HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1890-7-3, Page 8R EA U -.M A' E R S. ,IIEYEA FAILS ro'CtYE SATISFACTION' FOR SALE t3Y ALL DEALERS, SKS. Sly (lockets, Flower Pots, Boon an Candles, Electrio o;readers. Tulaps, Mire, Blue Lights, °Foto , oes, Pink Sticks. L GRIG03 Stationer and Fancy Goods Dealer., EXETER, ONT. LOCAL JOTTINGS. Turnip seed 121 cents per Th at B'is• sett Bros. —li. L. Billings, Dentist, for the best artificial teeth. If you want .Coal Oil, and want it good, call on Will Follancl. Electric blaek,inn,,e. 10 cts. per box at George Sanders. Get a box and try it. —E[. L. Billings, J)entist. Gold, fillings a specialty. Office over O'beil's Bank Exeter. House to Rout, ,containing eight rooms, apply to Mr. Geo. Hodgins, or at this office. Flowncings in good variety and right prices at Brumpton Bros. Bound to sell. Come and see them. Our thanks are due to Mr. Samuel Sweet for a choice piece of pike which he procured down at Delaware. Look out for a promenade concert under the auspices of the Ladies Guild of the Trivitt Memorial Church, in the near future. ' If you want good tinware and at right price call on Will Tolland. Sign of Big Elephant. A foot -ball match will be played be- tween Exeter and Dashwood on Satur- day next, at Exeter. Ganie to com- mence at 7 o'clock p. m. On Sunday, July 13th, the members of Lebanon Forest Lodge, No. 138,A. F. and A. M., Exeter, will attend Divine Service in The Trivitt Memorial Chur- eh. The Rev. Robert Ker, St. Cathar- ines grand chaplain, will officiate. Farmers 'will do well by calling on Will Tolland before they sell their Hides and Sheep skins. The annual excursion under the au- spices of the Lebanon Forest Lodge No. 133, A F. and A. M. will take place to Hamilton, and will be field between the 20th and 25th of this present month. Further information will be given next week. Dominion Day was one of quietness here. A large number of our villagers went to the lake while others went to London, Brussels and elsewhere. The only sport in Exeter was the cricket match, the score of which appears in an other colomn. On Tuesday night last a number of our young people were returning from Grand Bend ,when one of their wheels became fast and on examining it found that the hob had become heated. They at once procured some water to remedy it but to their surprise it became worse, and they were at last compelled to se, cure another rig, with which to return home. Brumpton Bros. mean business and are doing it in Dress Goods in quantity quality, style and prices. How can a man say that a women bas nothing to do? In one year she gels dinner 365 times, washes the dish es 1,095 times, gets the children ready for school twice a day for 180 days,gets the baby to sleep 1,450 times, makes a- bout 800 calls and, as she wishes for something she has not got every min- ute, she wishes sixty things an hour, 4,380 things a year. Who says that a woman has nothing to do? Insure in the Temperance and 'Gen- eralInsurance Co., of Toronto. ED. BISSETT, local agent.—May 29-90. Our baseball club took in the Bros- sels tournament on Tuesday. They were to play Teeswater, but'1'ecswater, refused to play Exeter, so the Judges awarded the lst money to Exeter. In the afternoon a four innings match was played with Brussels iri which Ex- eter got beaten, When our club step- , ped off the train in the evening,, they were met by the Band and a large number of our citizens carrying brooms and were escorted down town. The Western Fair Directors are evi- dently determined to snake the Western Fair, Sept. 18th to n7th, thin' best of Canadian fairs from the handsome in- crease offered in prizes for live stock and .igriculturel classes and the large amount set apart for the speed pro• gramme. Information is receiv,d that they are now arranging for the best attractions that money ensu procure to pleasetheir visitors. The principes manufacturers are coming -to their assistrince by placing in the main �btu)ding machinery and manufacture their goods in view Ofthe nubile; winch Will be 'shi 0 pleasing and instructive, They oxpeet t large attendance from this: section. ;4]r. Thos. A Browne, ►err new Setretaryt, will be plenSod to send prtze- list to any one.en receipt of po6t Card; McDonald's i; lestic Enamel at Bisset E os. The Board of Trade Wi1l meet for the despateh of business. ,ou WednnSday ()yelling' next. Something new! What?p'jlectric.. Blaeking to preserve the shoes!' For sae by Geo, Sanders. We would advise you to go at once to Bnutupton Bros, for Prints and Mus• lies. They are selling, cheap. The Electric Blacking; is the best in th r e ries ket to leop boots and shoes soft. Try a box. For sale by, George Sanders. Mr. Trivitt has ordered a chime of nine bens for the tower of the Trivitt Memorial Church. Six of the nine are to be hung with ropes and rung as a r� peal 111 the L' 1 t1 I �i r �, s i way. Mr. Lotz, of Baltimore, inspected the tower and completed the contract on Dominion Day. The tenor bell will weigh over 1800 its. and the smallest 300 lbs. The total weight will be over 9000 lbs, and worth $3000, This is a gift of great value not only to the members of the Trivitt Memorial Church, but also to the whole community and will be ap- preciated by all Englishmen making as it will their adopted county the very likeness of the old home land. The tenor or great bell will bear the follow- ing inscription. "When our rich tones you hear, Those noble names endear, Who bought and placed us here, Thom • as and Elizabeth Trivitt A. D. 1890" The bells will be in place by the middle of November. Partners' Excursion. The last of the season to Manitoba and return on Tuesday July 8th. For Tickets and particulars apply to Capt. Geo. Kemp, G. T. R. Ticket agent. Accident. Yesterday, (Wednesday) Mr. Edward Sanders, au employe at Andrews' Fur- niture Factory, narrowly escaped the losing of his left eye. He was engag- ed in driving a nail in a hard piece of timber, when the nail flew with such force as to penetrate the ball of the eye. Counterfeit Bills. Some counterfeit $2 bills on the Do- minion Bank are afloat, one of which was exhibited" on Saturday. One of the easiest points of difference to de- tect is, that in the genuine the figures are printed in blue ink—that is' the number of the bill—and on the count- erfeit it is done in black ink, and a poor black at that. The vignette of Lord Dufferin in the centre is some- what blurred; and thele are other dif- ferences which it would take a bank clerk to detect. Look out for them. Getting Ready for the Fight The Equal Rights party are getting their armor in readiness for the Dom- inion election in South Perth. On Thursday last a convention was held at Fullerton Corners, and, we under- stand, the Third Party and Equal' Righters amalgamated, and a decision was unanimously to place a candidate in the field at the next election. The riding is to be thoroughly canvassed, and a big fight made. This virtually settles Mr. Trow's fate, and secures Mr. Sharp's election by a large majority. Accident On Friday evening last, Mr. Bert Grigg, while engaged in discharging fireworks at the strawberry festival, met with rather a painful and unpleas- ant accident. He had ignited a rocket and it appears did not understand the nature of it when it exploded and took a course up his coat sieve, burning his hand and arm seyeilj. . Public School Board Minutes. A meeting was held in the Town Hall on Moudai v June 23rd at 8 p. m. All present. Minutes of previousmeet- ing• confirmed. Discussion of heating and ventilation schemes without mo- tion—Adjournment to school hall to meet the following day, (24th) Tenders to be invited for about 55 square of 1i or 1A inch rnaple flooring not oyer four inches in width and the labour neces- sary to tare up and re-lay flooring in six departments now occupied, Mover W. Hoskins, seconder T. h'itton.-Ten • ders to be invited for repainting of out- side of school, two Boats, Mover W. Treble;seconder,—Adjournment. (June 30th), Board met in Town Hall, absent W. Treble W. Hoskins. Minutes of previous meeting approved. Secretary to write the Educational Department for instructions in regard to ` Flag. F itrther discussion re -heating and ven- tilation. -Adjourned. J. GRrao, Secy. Cricket Matches. On Thursday of last week our cricket club visited Forest and played a match with the club of that town. The score stood;'Exeter„1st innings, 20, 2nd, 45; Forest, lst innings, 49, 2nd, 17. Forest won by one run and two wickets; On Tuesday, July 1st, St. Marys club visited us and played a .friendly game. The Exeter club did good work in the last innings, especially Mr. F. Elliot, who made the largest score of any during thin day; piling up no less than 29 runs, Below is the score:— EX1r,BIt. lstinnings. 2nd innings. Harding b Maxwell 0 c Chambers b MOO 6 13istsett b Chambers 0 b Chambers 8 E. Elliot' b ” 0 not out 20 J. liyndman b lei 11 1 b w, Rice 8 Panson run out 1 b Chambers 8 Carling b Maxwell o b 11. A. L. White 0 it jt ndman b" 2 b }7• A. I. "Bite It 3. Plliot b Maxwell 'r b H. A. L. White 0 tCarting bChambers& b Maxwell 0 S I3 gem ington b M 0 C" b White 10 A 13 Cox not out 0 b Chambers 2 Extras 1 20 Totals 21. 02 ST. SirdrtYS. 1st innings. 2ncl innings. Gurnscy b Fanson 0 b Jljyndman 2 rice run out 8 b " ', ,Riddle b S..liyndman s t; Elliot b k'anson 2 Colson b ' Chambers 'arson •8 hsl•11yndman 1 !Maxwell b Tarrson 8 c F'anson b °Y 2 Adams b llyndm.an 0 c Iteinington b ' It Dr, Gun b " 1 o& VHyridraan 2 Kiley not out r0 b d }lyndman 0 Mufntyro 1s;A`anson' 0 net out 4 White b Danson 0 1 b w, b 1lyndman 0. Extras C, A '1h1tais 41 ante}:. Bever too late to mend, 5000 pairs of bootsand shoes that need repairing to be left at the leading boot aind shoe store next door to the post odice, G. lu1i usol . Aeeltlent, On,Saturday last while lowering bax're1s into the "0ommeneia l Hotel cellar Mr, Jelin Gillespie met with rather a painful ac4ide0 and Which might have cost hint his right leg, He had lowered several barrels and Was about to lower the last when it slipped catching Trim on the leg and. giving him a severe bruise. 'rail Show. It has been decided .by the members of the ,Stephen and Usborne Agricult- 1 ural Society to hold their annual Fall Show, at Exeter, on Monday and Tues. day, September 19th and tiUtlr, 1890. Strawberry >H estival.. A very pleasant time was spent on the Presbyterian parsonage grounds on Friday evening last; tile occasion being a strawberry festival and 4 dis- play of fireworks in connection, at which a large crowd gathered, Accident, Mr. Kaleb Heywood met with a pain• ful accident the other day while at a planer in Ross & Taylor's plaining factory. He was about to put his hand on a revolving shaft to assertaiu if it Matt become heated and as he did so, the head of a bolt which was through a collar attached to the shaft struck him on top of the thumb, smashing it badly, - 1.0.O.1H.Installation of Officers. At the last regular meeting of the Exeter Lodge No. 67, I 0. 0. F., held on Wednesday evening, the following officers were installed for the ensueiug term by Judge Toms, D. D. G, M,:—N. G., Bro. Geo. Brooks; V. G., Bro. Geo. Vesper; R. S•, Bro. A. E. Nuke; F. S., Bro. E. J. Spackman; Treas., F. H. Lambrook ; Warden, Bro. D. Davis; Con- ductor, Bro. A. Hoskin; In. G., Bro. C. Sue? 0. G., Bro. Rd. Crocker; R. S. N. G., Bro James Grieves; R. S. N. G., Bro. Geo. Ileaman; R. S. V: G., Bro. E. Dyer; L. S. V. G•, Bro. Jas. Jewel; Represent- ative to Grand Lodge, Bro. Arthur Hoskin. After the above were duly installed the lodge was closed, and im mediately* the Encampment, No. 33, was opened and the following officers were installed:—C. P., Bro. A, Hoskin; S. W., Bro. Henry Lambrook; J. W., Bro. W. H. Trott; Sec., Bro. A. E. Fuke; Treas., Bro. E. J. Spackman; Represent- ative to Grand Encampment, which meets in IKiingston on July 22nd, Bro. E. J. Spackman, School Garden Party and Concert. According t� previous announcement a garden party and concert will be held on the lawn at the Exeter Public School grounds, on :Friday evening, July 4,th. The groura ated, the lawn put in excellent conceit• ion; and three or four sets of croquet and other amusements,. provided for the evening, • while music will' be fur- nished by the Exeter Brass Band. To- wards the close of the: evening an excellent concert will be given on the lawn by the pupils to which will be added singing by Messrs. R. H. Collins, W. E. Gundy, W. Stoneman and others, together with instrumental music by Gidley's Orchestra and the Harmonica Band. A platform will be erected on the lawn and the benches of the school hall brought down for seating a.ccomnioda- tion. At the close of the concert there will be a display of fireworks conducted by Mr. N. D. Iiurdon. Ice cream and lemonade will be served on the grounds as extras, as this., will be the popular party of the season and given in con- nection with the school. The admission fee was placed at ten cents, so that young folks, parents and children can attend and we are satisfied that a treat worth at least thirty-five cents, at the usual rate of charge, is in store for all who attend. Over one hundred tickets were sold in a few liours.l'ast Saturday and a larger crowd is expected or Friday evening than wasever witness- ed at an. Exeter garden party. Not in tine "Book Trust?' ' The statement has been widely cir- culated, probably by parties who wish- ed it might be true, that John B. Aiden, Publisher, of New York, Chicago, and Atlanta, had joined the "Book 'frust°" which is trying to monopolize the pub- lication of standard books, and to in- crease prices from 25 to 100 per cent. Mr. Alden sends us word . that he has raot, joined the Trust, and there is not and never has been any ,probability of his joining it. ` The "Literary Revolu- tion" which has accomplished such wonderful results within the past ten years, in popularizing literature of the highest character (no "trash" ever finds place on his list), still goes on. Instead of increasing prices, large re- duction in prices ,has recently been made, particularly on copyright books by American, authors. A catalogue of 96 pages is sent free to any appli- cant. one of the latest issues from his press is "Stanley's Emin Pasha Expe- dition," by Wauters, a very handsome, large•type, illustrated volume, reduced in price from $2.00 to 50 cents. This y'ol'k tens a most interesting and coin - plate stor(. begining with the conquest of the Soudan, and conti`nuing'through 'years of African exptorfition,the revolt of the Mandi, the siege of Khartoum, with the death of Gordon, the return of ilr. Stinker, besides the story. of. Stan- ley's own adventures, including his successful Relief Expedition, It is one of the best and tnost complete works issued npotl the sttbjcct Send Alden yoiir'address, ani! Fort will receive his 96•p!ige eat•ilog ie, and, from, ante to tittles specimen 'pages' of his 11CW publi cations. JOHN D. •AL/AN, Publisher, 999 pearl ,St,;Ney, • Ybrk, also (M tago and Atlaii.ta: rersor)ai 11deutiun. Air Joe iliolinan,foreinan of McClary'o tits department, London, arrived here en Saturday after returning from all extended trip to Oregon, California and British Columbia, Mr, Holman reports as having a pleasant trip and much. taken up with the different 'countries. He looks well and as though the trip. agreed with him. J• Ie left on • Monday evening for London where he will re- sume, kris position. --Mrs. James Hodg- son, jr., of Palmerston, is Visiting home and her many friends in Usborne.—Mr. John Powell of Winchelsea, left on Mon- day for Toronto.—Mr. T. H. McCallum ,and daughter left for Toronto, on Mon- day.—Mr. Jas. Greeves left for Toronto on Tuesday,—Mr. Charles Verity, is spending a few days at Watford.—Mas- ter Albert Sutton left for Newbury on Tuesday where he will remain for three months. Mr. Harry Hooper spent a few days in Ingersoll this week.—Mr. John Muir spent a few days in Ingersoll this week—Mr. Jolui Muir spent a few days in Strathroy this week. Mr. R. H Archer, who has been on an extended visit to New York, returned horne on Tuesday evening.—AI•, henry Dingle, of Tavistock, England, who has been visiting friends in this section, sailed from Montreal on Wednesday July 2nd for home.—Mr, A. Bishop, M. P. P,, sail- ed from Montreal on W6dnesday July 2nd on an extended trill to the Old Country.—Mrs. Joseph Smith, and daughter, Jennie, of Detroit, Mich., once residents of this place are visitors at Mr. Geo. Sanders' at present -Mr. Russell, of California, yisited his brot- her, 111r. Thos. Russell Usborne, for a few days this week, after which he lett for Hamilton to visit his brother there.— Mrs. Samuel Whitler, (nee) tPriscilla Dearing-, of Manscaiooa, Mich., is visit- ing her parents here at present.—Mrs. Pierson of London, who has been visit- ing her father, Mr. John Taylor return- ed home Tuesday evening 1st,—Miss. Hattie Graham of Ridgetown is yisit- ing friends in town. -Mr. Wm. Balk - will is home from London.—Miss Aliza Handford, who has been at London for some time returned home on Saturday to spend a few days.—Mr. Geo. Baker, of `1'ingham, is visiting his parents here at present.—On Monday hist Mes- srs. Samuel Sweet, Hugh Spackman, 1V. D. Weekes and N. D. Hurdon left for Delewa re, where they spent a few days on the river Thames. BEE's7.'EIS. O'DwYER,—In Clandaboye, on the 26th ult., the wife of Mr. Anthony 0'- Dwycr, of twins. Both boys. STEWART.—In Exeter, on the 20tH ult., the wife of Mr. J.•A. Stewart, met client, of a son. HODGINS.—In Biddulph, on I; the 2Gth ult., the wife of Mr. William Hod- - gins, of twins—both boys. EASTEionROOK.—In Exeter on the 2nd inst., the wifti of Mr. Geo. Easter - brook, of a daughter. Harsh purgative remedies are fast giving way to the gentle action and mild effects of Carter's Little Liver Pills. If you try them, they will cer- tainly please you. WHAT SAY THEY? IN popularity increasing. In reli• abity the standard. In merit the first. In fact, the best remedy for all summer complaints, diatrh&a, dysent- ery, cramps, eolic, cholera infantum, etc., is Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. All medicine dealers sell it. If you had taken two of Carter's Lit- tle Liver Pills before retiring you would not have had that coated tongue or bad taste in the mouth this morning. Keep a vial with you for occasional use. , THE BEGINNING OF DEATH. �j ISEASE is the beginning of death, Lits approach should be met at once by appropriate remedies. No better means exists than the use of Burdock Blood Bitters whenever symptoms of any disease of the stomach, liver,bowels or blood appear. B. 13. B. is the best life preserver. All disorders caused by a bilious state of the system can be cured by us- ing Carter's Little Liver Pills. No pain, griping or discomfort. attending their use, Try thein. 00. W-etL ' . R9YAL ►►°o"v�e'1 Dictum,/ p,a Absolutely Pure 'fiats powder never Varies, A marvel of pllrity.:ttrAttgqtil bird w ltolesonronese. Mori' economicµl than the .or<linary hinds•, and ettrinot'be sol<i'in corepotitien with the mntltititdeof 1 O tobt,shAO, *Sight Slant or Phosphate powders., Sold onlyin cans. RoyALI1AKISO I?owosfi Cu.,100 all St. PUT NOT YOUR TRUSTIN PRICES, They are deceitful above all things and DESPERATELY CROOCKED. Price and Value are equivalent, though some people Kern to confound the two. We have set our feet down solidly on TUEROCK OFQUALITY, And we won't be dared into fighting sgadows, for these so-called LO ICES are but shadows and can not have the substance of at their back. rOur boast and pride is quality. Nothing leaves our store that is not first-class quality and Mins fust - class custom. We shall never lack that and we want .no other THE BEST GOODS are the cheapest in the long run judged by WASTE, WEA OR WORTH that what we sell. Highest price paid for butter and eggs. Cash for eggs. .A. C..23.2_17_r sC=. ±ci ZrE CARLIIiIC BROS. Someboy AHE. The question is who bought that bankrupt stock? Several have advertised as selling cheap. I want it distinctly- under- stood I` DID NOT GET IT nor do not want it. I manufcturre all my own tinware and handle no bankrupt stock, and ana in a position at all times to offer good, Wellemade Tinware at a lower price than any other house can sell their twa year- and-a=half shop-worn goods. I ask you to come and inspect myt Stock and you will be convinced that I am speaking the truth My stock is all made up, of THE .LUPI ST TIN thatcan be had in the market, and am selling away down. 00000000000000000000000000 GOAL 4I11. ALWAYS ON HARD, J O. O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O 0-0 —0 — WILL FOLLAIJ®, STAND, one door north of Dr.. Lutz's Drug Store, Main Street, Exeter. Sign of Big Elephant. HA PWA at bottomless:. Pmt '; CES, V aa t a m 4.0W till Jargtarvist, 48,911 to res ailsibte