HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1890-7-17, Page 1"A UNITED CANADA AND BRITISH CONNECTION
The Mplsons Bank.
(Chartered by Parliament, I855.)
- 1 -I -
1 • I ' W 1 AIL011 SI-InP
Gill S. W.; Bro. George Fossold, J. W.;
Bro. David Duncan, S. B.; Bro.
coin, $2,50; A McCormick, $16.50; corn,
Paid up Capital ........... $2,000,000.
......_ .1 ‘-Y -a-
Eorros Anvoenrn.
Armstrong J. B.
828.87; A Meisaac, $8; A McCormick ,
watching gate, $8.25; A McIsaac, eon -
DEau SIR. -Perhaps an account of
Rest ....; .......... 1,000,000,
'itsaa 9f400 Atontreal.
this northern part of Ontario may be
interesting to soine of your numerous
tract, $49.25; J Priskator, darnag•e. to
• horse, $20; I' Heuldian, culvert, $2;,,,G•
Lvir:rNviciiiii, '1•1101.11:11csoLr.
OF ,
readers. As you are aware I had been
. •-r--•
GrImpit'Ar.. MANna um
, ,
suffering' for a lonk.,). time in Exeter •Ind
i' .
ie armers are very
jursrtinofw. It is a good crboup,s3r hs L1
, pcioti: ii 1W1 s,
' - • '
Twe4tYti3ra.oelt .00.iods in the Dominion'
Agencies'intheDorninion, c'. S. Europe'
11 1
+ II +
11 .4. 11 +
, ,
I 1111 I II' 1
, 1:
H 11 1 ii
1.11::,1111eigaitsiziniudeech iadbeoduttotltirisyciotuntirylbeeft-
across road, $2; J Guanian
mts;ast•zgix n.ra#.21..1,1•Ciz....,
°Pell evet7141.111 diV'fr°111 jr° 't?" In' t° 3 P.
. m,, Saturdays to a, m, to 1 p..rn, ,.. ,
A .general banking. business tranSacted
, -
' ' ,
, .
. ,
,Exeter first week in•May for this place,
I am,,. at 'trent Creek station; 200 miles,
north of TOrento, 25 miles south of
North BAT, This'is 'a small •village
01,1114sru. iiRdu4s3r ilalsptia.etacpleedelsliiri.first
' 'We understand ElilnYthe baseball
Club`intend playin,g a match with our
ToWnline Club on Saturday next,
, - ,
$2.25; E, Williams, ditch across .road,
$2; L McCormick, work, $3.60 ; T Keys,
corn; $12.1,5, 0 0 S L, $3.75. R Keys C
C S L, 83; W Holt, election bootli,.$3;•
Fonr por cent'. :per a'nraim allowed for
. .
11 $ 11
I 11
, I 11
$ 11
11 $ 11
11 :I:
11 .t• .
Only started three years acro, since the
11 --1-. d. ' -
. ral Pa was exten,led from Graven-
. .
Mr R 'Horn our blacksmith wishes
- • • ' . c
to secure the
S S No 5, $3;,S S No 5, $3; J. LaWson,
money on Deposit Receipts.
. ,
• • , , ' R. H. ARCHER,
Exeter, Jan .23, '$8. Manacrer.
. ,
, , _
In Canadian and Imported Tweeds, French' Worsteds 'etc
. ,* ' • 7- . - , '
Which be Will sell at right puce& If you 'mall. nobby' OT
. . , , ,
Ways6 ro North Bay, there it connects
with,the• 0. P..11. main line at Lake
NipN6iico' thiS iS ' in the District of
" 1'7
services of a young man.
0ne who has been at the trade prefer,
4 • •
Council adjourned to meet again 1st
Monday in A
.....uo•u"t C PROTJTY
, '
PartY S'Itind, 75 'or 80 mileS' east of the
Our school has closed, for the summer
- Clerk,
plain suit it will repay y011 to call and examine 118 igrge
. ,
stock which has just arrived. ' '
town of Parry Sound on 11 e Georolan
.. ), 6
Bay, The ceuntrYls new and rough,
, vacation and no donht our teacher is
- • - • .' '
'110t sorry, likewise the children. 'There
• .
MeGilliVI•ay QOuneil.
, .
Ozzeitt.' Abrorecte
but is settling --tip fast. SOMO of the
are five h i'11t-
., VC sc. o arS who wi, write a the
The Council
. • . •
- . . .
Vb:iirsday Morning
, §-§-§-§-§-§-§--§-§--§-§--§-4-§--§-7-• § § § '
' land is "very poor but there is plenty of
coming examintition. We hope they
may be successful.
met pursuant to tad-
. ..
journment, an TOWIl Hall, W.
p pubiisliediiN!'erY
" '• ' • • the OffiOe,
good. land in the country it is all. free
. .,
II„, Taylor, Reeve, W. L Corbett and P.
AtiN1?-64tEt. -- EXETER.
grant. land. There are people to the
west of this place who have been set-
Usborne School Report. .
P. Harding, Deputy-Reeves,W, Ritchie '
and J. D. Drummond, Councillors.
tied for 10 or 15 years, and before there,
. ..
Minutes last
." oir'stii3SOI4PrioN. .
§-§-§-.§-§'-§-§-§-§-§-§--§-§- §-7§-1,-§---§-§,
of meeting read and ap,
One Dollar per 74 WI UM if %paiit in Advance.
f not so paid.
*1" i II li
..s.a...-Inertimi.p.s. :aatar, op. 1*z: ca.
No paper discontinued em titan arrearages
are paid. Advertisemejits without , specific
directions will be published till forbid. and
• di i Liberal di-scow:it m ade
charged acoor- lig 37. ,. . f
for transolent advertisements knserted _or
loaf 201,144. 'Every description ot ;DI
PR NANG- turned obit in the finest style,
and at rpoetcrate r.ates. Cheques,pioneyord-
etc. to
. , , ‘ . . $ . 7 ,
Special attention given to lathes -,,mantle ma k.
, , . .
Give me a Trial and you will be Cenvineed.
, . ,
Stand one door north of Fish's Barber,shop.,
, .
were any roads opened out. Many of
, .
them now are comfortable with over
100 ares of clearing, fairly good build
ins s, &e. It IS now settled nearly all
.the way to the Georg.ian Bay. The
,,;(7firernment has none a good work by
opening up leading roads and building,
brithres. All the settlers here are- peo-
pie., who tnoved'he,re from other Parts of
Ontario in order to get cheap lands arid
The following is a report of the
standing of the pupils in S. S. No, 5, for
the months of June and July; said. re-
port is based upon regularity,of attend-
;ince, general Work and conduct. The
names are given order of merit:-
V.. -Thos. A. Russell. '
IV. -Edith Westcott, Ila Westcott, L.
III Sit. -Blanche. Westcoti,Voilet Rus-
proved of and sig..,ned. Moved by P
Harding,,seconded ,by J. Drummond,
that W. Ritchie is hereby coMmiSsion-
ed to let a contract for the cutting 9f
.. .
Foster's hill, 701, concession, E. C. road, .
' not to exceed $100 -Carried: Moved:
. .
by J. Drummond, seconded by P.,Hard-
. ... • .. " .
ing, that ''lis:,;cenncil,., do .. herebY,- ill; ,.
ecs, &e.toir -advertising, subscriptions,
and homes for .. themselves • and
sell. ' -
• • - ..
Hedges and others.--Carrieti, •,' -Moved
be. inade,ipays, ble to
William Sanders,
' • ' Editor.
, ' '
Great Bairgains
, a
-AT THE- - .
to see the large crowd present and
. 1 h • *
especia ly t e Lady True,13lues., ne
dwelt at some length uPon Orangeism
families., on the whole they are a fairly
d / - f . A . • . • •
gbo e, ass o settlei.s, in, my °pillion
Many Of the people that went to the
North: West'would.
III hi -Lila McCord, Jennie McDon-
. • ,
ald, Lily McDonald, Ettie -:Richardson
II SR. -Nelson Prout,Garnet Frayne:
by J. Drummond?, seconded by '''7W:
Ritchie, th4t t4e• silti of five.dollars:be
„deducted John Rebanson's graVel an.'
, .
ClinrcSi Direetory.
Tnivicrr MsnonliAL Cuituaen.--Rev. S. F
Robinson, Rector. SundayServices, 11 ii. to,
and 7 low'. Sabbath School, 2.60 p. m.
METIVODIST 'Ortommi-,Taanes:st , Rev. B.
cieuteutt„ Pastor. Sunday Services, i.0.770 a.m.
and.s.80 p.m. Sabbath. Sohool,,? p, ni... .
mitssruzsx-Rev.J.Witson,,Paster- ow)
daySorv.:100,1.0.30 a.m. and.,630 p.m. Sabbath
sohooir,-.10 o..m. ,
Pasanvormelarriton.--neV. W. marlin.,
Pastor. Sunday,A. rviess,Ii. a.m., and 6 . P'j
ra: Siiikath School,. 9.45 a.m.
. ,
• - -.... • .
Cheap Cash St re,
The undersig ,, , ,
ned-wili sell•Drv s
. eries, Shoes, Groaery, Glassware:
etc • t 4 t cl et' f C sh, of
., a a ,,rea re
Butter and Eggs As he expects there
,. . , . . .
will be° a change in t e usiness•• on,
h b •
September St all accounts must be
settled 'before that date. •
. , .,_
1 Al • fli ' .
and its many grand principles. ,
The Rev. Bro. Cascaden, of Bruce,
was next introduced. .He stated that
it was prevalent of late to hear that
the Orange body was dead and thii.t
Orange, incorporation had killed itharder
. ,_• , .. , . ,
entirely, but fioni the, la.ige turnout
he thought it was a. lively corpse. , He
,,, ., .
'Au' •• been an . Orangeman about 27
yeirSiAnd thought he - would . t* '
. w eon anue
one until his.,,remains were removed
have done better if
they had settled in Northern Ontario,
, . .
of course'a Person coming here from
,some of the older parts would. think this'
a hard Place but 'many of the first set•
tiers d Western -Ontario had much
t* th • an3r one has here'. I
lpleS an
elieve MIS Will be a good stock eoun-
1). , ., g -
try good -for grass and plenty of good
-.'P B 1 r" H
pure water. Oats, Peas, ar Fly , ay,
Potatoeci.'and roots of all kinds do well
. • .
here. , I' haye seen as , good . looking
LilY. M. Weatcott, Willie Frayne. , , ;
II JR. -Violet Willis, Norman Re
Doomil Eliza Higgins and Einily
wood. ,
II ' PT. -Jessie Richard, Vincent
Wood and Marroie Russell
I PT.-000rge Westcott, John Rich-
• • - , -
ard, Lily M. Rowchffe, Bennie pruce,
Tommy Hio.o.ins David McCord Edith
Al n a 4 vir T..r '
nicvOrie. ' ., . . v . J.JOGARTH,
tradt, division No. 11 for., non-falfill-
ment of contract. -Carried. .Moved by
W. Cbrbett,,,seconded by )t.-''''Ritclile, ,
that this council grant the suin of -$15
. . ,, ., .
to the MeGillivray Agricultural SOeletY.
for A. D. 1390. -Carried. Moved by
W. Corbett, seconded,- by - . a,
W Ritchi
that +he Reeve and Treasurer be and,
' '
they are hereby authorized to borrow
the ' f fift ' h d d dollarstil
:e sum, o cell, un re a
meet current expenses. -Carried, Mov- •
-, .
ed lky P. Harcling;Seconded by J. DrUM-
Proressional. Cards.
a .......-st-class•qarva for
1 Sale" containinr 00 aeres, with
from this sphere:'' He dwelt chiefly
upon the history of the &tier. in years
crops here this season as I 'ever Saw in
A • A
Western .Ontario. Wheat they say does
mthid,that an accordance with the prop',
osition of the Stephen Council this cennz
Weirs Bank, Exeter, Ontario,
pee over 0' ...
NitrousOxide Gas for Vol -3114'3s
Goes to Luean every Fridar.
a first-class brick yard thereon.
J1 .
' . . •
For further paiticulars apply to. .,
June -12,-3 tn. " ' . Cararops.
gone by and predicted for it every
, - ' . . . . -
suceess aud prosperity in future.
Rev. • Rev .
.. . Rural Dean Craig. of
t called Re said he
Clinton, was ,Pex- • ,
eotiltl'Inot: 'addresg-thein as Bao ,'Orarro.e
' - '' 0
.men, but could as Bro. Protestants If
,. • lie had :
h -Th
a was no an Orangeman,.,... t
well but it pays better,to raise coarser
grains. s is is a grea tn ring
A th" • t lil be '
country, coarse grains, roots and hay
brino. lar e prices The land is mostly
- b g ,. .
a liolit soil. Timbered witnpine spruce
- , •"' ' •
balsatnoareanO, barch, basswood, ced-
' • , -
ar, mapletetc.• e pine.,is owned._ by
pine is ' ' ' - '
limit but(the have
R. Taylor and. 8 Ross spent the loth
.. • . -
of Ould Irian& at Forest.
- y
Rees got a big lift of fish on Monda'
of last week, taking one hundred and
,ninty four sturgeon out of two, nets be...
' ' 1 ' - • -•fi- • '
sides's, ame enantity of smaller , fish.
• • • 'd
ail will meet them at 011a (Limerick)
T d th 8t1 • t t 2 ' 1 k
on ues ay., e i ins , a o c oc
p. m, to take into consideration the
Grand Bend cut suit, and Boundary
water conise grievance. -Carried.
Meved. by W. Corbett, seconded by. W.
Wt. 1'2'. 'th t this ' 'I li ..''
i c ibr a is,counci do, here y• mr-- '
,--,...., H:RINSMAN, DENTIST,. DD. sti ax-
•without pain by giving
Vegetable Vapor, or using the now
For Sale. '
,good, Orange heart. that was beatin.o•
Within his breast, ,.'He' was pleased to
-. . ,. . ..
- see sa many present, and hoped they
owners, settlers a
ri'4,,,bt alt ,
to rt the pine they want for
7 . • • • ' ,
• 'fencing etc., and can sell
• • .
11 it .
. avino• is aboutwound p , aroun •
here and farmers are getting ready for
harvest .• - • . •
- '
struct Messrs. Meredith Fisher and.
, •
Beattie to collect the costs re -Hislop
suit. Carried- Moved by W. Corbett,
Ancesthetie on the gams. Makes Gold pill-
- n d other dental work -the best possible.
in's an • each month
Groins to Zurich last lhurs ay in . .
East side of Main street. Exeter.
.. . .
• A desirable residence an Exeter Next% new
frame house one -fifths acre of land. The
, . .
house was erected in 77688. Good teams to,
purchaser. Apply at this office. 14.5-t t.
Would return at na'.1thsta ate
'''' lit date.
, ' ,
Mr. L. H. Dickson't arrister, Exeter.:
db ' -'!
all - they.
• a the pine that is on the land ,
clear. n
Clean I know ree-
. , , < • , •• -•, ,
ve: lithig -•ori 'rezited•
farms in Western ntario paying•high
, Mr. and Mrs.Tennett, of Seaforth are-
h ' Ili am 'VI' li*
t e guests a , .. an rs. . Ike W it-
.mare - . - .
-seconded b W Ritchie,hat the her -
,secon y W. , . e
inafter named individuals be paid' the
, - .
several amounts set forth; ' viz: • I.
was next intr d ,
o rice, y e e airman.,
the h
rents- itl fact all they can raise-
, ,... 1 ' • • ' -
. • - • •
' 'Say Charlie' Mao. is
,Laughlin, logoino• on Yonng's *side -
4 ,..B WHITELY, K D.,,C.
ii and Surgeon. 011oce and resideasie-
Corner Victoria and Elgin streets, Goderich,
- Clinton.
He said his ,modesty, Weald not have
d li• ' - - '
allowed hi to address. such a large
had he
to pay the and. if they were to
: ' -
a pieee of land kr
come here and locate „ ,. ,
a very few would' be -Comfortable
comin home on
' . , 0- g
S ' ra '
: at".1.1. a37 -
The Nellie Ross had
- .'x • •
road, 20th con., $5.,0; J.Young, ditch -
ing on Youncr's side side, 20thcon:, $3.; ,
gathering, not °been insisted
• year
ye , , , _ ,.,, ,
' 'There
. ‘ .. . a new captain
A. Paton ditching on Youno.'s side•road.
, t. iz ,
Residence -Corner Andrew and morth
Stre-ets, Exeter, Ontario. ,
The 12th of July was celeinated here
in right royal good style. Over sixty-
five Lodges were present and took
in the Every
upon to do Se by the chairman. He
not, anOrangeman, but the . day was
• wo
not far distant when he uld. have,
nna farni are always
with a, g--- . -
people •ready,to sell their claims, want-
.nig to better themselves. Some that lo-
cated Speculation, to 11
on board on Sunday- .
.. - .
'. 1V1rs:•Will Jennison is able to be a-
round aomin but.still rather feeble. .
tOth, $6; G. Hodgins gravel grant,
00th con 18. J McDonald rant 14th
- ., $ , J. . . , g , ,
con., $30; I. Lewis, g•ravel grant, 14th
0 P EDIN.• L
fr A. AMOS, M. D, C. ILL, . .,
& G1 ' -*
Y. S., asgon,
' • .' d Glasgow' Ili. -C. P. & S.-
L:11L, Edinburg.h an 22,1,
Ontario; F. T. M. S, Toronto.„ ight bell at
officie. Orediton, Ontario. . Jy12,8
- .
part celebration train
that arrived in the town. brought
crowds of the brethren and pleasure
seekers. Itis estimated that be•
, _
tween 12,000 and 15,000 people
no the pleasure of • being one:
He had%no ill -will against the,: Roman
Catholics, but the principles the Orango.
men had in. gathering for today; met
his complete appioval, and shouid, meet
on offer sell out
290 acres with from 5 19 20 acres c ear-
ed, Jog, house, etc, on or near a good
road and within, 5 to 10 miles of a rail -
road can be got f
Or from $100 to $200
77 •
Vi ish somebody would pound some-
body else's cattle around here and keep
them out of mischief. •
Mr. an . T. were vis g
• M d Mrs T Vine • . • kin
con., $10; I. Lewis, turnpiking on Pat-
on's side -road, 15th • $12- W. L is '
, (-0121 ,7 evi' ,
gravel grant, 12th con, $15; Mrs. Mor -
ton' rio•ht of wav t ba .1-- bridme $2• '-
' ''' - a ' t• s-
J. Belling, gravelling on.N. B„ $22.50.;
D'• °Exeter, upstairs, opposite Centre
Hotel. Side entrance on south.--Jaines street
leading.:to the Methodist Church.
were present.
forenoon was
occupied by . a base -ball and
lacrosse, match. The base -ball match
was between the Exeter and Clinton.
with the approval of every loyal Prot -
- -
estant. '
The Rev Mr. Edo.° f 01' t
, o in on,,•,, was
the next, speaker. He
. . ..
So that a man coming h with: $300
- • • •
to $o00 could in a, very short time have
a good home, and no rent nor mort-
gages to pay. I have not Seen oue
friends' in Grey last week.
A Lang was storm staid at the Ross
„ , r't k.
s , ery jas wee
,D a
C. H. Wilson, putting,- in three eOnCrete
culverts, on N B$9787. D McK zie
' i ' : • 411 "
shovelling gravel, East Wdliams town -
line $4. A. G. Scott, ti ve lambs killed
WILL AMS le. Gradt
.„, imity Surgeon. ra lia eshower
•ii:14-,,,,,, Toronto. :Veterinary Dentist-
clubs. Only four innings were played
'•eu d
when a o rain cam p an
was Tic*. an
Orangeman, but but did not know
of Edge • •
one o t e • cge name in the Province
person yet that is dissatisfied with the
country but all speak favorable of ' it
• ' •
Stephen. Council.
2 7
and six Wounded by dogs, $22.16; H.
Thompson, -filling in bridge ' site and
ry a speciality. Office and Re-
:411111:1•1,,•-• •.' sidenceone bloek east of Rich.
Pickard's store. opposite skatiag rink, Ex-
eter, Ontario.
unabled them to finish the game and
. . , ,and
at the end of the fourth innings Exeter
had gained one ruir, while Clintondail-
ed to score. The Lacrosse match was
that was not one. He did'
Aid not know how soon he would be
one. •
. . . .
They- buy what they can pay for, and
they can't pay for they dO with-
out Styles and fashions, matter but
little here comfort comes first To the
' '
, .„ . . ..
Council met on July 7th; ll h.
a t e
members present. Minutes of the last
meeting read and signed. • Moved by
puffin°. in concrete culvert $17 90- W '
' ' ' ' W.
'Northgrave„gravel grant,Nortligrave's
side -road, $31,50; W.Portice, tile across
road, 20th Con.;$2.62.; W. Hedges, o•raY-
JS. OR, COnve_yancer, Notary Publac.
Office- Samwell's Block, Exeter, Ontarao.
:money to Loan.
between St. Marys and Clinton, and
, chnton b• 1 to 0.
lt d in favo • of
r.es1.1 e . .. i y .
Shortly after dinner the procession was
formed. th001der was as follows:
The .
• cnairman then called. upon the
speaker of,,the day, Bro. John G. Holmes
of Toront6::: ',On risino•he said he did
. • •' ,-,,-., , . •
not think that tie,. wbehl,;•diave been
east of this place there are very few
settlers yet, though I am told the land
is good, mostly hard wood land' Game
• -• •
is plentiful all through this country,
W.,White, seconded by F:•Weurth, that
th• ' 1. .resolution'• ' a.
is counci pass a givin„
Permission for M. Brokenshire to call
tl ' • t bt • outlet t if
on ie engineer o o am ou o is
l 11110•e's side -road $15.
e grant, Hedg , „ ,
son Corbett, gravel grant, 22nd con,
$65; E. & A. Miller, account for tile,
tp ' J WrightC ' f • •'' "*I
',IA:1G; J. & o., rope oi pi.e, ,
.11.4. of Supremo Court, Notary Public, Con-
veyancer,c,'eninlieeioner, &c. Money to loan
Othce-Fanson's Block, Exeter.
. i,
' ' it 'fr' 'brought
A. X TOdd, W. C t,t9
- •
Spea kers in carriagev
Lady True Blues.
Orange Young 'Britcins.
face tni,,`fate With so many.. of
his old friends iind constituents so soon
He was very much. pleased to see them
again. Ile greatly pleased and
dear, moose, bear etc.,,andlots of fish.
There are a great many. Small lakes
, ..
and spring creeks.that are alive with
- •
speckled trout. So that settlers can
lot 21, con. 9.
T he council passed the following
OrderS:-M. Finkbeiner, contract Exeter
S. It, $52; W. Riley, rep. culvert, 83
driver, $9; A. McPhee, piles for .DoWk- '
er's bridge, $7.60; W. H. Mark, repair- .
ing"road scrapper, $3; J. Smith, gravel
grant, grant, McAlpin s mile -load, $28 Ji w...
, .
1.4 itors, Conveyancers:8m. Afoney to loan
B. V. Emaor. . ,.,:,:k J. Er.tior
' County West Bruce.
County North. Bruce.
County South Perth.
County North Perth.
highly honored at havingsuchan ad-
dress presented to him, and • especially
by the ,Board of Trade of Clinton; ' and
though it was not originally ' intended
o•et plenty of fresh meat There is no
doubtabout it, it is a• healthy country,
the people show it by their looks strong
* ' ' k - '
hardy people; for myself, I have not
Evans and Esser 0.ravel 1 50 • .R
9, e, 7 • 7 •
Adare, cuts A and B line, $2; W. Brun-
er, gravel, $10; W. Eagleson, rep. road,
$1•J F• kb ' C R $1657• F
, J. m emer, corn. 1 • 2 F.
., a • - - -, • - •
Hardy, gravel grant, Hai dy s sid.e-ioad. ..
14th con, '$15; T. Pratt, shovelling
gravel East William's townliner $4; W.
Hedges,• • • • -- .•
giavellino. on N. B., divisien -
EnED. W., FARNCOMB, Proyincial Land
Surveyor ,47,nd Civil Engineer. office,
sumweirs meek,. up stairs, ,71fain street,
Exeter, Ont. • .
Count3r North Huron , .
County South Huron
- h „., _ .... .
T ebricLcr'
d' C d' Gociench, bilyth, itincar ine, re i-
ton St. Thomas,
for him but for the Grand" Master; he,
C01114 but return his many thanks for
' , done the • '
it. Clinton alwa, s square
thin°. and the action of the•Board was
felt so well for two years, and I think
this country is going to cure' me up. I
hr'here and d ''t "
ave a splendidtrade ere an i . is
o•rowino. bette 11 iii t• S •f I
a e ime. o i
W. Baker, coin ist S R, 3.13; R. Barry,
contracts, 224,69; J. Ford, com 3rd S 11,
$30.90; F. &hits, graVelling, $10.50; G
- .
Ilino• $57- J Tetreau
• grave ,,, , ,
No.?, $16.20; R. If. Paterson repairing
black bridge, $31; J. D. D'rumrnond.,
commissioner black .e $7 50 1 • :1,IT.„.
Morgan,. • ' -
on N.B., div., No: 1., •
' " d
TAMES OKE, Exeter, -Dritarao, License
CP Auctioneer' for the Counties' ot liuron,
Perth and Middlesex. Sales, promptlystfend7
ed to and swtisfaction guaranteed. Sales
arranged at this office. ., ,
and Bands led their re
, '
s ' o• '
pective Lodges, while the Clinton
Oroan Factory Band that of Clinton
, ... < '
The procession lasted over one hour,
, w
after hick the addresses commenc '
only what could be expected from the
banner town of Huron Wingham and
• ',' -
Exeter excepted, He spoke at great
length, dealing with all'thprinciples '"
- • ' •• - p ,
. .
have myhealth and a good trade too I
can stand 't f bile I like Exeter
i or a w .
and hope to return there in a few years
if ' ' li• 1 h 11 •••olit ' I h th
my ea t gets a lib . hopethe
• •
F. McKeever,R 7 1.25.
tom, $10; N. C No 5,$5 ,
C W inert, •culvert, $4; Barry and 0'..
R •k f t •t $60 66. Mrs New-
out e, eon rae , • ,con.,
. ,
810; combe, $10; F McKeever, rep road to
D Quinlan,
. j , t • gravel - .• • ' "
$27.30, J. Rt,edci, grant, 10th
eon., $10 ; W, Nichol. gravel giant. 23rd
,T m 1.1 " - • ' ... . bi k
$15: . c • wen, lepailing at
bridge and approaches, $4; J. MeRanri.,,
TT BROWN, Wincliefsea. Licensed Auct-'
11 ioneer for the Counties': of Perth and
Nittiiiisieseofn,allyo afotrigletgilashAeofmus'srbetr
6ble.$11fles Lranged at Post oFfice, riVirichelsa
The chair waslaken by i . . . ,
Mr A At Todd
C. X South Huron, who Made a neat
and appropriate speech, welcoming the
brethren on the• 200th anniversary.
The Mayor, Mr. DohertY, intro-
questions affectino• the Orancre
Order, Fist and present, and, wound
up one of the greatest speeches ever
delivered in the county ' by ' wishing
every one in the loyal old County of
Butterd E k t b
an Ego- mar e is mining e
town. How do those croakers feel now
that knew it would ruin the tawn. I
will willingly give any information
about this Countr that I can to any
Y '
pit 010.
pit, gravel contract,
7 1 •
Hagman,. drawing B B, $36.87;
R Ifandford, 13iddulph read, 810;- R
Walker, i euli,,ert, $1.50; W Anderson,
jobs', $149.20; R R debenture interest,
gravel contrac.t, diy. No. 6,, $62.35; .,3•:,
'J.!. Amos, overSeeing, div, No. 6; $4; W. •
Mawson, gravel account,.39.55;-.1, Me-
Gregor, gravel grant, 24th con.; 43.00: -
W. Lintott, tile ticross Littoft's' side- •
' ' lOntario 'Id -
CI BOSSENBERRY, Hensal , , , 0 ,
1.2.i. ensed Auctioneer for the Countys of
furon and. Perth. Charges , niederate and
a tisfaction guaranteed.
Ced a said it afforded him much
du ., ud . _
pleasure to see such a large turn -out
< ' , • .
from all parts!. 'I hey deserved 'credit
Huron every' success Ind . ho' d that
• , " • „., . t . , petone
their banner will be carried oii to vicf• '
- •• ',''
ory. , . •
. • 1 " • ' ' *
wis iing rt., , . ARKINSO
Barkerton P. 0. Ont. .
:525. J. Heaman breakino• stones
7 . 7 , r, ;
12.62; M Winer, corn, $25; M Winer,
breaking steries $2- P' Winer, break.
, , , . ,
, . , . t , . , t., , , t
road 1 20- J Pobitmni oTiVel centriet-
div: 11, 135.03; R Pile oyersOing ,
trravellino. di, 11 10.00. j. Steeper '
tr, t 37 • •7 7 ' ' : .... ') '..
, , • ..
Atter the MA:tresses were over, the
stones, $2; T Handford. contract,
account, N. B., 17.85: J..Steeper
VET 'HOLT, Xhiva, Ontario. Licensed suet-
for assemblino• in such large numbers
, ,-,
and Ise welcomed them 011 behalf of the
loclo•es re-formed and inarclied' back to
- .
$121.50;• J Wickert, breaking. stones,
$2.75. Vli....` Bosson. breaking stones, g'
gravel ,
gravel account, 2083;. T. Appletori„ '
V V ioneer for the Counties of Middlesex
,nd Laim.bton, and the townships of Stophen
,nd Hay All sales promp.tly attended to. -
of Clinton '
. • . ,
Chairman Todd then ,, ..-
told th0Se preq
tli0 tow fl.
, .
In the evening a o•rand display of
• r• -- on
fireworks took
ReV. Colin Fletcher leaves this Week
1 . , • '
an extent ed trip to tile Pacific coast.
, . I -.;''';
G Mangus, $1,75; G Gumbert, $1.75; L
.1, - -
St, uley, $1.75; M amp, hauling
overSeeing otavelling N. D div. 7 and
.-,w ,-• '
$;'6.00; 'ravelling. hill, 19th eoncession
N. R, ' ir.85; H. Johnson, Overseeing
--- .- ''''''""'"'"
' . a
. 13
' HI.W‘
......e.,,,...-. and
put - reason of the abseneik of the
MoSt VVorshipful Grand Master, N,
Clarke Wallace, and others, who pro-
mise.d to be present.
Mr. Wm. Jackson, president of the
f rade NI as nekt it tro "iced
oard o T , " • i d
welcome frona
place under the • man
agement of Prof. Hand, of Hamilton,
but the attendance was not s •,,, ehted
o lai,„e ,
as the affair ,deserved many being boy,
eau and small enough to hang a., "
m, , _ rt. , „
roinid outside, whtie others stole filen; NT
.,. ,•-,0
way in, but a number
..‘ _.'',‘, •• . ' -
410n Monday last Mrs. Win. Bray ptes-
her hugband, with a fine baby
, ,, ,
you to see Bill smile pow.
Th ' l t' f rt
. e e ee "on of officers o Court Star
Q +•'
,-,65 of trio Independant Oidei of ling,
0-ratel, $9.50; J Hodgins, rep scraper,
;8.25; j. meisa_ _,
ac $10; J Stnith, gravel' 12'90.
'2 , , • '
, 7 J G Wine, cow, $11.25, C Wilson )
$32.'87; ' A Kino•raVellino• $15: J
•-.., t. imil
Edwards,c S2 NO 1 11 .
. , OM) ••• -- ; ., Q erin, gravel-
• • • • 1 ' rl-e haulm •
. . .. ,
$18.33, 1 0 Ran g
trravelling hill, 19th concession N. B.
R R PaterS b 'Id. ,7' 1. .'d . . '
on, ui LO, n i ge ,
• ' ' . 1 . , . 0 , ,, ,
on Dowker s side -load, 4,40 00; 11, 'T‘Vo-
e e, grave grant, 14t 1, eon., ,20.
AI I i ' '• ' Oa
Moved by J. Drunarnond, 'sdemided: by.
P. I .ait in
1 '1' r r"' ' ' ' '' ' •.'Pr' .0 ' ''
that this coupe]. ad,) inn
• • • '
qrS , . the
- t Class RIGS And HORSES
. " to
read an address of
' ' ' w'' t. 'v. A
menaberS and °meets Of toe ....,ear.
J. G. Holmes,. the speaker of the
. .' ' . .
The Rev. Bro. • Hodgins was next
is as and Foresterstook
1 'd d Id ., f • thanb
t). ai ou. 6 ale rather 6 ex' last
'Poecl• ' ' ' ' , eteeted,for
The affair on the whole Was 4 Cern,. John
OA° success and the members of the II.
4 '
1 ' • I -1'd • •Ver In
p ate on ri a,3. c 1 g stones,
WIICTI the following brethren were $5.25;
the current. half year.-Bro.
Duncan 0 it; Bro. T,M. Kay G D. ,stone,
C. R; Bro. Thos. McCurdy V. C. R.;
$4 50. J Barri- hanlitio. stones
, ,. , , , ,„ ,
,1 Rosier, ditch and culvert, $8;
W'Ford;'$83.15; J. Walku, balance on‘ tdarried,
$48; ,,0 ialber, coin, $1,50; R
Flynn, drain, $5;, G Ford, gravel,
t ,t ' .'Iti ' 'I' Hall ti l'i 11. '
o met., ni ie OW11. le 1 st,i On, ,
b• in August- at ten o'clOck` a.' ui.---'
. ' . WAL,FnAsna, Tp., Clerk.,
Srl'ARLE WILL 11.8 PROMPT introduced.
LY AllttibEti, TO. ' his
=.00.04:xlsog. township
:°x=4:* 'Telephone Conri-”tion. , ' pleased
He said he saw many of
brethren from his rold ,hoine, the
of Biddulph; and he was ,praise
to see them. He was pleased
committee, and espeeially the eminty, 13ra.
quister, Bro.'A. M. ',rodtl,tleserVe-s treat ,Borland,
for their unremitting fahor to S••
make it Such, '' . ' jt;hti
Win. Menteith P. C, R.; Bro. Iiiraia $4238;
tieas.; Dm Durlean Ili,y. ' E. expenditilte,
to Andrew Hoddert ' R. '.8:; ,trO'.'
dornish Chap 13r0:•'Warren ' Me-
C Prouty, pt salary, $60; N B
' $175; J Winer,• $8; E
Gitnther, $6': H. Eilber,,$3,20; 1' Iteits-
man, gravel'eontro.ct7 $18=',J.111cXeoveli.
I ,can teStify that Everest's ',Catigh
Syrup is good it, imying'einfect iii.&'df" a, '
very , bail Cough and '' ),tokt,H.--tliza: '.
Sproul, Lieut. S. A. 7 S 'A 'Army, ' Anti:aril', Ci.s:,'
„ , ,