HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1890-6-19, Page 1VOL. IV. "A. UNITED CANADAa . ND! 'The poisons Bank, (Chartered by Parliament, 1855.) Paid up Capital.... $2,000,000. Rest Fund.. 1,000,000, Head office' A'iontreal. F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Esq., GENERAL MANAGER. Twenty Branch offices in the Dominion' Agencies in the Dominion, U. S. and Europe. }774=7^.=lr'u de:RAN-c=m, Open every lawful clay from 1O a, m, to 3 p, in., Saturdays 10 a, m, to 1 p. m. A general banking business transacted Pour per cent. per annum allowed for money on Deposit llecoi pts. R. H. ARCHER, Exeter, Jan 28, '88. Manager. THE 03X.eier gthrocate, Is published every Thursday Morning, at the Office, MAIN -STREET, - EXETER. By the SANDERS' PUBLISHING COMPANY. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Ono. Dollar per ,i .50 if not'spie a n Advance. Ad.-xrest .$iza.g' 'RD.tes on F3 visiles tic= No paper discontinued until all arroarages are paid. Advertisements without specific directions will be published till forbid and charged accordingly. Liberal discountmade for transcient advertisements inserted for long periods. Every description of ;ICH PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Cheques,money ord- ers, ers &c, for advertising, subseri t p , etc. to be made pavabie to William Sanders, Editor, Church Directory- . ¶RIYITT MEIIORIAL 0UDICII.--Rev. S. F' Robinson, Rector. Sunday Services, 11 a. m, and 7 p. m. Sabbath School, 2.30 p. m. :METHODIST CIIUROTI--Samos- St , Rev. B. Clement, Pastor. Sunday Servioes,10.80 a.m. and6.30 p.m. Sabbath School, 2 p. m. MAIN STREET -Rev. .1. Wilson, Pastor. Sun day Services, L0.30 a.m. and 6.30 p. m. Sabbath School 2.30 p. m. PREs13YTRR1AN CnURCU.-Rev. W. Martin,' Pastor. Sunday Services, 11 a.m. and 6.30 p. n.,, Sabbath School, 9.45 a.m. Profess'°nal Cade. IT L. BILLINGS. =E11'TSST. Dice over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ontario, Nitrous Oxide Gas for painless extraction. Goes to Lucan every Friday. H. KINSMAN, DENTIST, I+''D• ex- tractscts teeth -without pain by giving Vegetable Vapor, or using the new Antesthetic on the gongs. Makes Gold Filli ings and other dental work the best possible. Goes Eastrich last s le ofMain rstreesday in onth. t. Exeter. ...••. JB WHITELY, M. D., C. M., PHYSICIAN • and Surgeon. Office and residence -- Corner Victoria and Elgin streets, Crodcricb, Ontario. DR. J'. A. ROLLINS. OFFICE -MAIN ST. Residence -Corner Andrew and North Streets, Exeter, Ontario. rye A. AMOS, M.D., C. M. L., C.P., EDIN.; L .1. • R. C. S., Edin.; L. F. P. & S., Glasgow; L. M., Edinburgh and Glasgow; M. C. k.' s S.. Ontario; F. T. M. S., Toronto. Night bell at office. Crediton, Ontario. J'y12-8 DR. COWEN. OFFICE --MAIN STREET, Exeter, upstairs, opposite Centra hotel. Side entrance on south -James street leading to the Methodist Church, [1fTILLIAl1!SWEET, VETER- V11'' inary Surgeon. Graduate Toronto. Veterinary Dentist- ry a speciality. Office and Re- sulenceone block east of Rich. Pickard's store. Opposite skating rink, Ex- eter, Ontario. Tial R. COLLINS, BARRISTER, SOLICIT - 11. OR, Conveyancer, Notary 'Public. Office- Sam welPs Block, Exeter, Ontario. Money to Loan, 1 H. DICKSON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR 1-1.of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con- veyancer, Oommissioner, &c. Money to loan )0ificd-k anson`'s Block, Exeter. 1 LLIOT & ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, SO.LIC- 3�I Hors, Conveyancers, &c. Money to loan ate per cent. B. V.ELLIOT. S. Ear.IOT L'IRED. W. FARNCOMB, Provincial Laski 11 Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Office, Sainwell's block, up stairs, Main street, Exeter, Ont. . TAMES OICE, Exeter, Ontario, Licensed ei Auctioneer for the Counties of Rama, Perth and Middlesex. Sales promptly attend- ed to and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales arranged at this office. -1' BRAWN .Winchelsea. Licensed Allot - .1.1.. ioneer for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township of Usborne. Sales promptly attendees to and terms reason able. Sales arranged at Post office, WincIiclsa -'� I3OSSDNBERRV.,'Rensall Ontario, Lief -q1 ed. Auctioneer for the Co,,mty o ,LI. ensed i utu and Perth.' Charges moderato and antis action guaranteed. HOLT, lihiva,,Ontario; Licensed ionMiddlesex suet- oor for the tJountlee of Midd .Iesex': YV . ' and Lambton, tnd`',tlie townships of'Ste ih oi and. Tray peon-Leftyattended to, • 5 1 IES OgiiiignatAl) LitfriY First •Glas s RIG$ And 110118E8. E I . THE1I .y .• A'1. HA Wt, ; 'LEFT, 'PEE .,. � ,l� "THAW HOUSI'� OR AT T [E S PROMPT , STABLE.WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED '�oxixxl.a .' . ltdarskLioi.zb Telephone Cdnnection: Great Bargains =ai.ns -AT THE-- Cheap Cash Store, ore �.yam y ry The Uudersigned wilt sell Dry Goods, Groceries, Shoes, Crockery, Glassware, etc., at a great reduction, for Cash, or Butter and .Egens, As he expects there will be a change in the business on September lst all accounts must bo settled before that date. Also a first-class farm for sale, containing 90 acres, With a first-class brick yard thereon. TERMS, EASY. For further particulars apply to JOHN MITCHELL; June 12,-3 m. CREDITO\• Communication. DEAR EDITOR. -It is a common prac- tice to impound any cattle that may be so thoughtless or reckless as to cross the corporation limits of Exeter, and I have known parties to come back as far as Sodom flats and drive,away cattle that were peacefully gazing and impounding them in Exeter pound costing the owner $14 besides consider- able, lost time In searching for them. Whilst our cattle are forbidden to graze or put a foot in Exeter limits, Exeter cattle are driven into the townships and. frequently -droves come back to Sodom flats to graze. Would it not be a sad state of affairs should the town- ships pass a by-law forbidding Exeter cattle to graze in our townships under penalty of being empounded. If Exeter have power to pass by-laws against our cattle running within their limits, surely the sante law would enable townships to pass by-laws to forbid Exeter cattle from running in the townships. Every summer droves of cattle from Exeter reacts as far back as Sodom flats to graze.' Now, as quite a majority of the Exeterites are Equal Righters, they certainly would have no objection to • the township passing restrictive by-laws discriminat- ing 'against Exeter cattle -roaming in the tontnships, or recinding their by- law forbidding township cattle from encroaching on their territory. A SODOMITE. Hay Council Meeting, A special meeting of the Council was held in Zurich on Saturday June 14th. The minutes of the previous meet- ing were read and approved,. A by- law was passed for the appointment of Mr. F. Farncombe as engineer under the Ditch and Watercourse Act. The following accounts were passed. T. Hess Treasurer of S. S. No. 7, $4; Wm. Moir S. S. No. 10, $4; August Schrolder repairing bridge, $1.S0; Ben. J. Saruras S. S. No. 12, $4; 11. Willert for repair- ing bridge on N. B. $3. ' Moved by Win. Moir seconded by ,T. H. Schnell that the Reeve and treasur- er be empowered to borrow the sum of $1000 to meet current expenditure and a by-law be passed to that effect. -Car- ried. The council adjourned "'ate sleet a- gain on Aug. 2, 1890. Sam J. Latta. Clerk. Brewster, Wonder what happened Fred's arm on: Tuesday night. Crops are looking well in this vicin ity and so are the thistles. 0. Gilmore, C. Dent and R. Jennision spent Friday at Port Frank. Sam arrived with his boat all safe and was ready to haul on Monday morning. Quite a number of parents and child- ren attended the Presbyterian picnic at Grand Bend on Friday. Mr. S. Ross proprietor and manager of the Ross fishery is away for his sail boat which was built by Mr. Jas. Rae - burn of Port Frank. Sam had splendid haul on Thurs- day morning• taking ninty standard sturgeon out of one net besides a large quantity of pickerel and other kinds of smaller -fish. Harpley. *Mr, Johnhei•ritt is this S«eel, at- tending County Council. Farmers have been workin at their "statute labor" for the past week. Misses Bella, Tetrcau, Mary Pollock :tnd Martha Pollock who have been in Detroit, Mich., working for the, ast. winter returned home last Tuesday. The fishermen of thislac g p e ate rloin a great vorlc with their pond nets hay - in;' caught $1.50.00 worth of the filly tribe in one net last t i t rveelc at one hath. TheliionPiani U e ofGrace" C 1hu' C}l,, Corbett and Grand Bend Presbyterian Sunday Schools on the 13th inst., torn cd out to be a great sttetcSS, a;ll sorts of „games for the little 0n0s watt) given and 'st and 2nd prizes t Y 1 p lies tvt, e atwalctetT to each while boat .ritin zY swi tg tno' znd_pIa reo .tilnet nadte ctllci?t past time for a11; those not interested it the small gaimes, BHI'Y'ISH COi1ECTION." EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JTJNE 19, 1890. Greenway, Miss. Rose Brophoy has been enga • a b ed as Clerk at the Boston house, Mr John Sherritt is in Goderich at- tending the adjourned meeting of the County Council. J. Foster, Reuben Wilson and E. Mc- Pherson have treated themselves to doable seated carriages. The Methodist conference held at Chatham placed. Rufus L. Wilson in charge of the Don Mission circuit near 011 Springs he has bought a young well bred driving horse. of Dr. Caw and intends to start for his new home next week. The annual Sabbath. School Picnic of Grace church and the Presbyterian church of Corbett was held last Friday. The day was pleasant and enjoyable a number of Prizes were ' given to the scholars, Harry Jennings of Miss. Annie Bloomfield class received a beautiful new bible for repeating the ten coin mandments. Zion, Anniversary Services will be hells in the Zion Church on. Sunday June 22nd, when sermons will be preached by Rev. Medd at 10 a. m. and 6.30 p. m. Col• sections will be taken up at each ser- vice; and on Monday, Jluzo 23rd the annual tea will be given in Mr. Wil- liam Brock's'grove,when addresses will be deliyered by the Rev..Mr. Medd and Mr. Jasper 1 ilson and, resident minist- ers. Tea will be served from- 4 to 7 p. m. Music by the choir Admission. adults, 25 cts.; Children 15 cts. • All should take it in as a grand time is ex petted. Zurich. Mr. Alf. Parst has returned.from his visit to Michigan. A fresh coat of paint is being put on Mr. Prang's house. Mr. Haunch is very i11; but we be- lieve is improving. Another of our old and respected citizens died 1a:st week in the person of Mr. Ste1T,=. Mr. Peine,has made great improve- ment in the hotel by giving it a fresh coat of paint, Mr. F. Rummel is able to be around again after being laid up for a few weeks with a broken leg. Mr. Hess, Reeve, and Mr, Heyrock, Deputy -Reeve, of Hay, are attending County Council this week. Statute labor has commenced in the village, and a great deal of much need- ed improvements• are being made. Me.1,,.• Farncombe, of Exeter, has been engaged by the Hay Council to act as engineer under the ditch and water Course act. There was a large attendance at the quarterly meetings held in the Evang- elical church on Saturday and Sunday last. Rev. Mr. Moyer officiated. Don't forget the Public. School pic- nic on Friday. A cordial invitation is eutended to all. The intention is , to start from Zurich at 7.30 a. m. sharp for Taylor's grove. The teachers and pupils have done all in their power to inake it a success, and of course will like to see a good turn out of the par- ents and friends of the pupils of the section. Representative Orangemen Meet. SOUTH IIU.I1ON'S GREAT DEMONSTRATION IN CLINTON. South Iluron semi-annual meeting was held in Clinton on Saturday. There was a very large attendance. The W. C. M., Bro. Todd, occupied the chair,and P. C. M., Bro. John Scarlett,, the deputy. A committee of county member was a,p pointed to meet in Clinton on Saturday next at two o'clock, to co-operate and act in conjunction with the local come; mittee in completing• programme for the 12th July, W. Bro. John Scarlett was appointed Chief Marshal for the day. A telegram was received from South Perth, stating they would join South Huron in Clinton on the 12th; a message was received from Elgin to the same ei'feet; West nee will turn out to a man; North Huron will do its duty. An immense gathering is now assured. The programme will be: Low Railway Rates. Bands and Cllldren at half excursion fares. Grand decorations and Arches. Athletic Sports, Good. hotelfora at 25c a meal. ICeen lodge competitions. forming the Procession. A.rilli• n b i.ti t display of liiners: The famous Doherty and other bands s A short' march --a long procession, Co fo � table speaking M onds. Iteeeptioic by ColrxciL ofBoard• of Trade Greats Speakers -among them tlCl the M. S'V Gr. Master, g if ,i ', i t 1 1,u x ,ent , el.`s lcti 1 10f fn • Prof,works, by: ,lllal<lt of Hamilton„,..„...„. Such at programme iamYe sh ottt"Lbi, ,sttts- £actor to erclvloly: IlVoiltlitt and our citizens are<aliv o'''; e�Co el"ie • Itil- portanee of tCie even► 'tint `Saturday's meetings indicates that the arrange - merits' al,rootiy made will be brought to a successful issue. The County Master was authorized to attend' the M. W. Grand Orange Lodge meeting at St, John's, N. B. August 19th. The lodge closed about 6 o'clock, all resolved to. make Clinton headquarters on 12th July,', Division Court, Division Court was held in the Town Hall, Exeter, on Monday June 16th, Judge Doyle presiding, The follow- ing are the cases taken in hand:- MATEESON V$, WILSON and Bishop garnishee, Judgment for plaintiff and order for payment of $25 for garnishee. L. Ii. Dickson for plaintiff. JoxEs vs, ItEiNNnY.-Interpleader, adjourned till next Court. J. Elliot, for plaintiff; L. H. Matson for claimant. BissEi vs. 'Kim\ r -lnterpleader,a.d- journed till next Court. J. Elliot for plaintiff; L. H. Dickson for claimant. ICLo 'r vs. LAuxn ,-Judgment sum- mons, order made. R. 11. Collins for. plaintiff. SANDERS vs. DOWN. -Judgment summons, order made for payment of debt in 2 months or.committal. L. H. Dickson for plaintiff.' HARTMANN vs. WILLIS.-Judgment summons, no order made. L. H. Dick- son for plaintiff. RETURNS. IL'i I7I>u10 S. Below are given the official returns for South Huron,- Bishop. Holmes SEAPORTS Polling Subdivision No. 1, 99 44 2, 50 25 3, 47 26 4, 23 25 5, 30 24 144 249 Majority for Bishop 105 TUCEERSMITH, Polling Subdivision No. 1. 75 2, 87 3, 107 4,107 376 Majority for Bishop, 258. USBO.RNE. Polling Subdivision No. 1, 37 2, 88 3, 45 4, 73 243 Majority for Holmes, EXETER. Polling Subdivision No. 1, 26 2, 20 3, 24 4, 49 Majority' for Holmes, STEPHEN. Polling Subdivision No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 119 43 60 80 92 74 33 51 433 Majority for Bishop, 74 HAY. Polling Subdivision No. 1, 50 2, 75 3, 79 4, 36 5, 83 6, 45 7, 29 397 Majority for Bishop, 150 STANLEY. Polling Subdivision No. 1, 61. 2, G0 3, 29 4, 15 5, 77 40 25 29 24 118 107 45 116 55 Charles Glenn, Arthur Woodman, Hullett,Samuel Sanders, Albert Par- sons, Stephen; John Robertson, P. W, Haywood, Clinton; Andrew Halliday, Colborne; Wm,. Nethery, James Martin; East Wawanosh; Wilson Sall Rebt. McCullough, John Pridham,' Goderich; Robt. Laidlaw, Morris; Jeremiah Des= mond, Ashfield; Edward Latimer, Sea - forth Thomas Willis, John 'Willis, Ex- eter: Robt. Nicholson, Joseph Foster, Stanley; Richard Common, Me1Cillop; Jonathan Itmigh, Blyth; Wm. Currie, Hay; David McGuire, Grey, CIVIL CALENDAR. The first case was Wallace vs, Dan- cey, an action for goods sold. Adjourn- ed to December sittings., Best for p1ff.; R. S.' Heys' for deft, Cutters vs. Bateman, action for goods sold and delivered by plaintiff to de- fendant. Collins for ptif.; Follinsbee for deft. Verdict for plf. for $157.00 with costs. Young vs. Dean, action for wages. Adjourned to October sittings. Collins for pili; Garrow for deft. CRIMINAL CALENDAR.. Queen vs. William and Heber John- ston, charged with highway robbery of Daniel Lamont, in the village of Gorrie. The evidence was somewhat conflicting and the jury returned a verdict of not guilty. E. Campion for the defence. The following is the'. GRAND JURY PRESENTMENT. COUNTY of HURON, The Jurors for TO WIT our Lady the Q rn neellbe leaveVe } J to present that they have examined the Jail and find that the Jail is kept Olean, and in good condition, but would rec =mend that the ventilation be well at- tended to. We beg to state that we find 11 persons confined in the Jail,and Would consider some of them better fit- ted for a poor house than to be living in a Jail, and we would .recommend that some efforts be made to secure a poor house in this county. We fee: gratified that the criminal calendar in this county is so light, as it is, and would hope that the temperance and good morals of this county may contin- ue to increase. We would also express our gratitude to the County Crown AtAt- torney, Mr. Lewis; for hiri ssfstance an our labors. All of which is respectfully submit- ted. JOHN ROBERTSON. G,oderich Grand Jury Room Foreman. June llth, 1890. County J iadires Criminal Court, Before His Honor Judge Toms. 323 Queen vs. James Wilson, charged SO with stealing a horse from James • Pol- lard, of West Wawanosh. Found gull - 7S ty and the Judge imposed a sentence 62 of one year in Central Prison. 61 William Haywood, a lad of 13 years, 66 was charged by Robert Moore, of the --- village of Zurich, with stealing a toy 267 pistol, two knives and sundry other ar- 148 titles, besides $1.15 in cash, from the store of complainant. The prisoner 62 pleaded guilty and will' be sentenced 67 later 5S Georgon.e Patterson, of the village of 40 Egmondville, was sent up by John 33 Beattie, J. P., of Seafcrtth, charged with 51 stealing a cow from John Aikens, of 48 the township of Logan, on the 6th inst. - He came before Judge Toms yesterday 359 and will be tried next Tuesday. 28 65 46 9 19 56 24 247 29 89 112 56 37 242 273 Majority for Holmes, 31 Gonnaio I Towxsr•IIP. Polling Subdivision No. 1, 36 73 2, 15 54. 3, 14 4.5 65 172 'Majority for Holmes 107 BAYS'IISLo Polling Subdivision No, 1, 20 83 Majority jority for Holmes, 63 RECAPITULATION. Bishop Holmes Seaforth........ 2.49' 144 Tuekersmith..... , 376 118 Usborne, 243 323 Exeter , . , 119 267 Stephen 433 359 247 ITay.. . , : .. , . 397 Stanley... . 21 2 278 Godecich Township65 172 r 20 83 2144 158. Maorit .for Bisl op J y 1986 Count. Court t. General Se8sio11u, this Court were, The lune sittings f n opened Iasi Tuesday by `jlis Honor Judge Toinn 'I'ItefolloWing coitlprised theGRAND TURP. Goderich, The many friends of Mr. F. W. John- ston will be pleased to learn that he has been appointed Junior County Judge of Algoma. The appointment is not only judicious but popular. Though he has been a Conservative, his suavity of manner and utter .absence of personal animosity against those of opposite political views has always cnaee hint, personally, well liked. He was the, representative of the town of Goderich in the county council for many years. When he ran for the Local Legislature against Col. Ross he had a majority of 40 in Goderich, the largest 'Conservative majority ever polled in that town, and probably 30 more than the normal Conservative vote. This showed the personal popu- larity of tyre man in that town where he was born and lived all his life and where, cnsequently, he was best 1 nown. Though not what might be called a brilliant lawyer his mind is of a mould that makes the better judge, Very few brilliant lawyers have made good judges, He will make an honest and capable one. He is a comparatively young man, about 40, and has been a practicing barrister nearly one-half of that time in company with "honest" John Davison. His experience well fits'him for a county court judge,',and the ADVOCATE congratulates he' ap- pointee - ppointee on his elevation 'to the bench , the.rn eri ov on the b e m t o tic istlom of its 1 selection and the public in securing aL trusty sorvant. The following fa from the GI. Fred W. Johnston, Q. C., of Goclertch, has been appointed junior county judge of the disttiet, of Algoma, This ralnpointinent has been rendered neeessery- by the ,irlercasin g requirements of the district:and it will be eoneeded by those cognizant Mr.'Johnston's al%ili.ty and legal attairt- rnoits that a beller sclr,atlon could not have been made, It is ttrderstoodthat Judge Johltstotl Nyill make hiS here itt NO. Sault Ste, Marie, con Oiling his laholrlsi Eastern Algoma, while the senior jttd ;;, who resides at Port .d,rtbtu will devote. himself to the western part .of this , district. Dashwood, The weather at present is extreme warm. The crops are looking wen in t " vicinity. Our school intends holding a plank, at Grand Bend to -morrow (friday,) Miss Emma Held, who has beat visiting friends here for a fey dabs., returned to London the beginning of the week. Mr, )rank Holtzman, our fashionable tailor is doing a rushing business tlik summer. Mrs. Wurtz and Mrs. Kellermana were visiting friends in Crediton en Sunday last, Mrs. Fen wick, who has been visiting friends in Ilensall, has returued hoirte. Mr. and Mrs. Fenn and i1t-. and Mrs, Field, of Parkhill, were the guests el: Mr, M. Fenn on Sunday last. Crediton. Mrs. Rivers, from Sombre, daughter of Mr. Wm. Lewis, is visiting, her par- ents here. Mrs. Jno. Young has returned froze Detroit. Her parents and brother wens visiting here on Sunday. Our tonsorial artist has taken to himself a better half. We risk Mr..anee. Mrs. Lamport every happiness. Rev. Mr. Redmond is at present at- tending conference. Mr. Hartnell, Exeter, occupied his position for the last two Sundays. The Sabbath Schoolchildren of t 8th Concession Methodist church art - tend baying a pic-nic on Wednesday 25th inst., in Mr. 0, Eilber's lawn. The Brinsley Band will be present. Mr. Jas. Clarke is making extensive improvements to his livery barn, mov- ing it back and putting a brick found- ation under it, and when completdi will be one of the finest of its class la the county.. Shillin la a* &�-C�turrie,veterinary sxtr- g'eons,`eart' etiVelle'rtit Clark's He tel, of this place, or at Staffa. A ft8 stock of veterinary medicines kept con: stantly on hand. Veterinary dentistry and surgery a specialty. May lst.-45 mos. Greenway. The following clipping from the Waitsburg Washington Enterprise u be of interest to the many readers a the ADVOCATE. 1Vmsox.- Mr, r, nixix.- Wednesday evening, May 28th at 7i at the M. E. Church oceurred the wedding of Mr. A. Wilson and Miss Florence 11.112ui1-srs ix both of this city. This event has been long looked for, and the churl was filled to overflowing. - The 'ushers attendants and contracting parties en- tered to the strains of a sweet wedding march, and took their places under :a% large flower bell. Tlie church was very tastefully decorated with curt e _° flowers, and growing plants. After . " short but impressive ceremony thewed. ding party was followed by about 1: invited guests to the residence of ,T. 1x Mullinix, where a very pleasant recep- tion was held. Refreshments were served at a late hour and all depart/ail with best wishes for long life and hap- piness. The'bride was handsomely. attired% a gown of dream white satin lace cashmere, with long white veil wreath. The bridesmaid's dress-' Was cream white inull and lace and ; pis* trimmings. The groom was - clad in the conventional block. During the - evening Rev: W. T. Robinson the o`flies kiting pastor ie behalf cif the member of the band, presented Mr. Wilson their leader a handsomely engraved silver cornet with mountings, and ;a neat be - ton, and to Mrs. Walton in behalf of the ladies of band a.hieeilyengravedslime cruit holder and a,.'si'lver`:napkin'rini,�; many other fine pl'esents were received:, among diem the following, Carved an- tique oak bedroom set, Mr. and Mrs% J. P. Mullii';ix; oak rocker, Lottie anet Mary Dtullinix; handsome llaagiLig lamp, ?fir, and Mrs. L. T. Parker, silver water set, A. SIelli:il; silver fruit disk., Mr. and i\lrs W. A. Covington, set of silver knives, Mr; and Mrs. L. H. Mee• comber, silver butter kui e,Miss.liraliat Ingalls; silver butter dish, Mr. antl Mrs. J, Nene( silver berry dish, Mr and Mrs. D. V. Wood; silver tea service Mr. and Mrs. Cveo.`Llo-d;. 1 , silver; pickle castor, 111, and Mrs. ',. S ,� Wood, set of sit. - ver tea spoons, Mrs. J. 13outchens• set saver teaspoons, '' w e� s iooi'is Mrs. W. 1 , N Smltil- set silver teaspoons, James A. Shaffea;;7Vele silver napkin rings, Dr, H. W. Alteih •9t. wife, set of glass' fruit dishes`, 1itcl er and ob lets DIr, and goblets, and. N. D. b3illla61.,. ix; chamber set, Mr, and. Mrs,W., ',' Fletcher; largo painting,Xate a...d',i.- lieliar „lace i l pillow sli.arrt;n, MI's J.A.;Thom Zson .t , Set • napkins a it tablecloth, Mr. and Mrs. 1'. .Morge.u. table spread Mrs, L. C Sa ndcls+ lam, spreadeMiss Maggie Lo e1. 'After A16 reception Mr. and ' lM/rs. Wilson le a rt1 for a short wedding trip Theyntt universally beloved by 011r citixcI s abD ,. a ll feel a degp interest ill tfuttro welfare,