HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1890-7-3, Page 4.ormszosssvvr.ssszers,syssr,sssov,szszosztoz•smszzssss"..vsszvs•ssv•vs.ssAsssszmsnwstsz THE eeietvr gOttocate, W1`,1, SAIIDZSS, 1.1ditor, the Edneatimk Department for the same, We reeommend that the Inspectors port some scheiue. equaliziagrthe work in the two Inspectorates so as te give eai Inspector as nearly as,.poss- ible the same number of schools • for TUESDAY., JULY 1890,spIntiou, for action at the next meet tug of this column, and that if the. inspectors come to an agreement in water heatiiig. of the county Imaildings, the meantime their work be dono ae we reeommended that lie action be coding to Analagreement; otherwise taken, owing to Ow large expense nee- the divisions remaiu as they are. In essary-7,682. Your committee have regard tothe communication from the carefully examined the mortgages talc- two Inspectors re examinations for en by the euuuty treasurer as loans for promotions from the 5th to 6th classes sinking fund, and. find money loaned we recommend that their suggestions as follows; --No. 57, $1,400; No. 60, $5,- be concurred in and sneh examinations 300; No. 61, $2,000; No. 62, 600;$No. 68 be held, it beteg understood that this $1,050; No. 64, $2,000; No. 65, $2,900, council shall bo responsible only for being a total of $15250, These moet- the cost of printing the examination gages are all bearing 6 per cent. inter- papers and Suitable diplomas, Signed. est, :iod we also find with each of them A. H. MANNINO, Chairman. a certificate from the county solicitor, certifying to the title being good. The amount required for the current year amounting to $48,425.17, exclusive of the equivalent of tho Legislative school grant, reqiring a rate of one and a half (1) mills on the dollar on the equalized assessment of the county, we • recommend that a by-law imposing the above rate he passed. We also recom- mend that a by-law be passed for the purpose of rating a sum equivalent to Legislative school grant. Your com- mittee further recommended that a by- law be passed granting the warden and the treasurer power to borrow the sum of $25,000 to meet expenditures until the taxes be paid in. All of which is respectfully submitted. (Signed) HENRY EMBER, The council then went into commit- tee of the whole, Mr. Johnston in the chair. Moved by Mr. Dnhnago, seconded by Mr. Milne, that the report of the finance committee be amended by striking out the grant to Farmers' lustitutes, as re- commended by the finance committee last,June. Motion lost by a majority of 16. Moved by 31r. Proudfoot, seconded by Mr. Graham, that the report of the finance committee be amended by granting the request of the sheriff for a telephone, and that one be placed in the jail. Motion lost by a majority of 22. The warden then resumed the chair and submitted the report to the council when it was adopted. Moved by Mr. Proudfoot, seconded by Dr. Whitely, that John .A.. Mitchell be come a ward of the county, he being indigeut and insane. Referred to the finance committee. The council then adjourned until ten o'clock a. in., ink Thursda Confirmed from page one, FRIDAY —POURTII DAY. Council met pursuant to adjourn- ment, members all present except Messrs. Wilson and Kelly. After reading of the minutes the re- port of the equalization committee was read as follows, and adopted: REPORT OF VIE EQUALIZATION COM- MITTEE. Your committee beg leave to report as follows: That we have examined and made comparisons of the various Tolls and :would recommend that the equalized value would be set forth in this schedule: REPORT or TIII1 SAL ANUS' ()Way:Tri5e:1 We recommend that E110 Irma011, of NOM. Faber and Rate to amend the bylaw appointing P. Adamson county clerk by making his salary $1,000 be granted, In referonee to the motion to consider tha per client allow:ince to members of the eouncil, your epminittee recommend that the members Of the eounty council be paid $8 day, be- ginning' with this session, and that the bylaws be amended accordingly. (Signed) J. A. Rom:Irks, Chairman, The report of the special committee on revision of rules, submitting forms to be used in applications for the main tenance of destitute or insane persons, reporting progress upon the revision of the standing rules, and asking' un- til the next sitting of the council for the completion of their work, and row - mending that, in the event of their being no December session, the tinae for the reception of nominations for the oillue of warden be limited to fifteen minutes, was read and adopted. Moved by Mr. Eilber, seconded by Mr. Ratz, that the by-law appointing. Mr. Peter Adamson clerk of this county be amended by substituting $1000 as salary in lieu of $!)00 per annum. Referred to the salaries committee. Moved by Mr. Manning, seconded by Dr. Rollins, that the committee on sal- aries consider the advisability of in- creasing the per di.ire allowance to members of this con:. Referred to the salaries commit The, first clause was adopted, and the "yeas" and "nays" were called for the second clause, which was lost by a majority of 6. For the .report—Kay, Kydd, Thompson, igal-enzie; Howe) Bissett, Morrison, BenneWeis,-11ender, son, Girvin, Milne, iless, Dtilmage,Beek, Proudfoot, Rata, Erratt, Graham, linsjetanning-20. Against—MeMtne.hie, Anderson, Scott, Stindeitteg, ory, Bryens, Oliver, Webber, McLean, Griffin, Sherritt, Cook, Cox, Lockhart, Malloy, Eilber, Stothers, Heyrock, John- ston, Mooney, Torrance, Castle; Beaeom Jacques, AlePherson-26. Moved by Mr. Either, seconded by Mr. Sherritt, that the county engineer confer with the engineer of Lambton county and CIS:81111110 the Riv'e`r- Aux Sauble on the 1st sideroad hi the town- ship of Stephen and report the advisa bility and estimated cost: of a bridge being. planed across the river at that place, to be paid share and share alike by the counties of Huron and Lamb- ton.—Carried. The report of the goal and court house committee o;as read, when the council went into committee, of the whole, Mr. McKenzie in the chair. GAOL AND COURT iiousE COMMITTEE. A letter from D. lue.L:onald, re office room, was read and re7Tred to the jail and court house cf Aittee. Moved by Mr. seconded by Mr. Erratt, that whereas a diversity of opinion exists as to t:m powers of muni cipal councils for the rrceuring of ma- terials for the makieg. and keeping of roads in repair, and le misapprehension has arisen as to the merle of procedure to be obseryed by municipal councils in procuring materiels for said purpos es, therefore be it resolved that the warden and clerk be authorized to re. quest the Provincial Parliament at its next session to so amord. the Act R. S. 0., Chap. 184, See. i.;30, S. S. S, so that municipal councils inny be enabled to Femmematerial for road purposes without loss of time in cases of sudden breaches might cause serious damage to the travelling publie, and consequent ly loss and inconvenience to municipal Ities.—Carried. Moved by Mr. Beacom, seconded by Mr. Girvin, that the mune of Mr. R. Graham be substitro.ed for that of Mr. P. Kelly on the salaries committee for the present sitting. of the council— Carried. Total Equalized Real and Personal Value. Afslifielcl $ 1,995,386 Colborne 1,346,079 Goderich t'p. . 2,058,509 Grey 1,949,760 Nay 1,883,855 Howiek 2,318,900 Hullett 2,202,981 McKillop 2,033,829 Morris 1,772,108 Stanley 1,834,850 Stephen 1.943,886 Tuekersmith 1,932,415 Tu rn berry 1,108,607 Usborne 2,014,100 East Wawanosh 1,295,471 West Wawanosh 1,468,375 $29,153,201 Towns and Villages. Bayfield • .$ 80,580 Blyth . . 188,840 Brussels 284,000 Clinton 541,830 Exeter 336,950 Goderich 875,300 Seaforth 487,900 Win gham 854,700 Wroxeter 80,150 3,180,250 $32,288,451 (8igned) VALENTINB R. Chairma.n. The report of Drs. 'Worthington and Reeve on Fred Holland, an insane in- digent person, and application of the town of Clinton to have him made a eounty ward, were read and referred to the finance committee. The application of Mrs. Saddler for assistance for herself and sons, accom- panied by medical certificates, was read and referred to the finance com- mittee. The report of the school committee was read as follow, and adopted:— SCTIOOL AND PRINTING comurrnits. We recommend that Henry Plum - steel be appointed trustee on the Clin- ton Collegiate Institute Board in the place of G. Pay, resigned. We recom- mend that hereafter the two Public School Inspectorates he known respe.et- tvely as East Huron and West Eaton. In regard to the petition of the trustees of school section No. 11 of the township of Hay and the other petitions accom- panying the same, we recommend that the matters referred to therein stand over until the next meeting of this ,vouncit, We recommend that in eent, plia nee with the petition Of the, trustees .and others of the township e of 31-Iowick and Turnberry ni entrance examinat- ion he held at Wroxeter and that tho 'Jerk obtain the necessary onsent frOm. WHOLESALE Your committee beg leave to report as follows:—We visited the • gaol and found everything in connection with .the management in good order, and the number of huates and classificetion thereof as set forth in. the gaoler's re- port correct, whieh report we recom- To be eon tinned. next week: Moved !)y Mr. Preeleiot, seconded by Mr. Beck, that ties emncil believe it desireable that a !use of Industry should be erected ia :file county of Huron.—Lost by a in .e',.erity of 18. • On the names being en HI there voted for the motione--Messrs. raham, Bissett, Proudfoot, Malloy, E .c!:, Whitely, Web- ber, Henderson, MeMnrchie, Gregory, Sanders, McKenzie, 31anning and Rol- lins -15. Against tle. motion:—Messrs Beacom, Eraatt, Eili.er, Girvin, Tor- rance, Cox, Dulmago, leickhart, Castle, Cook, Jacques, Sherritt, Bryans, Howe, Griffin, Taylor, McLean, Ratz, Thomp- son, McPherson, Milne, Oliver, Morrison Benneweis, Heyrock, Iless, Strothers, Scott, Anderson, Kydd, Kay, Johnson —32 On motion the counal adjourned till 2:30.•114•••••••••••••••••••••••, AND RETAIL. The Largest Wholesale Stock in the County, Hennessy Brandy in wood and cases also J. R. brandy and othex Corby, Walker and Jubilee Whiskey always in Stock. FRENCH AND DOMESTIC WINES OF ALL KINDS; illSO te GelgiatOg OR WOE Bass Ales, Guinesses Stout and American. Ales and Porters. G_ROC ERIES NEW A 1) FRESH. g Lag Cogipirott ot this Ono's Teas just i. Flour, Feed and Provisions always on hand. QEALED TENDERS addressed to the 'ander signedtand endorsed'Tender for Wiarton Works,' will bo received at this office until Tuesday, the 8th day of July not, inolusive- ly, for the construction of au extension to the Breakwater at Wiarton, Bruce Comity, Ontario, according to a plan and specification to be seen 011application to Ms. David Dins- more. Postmaster, Wiarton, and at the De- partment of Public Works,Ottawa. Tenders will not be considered unless made on the form supplied and signed with the actual signature of tenderers. An accepted bank cheque, payable to the order of the Minister of Public 'Works, equal to FIVE PER CENT. or AITOUNT OP TENDER, must accompany each tender. This cheque will bo forfeited if the party deolend the contract. or fall to oomplete the work con- tracted for, and will be returned in ease of non-acceptance of tender. The Department does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tem By order, A. GOBBED, 'Seoretszy. Department of Public Wok,) Ottawa, :13rd June, Isee. 2:30 o'clock p. m. The council resumed, the warden in the chair. The following report of the road and bridge committee was read and adopt- ed: ROAD AND BRIDGE COMMITTEE. We, your committee, recommend that the repairs to bridges spoken of in the commissioner's report be attended to as he recommends; also that a re- ward of $5 be paid to any person prov ing that any one has wilfully defaced or destroyed bridges or county property and that notices to this effect be posted on all county beidges. With respect to the motion of Mr Torrence, asking for the repeal of by-law No 3 of 1889 (re quiring sleigh runners to be three feet apart), we recommend that it be grant- ed; also that the amount of $4,000 re- quired for county bridge purposes be granted, and that the engineer's report be adopted and printed in the minutes. (Signed Thom AS GRP:GORY, Chairman, The report of the special committee, recommending that the application of W. H. Harvey for the priviletrc of at- tending the Agricultural C6ollege at Guelph be (Pranted, his being the only applicationchefore the committee, was read and adopted. Moved. by Mr. Henderson, seconded by Mr. Benneweis, that James Anderson, of Seaforth, be supplied with a pair of handchirs, he baler, a duly appointed constable. Referred to the finance committee. Moved by Mr. Mooney, seconded by Mr. Taylor'that two valuators be ap- pointed under the Municipal Act for the purpose of valuing the real proper ty within this county, nnch valuation to be used by the' conncil as the basis of equalization. Lost on a division by a majority of 20. Moved by Mr. Graham, seconded by Mr. Jacqetee, that this touneil diSpense with the December session for the rent y oar. —Ca rr tett ' The following report of , the salaries committee was read, • ---.4 ST, LAWRENCE CANALS, RAPIDE PLAT DIvrOloN. 1161.1.".1.1. 2:31:BCS,. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. QEALED TENDERS addressed to tho*under signed, and endorsed "Tender for the St. Lawrence Can.als," will bo received at this offiee, until the arrival of the eastern and western mails on T 231 D DAY .7nr.,v nezt, for the construotion of a lift lock, weirs, etc , 8,1 Morxishurg, and the deep- ening and enlargement of the Bapide Plat Canal.. The work will be divided into three sections, each about a mile in length. A map of the locality, together with plans and speelfica dons of the respeative works, can be seen on an a. after WE ;vs asPAY, TIIE 9'ri DAT OF JULY next, AT TIIIS OPFICE. and at the ResitenfTi n gineer's Otlice,Morrisburg, where printed forms of tender can be obtain- ed. In the case of &ins there lutist be attached to the tender, the actual signatures of the full name, the nature of the occupation and residence of each In mho: of thesame, and, furthez, an Aceni,Tnn cuttqns on n charter- ed bank in Canada for the Sunt of $0,000. must accompany the tender for Section No.1, and all ACCEPTED CITEQT.TE On a ohs rtered bank in Canada, for the sum of $2,f)O for each of the other seen ons. The respective Ater:peeclutquSiS must be endorsed over to the Min nister of ltailWays and will. be forfeited if the party tendering declines entering into contract for the work at the rates mad on the terms stated in the offer submitted. The cheques tbr$.4 sent in will be returned to the respective parties whose tenders aro not accepted. This Department does not, however, bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. rgtYwi Spa By orrAle.r.r,. Dopartm int of Railways and Canals, } Ottawa, 13th June, 1890. Y Mind wandering mired. Books learned in onb reacting, Testimonials from all parts of tho globe. Prospectus roar laralt, sent on npnliention to Prof, A. Loisette, SW Fifth Ave. NewYork. r Sale. A desirable resider tie in Reoter North, new frame house, one -fifths acre of land. Tho house was erected. in 1888. • Ci.00d terms to purchaser. Apply at this office. 145-t t. 'THE CELEBRATED • Trotting Stallion, !dal, Sick Headache ancl rel eve all the troubles incl. dent to a bilious state of the system, such as Dizziness, Nausea. Drowsiness, Distress after 'eating, Pain in the Side, &c. While their most remarkable success has been shown in curing Headache., yet CARTER'S LITTLE LTVER PILLS are equally valuable in Constipation, curing and preventing this annoying complaint, while they also correct all disorders of the stomach, stimulate tbe liver and regulate the bowels. Even if they only cured Ache they would be almost priceless to those who suffer from this distressing complaint; but fortunately their goodness does not end here, and those who once try them will find these little pills valuable in so many ways that they will not be willing to do without them. But after all sick head 4 El a is the bane of so many lives that here is where we make our great boast. Our pills cure it while others do not. Gamma's LITTLE LEVER PILLS are Very small and very easy to take. One or two pills make a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action please all who use'them. In vials at 25 cents; five for SI. Sold everywhere, or sent by mail. 08.1=3 NEDIOINE CO., New York. bil13514 S111s11 ISmall fra THE LIGHT RUNNING 70,1"zol-ffee-7e'1 4 1L-Iss s sz, SE iNG K A S .V110 _ EQUAL. CHINE THE LADIES' FAVCeler— ,THE 01'11Y SEWIti0 THAI' G,21yE.S.,r,„ Y: NEWHOESIING MACHINE GlINE,Mla C1110., At° —28 UNION SQUARE,NY. OaN.As,' kaiLot. _ea:son6inciTecE0X,czA lia 1890. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT 180. LIVERPOOL AND QUEBEC SERVICE immkommusassarcemiussomosousassmussurmassusex, .1•1••••••@01101•EIM113=1..,.......i=1 FROM LIVERPOOL STEAMER Fuom MONTREAL. FROM QUEBEC. 17 April SARDINIAN. . 7 May .. . 8 May 24 " .... ...... POLYNESIAN .. 14 " ..... .... 15 " .... ...... 1 May PARISIAN 21 " . . 22 " .. 15 " .... ...... CIRCASSIAN ... 4 June .... .... 5 June ..... 22 " SARDINIAN.. 11 " ... . 12 " ... 29 " . POLYNESIAN .. 18 " 19 " . 5 June .... ...... PARISIAN 25 " . - . ... 26 " . 19 " . . . CIRCASSIAN ... 9 July ..... .., . 10July .... ...... 26 " .... SARDINIAN.... 16 " . 17 " .... ...... 3 July .... ...... POLYNESIAN .. 23 " .... 24 " .... ...... 10 " ...., PARISIAN 30 "' . . 31 " .... 24 " CIRCASSIAN ...18 August 14 August. 81 " SARDINIAN.... 20 " . . 21 " .... 7 August . POLYNESIAN 27 ". 28 " 14 " PARISIAN 8 Septein.ber • 4 September CITY HOTEL LONDON, ONTARIO. RATES OF PASSAGE. Montreal or Quebec to Liverpool. Cabin, $80.00, $70.00 and $80.00, according to accommodation. Servants in Calle, Intermediate, $2500. Steerage. 52000 Return Tickets. Cabin, $110.00, $13010, $150.10. :nttr- modiate, 555.00. Steerage, ,r'.10.00. Passengers wishing to embark at Montreal will leave Toronto by Tuesday morithig's Express and go on board any tine after eight o'clock the same evening. For further information apply to JOHN SPACKMAN5 The only authorized agent for Exeter, Ont. Lar me $1 per day. J. & J. iildIARTIN, Proprietors. will stand for service at his own stable, Bissett's Livery, W. G. t ISSETT. Ss—±. f. WISE'S CLYCEROLS OF CELERY c055POUNDi A SANE rordrzly for ballet Wallet sod ad.0 stores ttom 6113140/an tioulks. Committed to oontala NO OlsizInt or 551 arse ctooSt tioOO tabitea en COMMIS bit °Veil batjb; COMO' by. elmlninna. mac* 60 Cifirrs4 Yee II ZZIO'bt aniSetas. geb.1 WO& tOnt stativp- fof deScriptive circular to, Hazen moggt, Sittfaio,N. Yg, HOrriMAN'S • HARMLESS HEADACHE POWDERS aro an honed medicine fur which only honest, straightforward state- ments are meths. See that yeti get the genuine st oft - Matz' s. Insist on having thew They Cure ALL Eteadaehes. They aro not a Cathartic. achi 4 z Tire Famous Heavy -bodied Oil. made only by A m McColl Bros. 46 Co., Toronto. Me it once and. you will use .= other. McCoirs Famous CYLINDER OIL SALESMEN Wanted,. Is the finest in Canada for engine cylinders. cie ISSETT —FOR SALE BY eke R * S., Exeter, Ontario. cfoods,,,ittv and Expences,or Ornm{ssion paid to the rz int Men. T Want -Men 0&to 80 years Of age to sell a full line of first-class Nursery Steck. All stock guaranteed. Apply et once, stating ago and references. C. L, 1.100THD2, Roches ter,'N. .May •• .S 11 miszawsuirmaigy_matanrai It will be to your interest to can on us before buying your building hardware and shelf hardware. Barbed, Buckthorn, Oiled, Annealed and Galvanized wires, always in stock. First-class tinware, no tvvo-and- years shop-worn goods to offer. ARTISTS' PAINTS and BlIZSIZES, 790.1o7. Cammiages a:n.d.-3Zragcm.s. -half Eavetroughing a Specialty. AGENTS iron THE RAV1910ND SEWING 31.A.CHINE