HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1890-6-19, Page 8REMNIAKER'S 0 lietEa Nis TO OWE SATISFAOTIO ' • ..t FOR BALE BY ALL DEALER% FI�EWORK Slog, .oc1 ets, 'lower Fors, no ?.a , as ,€ leo Erectile Spreaders. lied Fire, Blue Lights, Sticks. J. G RIG Stationer and Fancy Goods Pealet, EXETER, ONT. LOCAL JOTTINGS. McDonald's Elastic Enamel at Bissett Bros. The Exeter Grist Mill will open about the 1st July. -IIY.L.IiEiiiienxtsiDentis t,for the best artificial teeth. If you want Coal Oil, and 1 aAt it good, call on Will Tolland. Electric blacking, 10 cts. per box at George Sanders. Get a box and try it. Eighteen find horses were shipped from this station on Thursday to Mon- treal. -»IIt[. L• Billings, Dentist. Gold nllings a specialty. °:Lice over O'Neirs Bank Exeter. A number of our town sports swill go to St. Marys to -day to attend the races in that place• Farmers will do well by calling on Will Folland before they sell their Hides and Sheep skins. Something new! What? EIectric Blacking to preserve the shoes! For sale by Geo. Sanders. Insure in the Temperance and Gen- eral Insurance Co., of Toronto. ED. BISSETT, local agent.—May 29-90. If you want good tinware and at right price call on Will Folland. Sign of Big Elephant, In consideration of the whole, fall wheat looks pretty fair in. this section of the country, and will be an average yield. The'Electric Blacking is the best in the market to keep boots and shoes soft, Try a box. For sale by George Sanders. Turnip seed 12* cents per 1b at Bis- sett Bros, Owing to the continual rains of the past few weeks several of the farmers through Bidduiph are re -planting their potatoes. On Thursday last Mr. Henry Horsey lost a very valuable mare worth at least $150. She was attacked with paralysis. Mr. J. G. Emery, of the Exeter roller mills, has just placedain his residence one of the celebrated Newcombe square grand pianos. The clatter of the mower will be music to the ear in two or three weeks more. Hay promises to be an immense crop this year. A meeting of the baseball club will be held to -night (Thursday) in the Town Hall. All members are request- ed to be present. The annual strawberry festival of the 'Cavell Presbyterian church will be held in the near future. Watch for the date and wait for it. The camping season is close at hand. No doubt a number will avail them- selves the pleasure of a few weeks camping this summer. Mr. Joseph Bawden has potatoes out in blossom which were planted on May 15th. He challenges any one in town for potatoes or clean garden. Mr. P. Curtain,. of Centralia, left on Monday for Glasgow, Scotland, to pur- chase a number of thoroughbred stal- lions which he will etnort here. Our base -ball club will play a game 5vfth, Clinton on the -12th of Jury at Clinton. May they meet with their usual success and keep up their usual reputation. Fishermen, as well as sports are antis ions to unravel the best fish stories. A numberof those we have heard and read of, appear so exa;;geratihlg,tbat it would be a hard matter to award a dip roma or leather medal. The Board of Trade will ;fleet on Wednesday evening, July 2rnd• Every member is requested to be present as. the questions of waterworks, - electric Tights, high school, etc,, will be ,discuss= ed. Let there be a full attendance. • The Ladies' Aid, of James st. Metho- dist Church will give an ice cream anti junket social on Tuesday evening: next, ,lune 2slth. Refreshments to be served from 5i;: to eight, 13 . tn., titter which itn inttgeet,ing progvim will be given. Admission 15 lits. Grace Gridley, the nineteen -year- old daughter of a prominent liueinese rnan of . ,Ibair•y, I11 has'bor,11 sleeping Soundly for nearly two rootttha, _ Her thetics die ao:tif, and breathing regul• arty, and her sleep is seemingly as nor- mal as that of an infant. All atL to arcus her aro frrrirlee in d regularly s. Si511t is fed ily with liquids. On I'i'edaesday of last week. Mr• J•Ls prior t th 1 Northcott was headline a„rifle jug to Mr, Frani Anderson, Road, and by some means it di the contents going, through tw Norttteott's fingers. He >s u use his hand now for a few da We should be pleased to he all quarters of the surrouudhix boyhood and villages. If you item of interest please hand it are always willing and anxioi lift up and elevate the surr whenever there is a tunity afforded. y We regret to announce the d Mrs. Catherine McIntyre, mo Mrs, Alex. Doty. She had been for a considerable time, ,and on evening she passed away. Tli al took place on Tuesday -and wx ly attended. She was aged 67 The surviving friends have th pathy of all in their bereavemex o era eating forEnrepe, svlaere rs, J: sis niers on a Hall, clays Mr.. tan - d a pent obin- yen 11— who for o11 don, thy 1i. to ness Alis o.— oad day ern as. lits rxch ng 11rLS Thom oI ay A for lid lro a th belong -they Si xli Spend the suninaer,--A1 London W. Moe, of Sil;neoo, is visiting hex $charged ter, Mrs. .Ennery-Mr. Robt, Sax 0 of M. went north on Monday evening liable to shouting expedition•--Mr•s. Thos. Ys- • of St. Thomas, is spending' a few ar frons with our worthy station=master,_ b neigh, John Wood and wife left for .Port 5 have an ley on Tuesday evening to spell in, as sve few weeks,—Mr. Fred McDonell s ii to help `Tuesday in Winghanl•-Bev, S. It undilag son left for London on Monday e u oppor_ ingto attend the ,Synod of Huro Miss s Maude White, of St Marys, cath. of has been visiting friends in town tiler of the past few- days, returned home ailing Tueday.—Mr. Geo, .Hooper, of Lon Sunda is at present the guest of our wo e fuller' operator, Mr. Samuel Sanders. -Air• s large- H. Collins and H. L. Billings went London ion on Friday evening to wit e syrll. the execution of Snaith.—The Alf ht. Verity spent Sunday in Londesbor Rev. Colin Fletcher, of `111111108 R lour as Presbyterian church, spent Sun from last ,n Clinton. --Air. Itobt. Leath ul fix- spent Saturday in London. ---Mr. J ness of Egan spent Snnda,v with his pare realm and friends in St. Marys, -Mrs. P> ed two Ieft for Stratford on Saturday morni in a last,—.Miss Ching;, daughter of Thoi y was Ching, Lake Road, left for St, Tho collie on Saturday evening. --Mr. R H. 0 e lov- Ens and wife left for London yesterd dispos- morning.—Dr. Rollins, Reeve, and h other Wm• Bissett, Deputy -Reeve, left they Goderielh on Wednesday to' atte Id ad County Council.—Mr. I`• R• Knight, 15' par- arrived home from Kansas about week ago. is spending a few days wi f' the his brother in Ethel—Mr. R. H. Archer is ' o• v1v' r e ,ata York was visiting friends lien ds i n ' to 015 . tor[. !l` t 15 ,i Satur el.. Master Earnest lxndley is visit- s fair, ing friends in Sarnia, --Mr. E Speck- nted, man was in Hamilton during the week acted. —Mr. A. Bishop, M. P. P, and wife mill e the sail for Europe on that beautiful ship, was Vancover, about the 2nd of July.—Dr. tinted McArthur, of London,"was in town on fight Wednesday. --Mr. B. W. Grigg was in were the Forest city this week. r the .� To the Public, TheDominionDraught-horse Breed- ers Society. INCORPORATED APRIL 12TR, 1886. HEAD OFFICE, GODERICH, ONT., CANADA. JOHN 11{CMILLAN, M•P.President,CONSTa5c . D. MCi1Tosu, Vice -Pres., BitUCEFIELD• JAMES MITCHELL, Secretary, i ODF.h1rcH. J Oax A1r cxur,AD, Y.S•, Treasurer: Gone Mica. Gonnuron, Juhn grit, 1890. To John �Wtillis, Esq., Hay, P. 0. DEAR Sin. -In answer to your in- quiry I have to say that shire horses are accepted •sires just the same as Clydesdales in the Dominion Draught Stud Book. There has been no change in the standard of registration, in this respect since the Society' as organized. You are at liberty to .publish this, ox use it in any other way necessary to meet statements to the contrary. Signed, JAS. 1171TCEIELL, Secretary of "The Dominion Draught - Horse Breeders Society. Other papers please copy. One night recently ata late I two gentlemen were viewing their chamber window a boautif ed stag; something broke the still the iii•, and looking in the di from whence the noise came sinid persons standing in a door -way loving embrace, and present' heard the lips of the.young cou'pie together with 4 chirp. There th ing couple stood for some time, ing of their fondness toward eac without the slightest idea that were being oyerheard. We wou the young couple to take the for in fixture. The semi-annual meeting o Bid 1 du h District Orange io Lodge held t •�• in the village of Lucan b a on day last. The attendance we nearly- every lodge being repres usual business was trans After closing the District Lodg Biddulph Royal Scarlet Chapter opened. One candidate was ani into the mysteries of this noble kn hood. The following companions elected to fill the several offices fo year:—W. C. in C., Com. John Neil; E. C. in C., Coin. F. Davis, sr.; E. Chap., Com.. W. Miners; E. Scribe, Com. W. Sanders; E. Treas., . Com. F. Davis, jr.; S. K. H. at A., Com. W. Turner; Herald (inside), Com. R. Sims; Herald (outside), Com. P. Dobbs. On Thursday of last week the pupils of the Principal's room, of Exeter Pub- lic School, held their annual picnic in the grove, Exeter North. It had been previously arranged to hold it on Sat- urday 7th, but owing to unfavorable weather it had to be postponed. Be- tween forty and fifty pupils assembled in the grove and a very enjoyable afternoon was spen at croquet, swing ing, base -ball, foot -racing, boating and other amusements. About six o'clock tea was prepared by the girls and after all had partaken heartily of the abun- dance provided the amusements were again continued. About dusk all felt satisfied with their afternoon's outing and the party dispersed feeling more than usually tired. wanted. Never too late to mend. 5000 pairs of boots and shoes that need repairing to be left at the leading boot and shoe store next door to the post office. G. Manson. Shipments. Mr. Wm. Dunseith shipped from this station on Tuesday a carload of butter for Montreal market.—Mr. A. Q. Bobier shipped a carload of butter and eggs to Montreal on Saturday last. Shooting Match. One of the features of the Mount Carmel picnic will be a grand shooting match of glass balls, open to all. A good programme of athletic games and field sports will be carried out. Ice cream and refreshments of the season can be obtained on the grounds. obituary, It is with feelings of deep regret that we are called upon to announce. to our many readers the death of one of the most estimable young ladies in the townihip of Stephen, which sad and.melanchoov event occurred on Thurs- day evening last, at the early age of 23 years. The person referred to is Miss Emma, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Sanders, of 2nd con., Stephen, About two years a o she contracted a very severe cold which shortly develop- ed into consumption. She sought the advice of some of the best and most eminent physicians in this village, in London and elsewhere, but all to no avail as all that medical skill could do would not or could not .save her life, and at the above date she crossed the happy shores to join the large throng that has gone before, The funeral took place on. Sunday afternoon from the residence of her father to the Trivitt Memorial Church where service was held after which the remains were taken to the r'.eter cemetery where' they were interred. Upon the coffin were many floral offerings from her host intimate and personal friends, and worthy of mention was an anchor from her shop mate's. She s5 as a very pleas- ant young lady and will be greatly missed by the manY young. ladies who were most intimately acqneilnted with her. The funeral lags one of the larg- est that has passed through the village for some time, svhich'went to show tlx high esteem in which she was held by everybody. The SUre ivi11g: friends have the sympathy of all in this their hour of trial and affliction. Perk/op/al llerifii►n. Ali William Maker, Ieft forWinbllitnn on Tuesday last where he has secured a, situ.ltion.---Ail, John 'l]aircey, who has been engaged iii i1lJno;s for the past throe menthe returned here on. Sat - unable evening: Ile left 011 MOM ay evening for that stat, where be be eng t will „ acd .for - another month. --Mr. A. IV, Wright and wife, of skittle, Michi- gan, Spent a few days with friends Goderich Township, Mr. Wm. Badour, a well-to-do lunm- bernlan, was on Monday last married to Miss. Josephine Gravelle of the Mait- land con. We wish the young couple all the enjoyments of married life. Mr. Ben. Tomlinson, the veterinary; while going home from attending a sick. co of ]t iV it •. Thos Jenkins be on - - da• night last week,. was surrounded by la mart number of dogs in front of the AIbert May farm• The dogs howled and 4 barked, their eyes shinsng in the dark at Ben. What was he to. do. Sappily a, for him a buggy chanced to pass that sway and brought him safe to town. v Record. b Mar grant by the East Williams' con cal. Carried.. Moved by W. Ritcihj seed by AV, L. Corbett, that the her•eil after named individuals be paid't several amounts as set forth, viz,—, Hardy, tile across Hurdy's side -road,. 14th con. $1.80;11• Neil, commissioner, gravel grant, Robinson's side road, Sth Con. E. C. R. $25; W. Maguire, cutting of hill and concrete culvert Sutton's side. road, 4th con, $12; J. Gibson gravel grant 14th con, $20; J. Dixon, balance account, 6.75; Milliard and others: haul-: in L cement, D. g$20;t Ryan, 5 , p ani. for cul- vert on main gravel road at Doyley, $2; J. Horton gravel grant 7th con. E.0. E. $15: G. Cunningham, across road 2nd concession, $1; R. H• Paterson grant Butting of hill on Allison's side road, 15th con. $16,50; J. Paterson, account for road i �. at scrapers, $1� J. Andrews ing a dead horse, $1; Bice and 'Glen, teams for testing road grader, $3;B. B. Osier, solicitor's fees, re Grand Bend cut suit $300; J. Ilotson, 1 sheep killed by dogs $4.00; B. Pile, Assessors salary $70,00.—Carried Moved by W. Rit- chie, seconded by W. L. Corbett, that this council adjourn to moot in the Town Hall on Monday the 30th day of June at ten o'clock a. m, for ordinary business and at two o'clock p. m. for Court of Pevision,--Carried. FRAsi]R, Clorl.• Hen$alh 6, he 1. The Canadian -bred trotting stallion Am- ber. by Clear Grit, formerly owned by. Mr. P fe1..Lrikey,ofBrai,tford,stands atthe ii± hest WI Governmei t,, stallions 1i ehrpaid$8 till florlaim in German Hest year.—Ea• Anther b'. own• ed by Mr. T. Murdock, of 1-Censan, is son of Amber, andFarf� one of the i bast stallions s n in Canada..,.. F! will, Me a„and at3tur' duringthe owning season. ctacic s stables • Around About `Us, A new wooden bridge, 116 feet long;, will be built this summer over the Sauble river on the Biddulph and Mc- Gillivray townline, near the Junction. The square timber for the ,structure arrived last week at Glandeboye from Muskoka. .BURGLARx.—On Tuesday night or Wednesday morning last a daring burglary was perpetrated at Mr. Joseph Morrow's store Varna. The entrance was made' by bursting• the front door. The safe teas drilled and blown open, scat- tering the contents over the floor. For tunately Mr. Morrow had no money in the safe at the time nor any registered letters. The only money taken was a few dollars in American silver and some small change, There were also four silver watches and one revolver missing, but it is impossible to tell what all has been taken. The safe is badly wrecked: There is no suspicion as to who the guilty parties area SUDDEN DDATIr'•-MT. John Kyle, of the Sth concession ofTuctersmith, died very suddenly -en Saturday last. He had been at Kippen in the forenoon, and returned home, his brother ,accom- panying him. When they got home the deceased went to the barn to get a hammer and nails to nail some boards on the fence. When returning from the barn he was noticed to suddenly stop, and his knees doubling under hint he fell to the ground. His wife and brother immediately went to his assist- ance, and got hint on his feet again. By this time he had 'recovered some what, and was able, with a littlea.ssist- ance, to walk to the house, and was got to bed. He complained of lightness in the head, and a feeling of suffocation, and was unable to remain in bed His brother at once went to Seaforth for a doctor, but before he got back Mr. Kyle had passed away. It is supposed that mart disease wasthe cause of his death. He was quite a young marl, not quite 2 years of age, and was to all appear - nee strong and robust aver as likely as ny person to live to a hood old age. FIe had only returned a few days pre- iously from the States, where he had een look -Ing out a new home for his amily, and we believe he came home for the purpose of removing his family back with hire. He was a son of 14fr. Win. Kyle, of the township of Hay, and a brother of Mr. William Kyle, jr., of Kippen. He was an industrious, hard- workin; honorable man and was well liked by all who knew him. Hisfamily and friends will have the sincerest syph• patty of all in their sad and very sud- den bereavement. The remains were interred in the Brucefield cemetery on Monday, and the sympathy for the be. :caved friends, as well as the high es- teem in which the deceased was held, AS well manifested by the large num- ber who attended the funeral. Stanley, Stanley District Orange Lodge will hold its semi-annual meeting in the Varna Orange Lodge, on Saturday, June 21st,, at 2 o'clock p. m. The District Scarlet Chapter of Stan- ley was opened in the 'Goshen Line Orange Hall on Saturday evening, the W. C. M, Comp. Todd, in the chair. One candidate was exalted. Chapter officers were elected. After other busi- ness the Chapter adjourned to meet at Varna on Saturday next, immediately after the close of the District' Lodge, Comp. "Poster, the W. D M., is a worker and he has collected a nice suns for Rev. Bro, Chiniquy. Stanley District will celebrate the 12th at Clinton.— Record. fi1ICGillivray Council. The Council met pur,sitant to ad- journment in Town Hall, June 2nd. Members present, 'W. Il. Taylor, reeve; W. L. Corbett and P- P. Harding, Dep. - reeves; W, 'Ritchie and J. D. Drum- mond, councillors. Minutes of last meeting; read, approved of and signed. Moved by I.'. 1'. Harding, seed by J.1). Drummond, that the .peeve and Clerk be and they are hereby commissioned to meet with tike Stephen council and. arrange for a settlement of the water course grievance on the North .IJot11C1. ary,—Carried. Moved by P. P. I.iarcl sc e'd by IV. L. Corbett, that J. D. Druinn1011d is hereby 601111n 188101/V(1 to, let n job of.repairing, Wilsons hill on the 7th con., E. C. IL; expenditure not to exceed 5100.00.—Carried. Moved by P, P. Harding; sec'd by W. L. Cor- bett, that Jacob Siniith is hereby coin- missioned to expend $20 In grading on hie.\1laine's side Toad.—Carried• Moved by.7. 1). Dratt'nrnond,sec'd by 1'. S'.Ilard: ing, that Hugh Bowmen is hereby commissioned to expend $15i on totir p � town. e east of Ailsa Craig, to meet a sim n' Absolutely 'Skis }owner never vxri4s. A marvel of purity• strength and vita olf/swar obese, Moro econantieal thatn the ordinary kinds, and cannot be tiolcf in cornectition wt1>]x the multitude of 'low fest,sliart wet, ht alaxv, try pho1pllate powc"iets, Sold only in tans 'lioyAaIlAKI 'o I'Oivn27it CO. ,los Wall Si,. Ity PII UT PRIC1-,/ They are deceitful above all things and DESPERATELY Price and Value are equivalentthough CROOCKED, �. lOUs,,h SOnle people seem to confound the two. we have set ourfeet clown . solidly on u THE ROCK OF QURLITY,nd we won't be dared ito fighting sailows, for these so-called called Ni7i7 CE are but shadows and can not have the substance Prir of at their back, Our boast and pride is leaves our stole that: is no fi • - p quality. Nothing: ecustom. first-class quality and brings first- classWe shall never lack that and we want no oche ' THEr G ir1 lr•, are the cheapest in the long run judged by VIASTE3 that what we sal. Highest price paid for butter and eggs. Cash for eggs. SOLIcI =1:) CAPRLINC BROS. me o USt FAOft :.,..,t ARrE. The question is who bought that bankrupt stock? have advertised as selling cheap. I want it distinctly Several stood I �NoT GET IT nor do not r trlderDmall lily own. tinware and. handle no : � ant it. I manufacture bankrupt stock, and am in a position at all times to offer good, ell= e 'aware at a lower price than, any other house can sell their hez>. and �°1,-half shop-worn goods. I ask you t� ayear- willy u to come and inspect my stock and you be convinced that I am speaking the truth. My stock is all made` up of THE BEST TIN-- that Iy -that Can be had in the market, a12d am selling away down. 00............... OCOOOOOOOOOOOOOc0000°ogee GOAL O1L A OK HAND1 .0 .0 O O O O O O c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 p o c o 00 0 0 WILL FOLLAND STAND, one door north of Dr. Lutz's Drug Store, Main Street Exeter.Sign Sf>, g Elephant. &Ei'BE1S5 SEEDS. We have one of the largest collections of FIELD ANDGARDEN SEEDS in town and will sell them out at cost for the next two weeks ra Serf v 7 are. We carry a full stock of Nailses. Locks, HingBar IronHorse Shoe Nails, Iron Piping, Valves Furnaces, �'� r iVaar r Stoves, n ter Cookers, Glass and Oils, in fact everything usuallyfound in a first-class Hardware Store. oceries complete. our stock is new and We ask h., you to and guarantee satisfaction. c��l.n sfact1<ona a'ET.'INr MAR TO ROCK.BOTTOM PRICES .t'the Old. Established W. H�” 1�ONCtRr.. JAS. Na FI Ing/ k"anager, Proprietor.