardly put of the house when
the two boys came in where the mother
hey must o to a
was sitting, and said t . , , g
acommitteenuetintof tbetr oellegeeherary
esiiciety.• e They 'went out, and the. third
son and seabed daughter; after reading O"
f • t •• " li d t b • hb
emr 1144;`11;•"t, Fere ott e On F a neag or
to 'run otter and hive some games with
th • Tie t t d 1 ft h th
. ema -eyagen on ian, ,.e . I, e mo er
alonean the nous& . " "
" I sat there and cried," said thie wo-
man, " to think that, in epite of all I wield
do, I could not keep my family with me
' , •• • • t .,
li ' ' ' 1 •Th ' i "' lit
one everting in t e wee c. e nea rug
was a renetition at the,first, and eo on eor
. the ay.- ,,, ..-le• 'Ile th ' h'
,a, ;pewee . ave. no aci, my us-
band- find my , eons and' danehtera all 'at
. 4 " ' h - - • - • h
home toge.her en. t e• evening since t e
ohilaren wereteo email to ,gee out. I cant
not roaia .13he' evening- fOr the'lliaiti ' Die
v re, except , un ay# w en We : ave a
ea S d h ' h 11
Pe' d t ' h -t' .', . , A h
at own oget er ce•ertoy our ow ome
•cirole.",, • , • •• • . - • e
.. This is all Wrong. Who is to blame for -
it ?' Litt some wiee woman or mother teli
.e. . . ,e -, - • . _ , .. ,.. .. . ,
ae. Waken , tue ciepianns ci; sootety ere
stronger than the rights and 'pleasuree of
th th ' et 1 -I ' i• , ' t st ' '
e om etre e, i is, tine a•are e . was
uttered agatinst the tyranny which' te, de,
etroyieg the real bome feeling even int our
so-called „Cheistiat families.-e-Youthes Com-
paut n. • .
., e Eow,76.r.ormur Shoultil Walk:
, ., „ , . ,
. _a.
a . ing.Pat deseare. i e. Y .0t. e in flree
w lk• t• l'k' I ° t b • t
favor this summer if tate Ions of the
, P
Ladies' Atheetteplale otleevaYoek , ratty be
talon as On thee on of tem tin incline
, tin te ' ' '• i • e ' ' -
awn. Tite.raetibers ofthat ; oeganization,
says the World, have .arranged a schedule
f ion 1' t ' la '
• ° . g- is ate° we, a for eveey day until
Jelly lett • • ,, . ' • '• ••
• , There is•rto-doubt that this pastime etre,-
'Peery indulged _tie te , .a ending egrme to
• wamankind. „hate thee. graphite: form of
. outdoor exercise, and yet . the majority of
A • ' in •d-' k"li't k"
merman wo en, on t • now ow o ta e
't, The i este* walk Thee oaket stand the
a e. 37 a *f t)i' 'th ' • tie ' Id a
'align°, an 1 .,, !2.?":Va,, r-8,118 . '9,:t5) , We.,
don't know how to o about dope it. Ex ht
., , a ..,_,,....,, .,....g,,,. , , g , . ,g a
.out tif a dozen 'vvill put On an elaborate
.frook With skirte that ;lap titoonveniently
. ,
, at every seep, a tight ., bodice and tightly
fittine high-heetedehoes. T,his is wellenough
for' a short atm 1 but if you're ping tit
, , , , . ,
lawalk atd 'entity it you require's different '
eduipmentea - Weert'a . light.iveight frOck'
that . has no • pull -beak arrangements, and
he ' ' •
see that t rale, no more ehtin •one skirt
worn unde,rneatll•,. Balbriggan. tights are
quite the beet underwear for such coca
. , ,... .. „ , ._ . e, .......
n '' z e..
alb s, , f . on doers net', wish *don a Silk
divided ekirt; *bath is really tliendit easier
io a lade et wingeto get ishout hit Let the
verde' of your Mee& be 'loosened and wear
a ' hodiee that ' is • duitee easy,. and loose
sleeved, ,. • , ' . • . •
, Wear Mose taet am entirely comfortable
and inter, e sornewhet beoad, low heel. Let,
yotir gloves be loose ale,o,:add if Yon CarrY
e surietted.eeletet he eery light in weight,
and Wear A hat Weiiali 'dries not press dovit
upon end bind yogr-broWtintil it gierie yott
a headaohe. , Next, mind haw you 'walk.
&mare yeurehoelders, expand yoar. cheat,'
and ' look- out for your chin That
. e . , , . , . , , „
ie the '. pivot , trip which, ,depeitide
the atoite of ' the inabhine. Step . oat
'easily anclafirenly,lettieg "the ball' °fillet
•foot strikettheeground' &steer& that.you get
.the benefit oteettet beneficent little, spring
. .
which Dame Nature built:into yeatteinstep
to save the raetle axed jar eo the whole sys.
tem, whieh people' who twilleweallaon their
heels inflict on their atiateedY. ' '
a Don't exhaust 'yourself, by•' a 'fearfully
, t
long tramp oriel day; Alta then de on a
seta or in a haminoitla ,for :a - Week to get
Over the fetigetea, .• Begin. awith: short
' titretches and encrease. the defame° daily
. e • q,- -• - ..- •
Beeler- meeting , and ,lameatternoon areahe in
'be' ' 1' ' ' ' f " e ' ' lie ' t ' ee.,• - . 4 , ' • - ..
, st anon; 9.wre ate, venen yea retnen
to thelietiete' a apoiegebath, a rah with alma
. .
•holt; felletied 'by a -liberal, application of
violetpotader; aasool gown, 'a glum' ht milk,
end isenap , are &treatment that will make
' 'f 1 II I h' h d ' .
ow- .ee . ea t y appy . an .wiee all
'' • $ ' $ 'fiznith
through the bummer days and send you. ;
, • . - ' ' , •- • - - 'Th
back to ' tewn -in animated picture Of vig.
,, ..,, ,• , • ' • ..,, ...e, . -a' , • -,,
'none wornaehciodin the'auttimin .
seat -tate; ',taut ae.
Reopen. 'of the Fatnre. , ,
, , ,...„,,,,,,,,estst, , ; e_ c ., • . , .
. a eta"' 'teat re
7,9 . :en , relP,power.to per=
,suageyoung, . peel whet. ,Nrfoplo,pF, what .thoy
to eart ' their hying ' thet it Is
, - e . - - , ,- ..,.. -. ... • - t. , ' , i
reallf-better tO tea:lose memo' busietese that
• - . , . . . . ,
'a in, the limearif ,e *Meet's ffeitneet week
'ab r 1' r t ' 't ; '
Of t E'j r; g' Er7,'"Pt'gra,'''gn't'le thdlIght
e .°1 tg ta' ethyl"' ' '' "'la till 18 no 1E89 9' 'boat,
11 "IY:1•1 0,,, e man N! 10 , owlet 'the Mop
whew shoe et nde behind' the counter all
at. . it , ,,tt a. e• • .J . , -
le Weer°, eaMe ,W;a0.tiloon ta.13 ,
, ',•or co.„,,s tate canner m a Pleasant
houde ; mad to tE3i,Mit1d theta would, riot be 'Th
a enoMettet quention hetween; the two wage', .
of oan out t s r i r ,
eg tie o e v ce. • Tho wages ere- '.
tee freedem And liberty are double
in one what ,they . are. in, the other. If,
insteetO otethe,,eltain serytee that is &arm by
' and icalii overpaid eervante
t. d .i. , te -aie :eta * ' et I , a - k
,91,,..,,,,,,T ,,•;. ant., ,,,,,,"„ ,a,..., b nt4Oleafn 0 ' g la? '
"`"`' " ate' aeta"nua t"' • e 're - -ne :' 'Lie 0 '140,
of themsolVes and earning good Waged,'
fit thetneelveatst the cooking eohools,
in anylWay they foand, aVisilableather .0130
would ,tattt long NNW .for apipployment, and „
' ' ' ' ' '
they, avotildbe Iciltied, intrnetle ely. ,by. their , ,
'inlilttaeteed•' Wlittla Ohe 'realidee bow hard tt, it'2,'
triaitelhd`gOoddWeitaile fint• every,' kind al
work, m Out homer, /ma. whot prices illtinV soloott
,,, A wPecas imeotree-lieusseat ,, 4
, a .. •
A Traju T'Apt3c1,43, inint)...,*,tbP W;aeMnp 04
' '
• ne.Tees. ,,.
; ‘` ' ' ' •
' A V n El rn, Tex., despatith Of lad night'
a A ° k bl 1 el burst on, the
• says : realer a e c ou - ,
t ins h 6' eto rid that temperarily
limn a ar 'IP 'I cl t da The
on the Texas art o ;Ai roe . 0- „ y. 4T. .
no on train out otElPeracieeastWeed bdund,
th h • l' -e r 'and the
had ree •cotto es, A P. e. Pe./ • ,.3,'
. .
a mat alma oar Mayflower, containing
P . P ,
V' W kl N " er arty
the Frank .Les te s . ee y einspap to
-- - '
. Main Mr. Rumen Harrison. It was
ma .
gl b t 8 ' 1 ek to tight at
Inning a Ong a °A • ° 9 9 , ' • • .
high speed, when tit. thie ptierit it liddenly
ran into an enormotta flood of avatar, spread-
itig for over eight miles along the valley
d ' a t' • h • t' . to ' The train •
an man a mg t e en ire wn.
:was inetantly slowed, but the fisted from
' ly "thaf
the mountains increased BO .e.evid • .
the ties. were washed on t from under the
track' lind the trein Mopped to•await'Oeve.a.
opmentea The extraordinerY nature of the
aloudeburetis ehown by 'the foot that fifa
teen minutes before the train approached
Van Horn the track was perfeatly dry. Be.
fore this there had been no rain at Vanliorn
f any months, though there hadeheen
or in r. - ',.
occasional small olonddeurate. . The Lome
party remains on the oar as the track ia
mit oft ' from the mainland by the Water,
the roaringot Whichoanbeleardfer mile%
. .
Pine; Pennies or ' Powder Dmplodes With
- • ' Terrible Consequences: ' ' •
* ' ' .
A Scott Haven Ps despatch save • A
' ' ' '' - • - '
keg containing 50 poraide' of pOwder• ez.
- • , a 1 ' : - t i a
ploded in Angus Seat h &grocery a n OB.
tr this evenin tweet:kin the building and
1 Teri g s rig, Wide !4 f . t eh ra
in- line -g).— 0 k -Ph, our, • o d eb
' at'a Y'' e em°98igh ' was CanSe ' y
sparks from a. Jackson, oraaker which
- • • • f ' .' ' ' ° ''
exploded Premature v in the hands. of
- • - ' : d • '
Attgust ' Smith, tun., aged ..14. The store
wee a' reiort for- ohildien, and' at the time
Of the elooident a largeturnber were present
funng °rankers. The powder exploded with
terrific 'form lifting the building whioh
' ' - • ' • el
was a two-story structure, eromets Mande-
tiOn, and demolished it completely. Yeung
Sraith'e body WS8 bnrti,ed to a 'oriel), ind
he wits otherwise terrible' Mangled. John
Brenner, agbd 10, bad the setae of his feet
torn off, wee fr ghtfelly'burned about the
body and both eyes were bloten out. Geokge
Kehler, a ad 8 la dl b a h t th
g , VMS S y tune a on e
body and the fiesh was torn front his limbs.
Willie "Kehlot, 6 . ears old, wait burned
aboudthe head andYbreist. EMMO. Smith,
a ed ' 9, Mai S th 19 • th • d
Eat , mon e, an
et hot 8 •
Clime' S 7 et --.):31
• . . , .--7,,_ a_. • •
!ening for Sums ont 'or Whittle an Agate
Swindied It. , '
, . .; .,
'' I' k d ' ' tch. Of Wedneaday
. A• New or . cepa ., . ,
says : /4 the etut•of the Union Insurance
. . . .
Gompany, ' of "Philedelphie, against „the
Continental Ineurance; Cora/eat:aye of ,NeW
,Yeirk, a verdtat was.,given to day f r
plmintiff for, about ta77,000. The snit in.
eluded 26 causes of action, and 18 coop et
1 'id The pleintiff baeed its snit .on the'
o at a. • • • • •.
fraudulent ' Praaticee of Lorenzo Dhaka;
general agent of ,the •defenamat company:
at Buffalo. Dimick, who represetted
' 1 • •ne in uranbe companiee Vie;
severe. man a . , ,
t' • a: ' th n•es for the benefit of
maize o er oompa i. • , ,
his own bytratieferring 'every,. risk dre*n-
againetthe Centinental 'Company' tit • an':
other concerei As Mona he received notice.
Of lose. ;He Was ..efenterieed.ta Ille 'yeerse
itiepriemement , for ;perk:try,. but was ad- .
' •dt' b l' d'' " i • ad he
mitt° o at pen ing. an , appea., a
ft'd t St Cetteartifes "Cane:dee where hit
e o • , tt .
' died: „ There are eight 'other ;netts, for aumet-
'aggregating $200,00e igainst the- Conef-
nentee Company on tete same gronnds. ..
• • .- •
' ' ' ''' " ' ' •
, . years, we ..., y
burned; but will, reoover. The first four,
amed ar Mill living and' 'everything pos..;
:Dale is b:in 7 done tr;allev'iate their suffer.'
illgS, but their deatlin. are eapeoted, before
- • . Tht ` - ' t k' fie h t the'
morning,. e„Furris oo , c
' '' 'u '
normal were eataignished before they had
- - d ' le h • d - S' '' 1 k I
game mtto ea. way. • ' evera e ,ege o ,
powder were sedred in the caller, and a more
horrible . 'calamity - Wee averted by the
, . . ,
pronipaazidlerrei& work of the, neighbors in
putting.ouithe fire.', ' „.• • ..
• ' ' - ' ' ••• ' ' '
A II. tresAND's oRtisitg.
. .
Detaeronmy Shoots' Bis Slek wife ana•
, ' ' Then Hills Hitaself.• ' •
' A. New York despatch seys : John Lutz,
,. . , , e . • n n , , .
a Hungarian thi mor i g while in his
'tape, entered the. apartments ,on•Clinton
. "street of his second wifeawho left him some
'time ago and who had been supporting
'herself and her 13.yearold daughter by.
. . .. „ . . ,
her lust husband.: Lutz tote weeks ago
thee toned Orgill hi le h t she drove
, a - ' 8 Wi . u
him away, and they 'aid not. meet -agairi
tintil this meaning. • Lutz found his wife
thig mornintit- bed tureing a lieby.•5. days .
old. There wise., alSo paesent n'raidwife. '
Lutz at oncSbegan Calling his Valle ' namea
anknpon her refusing to allow him to kiss
;the baby,. he.drew a revelyer and told hie
. wife he was , going, toltill , bate She -arose
from the,bed,,clataping the entity • ever.' her
left-, breast. ',The little'daughter 'threw her
:tame- atound her mother Icapititeot her.
'The raidWife ran otit Of' the reore. ' 'Then,
Lutz fired three Mots. Eacli entered the
wornan'eteedy, but She eiceped from the,
, , ,, , t , , .
room whit the 'baby and readied a teigh.
,4borle eapartinente. Latz then fired• twet
shots into hie left breast, killing: himself;
'instantly. ears. Luiz's wounds -are danger,-
outiebut alkaraily recover. , - a •-'ea. .
- 't - - - • ' -0 ' ' ' •
, , , . . •
,.. THE tr. S. [MOPS.
A.' D hen linsband Stabs His Wife to
the Montt., - .., ,
• , : • ,t •
:A yesterday's NevieYork, deepatch says :
tire. Hester Loppy, agoi 40; was found
(I' d t '• ht • h e ' t ' te ' the t '
ea o -nig na er spar men on op
' floor of No. 227 Christie 'street- ' .Sher had
been', etabbed ',through. the heart with,' it,
- , te d le h e a ae- t• ' •
peir•os. shears, an er us an ar in le
under arreat charged with.her Murder. a.
year agg'Loppy had 4 fight 'with A woman,
and was struck on the head with 'On iron
kettle. He loat the si ht of his left eye,'
an is mtn mama e ea e . or e
. dh. 'rib' :gff ttl•F th
last year he has:done no werk,,and hie wife
se. t A la' b k• in a tailor shop.
ppor e im y wor mg
Loppy . drank 'heavily. This afeernoon
Thosavaear.oalted to see Leavy, hut heard
the letter end hire Wife quarrelling and ,
went AwaYa Afterwards be returned, and
had to knock ten minutes,. before being ad:
-mittede Weir then eaw Mee. Lappet's body,
and seemed Loppy of killing her. Weir ,
h • a t • ith 1 • t to eta. ay, and
lune ou en. e s ree g t ta ,
Loppy followed and:told a neighbor that
his veife Wa ' d o ' ' 'The neighbor called a -
Et ea ,., - , _ ,,
policeman • and, .I,o,Pdy , aerie Weir elem.
- a ' . ' teat . -
mesas . .
mummer y tif the Deports to the Department
' a
• • ea ligrienitare: ., t
, , a- ..
t A' 'Washington' ,deepateh says : •The
, . .
weather the past weele an Blinnente, end
• '
Dakota': has _favored the . growing °rope,
lth h 1 o "Wiesen South' Dakota 'need
a -ong ,-0. 8 , - - ^
raM, antioomeional reportseof rust come
from Southern Minnesota: Wheat, oats,
and barley are heading and corn is reported
in good dondition. ' Throughout the p,rin-
mat aora-prodetaing States; includIng the
Statee,of • • •
the .010m, Central Mississippi and
Lower Missouri Valleys, the weather „was
especially favorable for harvesting, whiale
is well advaneed• The condition of eerie ts
generally reported as ecellent, but sniall,
graits have been somewhat, injured by
drought.. Beeparts froth the enthe 'cotton
'region indiciate that this; drop oontinitera. to
haprove, although. other crops, espedially
`corn, in the South Atlantic, and Gulf States
.. '
need rain. The • 'weather was generally
fadorable in ihe middle Atlantic States
and leTe•ve 'England.. Harvesting is peo.
gressitg with a prospect of a levee hey drop
• • . ,
ehrotighout these' districtee The mat ototi
, is poor, but has i•raproved. slightly it the
•middle ,Atlantio ,,States. New York re-
aorts.aaaletemet lea a oroPewhile oorte and
hops were ettpreved and ,petatees geode
, All etroas'are groWing finale' m NeW Eng-
'land except :eats, which ate rusting bedly,
and potetom end oorn show`eigneofblight ;
in the southern sections the fruit crop' will
be short.
ioetnow POLAVE armouBLEse
— . ,. . .
nes lei It
A Disornery Mob Attain Ha , g ,.
• • , Very Lively. . , , - . •
• A London cable eaye e Two nieinbere of
the police, force, . who were token into.
custody fOr essauleing superior officers
t d it h a
yes er ay, aye ego een sen.ence o
' d ' t
fourteen days' imprisonment. The men
are, weakening They have no organise-
tion; and. it ie- not. likely they will attempt
to enforce their demands by a geterat
strike. It ie probable, however, met
further. iaolatea , disturbance may occur,.
The constablee who were ,dieraissed `from
the force ' for *beer cotinectien with the,,
present troubles are petitiorfing the authorie
tiee foe' reinstate:Mont. • • '
Quiet prevails ' throughout the entire
Metropolitan polies force this morning.
None of the men have eons on strike'.
'Another dieorderlee mob gathered in Bow
street th.night, and there evere several ugly.
h d • tit' eeening, but the mounted
rue ea urine e , ,
police euffioed to preserve a semblance cif
(laden Thaashops Were. closed early: The
night pollee watt on duty punctually et 10
reeicek. ,The. .poliee cleared, end .ncottpied
tavernatiboat Bewatteet, arresting sixteen
neesoas.. The tooa• made furious ufteropts
to rescue the priSIORBPS' and fent conetahleEi
Were bedly iejtered , with 'missiles. It is
,estimatid 800 oonstablea were on duty in
the' eiclnity, 'but the tenderly wake with,
„. 3 1
drawn after inidnight *hen the excitement
Beheaded. The • Pei= , and Princess' of
wales visited the opera again to -night.
, A Baa Van te nob. ' .
An Alexataria,Va., despatch tiays :'Polioe-
man Tiger this:, evening • !wrested A mat',
when hie.prteenee. was rescued from him by
Fred, Lee a negro politician. • Lee knooireal
the efacer down, bat Policeman MoCuen
eaminato hie retiatie Lee was arrested.
A oroteddef negkoes' gathered and beettede
threetening. Tioer fired tieci ghats, eltiorat
inetantly,killing Lee. and mortally 'Wound.
, mg mot er., egro, eorge :mei, . e
h el • G T- ' Th
naob „dispetsed, but reassembled Around. a
saloon to whickiehe„offigerrehad. gime, eoned
thereategroeraWcire haranguing ..the Othere,
M take reveffge, when a aphid of' police:
• ''' et t - d h ' tk '' ' ' cl. li li "'"
men ea tarp I e. epee era an ro elm
the,' them* .1', ,Pi. . , I' .
, - . .n....,_tade___a_teteeten_. a ,,
A Society Belie charged with Forgery'.
.A New York deSpRteh Says :-• Mies Nettie
• '
clerk, of Prenedencea R. I., was a metsoner
in the: ,jeeferaon ' Merket Clourt tdedaY.,
Charged. with' 'forgery. she at ,h gaiety.
— . ,• .- ' , • a•- - . . .ithalledo
betneette and bas moared in the) beet' eocliety
f r , -
of thee city. .Slia.plersded gtillty of , o ging -
- -
a ohaqge 20; 5'6,080,, Which she easlaedeand'
wee held to,e,wait,ehe arrival of rcoiettion.'
papere - from t'Previdenee. It ie 'said ,the
affixed the beige of Jciseph L. T'onetelet, a,
tied 'ntilletivitert And An intim. la d
rpt • • to frie
Of her forailyattO ' the. Cheque. on the 'elfe‘ . ,Mateall
eleenics,Swertege p,attk of Providence, , •
a ' a .
:.: .,
kiiiir et a Boating Party Deewried:
; A McKeesport, Pti a' deepaeolneaYs : . This ,
afternoon aim Tertern.peora.hie wife and let
year-old 1 girl, 13eseie 'and Richard Smith
- • - ' -a a -
and wife_ time t kee children started • to row
adaisithe Yofighiageny River here: The-
boat woe' old and rotten and in the midd1la
e ,,,, »..,.. . . . .„ ., , ..,,, „ .
I me river it gave way. Beta . men sante..
- , .• ' ' • 8' . a d /. •
inetanely rind • Beate meth an . nnie '
' ' a 1 f 11 ti,'''a' ft ."... ' th ' t- '
Ornp3011 0 0 e ,a er•rising .ree imes ,
to call.piteonsly, to their mothers 'to :save-
erne , o er ,. are ' ,:year -o 'SOLI 0 1130
th R b t 18 Id f M '
, Thom sen,' draggedthis mother teethe boat,, ,
d hP d' l ' ' f t hld- ' • '
an a it an , ,er ta en a 1, , ,were ,surt.
ported by, the' boy' anal- help' arrived. - Mrs.
• •1' • - ih b t
saved herself, by e inging to e oa . •
h d• f tii ° ti ' • '
0 o les o . e wo men and their •
• • a- : • : . , .,, a . .4 , ' e - • ., a - • t ,.
daughtere'were reetieered. -
• ,, , ,,, , „ • 4 . „.. - .
- - .
Death Preferred to Poverty.
. , . , . ,
A Hoboken, N.,Y., despatoh says : tThe.
body of Mrs. Franz Weaelendt W88 tOPlia
in the river to-daY, and olasPed" tightlY in
the Berne of the weinan was /ounce it him-
' ' ' h 'd b ed d
months' old babe: They a een ea
only a short time. Wentlandt• te raissin'g,
and it is believed . he and his; wifereore.
raitted euteide together on mooned of their
peverty, as Wentlantit Bent a note eo his
' ' ' ' h "'
puede tine morning seymg sac Was their
intention. Wentlandt wae atatermainjour-
nittiat, but had been unfortanate.
' • • - '
. Alino'st a Oatestropbe.
,: An AStoria,'IL. I., &speech says : The
, ocastitg Oteahter ElearierabOund eastward
through Hell Gite ethane 5:30,thieeveninge
. „ . .
collided with the Walter Sands, one of two
barges ' leshed ' together, itpou which
were ,nearly 2,0,00' men, woolen. and
children, in ' tow of the ',tugboat
Idlewild.• It , fe , alreorit ' a , miracle that
•te. 'terrible dieastet and' great loas 'Of life
t did toe follow: Foettinetely„ boeveeer, eno
one waS kilted, thdughteevea'elevere iejered.
t tae. . • • ' • - '
. • - A.'DidaStrotts Platten** Trip..
A. ReoheiiiertitleY , ampatoli ertya :-A sad',
boatin 'accident oo'curred this evening at •
...g 13,, , .., • , , , , .t, , ,, - • •
Ottario eade.„ 'W. W. ryeart traCelling,t.
' ' ' " - " ' ' ,, ' '' ' . ' • -
man eof ; ,,troafora,. pit., waist ant, boating,:
. . • _ , ,_ .....
With Mrs. E. M. Wiener and, ars. J. XI,
Hammond,' of ' this. cit when the boeet
acipaized. .Frye pulled t13.370',1 dies on to thee
'three `timeSa but, tkieglia3vere SO ex.' '
b t d b , th tad / t 'th ld nd.,
aus e . t St:4 ey co o o , On A
both Sink. --Ilaili leave husbanda,and Detre.
Hammond leaves ,it bey 15 years of age:.
bod' Aitii'e'liOrbeeii.',recOVered., ,Frye,
. e attit, ,,, e . e . , ,- .. t, , e. e. ,
was 'Avoca ,„ .,a, .., ,.4 „ . .. ,
'' :`, e •
Accident or Murder ?
, •
' A. New Yokk deepateh say!! . A boon
trackman, David Dilloaa was, Phot through
the heatt and killed . this evening by
-Edward Citterton.. Citterton claimed the
- •
shooting Was, accidental, Pie bad stepped
up to Dillon. to preventhine frora striaing
his (Clitterten'e). bother • Praha. Cittereen •
hem, a •reVolver in hie hand Fetich had been
•need in the Fourth celebration, and it went
'aff. Dillepla and Prank Citterton were
eleang,, eEd.ward Citterton. was seber.a All
Were Y9Ohtfrien. .. ;-, ' ,,.
',,, '''
Iltheppingett a Driginal Path:two " Vendor.
A, Girtted,, Rea., ,despeteh 'tate: :. T.aje
'afternben Mrs. jamas A, Smith went itto
'the Fordheim original paektige hottee and
began ' breaking. bettlee: . Whet the new
eeeett, 'Oda.' Steinbaoh, -interfered she
assaulted 'him with a buggy Whip, striking
him' half' ra 'dozen. tithes befote he ejected
her froznethe,reem. ,He had her 'streaked,
paid she . was fined 31 in the PolicaCeart. '
' t ' *d b th b t d ' '
e Arnoun wee, pax y e ye ata ere.
en', L t. '''' . .4'"
aaea'huet,ana haa'beaa'On a drunk since the „•adocisd'
bed boot, opened, • ,- " • ' • ' - lEtpoeition
' '' ' ' ' ' ' '
, . . . , . a , , „
staining ploakmakere `Mint rer TrOul;te.
A New 'York dijapatchof Thuraday night
'says : '' aebeeleate'Roembeteg tend.' e --ordeal, ,bettPr,
of thirti 'other 'strikers' visited the tailoring'
Mop of Samuel' Dillet, , in Pldridge etteet .
f ' a d b g ' • d•eer• •11 te att At -idn4aiit
, ,? ay,r.00 • e BR on en i 11304 a ao '
op,ort Dillet, hid wife and the VIOTIIttell ifi
the she'', Dillet defended limeelf evith a,
toewet„.. ve Area • hite athe,,erevidi aria,
abet: •AbsCaberg, iriflieting a -prebesbly fete', awould.
vkattada,a - at ,:t • , ' •.., • . - e • ., , ,„ a a, ,or
• ,
.. , , , , _..
Fell 140 Feet.
,.. a a, .. ...,-, , a a •, .... ,. , a •
Vel teMpatolvettye • ' . ti, •
; Atteeingeettet la , ., , Tie'. ' ''
morning, 'iett-Btteet ViStS4, 0, anon ea ere ,
eCi - - . ' i a
a cage, for Ole lint oge ef„,.deecenOitig ineo ee .
i 0 ' boil ttithotitt.werating ,:tho 'otir vfell,
41 4 IV 't . th b it 4 ' f- th'' 'shaft. Eli•
feet o. .e..42_ one o . t.. e aid , _ i s,
Fainter., Jonn , ,zie in
T. Pired,Yki - .ct Ilk."
Sneetd, were metral,ly. at „ a . ...ey , .a.mori,
of eatapeetaaut atilldilivot e.,, , t a ,
. , - • • aa. , ,e, : ' ,
The' State of Itlibigall 'to/fellows Its
, e • e . . , .,. ee.
animal' aid ertatiottet kliir , and
, ,
inDetreit fidine 004: 2601 eo
filepeetribee , 'Abe' Mid ,, '$100,000 ' Will 'be
hinitoWed , in •,,eade pteinitinia . iapoii ' the•
ndanufaoturerd, awl. akilleati Pro'
&MOM Or the United Skatea and utmoao .
whoie exhibiki Shall be deemed. veorthy. It'
0 ter Ile‘' hoped that' the OnterptiO Nola
fulfil all the expeotetione. of ita liberal "rnit',4?
The ' beatittana 1)(1011E10a of laaariborough
viecirt3 ihreb' geld'htooelete titan whichtliteo .hreedarao
gold keyrthOng,iii,belianht. Ors bpos,the
Todk 'of h"er graeolerjewet hox the other aie,
tooia to t oa weitjraglogicand'tha, twa to ii
Breen ' eateaket thaatiolotitta; ha tabioa, oho
hee 0 her loose money,
_. , , .. : .. , . , , ,
• ," Have eyed' been.' to heat Stream ? ee
14)2'134 1 eimadn'ta hear s'''thhig.,'+ le Why", I)
" • aThe usher° clothes were fat -loaded
-New OA Sun.
' ,,,,, ' 7 v , , ,,- ,,,, ,,,,,:, ,,, . .
' First trerap-Whiet"day of- the- week ut
, . ,,,,, .. , .
. 'Sedated' 'tremr4--StendreY, 1 ggeeeena ,
eVerybody is going in:the bit* 400r Of tons
ovor therm -Arm,