HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1890-7-3, Page 1"A UNITED CANADA AN °t> ITISH•CO1iNECTION." *VOL.paaameafeeeeaa IV.. EXETER, ONTARIO, r1.'•I [ iSDAY, JULY 3, 1890. T ... oleos Bank. (Chartered by Parliament, 1655,) Paid p i Ca T ital .... 8$2,000,000. Rost Fund.. , . , , 1,000,000, Head office Montreal, .: I`. W OLFFRSTAN THOMAS, Esq., GENERAL MANAGER, Twenty .Branch offices in the Dominion` Agencies in the Dominion, U. S. and Europe' Bra ss.:eacz3, Open every lawful day from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m., Saturdays 10 a, m. to 1 p. m. A general banking business transacted Four ,per cent, per annum allowed for money on. Doposit Receipts. R. IT:` ARCHER, Exeter; Jan 28, '88. ''' Manager. THE .CC te Is published every Thursday Morning, at the Office, • MAIN -STREET - EXETER. By the SANDERS' PUBLISHING COMPANY. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Dollar per annum if raid in Advance. 81.50 if not so paid. 344.1reartioisi.g Mateo osz Aplalica- ticii. No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid.. Advertisements' without specific directions will be",ppli,b1ishoil till forbid and charged accordingly, Liberal discount made for tr anseiont,s,dvertisementsinserted for long periods.' Every description of JOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and atmoderate rates. Chequos,money ord- ers, &c. f'or advertising, subscriptions, etc. to be made payable to William Sanders, Editor. Church Directory. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH. --Rev. S. F Robinson, Rector. o30fit a. m, nd 7 p. Sabbath School, 2,p. METHODIST - CsURen--James- at, Rev. B. Clement, Pastor. Sunday Services, 10.30 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. Sabbath School, 2 p. m. Ma.IN STREET -Rev. J. Wilson, Pastor. Sun day Services, 10.30 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. Sabbath School 2.30 p. m.. PRESBYTERIAN QIIURCH.-ReV. W. Martin, Pastor. Sunday Services, 11 a. m. and 6.30 p. m. Sabbath School, 9.45 a.m. Professional Cards. V L. BILLINGS. ==11 -,S=ST. Office over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ontario, .Nitrous Oxide Gas for painless extraction. Goes to Lucan every Friday. H. KINSMAN, DENTIST, L. D. S., ex- tracts teeth without pain by giving Vegetable Vapor, or using the new Ancesthetic on the gums. Makes Golct Filli ings and other dental work the best possible. Goes to Zurich last Thursday in each month. East side of Main. street. Exeter. • 1,1.. .. JB WHITELY, M. D., C. M., PHYSICIAN . and Surgeon. Office and residence - Corner Victoria and Elgin streets, Goderich, Ontario. DR. J. A. ROLLINS. OFFICE -MAIN ST. . Residence -Corner Audrey,. and North Streets, Exeter, Ontario. rn A. AMOS, M. D., C. M. L., C. P., EDIN.; L 1 • R. C. S., Edin; L. P. P. & S., Glasgow; L. M., Edinburgh and Glasgow; M. C. P. & S.. Ontario; F. T. M. S., Toronto. Night bell at office, Crediton, Ontario. Jy12-6 DR. COWEN. OFFICE --MAIN STREET, Exeter, upstairs, opposite Centra leadinSide to the Methodist Ch rch. street WILLIAM SWEET, VETER- inary Surgeon. Graduate Toronto. Veterinary Dentist- ry a speciality. Office and Re- srdenceone block east of Rich. Pickard's store. Opposite skating rink, Ex- eter, Ontario. H. COLLINS, BARRISTER, SOLICIT - .LL. OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public. Office- Samwell's Block, Exeter, Ontario. Money to Loan. L H. DICKSON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR . of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con- veyancer, Commissioner, &c. 'honey to loan Office-Fanson's Block,'Exeter. r LLIOT & ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, SOLIC- 2i itors, Conveyancers, &c. Money to loan at6 per cent. 13.'v. ELLIOT. J. ELLIOT FRED. W. FARNCOMB, Provincial Land ..0 Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Office, Samwell's block, up stairs, Main street, Exeter, Ont. Great Bargains -AT THE-=--- Cheap Cash Store, Creda.tor _ Tho Undersigned will sell Dry Goods, Groceries, Shoes, Crockery, Glassware, eta, at a great reduction, for Cash, or Butter and Eggs. `. As he expects there will be a change in the business on September 1st all accounts must be settled before that date. Also a first-class farm for sale, containingpo acres with a fllStCl LSS brick yard. - c rd thereon. TERMS, EAST. For further particulars apply to JOHN MITCHELL, June 12,-3 m. CREDITON. TAMES OKE, Exeter, Ontario, Licensed fJ Auctioneer for the Counties of kinron, Perth and Middlesex. Sales promptly attend- ed to and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales arranged at this 'office. TT nuoayX, Winchelsea. Licensed Aunt- ▪ ioneer for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also forthe township of Usborne. Sales prom ptly attended. to and terms reason fable. Sales arranged at Post office, Winchelsa E.L• BOSSENBERRY, Hensall Ontario. Lie,- • eased Auctioneer for the Countys of Huron and Perth, Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. 1.1(7' HOLT, lihiva, On tarioa onsed auct- VV • ioneer'for the Cou:i,ti• Middlesex ton aiid the town "1i,f Ste hon and Lamb , ro A 11 sales Fon i ndecl to, Hay p and p a % F CHRITIFS M 11 •ConfiERGIO i-. First Clss, R/ GS a►loftRs s. ORDERS LEFT AT THE. HAWK• SIIAW LOUSE OR AT THE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT ATTENDED TO. '='orme : Vea,coszo b36 Teiephbne Connection, LOTS FOR SALE; Lots number 108 and 109 on the East side of Andrew street, in the village of Exeter, one dwelling house with eight rooms, good cel- lar and wood shed; also good stable. hard and soft water. There is a acre of landw.ith different kinds of fruit trees on it. For fur- ther paiticulurs apply to the ADVOCATE OFFICE, Exeter Hensallr The Canadian -bred trotting stallion Am- ber. by Clear Grit, formerly owned by Mr. p. J. Tike^, of Brantford, stands at the highest fee ofany of the stallions owned by the Ital- ian Government, which paid ee 500 for him in Germany last y}ear.-Ex, Amber F., own• ed by Mr. T. Iturdook, of Bendall. is son of A.mber, and is ono of the best stallions in Canada. He will stand at Murdock's stables duringthe coming season., fiippen, Miss Lizzie Blair who has been visit- ing her sister la Michigan returned home last week. The Farmers' of this vicinity have commenced haying and the crop this year .will be good. The Lecture held in the Presbyterian Church on Thursday evening last was well attended. The Lecturer was a native. of Bulgaria and gave a sketch of the life and habits of that country. (, editors.. Mrs. -James Higgins, of Sarnia, is the guest of her father-in-law Mr. W. Ilia. gills. Quite a large number of the citizens attended the Roman Catholic picnic Wednesday. Mr. Mathew Ginter's three daughters are home from London on a visit to their parents. We regret to announce the death of Mr. George Wurster who died at East Saginaw on Thursday last of Typhoid Fever. He left here about two months ago having insured his life prior to his departure. On.Tuesday while Mr. • Ben Eilber was playing ball one of the young men who was taking. part in the game, by some means colided with. hint so as to inflict a severe bruise on his face and •knocked him insensible. Shillinglaw & Currie,veterinary sur- geons, can be consulted at. Clark's Ho- tel, of this place, or at Staffa. A full stock of veterinary medicines kept col - stantly on hand. 'Veterinary'dentistry and surgery a specialty. May 1st. -3 mos. Brewster. The Programme was: a geode> ne and well rendered the proceeds amounted to oyer $12,00, %k Mr. Thos. Randle hada dirt be last Thursday building a bridge to barn and in the evening gave the bci,jl8 a dance, all Went well until it couple..f* the boys had a spat which resulted . jag one at, last getting l nockednotg1 coei, ed hat wind he haviu ;r ce{its etlt' si,euiltl ,a.. 'Farmers have started haying in this vicinity. As the needle is to the magnet, so are a certain pair of blue eyes to Fred. One day last week Mr. Robt. Taylor sold a fine clydesdale mare for a good round sum. The fishing• tug "Despatch" run on shore off Kettle point last week and was delayed seyeral hours. Fred says he would like to know who put his name in the ADVOCATE, hope nobody will tell him. News has just reached us of the death of an old former resident in the person of Mr. Duncan Sillers late of 'rapier Co, Michigan. On Friday morning as Mr. Win. O'- Brien was'deeending the hill at the Ross fishery with bis fish wagon he had the misfortune to get thrown out over the embankment, fortunately no bones were broken. Be more earful next time Will. best. The Picnic held in • Ile. dan kin'sgrove Oreanc day" s tinuA decided success, The afternoon was an races by the schola,i'suntil about 4 clock when s ipperiavas provided ba the .adios, After all had partaken of a good hearty meal the besebafll clubs took the field and znude •sem "good 1 vine• tl Farquhar. On Sunday last Mr. and Mrs. Hay of this place were visiting friends in ,[{ib- bort townsha . 1 Mr, Thomas Kay returned halm God- erich last week where he had been .at- tending the County Council. Mr. A. Duncan, of this place, who get a liacl shaliiai • up (Me last wc,c,l. day lug thrdt n firm his wagon while bybe „ 5 „ returning fr•otn Exeter with a load of goods, is able to be around. 0e. Wednesday evening lsst a social and entertainment was held in the base- tierltof the <iresb teffan Church in 1)0. y half of the Young Ladies MisSiortbaind. G. playing, g, contest was between the married aucl single men, which resulted in a victory for the vonllg MOO liy a SCOrel of pi,.to 14. ;; Mr. Alex. Mci liar, of Wi'rlow Gree was present ,iii h the Bag Pipes givin°g'some choice music which eniiy- ened the day and sent a thrill of joy to the, heart of every scotchnian present. Khiva. On Tuesday morning. while 1Ir. Holt and his two sons were on their way; to Grand Bend; and When opposite ilii Cronyu''s residence, 21st concession,` as swarm of bees were taking flight and the owntis were iii pursuit of tlienl with tin Dans, which caused the lrer•se to becomes furious and ran away,tln'on ing Mr. Holt aucl one son out of the rig, and the other managed to jump out, thus escaping uninjured „but Mr. Holt received two broken ribs and 'severe bruised arm and face, and, did the, son also receive two broken . r;lbs. They are now under the dootors care and we hope will soon recover.. After: dinner the games as - announced NO. 161 Miele tol,a was a success in every i sI4 t, ,4o]d We understandtheym....ad f,'}n:tteavltire in the neighborhood of *100. ' tr.. r'lilplete the day's fun Woodham, • ,ICta, pjayed a. game: of football, sa" ell airs very interesting. '.lie ts;)lanlitie boys have organized a hal) tslub. Look out some of you ehtbe as you may in the near s'^1 -sae iya sa challenge;' The dis last be infectious as the juniors haat t'Et en upon themselves to have sate -alga ga and have formed a club, and to;t'lic 4rlrpriso of all challenged Granton rto play next Saturday a friend - .r ?`1\ e truV,`aha^len mill come Mount. Carmel, fl'he cltlorning of Wednesday 25th cl iu`le'cbcle+fir anti -bright, and all net- t:irtt '%eelned to smile on the efforts made by the,:people, of Mt. Carmel to . make their phallic, which took place on that clot: at success. At an early hour trotsds, might be seen fiockiva• from all 41n 0tleias towards the pleasant grove ..4!,gently given for the occasion by - Mr. J/1 XII 1:loyle, and by noon the place was Well :tilled by a happy pleasure Seebieg crowd.. At 12 o'clock dinner WAS s rved to about a thousand. people, at lio,enjoyed their repast as _ much as were as well waited upon b a bevy of ear fairest and finest young ladies, as if; they hail' been seated at hone in tlie;ir ower cliuing rooms. The tables, render the superintendence . of Mrs. tirrg'hlin, assisted by Mrs• P. Hall, lIi's. af',> 1tnwland, Mrs. P. Bowland and it11•s.1). O'Brien, as managers of the dif- ferent fairly groaned'under their Algid leatempti g eatables, so that a gentleman afterwards remarked, he was afraid the table would fall on hint. Biddulph. On Friday- mulling last Mrs. A. C° Dn•ire presented Anthony with a pair of bouncing boys. The day • previous, Mrs;,Wrn. kfodgins, Sauble Line, also a pair of boys. Who says Biddulph is onlya second-class township. • - Mr. William Bo;rcl disposed of Ilia:, farm which contained . about , sis acres to T. Ellwood, of•McGiilivray; for the sum of $3,420.00, which is consider• eel; a t` fair• price colisideringitsrnr ty offered for sale at present There died at London on Monday, June ,30th. Mrs. Eliza Rollins, aged 65 years. She was an old resident of Bid- dulph, and; nodoubt, her many friends will sorry,to hear of her demise. . Her remains were interred in- St. James; cemetery, Biddulph, July 2nd; at .10 m, from the residence of her brother, Mr. William Atkinson, 2nd concession Biddulph. Brumfield. We are pleased to hear Miss. Minnie Cooper who has been ill for sonic' time is rapidly recovering. Quite a number from the village anti surrounding country attended the Tem perance picnic at Bayfieldon Dominion Day and spent a very enjoyable time. A football match between Varna , and Bayfield created considerable • inteest: Fo0TBALI,.-On Wednesday evening the "Rovers" played a friendly match with the "Invitrcibles" of Tuckersmith defeating them by a seore'of 3 to 2. After the match they partook of a sumptuous repast prepared by the young ladies of that section. Before leaving a grand dance was began and carried on till an early hour. The boys. are determined tomake a pleasant time for the Insincibles at the returnmatch. Communication. BAVFIELD, June 30th 1890.-1 not•, iced in the Bayfield correspondence, in! your issue of the 26th inst., an article. reflecting very severely, on a family named Elliott residing here. As the; article in question is a falsehood from begian)ing to end. You will be doing an act of justice to the family in gties• tion by inserting this in your valuable' paper as the matter is before the court at present. I will make no further comment but to state that the girl has been always well treated by the Elliott family and they have evidence to prove that the punishments said by our cor- responclentto have been given are all imaginary, and if your correspoedent dare repeat his cowardly attack; on those people who have been known;and respected for over thirty years he will be made to answer for it. .Yours . Trttl 1 y, JOHN FRAS10R: oft° tjre bills were' carried out to the let- ter, causing much meirkiient, especial- ly ,:he fat man's race, which .was won h3r`}Mt. ILibbler, of Crediton. But the: inolit interesting sand exciting eventof the day was the ,contest among, five yotrne ladies, as the one :{'ho sold the meetk.trckets was to be presea ted with ,a aId watch. Time was called at 13 A common, 'ltion from the secretary of Clinton Collegiate Institate,iaitimate i that there was.a vacancy on the board caused by the resiguattionof Mr Pay, was read and referred to the school coglnlittee. Council then adjourned till Wedues• day at ten a. r. SECOND DAY -WEDNESDAY. The council met pursuant to adjour- P nntent, the warden in the chair: All the councillors present except Messrs. D. D, Wilson and P. Kelly, The minutes of the previous day were read and approved. The application .o2 Mr. Morgan for the Inspectorship of North Huron was referred to the school committee. • The first report of the sch Fol eemuiit- tee was read and adopted. °o'er ektand each one have her - money . i itta, the hands of a cofnmittee. When the ?Honey was counted it was del:lared t1ltat i1 iss_Minnie Hayes had carried the l c ,^ 0..s.r;Tlie- cc.l teed 14)- € i t1 m a sc:c0,...:l;,i•ire, ?gold watch, was won by Miss Kate Barry, who had $188.50, and tile' third prize, a silver water pitcher, was won by Miss Nellie Tighe, who had collected, $152.25: Miss who Laulahlin with,$ -17.50, and Miss Susie Middleholt gave in $28.50. Next fol- lawed the drawing of the prizes, which were mentioned on the tickets. The first prize,, a ,gold watch, was drawn by .Rer. Father McRae, of Parkhill; the second, a silver cake basket, by Mr. Robinson, of Ailsa Craig; and the lad - chain by Miss B Ryan, of the Oak- land House, St. Clair Springs. A few other articles were also drawn on the grounds: a photograph of Father Kealy won by Mr. Maloney; e photograph of Father Kelly, wonby Mr. Jas. Hall; a velvetcushion, won by Mrs. Grant,and ,a wool wreath, won by Mrs. B. Cough- lin. ; After the drawing of prizes Rev. Father Kealy'in a few aptly chosen words thanked the people who had so kindly patronized the pic-nuc and also the people of the congregation who had been so indefatigable in their efforts to make it a•:success. Mr. Farrell, of Forest, was then called upon to address the people which he did in his usual ph gang. manner, complimenting the people on their success, especially in betting up picnics. The music was furnished by an orchestra from Exeter, under the leadership of Mr. S. Gidley, and'the dancing platform was crowded. during the entire day. Refreshments of all kinds were served during the day, the men's tents being attended by Mpssrs.''J. Doyle, J. Hall and J. 'Carey; and the ladies tent being under the management of Miss. Annie Rowland. assisted by a number of ladies and 'gentlemen who attended carefully to the wants of the people. Tea was serv- ed at five o'clock,after which the crowd began to disperse to their homes; de- claring it was the best ` pie -tic' they ever attended. It was a great success 'financially and otherwise, the amount 'received being $974.50. We hope that the next time'our efforts will be crown• ed'witlt as great success, and that the people will patronize us as liberally as they did on -the 25th. 'Whalen. The weather for the past talo :yeeks has been .extremely ,hot. The fruit crop that' was promising a' large yield some time a.go'8'b fear Is a loom lets failure, ` p ' Ir, T. Hodgins, of Central a a ', ' ,.... y.Gd p, Mr, R. Horn a flying .•Iirl a. ' ^ a g visit 0,i 1st, '1'o111loo1 s. Mrs, Jabez Millsan, who, liaas'.lJee I dangerously ill fes" some tithe' ' isi wet Huron County Council. (Continued from last Week. ill for me fog• sanitaary purposes, a b which will be - presented to youduly certified. ) r tespectfttlly submitted, . Dc o VL ICS N Gaoler Moved ved byMr. Sande s,, secended by Mr. Cookf that the warden .and. clerk, on behalf of.thie council, ,:petition the ileutena t Yt Governor of ^ Ontario lin dotinen td return all unexpended mon- ,ries which rdceived front this they . „county for the j urpose ofenfor'cing the Scott Act. Referred to' the finance' committee'. • A. neither of accounts were referred nae, leased to.kilo5v• frfr 'i'os'io 'fleet y'' o the finance ctlnrnitteer n ► p Rs S.. ,tot t SCHOOL AND PAINTING COMMITTEE. We have examined the certificates of each' of the applicants for the posit - on of Inspector of Public Schools for East Httron and summarize the quali- fieatiou of each as follows: -R. Dark, 1st class certificate, Grade A, as a Pub lie School teacher, 13 Fears' experience in Public and High Schools. R. W. Murray, est class certificate, Grade A, its a Public School teacher, and certifi- cate as a specialist in English ; 14.years ex.per•ience in Public, Model' and High Schools. Jas. Turnbull, B. A., Toronto University; specialist in. En glish, class- ies, French and German; gold medall- ist in modern languages; 8 years' ex- perience in Publie Schools (2 in rural schools, 6 in graded schools), and 22 in High Schools. H. H. Burgess, 1st class certificate, Grade A, as aPublic School teacher; 12 years' experience as a Pub lic School Teacher. David Robb, 1st class certificate., Grade A, as a Public School teacher; certificate as assistant master in. High School• or Collegiate Institute; specialist 111 natural history, botany and agricultural chemistry;1st class certificate in drill, etc., Military Oo'1leg I ing.ston,16 years' experience in Publie'Sehools and -9 years in High Schools. E. W. Bruce, 1st class certifi- cate, Grade A., as, a Public 'School teacher; medallist of Col.liog*ood Col- legiate Institute(winner of, .Governor - Generals' medal for general proficien- cy); 10 years' experience as Public School Teacher. J. B. Wilson, 1st class certificate, grade A, as a PublicSchool teacher:;:B, A. -of `Toronto Universityq.. certificate as master in High Schools and Collegiate Institutes; specialist in English; 19 years experience in Public and High Schools and Collegiate Insti• tutes. Jas. W. Morgan-lst class cer- tificate, grade A, as a Public School teacher; 19 years experience as a Public and High School teacher. All the applicants except H. H. Burghess`' and J. W. Morgan produced certificates from the Educational Department show- ing that they are duly qualified for the position of Inspector, and your commit- tee from the evidence before them be- lieve that the two named are qualified though 'their certificates are not pro- duced. We submit all the names to the full council, and recommend that the council ballot for a choice from amongst these applicants for the vacant position, and that the balloting be con- tinued until one of the applicants has a majority of the whole number of ballots cast, and that the first applicant to receive such majority be declared by the warden appointed. The report of the clerk on the gaol statistics was read and referred to the finance committee. • Commissioner's orders paid since January last were referred to the finance, committee. The x00008 3 Of the Hardin Signal andJohu Arlslcj were referred to the finance committee, Moved by Mi Dulmage, seeoi i ed by Mr, Cook, that in the event of any municipality appealing from the equal-, iz:a,tion of the assessments for the tear rent year, the final equalization of the assesslltent rolls be left to the decision of the county judge. Carried. Moyed by Mr. Kay, seconded by Mr. Kydd, that this council do crow adjourn } , 1 until 1.30 o'clock p. iii., and that the ballot be then taken for the appoint- ment of a Public, School Inspeetor.- Carried. 1.30 o'clock p. 01. The council resumed, the wardeu the chair. A ballot was taken for the appoint ment of an Inspector of Public Schools for North Huron, which resulted in. Mr. . Robb being de( aired elected upon the fifth ballot by a'an r,jority of two:, Moved by Mr. laity, secoa,ded by Mr. Kydd, that James Edgar Skinner, of the township of Usbor mac, become a ward of the county, he being an indigent, insane person, and his parents not' being able to provide for themselves. Referred to the finance committee: A supplementary ,report of the road commissioner was read and referred to the gaol. and court house committee.. Moved by -Mr. Johnson, seconded by Mr. irvin that a pair of handcuffs be G , provided for.'John `Taylor, constable .at the Nile. ,.Rferred to the finance com- mittee. On motion of Messrs. Beacom • and. Bissett, the council adjourned until - Thursday at 10 o'eloc'k a. m. . 'THIRD DAY-T}U11SDAY. The council met pursuant to,adjourn- ment, the warden in the chair. All the councillors were present except Messrs. Wilson and Kelly. The prey ous day's,. minutes were read and approved- . An application from Mr:1): McDonald Deputy Crown Clerk, for more office and vault room was read and referred to the gaol and courthouse committee. .A number of accounts were referred, to the finance committee. On motion' of Messrs. Cook and Mooney the councils adjourned until' 4: o'clock p: m, for allow the different committees to get to work. THIRD DAY, '1 1U t'Dd\ -Al TEReleeaa - When. the council resumed at four o'clock a communication from Inspect- ors nspect ors Tom and Robb in reference to 'pro- motion papers were read and referred ' to school committee. A statement of cash on hand was read and referred to the finance coni - mittee. GAOL STATISTICS. The report shows that in 1887 81 per- sons were committed for 3,991 days in the aggregate; 22 of these were vag- rants committed for 1,431 days, and 13 were insane persons. The average daily cost of food per head was 101 cts., and the total cost per head, including official salaries, was 56 cents per day. In 1888 138 persons were committed for 5,074 days; of these 50 were vag- rants committed for 2,768 days, and 13 were insane persons. The average cost of food per day was 10i cents per head, and the total daily cost was 46 cents per head. In the year 1889 69 persons were committed for a total of 3,174 days; 27 of these were 'grants committed for 1,193 days, and were insane persons. The averag+3 any cost of food per head was 68 -cents -aper head. ' The report of the special committee in reference to thesanitary improve- ments, etc., of the court house was read and referred to the finance com mittee. Moved by Mr. Torrence, seconded by Mr.,Cool:, that by -taw No. 3, of 1889, requiring sleigh runners to be three feet apart, be repealed. Referred to the road and bridge committee: .REPORT OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE was read, recommended as follows :- That the grant of $200 asked for the erection of a lockup at Zurich be paid by the treasurer when the building is completed; that the warden and clerk petition the Lieut.•Gov. to instruct' the license connuissiutiers of the three rid- ings idings of this county to pay to our treas- urer the residue of such sums as were paid to them with which to enforce the Canada Temperance Act; that the fol- lowing accounts be paid: --Henry Day, constable, for arrest of Jas. Wilson, 820 Thos. C -rood, 2 barrels of lime for jail, $1.20; Sam. Davis, support of Chas. Liii ard, indigent, $0.75; Ed. Thomas, support of Eli Harrison, an indigent, $30; Alex. Munro, jail supplies, $4285:1 Standard Blyth, printing, $4.50; Times Exeter, $3.50; J. E. Tom, postage, $2.60 Jas. Jenkins, work on jail, $31,2Q; Hugh McGrattan, $2.75; Fraser&iPort- er, books for registry office and station- ery, $74.20; H. Armstrong, jail supplies 81.35; Saunders Son, supplies for jail and .^court house, $23.12; Miss Dickson, making jail clothing, $3.10; Vedette of- fice, Gorrie.: $3.50; Exeter ADVOCATE $4.50; Brussels Post, $3.50; .Neles-Re- cord, Clinton, $1.50; East Riding Farm- ers' Institute, grant, $25: John Waldner repairs to court house, $31; C. G. New - ten jail supplies, 70 cts,; J. Strachan, work at jail, 84; J. Brophey, ,jail sup- plies, $1.65; Huron Signal, $4.75; John Ansley, postage, etc., $2; F. G. Neelin, printing, $73.47; John Hays, support of Mary Hays, $30; North Huron Farmers Institute, grant, $25; Goderich Star, $6 Wm. Barker, support of David Kins- ma11, $1:8; R. I'. 1\1ikinson & Co.. jail supplies, $17; Andrew Sproule, lockup` • kitder at Dungannon, $10; that the ^p n account of J. C.Straclia.n, shutters, far jail, $30, be not paid, as CODtract is not finished; in regard to the request of the sheriff that a telephone be placed in the jail, no action be taken; in re- gard to motion of Mr. Kay to make James Skinner a ward of the county, that the request be granted, and that Usborne be paid 82 per '' the reeve: of Usbo y, * week for his support; in regard to the motion to slake Fred. Holland, an in- sane destitute person, a :yard of the county, We recommended that the reeve of Clinton 1,e paid $1 per :veck . his sal pc,rt' in renal to the towards t 1 I , ,. applicatioai of aserat 8aacicllcr for assist- ance, we rccommeuded that no aetiorL • be taken; irireference, to, motion asla, in thaat John Alex. Mitchell be made? ratrti. otfhe thercecveof(xodounty, weOrich be recobmen. ed Ikea paid. . $1.50 per weak for the or Support. Irl ,ire- • fa)rence to the plans for steam t5r hat inued. o sages.) (Continua i1 1 g ) Moved, by Mr. Eilbet; seconded by' 111r. Maiming, that having learned that g`. rider collet ne Mr. Fred our foresee W. Johnston has been appointed ',junior judge for the ,Ditrice, of Algoma, this Heil )a him triEbute o s ct on. e c f pay by 1 p giving frim an address from this cbnu• ell during its present sessio:ty end that i Messrs. Beek, Proudfoot, the movC,xy a, secolider and the clerk be a con lnittee to draft the address. -Curried. An .application of the sheriffwfor ft' telephone at the gaol was read and re'' felted to* the gaol and `court' house eottimlttee.