HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1890-7-17, Page 1"A UNITED CANADA AND BRITISH CONNECTION EXETER ONTARIO TITTJRSDAY. JULY 17. 1890 • .........,....,..„ , The Mplsons Bank. (Chartered by Parliament, I855.) -.‘ - 1 -I - lA 1 • I ' W 1 AIL011 SI-InP Communication. -------. Gill S. W.; Bro. George Fossold, J. W.; Bro. David Duncan, S. B.; Bro. coin, $2,50; A McCormick, $16.50; corn, Paid up Capital ........... $2,000,000. ......_ .1 ‘-Y -a- Eorros Anvoenrn. Joseph Armstrong J. B. 828.87; A Meisaac, $8; A McCormick , watching gate, $8.25; A McIsaac, eon - 'Fund , DEau SIR. -Perhaps an account of Rest ....; .......... 1,000,000, 'itsaa 9f400 Atontreal. _ THE UNDERSIGNEDHAS OPENED °ITT A NEW STOCK this northern part of Ontario may be interesting to soine of your numerous ,. Whalen. tract, $49.25; J Priskator, darnag•e. to • horse, $20; I' Heuldian, culvert, $2;,,,G• Lvir:rNviciiiii, '1•1101.11:11csoLr. tat5,4211.17t501 F. WOLPERSTAN THOMAS, Esq., OF , readers. As you are aware I had been . •-r--• 7 GrImpit'Ar.. MANna um , , suffering' for a lonk.,). time in Exeter •Ind i' . ie armers are very jursrtinofw. It is a good crboup,s3r hs L1 , pcioti: ii 1W1 s, Sdlirritesh' 'cl),sidt'a8r31:07si.sj, ' - • ' Twe4tYti3ra.oelt .00.iods in the Dominion' Agencies'intheDorninion, c'. S. Europe' 1 11 1 + II + 11 .4. 11 + , , I 1111 I II' 1 , 1: H 11 1 ii 1.11::,1111eigaitsiziniudeech iadbeoduttotltirisyciotuntirylbeeft- sermon ,68.2Le:tile;r71,N8t2iy.2e5driyT, across road, $2; J Guanian and mts;ast•zgix n.ra#.21..1,1•Ciz...., °Pell evet7141.111 diV'fr°111 jr° 't?" In' t° 3 P. . m,, Saturdays to a, m, to 1 p..rn, ,.. , A .general banking. business tranSacted , - ' ' , , . . , FIRST-CLASS SUMMER SIIIT1 „ ,Exeter first week in•May for this place, I am,,. at 'trent Creek station; 200 miles, north of TOrento, 25 miles south of North BAT, This'is 'a small •village 01,1114sru. iiRdu4s3r ilalsptia.etacpleedelsliiri.first ' 'We understand ElilnYthe baseball Club`intend playin,g a match with our ToWnline Club on Saturday next, •,_ reptulvert , - , $2.25; E, Williams, ditch across .road, $2; L McCormick, work, $3.60 ; T Keys, corn; $12.1,5, 0 0 S L, $3.75. R Keys C C S L, 83; W Holt, election bootli,.$3;• Fonr por cent'. :per a'nraim allowed for $ . . 11 $ 11 I 11 , I 11 $ 11 11 $ 11 . 4, 11 :I: 11 .t• . . Only started three years acro, since the 11 --1-. d. ' - . ral Pa was exten,led from Graven- . . Mr R 'Horn our blacksmith wishes - • • ' . c to secure the S S No 5, $3;,S S No 5, $3; J. LaWson, $25. money on Deposit Receipts. . , • • , , ' R. H. ARCHER, Exeter, Jan .23, '$8. Manacrer. ' . , , , _ In Canadian and Imported Tweeds, French' Worsteds 'etc . ,* ' • 7- . - , ' Which be Will sell at right puce& If you 'mall. nobby' OT . . , , , Ways6 ro North Bay, there it connects with,the• 0. P..11. main line at Lake NipN6iico' thiS iS ' in the District of " 1'7 services of a young man. 0ne who has been at the trade prefer, 4 • • ' work, Council adjourned to meet again 1st Monday in A .....uo•u"t C PROTJTY (1 ' , ' PartY S'Itind, 75 'or 80 mileS' east of the Our school has closed, for the summer - Clerk, THE plain suit it will repay y011 to call and examine 118 igrge . , stock which has just arrived. ' ' town of Parry Sound on 11 e Georolan .. ), 6 Bay, The ceuntrYls new and rough, , vacation and no donht our teacher is - • - • .' ' '110t sorry, likewise the children. 'There • • . MeGilliVI•ay QOuneil. , . Ozzeitt.' Abrorecte , but is settling --tip fast. SOMO of the are five h i'11t- ., VC sc. o arS who wi, write a the The Council . • . • - . . . Vb:iirsday Morning . , §-§-§-§-§-§-§--§-§--§-§--§-4-§--§-7-• § § § ' ., ' land is "very poor but there is plenty of coming examintition. We hope they • may be successful. met pursuant to tad- . .. journment, an TOWIl Hall, W. W. p pubiisliediiN!'erY " '• ' • • the OffiOe, . JEDV TJflIt good. land in the country it is all. free , present . ., II„, Taylor, Reeve, W. L Corbett and P. .:&t AtiN1?-64tEt. -- EXETER. .nyithe4iaxxotU.s•l3.1t1nLtsliirrocom13ANY.. , E . grant. land. There are people to the west of this place who have been set- Usborne School Report. . P. Harding, Deputy-Reeves,W, Ritchie ' and J. D. Drummond, Councillors. •TitXtbis . tied for 10 or 15 years, and before there, . .. Minutes last ." oir'stii3SOI4PrioN. . §-§-§-.§-§'-§-§-§-§-§-§--§-§- §-7§-1,-§---§-§, of meeting read and ap, One Dollar per 74 WI UM if %paiit in Advance. f not so paid. *1" i II li ..s.a...-Inertimi.p.s. :aatar, op. 1*z: ca. tz.... -- No paper discontinued em titan arrearages are paid. Advertisemejits without , specific directions will be published till forbid. and • di i Liberal di-scow:it m ade charged acoor- lig 37. ,. . f for transolent advertisements knserted _or loaf 201,144. 'Every description ot ;DI PR NANG- turned obit in the finest style, and at rpoetcrate r.ates. Cheques,pioneyord- etc. to . , , ‘ . . $ . 7 , Special attention given to lathes -,,mantle ma k. , , . . Give me a Trial and you will be Cenvineed. , . , Stand one door north of Fish's Barber,shop., , JAMES 11 GRIEVE. , . were any roads opened out. Many of , . them now are comfortable with over 100 ares of clearing, fairly good build ins s, &e. It IS now settled nearly all .the way to the Georg.ian Bay. The ,,;(7firernment has none a good work by opening up leading roads and building, brithres. All the settlers here are- peo- , pie., who tnoved'he,re from other Parts of Ontario in order to get cheap lands arid *make The following is a report of the standing of the pupils in S. S. No, 5, for the months of June and July; said. re- port is based upon regularity,of attend- ;ince, general Work and conduct. The names are given order of merit:- V.. -Thos. A. Russell. ' IV. -Edith Westcott, Ila Westcott, L. -McCord. III Sit. -Blanche. Westcoti,Voilet Rus- proved of and sig..,ned. Moved by P Harding,,seconded ,by J. Drummond, that W. Ritchie is hereby coMmiSsion- ' ed to let a contract for the cutting 9f .. . Foster's hill, 701, concession, E. C. road, . ' not to exceed $100 -Carried: Moved: . . by J. Drummond, seconded by P.,Hard- . ... • .. " . ing, that ''lis:,;cenncil,., do .. herebY,- ill; ,. sinrtouettlitellwatrevccouarlisedgCaliee.Cicant°c-e,oinfciWuLre • ecs, &e.toir -advertising, subscriptions, and homes for .. themselves • and sell. ' - • • - .. Hedges and others.--Carrieti, •,' -Moved be. inade,ipays, ble to , William Sanders, ' • ' Editor. , , ' ' Great Bairgains , a -AT THE- - . to see the large crowd present and . 1 h • * especia ly t e Lady True,13lues., ne dwelt at some length uPon Orangeism families., on the whole they are a fairly d / - f . A . • . • • gbo e, ass o settlei.s, in, my °pillion Many Of the people that went to the North: West'would. III hi -Lila McCord, Jennie McDon- . • , ald, Lily McDonald, Ettie -:Richardson II SR. -Nelson Prout,Garnet Frayne: by J. Drummond?, seconded by '''7W: Ritchie, th4t t4e• silti of five.dollars:be „deducted John Rebanson's graVel an.' , . ClinrcSi Direetory. Tnivicrr MsnonliAL Cuituaen.--Rev. S. F Robinson, Rector. SundayServices, 11 ii. to, and 7 low'. Sabbath School, 2.60 p. m. METIVODIST 'Ortommi-,Taanes:st , Rev. B. cieuteutt„ Pastor. Sunday Services, i.0.770 a.m. and.s.80 p.m. Sabbath. Sohool,,? p, ni... . , mitssruzsx-Rev.J.Witson,,Paster- ow) daySorv.:100,1.0.30 a.m. and.,630 p.m. Sabbath sohooir,-.10 o..m. , W. Pasanvormelarriton.--neV. W. marlin., Pastor. Sunday,A. rviess,Ii. a.m., and 6 . P'j ra: Siiikath School,. 9.45 a.m. . , • - -.... • . Cheap Cash St re, , ,•• Creclatora._ The undersig ,, , , ned-wili sell•Drv s Groc . eries, Shoes, Groaery, Glassware: etc • t 4 t cl et' f C sh, of ., a a ,,rea re Butter and Eggs As he expects there ,. . , . . . will be° a change in t e usiness•• on, h b • September St all accounts must be settled 'before that date. • . , .,_ 1 Al • fli ' . Also and its many grand principles. , The Rev. Bro. Cascaden, of Bruce, was next introduced. .He stated that it was prevalent of late to hear that • the Orange body was dead and thii.t Orange, incorporation had killed itharder . ,_• , .. , . , entirely, but fioni the, la.ige turnout he thought it was a. lively corpse. , He ,,, ., . 'Au' •• been an . Orangeman about 27 yeirSiAnd thought he - would . t* ' . w eon anue one until his.,,remains were removed have done better if they had settled in Northern Ontario, , . . of course'a Person coming here from ,some of the older parts would. think this' a hard Place but 'many of the first set• tiers d Western -Ontario had much t* th • an3r one has here'. I lpleS an elieve MIS Will be a good stock eoun- 1). , ., g - try good -for grass and plenty of good -.'P B 1 r" H pure water. Oats, Peas, ar Fly , ay, / Potatoeci.'and roots of all kinds do well . • . here. , I' haye seen as , good . looking LilY. M. Weatcott, Willie Frayne. , , ; II JR. -Violet Willis, Norman Re Doomil Eliza Higgins and Einily wood. , II ' PT. -Jessie Richard, Vincent Wood and Marroie Russell ''' I PT.-000rge Westcott, John Rich- • • - , - ard, Lily M. Rowchffe, Bennie pruce, Tommy Hio.o.ins David McCord Edith Al n a 4 vir T..r ' nicvOrie. ' ., . . v . J.JOGARTH, Teacher. tradt, division No. 11 for., non-falfill- ment of contract. -Carried. .Moved by ' W. Cbrbett,,,seconded by )t.-''''Ritclile, , that this council grant the suin of -$15 . . ,, ., . to the MeGillivray Agricultural SOeletY. for A. D. 1390. -Carried. Moved by W. Corbett, seconded,- by - . a, W Ritchi that +he Reeve and Treasurer be and, ' ' they are hereby authorized to borrow the ' f fift ' h d d dollarstil :e sum, o cell, un re a meet current expenses. -Carried, Mov- • -, . ed lky P. Harcling;Seconded by J. DrUM- __ Proressional. Cards. a .......-st-class•qarva for 1 Sale" containinr 00 aeres, with , ' from this sphere:'' He dwelt chiefly • upon the history of the &tier. in years crops here this season as I 'ever Saw in A • A Western .Ontario. Wheat they say does Brewster. mthid,that an accordance with the prop', osition of the Stephen Council this cennz Ty L. BILLINGS. ==s74:12SVZ.. Weirs Bank, Exeter, Ontario, pee over 0' ... ' NitrousOxide Gas for Vol -3114'3s extraction.. Goes to Luean every Fridar. a first-class brick yard thereon. , TERMS EASY. ' J1 . ' . . • For further paiticulars apply to. ., . JOHN MITCHELL, - June -12,-3 tn. " ' . Cararops. . gone by and predicted for it every , - ' . . . . - suceess aud prosperity in future. Rev. • Rev . .. . Rural Dean Craig. of -- t called Re said he Clinton, was ,Pex- • , eotiltl'Inot: 'addresg-thein as Bao ,'Orarro.e ' - '' 0 .men, but could as Bro. Protestants If ,. • lie had : h -Th a was no an Orangeman,.,... t c- well but it pays better,to raise coarser • grains. s is is a grea tn ring A th" • t lil be ' country, coarse grains, roots and hay brino. lar e prices The land is mostly - b g ,. . a liolit soil. Timbered witnpine spruce - , •"' ' • balsatnoareanO, barch, basswood, ced- ' • , - ar, mapletetc.• e pine.,is owned._ by pine is ' ' ' - ' limit but(the have R. Taylor and. 8 Ross spent the loth .. • . - of Ould Irian& at Forest. - y Rees got a big lift of fish on Monda' of last week, taking one hundred and • ,ninty four sturgeon out of two, nets be... ' ' 1 ' - • -•fi- • ' sides's, ame enantity of smaller , fish. • • • 'd ail will meet them at 011a (Limerick) T d th 8t1 • t t 2 ' 1 k on ues ay., e i ins , a o c oc p. m, to take into consideration the Grand Bend cut suit, and Boundary water conise grievance. -Carried. Meved. by W. Corbett, seconded by. W. Wt. 1'2'. 'th t this ' 'I li ..'' i c ibr a is,counci do, here y• mr-- ' . ,--,...., H:RINSMAN, DENTIST,. DD. sti ax- •without pain by giving Vegetable Vapor, or using the now • For Sale. ' , ,good, Orange heart. that was beatin.o• Within his breast, ,.'He' was pleased to -. . ,. . .. - see sa many present, and hoped they owners, settlers a ri'4,,,bt alt , to rt the pine they want for 7 . • • • ' , • 'fencing etc., and can sell • • . 11 it . . avino• is aboutwound p , aroun • here and farmers are getting ready for harvest .• - • . • - ' struct Messrs. Meredith Fisher and. , • Beattie to collect the costs re -Hislop suit. Carried- Moved by W. Corbett, ' Ancesthetie on the gams. Makes Gold pill- - n d other dental work -the best possible. in's an • each month Groins to Zurich last lhurs ay in . . East side of Main street. Exeter. .. . . • A desirable residence an Exeter Next% new frame house one -fifths acre of land. The , . . house was erected in 77688. Good teams to, purchaser. Apply at this office. 14.5-t t. Would return at na'.1thsta ate '''' lit date. , ' , , Mr. L. H. Dickson't arrister, Exeter.: db ' -'! all - they. • a the pine that is on the land , clear. n Clean I know ree- . , , < • , •• -•, , ve: lithig -•ori 'rezited• farms in Western ntario paying•high taking , Mr. and Mrs.Tennett, of Seaforth are- h ' Ili am 'VI' li* t e guests a , .. an rs. . Ike W it- .mare - . - . ' -seconded b W Ritchie,hat the her - ,secon y W. , . e inafter named individuals be paid' the , - . several amounts set forth; ' viz: • I. M., PHYSICIA.N ' was next intr d , o rice, y e e airman., the h rents- itl fact all they can raise- , ,... 1 ' • • ' - . • - • • ' 'Say Charlie' Mao. is ,Laughlin, logoino• on Yonng's *side - ' 4 ,..B WHITELY, K D.,,C. ii and Surgeon. 011oce and resideasie- Corner Victoria and Elgin streets, Goderich, °Lauri°. - Clinton. He said his ,modesty, Weald not have d li• ' - - ' allowed hi to address. such a large had he , to pay the and. if they were to : ' - a pieee of land kr come here and locate „ ,. , a very few would' be -Comfortable comin home on ' . , 0- g S ' ra ' : at".1.1. a37 - . The Nellie Ross had - .'x • • road, 20th con., $5.,0; J.Young, ditch - ing on Youncr's side side, 20thcon:, $3.; , . gathering, not °been insisted • year ye , , , _ ,.,, , ' 'There . ‘ .. . a new captain A. Paton ditching on Youno.'s side•road. , t. iz , DR. ,T. A. ROLLINS. OFFICE -MAIN. ST. Residence -Corner Andrew and morth Stre-ets, Exeter, Ontario. , The 12th of July was celeinated here in right royal good style. Over sixty- five Lodges were present and took in the Every upon to do Se by the chairman. He not, anOrangeman, but the . day was • wo not far distant when he uld. have, doubt, nna farni are always with a, g--- . - people •ready,to sell their claims, want- .nig to better themselves. Some that lo- cated Speculation, to 11 on board on Sunday- . .. - . '. 1V1rs:•Will Jennison is able to be a- round aomin but.still rather feeble. . ... tOth, $6; G. Hodgins gravel grant, 00th con 18. J McDonald rant 14th - ., $ , J. . . , g , , con., $30; I. Lewis, g•ravel grant, 14th 0 P EDIN.• L fr A. AMOS, M. D, C. ILL, . ., & G1 ' -* Y. S., asgon, ' • .' d Glasgow' Ili. -C. P. & S.- L:11L, Edinburg.h an 22,1, Ontario; F. T. M. S, Toronto.„ ight bell at officie. Orediton, Ontario. . Jy12,8 - . part celebration train that arrived in the town. brought crowds of the brethren and pleasure seekers. Itis estimated that be• , _ tween 12,000 and 15,000 people no the pleasure of • being one: He had%no ill -will against the,: Roman Catholics, but the principles the Orango. men had in. gathering for today; met • his complete appioval, and shouid, meet on offer sell out out 290 acres with from 5 19 20 acres c ear- ed, Jog, house, etc, on or near a good road and within, 5 to 10 miles of a rail - road can be got f Or from $100 to $200 77 • Vi ish somebody would pound some- body else's cattle around here and keep them out of mischief. • Mr. an . T. were vis g • M d Mrs T Vine • . • kin con., $10; I. Lewis, turnpiking on Pat- on's side -road, 15th • $12- W. L is ' , (-0121 ,7 evi' , gravel grant, 12th con, $15; Mrs. Mor - ton' rio•ht of wav t ba .1-- bridme $2• '- ' ''' - a ' t• s- J. Belling, gravelling on.N. B„ $22.50.; 9_,WEN. OFFICE -MAIN STREET,The D'• °Exeter, upstairs, opposite Centre Hotel. Side entrance on south.--Jaines street leading.:to the Methodist Church. were present. •ere forenoon was occupied by . a base -ball and lacrosse, match. The base -ball match . was between the Exeter and Clinton. with the approval of every loyal Prot - - - estant. ' The Rev Mr. Edo.° f 01' t , o in on,,•,, was the next, speaker. He . . .. So that a man coming h with: $300 - • • • to $o00 could in a, very short time have a good home, and no rent nor mort- gages to pay. I have not Seen oue friends' in Grey last week. A Lang was storm staid at the Ross „ , r't k. s , ery jas wee ,D a • . C. H. Wilson, putting,- in three eOnCrete culverts, on N B$9787. D McK zie ' i ' : • 411 " shovelling gravel, East Wdliams town - line $4. A. G. Scott, ti ve lambs killed I' WEET VETER- WILL AMS le. Gradt .„, imity Surgeon. ra lia eshower •ii:14-,,,,,, Toronto. :Veterinary Dentist- clubs. Only four innings were played '•eu d when a o rain cam p an was Tic*. an Orangeman, but but did not know of Edge • • one o t e • cge name in the Province person yet that is dissatisfied with the country but all speak favorable of ' it • ' • v. . Stephen. Council. •. 2 7 and six Wounded by dogs, $22.16; H. Thompson, -filling in bridge ' site and ry a speciality. Office and Re- :411111:1•1,,•-• •.' sidenceone bloek east of Rich. Pickard's store. opposite skatiag rink, Ex- eter, Ontario. unabled them to finish the game and . . , ,and at the end of the fourth innings Exeter had gained one ruir, while Clintondail- ed to score. The Lacrosse match was that that was not one. He did' Aid not know how soon he would be one. • . . . . They- buy what they can pay for, and they can't pay for they dO with- '• out Styles and fashions, matter but little here comfort comes first To the ' ' , .„ . . .. Council met on July 7th; ll h. a t e members present. Minutes of the last meeting read and signed. • Moved by puffin°. in concrete culvert $17 90- W ' ' ' ' ' W. 'Northgrave„gravel grant,Nortligrave's side -road, $31,50; W.Portice, tile across road, 20th Con.;$2.62.; W. Hedges, o•raY- . e'Jud- -r, H. COLLINS, BA.RRISTER, SOLICIT- JS. OR, COnve_yancer, Notary Publac. Office- Samwell's Block, Exeter, Ontarao. :money to Loan. between St. Marys and Clinton, and , chnton b• 1 to 0. lt d in favo • of r.es1.1 e . .. i y . Shortly after dinner the procession was formed. th001der was as follows: The . • cnairman then called. upon the speaker of,,the day, Bro. John G. Holmes of Toront6::: ',On risino•he said he did . • •' ,-,,-., , . • not think that tie,. wbehl,;•diave been east of this place there are very few settlers yet, though I am told the land is good, mostly hard wood land' Game • -• • is plentiful all through this country, W.,White, seconded by F:•Weurth, that th• ' 1. .resolution'• ' a. is counci pass a givin„ Permission for M. Brokenshire to call tl ' • t bt • outlet t if on ie engineer o o am ou o is l 11110•e's side -road $15. e grant, Hedg , „ , son Corbett, gravel grant, 22nd con, $65; E. & A. Miller, account for tile, tp ' J WrightC ' f • •'' "*I ',IA:1G; J. & o., rope oi pi.e, , 1 H. DICKSON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR .11.4. of Supremo Court, Notary Public, Con- veyancer,c,'eninlieeioner, &c. Money to loan Othce-Fanson's Block, Exeter. . i, ' ' it 'fr' 'brought A. X TOdd, W. C t,t9 - • Spea kers in carriagev Lady True Blues. Orange Young 'Britcins. face tni,,`fate With so many.. of his old friends iind constituents so soon . He was very much. pleased to see them again. Ile greatly pleased and dear, moose, bear etc.,,andlots of fish. There are a great many. Small lakes , .. and spring creeks.that are alive with - • speckled trout. So that settlers can lot 21, con. 9. T he council passed the following OrderS:-M. Finkbeiner, contract Exeter S. It, $52; W. Riley, rep. culvert, 83 driver, $9; A. McPhee, piles for .DoWk- ' er's bridge, $7.60; W. H. Mark, repair- . ing"road scrapper, $3; J. Smith, gravel grant, grant, McAlpin s mile -load, $28 Ji w... , . VLLIOT &ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, SOLIC- • 1.4 itors, Conveyancers:8m. Afoney to loan . B. V. Emaor. . ,.,:,:k J. Er.tior ' County West Bruce. County North. Bruce. County South Perth. County North Perth. highly honored at havingsuchan ad- dress presented to him, and • especially by the ,Board of Trade of Clinton; ' and though it was not originally ' intended o•et plenty of fresh meat There is no doubtabout it, it is a• healthy country, the people show it by their looks strong * ' ' k - ' hardy people; for myself, I have not Evans and Esser 0.ravel 1 50 • .R 9, e, 7 • 7 • Adare, cuts A and B line, $2; W. Brun- er, gravel, $10; W. Eagleson, rep. road, $1•J F• kb ' C R $1657• F , J. m emer, corn. 1 • 2 F. ; ., a • - - -, • - • Hardy, gravel grant, Hai dy s sid.e-ioad. .. 14th con, '$15; T. Pratt, shovelling gravel East William's townliner $4; W. Hedges,• • • • -- .• giavellino. on N. B., divisien - EnED. W., FARNCOMB, Proyincial Land Surveyor ,47,nd Civil Engineer. office, sumweirs meek,. up stairs, ,71fain street, Exeter, Ont. • . •TapSon Count3r North Huron , . County South Huron - h „., _ .... . T ebricLcr' d' C d' Gociench, bilyth, itincar ine, re i- ton St. Thomas, for him but for the Grand" Master; he, C01114 but return his many thanks for ' , done the • ' it. Clinton alwa, s square thin°. and the action of the•Board was felt so well for two years, and I think this country is going to cure' me up. I hr'here and d ''t " ave a splendidtrade ere an i . is o•rowino. bette 11 iii t• S •f I a e ime. o i W. Baker, coin ist S R, 3.13; R. Barry, contracts, 224,69; J. Ford, com 3rd S 11, $30.90; F. &hits, graVelling, $10.50; G - . Ilino• $57- J Tetreau • grave ,,, , , No.?, $16.20; R. If. Paterson repairing black bridge, $31; J. D. D'rumrnond., commissioner black .e $7 50 1 • :1,IT.„. Morgan,. • ' - on N.B., div., No: 1., • , ' " d TAMES OKE, Exeter, -Dritarao, License CP Auctioneer' for the Counties' ot liuron, Perth and Middlesex. Sales, promptlystfend7 ed to and swtisfaction guaranteed. Sales arranged at this office. ., , and Bands led their re , ' s ' o• ' pective Lodges, while the Clinton Oroan Factory Band that of Clinton , ... < ' The procession lasted over one hour, , w after hick the addresses commenc ' ed. only what could be expected from the banner town of Huron Wingham and • ',' - Exeter excepted, He spoke at great length, dealing with all'thprinciples '" - • ' •• - p , and . . have myhealth and a good trade too I can stand 't f bile I like Exeter i or a w . and hope to return there in a few years if ' ' li• 1 h 11 •••olit ' I h th my ea t gets a lib . hopethe • • F. McKeever,R 7 1.25. tom, $10; N. C No 5,$5 , C W inert, •culvert, $4; Barry and 0'.. R •k f t •t $60 66. Mrs New- out e, eon rae , • ,con., . , 810; combe, $10; F McKeever, rep road to D Quinlan, gravelling . j , t • gravel - .• • ' " $27.30, J. Rt,edci, grant, 10th eon., $10 ; W, Nichol. gravel giant. 23rd ,T m 1.1 " - • ' ... . bi k $15: . c • wen, lepailing at bridge and approaches, $4; J. MeRanri.,, ' TT BROWN, Wincliefsea. Licensed Auct-' 11 ioneer for the Counties': of Perth and Nittiiiisieseofn,allyo afotrigletgilashAeofmus'srbetr i; 6ble.$11fles Lranged at Post oFfice, riVirichelsa ,. The chair waslaken by i . . . , Mr A At Todd C. X South Huron, who Made a neat and appropriate speech, welcoming the brethren on the• 200th anniversary. The Mayor, Mr. DohertY, intro- questions affectino• the Orancre ,, Order, Fist and present, and, wound '814,0 up one of the greatest speeches ever delivered in the county ' by ' wishing every one in the loyal old County of ' Butterd E k t b an Ego- mar e is mining e th town. How do those croakers feel now that knew it would ruin the tawn. I will willingly give any information about this Countr that I can to any Y ' pit 010. pit, gravel contract, 7 1 • Hagman,. drawing B B, $36.87; R Ifandford, 13iddulph read, 810;- R Walker, i euli,,ert, $1.50; W Anderson, jobs', $149.20; R R debenture interest, gravel contrac.t, diy. No. 6,, $62.35; .,3•:, 1 'J.!. Amos, overSeeing, div, No. 6; $4; W. • Mawson, gravel account,.39.55;-.1, Me- Gregor, gravel grant, 24th con.; 43.00: - W. Lintott, tile ticross Littoft's' side- • ' ' lOntario 'Id - CI BOSSENBERRY, Hensal , , , 0 , 1.2.i. ensed Auctioneer for the Countys of furon and. Perth. Charges , niederate and a tisfaction guaranteed. 'was Ced a said it afforded him much du ., ud . _ pleasure to see such a large turn -out < ' , • . from all parts!. 'I hey deserved 'credit Huron every' success Ind . ho' d that • , " • „., . t . , petone their banner will be carried oii to vicf• ' - •• ','' ory. , . • , . • 1 " • ' ' * wis iing rt., , . ARKINSO J P X Barkerton P. 0. Ont. . :525. J. Heaman breakino• stones 7 . 7 , r, ; 12.62; M Winer, corn, $25; M Winer, breaking steries $2- P' Winer, break. , , , . , , . , . t , . , t., , , t road 1 20- J Pobitmni oTiVel centriet- div: 11, 135.03; R Pile oyersOing , trravellino. di, 11 10.00. j. Steeper ' tr, t 37 • •7 7 ' ' : .... ') '.. , , • .. Atter the MA:tresses were over, the ing stones, $2; T Handford. contract, account, N. B., 17.85: J..Steeper VET 'HOLT, Xhiva, Ontario. Licensed suet- .2 for assemblino• in such large numbers , ,-, and Ise welcomed them 011 behalf of the loclo•es re-formed and inarclied' back to e, FarqUhar, - . $121.50;• J Wickert, breaking. stones, $2.75. Vli....` Bosson. breaking stones, g' gravel , gravel account, 2083;. T. Appletori„ ' V V ioneer for the Counties of Middlesex ,nd Laim.bton, and the townships of Stophen ,nd Hay All sales promp.tly attended to. - . of Clinton ' . • . , Chairman Todd then ,, ..- told th0Se preq the tli0 tow fl. ' , . In the evening a o•rand display of • r• -- on fireworks took ReV. Colin Fletcher leaves this Week 1 . , • ' an extent ed trip to tile Pacific coast. , . I -.;'''; G Mangus, $1,75; G Gumbert, $1.75; L .1, - - St, uley, $1.75; M amp, hauling overSeeing otavelling N. D div. 7 and .-,w ,-• ' $;'6.00; 'ravelling. hill, 19th eoncession N. R, ' ir.85; H. Johnson, Overseeing C --- .- ''''''""'"'" DoMMERCIAL ' ) 3 E ' . a . 13 ' HI.W‘ ......e.,,,...-. and put - reason of the abseneik of the MoSt VVorshipful Grand Master, N, Clarke Wallace, and others, who pro- mise.d to be present. Mr. Wm. Jackson, president of the f rade NI as nekt it tro "iced oard o T , " • i d welcome frona place under the • man agement of Prof. Hand, of Hamilton, but the attendance was not s •,,, ehted o lai,„e , as the affair ,deserved many being boy, , eau and small enough to hang a., " m, , _ rt. , „ roinid outside, whtie others stole filen; NT .,. ,•-,0 way in, but a number ..‘ _.'',‘, •• . ' - 410n Monday last Mrs. Win. Bray ptes- her hugband, with a fine baby , ,, , you to see Bill smile pow. • Th ' l t' f rt . e e ee "on of officers o Court Star Q +•' ,-,65 of trio Independant Oidei of ling, 0-ratel, $9.50; J Hodgins, rep scraper, ;8.25; j. meisa_ _, ac $10; J Stnith, gravel' 12'90. '2 , , • ' , 7 J G Wine, cow, $11.25, C Wilson ) $32.'87; ' A Kino•raVellino• $15: J •-.., t. imil Edwards,c S2 NO 1 11 . . , OM) ••• -- ; ., Q erin, gravel- • • • • 1 ' rl-e haulm • . . .. , $18.33, 1 0 Ran g trravelling hill, 19th concession N. B. R R PaterS b 'Id. ,7' 1. .'d . . ' on, ui LO, n i ge , • ' ' . 1 . , . 0 , ,, , on Dowker s side -load, 4,40 00; 11, 'T‘Vo- e e, grave grant, 14t 1, eon., ,20. AI I i ' '• ' Oa Moved by J. Drunarnond, 'sdemided: by. - P. I .ait in 1 '1' r r"' ' ' ' '' ' •.'Pr' .0 ' '' that this coupe]. ad,) inn ______....=,....... • • • ' qrS , . the - t Class RIGS And HORSES . " to IRDERS LEFT ' AT THE HAWK- occasion. SHAW HOUSE OR AT THE read an address of ' ' ' w'' t. 'v. A menaberS and °meets Of toe ....,ear. J. G. Holmes,. the speaker of the . .' ' . . The Rev. Bro. • Hodgins was next is as and Foresterstook 1 'd d Id ., f • thanb t). ai ou. 6 ale rather 6 ex' last 'Poecl• ' ' ' ' , eteeted,for The affair on the whole Was 4 Cern,. John OA° success and the members of the II. 4 ' 1 ' • I -1'd • •Ver In p ate on ri a,3. c 1 g stones, WIICTI the following brethren were $5.25; the current. half year.-Bro. Duncan 0 it; Bro. T,M. Kay G D. ,stone, C. R; Bro. Thos. McCurdy V. C. R.; $4 50. J Barri- hanlitio. stones , ,. , , , ,„ , ,1 Rosier, ditch and culvert, $8; W'Ford;'$83.15; J. Walku, balance on‘ tdarried, $48; ,,0 ialber, coin, $1,50; R Flynn, drain, $5;, G Ford, gravel, , t ,t ' .'Iti ' 'I' Hall ti l'i 11. ' o met., ni ie OW11. le 1 st,i On, , day b• in August- at ten o'clOck` a.' ui.---' . ' . WAL,FnAsna, Tp., Clerk., Srl'ARLE WILL 11.8 PROMPT introduced. LY AllttibEti, TO. ' his =.00.04:xlsog. township :°x=4:* 'Telephone Conri-”tion. , ' pleased He said he saw many of brethren from his rold ,hoine, the of Biddulph; and he was ,praise to see them. He was pleased • committee, and espeeially the eminty, 13ra. quister, Bro.'A. M. ',rodtl,tleserVe-s treat ,Borland, for their unremitting fahor to S•• make it Such, '' . ' jt;hti Win. Menteith P. C, R.; Bro. Iiiraia $4238; tieas.; Dm Durlean Ili,y. ' E. expenditilte, to Andrew Hoddert ' R. '.8:; ,trO'.' dornish Chap 13r0:•'Warren ' Me- , C Prouty, pt salary, $60; N B ' $175; J Winer,• $8; E Gitnther, $6': H. Eilber,,$3,20; 1' Iteits- man, gravel'eontro.ct7 $18=',J.111cXeoveli. 7 I ,can teStify that Everest's ',Catigh Syrup is good it, imying'einfect iii.&'df" a, ' very , bail Cough and '' ),tokt,H.--tliza: '. Sproul, Lieut. S. A. 7 S 'A 'Army, ' Anti:aril', Ci.s:,' „ , , „•°: